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How to Edit Direct Deposit Form Revised 4-13-10.Doc on Windows

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  • Upload the document that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your template using the toolbar.
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What is the best marriage advice you would give to me if I will be married in a month so our relationship will be strong physically, emotionally, and in terms of longevity, and what are some common marital mistakes that I can avoid in our marriage?

1. Love him/her like this.When you look at her, look at her like she can be taken away any moment now from you - by nature, by the universe, by God, or whatever is out there. She can be taken away from you any moment now. You're on a deadline. You just have 5 more minutes to pour all the love you've got, over her. What do you do? Do that for every 5 minutes, for the rest of your life.2. Realise that marriage is superficial, while love is eternal.Marriage is a transaction. Marriage is a social construct. Love is a spiritual construct. Love transcends births while marriage is just limited to the society you live in, with the person you're gonna live with. Most people view marriage as a commitment - as a sign of commitment and a symbol of trust. But, the truth is, many people are happy together for so many years without marriage, and so many married people are unhappy together (and sometimes divorced). So, marriage is not the ultimate thing. The ultimate thing is love. The ultimate requirement for a marriage to work is to give love and to be loved.When I say give love - that doesn't work from one person to other. It has to first start with you. You fill yourself up before you take the overflowing love and give to the other person. You can't, remember, you CAN'T give from a place of deficit, and if you do, you'll always be unhappy.3. It's NEVER "you vs your spouse", rather it is "you and your spouse VS the world".When you marry, when you make a commitment together, to be with each other forever, you honor that commitment. During any fight between the two of you, you must always have this in mind - that it is never you vs them. It's you and them vs the world. That's how happy and successful marriages work. If it's gonna be you vs them, you will only be entangled in a small world full of drama and tears. The purpose of marriage is as you define it. Whether you wanna change the world or you wanna just be happy, if it is gonna be you vs them, there will be much less happiness than when it is you & them vs the world.4. Don't expect him/her to make your happy.Marriage works better when you make yourself happy, he/she makes him/herself happy, and you both share the overflowing happiness. Never is it good to place the responsibility for your happiness in someone else's hands.5. Bowl of times.Have a bowl for good times and have another bowl for bad times. Write down on paper when you experience something so good/bad in your marriage and put it in appropriate bowls. Take down and read the ones in the good bowl during the bad times. Read the bad ones during the good times - and help each other improve.6. Spend time with each other.It's very important for a marriage. Spend time with each other, without anyone else around. Just alone. Just the two of you. Close to each other. You can both hear each other speak and you can also hear each other's silence. Yep, that close. Do anything. As long as you spend some time like that every day, it doesn't matter how you spend that time or what you do during that time. Just make that time for each other.7. Spend time alone.A relationship is made of two individuals. You have your space and he/she has his/hers. It is important that you improve as an individual alongside growing up and growing old together as a couple. For this, some "me-time" is very important.8. Leave technology out of your bedroom.The best conversations, the best lovemaking, the best sleep, the best cuddles, the best kisses - the best bedroom experiences happen when you're both completely connected to each other, disconnected from the outside world. Leave technology out of your bedroom. TV- out. Mobiles- out. Laptops/Computers- out. You - in. Him/Her - in. Truly disconnecting from everything else will help you connect better with each other.9. Get comfortable with your body before you can get comfortable with your S/O's.Our so called 'civilized' society has, for ages, socially conditioned us to divide. Divide everything. The planet as continents. Continents as countries. Countries as states. States as districts. Districts and so on. And comes down to people. And people as of appropriate race. It goes on. When it comes down to the granularity of an individual - we have also been so conditioned to separate parts of our body as acceptable, okay to be visible, and shameless, and some other parts to be shameful, guilty, sinful.Honestly, we come in naked. Clothes are meant to be for protecting ourselves from harsh climatic conditions. As we have grown forward (or so we think), our thinking is beyond backward - dividing our body into pieces, and labeling some pieces as normal and harmless, and labeling some other pieces as those that should be closed, or felt shameful/sinful about. Unless you leave this mentality, and start embracing your own naked body - you will never be truly comfortable and you will never be completely able to connect with someone else's body. So stop addressing parts of your body as ugly, parts of it as beautiful, parts of it as acceptable, and parts of it as unacceptable. Your body is a wonderland, and you must feel good naked. If you don't work on it before you can get to work with another person who's equally naked in expressing your love to this world, to your world.10. Stop making excuses.If he/she is important to you - you find time, you make time, you find a way, you make a way. If he/she is not, you find/make excuses. Stop making excuses. Start owning up.11. Stop taking him/her for granted.If you were in a committed relationship before you got married to the same person, so often, you tend to take him/her for granted once you start living together. Don't do this mistake. The moment you take him/her for granted, you have lost. There's always so much more you can learn from, with, and about the person you married, throughout your life.12. Stop living in the future.When couples are in a long distance relationship, they constantly fantasize about the day they are gonna be together. When the day comes for them to be