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Is Norway a racist country?
-Begin October, 2020 Update. At the end of the article I have included a list of right wing crimes in Scandinavia (in Norwegian).-Overview of Systemic Racism in NorwayRacism in Norway is a white person’s problem as we are the ones who support it. Angela Davis said “Its not enough to not be a racist in a racist society, we must be anti-racist”. I agree with that behavior needs to take place in Norway. Let me explain why Norway is systemically racist first :“Norway is an anti religious diverse society and anti people of color society. Most every time a white person commits a hate crime the question is quickly raised about their mental stability. The white ethnic majority is not vilified and treated as a monolith. White experts discuss the issue at length, people of color framed as experts are rarely brought into the conversation.Almost every time a person of color or muslim commits a crime the entire population that person affiliated with is blamed. That population is treated as a monolith and all are punished for the acts of one person in the court of public opinion. Rarely, are people of color or muslims given a forum to talk about the issue and being framed as experts. Most often its a bunch of white people talking about or to the minority in question.”Norway has embedded mechanisms that are negative towards the immigrant/refugee.Norway has long tried to place its own people in little boxes, this is not strange for a highly conformist country to do such a thing. For immigrants and refugees we are told to integrate however, the norm that many Norwegians are looking for is for us to assimilate. Lets define the terms first :Assimilation is generally defined as adopting the ways of another culture and fully becoming part of a different society. Whereas integration is typically defined as incorporating individuals from different groups into a society as equals. The difference is subtle but significant.So for example, when foreigners want to buy from shops designed for them, worship their native religion or ask that they their own retirement homes (even the Danes had their own retirement home in Oslo) this is met with resistance by many ethic Norwegians and the immigrants are attacked, as the media in Norway makes it a hobby of having overpaid mostly white men talk about people who they don’t represent. Most of the things the immigrants want are similar to the things Norwegians wanted when they immigrated to America. Please don’t bring edge cases of genital mutilation, honor killings, etc. to the table, that is not what I am talking about, of course that cannot be tolerated.Immigrant and Refugee BashingSomalis for example are often the target of immigrant bashing in the media. This is the same type of behavior as American politicians attacking welfare mothers. That is, lets pick on one of the most marginalized classes in society as to divert attention from what we are doing, as those we attack can’t fight back with the same firepower we launch at them. The same bashing is often directed at people of color and muslims.A Strange Combination of Free Speech and Hate Speech laws along with the perception of selective prosecution.Free speech in Norway allows for a lot of antics and provocation. Hate Crimes are under prosecuted, punishment is minimal, and resources against hate crime are underfunded. For example, the first police class being educated on hate crimes just graduated in 2019. Hate crime legislation is weak and does not offer the ability to sue those convicted for large civil penalties for violating a person’s civil rights such as in parts of the US.For example, Lars Thorsen, leader of SIAN (Stop the Islamization of Norway) has been convicted of hate crime speech. Even so he is allowed to go into neighborhoods with high Muslim populations such as Tøyen and Mortensrud in Oslo and do things such as burn Qurans and walk the line of hate speech.In many jurisdictions when someone is convicted of a crime they are not allowed to engage in the same behavior that caused the crime to be committed in the first place until they have gone through rehabilitation and then maybe even not then.A recent court case that went to the Norwegian Supreme Court was regarding rap artist