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Can you narrate your UPSC journey?

I answered following set of questions for a magazine.This will cover a lot many questions on my upsc journey.QuestionnaireCivil Services Examination 2018Medium of writing Exam...........English........Medium for Interview..............English........1. Why career in civil service: I come from a rural background and had seen problems of people from vary close quarters. I had seen limitations and shortcomings in rural areas, so always had a desire to contribute to society through a big platform like civil services. Also,In my college (IIT-Dhanbad) I got involved in KARTAVYA, a student initiative to teach underprivileged children living in slum areas near the campus. All these experiences strengthened my faith to join civil services and contribute to the welfare of society, especially weaker and marginalised sections.2. Anything special that contributed in your success.: I had developed habit of self dependency during the preparation of IIT-JEE itself. This helped me in CSE preparation also. As I was a working aspirant I couldn’t join classroom coaching but my habit of “doing it by yourself” helped me in covering syllabus through self study.3. Keeping in mind unpredictable nature of this examination how one should prepare?: There are 4 key mantras to clear CSE: 1. Understand syllabus 2. Keep your resources minimum and study as per syllabus 3. Revision 4. Answer writing practice. It is true that unpredictability is there in exam but by following these steps we can reduce the unpredictability up-to a great extent. Ultimately it is 80% handwork and 20% luck that goes into final selection. So our focus should be on controlling the “ controllables “ rather than worrying about what is beyond our control.4. How important selection of optional subject is and role it can play in final result: Optional becomes a crucial factor as poor optional choice can be the difference between getting selected and being out of list. So choose optional as per your interest and after doing thorough analysis. A score of 300+ in optional is a must these days for having a good rank in final list.5. How you look at General Studies and approach towards each paper: General studies (GS) is becoming more and more analytical these days. The preparation has to be tuned accordingly. GS-1 which has relatively much static content compared to GS-2 & GS-3 still needs answer writing practice from an analytical approach. A test series along with toppers copy review can be a good way to start. Also, please understand the syllabus thoroughly and prepare each topic in 360 degree manner. Answer writing practice (AWP) and Revision must be continuous throughout preparation.For GS2 special focus on constitutional articles, supreme court judgements, bills etc should be given and these should be duly mentioned in answers. For GS-3 which is the most dynamic paper of all GS paper, focus should be on Indian economy and latest developments. Economic survey, Budget documents, NITI special reports can be utilised for marks enhancement. For GS-4 focus should be on writing answers in your own language and this should be supported by good examples which shows your understating of ground realities.6. Essay Preparation & Topics you picked: Essay preparation needs focus on introduction, body and conclusion, especially the introduction and conclusion should be well thought of and should be engaging in nature. Personal anecdotes or a story used to be my preferred way of starting an essay. One should work on collecting some useful quotes and anecdotes. The preparation of broad topics like women related issues, education, health, human development, poverty, digital revolution, AI etc can be done well in advance. This will provide fodder material for writing a good essay. One should also focus on practicing some philosophical essays as at least one essay will have to be written on such topics. In CSE-2018 I wrote essay on these topics: 1.Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. 2. Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life.7. Interview Board, Date of Interview and Questions asked (Attach Interview Transcript, if made): Date of Interview: 28th March 2019, Interview board: Smita Nagraj ma’am.8. What role Essay & Interview marks played in your success. Was your final score near your expectations? : I got 127 in essay. Given this year’s essay scores it can be considered as a decent score. I was expecting essay marks to be in between 135-140. In interview I was expecting a decent marks given my interview went well. I got 182 this year which is my highest interview scores in all UPSC attempts (I have given three CSE interviews in 5 attempts). A decent essay score and a good interview marks helped me in getting a good rank finally.9. Brief about family & their contribution: My father is a farmer, my mother is a homemaker and my elder brother is a station master in Indian Railways. My family has immense contribution in my success. My father always motivated me, especially when I faced failures. He always spoke in a comforting tone making me believe ki “Thik hai, koi na, is baar nahi to agli baar sahi”. He will keep bringing various stories to keep me motivated. My mother always had greatest faith in me. She will pray to God a lot for my selection. Ultimately God helped me in the end. :) A supportive family and a positive environment at home helped me in reaching my dream.10. From where got the right advice on preparation plan: Unfortunately I didn’t have right guidance in first two attempts. I explored all these aspects myself.I went through various toppers blog, got active on few websites, formed a close peer group on telegram. All this happened in a gradual manner. By 3rd attempt I was much aware and had a greater understanding of what I need to read and how I need to read.11. What contributed the most in getting top ranks in this attempt: A decent performance across all papers and a good interview score. In previous attempts I was missing selection by few marks only.12. Anything specific that can motivate future aspirants: UPSC journey is full of unpredictability. There will be moments of failures at various stages. What is important is protecting yourself in all such moments. I say this because I know how difficult it is to not see your name in the pdf, either after pre, after mains or after interview. In those dark moments be a little kinder to yourself. Look in the mirror, look at the person looking in the mirror, feel a little proud of the journey you have taken so far, sacrifices made so far. Give that person a pat on the back, and smile a little bit. “Not today” as Syrio Forel told Arya Stark, you tell yourself the same thing…” Not today”. Today is not the day you let your guards down. Be the finest warrior you are. Be the best on those days. It's a game of mental strength. You need to become that person, same way Arya stark becomes the sharpest warrior through years of pain and training.Success will be there eventually with such an attitude13. Secret of Success: DCP strategy: Dedication & Discipline, Consistency and perseverance. Being a working aspirant I had to show utmost level of discipline in time management and always be dedicated to CSE preparation. There were ups and downs but I did ensure a consistency in my preparation despite having a challenging work environment. Ultimately this exam is also a test of your mental strength and a lot of perseverance is needed to keep going through different failures.14. Optional Subject: Public Administration15. No. of Attempts :516. If not your first attempt, how you visualize your previous attempts: In first two attempts I was still trying to understand the demand of the exam.Managing preparation along with a full time job was challenging and lack of proper guidance did lead to some misdirected efforts. In next three attempts I was able to reach interview stage and was finally selected in my 5th attempt. There were few areas which needed improvement and one can only learn from one’s failures. However I am also glad that I was able to withstand all the pressure that comes with repeated failures. It ultimately made me a more stronger person and gave me a chance of self-discovery.17. Any Previous Selections: None18. Book List (If available)19. Credit for your success - who deserves the most... My parents and my big brother20. In the end most important question: Is crossing Preliminary Examination really a challenge as some candidates say it is pure luck: It is true that prelims has become very challenging these years. The nature of question is such that it demands an in-depth study of various issues. Now UPSC is checking the analytical abilities of candidates at prelims level also. Given these dynamic changes aspirants need to tune their preparation accordingly. Unpredictability is definitely there but we can only control the controllable. So one should focus on preparing as per the changing demand of the papers,Also please send 3-4 Photographs (preferably a family photo also) along with summary of DAF and mark-sheet.At Sankalp Felicitation, New DelhiAt Constitutional Club, New Delhi during Bihar Pratibha Samman function.My mark sheet.

