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Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

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  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
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How to Edit Advance Directive Form Hawaii on Windows

Windows is the most widely-used operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit PDF. In this case, you can install CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents easily.

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How to Edit Advance Directive Form Hawaii on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. By using CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac easily.

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How to Edit PDF Advance Directive Form Hawaii on G Suite

G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your workforce more productive and increase collaboration with each other. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.

Here are the instructions to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and download the add-on.
  • Select the PDF that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
  • Save the completed PDF file on your device.

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What is the craziest accusation made against President Obama?

Most people would be surprised at both how many Obama conspiracy theories there are and how looney they are. Here's a list of real-life conspiracy theories about Obama to demonstrate just how insane they can be. Decide for yourself which is the craziest. I have checked out enough to believe this is a good list:Obama is a secret Muslim: This one began right after he took the stage at the 2004 Democratic convention, with chain emails alleging his "true" religious affiliation. The rumor soon found its way onto the popular conservative online forum Free Republic, and took on a whole new life in the years to come. Related: Obama secretly speaks Arabic, attended a madrassa as a kid in Indonesia, referred to "my Muslim faith" in an interview, and was sworn in on a Koran.Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories is bringing 100 million Muslims to America: Avi Lipkin and his PR outfit Special Guests claimed to have evidence of a scheme to bring roughly 100 million Muslims from the Middle East into the United States, converting the country into an Islamic nation by the end of Obama's second term and making it easier to obliterate Israel. Obama's Secret Plot To Bring 100 Million Muslims to the USObama once aided the mujahideen: Harlem pastor and professional race-baiter James David Manning contended that in his younger days, Obama went undercover as a CIA agent to facilitate the transfer of cash and weapons to the Afghan mujahideen in the '80s, thereby aiding what would become the Taliban. Where Stupid Meets Racist: Venn Diagram Of Every Major Right Wing Obama Conspiracy! (INFOGRAPHIC)There is a POTUS who aided the Mujahideen, Reagan: Operation Cyclone - WikipediaObama is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood: Billy Graham's son Franklin wants you to know that Obama is allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the federal government.Obama redecorated the Oval Office in Middle Eastern style: Driven by his fierce sense of anti-American interior design, Obama got rid of the red, white, and blue decoration scheme in his White House office. President Obama Has Redecorated the Oval Office Middle Eastern Style-Fiction!Obama married a Pakistani guy: World Net Daily correspondent and conspiracymonger extraordinaire Jerome Corsi posted a video in which he claimed to have "strong" evidence that Obama was once married to his college roommate from Pakistan. The smoking gun: Photos of the chums in which the future president is "sitting about on the [Pakistani roommate's] lap." Related: For years Obama wore a gold ring on his left hand. Was it his gay-wedding ring? Tea Party author says evidence proves Obama married a Pakistani man (VIDEO)Obama's ring has a Koranic verse on it: The very same ring, which Obama now wears as his (straight) wedding band, is allegedly emblazoned with a key phrase in the Islamic declaration of faith: "There is no god except Allah." (It's not.) Obama’s ring: ‘There is no god but Allah’Obama was funded by a Saudi prince:Another fairy tale courtesy of Corsi: In late-'70s Chicago, Obama secured political and academic funding from a variety of sketchy Arab sponsors, including a Saudi prince. Which may explain why President