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Which are some of the rare outfits in PUBG?
THE RAREST PUBG OUTFITSPUBG is the original Battle Royale, well if you discount the iconic movie. So it makes sense that it would have stocked up quite a lot of cosmetics by now. PUBG has a lot of different cosmetics, but the ones that really make players stand out are the full skins and outfits.PlayerUnknown’s OutfitThe PlayerUnknown’s Outfit is one of the rarest in the game since it dates back quite a while. This outfit was only given out to those who originally pre-ordered the game. This means you would have had to have been playing for quite a while to get your hands on this look. Since PUBG mainly grew by word of mouth, this makes it a cosmetic item that not that many players have.Cloth Mask LeopardThis item was available in the Desperado loot box. If you purchased one of these, you had a 0.16% chance of actually unlocking it. This is a really hard to find item because of this.Leather Hoodie (Black or White)The leather hoody is a bit of a bizarre item. Just who would make a hoody out of leather isn’t really answered, but you’d be lucky to get your hands on either of these. They both originate in the Desperado box, with only a 0.32% chance of actually finding one.Cloth Mask (Checkered)The Cloth mask was another item that came from a loot box. Even if you got one of these for free, your chance of actually finding this item were slim to none at 0.01%. That is a ridiculously low probability! This item is only a face mask, so you’re not missing out on much by not having it.Long-Sleeved Leather ShirtThe Desperado box was apparently full of random all leather gear. It might not be the best look in the game, but very few players are even able to sport it making it one of the rarest outfits in PUBG. You only had a 0.60% chance of even getting this item.Sleeveless Biker Jacket (Brown or Black)The Sleeveless biker jacket is another cosmetic from a loot box that has become one of the rarest PUBG outfits. The chances of getting either of them are 0.01%. This ties it with the Cloth Mask for the rarest item in the Biker box. However, unlike the cloth mask this item is actually pretty noticeable when you’re playing so it may be a bit more worthwhile having it.Floral Shirt (Black)Who doesn’t love a floral shirt? This is a kind of cool look to sport in a gritty and realistic shooter than PUBG. However, your chances of actually getting this item through a lootbox were limited to 0.05%, so it isn’t exactly a common occurrence.Ivory School UniformThis one is well-known as one of the rarest PUBG outfits. Players just seem to like it, it can routinely be found on the higher end of items for sale of the Steam marketplace. You can expect to pay in at least hundreds of dollars if you want to pick up this outfit.PlayerUnknown’s BandanaWhy is this such a sought after piece of clothing? It isn’t exactly clear, but it sells on the marketplace for more money than any single piece of the School Uniform set. This makes it a bizarrely expensive red bandana and one of the rarest PUBG outfits.Tuxedo SetThis one is actually something quite different. It is a pink woman’s tuxedo. At least this is weird enough to warrant being one of the rarest PUBG skins. If you’re into looking a bit silly as you clear out buildings and rack up kills, this is definitely one of the skins to go for.Black School Uniform SetThis is another one of the rarest PUBG outfits that regularly goes for high prices on the marketplace. It appears that PUBG players have a real thing for dropping form sky like a schoolgirl and killing other players. It is a very specific niche, but there seems to be something connecting the rarest PUBG outfits and schoolgirls.School Skirt (White)This item regularly goes for around $400… and it is a plain white skirt. This continues the PUBG rarest outfits pattern of being based around women’s school clothes. This is just white, so you’re not getting much flair for your money.Instructor SetThis set isn’t the most unique but it is definitely quite popular. It often commands over $100 on the marketplace. However, unlike some of the other sets that have become the rarest PUBG outfits this one only really becomes valuable as an entire set.Partner’s JacketThe Partner’s Jacket is a fairly nondescript pale hooded jacket. What makes it one of the rarest jackets, is that it was only available to an exclusive group. Only those who successfully became PUBG partners were allowed this cosmetic.PandaTV T-ShirtThis T-shirt is another exclusive that you may have seen when watching streamers but not so often in actual lobbies. This one was only distributed to Streamers by PANDATV. You can purchase codes for this shirt in some places, but it goes for an astronomical price.👍🏻♥️
How strict is your school uniform?
