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A Complete Guide to Editing The California Business Subpoena

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A Simple Manual to Edit California Business Subpoena Online

Are you seeking to edit forms online? CocoDoc is ready to give a helping hand with its useful PDF toolset. You can make full use of it simply by opening any web brower. The whole process is easy and convenient. Check below to find out

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Steps in Editing California Business Subpoena on Windows

It's to find a default application that can help make edits to a PDF document. Fortunately CocoDoc has come to your rescue. Check the Handback below to find out possible approaches to edit PDF on your Windows system.

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  • There area also many other methods to edit PDF files, you can check this post

A Complete Handbook in Editing a California Business Subpoena on Mac

Thinking about how to edit PDF documents with your Mac? CocoDoc can help.. It empowers you to edit documents in multiple ways. Get started now

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  • Select PDF paper from your Mac device. You can do so by pressing the tab Choose File, or by dropping or dragging. Edit the PDF document in the new dashboard which includes a full set of PDF tools. Save the file by downloading.

A Complete Instructions in Editing California Business Subpoena on G Suite

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PDF Editor FAQ

What would happen if a real cop discovered someone pretending to be a cop?

“I’M A DETECTIVE WITH XPD…I’LL SERVE THAT SUBPOENA FOR YOU”Only once for impersonating a police officer….and I arrested and booked the party involved.A few decades ago in my jurisdiction in California, just pretending to be a police officer was not enough for prosecution. To be prosecuted the person must have used the authority of the position in some manner….or at least attempted to do so.In my case I was serving subpoenas and I went to the indicated address. The person who answered the door was not the person on the subpoena.He did not invite me inside. He stood inside of the open doorway while I stood in front of it….outside.He claimed to be a detective in a nearby police department and showed me an authentic detective’s business card. When I specifically asked him if he was the person on the business card….he claimed that he was.He then, without warning, reached out and took the subpoena from my hand and said that he would serve it for me when his roommate returned…..and started to close the front door.This went over-the-top of being irregular and I immediately took the subpoena back and told him that I needed to see his departmental identification card…….not just a business card.He said that his police I.D. was in his locker at work….along with his badge and gun. I had my dispatcher call the department that he claimed to work for and the actual detective was contacted. The detective told us that he had an INFORMANT (snitch) who had impersonated him in the past and then gave us the violator’s name. The detective said that the man had been seriously warned and told that if he ever did it again that he would be arrested.When the man confirmed his real name (which was the one the real detective had given us) I asked him why he did what he did. He said that he was afraid that his roommate was in trouble and that he was just trying to “help” a friend.I never suggested that this guy was smart……but he hit the top mark on the stupid scale.On another incident I arrested a man for impersonating a fireman. I had stopped him for speeding and he said that he was a local fireman needed at the headquarters station and requested that (on that basis) that I let him go. He had no I.D. from the fire department so I had dispatch contact the headquarters station to confirm his story. I thought that he might have been telling the truth but there was this funny feeling that he might be lying.The fire station confirmed that the man had been a fireman there in the past…but that he had been terminated for failure to pass probation….and they requested prosecution.I felt kind of sorry for this guy….but some things go beyond being able to be settled with just a warning.

What instantly pisses you off?

