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Steps in Editing Using Blaise For A Customer Satisfaction System on Windows

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A Complete Manual in Editing a Using Blaise For A Customer Satisfaction System on Mac

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Windows 7 users: Have we ever contacted Microsoft headquarters directly for support anyway? Stories either way, please.

ONCE and only once, I called Microsoft directly for Windows NT, they charged $263 flat rate, repeated my request of them word for word and then said “… If we solve that problem, then you will he satisfied, yes? …”, I said yes, whipped out a credit card, and then watched the tech dial in remote ( the server at least worked that much ), and after much screen dancing and rebooting, the server worked, I hung up and never needed Microsoft direct support ever again.- - - - -So, no, never for Windows 7, and I have 2 dozen Windows 7 computers myself, and all my hundreds of customers have Windows 7 or older operating systems, except for a couple who self-bought their own Windows 10 and have asked me why it fails so often ( … because they let Windows/NSA update it, doh! ), and I have removed Windows 10 and installed Windows 7 for all other customers, all to great satisfaction, never ever directly calling Microsoft headquarters for support.So Microsoft supposedly stopping support is marketing hooey - MEANINGLESS to me and my customers.Microsoft still updates XP, they cannot stop, they have to support hundreds of thousands of industrial dedicated computers running custom expensive databases built on now old Windows operating and cannot be updated, no way, so XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 updates are still coming, and most folks do not need them anyway.“… Bbuutt this is bad and that is risky …”Bbuutt Windows 10 updates crash every month making computers fail to boot, peripherals are disconnecting like dead flies, and the NSA is so shocked - SHOCKED - at Windows 10 vulnerabilities that they are directly reporting them to Microsoft immediately rather than taking advantage of them as they used to, because they know Iran and China are going to immediately dive into everybody’s business using Microsoft Windows 10 updated vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities that seem to be made worse every month.- - - - -While Windows 7 is getting more and more stable and secure, especially on the web as web browsers clamp down on what Microsoft is failing to do.Nope, never called Microsoft for support of Windows 7 anyway, so I ain’t gonna miss what I never got.- - - - - - - - - -In response to others:Prior post: “… You may get old updates and drivers when they newly apply to you. There are no new updates …”Oh, now it’s no NEW updates, bbuutt …Here’s a Windows XP moments ago, awaiting 18 updates that are new to the computer ( which is always on, and always on the Internet, by the way ):Anyway, that means Windows XP is still begin updated, especially from a user experience.And who cares?IT’S STILL WORKING!Absolutely NO NEED for Windows 10 Beta version 17134.1246.Lemme check my even older Windows 95 computers …- - - - -Prior post: “… Even if you used the POS-ready registry key, there's nothing more being updated …”POS means Piece Of S… - where do we find that in the registry, and is Windows 10 Full Of S… ?- - - - -More importantly on topic:Windows 7 users: Have we ever contacted Microsoft headquarters directly for support anyway? Stories either way, please.Are you a Windows 7 user, ever?Did you ever directly contact Microsoft Headquarters for support, ever?- - - - - - - - - -Question added by Peter Blaise 2,995 Answers, 13 Questions “… Windows 7 users: Have we ever contacted Microsoft headquarters directly for support anyway? Stories either way, please. (Windows 7 users: Have we ever contacted Microsoft headquarters directly for support anyway? Stories either way, please.) …” #969902470 · Report · 21 Jan 2020 1:14 PM.

Where is a good place to talk to conservatives and ask them questions online?