I left Primary School 9 years ago (aged 4–11) and this still p’s me, and my mum, offFirst of all nursery (thats a bit like pre-k for Americans). A regulation bright yellow polo shirt with the school crest in bottle green, a pair of regulation bottle green fleece lined cuffed joggers with yellow school crest and a regulation bright yellow fleece lined sweatshirt with bottle green logo for both boys and girls, with grey socks and strap-over “gutties” (flat black strap over or slip on plimsolls) for the boys and white socks and Mary Jane style gutties for the girls. The polo, sweatshirt and joggers were ichy, of poor quality, shrunk in the dryer or took ages to dry, faded a month in and were boiling in all weathers. I also particularly hated them as I was going through a phrase at the time were I would only wear skirts or dresses.The main uniform was even worse. White long sleeved shirt, regulation bottle green, orange and yellow diagonally striped tie amd a regulation bottle green fleece lined sweatshirt with yellow school crest for both boys and girls, with the boys wearing grey trousers, grey socks and slip on shoes. No trainers or gutties. The girls had to wear a bottle green skirt or pinifore (jumper for americans) either bottle green knee socks or bottle green tights and mary jane style shoes. The girls also had the option of a school cardigan made out of sweatshirt material. The girls were not allowed to wear trousers under any circumstances.During the summer the boys had to wear regulation white polos with bottle green scool logo and grey shorts, and the girls had to wear a green and white gingham summer dress. With either white knee socks or white ankle socks. We all hated the summer dresses as they zipped up and the boys would pull our zips down the moment the teacher’s back was turned! When you outgrew the summer dresses girls had to wear the school polo shirts too, though not with a pinifore as that could hide the school’s crest. This was when I discovered that the polos where warmer than the shirts! The next year, after seeing how much I hated the polos my mum bought me some ‘summer blouses’ white short sleeves revere collared blouses, which I loved and where much cooler, though I was sent to the headmaster’s office daily for the first month every year consequently as they where against the rules. My mum didn’t care though and after school each day she would march into the headmaster’s office and yell at him for yelling at me!It wasn’t just us kids who hated the uniform. It was the girl’s parents too. It was impossible to get bottle green skirts or pinifores in the likes of Tescos, Next, M ans S etc, so everyone bpught off the same supplier as the logoed stuff, but when you hit a certain age the only style of skirts available was tight straight skirts, a bit like pencil skirts but wothout the kick pleat or the slit. We all sat on the floor for assemblies and they forced us to sit crossed legged so all the boys could see right up our skirts!! I will point out the school made us wear white vests, crop tops, bras amd underwear too! Not fun when you where on your period and wearing a pad! I once got shouted at by a yeacher for wearing a light grey bra. I was the first one in my year to wear a bra and if I wore a white one it showed throgh my shirt so the boys would unhook or twang the back band or the straps! My mum realised that light grey didn’t show up under white shirts (my dad was in the police and routinely wore grey t shirts under his white shirts in the winter) so bought me a light grey bra. As all the girls changed for p.e. in the classroom with a teacher present (no male teachers at all in my school apart from the headmaster) so she noticed my grey bra and yelled at me!The green tights also presented a problem beyond a certian size as if you where tall and outgrew the supplier’s stock you where basically stuck in socks as no high schools in my city had green uniforms. We where lucky as we had a caravan in a seaside town 30 miles away and the nearest high school to that town had a green uniform so we stocked up when we where down there over the summer holidays. My mum actually ended up taking orders from some of the other mum’s for tights for their daughters. Same with skirts as the high school’s regulation green skirt was pleated so no underwear on show if you sat cross legged. The headmaster wasn’t too happy but the uniform list only said a “green skirt” and he couldn’t get the board of goveners to change it to a “green straight skirt beyond aged 8”, which was when the supplier’s aged for pleats finished.My mum was so relieved when I left! And my high school had an easier colour scheame (navy)That was until she realised that the only shop that sold the uniform charged £30 for a navy pleated skirt, £40 for a navy pullover with red and green stripes at the neck, £8 a pair for navy knee socks with red and green stripes at the top and £100 for a navy wool blazer! She nearly fainted the first time she bought it. We also had white shirts and a green tie with red, black and white stripes, could wear navy tights and had more freedom over shoe style, though trainers where still out, and an optional £30 navy, red and grern striped scarf. Needless to say the socks where for P.e days only (try pullling tights up sweaty legs!) And I was under instructions to only wear the blazer if a teacher told me to and as a coat. She was also less than impressed come summer when they charged £20 for navy blue and white stripe summer blouses. That was per blouse!The boys had the same shirt, tie, shoe guidelines and blazer as the girls and had to wear a grey pullover with red amd green at the neck, grey socks and grey trousers.The summer blouses did me 5 years until I hit sixth form, where the girl’s uniform changed yet again The same shirts but a different tie with the same design but with mini versions of the school’s crest embroidered on it. The summer blouse also became plain white. The skirt and pullover changed to grey and we had black tights instead of navy. The boys only had a different tie to purchase so there was no end of complaining from the girls at the unfairness of it since the boys coild reuse the pullovers and trousers from the previous year if they where still in good condition wheras the girls had to buy all new stuff.Then there was the P.e kit. In primary school we wore our own clothes bit for high school it was regulation red poloshirt with school crest, navy skort (what female tennis players wear) and a navy hoodie with school crest. We also had navy knee socks with red tops and could wear navy sports leggings instead of the skort. The boys had the same socks and hoodie but a navy polo and navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms. This cost a fortune again and we all had major issues with the leggings! They only came in adult sizes so those who still wore kids sizes ended up nearly getting frostbite wearing the skorts. Eventually one female p.e. teacher took pity on the girls who were too petite for the leggings and let them wear black leggings under the skorts, much to the irtitation of the male head of p.e. The skorts where also a nightmare. They were extremly brief and the shorts built into them kept riding up so if you bent over your underwear was on show. One time we all had skorts on as the plan was to do gymnastics and the teacher wouldn’t let us wear leggings for it. When we all got chandged we discovered that the teacher was off sick and due to a shortage of female p.e. teachers that day thanks to a hockey tournament we where to do gymnastics with the boys. None if us had brought leggings with us so needless to say we all point blank refused to partipate. When our head of year was sent to yell at us we all explained how indecent the skorts were and how we all felt unconfortable doing gymnastics with the boys leering at us (not to mentiom the older male PE teacher). We all expected to be yelled at but instead our head of year yelled at the head of p.e. and ended up sitting in the changing rooms with us chatting for the rest of the class as she had a free period!Yeah, I suppose you could say I’ve had it rough with school uniforms. Unfortumatly the new proposed bill that would ban the forcing of branded uniforms in the uk will not apply my old schools as I live in Nothern Ireland and such a bill here is a matter for devolved government.
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