Kamelen. He said “F*** the police” and his conviction was upheld. By laymen this is seen as a two tier justice system when weighing why SIAN is allowed to continue hating a a specific group while a person with an immigrant background can’t do the same towards police. In various jurisdictions in America it is legal to say F*** the police. In Germany, you can say F*** al the police but not say it to a particular police officer. Norwegian police overall are probably the most docile police force I can think of and also very well trained. As they represent the state and have a monopoly on legitimate violence through they should be open to take a great deal of criticism from the public based on their behavior.On the other side of the coin, hate speech or attacking classes that are already recognized as marginalized in the society needs further protection as they are underequipped to defend themselves as they lack equal representation in the media, as politicians, leaders in industry/unions/public sector. Likewise affirmative action is designed to help raise those minorities into positions of power so hopefully one day they will not need additional protections.The following article contains more statistics.Is racism a problem at the University of Oslo?The following article is one solution I offer to help combat racism in Norway.Does Norway need affirmative action for immigrants? - The Norwegian American-End October, 2020. I will place more updated at the top and at the bottom is a list of hate crimes in Scandinavia which is not comprehensive but its a start (its written in Norwegian).There is discrimination in Norway based on a person’s background. One example, The Sami still feed they are discriminated against (Sorry for the paywall), here are a few other links to reinforce the point of Norwegian discrimination against the Sami:Norway – The Colonial Power – PRIO BlogsThe EU's last indigenous peoples fight for self-determination and land rightsCampaign launched to highlight 'everyday racism' against Sami peopleHaving been familiar with Norway for over 20 years and having lived in its two largest cities and two different rural regions can say that racism and discrimination is not often visible on the surface, but does not exist far below the surface either.When speaking to many refugees, immigrants and Norwegians its pretty clear there is a big divide in the society and a great deal of foreigners and Norwegians who dont really fit in are excluded. This is, in part, due to Norway is one of the most conformist countries in the world. Read: Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study, Michele J. Gelfand, et. al.If I were to give Norway an unofficial national sport I would call it the exclusion game…its played like this:Lets see how homogeneous we can make our work, living or whatever else environment we exist in so that we can affirm how great we have it and never have to fear any real conflict or facing troubling and problematic realities. Would say this holds true for the majority of the middle and upper class working and living environments.The exclusion and dividing of Norwegians among themselves (Northern vs. Southern, Eastern vs. Western, Rural vs. Urban, Nynorsk vs. Bokmål) is outright fucking ridiculous in the big picture as it serves no useful purpose. As a Norweigan friend, told me long ago, “I come from a small town and we viewed the people who live on the hill across from the football pitch as a little weird”. I lived in Hallingdal, and its only 20,000 some odd people there, with 6 municipalities, but still people need to reinforce the people in one little village are different then those longer up the valley.Perhaps, some of the need to exclude to the level of minutia extends from Norway at one time having terrible transport infrastructure and therefore, the focus was around developing identity at the municipal level and federal level…that is, if the municipalities and regions are pitted against one another any unified uprising against the crown or the state is unlikely…this may have been something a professor said to me at the University of Bergen long ago.Have yet to meet any person of color here who has not felt discriminated against in some way, shape or form. If you find one please let me know, would like to meet them. These