Like a human zoo?You mean like a conservative zoo, where folks can observe conservatives?Or do you mean:Where is a good place online to DIALOG WITH conservatives and exchange questions and explore answers and share experiences?I’ve occasionally read what looks like such an opportunity here on Quora, though I’ve never experienced much satisfaction, because our values are so different:conservatives seem to want their own beliefs to hold sway over other’s individual personal behavior,progressives seem to want individuals to be left alone to be, well, themselves, beliefs and behavior wise.But there’s so much more to it, not just professed beliefs, not just space for other’s beliefs, not just self-behaviors and demands on other’s behaviors.There are religious conservatives, governmental conservatives, political conservatives, financial conservatives, personal conservatives, social conservatives, and so on, so it’s not as if conservative - or progressives - are only one thing.And what is the alternative - liberals, progressives?And that’s all comparative - I may look conservative to some progressives, and som progressives may look conservative to me.And in a universe of individuals, comparison is such a futile activity.Good luck, and let us know where you find, or who you find.- - - - - - - - - -conservative ( adjective ) late 1300s, conservatyf, "tending to preserve or protect, preservative, having the power to keep whole or safe", from Old French conservatif, from Medieval Latin conservativus, from Latin conservatus, past participle of conservare "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard", from assimilated form of com-, here probably an intensive prefix ( see com- ), + servare "keep watch, maintain" ( from Proto Indo European root *ser- "to protect" ). From 1840 in the general sense "disposed to retain and maintain what is established, opposed to innovation and change", or, in a negative sense "opposed to progress". As a modern political tradition, "antagonistic to change in the institutions of a country", often especially "opposed to changes toward pure democracy", conservatism traces to Edmund Burke's opposition to the French Revolution ( 1790 ), but the word conservative is not found in his writing. It was coined by his French disciples ( such as Chateaubriand, who titled his journal defending clerical and political restoration "Le Conservateur" ). Conservative as the name of a British political faction first appeared in an 1830 issue of the "Quarterly Review," in an unsigned article sometimes attributed to John Wilson Croker. It replaced Tory by 1843, reflecting both a change from the pejorative name ( in use for 150 years ) and repudiation of some reactionary policies. “… Strictly speaking, conservatism is not a political system, and certainly not an ideology. ... Instead, conservatism is a way of looking at the civil social order. ... Unlike socialism, anarchism, and even liberalism, then, conservatism offers no universal pattern of politics for adoption everywhere. On the contrary, conservatives reason that social institutions always must differ considerably from nation to nation, since any land's politics must be the product of that country's dominant religion, ancient customs, and historical experience …” - Russell Kirk, "What is Conservatism," introduction to "The Portable Conservative Reader," 1982. Phrases such as conservative estimate ( 1874 ), in which it means "characterized by caution, deliberately low", make no sense etymologically. Related: Conservatively; conservativeness. Averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values. In a political context, favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas. Of an estimate, purposely low for the sake of caution. Of surgery or medical treatment, intended to control rather than eliminate a condition, with existing tissue preserved as far as possible.Illustration: black child in Brussels human zoo.

Why aren't people more grateful for what they have instead of wanting more?

