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What do you think of Dr. Zakir Naik, Ravi Zacharias, and Sanderson's criticism of the Bhagavad Gita?

When I watched that video of Sanderson’s preaching the words of Hanuman-ji sprang to mind when he first laid eyes on Ravana seated in his palace:–aho rūpam, aho dhairyam, aho vīryam, aho balaṁ!!WOW! what beauty! what courage! what virility! what power!!Indeed he is brilliant, a great scholar (like Ravana) and a great orator - but he is preaching to his disciples who are mesmerized by his form and presentation but not the least critical of his content.Analysing and critiquing would take a a whole book so I will just focus on a few of his opening barrages.He says, quoting chapter 10:27,28 where Krishna is enumerating his glories, that Krishna says he is Vasuki among the Dragons and Ananta among the Nagas - that this is cognate with the Book of Revelations where the Devil is portrayed as a dragon and a serpent. So using this verse alone he concludes the the author of the Gita is the Devil Satan himself.So using the exegetical tools and memes of one culture to critique a different culture is a cognitive error. The Bible is squamata-phobic. Right from the creation myth in the garden of Eden where the talking snake beguiled Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit and to corrupt Adam into eating it as well. Although the Bible doesn’t say that snake was the devil Christians have always assumed it to be the case. There is in fact no mention of a Devil in the Old Testament - the only mention of Satan is in the book of Job where he is enumerated among the “sons of god”. Then in the highly psychotic final book of Revelations (what drugs was the author on!!) the devil and the snakes and dragons are completely identified.In Hindu legends of cultural import the snake is never associated with evil but rather with spiritual transformation (renewing itself through shedding its skin). The great Ananta Shesha symbolizes eternity - the snake biting its tail. Cobras are said to have a jewel in their heads and they are the guardians of hidden treasures. Snakes are also symbolic of anger and retaliation - hence they appear as ornaments on the body of Lord Shiva. Snakes are also symbolic of reproduction and fertility.So the symbolism in both religions is completely different and using one to take down the other is an egregious error.Then taking the snake analysis he several times asserts and emphasizes that Krishna as the Devil incarnate and the Bhagavad Gita is a text book of evil and that Krishna endorses murder and warfare (although he does grudgingly admit that the Hindus are a remarkably non-violent people! Thanks bro ….!)As one who has read the entire Bible I was discombobulated by this! Without boring the gentle reader with overload of information in the twitter era I will just give a brief introduction to Yahweh who is Jesus’ dad.Yahweh botches his creation, gets pissed off and then drowns every living thing save for one family and a couple of dozen animals he keeps on a large yacht.He repeatedly gets angry at trivial infractions of his laws and burns people alive or strikes them down with bolts of lightening killing them in vast numbers.He gives holy laws for which almost every transgression is punishable by death through the most dreadful means of stoning (only a demon could invent such a method of execution)! These sins include picking up sticks on a Saturday, not getting your son circumcised (the baby is killed) , offering the wrong incense, coming too close to God’s tent and girls who lose their virginity must be burned alive …. on and on! Truly dreadful stuff.He then commands his chosen people to go into the land of Canaan and murder every living thing - men, women, children, cattle and sheep and to occupy their land. The Bible lists seven nations that were exterminated and all the cities that were looted and destroyed under Yahweh’s explicit instructions.Then finally in the Book of Revelations he completes his social engineering program by creating a vast lake of molten fire into which most of the deceased souls will be cast after death, to burn for all eternity and suffer unending torment without relief or chance of reprieve — all for the thought crime of not believing in Jesus.Historically it is worth studying the Inquisition and the Witch Trials of the middle ages to see how this ideology has led to the burning alive of hundreds and thousands of innocent people - mostly women for imaginary crimes like casting spells or allegations of witchcraft.And this is the God that Baptist Pastor Sanderson is comparing to Krishna saying the latter is the Devil! Apart from the Hindus the Orthodox Christians also come in for a big serve!Then the skillful and erudite pastor goes on to declare that the Gita is like a communist manifesto blah blah blah!Tiresome stuff indeed - it makes me roll my eye and dismiss this as the trash it is but I fear that less knowledgeable and more gullible folks will be misled or thrown into doubt and confusion by this Baptist malarkey.May the 33 gods save us from this religion and its followers!

What is the most British gag ever?

