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How do I find an internship?

Step 1: Know what you wantThe first step in answering the question “How do I find an internship?” is asking “What do I want to do?” Start looking at industries that you’re interested in and get a feel for what they’re looking for. Make a list of the industries you might want to work in, and then start listing potential internships in each one.Internships should be tailored to your interests, and your skills. If you’re majoring in accounting, you probably won’t be qualified for an engineering internship (I mean, I’ve been wrong before, but stay with me). The company should also offer the kinds of things you’re looking for in an internship. If working remotely or being able to access your personal social media at work are important factors, keep them in mind when making your list.You should also look at which cities you might want to try out or that you’ve always wanted to visit.Step 2: Prepare for the searchOnce you have a list of places to go and companies to work for, you’re going to need to gussy up that resume. “How do I get an internship?” “You make a great resume.” Take a look at an online resume guide or check out Pinterest to get some solid and creative ideas for how you want your resume to look. You’ve only got about fifteen seconds to grab a recruiter’s attention on paper, so do it right. Don’t have typos in your resume, and try not to let it get longer than a page. I know, you want to expound on all the things that make you a great person, but keep it short and sweet.Cover letters are also a very important piece of applying for an internship. Each application should be accompanied by a completely customized cover letter. Do not generalize and then send it out to a dozen different companies.Do some serious research on each company that you are going to contact (because you will be contacting them) and apply to. The best thing you can do to recommend yourself to a company is to be well-versed on what they do and how they do it. The more you know, the better you fit into the already established order of the company and the less they have to think about training you.Step 3: Make contact (Network. You have to network.)The best way for you to get an internship is to network, and to network intelligently and efficiently.Start with your school’s career center. Honestly, that is the best resource you have at your disposal. They might not have contacts at a particular company, but you might be able to break into an industry from there. Career centers often host mock interviews for practice, have resume and cover letter help, and networks and contacts of their own that you can tap into.If they can’t help you (or even if they can), your next step should be finding alumni from your school on LinkedIn who work at your preferred companies. Connect with them and explain briefly what you’re up to, ask if they have any tips, advice, etc.Also consider shooting out a Tweet or a Facebook status. “I want to get an internship at X company. Does anyone know somebody I can talk to?”Depending on a company’s internship program, you may be applying online. If this is the case, you need to identify the recruiter or internship coordinator, if at all possible. In the age of information, “To Whom it May Concern” is a thing of the past, and there are few excuses for not being able to directly address the person reading your application. Find them on LinkedIn or a company directory, or you can try calling the company.If the company you want to work for does not have an internship program, things get a little interesting. Find the contact information for the head of Human Resources (this can sometimes be accomplished with a simple phone call to the company). If you can provide value to a company and prove the merits of having an internship program, you can get an internship simply by creating your own. But this needs to be a well-thought-out presentation, with persistence and confidence.Step 4: Be PromptWhenever you make contact with someone at a company, assuming they’re interested in you, they’ll ask for your materials. This could be as simple as a resume and a cover letter, or it could extend to an entire portfolio of your creative works. Send in this information as soon as possible. Recruiters are busy people, and they appreciate someone who is on top of their game and who responds quickly and efficiently.Apply to open positions early so that you can follow up early and can demonstrate an eagerness to fill the role.Step 5: Follow UpSo you’ve applied, you’ve made contact. You need to follow up or all of that work will have been for nothing and you might end up not getting an internship. Send a succinct email reminding the recruiter who you are and mentioning your application. This should be sent about two weeks after you’ve sent in your application. Thank them for their time and consideration, and say that you really appreciated having the opportunity to land an internship with their company. Don’t ask when/if you’ll find out about the internship. They’ll contact you or they won’t, and bugging the recruiter for those details might make you sound like you’ve got multiple applications in the works (which, however true, is something you want to keep to yourself).Attending your college’s career fair can also be a form of follow-up, as you should have your application completed and sent in before you set foot on a job fair floor. If a company you applied to is attending the fair, definitely pay their booth a visit. Follow some career fair guidelines to make a (favorable) lasting impression and increase your chances of getting an internship.Step 6: InterviewsIf you’ve managed to land an interview, you’re halfway there. Yes, only halfway, maybe even only one-third, depending on how many rounds of interviews the company has.Phone Interviews:While this arms-length interview puts less pressure on your physical appearance, it is still a very important step in the process of landing that internship. The most important thing you should