together and they finally start being together, they fantasize about something else - maybe another dream, materialistic riches, something else. We constantly live in a state of hazy future-dness. Keep doing that and you will turn back to realize that you never actually took time to experience the moments you had. If you're in a long distance relationship, experience the joy of missing, the joy of aching, the joy of desperation, and experience it fully. If you're together and you're newly married, experience the joy of making wild love, exploring things together, planning a family. If you're few years into marriage, experience the joy of discussing things, planning things for the year ahead, raising a better family, bringing a life into this world, etc. I can keep going on until the day you will finally leave your body. You get the point.13. Stop throwing things. Start fixing things.When something breaks, try and fix it. If you want something so badly, you will do it. Don't throw something away, especially if it is something you can't afford to lose, especially when it's your spouse.14. Assume the best.Always, always assume the best in your S/O unless and otherwise proven.15. Talk to each other, not about each other.Most problems can be solved if you learn to leave your egos outside your bedroom and talk to each other, instead of talking about each other to someone else.16. Never let someone else come in between the two of you, certainly not during the times you are not in the best terms with each other.Make it a resolution to resolve everything between the two of you. If you bring someone else, even if it is a well meaning friend or a family member, things might get uglier, bitter, and worse.17. It's always a good time to kiss.Kisses are the most underrated things in a marriage. Forget sex. You can kiss your way to happiness. If you don't know how, just start kissing.18. It's always a good time to hug and cuddle.Hugs that last for more than 4 minutes release an overwhelming amount of dopamine and oxytocin in your system. Do you want a better reason?!19. Never go into marriage with divorce as a back up option.Many people do this mistake. They think, "oh, if it doesn't work, I can always get a divorce!" You'd be foolish to think so. If you have this thought before you marry someone, he/she is not the right person for you. Move on. Save yourself and the other person from heartbreak.20. Experiment.Routine kills a marriage (see how I have said that it kills a marriage, not love) as much as drinking/drugs/death does. Keep experimenting. Keep growing. Keep trying new things together. Keep exploring each other.Part of sustaining the romance beyond the honeymoon period is finding newness in old things, and finding new things to explore. That's exactly where experimenting comes in.21. Go out on dates, just not in the traditional way.Forget about a candle light dinner, and a posh restaurant. Go to a nearby park and play with the seesaw. Take her to the beach and sit and stare at the endless horizon flourishing with water as the sun sets. Go camping to a lake and look at the stars, lying down naked next to each other, holding hands. Take a walk by the woods and discuss what you have been feeling, thinking, and experiencing off late. Go to an orphanage and talk to the kids and the elders there, listen to their stories together. At the end of the day, buy them a meal, or just find a peaceful place to eat. Better yet, stay at home, prepare your bedroom, cook some amazing meals together, with some well known foodie aphrodisiacs, and have a night full of lovemaking - slow, sensual and transcendental. The best dates always involve the simplest of pleasures that we, as adults have failed to connect, have since been disconnected from. Do this every week. Make time for this.22. Marriage Bucketlist.Create a bucketlist of things to do together on the day of your marriage, and keep revising the list as you go, checking things off the list as you do. Make it a point to expand your bucket list into trying things that will also open you up as a person - physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.23. Take photos & Make memories. Lots of them.Camera is the best thing this world has to offer after the human eye. To capture truly beautiful moments as you experience them - that's a different thing altogether. Be there and experience wonderful moments. But also, capture them and immortalize them in the form of photographs. You don't need a dslr. Just a small polaroid camera will do.24. Create an MPR in your home - Marriage Photo Room.Dedicate a separate room to be your dedicated marriage photo room. It will be a room full of photographs. You can have framed photographs, extravagant ones, or just simple polaroid ones, on the wall. But, from the day of your marriage, you will fill this room up with the best photos of every single day you consider as your best one with your S/O - every single beautiful moment you experience and manage to capture in a photograph - the best of those photos go up on that wall.Here's where this gets interesting. Whenever you fight, you either go into that room and fight, or you go into that room after you fight. When you see what you have amassed over years inside that room - the immortalized beautiful experiences you have both felt as a couple - together, of each other - will show you what is really important. Almost always, this room will make you realize that what you're fighting about is not worth fighting about.25. You don't have to expose all the truths. But, make sure whatever you expose to your S/O is truthful.Your spouse doesn't have to know everything, then and there. You can keep certain things within you without talking about them to your significant other. Although it is very very healthy to share everything with each other, with an open mind, sometimes, it's also healthier to keep certain things from each other unless you feel the other person is ready to hear the truth. At the same time, as much as you can KEEP the truth, you mustn't LIE to do that. People think that sometimes lying is acceptable when you know it will save the other person from hurt. But, as much as it sounds uncomfortable and awful, a bitter truth is always better than a sweet lie - in the long run of a marriage. When you play a game like marriage, you play it with the long term consequences in mind, and not the short term effects of your actions.26. Make him/her aware of your priorities & get to know his/her priorities.We all have priorities. Some of us have a bunch of friends. Some of us are loners. Some of us