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Is there any natural cures for haemorrhoid & spurs?

The overwhelming, number one reason that hemorrhoids appear is due to strain during the process of having a bowel movement. This strain may be due to constipation or diarrhea. Additional contributors to the formation of internal and bleeding and externally present hemorrhoids are:Prolonged sitting, including on the toiletlack of exerciselow fiber dietobesitypregnancycolon cancersliver diseaseinflammatory bowel diseaseanal intercoursespinal cord injuryThankfully, there are many ways to address constipation and diarrhea, along with most of the other contributors to the presence of hemorrhoids, that are natural cures.Changes to the diet that increase fiber along with fruits and vegetables will go a long way toward creating a healthy gut.[1] But rethinking the overall environment of a gut that promotes a healthy intestinal wall free of leaks and small cracks, where abundant colonies of the estimated 100 trillion bacteria that make up a healthy microbiome is formed by many, many different types of bacteria all residing there, plus plenty of additional beneficial species of bacteria that transit through the intestine along with transiting and digesting food. Once a new lattice of the microbiome is achieved, a real transformation takes place that should allow for those hemorrhoids to become a distant memory. Once the transformation of the gut begins to happen it, the healthy environment is predisposed to experience: proper nutritional absorption while decreasing the uptake of toxins, improved immune function, balance within the digestion process, discouraged cancer and immune-triggered inflammation are all possible when a committed effort is made to clear up those hemorrhoids in a fully natural fashion.[2]Whenever human beings have been on antibiotic treatment possibly a number of times as a child, or just a few times during adult life, or if someone has HIV, the likelihood of that person to also have a healthy and flourishing digestive tract is pretty much non-existent. The microbiota that exist in the human gut are not invincible and antibiotic intake will lay ruin to structure in place. I’m a person that fits those three conditions listed above, plus I have a congenital condition which resulted in nerve damage from an improperly formed neural tube during gestation that occurred during around the 28–30 day of my mother’s pregnancy (women of childbearing age should heed the warnings about B Vitamins and pregnancy). And then, living life compounded my troubles. I coped with life’s stressors by binging on processed sugar since childhood, along with alcohol as a young adulthood and into my late 30’s. While all of that is true in the list of definite troublemakers for the gut, I’ve saved the best for last. My most favorite beverage of all recorded time; caffe latte or in a pinch coffee. More precisely, the problem created by over-consumption of caffeine products. Even with all of the possible detractors in place, like those in my gut, and the environment that I subjected upon my intestinal tract, it is possible to turn it around and it doesn’t take too much work at all. Focusing attention to the most natural balance of probiotic flora brings about a positive and lasting change that is definitely nature, absoultely and effective cure over hemorrhoid expression.[3]First, grab a drink and kick back. Start with Kombucha. “huh?” Indeed, I heard that sound directly follow the muttering that went on as most everyone struggled to pronounce the name of this drink. It’s pretty easily pronounced: ‘kahm-boo-cha’. Kombucha is taking the US by storm. It is a fermented, lightly effervescent, lightly sweetened black or green tea drink. It is can look nearly identical to “sun tea” that’s made by placing tea bags in a jar of water to be left out in the daylight to brew. In the supermarket, while traveling up and down the aisles, start checking out the smaller sized refrigerated section or refrigerated cases that have popped up at the end of the aisles. There are many, many different flavor concoctions of the tea that is Kombucha. In the 80’s and 90’s there were all those fizzy waters with flavors. Popular with the “Yuppies” and the recovering alcoholic who had the need to be out, to be with others and to hang in one of the neighborhood ow we have tea fermented, lightly fizzy and flavored with fruits like orange or mango or cranberry, pomegranate, lemonade or peach and then maybe ginger root or vanilla. Or, it can be pretty much unadulterated by the fruit and the taste is more earthy. Think, a slightly fizzy iced tea without so much sweetener. This beverage is full of beneficial bacteria that will be really excited for a new home in someone’s body.[4] But first, it will jazz-up that liver.[5] Here’s the warning for everyone new to the ‘detox’ craze. ‘Detox’ is basically a word used in public places that’s conveying information to the listener instead of coming out with it, as I would by saying:“My liver was so excited and producing a crazy amount of bile and making such a ruckus. There is nothing left clinging to the inside of my small intestine or my large intestine or the various component parts of my colon. Clean as a whistle. Wow, do I feel lighter now.”So go easy on the Kombucha during the first week or maybe even two weeks. Drink about 8oz on the first day. Then Wait. I said, “Wait” you will be glad that you listened to me. Then, after probably two days pass, on day number three, drink another 8oz. And Wait again. One full day passes, and then on the second day, drink another 8oz. And Wait again. One full day passes, and now it is probably fine to drink the whole bottle. Use of Kombucha is not a recommend therapeutic treatment and there have been some reported cases of possible liver damage, but these concerns did not stop me.