issues highly interest me as my children have names of civil rights leaders in them, its been a life long interest before coming to Norway. I would consider most (as a guess 80 percent) Norwegians burying their head in the sand on this issue as they are with many issues regarding the economic, societal and environmental sustainability of their society. If Nero fiddled while Rome burned, then way too many Norwegians are drinking Prosecco while others burn their oil.The Feminist Initiative party (link in Norwegian) has some reports that there is systematic discrimination in the job market against women with high levels of education whose roots are outside Norway. I have not seen those reports however, if anyone bothers to take a look at the boards of directors for the top 100 largest companies and 100 largest government organizations its pretty clear that the number of people with diverse backgrounds is severally under represented.The major problem with this is Norway is being run by a very narrow band of the population. The people running it do not represent me or my interests or the interests of many ethnic and gender minorities, and well…people who just dont fit in. Overall, there is a massive lack of infrastructure for the diverse range of opinions that exist in the society to be heard and then those with broad opinions given the resources to self actualize. In Norway, the lack of power sharing and the outcome of it is a form of de facto apartheid, if I am certain of anything I am certain of that.How am I qualified to make these judgments? Make it a point to engage outsiders here and see how their life is and how it can be made better. For example, when living in Hallingdal, started Hallingdal International Club to help immigrants and refugees better self actualize. Many felt isolated, the nickname for their asylum center was “the prison”, they had very little access to a path to self actualize or power, they and many others all over Norway are treated as a person with no voice, no right to change things around them, often they are treated as a sub-human. Its sickening, and to reiterate most of the mainstream are blind to it or choose to accept it because it causes them no pain. The same attitudes extend to Oslo and Bergen as well to a lessor, although still majority extent. Ask most Norwegians when they had someone over to their house who was from a different country or diverse background and its not that much I don’t think. At the end of the post are a few pictures from working with refugees and immigrants here in Norway.The only way discrimination will be eradicated here is when immigrants and progressive Norwegians band together to ensure that people from diverse backgrounds are able to garner enough power to push forth affirmative action legislation that mandates the leadership of society must be diverse. Lets put it this way, Norwegians have little respect for an outsider with a good idea that can improve things, why would they? Norwegians can afford to be complacent and maintain the status quo. In a society where the decisions are often highly politically influenced one of the few things Norwegians understand is power and therefore, the only way out of the mess that Norway is for people that dont fit the mainstream identity is to organize and take their fair share of the power.EDIT: Due to a few comments its important to give some extra context.The Norwegianization of the indigenous people went on to the 1980’s! In the 1950’s during census Sami people were classified by the majority in the same category as the insane or mentally disabled. Norway for quite some time was a homogeneous nation that was formed under a romantic nationalism out of the ashes of being under unions for several hundred years and then occupied by Germany…all that pressure is good grounds for why the culture is tight and not loose, conformist and not independent, and is quick to exclude those who do not conform.In the Norwegian constitution from 1814, Jews were banned from living in the Kingdom of Norway and this was not overturned until 1851.The highest legal document of the land read:§ 2. The evangelical-Lutheran religion remains the State's public religion. Those inhabitants who profess to it, are obliged to raise their children in the same. Jesuits and monastic