have an extended family and an amazing relationship with family members. Some of us are estranged from family. Some of us are so dedicated to the work we do in this world. Some of us just want to chill.Whatever be the case, we all have priorities. If your S/O doesn't come in your top-3 priorities, you shouldn't even marry. Marry only if your S/O is very understanding of the priorities above him/her that he/she would stand by your side even after knowing that he/she isn't the most important or among the three most important priorities of your life. But, sooner or later, do right by your S/O if he/she chooses to stand by you that way.27. Have a budget for every month.Couples who plan their finances are happier than the couples who don't. Guess what is the cause of most fights and arguments in marriages? MONEY. Finance is one place where most couples lack some proper grit and planning. Begin with managing your finances by planning a budget for every month and sticking to it. When you list down whatever you want to purchase, spend on, and invest in, for the next month, and help hold each other accountable, you're gonna be financially successful too, as a couple. This is one of the most underrated, most important aspects of a marriage.28. Have a bowl of changes.Anytime you go out and come back home, put all the spare change you have in that bowl. Any spare change (from a few cents to a few dollars, or a few rupees until Rs.100 if you're in India) goes into that bowl, once you come home.At the end of the month, open that bowl, put down all the money, and go deposit it into your joint account.29. Joint account.Always, always have a joint account that the two of you will share and own. But, also have separate accounts for yourself. Anything you save and put in together (like the bowl of changes) will go into the joint account, and from there, into a joint deposit.30. Have all your documents together in a single file.Your passports, certificates, education related documents, resumes, other important documents, government related proofs, any warranty bills, any and every important document in the household of the two of you goes into that single file. Divide those documents into sections - government docs, property docs, consumer goods docs (like bills, warranty, etc.,), work-place docs, and so on, and file things accordingly.Why is this important? Anytime you have to refer, or need a document, all you need to do is just refer this one file.Note: Have another physical file with a replica of all the original documents (a scanned hard copy) - and refer to this whenever you don't need the original.Also, while you scan all these documents, make sure you file the physical scan copy in the same way you have filed the originals.Create a drive account (google drive/dropbox/onedrive - anything that you feel comfy with - I suggest Google Drive). Create a folder structure in exactly the same way you have categorized and filed your physical copies. Then, upload all your scanned copies into the appropriate folders.31. Create a joint mail account.Create a single e-mail account for both of you.Whatever photos you capture of yourself - your happy moments, anything you have, send them as soon as you have stored them, into this mail id - writing a few lines about what you experienced that day - and do this together - the writing part.You are not supposed to open this mail until the 25th year of your marriage.On your 25th anniversary, open this mail-box and spend a day or two sitting and reminiscing all these memories. While this is all so touchy, this also works psychologically, keeping you together to see through the 25 year mark, just to open that mail-box.32. Create a mail account for your child.Or as many mail accounts as the number of your children.Photograph, capture, take videos, record their voice, record them singing, shoot their recitals, capture the most important moments of their childhood and teenage.Now, as and when you capture, file and store those events that you have captured, and sit down together that very day with your S/O, and write what you want to say to your child about that day - along with whatever you have captured. Attach them together, and send a mail to your child's mail id.Don't let your child know about this. Not until they are 18. When they are 18, give them the password to this mail-box on the day you send them off to college.33. Travel to a completely new, unexplored place, at least twice every year.You live one life. ONE LIFE. As the person you are. If you're Robert, you live as Robert only once. If you're Aishwarya, you live as Aishwarya only once. Why do people confine themselves to one single place for the rest of their lives, and live there? I know nothing of that. But it's such a waste of human life. I mean, there's this whole wide world that you can not completely cover even if you dedicate your entire life to exploring the planet. But you still confine yourself to the same home, same place, for 70 years of your life?Well, one of the most amazing experiences in a marriage is to travel together.Here's the catch. This "atleast twice every year" - is for travels that include only the two of you. No family. No children alongside. Only the two of you shall travel and explore a new place.Tip: Get a headphone splitter, put on your favorite playlist, walk hand in hand around the new place, while you listen to the playlist together. Then, switch to your S/O's playlist after a while. Do this atleast for one full evening in your travel. This is such an overly underrated pleasure.34. Once your child matures - like around the age of 13-18 - help them explore the world, ALONE.This is one of the things that I'll advocate on. Make sure you help your teenager plan his/her trip to be the safest possible, and make sure you plan for all the contingencies. But, let him/her go out there and explore the world. This builds so much of wisdom in their teenage years. And, guess what? When they are busy exploring the world, they won't have no time for anything else except for soaking in the incredible beauty of the world, and cultures around the world. As Dushka Zapata has once mentioned in one of her answers about her travel in Europe as a teenager that built so much wisdom in her, that her father allowed her to go - it will do incredible things to your teenager. Trust me on this one.35. Put away 10% of your monthly income for leisure and enjoyment.This one is very important. Most of us either spend, spend, spend, or save, save, save. It is very important to put 10% of your monthly income to leisure and enjoyment