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PDF Editor FAQ

Is it true that teachers in elementary schools aren’t allowed to say Merry Christmas?

Aren’t allowed by who? By a school administration that is monitoring cameras in every classroom for infractions and will mete out punishment as soon as “Merry Christmas” is uttered?No. (Of course it’s possible there are administrators who are so militant that they would do something similar.)But, in the US, the government, which includes schools, can’t promote one religion over another. Which isn’t as crystal clearly militant as some want to be able to complain about.If a teacher says, “Merry Christmas” to one child she knows is Christian is that a government official promoting religion? What if she says it to a whole class that’s Christian? What if the class has some kids who aren’t Christian? What if it’s politely pointed out that not all the kids are Christian but she continues to say Merry Christmas?What if, instead, she’s Muslim and says, “Eid Mubarak” (“blessed eid (festival)”)? Or she’s Jewish and says, “l'shanah tovah tikatevu ve techatemu” ("may you be inscribed and sealed (in the Book of Life) for a good year")? What if the teacher says it not as sharing a bit of their culture, but refuses to offer a secular or Christian greeting when it’s pointed out that the greeting is religious?A school administrator is unlikely to punish a teacher for saying Merry Christmas. But administrators should make it clear to all teachers that if someone objects, it’s not up for negotiation. The teacher is not a free agent. They’re a representative of the government. A suit can be brought against the school for promoting a religion. If the teacher doesn’t like that aspect, they can get a job at a Christian school.But, really, it’s just polite. Any Christian who insists they have a right to express their Christianity regardless of whether the person they’re speaking to is Christian or not isn’t being very Christian.

What if the US had received the declaration of war by Japan in WWII, 30 minutes before they attacked Pearl Harbour?

Well! That's a different kettle of fish, one might say!! And what if the War Department (as the DOD, Department of Defence was then know as since George Washington and the newly independent American government was “setting up shop!”), had the means, telegraph or radio signal to ALERT Hawai’i’, Pearl Harbor and all the “people to be put on alert! FACT! Fact was Naval Intelligence and secret operations had been ‘cracking Japan Naval codes, Purple Code, as one was known at the time, but some needed information in the messages to all the “need to know” sites and the embassies, even in nazi Berlin, gave no hint as to where the supposed attack was to take place. And messages sent after the attack had begun, were not delivered right away, not like the systems We have today, encrypted email messaging or satellite cell phones, still with chances enemies like Russia, always trying to corrupt and compromise information! Might have a chance to respond to the very first Imperial Navy was seem on the approach! Facts! Still are in the history books, and not the Texass Revisionist School Book, depository of fake or revisionist news as seen on “rogue” FUXX NUZZ LIEZ! Awful lot of “strange what if inquiries/questions with “twisted faux facts on American Histor!” Seen better what if''s then some of these “InfoTMZwars” questions creating hoaxes, where “desplorables” don't want to know the facts, and real history, unedited as is the norm in Soviet Russia of yesterday and today! What if? Had people at Pearl Harbor, all military and civilian/personnel, had that moment, maybe Admire Yamamoto, would have called off the next waves of aircraft, or changed the attack plans, but he wasn't prepared to invasion of Oahu, and the other islands! As it's known, the Japanese was to knockout the base and repair facilities.... may be set Us back to the West Coast bases!, a whole lot of “what if’s!” Waiting.... again for that GRU Hacker in the Kremlin putting out the refuted lies against President Roosevelt ….knew!!! Only on FUXX NUZZ LIEZ and all the “little tiny fiends” in Moscow! “Tovah reisch, Komrad Vlad rasssPUTIN! Remember! Stalin made his deal, the ‘so-called Non-Aggression Pact with nazi Germany,” and ‘Gitler' double-delt him a blow, which took Stalin and CCCP(USSR) to recover from, and Stalin had many agents everywhere in Berlin, Tokyo, and Switzerland, but “Comrade Stalin” pretended not to know! Had Pearl Harbor had a warning of imminent attack on that base, it wouldn't have been a “SURPRIZE!”(SURPRISE)! “ DAH!