Obama bowed to the Saudi king when they met in 2009. Saudis control Obama & Fox NewsObama was born in Kenya: In early 2008, fringe theorists began a push to prove Obama was born on foreign soil and was therefore ineligible to live in the White House. The theory gained national attention thanks to the efforts of perennial GOP candidate Alan Keyes, "birther queen" Orly Taitz, and Corsi. Related: Obama's birth certificate is a fake, he killed his grandmother in Hawaii because she knew the truth, sealed access to his birth certificate and other damning documents, and did pretty much everything you could possibly do for the sake of a phony birth certificate. Unexploded Bombshell: Barack Obama Admitted Kenyan Birth - Freedom OutpostObama lost his US citizenship: According to Corsi, Obama became a citizen of Indonesia while he lived there as a child.Michelle's "whitey" tape: During the 2008 campaign, rumors surfaced that a video of Michelle Obama using the word "whitey" would be released to sink her husband's campaign. It's never materialized. Related: The time Glenn Beck called Barack Obama a racist. Whitey tape - RationalWikiMichelle is a male transexual named Michael: More right wing fascination with homosexuality. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. He [Michael] was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers. Michelle Obama is a transexual?Michelle as Michael, #44Obama was a Black Panther: Well, only if you're not very good at spotting photoshopped images. Obama would have been in grade school at the time the photo was taken. Barack 'Black Panther' ObamaPhotoshoppedThe originalObama's favorite: "That military exercises we were doing in Texas were designed to begin martial law so that I could usurp the Constitution and stay in power longer. Anybody who thinks I could get away with telling Michelle I’m going to be president any longer than eight years does not know my wife." Obama Reveals His Favorite Anti-Obama Conspiracy TheoryObama is the son of Malcolm X: Because, you know, black people. This charmer popped up on Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim website. (Geller is also known for obsessing over Shariah turkeys she believes are destroying Thanksgiving.) http://pamelageller.comObama is the son of Frank Marshall Davis: The conspiracy film Dreams From my Real Father espouses the theory that Davis, a leftist activist, was not only Obama's ideological mentor but his biological father. Related: Obama got a nose job to make his nose look less like Davis'. Andy MartinThe ProofObama's mom and dad were communists: That would be his real father, Barack Obama, Sr.Obama's ghostwriter was Bill Ayers: So what if he did but conservatives love to create mountains from mole hills. Conservative commentators claimed they uncovered evidence that ex-Weatherman Bill Ayers was the true author of Obama's 1995 memoir Dreams from my Father. Beyond their shared radicalism, Obama asked Ayers to help because he had writer's block. Ayers has expressed disappointment at receiving no royalties for his supposed efforts. Bill Ayers Admits For Second Time He Wrote Obama's 'Dreams From My Father'Obama trained to overthrow the government: In 2008, leading Obama conspiracy theorist Andy Martin declared on Fox News' Hannity's America that the then-presidential candidate had trained for "a radical overthrow of the government" during his time as a community organizer in Chicago. Andy MartinObama wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegiance: During the '08 campaign, Obama was rumored to have refused to say the pledge during a town hall meeting. A photo of the incident was actually taken while the national anthem was being sung.Obama removed the flag from Air Force One: …and replaced it with his campaign logo.The proof!!! However the plane is not Air Force One, it is his campaign plane.Obama ordered soldiers to swear allegiance to him: In April 2009, a clearly satirical report detailing how secretary of defense Robert Gates was growing "extremely frustrated" with the White House's plans to scrub the Constitution from the military oath of loyalty made the rounds on the right-wing blogosphere.Obama secretly gave away American islands to Russia: Texas House candidate Wes Riddle endorsed this theory and noted the relinquishment as grounds for impeachment. However, the seven Arctic islands were actually given away in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush. Conspiracy Watch: Did Obama Give American Islands to Russia?Obama caused the recession—in 1995: According to a Daily Caller story, Obama's