What should I teach to students of Indian slum areas, during the phase of transition from high-school (12th) graduates to earning individuals?

How to be an Autodidact (or how to teach yourself anything and make money doing it)To me this should be a course in itself at every school. This is essentially teaching a passion for knowledge and self learning as the root of any educational exercise. It addresses the fact that this is what we are doing already anyway and how to do it more effectively.While studying computers and office software is necessary in this day and age it is such a small factor and doesn't cover everyone (not everyone's lifelong passions are in the tech industry). In addition to these basic and mandatory skills learning how to structure a personal curriculum and put in place self imposed rewards and restrictions to accomplish the students learning goals are far more important. With public access to the internet becoming more prolific anyone can learn anything for free...the problem is most don't know how to research or give themselves proper rewards/restrictions for their own goal setting. This leads me to entrepreneurship as a functional method of teaching the autodidactic method in a real world sense.The best way to learn something is by researching and then actually doing it, thus gaining practical experience often contrary to the learned research, or more efficient than the learned research. Three more key benefits of this are.1. There's inherent incentive...profit.2. It creates real value out of education for the community.3. It shows real world application and forces students to get out of the classroom into the real world to test their hypothesis.With these two skills, how to teach oneself, and how to make money (and then how to run a proper business). A students own motivation or imagination are their only limits. Now the question will you inspire them?Some inspirational links:Ludwick Marishane: A bath without water | Video on TED.comThe 27 Principles to Teaching Yourself Anything (aka The Self-Guided Education Manifesto + PDF download)Business Model Generation - Canvas

I want to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Which books changed your life (personal development, business, travel, biographies)?