activities. If both of you are earning, put 5% of your salary into your account, and 5% into your joint account, and ask your S/O to do the same. The 5% you put in your own account, you get to spend on whatever you consider leisure. A treat of icecream? Sure. A fancy concert?! Sure. Going to a movie together, use that 5% from your joint account. Like this. It's very important you put away money like this, especially for enjoyment. And, the most important thing is to NEVER TOUCH this money for anything else. You can let this money accumulate and use it for some mega-leisure. But this is to be touched for nothing else.36. Do the same for self-education, rainy-day fund, investments, health&medical costs.Create separate accounts (better that way) or separate recurring deposits for those purposes and put a part of your income into those accounts/deposits. You get to spend whatever is left after you have put money away for all these purposes.37. Workout together.Couples who workout together release more oxytocin, endorphins, dopamine, every day compared to those who don't. That's the sciencey part. Couples who work out together, stay together for a long time. That's the abstract part. Couples who work out together, are eventually healthier, stay alive longer, hold each other disciplined and accountable, and live happier. This is based on most of the couples I know who do yoga together, some couples who lift weights together, in the gym, being an inspiration to everyone around them. They even include their children in this routine as their children start growing up. This is like a ritual for them. They eventually build healthier, nutritious, and a stronger family.Oh, yes. They do have cheat meal days.38. Don't carry mobile phones to date nights. If you do carry, put them on silent.39. Buy books for your children. Set goals for your children if they ask you to buy something for them. Goals like - you read three of the books I choose for you, I buy you that home-made chocolate that you ask for - 100 grams of it. You finish two levels of Kung-fu, I will send you on your school's tour. Something like this.Make it challenging and fulfilling for them.40. Take dance lessons together. Dancing never gets old. You can always connect, be intimate, and dance until you're no longer breathing, whenever you want, wherever you want. It's also good for your intimacy.41. Spend time on your S/O more than you spend money on him/her. The same goes for your children - and you do it together.42. During weekends, take up some DIY projects and do it together - as a couple. Start with something simple and eventually build your expertise of the craft.43. Put some slow, sensual, (preferably western classical music) when you're making love. Makes for an amazing background score. Also, helps you relax. Franz Schubert, Beethoven, Brahms - amazing choices.44. The first two years of marriage, you'll always have impulsive sex. After that, it starts fading away, as the impulse also starts fading away because you want to focus on other things. Instead of letting yourself be a slave to your impulses, realize that sex is something spiritual - beyond just a physical activity. It's an act of connecting and becoming one with each other in unison. Rough or soft, however you like it, when you do it, the two of you become one. There is a huge amount of energy transfer involved. Practice transcendental meditation if possible, before sex, and transition into it slowly. Slowly transition from impulsive fucking to sensible, and sensual lovemaking at will. When you start treating intercourse as an act of connecting better, looking into each other's soul rather than as just purely an act of craving, desperation, physical satisfaction and animalistic mating instinct - that's when the two of you start blossoming as a couple from within. Then, even if you make love every single day, you will still feel the best, and be the best!45. Put in efforts to become friends with your S/O's friends.Your S/O's friends are among the most important people in his/her life. Instead of being away or keeping away from them, if you try to actively be a part of their gang of friends, your life will become much better and you certainly won't feel left out. What more, your S/O's friends will feel even more responsible towards you to keep your S/O straight during times of crisis, and nobody will take sides, instead help out the two of you in resolving things transparently.46. Eat dark chocolate before making love. It's an amazing aphrodisiac.47. Drink 100ml of red wine (preferably vintage) every night before sleep. *Not healthy advice*48. Consistently be as minimalistic as possible with respect to possessions. If you haven't worn something for a year, give it away.49. Shower together atleast once a week.50. Spread your romance throughout the day and not just during lovemaking. Sext each other. Flirt with each other. Increase the sexual tension. Foreplay happens throughout the day.51. Don't spend so much money for your marriage.Don't expect your S/O to spend so much money on marriage either. If you were gonna spend around 15-20 lakhs (for a modest marriage), put all that 20 lakhs into a joint deposit for your future, and marry in a temple or a church, within 5k rupees, with just your parents and close friends. This is a financially sound thing. Nowadays, marriages have become kind of like a show-off of how much wealth your two families have amassed. You spend 3 to 4 years working like a dog to save all that money and you burn all that within 2 days for people (95% of them) who you don't even that closely know, people who don't even care about you.Trust me on this one. Save all that money, and invest in your future. Maybe buy a land, or a home with that money in some remote area (land preferable) and let it be. After 10 - 20 years, when your child comes to college age, it will be worth a fortune. Don't burn that much money in 3 days.52. If you don't agree with your S/O on something - talk it out. Find a mid-point where both of you are satisfied. If one person keeps compromising for the other, over the days, disappointments will build up. So it is always important that both of you arrive at a point where both of you feel satisfied.53. NEVER, ever bring up your S/O's ex(es) in your conversations, when you fight or argue or compare (please don't compare). Never ever bring your own exes up and compare your S/O with him/her. For better or for worse, it's better to keep people who are in the past, in the past.54. Be honest about what you want your S/O to change for better. But also express