orders may not be tolerated. Jews remain excluded from admission to the kingdom.There was great fear after Jews were allowed into the kingdom Jews would overun Norway however, by 1870 only about 25 Jews came to Norway. Of the Norwegians that died in concentration camps during World War II over half were Jewish. The Norwegian government after World War II refused to repatriate deported Jews, claiming they were no longer citizens.Norway has a long and dirty history with minorities, whether its the small pensioners, the merchant marine sailors who were not recognized as veterans, the deep water divers, or the refugees of today being deported against UN warnings. Norway currently has in government a bunch of nutty right wing politicians who play on Norwegian fears, and the average voter who has always craved security and predictability is easily convinced to fear the unknown and the outsider because there is a wall in this society between people that don’t fit in and do. The challenge is Norway needs to engage the world to solve the after oil question and its doing a piss poor job of doing that.Its exactly like one of my favorite Norwegians said, Thor Heyerdahl said “Borders I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people.” Norwegian society, as a cultural engineering project, spends a lot of time creating and reinforcing those invisible borders.-Begin partial right wing extremist crime list in Scandinavia.En ikke oppdatert liste:Tidslinje over vold utført av høyreekstreme i Skandinavia1977 Oktober bokhandel sprengt av høyreekstremister i Norge.1979 Bombe mot 1. mai-toget i Norge.1981 To drap i de såkalte Hadelandsdrapene i Norge.1983 Homoseksuell mann utsatt for tortur og drept av to nynazister i Sverige.1984 Inntrang seg inn på Sovjetunionens ambassade med krav at Rudolf Hess blir frigitt. Sverige.1985 Flere antirasister mottar brevbomber fra Nordiska Rikspartiet.1985 Homoseksuell mann mishandles grovt av fire nynazister i Sverige.1985 Bombe mot Nor-Moskeen i Norge.1985 Brannattentat mot RFSL i Sverige.1985 Homoseksuell jødisk mann tortureres til døde av nynazister i Sverige.1986 En kvinne blir drept og en mann skades alvorlig av nynazist i Sverige.1986 Ronny Landin mishandles til døde av en gruppe nynazister i Sverige.1986 Brannattentat mot RFSL i Sverige.1987 To perser mishandles og urineres på av fem nynazister i Sverige.1989 FMI-aktivister planla bombeattentat mot asylmottak i Norge.1989 Bombeangrep mot Blitz-huset i Norge.1990 En turist fra Marocco blir drept av høyreekstremister i Sverige.1990 En homoseksuell mann drept med kniv av nynazister i Sverige.1990 – 1991 117 attentat inkl. 50 brannattentat mot asylmotak i Sverige.1991 Bankran utført av VAM i Sverige.1991 Bombeangrep mot RFSL i Sverige.1991 Homoseksuell flyktning blir drept av tre nynazister i Sverige.1991 Våpenstøld (28 pistoler) på politistasjon, utført av VAM i Sverige.1991 – 1992 "Lasermannen" utfør et drap og ni drapsforsøk på i Sverige.1992 En mann blir drept av to nynazister i Sverige.1992 RFSLs kontor blir angrepet av nazister og flere mishandles i Sverige.1992 Mann drept av brevbombe sendt av nynazister i Danmark.1992 Nazist fra Sverige tilslutter seg HVO og begår drap og grove krigsforbrytelser i Bosnia.1992 Bankran utført av nynazister i Sverige.1993 En mann blir drept av to nynazister i Sverige.1993 Brannattentat mot Moské i Sverige.1993 Tre nazister har med håndgranat i 1.mai-toget i Sverige.1994 – 1998 Flere skyteepisoder mot antifascister i Norge.1994 En mann blir drept med kniv av en nynazist i Sverige.1994 Bombeangrep mot Blitz-huset1994 Brevbomb mot venstreaktivist i Sverige.1994 Bombetrussel mot Vänsterpartiet i Sverige.1995 SD oppfordrer til angrep på homoseksuell komiker over radio i Sverige.1995 RFSL-demonstrasjon angrepet av nynazister i Sverige.1995 Bankran, en nazist med i ransligaen, i Sverige.1995 Bombeangrep mot Blitz-huset i Norge.1995 RFSLs lokaler blir utsatt for angrep av nynazister i Sverige.1995 Homofobt motivert drap utført av nynazist i Sverige.1995 Knivdrap utført av nynazist i Sverige.1995 En homoseksuell mann drept med kniv av en nynazist i Sverige.1995 En 14-åring mishandles til døde av en gruppe nynazister i Sverige.1995 En flyktning blir drept av nynazist i Sverige.1996 Brevbomb skader en innvandrerlærere i Sverige.1996 Homoseksuell