This is just the beginning of the list of books that I have read that have affected me in some way, books that no matter when I read them, I still think about today.Tunnel Through the Air or Looking Back from 1940 by W.D. Gann - Written by the man who gleaned his stock market knowledge from the Bible. He tells us how he did it, and introduces such concepts as the ‘square of nine’ and ‘time is money’ to know when to buy and sell. He pursued a fantasy lover who he talks to during the book. He was also an inventor and came up with some pretty incredible ideas, and predicted some prophecies for the United States regarding future warfare.Case for the UFO by Morris and Carlos Allende - The Varo Edition is the marked-up version and can be downloaded as a pdf. Presents some very strange ideas from back in the 1940’s regarding UFOs, future space travel and odd natural phenomena.Elixir: Cancer Has Been Beaten by Patrick a Pipoli - Wow! This is the story of what would happen if a cure for cancer were found (maybe it has been). A secret society decided it would have too big an impact on big pharma and the population and decides to destroy it and its discoverer, until one of its member’s loved ones comes down with it. If any book made me think until this day, it was this one.Dr Mary’s Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald by Edward T. Haslam and Jim Marrs - Fascinating true account linking the JFK assassination, government testing of the public and the polio vaccination, cover ups, secret laboratories, biological research using monkeys, and AIDS. This book blew my mind.Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith - I’m not usually a reader of zombie fiction but this was such a clever story I couldn’t put it down.Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant by Daniel Tammet - This was a short non-fiction account of Daniel’s world. He describes how he sees numbers as colors and how he turns them into patterns in order to memorize them. He is able to learn any language and tells us how he does it.The Colony, the Harrowing True Story of the Exiles of Molokai by John Tayman. This is the true story of the leper colony that was established on the Hawaiian island of Molokai, from its beginning until its end in 1969.Eola Gay: The Bombing of Hiroshima by Gordon Thomas. This is the story of the development of the atom bomb in WWII and an account of the soul searching the people grappled with during the project.Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynmann by Richard P. Feynman and Ralph Leighton. Richard Feynman was an incredible person who could talk about anything and make it utterly interesting. He was mentioned in the Enola Gay book, and he found out what brought down the shuttle Challenger. In this book he explores such fascinating things as ants, bricks, and safe cracking!Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav. I read it a long, long time ago and don’t remember why I liked it so much, so I am going to have to find it again and read it again.Under a Green Sky by Peter Ward. This is a different theory of global climate change and what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, all backed by undisputable proof and research. Could very well be happening again.Malevil by Robert Merle. Of all the end of the world books this one impressed me the most. This was not the typical end of the world novel, as this one was more about the regrouping of society. Just when everything was getting back together such an ironic thing happened.The Seventh Power by James Mills. This was a very powerful story about some street kids that wanted to build an atomic bomb. They had the brains to do it and the knowledge to get the materials. Scary.The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth am I Here For? by Rick Warren. A nice spiritual book that I return to when I need some spiritual uplifting.Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. A fantastic epic novel about Lin, who with a fake passport, escaped prison in Australia, and went to Bombay, India. He figured it was crowded enough there where he could live in the slum and not be found. He got involved with the people there and had quite an adventure. Although it’s a novel, it blends in with the real.Calculating God by Robert J Sawyer. Very provocative and sometimes funny story about 5 mass extinctions that take place in different universes. The aliens that populate them realize that the extinctions took place at the same time and they decide to get together on Earth to discuss them. A paleontologist sets it up and is shocked to find out that there is life on other planets and the aliens say this proves that God exists. They want to find out why God did what he did. The paleontologists grapples with his own beliefs.The Bible: Interesting read for believers and non-believers alike. Although the scriptures were written by different people at different times, they are all in harmony and all the numbers in the Bible are harmonic numbers. This is a great book of wisdom and for believers, the best book there is.The Book of 5 Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. Good advice for dealing with an enemy, how to handle a conflict by creating confusion.Thank You For Arguing by Jay Heinrichs. Great book that turns arguing into an art, and will help you to win each one.Rising Plague: the Global Threat From Deadly Bacteria And Our Dwindling Arsenal to Fight Them by Brad Spellberg, MD. The chilling reality of how our antibiotics are becoming ineffective as bacteria becomes stronger and more resistant, and the fact that new antibiotics are not being developed.

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