and practice acceptance so that they know you love the way they already are.55. Be the first one to apologize if you know you have made a mistake. As I said, before you enter your bedroom, leave your ego out the door.56. If she's upset, she will talk if you ask her what's wrong more than twice. And, when she talks, just listen. Just listen and let her talk.If he's upset, he mostly won't talk, no matter how much you ask him. He has a cave-period where he remains in the cave, thinks about his problem, and when he has thought about it enough, he will come out of the cave and talk to you. Wait until then. Don't nag him into talking about it. He'll only despise you more. Wait until he comes out of the cave, and when he talks, just listen without trying to solve his problem. He already knows the solution.57. Share the household tasks as much as possible in a 50-50 way. The world doesn't work anymore like it used to before. Gender roles are slowly fading. If your woman holds a day job, give her a hand with cutting veggies. If you're a woman who holds a day job, request your man to assist you with some of the works - like if you vaccuum the house, he'll mop the house, and so on.58. Don't keep scores.Keeping score is bad and wrong, doesn't matter if it is for the good things or the bad things that happens in the relationship.59. Medicine isn't medicare. Food is medicare. Medicine is sick-care.Unless you're in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn about nutrition, herbal medicine, and other forms of natural medicine unless you're fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician available. Almost all drugs are toxic and designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and deceptive. Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic - although this is untrue. In short, our mainstream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is an international scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be.As a couple, if you want to build a healthy, nutritious family, it's always in your hands. Stop taking medicines for common cold and flu. You aren't helping your body. You are only diminishing your body's ability to naturally heal itself. Learn about food and nutrition, and workout regularly. Keep yourselves healthy. Once I started going to gym and lifting weights, I haven't had any illnesses that demanded for me to go to a doctor for the last 1.5 years. I used to contract cold, flu, throat infection every two to three months, and now the timing is like once in 8 months on average.If you want to build a healthy family, there's no other way around it. Don't fool yourself thinking you can get a tablet for everything. Don't fill your body with toxic drugs. Instead start taking care of it from today onwards. Even though this isn't a directly applicable marriage advice, this advice will help you so much to improve your longevity, for the sake of yourself, for your spouse, and for your children.60. Indulge in gardening.Create a home garden, backyard or terrace or both. Plant vegetables and fruits in your garden. Vegetables like potato, lady's finger are easily growable. Fruits like pineapple, tomato, etc., also grow easily at home. When you build a garden from scratch as a couple, you know what it is to nurture something from infancy.61. Get a dog.No. Not a cat. A dog. Yes. Only a dog can teach you what unconditional love is. Cats are assholes. Research also states that if cats were any bigger, they'd murder you. So, no cats. Dogs. Haven't you already watched Marley and Me ?? Please do watch that movie.62. Adopt someone.Whether you bring that someone into your home and bring them up or you choose to sponsor an orphanage kid's all the spendings (the former is better), it's upto you. But, adopting someone at the early stages of your marriage will show you what it's like to have a family outside of your family. It will show you the world beyond the world you have constructed for yourself. You will soon be emotionally invested with that kid, and before you turn back, you will find yourself caring about their growth. This will show you that given some time, you can connect with anyone in this world, and that parents are responsible for how kids turn out to be.63. Don't have a child by accident. Have a child when you're both ready.Always, always use protection. If your S/O isn't ready for a child yet, respect his/her decision and let them know what you feel about it. If you definitely want a child immediately, and your S/O isn't ready yet, even if he/she reluctantly agrees, the entire scenario won't be happy. Unless and until both of you are ready, don't even try.The first two years after childbirth is a nasty stage. Sleepless nights, insomnia, nauseating smell, sleep deprived zombie status, extra body fat that's hard to lose (if you're a woman - which if you keep working out regularly, you'll soon burn away), additional responsibilities, and so on doesn't make it any easier. Unless and until both of you are emotionally, physically, and spiritually ready to bring a life into this world, DON'T.64. Don't let your relatives or members of family anyone else except your S/O dictate or influence you into taking decisions that you two as a couple have to take.Let's face it. Family members and relatives are nosy. Mostly. Sometimes, it is our parents. Sometimes, it's our extended family.That said, as much as you respect them, important decisions about your life shouldn't ever be influenced by them. Decisions like when you should marry, when you should have a child, which school you should admit your child to (or if you should even admit your child in school, instead of homeschooling), what kind of education system, what kind of food you should give your children (everyone will have some advice), what kind of home you should buy, if you should be with your parents or not, if you should move out or not, if you should take that job or not, if your S/O should take that new job away from home or not, if you should move out with your SO or not - all these things must be decided only by the two of you, without any influence from anyone else. Keep that in mind and don't ever let someone else manipulate you (yes, relatives and family members can manipulate, sometimes force you to do things by guilt tripping you - more prevalent in India) into doing things that you don't wanna do.There are grandmas in India who'll say - "Please give me a grand grandchild before I die! Don't you want me to see my grand grandchild before I die?!"There are also grandmas and mothers in India who'll say - "Please marry