What pisses me off everyday?PREFACEThe friggin’ backwards ass employment laws in the State of California.Before I explain, let me first say that the legislators in Sacramento are a bunch of bozos. They are clueless, irrational, hypocritical and contradictory idiots that couldn’t find their own asses with both hands.FACTS/STATSBeginning in January, 2015, illegals were able to obtain a drivers license from the State of - California AB-60 Driver's License | DMV.ORGIt is estimated that of the 2.7 million illegals in the State as of December 31, 2017, roughly 1 million illegals now have drivers licenses.Daily - 1 Million Illegal Immigrants To Have California Driver’s License By 2018In mid 2016, California announced a $15/hr min wage.USAToday - California reaches deal on $15 minimum wageNevermind that economists say it will cost 400,000 jobs by 2022.Forbes - Why The $15 Minimum Wage Will Cost California 400,000 JobsThe loss of 400,000 jobs is actually a good thing, as far as Politicians go, and you’ll see why later in the post.On October 5, 2017, Governor Brown signed into law the Immigrant Worker Protection Act, Assembly bill - What the New Immigrant Worker Protection Act (AB 450) Means for EmployersIn essence, beginning January 1, 2018, the law states that businesses are prohibited from providing voluntary consent to an immigration enforcement agent to enter nonpublic areas of a place of labor unless the agent provides a judicial warrant. It also prohibits employers (or their agents) from providing voluntary consent to an immigration enforcement agent to access, review, or obtain the employer’s employee records without a subpoena or court order.Even though this California law is contrary to Federal law, what happens if you don’t follow this new California law?The California Labor Commissioner or Attorney General has the exclusive authority to impose penalties of $2,000 up to $5,000 for a first violation and $5,000 up to $10,000 for each subsequent violation.On January 1, 2018, California passed State Senate Bill 54 to become a “sanctuary state.”Los Angeles Times - California becomes 'sanctuary state' in rebuke of Trump immigration policyThat means anyone, legal or illegal, can some to California and stay here without worry that the State will deport them.Also beginning on January 1, 2018, California Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, told California business, if you help ICE in any way, you will be subject to a $10,000 fine PER OCCURRENCE.Huffington Post - California AG Threatens To Fine Businesses That Spill Worker Info To ImmigrationBeginning on January 1, 2018, employers can no longer ask for the following questions during the interview process:(1) Employers can longer ask about criminal background from applicants.LA Weekly - New Law Says Employers Can't Ask Applicants About Criminal Past(2) Employers can no longer run background checks, or are severely limited on running background checks on applicants.ESR Check - California Law Significantly Impacts Use of Past Criminal Records by Employers During Employment Background Screening(3) Employers can no longer ask about salary history from prospective applicants.California Employment Law Report - Prepare for California's ban on asking about job applicant's salary history effective January 1, 2018It should be noted that California has, roughly, 35% of all welfare recipients in the Country. That’s more than 1/3rd of the entire welfare system, right here in California.California Wins Title for the Nation’s Largest Welfare PopulationCalifornia is more of a welfare state than most countries in Europe.California more of a welfare state than most countries in EuropeOn March 15, 2018, the California State Senate appoints an illegal alien to a State post.This illegal will receive a salary paid by the tax payers and this illegal will receive a pension paid by the tax payers.Clearly California doesn’t care about its citizens. They care about those citizens paying taxes so the State can pay illegals.Sacramento Bee - Undocumented immigrant appointed to state post in CaliforniaANALYSISSo, what does this all mean?It means that California is doing everything in their power to allow illegals into the State and to allow them to work in the State. If the illegal has never legally worked in California, it’s no problem because employers can no longer ask about criminal history, can’t run a background check and can’t ask about salary history.I also means that the lip service that legal minimum wage workers are hearing, is just that; lip service.California has no intention of helping legal workers with their wages. In fact, the 400,000 projected lost legal jobs? Great!! Illegals will be able to work those same jobs so they will be able to make a legal wage while being here illegally and displacing legal workers. I can’t stop shaking my head when I think about this.How can the State want to help legal minimum wage workers when they are creating a pool of illegals that will work the same jobs? And if there is any competition, those same illegals can revert back to the “under the table” wage and work for less than minimum wage.If an illegal applies for and is given a job, they now have a California driver’s license to properly fill out the I-9 Federal Employment form. Exactly how is the business supposed to know this person is illegal?You might have illegals working for you and not even know it.So, when Federal Immigration shows up at the business, the business can’t assist them because California will fine the business. Did you know Federal Immigration officers have the authority to arrest the business owner if they don’t comply?So, if I comply with federal law, I get fined by the State. If I comply with State law, I might be arrested by Federal Immigration Officers.Great.CONCLUSIONCalifornia legislators know exactly what they are doing. They are flooding the State with illegals to install a permanent working class working for a minimum hourly wage. Or less than minimum wage. All while displacing legal residents and US citizens.In other words, they support illegals to the detriment of legals. They are creating this working class to vote Democrat and to serve the wealthy and elite Democrats who live in the State. Plain and simple.It’s absolutely sickening because it’s the exact opposite of what they are claiming to represent.Did you know that California Senate Leader Kevin de Leon, who led the fight to make California a “sanctuary state,” has admitted half of his family would be deported for using falsified Social Security cards and other fake identification under federal immigration law?CBS News - Senate Leader: 'Half Of My Family' Eligible For Deportation Under Trump OrderExcuse me??Let me say that again.The Speaker of the California Senate, admitted his family is here illegally, working in the State, using falsified Social Security cards and other fake identification.I bet they are registered to vote, too.BTW, did you know California is enacting a “Motor Voter” law in April, 2018? When you apply for, or renew a drivers license, you are automatically registered to vote.California says, although illegals can legally receive a State issued drivers license, they will not be registered to vote by the “Motor Voter” bill.I’m not so sure I believe that.Especially after what I’ve outlined above, after showing you De Leon’s family has false social security cards. Exactly how are they going to stop it if someone presents all of the necessarily info to qualify to vote? Even if it is falsified?California is so f*ck*d up that if it didn’t have Silicon Valley and Hollywood, it would have slid off of the economic cliff into the Pacific Ocean decades ago.Don’t worry, their day of reckoning is coming because I can tell you that California is nowhere near as Utopian as everyone wants you believe. Lurking just barely under the surface are some enormous economic, financial and legal problems that will soon be out in the open for everyone to see.All you have to do is go to San Francisco and see how dirty that city has become. You can see all of the homeless on the streets, you see where they are using the public streets as bathrooms. When you get on BART, which is the subway, you’re usually overtaken by the stench of human excrement.5 Reasons San Francisco is the Worst Awesome City in AmericaSan Francisco is a dump. Dirtiest major cities?San Francisco is the dirtiest place I've ever been (Oakland: best city, hotel)It might take a decade or two, but the levy will break and California will be looking for someone to blame. But there isn’t a Republican in sight.California is the proverbial chain smoker who is told repeatedly that smoking is bad for you and a horrible, painful death awaits if you don’t stop.California refuses to stop and it will be a horrible, painful death of high high crime, high welfare, high unemployment and bankruptcy.California will soon look like Detroit, only worse.Perhaps Gavin Newsome, when he becomes governor, can explain why this happened. *eye roll*Mayor Gavin Newsom working with Lennar and corrupt forces to tear down Public Housing : IndybayGavin Newsom linked to Corruption