[6] Regardless of the detractors, I still don’t think I would consume large quantities over 8oz. per day nor on back to back days without giving the body enought time for the digestive tract to send out those ‘all clear down here’ signals.Speaking of signals, just a few moments about inflammation. Most of us think about inflammation from the aspect of a skin condition that is swollen like a pimple and red and angry or when an ankle is twisted or finger jammed and the thing is the size of a grapefruit. These are definitely inflammation and the swollen and fiery appearance is the signal caused by the inflammation. Without the presence of inflammation, we would miss the fact that something is out of bounds and not the way it is supposed to be. It may also be true that in addition to the appearance, we won’t be able to stand on that swollen ankle or hold a pen in our hand with the jammed finger that won’t bend. Because of the massive size, and tender sensations that are signaling to us that this thing is inflamed. The point here is that “inflammation”, although does have some very important biological functions for assisting our body, it is basically a signal to tell other parts of our body that there is somethin’ goin’ on down here.When the physicians, scientists and researchers in medicine speak about inflammation, they are more interested in the sequence of events that occur, than they are in the results of those events. To these people in the medical profession, inflammation is all about the signals. They have figured out that a cell in distress or danger or peril, sends out a chemical signal to it’s neighbor cell. And also when in distress or danger or peril, one of the chemicals emitted by that cell is histamine. Everyone with any type of rhinitis or upper respiratory allergy knows about histamine. When we come in contact with that animal or dusty box from storage or the freshly cut fields of Kentucky Blue Grass, histamine is the thing that causes our eyes to water and itch, our sinuses to plug up, our throat to feel all scratchy and a typical set of signals to inform our brain that we are in distress and we need to remove ourselves from that environment.Now frankly, we aren’t really in distress if it weren’t for the response that came about to the environmental condition. When did cut grass ever put your body into physical danger? Food and drug allergies are more severe in the response they illicit, but the same cellular conditions and signals to release a set of chemicals is at the heart of all of these allergic reactions. It is an excessive response to something that isn’t going to harm us one iota, if it weren’t for the physical changes that occur because those chemicals are present.It is the body’s reaction to chemicals released by different cells that cause physical changes. This is their function; to signal to other cells the presence of their specific allergen. Those chemicals by the way include a whole big laundry list of different things that their very presence is dependent upon what compound/s the cells are subjected to. Some cells such as lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, can release a large number of cytokines. Specifically, two of these lymphokines (cytokines that are made by lymphocytes); interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma, effect cellular immunity by stimulating the activity of monocytes and macrophages. These lymphokines are signal chemicals and simply because of their presence, they are passing information along to specific cells immune system cells that are components within the immune response. Those immune cells are the troops being called into action, to go rushing toward the trouble area. The lymphokines call out for specific types of troops, monocytes and macrophages, and tell those cells where to go to fight the problem.With this understanding, we can all imagine two scenarios that are the chain of events that occur when a B-lymphocyte is floating around the body’s lymphatic system and comes in contact with a particular antigen, or antagonist, like a viral pathogen that can produce disease. That B-lymphocyte’s function is to recognize the presence of a disease-causing invader, study that invader and create a unique protein package that the B-lymphocyte begins manufacturing and releasing into the body. The protein package is called an antibody and it has the sole purpose of bonding to more of these same pathogens. In the first scenario, our B-lymphocyte crosses paths with bacteria that when it is lodged in the lung, causes pneumonia. The B-lymphocyte recognizes the this as an invader and a pathogen and begins to study the surface of the bacteria to locate unique patterns. Those patterns are how antibodies of the future will recognize this pneumonia causing bacteria as their unique pathogen and will lie in wait inside the memory of a B-lymphocyte memory cell. It will be there for the pathogen’s next appearance. Other B-lymphocytes with change into plasma cells and begin the process of creating the antibody proteins that can bind to the pathogen. It takes about two weeks or more before a sufficient number of antibodies are circulating within the body and the body has the ability to mount a response to those pathogens. When that antibody performs it’s job and sticks it’s signal flag onto the pathogen, that pathogen becomes recognizable by other lymphocytes that will kill it, or engulf it, so it may now be collected for removal. Collection occurs through filtration of the lymphatic fluid which is performed by lymph nodes that are located extensively throughout the human body. These nodes are the trash collectors filtering out waste materials of all types of deceased pathogens, dead cells, cancerous cells and cellular waste all separated from the