What are the arguments put forward by the State of Israel to justify what some call “settlements on occupied Palestinian land”?

By “settlements on occupied Palestinian land” it is presumed that the area of Judah and Samaria (otherwise known as "the West Bank," or the "Territories") is intended.These are all part of the Land of Israel.DEUTERONOMY11:12 It is a Land that the LORD your God seeks out; the eyes of the LORD your God, are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.AMOS 9:14 I will return the captivity of my people Israel, and they will rebuild desolate cities and settle them.The area of the State of Israel as internationally recognized is that which was acquired in 1948. Judah and Samaria were liberated by Israel in 1967. Between 1948 and 1967 Israel was under constant attack and international condemnation. This resulted in the 1967 War.To hear modern claims one would think that everything was just dandy before 1967 until Israel in a war of aggression grabbed Judah and Samaria from the Arabs and started planting Jews in them!This is not so!The so-called "Palestinians" and their backers never accepted the existence of Jews in the area of Israel before 1948 nor after it.They still do not accept it.Distinctions between lands settled before 1967 and after 1967 are SMOKE SCREENS to condemn Israel and to weaken her. It is part of the ceaseless struggle to do away with the Jewish populace in the area.Physically and traditionally there is no real difference between the areas ruled by Israel from 1948 to 1967 and those after 1967. If anything the Jewish Biblical Link to Judah and Samaria is EVEN STRONGER than that to the rest of the Land.JEREMIAH 7:4 You will yet plant vineyards in the mountains of Samaria.The State of Israel does settle Jews in Judah and Samaria. So it should.DEUTERONOMY 26:9 HE gave us this Land, a Land flowing with milk and honey.Getting back to the question,What are the arguments put forward by the State of Israel to justify what some call “settlements on occupied Palestinian land”?Most settlements are not made on land that is "Occupied." They are however constructed in regions mistakenly considered "Palestinian."I do not really keep abreast with what excuses the secular, conciliatory, Israeli Establishment may make. They need the tolerance, good will, and occasional cooperation of the USA, Germany and the EU, and some of the other Gentile Nations. This is the world we live in.Here and there however a few News items quoting Government pronouncements have come across my path.Justifications sometimes given for new settlements seem to include the following:1. Historical connection of the Jewish People to the Land.The Jewish People originated in this area as related in the Bible. This is what Scripture says and it is the the reason Jews are here now. Justifications for Jewish settlement in Judah and Samaria are the same as for the existence of Israel in general.In April, 2019, Danny Danon the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, spoke in defense of Israeli settlement throughout Israel:# ... Danny Danon defended the Jewish right to the Land of Israel, including the West Bank settlements,.Those rights rest on four pillars, Danon said, citing the bible, history, legality and the pursuit of international peace and security.God gave the land to the people of Israel in Genesis, when he made a covenant with Abraham, said Danon.He held up a copy of the Bible for all the ambassadors present to see and said, ‘This is our deed to our land.’‘From the book of Genesis; to the Jewish exodus from Egypt; to receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai; to the gates of Canaan; and to the realization of God’s covenant in the Holy Land of Israel; the Bible paints a consistent picture. The entire history of our people, and our connection to Eretz Yisrael, begins right here,’ Danon said.“Historically there was a Jewish kingdom on the land during Biblical times with Jerusalem as the capital with its Jewish Temple, that was built twice and destroyed twice… For two millennia, Jews across the world continued to pray three times every day for our long awaited return home to Zion and Jerusalem…”“In 1922, the mandate of the League of Nations not only stated its support for the establishment of a Jewish national home, it encouraged and facilitated the return of Jews in the diaspora to our homeland. It confirms, and I quote, ‘the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country,’” Danon said.He added that these documents were Zionist documents and showed that Zionism appeared in international law….. The 1948 armistice lines that marked the end of the Independence War, “were never considered international borders. They were simply lines designating the end of the first battle in the Arab war against Israel,” Danon said.