remember with a phone interview is to not interrupt. I mean it: be respectful and do not interrupt. Wait for an opening. Listen and respond to the questions. Keep your answers brief, and address the interviewer’s questions without launching an in-depth tale of your life story.In-Person Interviews:Obviously, you’ll need to dress the part, so know what kind of dress code is common for the industry you’re interviewing for is crucial (this goes back to all that research you did). Make sure your hand isn’t clammy when you shake the interviewer’s hand (wipe it on your pants first if you have to) and do NOT be the limp fish handshake. While many people recognize the folly of basing an interview on the initial handshake, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good firm handshake.Similar rules apply in-person as over the phone. Do not interrupt, answer questions as completely but as briefly as possible, and don’t talk yourself silly. But now there’s a physical element. Keep eye contact when listening to your interviewer. Do not fidget, it makes you look restless and impatient. Be friendly but not informal, even when interviewing in an informal workplace.And no matter what, always have questions for the interviewer, whether you’re talking on the phone or in person. Have at least two good questions to ask when the interviewer says “Do you have any questions?” If, at the end of the interview, the interviewer hasn’t asked you if you have any questions, ask them anyway.Step 7: Repeat.Don’t give up. Every rejection is a new opportunity to look for a new opportunity. And believe me, you’re not going to get every internship you apply for. You’re going to receive a lot of “Sorry, we’ve chosen someone else”s and even more opportunities will pass without a response at all. Don’t be discouraged. To get an internship, you have to be a special breed of persistent. You can do it.Source : How do I get an Internship?

Why don't companies call back after the interview?

Unfortunately this is commonplace however should not be. Here are some reasons that have been mentioned for the lack of response:You Didn't Follow UpDon't expect an employer to make the first move after you've interviewed. Following up after a job interview isn't an optional gesture; it's mandatory if you want to stay in the running for the position. Initiating communication after your interview, even if it's just an email to say thank-you and you're enthusiastic about the opportunity, separates you from another candidate who wasn't thoughtful about her follow-up.Your Contact Info Was Wrong or LostIt's a cover letter must to include your contact information, even though you already put it on your resume. Prepare for the possibility that your papers might get separated so the hiring manager isn't left without a way to contact you. Also, be sure to triple check your email address and phone number that you provide—there are few things more careless than providing incorrect contact information.They're Taking Their TimeIf your position is a newly created role the employer may not be in a rush to fill it; they'll want to see a range of applicants before selecting one. Pay attention to the date the position was first listed — if you applied soon after it was posted, the employer may be holding out on making a decision until the job has been open for a certain amount of time.They're on VacationIt's a frustrating truth, but hiring is affected by seasonality. Hiring managers take vacations just like everyone else, and your interview may have occurred right before that someone in charge (or the person she answers to) put on her out of office reply. A delayed response could be due to a peak vacay time at the company, a likely reason during Summer or near the holidays.Budget Hasn't Been FinalizedDepartments' budgets dictate how much they can pay new hires and whether or not adding personnel is possible. Companies announce budget changes at different times and can depend on outside financing if it's a start-up, so you may not be receiving a call because the department is waiting on its final numbers.There Aren't Enough Hours in the DayKeep in mind that your employment isn't the only thing the hiring manager has on her plate, not to mention there are several people involved in hiring decisions. If it's a particularly busy time in the industry then hiring could be a lower priority than usual.An Offer Has Already Been Extended ...... to someone else. If the position has already been offered to another candidate and is waiting for that person to accept the offer, they'll withhold from making contact with other applicants in the running. This process can take longer than you'd think — the preferred candidate could be on vacation or trying to negotiate salary. An employer won't let you know a position has been filled until it's been formalized.The Position No Longer ExistsShake-ups can occur that reorganize departments and eliminate the position you interviewed for. This kind of change can cause higher-ups to be distracted and they might not get around to announcing the news to candidates as soon as you'd hope.Here are some recommendations for what you should do if you have interviewed and have not heard back.Make sure that you have sent a thank you note to all participants in the interview. Since you have their contact information reach out to the person who scheduled your interview to confirm your interest and ask for a timeline on when you should expect to hear a final decision.If you have left messages and not heard back from one particular person. I would suggest sending a professional email to one of the more senior people on the interview team, express your interest and request feedback.If you continue to not hear anything and you have taken the necessary steps to close the communication loop move on. They are likely not in a position to make a hire at this time.If you are ready to move on and what to see what other positions match your skills and background, JOB SMARTER, with randrr. randrr | A smarter way to search for jobs and design your career.