lymph which is then returned to the blood to travel again through the process. While the lymph node is collecting these different components as waste, it will stretch larger in size and becomes inflamed. Inflammation is recognized by the enlarged size and indicates they are working overtime to get the trash sent out.In scenario two, the B-lymphocyte makes a mistake. Instead of recognizing the presence of a new pathogen, the lymphocyte studies the surface of a Penicillium fungi that it encounters and identifies as pathogenic. With more than three hundred Penicillium fungal species living in in our environment, most are harmless to the functions of a human body. Some are used to make the penicillin antibiotic, some are used to make cheese such as Penicillium candidum. But the lymphocyte has changed into both memory cells for later identification and antibody creation and plasma cells who immediately begin making antibodies that are going to recognize the Penicillium fungi that is present within the human body for this first immune response. Over roughly two weeks time, there are enough of the circulating protein antibodies generated and loose to where the initial acute immune response occurs. This is when the flagging of Penicillium fungi for removal is in full swing. In short order all of the Penicillium candidum have been tagged and are nearly all filtered from the lymph. Any amount of time may have passed since the wasted effort was mounted against Penicillium candidum and then the day occurs where a streptococcal pharyngitis bacteria is swallowed and lodges itself in the tissues of the throat. This host is naive of prior encounter with this pathogen, it is not recognized by the B-lymphocytes which then begin mapping and studying the pathogen before changing into memory cells lying in wait for when the antigen appears in the future and others become plasma cells that manufacture antibodies to mount the initial acute immune response. That two weeks time passes while the infection of streptococcal pharyngitis flourishes in this new environment before the immune response would be enough to rid the host of this infection. Before that occurs, the host recognizes illness with a throat infection and seeks assistance from a doctor. The physician accurately prescribes a 10 day course of penicillin antibiotic. But one glitch. Those B-lymphocytes that became memory cells to recognize Penicillium candidum inaccurately identify the penicillin antibiotic as an invading pathogen and trigger the release of Penicillium candidum-indentifying antibodies. This is a problem and the host of these cells and the streptococcal pharyngitis will experience an allergic reaction to the penicillin antibiotic. Sometimes these types of reactions can be fatal when medical care can not begin immediately. Now the host has B-lymphocyte memory cells that react to a fungii that is harmless, and they also react to an antibiotic medication. This medication is necessary to fight an advancing streptococcal pharyngitis infection and support the quality of life for the host. The lymph nodes will be working to filter the dead cells and waste products for removal from the body. The host’s immune system was tricked into mounting this effort and a negative return on investment of immune response is realized through the continued inflammation of the lymph nodes. Nodes that simply do not have capacity. There are wastes from the streptococcal pharyngitis to be properly filtered plus the byproducts from an allergic reaction to penicillin and any other normal levels of waste removal occurring from the process of life that are cleared by the lymph. When added together, this causes this lymphatic system to work overtime and weary from removing unnecessary filtered wastes, by products and dead cells.Science believes that there is another repercussion brought about from inflammation. And having just read about unnecessary inflammation which is beyond human control, we understand that there will be repercussions in response to a losing effort, as well as repercussion attributed to the positive efforts that restore balance to the host systems.The gut is a very special part of all animals and in the case of human beings, science is telling us that the gut is residential housing for 70 - 80% of the immune system cellular function, while protecting the body from the intrusion of harmful entities such as toxins and bacteria that may enter the digestive system with food. [7] If the lining of the intestine is not robust and in healthy condition, thereby allowing the intrusion of toxins and bacteria, persistent autoimmune or auto-inflammatory diseases may occur.Gut microbiota interacts with innate and adaptive immune system, playing a pivotal role in maintenance and disruption of gut immune quiescence. A cross talk between the mucosal immune system and endogenous microflora favors a mutual growth, survival and inflammatory control of the intestinal ecosystem. Based on these evidences, probiotics can be used as an ecological therapy in the treatment of immune diseases.[8]Thus far, and I realize that there has been a lot of information on how the immune system functionality occurs, we began with a little bit of detoxification to the liver and digestive tract . Now let’s talk about what needs to be done to rebuild it a good amount of healthy flora lining the epithelial layer of the intestinal tract which will insulate from infiltration of toxins and bacteria that will negatively impact the immune system.It is important, probably the most important and most overlooked of all the possibilities; water. Human bodies need a MINIMUM of 64 oz. of water intake every day. Try to give youself even more if possible.Study shows that Saccharomyces boulardii and, to a lesser degree Saccharomyces cerevisiae,a probiotic medicinal yeast is able to create a favorable growth environment for the beneficial intestinal microbiota, while constituting extra protection to the host mucus layer and mucosa…..Several human studies as well as animal models demonstrate that treatment with Saccharomyces boulardii in dysbiosis leads to the faster re-establishment of a healthy microbiome.