“It was the Arabs who insisted that the armistice lines would not be permanent borders,” he added.And so on.See: Bible is Jewish deed to Land of Israel, settlement envoy tells UNSC “Even the Romans themselves admitted the land was ours," Danon said. BY TOVAH LAZAROFF2. Strategic need of settlement in certain areas for strategic reasons.Israeli is physically a small country. An invading force could in theory get from one end to another in an hour or so. Not only that but there are a lot of potential invading forces hanging around.Erdogan in Turkey keeps making threatening noises. So does Iran. So in the recent past HAVE ALL THE OTHER NATIONS ROUND ABOUT. More countries may also become a threat. Certain leading politicians in the west have raised the possibility of sending "peace-keeping" forces to the area to impose a solution and perhaps dissuade local Muslim fanatics from blowing themselves up.This means that geographical points on the map that facilitate access to, or control over, a surrounding area, have value. Settlements in place of, or as supplements to, military bases are vital for security reasons as well as due to demographic needs and Biblically derived ones.3. Relative emptiness of the area. Not that many Palestinians relatively speaking dwell in most places where Jewish settlements go up. In some areas there are hardly any Arabs there at all. As stated, Israel is a small land. Available Real Estate is limited. The population is increasing due to natural increase and immigration. Available housing is often prohibitively expensive. The Jews need to live somewhere. Our enemies, and sometimes even friends, may disagree with this but the alternative of swimming in the ocean as the Arabs boast of eventually causing us to do is not acceptable. Contingent plans do however exist to construct artificial islands along the coast. One might think we were in the Netherlands or something. Apart from the enormous expense such projects could involve they would also make us even more vulnerable to Turkish aggression than we already are. Jews have to live somewhere. Areas in Judah and Samaria are available.More Notes:4. Arab and European Opposition to Jewish Settlement and Existence.The Arabs and their foreign allies are against Jewish settlement in the Land and antagonistic to the existence of Jews anywhere. The claim that Israeli Jews are illegally occupying land not their own is no more than an excuse to give expression to hatred of the Jewish nation.5. Illicit Palestinian Occupation of Israelite Territory.The Palestinians throughout the West Bank and in Israel itself often squat on land which is NOT theirs and in some cases to which others have the title deed. A friend of mine legally bought land south of Jerusalem. An Arab clan who previously had had no connection to the area came and squatted in the area building houses on it. It took him 18 years to get the squatters off. He was lucky! Others were not. Nevertheless, according to Prophecy, the time will come.EZEKIEL 47: 14 This Land shall become yours as an inheritance.See: Bedouin Squatters Gone, Jewish Owner CelebratesArab squatters often use the Israel-Palestinian conflict as an excuse to expropriate areas that do not belong to them and never did. The Arabs are assisted by activists from Europe who lend physical assistance (including violence and harassment of Jews), legal aid, money, and diplomatic representation. Other nations would not tolerate such infringements of their sovereignty but Israel due to the sensitivity of its situation is obliged to do so.Within their own areas, an Arab who sells land to an Israeli Jew is liable to be put to death according to the Law in Jordan and in regions controlled by the Palestinian authority. This is the law among the Arabs and it is carried out in practice.According to a simple literal understanding of the Bible the Israelis would be better off vigorously encouraging the Palestinians to leave and settle elsewhere. The survival of the State of Israel may necessitate this. The choice may be between the Israeli Jews being massacred, possibly after first suffering a gradual weakening, and between facilitating the movement of Palestinians elsewhere. If necessary the Palestinians should be generously compensated for (NKJV) 33: 55 But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be irritants in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land where you dwell. 56 Moreover it shall be that I will do to you as I thought to do to them.’ ”See Also:69 Bible Verses Celebrating Israel

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