efforts to force banks to lend to African Americans in the mid-'90s led to the subprime mortgage crises that killed the economy in 2008.Obama's youth reeducation camps: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) warned that "young people will be put into mandatory service" at politically correct, billion-dollar camps run by the Democrats. Bachmann Warns Of "Re-Education Camps" For Young PeopleObama's coming for your guns: Extreme gun-rights outfits, along with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), alleged that the Obama administration is supporting the (nonexistent) United Nations Small Arms Treaty, which would lead to nationwide gun confiscation. Unfounded fears of gun confiscation have multiplied since the Newtown massacre.Obama's coming for your gold: This theory was floated by Glenn Beck—and the gold company he shilled for.Obama is planning FEMA concentration camps: Again with the camps. This theory got a big boost from Glenn Beck (who claims he didn't mean anything by it). Related: An executive order titled, "National Defense Resources Preparedness," was issued in the middle of March 2012. Conservative commentators saw it as a martial law power-grab that allowed the president to commandeer farmland, steal everyone's food, and draft any American into slave labor for a war of aggression against Iran. Also, he has a "secret vault" at Interpol's headquarters for imprisoning Americans. Secret FEMA Death Camps: Already At A Location Near YouObama wants to confiscate your IRA: Conservatives sent out a message ad claiming that Obama wants to seize your retirement account by force.Obama caused the BP oil spill: Conspiracy-minded radio host Alex Jones promoted the theory that the Deepwater Horizon spill was all part of the administration's plans of oil nationalization and global government.Obama was behind the Aurora massacre: In July, Gun Owners of America blasted out a press release claiming that the mass murder at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, was suspiciously timed. "Someone in Washington" was probably behind it, paving the way for Obama-led firearm confiscation and "government genocide." WorldNetDaily Pundit Suggests The Obama Administration Is Behind Mass ShootingsObama personally caused Hurricane Sandy: It wasn’t global warming that made Sandy so intense; it was Barack. Alex Jones' site reported the president engineered the storm using a Pentagon weather modification project. The mayhem caused by the hurricane would afford Obama the opportunity to score points by briskly managing disaster relief a week before the election. Conspiracy Theorists Say Obama Engineered Hurricane Sandy - US News - BustleObama had Andrew Breitbart killed: In March 2012, conservative media impresario Andrew Breitbart died of heart failure. Less than a month prior to his death, he had announced that he had uncovered footage of Obama's formative years as a radical. So obviously, Obama had him offed. (The tapes were later revealed to contain things like a young Obama hugging a black college professors.) Related: People—like a Rod Blagojevich fundraiser and an Obama impersonator—died between 2008 and 2012. Obama was in office between 2008 and 2012…coincidence?!?! spiked the jobs report: "Jobs truthers" (like former GE CEO Jack Welch and Florida tea party congressman Allen West) accused the Obama administration of cooking the September unemployment numbers to manufacture a rosier picture of the economy and boost the president's chances of reelection.Obama faked bin Laden's death: Since no photographs of Osama bin Laden's corpse were produced, the Al Qaeda leader must still be out there. Fox News' Steve Doocy and Andrew Napolitano entertained the idea that Operation Neptune Spear was merely a ploy to revive Obama's sagging approval ratings.Obama's plan to fake an assassination attempt: A false-flag operation would create urban tumult and give Obama the pretext to declare martial law, thus suspending democracy, postponing the 2012 election, and prolonging his stay in office. The theory was flagged by Tenn. State Rep. Kelly Keisling, among others, after circulating online. Page on tennessean.comObama’s death squads targets gun rights activists: The tea party, with the help of libertarian websites, has uncovered this one. They were tipped off by Russian security forces. The Latest Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory: Obama Death Squads Targeting Gun Rights ActivistsObama's planning a third term: The dust from the 2012 election had barely cleared when this one popped up.Obama the brainwashing