mann mishandles av nynazister i Sverige.1996 Brevbombe skader innvandrere i Sverige.1996 Brevbombe adressert en innvandrer eksploderer på postkontor i Sverige.1996 Brevbombe mot politiker i Sverige.1996 Mann knivhuggen i ryggen av nazister i Sverige.1996 En innvandrer drept av nynazist i Sverige.1997 Brannattentat mot tidligere statsminister i Sverige.1997 RFSL blir angrepet av nynazister med slagvåpen og en mishandles grovt i Sverige.1997 – 1998 RFSLs lokaler angripes gjentatte ganger av nynazister.1997 En homoseksuell mann blir drept av nynazister i Sverige.1997 En homoseksuell mann blir drept av en nynazist i Sverige.1997 Bombe på skole under Holocaustforelesning i Sverige.1997 Tre brevbomber blir sendt til England av nynazist i Danmark.1997 Politimann skutt av nynazist i Danmark.1998 Bombetrussel mot Vänsterpartiets valgmøte i Sverige.1998 Våpenstøld (automatvåpen) utført av nazister på militærleir i Sverige.1998 En nynazist skutt av en annen nynazist i Norge.1998 En kvinne skutt av norsk nynazist.1999 To politimenn blir drept etter bankran i de såkalte Malexanderdrapene i Sverige.1999 En bilbombe sprenger bilen til to journalister og skader begge i Sverige.1999 En gruppe kommunister blir overfalt og mishandlet av tyrkiske fascister i Sverige.1999 Drapet på syndikalisten Björn Södergren i Sverige.1999 Grov mishandel med antisemittisk motiv i Sverige.2000 Antirasist oppsøkt hjemme og knivstukket av nazist i Norge.2000 Bankran utført av en nynazist i Norge.2000 Innvandrer blir drept av nynazist i Sverige.2000 En mann drept av en nynazist i Sverige.2001 Drapet på Benjamin Hermansen i Norge.2003 En mann blir drept og syv skades av høyreekstremist i Sverige.2003 Grov mishanedel og angrep på Pride-tog, utført NDU i Sverige.2003 Ran mot verditransport utført av to nynazister i Norge.2003 – 2010 "Lasermannen II" utfør to drap og åtte drapsforsøk.2004 Mann blir skutt i hjel av en person med bakgrunn fra NRP i Sverige.2004 Mann drept av sin nynazistiske tidligere venn i Sverige.2005 Homofobt drap av 15-åring i Sverige.2006 En mann mishandles grovt og krenks av tre nynazister i Sverige.2007 En mann blir drept av to nynazister i Sverige.2007 Vold mot politi utført av nazister i Danmark.2008 Kvinne og datter drept av Nationaldemokrat i Sverige.2008 Brannattentat mot moské i Sverige.2008 Brannbomb mot moské i Sverige.2008 Innvandrer skutt og drept i Norge.2008 En ung mann blir drept av to rasister.2008 Tre personer skades under brannattentat mot syndikalistisk familie i Sverige.And so on….2008 Brannattenat mot venstreaktivistisk kulturhus i Sverige.2009 Antirasist mishandles grovt av nynazister i Danmark2010 Grov mishandel på antirasist utført av DNF i Danmark.2010 Tre innvandrerbarn mishandles og asylbolig angrepet i Danmark.2010 En serie med overfall på antirasister i Danmark.2010 Skyteepisode med høyreekstremister på begge sider i Danmark.2011 Ulovlig våpeninnehav og bombemateriale hos nynazist i Danmark.2011 Indisk familie angrepet av nazister i Danmark.2011 Terrorangrep med 77 døde i Norge.2012 En mann drept av tre nynazister i Sverige.2012 Antirasistisk møte overfalt av nynazister i Sverige.2012 En mann utsatt for rasistisk vold i Danmark2012 Politimann skutt av høyreekstremist i Danmark.2012 Mishandel utført av nazister i Danmark.2012 To personer blir mishandlet av nynazister i Danmark.2012 En mann mishandles av leder i DDL i Danmark.2013 Nynazister angriper antirasistisk demo i Sverige.2013 En antirasist mishandles av nynazist i Danmark.2013 Aktivist fra Blitz knivstukket av nazister i Norge.2013 Mann mishandles av flere nazister i Danmark.2014 Drapsforsøk på flere feminister i Sverige.2014 Nazist fra Sverige kriger i Ukraina.2014 Nazist fra Norge kriger i Ukraina.2014 Mer enn 13 brannattentater mot moskéer i Sverige.2014 – 2015 76 angrep på romfolk i Sverige.2015 "Sverdnazisten" dreper tre personer i Sverige.2015 Tre drapsforsøk med kniv på romfolk i Sverige.2015 Mer enn 40 brannattentater mot asylmottak og asylboenden i Sverige.2015 En mann mishandles av norsk og engelsk nynazist i Norge.2015 500 kg dynamitt påtreffes hos nynazist i Sverige.2016 14 nynazister med kniver, økser og slagvåpen arrestert utenfor asylbolig i Sverige.2016 Kurdisk aktivist blir skutt av tykisk fascist i Sverige
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