There isn’t a question involving behavior (human and other animals) that can’t be answered in terms of dopamine maintenance. Including the question, “Why are so few people interested in understanding how dopamine manipulates their behavior?” (The answer is because understanding how dopamine manipulates behavior requires a degree of honesty that poses major threats to the dopamine flow of anyone who’s self-deceptive and delusional, in other words, just about everyone.)From: Dopamine’s Dirty Little SecretDopamine’s Dirty Little SecretAugust 4, 2019Dopamine loves misery“I have discovered that all the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber.” – Blaise Pascal“In the constant sociability of our age people shudder at solitude to such a degree that they do not know of any other use to put it to but (oh, admirable epigram) as a punishment for criminals. But after all it is a fact that in our age it is a crime to have spirit, so it is natural that such people, the lovers of solitude, are included in the same class with criminals.”– Søren KierkegaardSøren and Blaise weren’t touting monasticism or confinement. Their insights involved the widespread aversion to being alone with our thoughts. If they’d known about neurotransmitters they’d understand why private time was, and is, so unpopular.We’re descendants of animals who persevered because dopamine-induced miseries granted significant survival advantages. Conscious, confident, contented gene vehicles, capable of staying quietly anywhere, never stood a chance against unconscious, unconscionable, suspicious, insecure, hyperactive, malicious malcontents.Dopamine has proven to be an effective misery maker. Linking the powerful brain chemical to rewards, pleasure, or pleasure seeking, as opposed to misery management, is as illogical as putting the horse in the cart.It doesn’t matter if dopamine-induced vexations are called miseries, annoyances, unpleasantries, discomforts, fears, hungers, thirsts, arousals, passions, pains, cravings, lusts, horniness, jealousies, resentments, desires, motivators, itches, withdrawals, or what they are — addictions.Addictions evolved to ensure the survival of self-sustaining creatures whose intellectual limitations necessitated relentless dopamine related reminders to refuel, rehydrate, retreat, and replicate.Dopamine doesn’t care“Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.” – Ramana MaharshiDopamine perseveres by backing all sides in ruthless competitions and letting clueless experiments determine what works or doesn’t. For example, some might be programmed to ingest healthy and avoid toxic edibles and others to favor harmful over healthy substances. Winners bequeath life-sustaining addictions, losers purge life-threatening preferences from the gene pool.The manipulative substance is indifferent to whether it takes a single defect, mutation, still born or generations, millennia, and billions of mistakes (e.g., homo sapiens) to cull defective DNA.Ceaseless trials and errors and errors and errors and errors hone addictive combinations that demand temporary placation, satiation, quelling, quenching, and extinguishing, replaced by withdrawals engineered to foster survival through proven, incentivizing, self-perpetuating misery cycles.History is written by the most miserable“Misery is a communicable disease.” – Martha GrahamWhile it’s a lot more dopamine appealing to believe we’re scion of the fittest of the fittest, our ancestors’ success can more accurately be described as survival of the most miserable.The upside is that we’re here because dumb bunnies, fueled by incessant insatiability, won the gene derby by mindlessly scratching itches they didn’t/couldn’t grasp. Misery kept them going and going and going long enough to pass on defective programming each time they scratched the ultimate itch (to put out the horniness).The downsides include squandering precious lives scratching pointless itches and passing down dopamine-induced addictions responsible for the mindless consumption, destruction, and pollution undermining our species chances of survival, while accomplishing little more than propagating misery.The plot sickens. The relentless dopamine-induced addiction to scratching sexual itches breeds untold, unwanted, neglected, abused, vulnerable children, suffering from unmet neurological needs and predisposed to destructive addictions that exasperate misery. As a result, DIMwit history is a tale of opportunists, driven by primitive biological systems, competing to pass on the most miserable DNA.Homeostasis“Homeostasis is the tendency of organisms to auto-regulate and maintain their internal environment in a stable state.” – WikipediaWe inherited an array of useful addictions because they kept generations of descendants busy feeding hungers, thirsts, lusts, and cravings to achieve homeostasis, experienced as fleeting relief. For logical reasons, content contenders whose biological systems didn’t include the right combinations of life-sustaining addictions took their less fit genes with them to early graves.A seemingly foolproof system, designed to ensure the survival and reproduction of countless clueless creatures, started backfiring with the one species capable of understanding how it works. Ironically and tragically, the unconscious drive to protect against threats to safety, power, acceptance, esteem, and dopamine flow keeps DIMwits opting for cluelessness and denial rather than risk dopamine-repellent expectations of admitting to being miserable, unconscious, self-deceptive addicts.Nomeostasis“I can’t get