[9]Dysbiosis is the hypothetical state in which there exists an overgrowth of the more troublesome strains of bacteria living on the lining of the intestinal tract. A negative impact of intestinal gut health is a result of numerous factors that may be present alone, or in combination. They are: Antibiotic use, modern diet, peristalsis dysfunction, physical stress, radiation.These yeasts and bacteria of the microbiome are living organisms that require a source of nutrients that fits their needs. Normal human dietary intake is lacking the non-digestible foods that are key to confer positive microflora changes and the health aspects that they may accrue. There are three dietary carbohydrates known to support the microflora: fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), galacto-oligosaccharides , lactulose. More recently introduced into the supplement market is (Malto) Mannan Oligosaccharide. FOS is inexpensive and readily available and promotes bifidobacteria to become numerically dominant in feces.[10] Frequently found as an additive to probiotic bacterial capsule supplements, and sold as a stand alone supplement. FOS is available over the counter pretty much anyywhere you find vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids on the shelf for retail sale. There are also high quality products available online. It is a good idea to get into the habit of ingesting FOS at the same interval as the probiotic bacterial strains and the Saccharomyces boulardii yeastAt the beginning of this essay we went back a few steps to the beginning state by instigating a clean/fresh start, that was followed with an understanding of immunity and how our leaky gut will confer inflammation. While there we discovered a method that allows us to plug the minor cracks in the intestinal wall and reconstruct the a dense and epithelium, while establishing a bed of beneficial yeast for a healthy microbiome to flourish. By augmenting the Saccharomyces boulardii that will already be living in the mucosa and layers on the epithelial cells that have a large number of signal molecules ready at their disposal to release in the case of different types of attack.The final building block to this healthy gut is the addition of healthy probiotic strains. This is a massive building block because the estimates are that we have, don’t faint, between 20,000 and 30,000 different strains, or variations, of microbes that make up the gut. Ideally they also need to colonize the epithelial layer of the intestinal wall and we need to continually supplement for adequate supplies of the different strains of microbiota that follow along with the transit of food through the digestive process. Since this rebuilding of the gut process is like starting from scratch, using a clean slate, it made sense to first go to the strains of bacteria that an infant would need to process mother’s breast milk. The most basic of basic probiotics are those that make up the FlorAid® proprietary blend: Lactocacillus fermentum, Lactobicillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium infantis. These should be consumed daily, according the instructions listed on the packaging, and do so for at least 90 days. I use an infant formula that is a powder and was manufactured by Swanson Vitamins. One scoop shaken into a glass of orange juice every morning before breakfast.Regulary consume yogurts which have Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus both types of bacteria will fully transit through to feces [11] and also look into adding a dairy based kefirs that has Lactobacilus plantarum [12] . These two dairy products contain the transient microflora that we need all the time and requires replenishing. I try to consume a yogurt or a 6–8oz glass of kefir every day.After the first month of the FlorAid® proprietary blend, begin to add on some more the lesser known microbiota. There are a number of 8-strain and 10-strain proprietary blends on the market that include: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivarious, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum, Streptococcus thermophilus and FOS, all in one capsule.I’ve moved all the way up to using a 25-strain variety with 30billion organisms per capsule. That is in addition to the FlorAid® blend and the Saccharomyces boulardii-MOS and also added FOS.If you continue to have slow transit that can be attributed to “Chronic Idiopathic Constipation” (constipation at least 25% of the time) and is similar to symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS-C), there may be physiological barriers that are worth exploring with a gastroenterologist. This is also true when Opioids are used in pain management, this particular type of constipation is called “Chronic Opioid-Induced Constipation” where the intestine function is reduced from that of a normal gut. We get this reaction to the Oxycodone or Fentanyl patch or as in my case a contributing factor is the opioid bonding to the mu-receptors that are present in the intestinal tract. There are a number of pharmaceutical products on the market and I didn’t care for those very much. But I have been taking a pharmaceutical to increase the amount of fluid in the gut and that has helped some.. But there is a more natural approach to stimulating transit and there is mobility in the horizontal portion. First, start with a eating a handful of raw almonds every day. They are really delicious and healthy. They add oil and fiber, protein and bulk. They help me, they may also