before I leave, so that I can see you happy with so much happiness in my eyes and leave peacefully. Won't you do it for me?"And, there are fathers who will say, "What will I say to those 4 people who are asking about you, about why you're still unmarried to me. I feel so ashamed to say that I have a 27 year old daughter at my home, still unmarried. Please accept this proposal and marry this guy!"And so on. Once you marry, if you have these kind of people in your family, it's always better to move out.65. It's always healthy to hold a healthy distance between you and your family - parents, other relatives, etc.This is very self-evident. No matter where you are. Be available for your family. But, don't be too attached. Hold a healthy distance between you&your spouse and everyone else. Relationships survive for longer that way.66. Unplug from the world every 4-5 months. Take a week off, go together to some far away land where there's no wifi, no technology, nothing else. Just the two of you and incredible mother nature. Just be there for 1 week, reset your biological clock, sleep under the stars, have natural foods, enjoy the sceneries, take loads of pictures, make bucketloads of love, fuck wild, and be wilder.67. Buy using coupons. Spend a few hours on a weekend towards the beginning of every month, collect coupons that will be valid for that month for all your budget related purchases - mobile recharge, electricity bill, telephone/broadband bill, broadband recharge, gas payments, and other food related purchases - collect coupons and use them. You will save in thousands per year this way.68. Don't allow websites to store your credit/debit card information. This is tempting as you just find the buy a click or two away and impulsive buying is a bit easier when you have credit cards. As much as possible, use hard cash, and avoid plastic money. Debit card is fine. But cash is always better - keeps you constrained, so you're forced to buy only what you absolutely need.69. Before you book any tickets for your travels along with your spouse, before you visit any ecommerce or tickets related website, clear your cookies and cache on your browser. This will help you show the actual prices instead of inflated prices that happens when you revisit a website after a while.70. Never take loans. Never buy a car for your family with loan or financing options. To be precise, don't take anything that can be categorized as a liability.That said, do rich people not get loans? They do. Yes. But they have the equivalent loan amount with them in their account that they can always use to get out of the loan if need be. They only take loans for tax purposes. But most people take loans without having money in hand. This forces you to continue holding on to your day job (that you or your spouse might hate) and it makes you liable, keeps you chained. So, don't do that. Whatever you want to buy, buy with hard cash, or if you're taking a loan, say for 1,00,000 rupees, make sure you have 1,00,000 rupees with you before you take the loan.71. Don't lend money to your friends as a couple.As a rule of thumb, you NEVER lend money to your friends/family. You either give it away as a gift even if it is to help them out, or you don't give at all. If you give it as a loan, you will definitely expect it back. More often than not, this will strain relationships.Another rule of thumb, never lend money or give money away without discussing it with your S/O. Even if it is your money from your salary, make sure you discuss it with him/her, or just let him/her know. Don't go behind your S/O's back to give money to someone else. Let him/her know, and if you feel right about it, even if your S/O disagrees, you can go ahead and do it, but, never do it behind his/her back.72. Don't place value on a rock. Place the value on a person.Most women expect their men to propose to them in an over the top fashion. With.A.Rock. Diamond rings are overrated, costly, and hefty on finance. If you're gonna marry someone, would you want to put them in debt before marriage?The same goes for you if you're a man (especially in India) and expect the girl's family to bear the marriage expenses, more so if you're getting dowry. Would you want to put your dear wife's family in debt?Now, when you marry, you agree to one thing - that you'll both respect, honor, and love each other until the very end. That also involves knowing where to place value. Don't just vow it to each other unless you're absolutely sure you're gonna live it.73. Don't complain.Complaining is the stupidest ever thing human beings have ever come up with. Not like it's gonna fix anything.In a marriage, this is more important. Complaining never fixes anything. If you can change it, go ahead and change it. If you want your S/O to change it, don't nag. Instead just ask/discuss it with your S/O and help them change it. If they won't get off their arse, and you can't change it - accept it. Your natural instinct at this point would be to complain, but don't. Complaining makes things worse. Never better.74. As much as possible, keep your private lives private.Nowadays, everything is up on Facebook. A person who's your Facebook friend (not your real friend) could now know much more than your real friend does. Most couples of our generation post everything up on Facebook. From the day-1 of dating, most couple post together pictures, aww pictures, together forever pictures, travel pictures, and from the day of marriage, everything that goes on in their lives and then in their children's lives on Facebook.Does the world need to know all of this? NO. Did the world know all these details about someone they didn't really know about, like 20 years back. NO. Did the world function well at that time? You bet!Please have a separation between your social life, and your private life. Your private life is meant to be private. It doesn't hurt to have some amount of sanctity associated with the life that you lead with your spouse and children, and it doesn't hurt to keep your family life private, away from the public eye.75. Don't take sides in your friends' relationship problems.If a mutual friend of yours and your S/O is having relationship problems, don't ever take sides. More often than not, holding a neutral stand and not interfering in your friends' relationships is a better way to handle things. If things go south, you can always support your friend and help him/her out. But never interfere.76. Start training your kids from childhood.If you want your kids to be responsible adults in decision-making, it has to start from