How far will Donald Trump go to avoid impeachment?

If push comes to shove, I can see him taking a page from the Nixon-Ford playbook: resign and let Pence pardon him before impeachment proceedings can even begin. Two problems with that, though: 1. In order to accept the pardon, he will have to basically accept (previously “admit”) guilt. 2. No presidential pardon will spare him from criminal charges brought about on the state level, and New York, his home state, would love to get its claws into him.In fact, in my book, Trump’s goose is cooked, even as we speak, for that last reason exactly. Mueller may turn out to be somewhat irrelevant, as the New York attorney general’s office (and Lord knows what others) is apparently already investigating his “charitable” foundation, and may well be ramping up deeper investigations into his potential money laundering activities for various Russian criminal enterprises. In fact, Mueller’s trump card (heh-heh, yeah, pun intended) may be that he doesn’t need to do anything…at…all. All he has to do is farm out any criminal charges to the relevant state courts and never issue subpoena or indictment one or tell Rosenstein (or Whitaker) to do a damn thing.“Well, Mr. Whitaker, you got me. I am prepared to not recommend any indictments or charges against President Trump or his family members.”“Aha! I knew this was all a witch hunt!”“No sir; not exactly. You see, Trump’s guilty as hell, and I could probably prove it. The man ought to be impeached, and in a just Washington, D.C., he would be. But we no longer live in a just Washington, D.C., so I’m not recommending any charges or indictments. What I HAVE done, though, is to release every single scrap of information I have uncovered to the attorneys general of New York, New Jersey, California, and a half dozen other states where you, sir, have absolutely no jurisdiction. Here’s my letter of resignation. I’m going to go play some golf.”This is a man, Trump, who bragged about not paying taxes, however legally or not, not paying contractors the monies legally entitled to them, and ran a fraudulent “university,” among many other questionable business dealings. Will it really be a shock at all if it turns out he’s been laundering money for the Russian mob? Or El Chapo Guzman?!!!

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