help you. Try them for 2 weeks and see if that is any assistance. If all of those things have delivered, then stick with what works for you. And, if you’re continuing It might be time to start using the tried and true ‘old folks’ laxative, Senna. Made directly from a plant, all natural Senna is a fairly gentle way a person can stimulate the vagus nerve, and can have an effect on the parasympathetic control of the digestive tract.Good luck in your effort to put an end to the hemorrhoid trouble and Cheers to achieving the healthy microflora you need for a that chronically difficult digestive tract. Yes, this is a lengthy essay about a long standing and difficult “life changing” process. You can do it. It only takes persistence. All the tools are just as close as the local supermarket, drugstore or health food shop. Plus, online there are great deals to be had on superior products over the grocery and drugstore brands. There is no law regarding efficacy or purity that applies to herbal and dietary supplements in the U.S. Take your time in choosing reputable and long established vendors to insure your success. If you need a recommendation for where to go online or some brands to look for, drop me a note and I’ll do my best to find what you’re looking for.Be Well and Go Gently,BRFFootnotes[1] Guidelines for the treatment of hemorrhoids (short report).[2] Irritable bowel syndrome and chronic gastritis, hemorrhoid, urolithiasis.[3] Related Articles by Review for PubMed (Select 25380801)[4] Current evidence on physiological activity and expected health effects of kombucha fermented beverage.[5] Hepatoprotective effects of kombucha tea: identification of functional strains and quantification of functional components.[6] Kombucha: a systematic review of the clinical evidence.[7] Nutrient tasting and signaling mechanisms in the gut. II. The intestine as a sensory organ: neural, endocrine, and immune responses.[8] The role of intestinal microbiota and the immune system.[9] Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 supports regeneration of the intestinal microbiota after diarrheic dysbiosis - a review.[10] Dietary modulation of the human gut microflora using prebiotics.[11][12] Microbiological, technological and therapeutic properties of kefir: a natural probiotic beverage.

When the cold gets to your joints, causes quite a bit of pain, and you have taken pain killers but they are not really helping, what else can you do to ease the pain?

This happens to me a lot and here is what I do.Soak in a warm bath with Epsom Salt. I like to use Dr Teal's Therapeutic Solutions Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution or some of the others with peppermint. Remember, if your pain is caused by inflammation than heat can make that worse. Sometimes ice packs on painful joints or a tepid bath help more than heat. I learned this from my doctor and Rheumatologist.Use a lidocaine patch where you have the most pain. I like to use Icy Hot Advanced Relief Pain Relief Patches The downside is that you can only use one at a time.Use Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patches for the other areas of pain. Sometimes I put them on the backs of my hands and on my ankles. I usually have them on my shoulders and hips daily.I also take Extra Strength Excedrin and Aleeve Artitis Gel Capsules for pain. I take one of each twice a day.Avoid stress at all costs. Tell your family you can´t deal with certain things right now. I have a code word I use with my family - chill. When I say I have to stay chill right now they know what I mean. I am fortunate that my children are not young so this will be more difficult for mothers of young children.Make sure you get your rest. Being tired will increase your pain.Find something to focus on, not something too hard or complicated but something you can do with minimal concentration. I crochet or do easy Sudoku puzzles. When I am in a lot of pain I can´t do much but I will crochet a washcloth with a simple stitch just too keep my mind on something besides the pain. Easy Sudoku or other games or puzzles work the same way. I also use the app, Word Crossy, on my phone. Just find something to work on.Dress comfortably in soft clothing. Some other people I know that also have chronic pain feel better bundled up and warm. I am at the age where I get hot flashes though so I don´t want to be too hot. You have probably noticed that you have flare ups with certain weather changes. I have found it is when the atmospheric pressure drops. When the pressure is up it helps hold our tender tissue in and when the pressure is low our tender tissues are left loose and gravity pulls it down causing pain. I find some relief from wearing snug clothing with stretch like spandex leggings. I have had the best luck with leggings from Torrid. Their leggings and Foxi cami tops feel really comfortable and the fabric has good stretch, is thicker than some and soft on the skin. I only wish they had spandex tops with sleeves. I am going to invest in some athletic tops made out of spandex.Find someone to talk to who understands what you are dealing with. This can be very difficult. I found friends who also have Fibromyalgia on The social network for those living with fibromyalgia. | MyFibroTeam There is also a site for people with Psoriatic Arthritis Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Support Online | Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Social Network - MyPsoriasisTeam For those with RA there is this group. Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Online | Rheumatoid Arthritis Social Network - myRAteam If you have something different just do a search online for your condition plus the phrase ¨support group.¨Last but not least, keep positive. Keep books or quotes handy to lift your spirits when needed. Music can also help.