hypnotist: As a master of neurolinguistic programming, Obama persuaded Americans to vote for him via subliminal messages. Related: Rush Limbaugh pondered if hypnosis was the reason that so many Jewish voters were in the bag for Obama. In October, Georgia GOP lawmakers held a briefing on the president's secret mind-control plot. BustleObama's teleprompter: Obama's eloquence is a myth! The 44th president is incapable of speaking in public without his teleprompter. Republicans mock Obama’s teleprompter useObama had a ghostwriter for everything: Jack Cashill over at WND had a hot scoop on how Obama's love letters to his college girlfriend were ghostwritten.Obama's anti-Semitic poetry: However, according to the American Thinker, Obama's ghostwriters did not write his youthful poem "Underground," which compares Jews to fig-eating underwater apes and echoes Koranic verse.Obama's exiled lover: Obama was supposedly fooling around with an attractive young staffer from his 2004 Senate campaign. Michelle Obama had the temptress packed off to the Caribbean before the '08 campaign.Obama is gay: Which explains why he joined Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church. (Via Corsi, of course) This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay | VICE | SwedenObama's crack cocaine/gay sex/murder orgy cover-up:In 2008, a small-time conman named Larry Sinclair and his kilt-wearing lawyer held a press conference to tell the world of the future president's murderous, drug-and-sodomy-fueled crimes.Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks UpFlashback: Obama’s Gay Sex-Cocaine Romps with Larry Sinclair -Obama's campaigns were funded by drug money: During an October conference call organized to oppose pot legalization, a writer from Lyndon LaRouche's magazine asked about "reports [that both Obama's] 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns have been financed in part by laundered drug money."Obama is the Antichrist: Related: If you play his 2008 Democratic nomination acceptance speech backwards, you can hear him instruct listeners to do Satan's bidding.Obama is a lizard overlord: According to codes hidden in Biblical verse, Obama is a reptilian humanoid. This idea has found its way on to some right-wing radio shows, and two Daily Caller reporters recently published a (satirical?) e-book on the topic titled, The Lizard King: The Shocking Inside Account of Obama's True Intergalactic Ambitions by an Anonymous White House Staffer.Obama is a LizardBarack Obama is the Lizard-King, Say 12 Million AmericansObama's adventures on Mars: As a teen, Obama participated in a CIA initiative to teleport to Mars using a top-secret "jump room." Self-described time travelers William Stillings and Andrew Basiago claim to have met the future POTUS at American space bases on the Red Planet. In early 2012, a spokesman for the National Security Council actually acknowledged these claims, and issued a fairly convincing denial. Bustle - Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to MarsObamacare can withhold care from those un-“worthy of medical care”: Sarah Palin informed us Obamacare will have “death panels” who can decide to withhold care from those unworthy of medical care such as Palin’s elderly parents or children with Down syndrome. As a result a worthy section of the bill to provide voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options was removed from the bill. "Death panel" was named as PoliticFact “Lie of the Year", one of FactCheck’s "whoppers", and the most outrageous new term by the American Dialect Society. Death panelIn 2014 Tea Party Nation emailed members the following. These guys love legalese:The time has come to DEMAND the IMMEDIATE ARREST and PROSECUTION of one BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA upon his willful and transgression of 18 U.S. Code § 2339A.I hereby call on all members of the house and the senate to begin impeachment proceeding against Barack Hussein Obama and for Andrew B. “Drew” Willison, the current Senate Seargent [sic] at Arms to issue and execute an arrest warrant, taking the president, Barack Hussein Obama into custody.Barack Hussein Obama is in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2339A – Providing material support to terrorists as a result of the removal of five Taliban GITMO detained terrorists and the transfer OF them to the government of Qatar where they, according to the specified arrangement negotiated BY Obama that they only be keep [sic] from traveling for a period of one year. IMPEACH AND ARREST THE TYRANT KING OBAMA!!