If Nehru is not involved in the disappearance of Netaji then why is congress so nervous about declassification of files?

The outcome of declassifying Bose files is that India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, sought to arrange financial help for Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s wife and his daughter soon after Independence.Among the files released by the Narendra Modi government on Saturday is a series of official exchanges from 1952 and 1954 revealing the government’s attempts to support the family in Vienna.Nehru seeks the advice of Finance and External Affairs Ministry on June 12, 1952, to facilitate financial help for Subash Bose's widow in Vienna.On June 12, 1952, Nehru sought the opinion of the Finance and the External Affairs Ministries on whether financial help could be sent to Bose’s widow.“The lady in Vienna is the wife or rather the widow of Shri Subhas Chandra Bose and we should like to facilitate help being sent to her,” Nehru wrote.The Finance Ministry agreed to the proposal, and Netaji’s nephew Amiya Nath Bose was informed of the yet another recommendation for the daughter, Anita Bose, now Anita Pfaff, it was decided to set up a Trust — with Nehru and then West Bengal Chief Minister B.C. Roy as the trustees — with the amount to be transferred to her when she turned 21.In case of her death by then, this transfer would happen to her mother, and if both had died, to the Congress, as per a document dated April 15, 1954. Nehru confirmed the execution of “a trust deed in favour of Subhas Chandra Bose’s child in Vienna” in a letter on May 23, 1954. The deed was placed in the custody of the All India Congress Committee. As for the sum to be paid to Bose’s widow, the Finance and the External Affairs Ministries had suggested £100 to be sent for the ‘widow’ Frau Schenkl “through private channels, to our Vice-Consul at Vienna, who should disburse it…”. Pls note :- 100 pounds paid by Nehru personally in those days is worth Rs 10-15 crores in today's context).The declassified Netaji Files reveal how Prime Minister Nehru and chief minister Bidhan Chandra Roy took care of Subhas Chandra Bose’s family.Subhas Chandra Bose in Germany. Credit: Wikimedia CommonsBerlin, 1942 – six months after Adolf Hitler had assured Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose that he could travel to Japan, he was still stuck in Germany. Politically, it was a loss of time.The only advantage of the delay was a personal one – in November 1942, Emilie Schenkl gave birth to their daughter, Anita.But duty beckoned the warrior.On February 8, 1943, Bose bade them farewell and boarded a German U-180 boat. He would not see them again. So far, his marriage had been concealed, even from his family. But now, Bose dutifully left behind a letter, introducing his wife and daughter to his elder brother Sarat Chandra Bose – who was an outstanding leader in his own right, a leading figure in the Bengal Congress and member of the All India Congress Committee.The brothers had always been very close.With exquisite sensitivity, Bose wrote that this could be the last time anyone would hear from him. He wrote, “I have married and we have a daughter” and then earnestly requested, “In my absence, please give my wife and daughter the same love and affection with which you have always blessed me.”Two-and-half years later, towards the end of August 1945, Emelie was at home, in Vienna when the radio announced that Bose had been killed in a crash at Taipei. As she later recalled, the family sat in stunned silence.Then, she walked to the bedroom where little Anita lay asleep, “and I wept”.Emilie Schenkl and Anita BoseBut life had to go on and Emelie went back to work at the post-office. Post-war Vienna was a difficult place for the common citizen; she later remembered that there was “no milk for the baby for weeks” and the family had been effectively starving.Emelie did send the letter introducing herself to Sarat and in 1948, Sarat and the family traveled to Vienna and met the new members of their family.The ‘mysterious’ filesSeptember 2015 – the West Bengal government declassifies a set of files related to Netaji. While Netaji himself is scarcely mentioned in these files, there are reports that the intelligence agencies had spied on the Bose family in the 1950s and 1960s.The sensationalism adds fuel to the widely-held speculation that it was Jawaharlal Nehru who constantly conspired against Bose. As public curiosity mounted, on