no, satisfaction.” – The Rolling StonesThe dopaminergic system that functioned flawlessly for eons went kablooey with DIMwits because a touch of dopamine-induced misery goes a long way. Minor discomforts keep healthy creatures seeking short-lived homeostasis and finding more of the same, or worse, discomforts.DIMwits are the product of an unnatural selection that benefited miserable, self-breeding, delusional gene vehicles rendered incapable of acknowledging anything associated with real, implied, or imagined threats to safety, acceptance, esteem, and dopamine flow.In a cruel twist of fate, the dopaminergic system’s exquisite design ensured pathological efforts to assuage misery invariably backfire because flooding the system desensitizes delicate sensors until too much dopamine can never be enough and homeostasis slips from elusive to unattainable, provoking counterproductive behaviors guaranteed to exacerbate the misery ad nauseam.Companies love misery“You know, I’m given to understand that there’s an entire city in Nevada devoted specifically to help people like Howard forget their problems. They replace them with new problems such as alcoholism, gambling addiction and sexually transmitted diseases.” – Sheldon CooperLegal and illegal enterprises thrive by identifying, creating, and filling addictive needs. The dopamine-induced addiction to maximizing profits translates to discovering, designing, and devising products, diversions, and services to seduce customers/suckers/victims by inflaming and exploiting miseries with illusions of relief, fulfillment, contentment, happiness.The more addictive and destructive the products, the more seductive the profits, the higher, more enticing, and dopamine-appealing the salaries, the less ethical the abettors ready, willing, and eager to sell bodies, minds, and souls to the misery industrial complex.Marketing misery“By the way if anyone here is in advertising or marketing…kill yourself. It’s just a little thought; I’m just trying to plant seeds. Maybe one day they’ll take root – I don’t know. You try, you do what you can. Seriously though, if you are, do. Aaah, no really. There’s no rationalization for what you do and you are Satan’s little helpers. Okay – kill yourself. Seriously. You are the ruiner of all things good.” – Bill HicksMarketers created a multi-trillion dollar deception industry by capitalizing on misery with the help of dopamine-appealing models exuding ecstasy, sexuality, popularity, confidence, and/or boredom. Their job is to arouse miseries with fears of inadequacies, deficiencies, or missing out while titillating fantasies and hopes with implied panaceas.Seduced by illusions/delusions of happiness, approval, and status, DIMwits toil at jobs we hate to buy what we can’t afford and don’t need, (often to impress people we don’t like) leaving us empty, disillusioned, in debt, miserable, and craving more.The professional liar for hire“There is nothing to winning, really. That is, if you happen to be blessed with a keen eye, an agile mind, and no scruples whatsoever.”– Alfred HitchcockSane societies would discourage dishonest, irrational, self-serving, and unproductive professions that reward members for generating conflicts, harm, and misery.In DIMwit societies, destructive occupations seduce the crème de la crap because obscene salaries and perks mask depravity with patinas of prestige.A short list of highly profitable, dishonest, nonproductive trades includes law, (and, by extension, politics and lobbying), marketing, public relations, investing, venture capital, and opportunistic dopamine pushers, such as big pharma, sugar, cola, junk food, tobacco, oil, media, gambling, and illegal drugs.And then there’s the religion racket, a tax deductible addiction responsible for more suffering and misery than any other affliction.Passing misery forward“If one only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.”― MontesquieuToday, social media helps miserable individuals do what the needy have been doing since long before Montesquieu noticed, which is waste time stoking friends, acquaintances, and strangers’ miserly levels.The process involves insecure DIMwits mindlessly scoring dopamine squirts (triggered by expectations of artificially inflating status, stealing attention, and scamming approval) with desperate attempts to appear happy, accomplished, successful, popular, lucky, and enviable.Instead of pity, compassion, derision, ignoring, or challenging the chicanery, equally insecure, needy, miserable friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and strangers react to the blow to their dopamine flow by responding, competing, one upping, pretending, deceiving.Counting our miseries“Men seek rest in struggle against difficulties; and when they have conquered these, rest becomes insufferable. For we think either of the misfortunes we have or those which threaten us, And even if we should see ourselves sufficiently sheltered on all sides, weariness of its own accord would not fail to arise from the depths of the heart wherein it has its natural roots, and to fill the mind with its poison.” – Blaise PascalThere’s no stopping armies of miserable miscreants doing their worst to spread unhappiness. They’re addicts doing what dopamine keeps addicts doing.The thing is, we don’t have to be suckers, marks, and volunteers, making it easier for miserable manipulators to push buttons, pull strings, churn cheap chemicals (manufactured in primitive brains) to turn us into their puppets and our own worst enemies.

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