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What inanimate objects can grow?

Orig question: What inanimate objects can grow?When I was a little kid (yes, I was always a nerd), I used to grow metal silicate crystal gardens. You drop crystals of fairly water-soluble metal salts into a jar of “waterglass” (a solution of sodium silicate) and the crystals, as they dissolve, form insoluble crazy little stalagmites of the metal silicates from the bottom surface upwards. As I recall, iron (III) chloride gave orange, copper (II) sulfate was a beautiful blue, nickel (II) and iron (II) sulfates were shades of green, cobalt (II) chloride was dark blue/purple, and zinc sulfate was white. They were gorgeous delicate structures but extremely fragile, kind of like undersea corals. I took one into fourth grade once for a science project but before the crystals could grow much, I found out that the other kids were picking up the jar and shaking it to look at it. It looked like confetti suspended in water. I was heartbroken.Although this looks like a pretty but relatively non-educational activity, it’s a useful demonstration of various chemical processes such as the growth of corrosion structures on steel in sea water as well as the chemical hardening of Portland cement.p.s. I used to buy my metal salts from drugstores (it’s amazing what they used to sell a little kid as long as you had a parent’s permission slip) but you can buy kits for these now, usually under the name of “magic rocks” or “chemical gardens.“

Do you think there is something fishy about actress Sridevi’s untimely death in a Dubai hotel?

