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What real life examples prove that good looks don't mean everything? By attractive/unattractive I mean the conventional and broadly accepted meaning.

If you haven't heard about Acid attack victim laxmi's story let me tell you,An acid attack on Laxmi in New Delhi's busy Market back in 2005 led her family to lose all they had in a gradual turn of events. She was only 16 then. Though unlike many other survivors of acid attacks, Laxmi got immediate help and treatment, her family ended up losing all their finances and resources on her treatment and their fight for justice. In this landmark case, the two accused — Rakhi and Guddu — were sentenced to 7 and 10 years imprisonment, respectively.Guddu alias Naeem Khan, with help of his brother Imran and Imran’s friend Rakhi had planned this heinous crime. Guddu had developed a one-sided liking towards Laxmi and resolved to distort her beautiful face with acid when she did not respond to his advances.Laxmi also filed a PIL in the Supreme Court urging for regulation on sale of acid in 2006. In her plea, she had sought framing of a new law or amendment to the existing criminal laws like IPC, Indian Evidence Act and CrPC for dealing with the offence, besides asking for compensation. Laxmi's counsel Aparna Bhat had, however, invited court's attention to the Haryana scheme for care and rehabilitation of acid attack victims under which the state government has taken upon itself the entire responsibility for treatment and rehabilitation of acid attack victims.But, an unfortunate incident in 2012 has left the family without the sole bread winner, as Laxmi's father passed away in 2012. Her younger brother has been diagnosed with dysfunctional lungs and is admitted in the hospital. Her mother spends her days looking after her ailing son. The family survives on the little help they get from her father's former employer, for whom he used to work as a cook. The brave acid attack fighter Laxmi even went on to learn tailoring and beauticians work after recovering from the grave injuries, but she hasn't managed to earn any work for these vocational skills. At Stop Acid Attacks, we wish to help this fighter to set an example by taking charge of not just her life but even her family's survival. Laxmi celebrates her birthday on June 1. Let us make this birthday a landmark one for her. Your contributions will be used to set up a means of livelihood for Laxmi, may be a small parlour or a tailoring shop, according to her will. She also wishes to work with Stop Acid Attacks as a volunteer and we appreciate her spirit.The Supreme Court on 22nd April 2013 expressed its displeasure over the failure of the Union government to come up with a clear stand on framing a stringent law or making amendments to the existing ones to deal with acid attacks, which are on the rise in the country.Happily married :As of January 2014 she is in love with social activist Alok Dixit. Both decided not to get married and instead be in a live-in relationship. "We have decided to live together until we die. But we are challenging the society by not getting married. We don’t want people to come to our wedding and comment on my looks. The looks of a bride are most important for people. So we decided not to have any ceremony," said Laxmi.Their families have accepted the relationship and also their decision not to have a ceremonial wedlock.Now, Laxmi feels an overwhelming strength to change the acid attacks that continue to happen in India in a bid to help her daughter grow up in a safer country.She added: ‘I’ve already decided that, when the time is right, I will tell Pihu (her daughter) about what happened to me. It's not a nice story and I worry about that day. But I will not tell her my story until she asks.'Only when she asks me why I look the way I do, will I tell her my real life story. I don’t want her to hear about it from anyone else. It’s my story and I will have to explain to her what happened to me. I just hope my charity work will help protect my daughter from any type of attack in the future.This example shows good looks not mean everything , feelings and understanding and most importantly care towards each other are more important .Regards !!

What impact does the book “Fire & Fury” have on Donald Trump's presidency?