A young British Army Officer was posted to a remote outpost in the Desert, just the Fort and the men, with very little to do. In the officers mess he asked the other officers what they did regarding female company, they said if desperate they used the camel that was tied up at the back of the officers mess.He went to look and sure enough there was the camel, that’s disgusting he thought I would never do that.3 months later he was desperate and decided he had little other choice, so with some trepidation went out the back to visit the camel.It did not go well.He decided there was no option but to ask his fellow officers for the next evening he asked if they could help him sort out a problem if had.of course they said, what’s the problem?when you are desperate and go to visit the camel how do you make it stay still?When we are desperate we use the camel to ride into town and visit the brothel, why what did you do?……………………………………A man is going into a pub, there is a nun stood outside, as he gets to the door she says‘You are entering the devils house, if you go in you will be in hell for eternity, it is not too late to repent and save your soul’.He looks at her and says‘You What?’She replies‘You are going in to partake of the devils brew, it will destroy you, both in this life and after, repent now, stop the drinking, and save yourself.’He says‘I am only going in for a pint, how would you know, have you ever tried a drink?’The Nun replies‘I have never taking such a substance, my life is dedicated to my faith and church’The man says‘If you have never tried then how can you comment, I will get you a drink to try, if you think it is as bad as you say it is, then I would consider what you are saying, if you agree what drink would you like?’The nun‘If it means that you would repent then I would try the devils brew, but I know nothing about drinking or what to try’The man replies‘OK, most woman like gin, did you want to try that?’The Nun‘Yes, but can you have it put into a cup? I would not want anyone to see me incase they thought I was being tempted by the devil.The man goes into the pub and up to the bar.The landlord says‘Evening, what can I get you?The man‘ A pint of bitter please, and a large gin, but could I have the gin in a cup?The Landlord‘THAT BLOODY NUN IS OUT THERE AGAIN’This is more a Scottish gag, again very old and relates to what was the two big Glasgow football ( soccer) teams, far better told in a local accent, which I can’t do.It was derby day in Glasgow the two teams were playing each other.One of the supporters was going to watch the game, he was walking to the ground and was early, so he stoped off on the way for a few pints of heavy and some wee drams. By the time he got to the ground he was well away.He got into the ground settled down and looked around, sober in an instant, he was in the oppositions half of the ground.‘Dear mother of god’ he throught ‘I am dead’All the supporters close to him were looking at him‘Whats that’ one says to his mate ‘ dunnow, think its a supporter from the other side, never seen one this close before’ say the mate.By this time our hero was praying ‘ Dear God, please let me survive, I promise to go to church every Sunday and never drink again’So the game starts, very quickly his side scores a goal and he thinks ‘thats it, my life is over’‘Hay you’ said one of the other team’s supporters ‘go get me a bovril’ ‘What?’ Says our hero ‘Oh aye, OK’‘Wait a minute’ says the supporter’ you will no come back’ ‘Aye I will’ says our hero.‘Leave us with a shoe’ says the supporter ‘What? Aye OK’ our hero had no choice.So he leaves the shoe, goes and gets the bovril and comes back.‘Ta’ says the supporter ‘ here is your shoe, put it on’“oh come on’ says our hero, in the shoe is a large steaming jobbie ‘put it on’ says the supporter, again with no choice our hero does so.His team scores again, and another supporter tells him to go for a bovril and leave his other shoe, comes back, same result another steaming Jobbie in the other shoe.‘Put it on’ ‘aye OK’No more goals were scored and our hero remained alive until the end of the game, but now with a fair sized gap around him, because of the smell.He finally makes it out side the ground, being followed by small children and dogs, when he sees a BBC sports commentator asking departing supporters about the rivalry between the two sides.He goes up to the commentator saying’ give me the microphone thingy I have something to say’The commentator ‘ sure, Oh you stink’“Never mind that’“There will be no peace between our two sides for as long as they Shit in our shoes and we piss in their bovril’( some translations, heavy is beer, dram is whisky, bovril is a hot salty savoury beef drink, Jobbie you can work out for yourselves)

I sold my soul to the devil as a joke through a site called FollowSatan, and since then, I have felt a strange presence watching me. What is going to happen?

When I was in college, me and some friends went to the woods and were having a few drinks.The discussion turned religious for some reasons. My friends knew I was an atheist and inevitably started trying to convince me that their god existed. The conversation went like this:Me: If god exists then the devil exists right?My friends hesitated for a second, I waited for them to take the bait: … Yes…Me: Ok, if the devil exists, I dare him to show up right now. If he does he can have my soul for free.Some underwear got soiled, but other than that nothing happened. Maybe Satan is waiting for the right time to show up. Hmm, let’s try again:Come on Satan, show up and I will give you my soul.See? no problem, I have done this several times and I have nev

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