What kind of cosmetic product is Just Herbs?

Atinaman herbal skin krafting studio products and Solutions:wow great ! Actually, Herbal cosmetics are formulated, using different cosmetic ingredients to form the base in which one or more herbal ingredients are used to cure various skin ailments. ... Herbal cosmetics are the products in which herbs are used in crude or extract form .The word cosmetic was derived from the Greek word “kosm tikos” meaning having the power, arrange, skill in decorating. The origin of cosmetics forms a continuous narrative throughout the history of man as they developed. The man in prehistoric times 3000 BC used colours for decoration to attract the animals that he wished to hunt and also the man survived attack from the enemy by colouring his skin and adorned his body for protection to provoke fear in an enemy (whether man or animal). The origin of cosmetics were associated with hunting, fighting, religion and superstition and later associated with medicine .The term Cosmeceuticals was first used by Raymond Reed founding member of US Society of Cosmetics Chemist in 1961. He actually used the word to brief the active and science based cosmetics. The above term was further used by Dr. Albert Kligman in the year 1984 to refer the substances that have both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits . Cosmeceuticals are cosmetic pharma-ceutical hybrids intended to enhance health and beauty through ingredients that influence the skin's biological texture and function .The only factor they had to rely on was the knowledge of nature compiled in the Ayurveda. The science of Ayurveda had utilized many herbs and floras to make cosmetics for beautification and protection from external affects. The natural content in the botanicals does not cause any side effects on the human body; instead enrich the body with nutrients and other useful minerals. The cosmetics, according to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act is defined as articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed on, introduced into or otherwise applied to the human body or any part for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance. The cosmetic does not come under the preview of drug license . There is common belief that chemical based cosmetics are harmful to the skin and an increased awareness among consumers for herbal products triggered the demand for natural products and natural extracts in cosmetics preparations. The increased demand for the natural product has created new avenues in cosmeceutical market. The Drug and Cosmetics Act specify that herbs and essential oils used in cosmetics must not claim to penetrate beyond the surface layers of the skin nor should have any therapeutic effect .Herbal cosmetics, here in after referred as products, are formulated, using various permissible cosmetic ingredients to form the base in which one or more herbal ingredients are used to provide defined cosmetic benefits only, shall be called as “Herbal Cosmetics” . The history of the herbal cosmetics industry includes very dark chapters in European and Western countries from about six centuries back. Mixtures and pastes were then used to whiten the face, a practice which remained popular till over four hundred years later. The early mixtures that were used in Europe for this purpose were so potent that they often led to paralysis, strokes or death. In that era, the history of herbal cosmetics in the 1940s shows how the fashion or trend with respect to lipstick colours was changed annually, getting darker and closer to red every passing year .There is an extensive variety of the herbal cosmetics that are produced and commonly used for daily purposes. Herbal cosmetics like herbal conditioner, herbal soaps, herbal face wash, herbal shampoo, and many more are exceptionally acclaimed by the masses. The best thing of the herbal cosmetics is that it is purely made by the herbs and shrubs. The natural content in the herbs does not have any reactions on the human body; rather enhance the body with, supplements and other helpful minerals. Herbal cosmetics are comprised of floras like saffron (kesar), ashwagandha, sandal (chandan) and numerous increasingly that is expanded with healthy nutrients and all the various essential components. It is evaluated that roughly 400 flavours are utilized far and wide, although only about 70 spices are officially recognized. Herbs have variety of function such as food flavourings, cosmetics and medicine in the forms of tea, tablet, capsule, tincture, cream, syrup and liquid.In some countries herbal medicines may contain, by tradition, natural organic or inorganic active ingredients that are not of plant origin (e.g. animal and mineral materials).Herbs include crude plant material, such as leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds, stems, wood, bark, roots, rhizomes or other plant parts, which may be entire, fragmented or powdered.Herbal materials include, in addition to herbs, fresh juices, gums, fixed oils, essential oils, resins and dry powders of herbs. In some countries, these materials may be processed by various local procedures, such as steaming, roasting or stir-baking with honey, alcoholic beverages or other materials.Herbal preparations are the basis for finished herbal, products and may include comminute or powdered herbal materials, or extracts, tinctures and fatty oils of herbal materials. They are produced by extraction, fractionation, purification, concentration, or other physical or biological processes. They also include