January 23, 2016, the prime minister declassified the (in)famous ‘Netaji Files’ – a set of about 100 files that have been tucked away for decades in the vaults of the prime minister’s office and the foreign ministry.The enthusiasts were ecstatic because it has long been believed, quite passionately, that the files contain clinching evidence that Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi got Bose killed and that is why the files were never made public.The conspiracy theories, however, find no support from the files; rather they corroborate what historians have concluded for decades. However, through the yellowed pages of letters, official notes and legal deeds – now digitised and available to all Indians – a remarkable little piece of history surfaced.It is a tale of warmth – a blend of official work and personal care, and it involves some of the finest of Indians.Emilie Schenkl with husband Subhas Chandra Bose.The file PMO 1956-71: 2(67)56-71-PM, Vol 1 contains a letter dated June 10, 1952. It was addressed to Prime Minister Nehru and was written by Amiya Nath Bose, Sarat’s son. In the letter, Amiya made a request:“I want to send, from time to time, small sums of money to my aunt in Vienna. If I proceed through the Reserve Bank of India and the Austrian National Bank, the latter may raise objections and create complications.I should therefore like to know if it can be arranged that I hand over the money to the foreign office in Calcutta and the vice-consul in Vienna passes on its equivalent in Austrian currency to her.”Two days later, Nehru wrote to relevant officers:“Will you please enquire from finance and from external affairs ministry if small sums of money can be sent this way? ….there should be no difficulty in external affairs dealing with this matter, as a rather special case…we should like to facilitate help being sent to her.”The ministries and the RBI agreed and soon Amiya was informed that such transactions could be started.Amiya’s request set forward a chain of events.It prompted Nehru to ask Asaf Ali, who was traveling to Vienna, to meet the widow and child of his long-lost comrade (or ‘opponent’ as many would believe). Ali responded that “the good lady was in no mood to be obliged by the government…however I shall try and see what I can do as you have desired to persuade her to accept some assistance from us, if not for herself, at least for the child.”There were ‘controversies’, given that some doubted Bose’s marriage.Nehru’s response was unambiguous, “So far as we are concerned we have acknowledged her to be Subhas’s wife and there the matter ends.”Schenkl had spoken to Ali about future assistance for her child. Nehru responded, “nobody can guarantee the future. What I wanted to do was to put some money at her disposal for the child. It need not be used till it is needed.”Giving Schenkl the final say in the matter, he added, “However if she is not agreeable to this, the matter may rest there. Meanwhile, I am prepared to send you £100 which can be given to her for the child from time to time through our Vienna office. This money will not be from official sources.It will be from the Congress.”As AICC president, Nehru followed up the case with other offices. He wrote, “I think we should arrange to send them £100 as a present at about Christmas time. This money could be sent from the INA fund with the AICC”.The senior bureaucrats followed the premier’s instructions. By October 1952, K.V. Ramaswamy, chief of the Indian legation in Vienna, had been officially informed to “hereby send a draft for £100 in your favour, on the Imperial Bank of India, London.It is the prime minister’s wish that this amount be kept outside official account and disbursed to Frau Schenkl in cash or in some shape of gifts under the direction of our minister in Berne.”And, Nehru went beyond the formalities of financial help. A touch of warmth is evident in a letter to the foreign secretary, dated August 15, 1952.He enquires, “Is it possible to send some tea to our representative in Vienna for Subhas Bose’s wife?”Subhas Chandra Bose (right) with Jawaharlal Nehru and Sarat Chandra Bose.The informal arrangement continued for a year, but by late 1953, Nehru had got the support of West Bengal’s iconic chief minister, Bidhan Chandra Roy, to make a trust that would provide “some money at her disposal for the child”.This was all the more necessary as Y.D. Gundevia, ambassador at Berne, had said that Schenkl was apprehensive. “She has, for some