childhood.Our generation's previous generations made one huge mistake. You bring up your kids sheltered until 18, controlled, not allowed to make any decisions for themselves, and suddenly at the age of 18, you throw them into the world, asking them to take care of their own ass, wipe their own poop, and make bold decisions, and you also expect them to conquer the world. Well, that's not the way it should be.So, if you want your kids to go out there and conquer the world, have them conquer little little things from their infancy. Have them make healthier decisions for themselves. Ask them to give pros and cons about what they are deciding for. Have them analyse the pros and cons. Have them weigh their options. From as little a decision as buying a chocolate/book/cookie, to as big a decision as to choosing their school, giving their end of opinion about the home you are choosing for your family, this will slowly build their ability to analyse rationally, take bold and calculated risks, and eventually they will grow into a proper, high functioning adult, who's well able to take bold and daring decisions.Your kids don't learn from what you tell them. Your kids learn from what you show them.77. Decide on separation of concerns in the household and stick to the concerns.If she removes the diaper, you clean his ass. If she bathes him, you get him ready for his school. If she takes care of the cooking, you take care of the laundry. If she takes care of the laundry, you take care of maintaining the car. If she takes care of cleaning dishes, you take care of plumbing. If she takes care of cleaning the toilet, you take care of cleaning the bathroom and the shower.Clear. Separation. Of. Concerns.78. Never take any decision when you're utterly pissed, or so insanely high.Goes to say, never take any hasty decisions. Never take a decision when you're insanely pissed - like after a nasty fight, after an ego-driven argument, and also don't take any decision when you're insanely high - like after lovemaking, or after a trip.Always take decisions as a couple (atleast most decisions need the other person to atleast be in on it). Some decisions, you can take autonomously, but it helps to discuss them too with your SO. Sit down, analyse rationally, list down the pros and cons, weigh the consequences, and then go with your intuition to decide.79. Before you buy anything, classify it into either of the two:- Necessity- Luxury.If it comes under necessity, and you don't already have something that works the role, go ahead and buy it. Before you buy it, weigh your options, do some market research, look for coupons and deals, (wait for discounts and sale periods if you can, where you can get massive discounts), and buy the best and the cheapest possible.80. Plan travels much ahead of time, so that you can get better deals, and cheaper fare rates.81. Use a money flow monitoring tool - as a couple, to monitor your in-flow and out-flow of cash. Keeping tabs on spendings, and comparing your budget and the spent amount per month will help you calibrate your calculations for the next month and will also help you keep yourselves accountable.82. Instead of buying a big posh bungalow/mansion in a posh city, buy many tiny affordable homes (1BHK or 2BHK max or a cabin near/in the woods) in your favorite cities across the world. Sydney, Country side of Ireland, Zurich, Alaska, Brazil, Goa, Bali, Thailand, you name it! Instead of spending $5,000,000 on one single big home in a place you want to stay for the rest of your life, buy tiny tiny houses for as little as $200,000 (you can, if you want to, and if you know where to look). This way, you'll always have somewhere to stay on your travels, and will also help you work from wherever you want, if you are your own boss.83. Learn energy healing, kundalini yoga, transcendental meditation - as a couple. Trust me. These three things will do wonders to your married life - physically, sexually, and socially.84. Don't impose your religion on your children. Don't impose your religion on your S/O. If you are both from the same religion, it's fine. If you're both from different religions, different cultures, don't impose on each other. Accept each other as is.Most importantly, don't bring up your child with your idea of God. Instead, bring them up with no notions of GOD, that they are in control of their destiny - until the age of 8-10. Bring them up in such a way they view discipline as the only way to achieve things in life - like they do in Japan. Once they are 10, introduce them to different religions, different versions of God, and have them pick one (if they want) or remain the way they already are (if they want that too) or make one for them by themselves (after all, isn't that what the humans before us did?).85. Learn from your children.Always, always your children will be ahead of your time. You at the age of 20 will be so backward from your child at the age of 20, you can't even begin to fathom what your child must be going through at his age 20. If you think you know what your child is going through, you'd be a fool to think so. So, always keep learning from your children, and keep growing with them. That way, you will always be in touch with your child's reality, and you'll be able to help them better.86. Always listen to the little things.When your children are children, like little teeny tiny kids with slimy phlegm coming out of their nose, and yellowish poop coming out of their anus - from that stage, listen to everything that they have to say to you.You might think that whatever they say are ignorant, negligible, little things. But, for them, it's always a big deal.If you don't listen to those things - that you consider little things, that which they consider a big deal when they are infants/kids, they certainly won't let you in on the big things when they grow up, the actual big things for you.This applies to your S/O too. If you snub him/her or ignore him/her when they talk about the little things, over the days, they'll lose the interest or want to tell you the big things too.87. On a weekly basis, sit together and write down the things you're grateful for, as a couple (and individually too). Every week, revise this list, add/edit items, remove if no longer applicable. It has to be from the heart. Don't act grateful. Be grateful.88. Set goals for your married life, from day-1. Write those goals down. Break down the long term goals into multiple short term goals, into years, months, weeks, into days. Every fortnight, check things off the list, revise these goals accordingly, work