preparations made by steeping or heating herbal materials in alcoholic beverages and/or honey, or in other materials.Finished herbal products consist of herbal preparations made from one or more herbs. If more than one herb is used, the term “mixture herbal product” can also be used. Finished herbal products and mixture herbal products may contain excipients in addition to the active ingredients.However, finished products or mixture herbal products to which chemically defined active substances have been added, including synthetic compounds and/or isolated constituents from herbal materials, are not considered to be herbal.Present Status: Herbalists today, believe to help people build their good health with the help of natural sources. Herbs are considered to be food rather than medicine because they're complete, all-natural and pure, as nature intended. When herbs are taken, the body starts to get cleansed, it gets purifying itself. Unlike chemically synthesized, highly concentrated drugs that may produce many side effects, herbs can effectively realign the body's defence. Herbs do not produce instant cures, but rather offer a way to put the body inpropertune with nature for thousands of years, humans have used herbs. Herbs have been used in the following ways - In cooking for flavouring foods, as perfumes, as disinfectants, to protect us against germs, as medicines to heal when we are sick .Synthetic cosmetics, Following are some of the advantages of using natural cosmetics which make them a better choice over the synthetic ones:Natural Products: The name itself suggests that herbal cosmetics are natural and free from all the harmful synthetic chemicals which otherwise may prove to be toxic to the skin. Instead of traditional synthetic products different plant parts and plant extracts are used in these products, e.g. Aloe vera gel and coconut oil. They also consist of natural nutrients like Vitamin E that keeps skin healthy, glowing and beautiful. For example, Aloe vera is a herbal plant species belonging to Liliaceae family and is naturally and easily available. There are a rising number of consumers concerned about ingredients such as synthetic chemicals, mineral oils who demand more natural products with traceable and more natural ingredients, free from harmful chemicals and with an emphasis on the properties of botanicals .Safe to Use: Compared to other beauty products, natural cosmetics are safe to use. They are hypo-allergenic and tested and proven by dermatologists to be safe to use anytime, anywhere. Since they are made of natural ingredients, people don’t have to worry about getting skin rashes or experience skin itchiness. Example - BHA (Butylated Hydroxy-anisole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) are closely related synthetic antioxidants and are used as preservatives in lipsticks and moisturizers 15. BHA and BHT can induce allergic reactions in the skin . The international Agency for Research on Cancer classifies BHA as a possible human carcinogen . Herbal cosmetics contain natural antioxidants like Vitamin C.Natural cosmetics are suitable for all skin types. No matter if you are dark or fair, you will find natural cosmetics like foundation, eye shadow, and lipstick which are appropriate irrespective of your skin tone. Women with oily or sensitive skin can also use them and never have to worry about degrading their skin condition.Coal tar derived colours are used extensively in cosmetics; coal tar is recognized as a human carcinogen and the main concern with individual coal tar a colour (whether produced from coal tar or synthetically) is they can cause cancer . But natural colours that are obtained from herbs are safer.Wide Selection to choose From: Natural cosmetics may still be a new type in the beauty industry but they already offer a variety of beauty products for all make up crazy people out there to choose from. One will find a variety of foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, blush, mascara, concealer and many more which are all naturally formulated. Furthermore, one will find locally made natural cosmetics or those made by famous designers worldwide. There exist a large variety of herbal extracts, to name a few Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh), Asparagus racemosus (Shatawari), Boswellia serrata (Salai Guggal), Asphalt (Shilajit) etc according to experts ways…!Some products meet the definitions of both cosmetics and drugs. This may happen when a product has more than one intended uses. For example, a shampoo is a cosmetic because its intended use is to clean the hair. An anti-dandruff shampoo is a drug because its intended use is to treat dandruff. Among the cosmetic/drug combinations are toothpastes that contain fluoride, deodorants that are antiperspirants and moisturizers with sun-protection claims. The claims made about drugs are subject to detailed analysis by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review and approval process, but cosmetics are not subject to mandatory FDA review. Although there is no legal category called cosmeceuticals, the term has found application to designate the products at the border line between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act do not recognize the term itself. It is also often difficult for consumers to determine whether ‘claims’ about the actions or efficiency of cosmeceuticals are valid unless the product has been approved by the FDA or equivalent agency. Some countries have the classes of products that fall between the two categories of cosmetics