If the Japanese had caught US carriers, Lexington, Saratoga and Enterprise, at Pearl Harbor, how would have the ensuing Pacific Theater been like?

If the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor had caught the US carriers, Japan would have still lost WW2, but the course of the war in the Pacific would probably have been quite different.I wrote an answer to a somewhat similar question, What if the Japanese won the Battle of Midway? - I think events would flow along roughly the same lines in both scenarios:1). If all 3 US carriers had been sunk on December 7th, 1941,, the US would have had zero fleet carriers left in the Pacific, and only 4 left in the entire world. It is likely that the US would have rushed at least a couple of carriers from the Atlantic to the Pacific. That would have had a deleterious effect on Atlantic convoy escort duties, and also on the plans for Operation Torch, whose initial landings, especially in Morocco, relied on aerial support and cover from US carriers.2). The carrier building timetable (which probably would have been sped and expanded, but which still would have taken time) had 7 Essex carriers scheduled for launch in 1943, and another 10 for 1944. So for a period of at least a year and perhaps 2, the Japanese would have had free rein in the Pacific, and numerous options.3). The Japanese probably would have followed through and exploited their ensuing overwhelming superiority by seizing Hawaii, sometime in 1942. The logic for doing so would have been self evident: deprive the US of the most convenient launch pad for a Pacific counterattack. Until Hawaii was recaptured, which could not have even been attempted until a significant number of Essex carriers and trained crews to man them became available in late 1943 or 1944, the Central Pacific advance route to Japan would have been off the table.4). The Japanese also would have interdicted the supply lines between the US and Australia. The Southwest Pacific advance route would thus also have been off the table. Far from a counteroffensive starting at Guadalcanal, MacArthur would have had to cool his heels in Australia for years, perhaps even having to desperately defend the Australian mainland against a Japanese invasion.5). The "Germany First" strategy would have come under increased pressure. It would have still survived, but the degree to which Germany remained "First" would likely have lessened from that in our own timeline. With the resources diverted from the European Theater to the Pacific, D-Day might have been pushed back, resulting in the Soviets ending the war with an even bigger chunk of Europe than was the case in our timeline.6). Without Hawaii as a launchpad and a sufficiently powerful US carrier fleet, the string of victories and advances in the Pacific, starting with Midway in 1942, would not have happened. Without that steady trickle of successes to keep the US public buoyed and confident about the course of the war, FDR might have lost the 1944 election.7). With both the Central Pacific and Southwest Pacific routes off the table, the Northern route, through the Aleutians and then directly into Northern Japan, would have begun to seem increasingly attractive once enough forces for a US counteroffensive had been accumulated and the counterattack became feasible - there would have been great pressure for coming to grips with and ending the Japanese ASAP. The Northern route, especially once a transportation and supply network through to Alaska had been built up in the 2 or so years of relative inactivity after the catastrophe at Pearl Harbor and subsequent Japanese seizure of Hawaii, would have seemed ideal.8). We might have induced the Soviets into declaring war on Japan earlier than in our timeline. During the period of relative US inactivity following the destruction of the US carrier fleet in Pearl Harbor and the Japanese seizure of Hawaii, the Soviets would have been the only viable force available to directly menace Japan by attacking her vital possessions in Manchuria and Korea. The war probably would have ended with a divided Japan, ala Germany and the Koreas.9). It would still end in Japan getting nuked in the summer or fall of 1945, but the course of events between this alternate version of the “Day of Infamy” and the atomic bombing of Japan would be quite different than in our timeline.

Why hasn't flying gotten faster and cheaper as time goes on?

Here’s a direct comparison.1939 - San Francisco to Honolulu on Pan American World Airwaystime: about 21 hourscost: $4,895 one way ($278 1939 dollars adjusted for inflation)cruising speed: 188mph (Boeing B314)2017 - San Francisco to Honolulu on Alaska Airlines (operated by Virgin America)time: 5 hours 25 minutescost: $219 one waycruising speed: 514 mph (Airbus A321)In 1939, air travel from San Francisco to Manila took 6 days, of which 60 hours was flight time. Again, Pan American was the only airline that could fly across the Pacific. In 2017, a Philippine Airlines flight from San Francisco to Manila takes about 14 hours.Notes:All passengers on the Pan Am flight were first class. No other airlines serviced Hawaii in 1939. Pan Am introduced trans-Pacfic air travel in 1934. Prior to that, one would take a steamship to get to Hawaii and beyond.Alaska Airlines and Philippine Airlines flights found on Kayak, two months in advance.

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Justin Miller