better. There's a huge pleasure in checking things off the list, especially when done together as a couple. These are called relationship goals. It can range over different areas such as finance, sex, physical health, eating & nutrition, investments, and so on.89. Before going on travels, have a checklist of items you want to carry, and while you read the checklist, let the other person take the items and keep it in the luggage/baggage. Then, give that list to the other person, while you cross check.More often than not, fights happen during travels. More often than not, the number one reason for such fights is because you left something behind that was important for your travel. Some travels get messed up because of this, some flight bookings get cancelled because of this, some flights are missed because of this. This might seem so superficial and negligible at first. But you won't realize what a small mistake can cause to an entire travel-plan.So make sure you have everything you need, you know everything you should, before you embark on an adventure.90. If you have a girl baby, don't naturally assume she'll like barbies. If you have a boy baby, don't naturally assume he'll like cars and GI Joes. Your girl baby might like to build things with legos. Your baby boy might love to play with the piano. Don't assume. Take them to various places. See what they are drawn to. Based on that, buy things for them, help them train.Babies are naturally spiritually awakened, and aligned by birth to follow their natural intuitions before social conditioning becomes so worse that their intuition's volume goes to mute. Your inherent duty and responsibility as a parent is not to condition your baby socially, and to not let the society condition your baby. So, get rid of the TV. Get rid of media. Help your baby develop its intuitive capabilities, and pursue what it is intuitively inclined to, by allowing it to experiment with things.91. Once in a while, put on karaoke in your bedroom, and sing as a couple - to songs sung by male and female together. This creates a lot of high that even drugs can't create. This will be intensely, and highly pleasurable. Help your S/O loosen up, if they think their voice is bad and that they're tone deaf. You loosen up, if you think so.92. Once in a while, when you have enough money, don't plan. Just go to the airport/railway station, pick the next available train/flight, just leave. Follow your intuition - as a couple, and go where it leads. When you have burnt 40% of the money you have for the trip, start your return trip back home.93. Once in a while, let your kids plan the trip - ENTIRELY. Just deal with the finances. Make them aware of how much money you have for the trip.94. Try different positions and different places. Fuck when you want. Make love when you want. It can be a quickie. It can be a dry hump. It can be a marathon sex. You can even do it the Sting way. Try BDSM. Do it rough. Do it soft. Try doing it while skydiving. Try doing it while under water. Make out in the shower. Fuck wildly in the forest. Fuck her brains out in the kitchen. Give him the best head possible. Go down on her and give her tongue. Do whatever you want, whenever and wherever you want, as long as it is legally safe. Life is too short to not experiment and to not be adventurous.95. Have a sense of humor. When you look at everything with a little bit of detachment, you can always find humor in any situation. Watch a lot of stand up comedy as a couple if you have to. But develop a sense of humor, if you don't have one. It helps you get through your life, with a lot of optimism, and cheerful moments.96. Don't take everything personally. Especially the things your SO says when he/she is pissed of or angry - at you or at someone else. Not taking everything personally, and realizing that if someone has a problem with you, it's their problem - helps you declutter, and deal with only those things that are actually pressing and things that actually matter.97. Shift your home every 3 years.Different states/cities is okay. Different countries is better. Different continents - much much better. This may sound like a difficult thing to do. If you want something so badly, you can always make it happen.Why should you do this? First of all, you get to see the world. You get to experience different cultures. Your children get to grow as a healthy, young adult with a lot of mixed cultural experiences, with respect for each culture and each race. You get to know many different people whom you'd have not otherwise known if you had stayed in one place throughout your life. Sometimes, you get to save so much money - (if you live in Thailand and you earn in USD, you get to save a lot) although that depends on your job.Just don't stay in one place. Your children can become polyglots. You will become much wiser and better. You will always have constant entertainment and a sense of adventure in your life.I have known couples who move every year. Every 3 years is the best way. Every year is awesome, but a bit taxing. Every 5 years is okay-ish. Anything above that is negligible.98. Try different cuisines, different restaurants around the world, and indulge in common food pleasures - outside your place.Learning a completely different cuisine (Italiano to start with, probably?!) as a couple is wonderful. So is trying different cuisines (in the places that are famous for those cuisines). Once in a month, go to a restaurant famous for a particular cuisine and try something you've never eaten your whole life. Slowly, reduce this period to once every week - probably every weekend (that could also be your date night). This is one of the most rewarding experiences, whether you do it alone or as a couple. As a couple, you can both order different items, and keep the other person from trying it if it is completely horrible. You know what I mean! ;)99. If you're a man, put your toilet seat down for your wife. Open the door for her. Carry her luggage for her.If you're a woman, make him a sandwich before he asks, or roti-rajma-chawal if he's so indie, make him some popcorn if he's watching the match (join him if possible), don't disturb him while he's doing what he loves (playing piano if he loves that, or while playing Dota. Don't disturb him, definitely not during DOTA).100. After you have read through all these advices, do whatever the heck you want. As long as the two of you are together and happier every single day than every previous day about everything around the two of you, it's all good.

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