It’s a gift from the gods. If you want Trump gone yesterday, as I do, it makes you feel like the boy at the end of Animal House, in his bedroom looking at Playboy, when suddenly, a live Playboy Bunny is propelled through the window of his room and lands on his bed, and the boy cries out “Thank you, God!” If you are a Trump supporter, it’s like a sex tape being uploaded to YouTube of Melania with Colin Kaepernick or in a threesome with Joe and Mika.Admirable and necessary as Mueller’s work is, this book brings us that much closer to 25th Amendment territory or the possibility of impeachment. It’s like the first few actresses who complained about Harvey Weinstein. And then, the floodgates opened.Trump himself, of course, is helping enormously. At least Weinstein, after the allegations, didn’t take out a full page ad saying “All female stars on my pictures report to my office at once—I’m horny” while Trump has done pretty much that between his attorney’s absurd cease and desist letter to the author and the publisher, as well as Trump’s own tweets yesterday saying that he is “like, smart” and calling himself “a very stable genius.” The result, of course, is that the book was published 4 days earlier than scheduled and is a bestseller.As with Weinstein, everybody who was awake knew this already. The difference is that this comes from inside. Forget Bannon’s “treasonous” quote for a moment. If that weren’t even in there, we would still have this, from Gary Cohn:“It's worse than you can imagine. An idiot surrounded by clowns. Trump won’t read anything—not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored. And his staff is no better. Kushner is an entitled baby who knows nothing. Bannon is an arrogant prick who thinks he’s smarter than he is. Trump is less a person than a collection of terrible traits. No one will survive the first year but his family. I hate the work, but feel I need to stay because I’m the only person there with a clue what he’s doing. The reason so few jobs have been filled is that they only accept people who pass ridiculous purity tests, even for mid-level policy-making jobs where the people will never see the light of day. I am in a constant state of shock and horror."That’s on page 186 of the Kindle edition. I downloaded the book Friday morning and have read the first 17 or 18 chapters; I’m within about 95 pages of the end. The book is vastly entertaining, but it merely fills in details that I didn’t know: for instance, that Kushner’s own brother started an insurance company with family funds, that may go under if Obamacare is repealed.But the overall theme is well known and incontestable: Trump is an overgrown baby. He is too stupid to be President. His own staff knows this and are living a daily nightmare trying to manage him.Can someone be brought down by a book? They can actually be toppled by much less.Robespierre’s enemies weakened him by ridicule. They went out and found a half-demented woman who hailed Robespierre as a divinely inspired prophet. They published a cartoon of him as the last man alive in France, with the fresh corpses of all other Frenchmen on guillotines, killed by Robespierre. When Robespierre rose in the Assembly to give a thundering denunciation, they interrupted and made fun of him, and when he choked with rage, someone called out “The blood of Danton chokes him.” He was guillotined a day later.Boss Tweed was opposed by civic-minded citizens and denounced in indignant newspaper editorials. What brought him down were the political cartoons of Thomas Nast, who depicted Tweed as a fat Roman emperor sitting in the Colosseum, while democracy, in the guise of a beautiful young woman, was mauled by a tiger in the arena.Senator McCarthy was finally toppled by his televised hearings and by Robert Welch’s “Sir, have you no decency” retort, but the ground was prepared by the cartoons of Herbert Block, who always drew McCarthy as a thug with a perpetual five o’clock shadow—in fact, McCarthy started shaving twice a day to avoid such an image, but the impression stuck.Richard Nixon was considered the loser in his televised debates with John F. Kennedy, in part, because he seemed sweaty and ill at ease and in part because he too appeared to have a five o’clock shadow (of course, the more poised and articulate Kennedy did good work on his own behalf).The great thing about Wolff’s book is that it comes from inside—moreover, from inside a White House that actually invited him in, welcomed him, and, as he put it, gave him a permanent seat on a sofa. When things got too crazy for the inmates, as they seem to have done nearly every day, those unhappy souls appear to have made Wolff their confessor—in fact, it occurs to me that they treated Wolff like the “safety valve camera” on those historical reenactment reality shows, where cast members dart off in the middle of the night in their Pilgrim costumes or frock coats and complain to the camera that they’re about to go crazy because of the lack of modern creature comforts or from friction with other cast members.Trump is losing it. Psychiatrists and psychologists were increasingly saying this in print for weeks before the book came out. A Republican Senator, Bob Corker, who had formerly been close to Trump, called the White House “an adult day care center” months ago. To draw another comparison to Nixon, Trump is not far from the point that Nixon reached, the night before he left the White House, where he roamed the White House talking to portraits of dead Presidents, bidding them farewell, and weeping because he was so misunderstood by an ungrateful public.To be sure, the book and its author are not without their own problems. New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, a Trump bête noire, has already gone on TV calling Wolff and Trump two sides of the same coin: men who want attention and who both exaggerate and even lie outright for effect. Haberman pointed out that the book places Washington Post reporter Mark Berman at a power breakfast in the Four Seasons hotel in Georgetown, when Berman has never been there; instead, it seems to have been a lobbyist