and drugs: for example, Japan has ‘Quasi-drugs’; Thailand has ‘controlled cosmetics’ and Hong Kong has ‘cosmetic-type drugs’. The regulations of cosmeceuticals have not been harmonized between the USA, European, Asian and other countries.According To Ancient Indian Extracts for Herbal Cosmetics: the experts say more about it , Herbs play a significant role, especially in modem aimes, when the damaging effects of food processing and overmedication have assumed alarming proportions. They are now being increasingly cosmetics, foods and teas, as well as alternative medicines. The growing interest in herbs is a part of the movement towards change in life-styles. This movement is based on the belief that the plants have a vast potential for their use as a curative medicine.Aloe vera: is a most ingenious mixture of an antibiotic, an astringent coagulating agent, a pain inhibitor and a growth stimulator (also called a "wound hormone"), whose function is to accelerate the healing of injured surfaces. It is used for pain relief and healing of 'hemorrhoids, applied externally and internally it’s also used for sunburn, scratch and a cleansing purge for the body or skin. It is an aid to growing new tissue and alleviating the advance of skin cancer caused by the sun .Amla (Embilica officinalis): Amla is the name given to the fruit of a small leafy tree (Emblica officinalis), which grows throughout India and bears an edible fruit. This fruit is highly prized both for its high Vitamin C content and for the precious oil, which is extracted from its seeds and pulp and used as a treatment for hair and scalp problems. It is used in eye syndromes, hair loss and children ailments etc .Brahmi (Bacopa monnoria): Reetha powder is prepared from dried fruit of Reetha. It can be used as a face pack to improve facial complexion. It is used as a hair application to make hair shiny and their beautification. It also removes dandruff and lice in hair. It can also be used to clean jewellery and washing woolen clothes. It is used in Ayurvedic preparations and Herbal Shampoos.Multani Mitts (Fullers Earth): It is Mother Nature's own baby powder. Clay was one of the earliest substances to be used as a beauty mask to draw oils from the skin, natural moisturizers for hairs, teeth, gums and hair. To remove pimple marks, treating sunburn, helps unclog pores, to cleanse the skin of flakes and dirt.Neem (Azadirachata indica) "Sarva Roga Nivarini: the curer of all ailments" Neem's role as a wonder drug is stressed as far back as 4500 years ago. Some of its health restoring benefits Effective in skin infection, rashes and pimples, immunity booster, anti obesity, blood purifier for beautiful and healthy skin, anti diabetic, anti viral, dispels intestinal worms and parasites, malaria, piles, hair disorder and oral disorders.Shikaka (Acasia cancina): Acasia concinna is a small shrub-like tree, which grows in the warm, dry plains of central India. For centuries the people who have had access to this tree have used its pod-like fruit to clean their hair. It‘s considered a superior cleanser for "lustrous long hair" and has been reported as "promoting hair growth and preventing dandruff. It also helps in removing dandruff and lice and very effective in removing oil and dirt from hair .Rose oil (Rosa centifolia family:-Rosaceae) Roses are widely referred to as the world’s favorite flower in part due to their vast diversity in plant habitat and floral characteristics. Rose oil and rose water have many therapeutic effects. Rose oil helps soothe the mind and heals depression, grief, nervous stress and tension. It also helps to heal wound and skin health.Coconut oil It is produced by crushing copra, the dried kernel, which contains about 60-65% of the oil. Coconut oil contains a high amount of glycerides of lower chain fatty acids. Coconut oil is derived from the fruit or seed of the coconut palm tree Cocos nucifera, family Arecaceae. The melting point of coconut oil is 24 to 25°C (75-76ºF) and thus can be used easily in liquid or solid forms and is often used in cooking and baking. coconut oil is excellent as a skin moisturizer and softener .They do not provoke allergic reaction & do not have negative side effects. They are easily incorporated with skin and hair. With small quantity they are very effective as compared to synthetic cosmetics. Extracts of plant decreases the bulk property of cosmetics and gives appropriate pharmacological effects. Easily available & found in large variety & quantity. Easy to manufactures and chief in cost. on other handHerbal drugs have slower effects as compare to Allopathic dosage form. Also it requires long term therapy. They are difficult to hide taste and odor. Most of the herbal drugs are not easily available. Manufacturing process are time consuming and complicated. No pharmacopoea defines any specific procedure or ingredients to be used in any of herbal cosmetics. The finished product should be standardized in terms of Shelf life ,Color , studies ,Biological assay ,Skin irritation test, Sensitization test ,Patch test. Herbs should be stored in cool and dry place. Moisture can damage the herbs. Also moisture promotes bacterial and fungal growth. Dried herbs should be stored in air tight container. Herbs should not be stored in direct sunlight.Basically globable will explain in term in the name of herbal cosmetic with great ingredients specified in list of herbs ….! That all !Hope you got your answer. Please feel free to contact me for further query.Thanku😊

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