time past, been receiving a regular remittance of Rs 200 or 300 from the Bose family. She expects, for various reasons, that this is now going to stop,” he had said.Soon, Roy wrote to Schenkl explaining that the AICC had decided “to place a sum of money in trust for your daughter” and had designated the job to Nehru and him.He explained that a part of the accumulated sum of Rs 2 lakhs “equivalent to about 15,000 English Pounds” was from the profits of a film depicting the career of Netaji. He had also asked her to suggest some other people to be trustees. Roy and Bose had been close comrades in their early days, but the relationship had turned very bitter in the tumultuous months of 1939-40 when Bose had been banished and the power of the Bengal Congress had been handed over to Maulana Azad and Roy. Perhaps, Roy wondered what Schenkl thought of her husband’s friend-turned-adversary.He ended the letter with “I am sorry this is more or less a business letter but we are really keen on making some provision for the child.” Soon, he had got a legal document drafted and sent to Nehru for approval.Nehru’s response, as recorded in a letter dated March 14, 1954, is hilarious and relatable to this day.He wrote, “This is drafted in pompous legal language which I do not even understand at the first reading”. The prime minister was clear as regards the objective. “The money is there and we wish to safeguard till the girl attains a certain age” and “I do not see why the money should be kept with us after the girl has attained 21”.He told his officers, “I would prefer some simpler method.”By April that year, the law ministry had recommended simpler measures. In a series of correspondences which blend empathy with financial caution, Roy and Nehru decided, “the money should go to the mother in case Anita dies before she reaches the age of 21”.In case Schenkl also passed away the sum would revert back to the AICC which had given the money originally.Thus, on May 23, 1954, “(1) Jawaharlal Nehru, son of Motilal Nehru deceased, of Allahabad now residing in New Delhi; (2) Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, son of Prakash Chandra Roy deceased of No. 36, Wellington Street in the town of Calcutta’ declared that Rs 2 lakhs has been set apart by the Working Committee of the Indian National Congress out of the INA fund lying with the All India Congress Committee for the benefit of Anita Bose, daughter of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.”They declared “we shall hold the said sum…to invest it“ and “we shall pay and make over the income of the trust fund to Frau Schenkl, wife the said Netaji.” As decided, Anita would get control of the sum when she became an adult.Senior leaders Kailash Nath Katju (also grandfather of Justice Markandey Katju) and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai signed as witnesses.The news of the trust was received with joy. Sardar Shardul Singh, senior leader of Punjab and a long-term companion of Netaji responded, “May God bless you for this noble gesture”.And Bose’s wife /widow Schenkl expressed her gratitude to Nehru in her letters with the words, “It has, since a long time, been my earnest desire to meet you once and express my heartfelt thanks to you and through you to all those who, on your kind initiative, have taken so lively an interest in the welfare and fate of my daughter in the letter dated February 1, 1955, Schenkl also explained that her mother’s failing health had prevented her from accepting Nehru’s invitation for holidaying in India.She concluded with the joyous news that Anita was turning out to be a good student and that “she takes already the liveliest interest in everything connected with India and is classified by her teachers as ‘expert on Indian questions’.”Both Nehru and Roy kept themselves abreast with the transactions of the trust. In 1958, Nehru was alarmed to know that Anita had not received her payments for sometime and “was in some financial difficulties”. Roy was informed and he ensured that Netaji’s child, now 15, received the arrears. The support continued after the deaths of Roy (July 1962) and Nehru (May 1964). In July 1964, Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri was updated about the transactions of the Anita Bose Trust Fund and informed that the AICC had designated him and West Bengal chief minister Prafulla Chandra Sen as the trustees.Anita had been trying to visit India for sometime, but, as Nehru and Roy noted, there were