named Mike Berman. Well OK; I agree that getting details right are important, but frankly, that sort of thing reminds me of the moment in the Senate Watergate Committee hearings when a pro-Nixon senator tried to trip up John Dean by saying “Wait a minute, Mr. Dean, you said this meeting took place in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, but your earlier testimony establishes that this meeting was in the Shoreham Hotel, not the Mayflower Hotel.”Even Dean was momentarily flustered. Someone then explained to the Senator that “Mayflower” was also the name of the coffee shop in the Shoreham Hotel, and the meeting in question took place there.I suspect that most of the problems with this book will turn out to be like that: minor mistakes or desperate quibbles. They can’t change the overall truth. Here are the things that were said during the year before Trump was inaugurated:“He’s a chaos candidate, and he would be a chaos President.” - Jeb Bush“He is exactly the type of candidate that the Founding Fathers hoped to avoid.” - former Bush aide Peter Wehner“For a constitutional republic like this one, a Trump Presidency would be an extinction-level event.” - Andrew Sullivan“What is there to worry about? The guy will either get bored and quit or be impeached within a year.” - David Brooks, three days after the electionFinally, there is this gem:“That’s some weird sh*t.” - former President George W. Bush, after listening to Trump’s bizarre “American carnage” inaugural addressSo it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the book has yet another quote from Bannon, to the effect that there was a 33 1/3 percent chance that Trump would be impeached, a 33 1/3 percent chance that he would resign, or a 33 1/3 chance that he would limp to the end of his first term.The bottom line is that everyone close to Trump knows that he is wildly unsuited for the Presidency, and now we all know that they know that. What are our leaders going to do about it?Before the book came out, the possible scenarios in my mind were as follows:Mueller will never discover a tape in which Trump himself says to a Russian “Yeah, let’s do it.” But he will build an irrefutable obstruction case and will present it neatly wrapped to the DOJ. Pence, Ryan, and McConnell will sit on their hands. The quest for the 2020 nomination will turn into a cat fight.Mueller will be able to prove something via Mike Flynn or someone else similarly involved that may not put Trump himself in legal jeopardy but that may put Don Jr. in prison. Trump will threaten to fire Mueller and then, even Ryan and McConnell will tell Trump they can’t guarantee his survival. Pence will stand there silent, planning his 2020 campaign.Mueller’s investigation will lead to the publishing of information about Trump’s own finances that show him to be even more corrupt and more deeply in hock to shady Russian businessmen than even his worst critics imagined. He will be publicly humiliated beyond his worst expectations and will resign.Trump will go rogue, as he did with the firing of Comey and will fire Mueller on his own. This will blindside absolutely everyone. Jeff Sessions will then resign in protest, and possibly Rod Rosenstein. The public will finally be galvanized, and McConnell and Ryan will tell Trump they probably can’t stop this. Trump will resign.Trump will order a preemptive strike on North Korea. The general that he transmits the order to won’t follow it but will call James Mattis. Mattis will get Kelly and McMaster, and they will get Ryan and McConnell and get up in Pence’s face and say “Look, you spineless little sh*t, we’re not going to sit by while this nut case destroys civilization, nor are we going to replace Constitutional government with a military regime. You are going to grow a backbone and do your duty. End of discussion.” Trump will go into a government hospital for “health problems” and Pence will be acting President until 2020.The Senate and the House will flip this year—possible, but still not a likely outcome. The morning after the election, articles of impeachment will be prepared. This scenario is why I hope that Bannon has not destroyed himself with his “treasonous” comment. I want him pushing Todd Akin-like candidates this year in primary challenges to more mainstream GOP candidates, so that they can lose to Democrats. But at this point, it’s not certain that Bannon can even hold on to his position at Breitbart. This may have been the moment when he flew too close to the Sun.What will happen now that the book is out? I think any of the scenarios above are still possible, but a powerful ingredient has been added to the mix: ridicule, ridicule from inside sources, and Trump himself pathetically insisting that he is “like, smart” and “a very stable genius.” That won’t go away and will become a constant backdrop to anything else Trump says or does.Really, entertaining as it is, the book is not so much an indictment of Trump as it is of his not very wise or well-informed supporters. All Trump voters should tweet a selfie of themselves next to this book with the caption “I’m sorry.”Edit, 3 hours after writing the original: I just watched Chuck Todd’s interview with Michael Wolff. One point he made was hair-raising:It seems that “25th Amendment” is customary shorthand within the White House itself for the point at which it becomes impossible to deny that the President is a total nutcase and ought to be removed. According to Wolff, comments were made to him on the order of “This isn’t quite 25th Amendment,” or “We’re getting near 25th Amendment territory.”Ho…ly…crap.<iframe src="Full Michael Wolff: Trump White House facing '25th Amendment kind of stuff'" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Edit, January 8, 2018:Trump is now dangerous – that makes his mental health a matter of public interest | Bandy LeeEdit, January 9, 2018: For those who are delighted by Wolff’s book as I am, it’s only fair to note this very pointed critique of Wolff’s methods by Isaac Chotiner in Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts:

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