problems with the family and obviously neither man would get themselves entangled in matters of the Bose household. But in November 1960, Anita did convey that she would be visiting “her fatherland” in December and that she was honoured that the prime minister Nehru had asked her to be his guest at New Delhi.Anita’s words indicate that she was in awe of Nehru, but the relation also seems to have been frank enough for the 18-year-old to ask the internationally-respected statesman, “whether I am to go to Delhi or Calcutta first? Would your Excellency decide this question according to your convenience?”Nehru’s reply was a caring one. He suggested it would be easier for Anita to fly to Delhi “as the airliners come here first” and added “whenever you come to Delhi, you will of course come and stay with me.” But he drew a line with the words “As for your programme in India, it is difficult for me to draw it up. Your family people should do so.” The press covered the visit – ‘Netaji’s daughter in Delhi’.It reported that Anita was received at the airport by Nehru’s niece Nayantara Sehgal and that ‘Mr Nehru received her affectionately at his residence’.A month later, the Daily Express, a London-based newspaper published a photo of Nehru receiving Anita and titled it ‘Quisling’s daughter meets Nehru’.When Nehru was asked, he replied, “It is not a very happy way of describing a person who is revered and considered so highly in his own country” which shows how much Nehru respected and admired Bose even after his death.Did Nehru have a sense of remorse that he had let Bose down when the Patel-Prasad-Pant wing had driven the latter out of the Congress? After all, for quite some time, Bose and Nehru – both left-leaning and staunchly secular leaders – had counted on each other’s support.Anita Bose with the rest of the Bose family still has high regards for Nehru. In an interview to hindustan times in 2016, she said that it is an insult to call her father 'Gumnami Baba' or a person who ran to Russia or the person whose living or dead. She also says that communal parties have started dividing India in the name of religion which het father would not have liked at all. She also says that stories circulating in media that S.C. Bose survived plane crash are totally baseless and useless. She also says that her father would have worked for India after independence and worked in collaboration with Gandhi and Nehru. She also mentions that he would have tried to work with INC to stabilize the country and could have been a possible PM after Nehru. My father would’ve been prominent alternative to Nehru: Bose’s daughterLetters from the 1930s reveal common academic interest with Bose asking Nehru for books and Nehru suggesting some rectifications in Bose’s The Indian Struggle. In 1937-38, Bose and Nehru had spearheaded the national planning committee and developed the blueprint that independent India would eventually follow.Did Nehru miss Bose’s critical support now that the new nation was being built along the guidelines that they had formulated? At the personal front too, there had been closeness between Nehru and Bose . While Nehru was in jail, Bose had escorted the ailing Kamala Nehru (wife of Jawaharlal Nehru) to the TB sanatorium in Switzerland. Bose had also been by Nehru side when his wife Kamala Nehru passed away in 1936. Was it the natural concern for the family of a fallen comrade, or the famous love for children by Chacha Nehru? We will never know for sure. Bose was a big fan of Nehru and Gandhi as well. Two of the largest brigades of the INA(Azad Hind Fauj) were named as Nehru Brigade and Gandhi brigade as a mark of respect and admiration he had in mind for both of them.But now thanks to the declassified files, the myth of Bose and Nehru’s permanent enmity has taken another round of beating. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this nation, in an interesting way, is grateful to the present prime minister Shri Narendra Modi for declassifying the Netaji Files.Edit in 2021:—S.C.Bose's daughter in an interview to a leading TV channel in January 2021 clearly stated the her father shared a modern, secular and progressive vision of India with Nehru, which is completely opposite of the regressive vision that is shared by Prime Minister Modi, BJP and RSS.Source :-Nehru arranged financial support for Netaji’s daughter and wifehttps://thewire.in/137206/netaji...Nehru Memorial and Museum library.

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