This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to unblur it.Not something, everything is fishy about Sri Devi’s death. And when the media was raising concerns about the series of suspicious events before and after her death, everyone in Bollywood got together to shut them up, calling them insensitive and trying to exploit someone’s death for their TRPs. And they were successful.This is the same Bollywood that turns into a circus when they have to promote their movies before its release, turning the actors into desperate clowns seeking any kind of publicity in the media.Anyway, the circumstances surrounding Sri Devi’s death warranted a CBI investigation.Lets take a look at the circumstances.Sri Devi attends the wedding of her nephew ( or whatever ) in the UAE with her family. Both Khushi and Boney kapoor were present at the wedding. Janhvi or jhanvi was in India. The wedding took place on the 18th or 19th of Feb 2018.There was a video and pictures posted on social media of her at the wedding, just one day before her death. She looked healthy and fine.The wedding was over. Boney returned to India on the 21st of February 2018 but Sri Devi stayed back in the UAE. It is not revealed why she stayed back. There is no actual reason given by the kapoor family. There are only suggestions that maybe she wanted to meet her sister or she wanted to shop for her elder daughter.Boney kapoor flew back to the UAE again on the 24th of February 2018 . He arrived at her hotel room at 5:30 pm unannounced. Strange. They were only separated for 2 days. It should also be noted that there is no mention of when Sri Devi planned to return to India.Boney paints a very rosy picture of the couple planning to go out for dinner and how Sri Devi goes into the bathroom to take a shower but never comes and he opens the door to find her unconscious in the bath tub.There were reports that hotel staff actually found her lying on the bathroom floor, when “somebody” requested room service , but did not open the door. I dont know whats the protocol when somebody requests room service and does not open the door when the attendant arrives, but i dont think doors are forced open for something as small as that. The hotel declined to comment on the whole issue citing privacy reasons , so what exactly happened at the hotel will always remain a mystery.Until her body arrived in India she was said to have died of a massive cardiac arrest. This is for a good 2–3 days. When her body finally arrived, it was found ( death certificate) she had died due accidental drowning. Her brother in law stated she mustve suffered a cardiac arrest in the bath tub and then drowned. The post mortem only revealed “accidental drowning” , not heart attack or cardiac arrest. I am not a medical expert and i dont know whether autopsies can detect cardiac arrest or heart attacks. Why did nobody mention how her body was found for two whole days ? She was found dead in the bathroom following a massive cardiac arrest. This was the news everywhere. Boney kapoor never mentions the bath tub was full of water and he found Sri devi drowned in the tub. Thats what accidental drowning is. Read this : “Mr Kapoor told a film analyst friend that after he reached the hotel, Sridevi went to the bathroom to take a shower as they were to go out for dinner. He said he opened the bathroom door around 8 pm when he failed to get a response from Sridevi after repeatedly calling out her name, and found her motionless in the bathtub.”There is a difference between taking a shower and taking a bath. In the West (i live in Australia ) the tub is separate from the shower cubicle. Sometimes the shower outlet is placed above the bath tub … but u dont see that around much anymore. But even then, u dont fill up the tub with water when u go to take a shower. U fill up the tub when u plan to take a bath . And a bath takes time. Its usually taken at the end of the day to relax and release all the stress of the day. Or when u have enough time. Given that they were going out for dinner, i would agree with Mr. Boney kapoor that Sri Devi went to take a shower, not a bath.There r cases of people drowning when taking a shower. It happens when u pass out in the shower and the water keeps running on your face filling up your lungs. Or if the shower is connected with the bathtub, the water keeps running and fills up the tub , while u have passed out and r lying unconscious in it. But something has to stop the water from draining out of the tub.Accidental drowning is common when ppl consume a lot of alcohol or take drugs before or while taking a bath in the bath tub. Accidental drowning while take a shower is rare. U have to suddenly lose consciousness while take a shower to die like that. That happens if u fall and hit your head or if u already have health issues that suddenly make u pass out in the shower.7. Sri Devi was a healthy woman who used exercise regularly and there were many pics of her hitting the gym with her daughter. I am sure she mustve been seeing her doctor regularly as well. She was not overweight. Dont see her having any major stress issues. An occasional wine drinker, at 54 , she appeared to be a picture of perfect health.There is no clarity at all about where in the bathroom was she found and how she was found. Did they find her dead in the shower cubicle ? Was the shower still on when they found her ? Because there is a mention of a bath tub … lets remove the shower cubicle from the events.Did he/they find her drowned in a bath tub full of water ? Was the shower or water source on ? If she was taking a shower standing up and suffered a cardiac arrest, did she hit her head on something, on the way down, when she collapsed in the bath tub ? The post mortem does not mention any head injuries. More than likely, when u suddenly collapse while taking a shower, u will almost always hit your head somewhere when u fall down or while u r falling down.I dont know how you take a shower lying down in the bath tub. If she was doing that and she suddenly died, was the shower on ? Its death by accidental DROWNING. Where is the water that drowned her ? Is it already in the bathtub or is it coming from the shower outlet ?I found this : Meanwhile, sources also informed that the laboratory results revealed she had consumed alcohol and was in an inebriated state when she slipped and fell into the bathtub that was filled with water.The police said that there was no clear criminal motive with regard to her death, neither did she suffer a cardiac arrest like how it was reported earlier.She fell into a bathtub that was already full of water. Why did she fill the bath tub with water if she was going to take a shower ?And inebriated ? Consuming alcohol is one thing, being inebriated is a very different thing altogether. How much did she actually drink ? So Boney kapoor arrives at 5:30 pm and they both start drinking ? And by the time they plan to go out for dinner, Sri Devi is so inebriated that she cant even stand in the bath tub ?What were her blood alcohol levels ? Was there undigested food in her stomach to find out when was the last time she ate? Any trauma to the head ? What was the time of her death ? Any suspicious marks ?I dont think an autopsy ever took place. All they produced was this piece of paper :This as an autopsy report ? !!They are telling us she died of “accidental drawning”. We have every reason to believe this piece of paper is telling us the truth with all the important stamps and attestations by the relevant authorities and people. It does not matter that they dont know how to spell drowning.Who decided she had drowned accidentally and was not forcibly drowned ?This is just so wrong at every level. There are so many questions and no answers.The fact that Boney kapoor flew to Dubai unannounced and the same evening Sri Devi died, is in itself a big red flag. What was the real reason ? Was Sri Devi with another man and Boney found out and went to confront her ? Pardon me if u cannot imagine Sri Devi having an affair or entertaining herself with a younger man. But its possible.And then whenever questions were raised , instead of giving any answers, Boney kapoor wanted to grieve in peace ! The entire Bollywood and almost every other celebrity, demanded that the family be left alone to grieve in peace and all media coverage should stop.I dont know whats the level of corruption over there in the UAE , but the investigation by Dubai police was a joke. Investigations are undertaken to provide answers and give closure. Dubai police only raised more questions.And notice the very brief answers by both the parties.Boney kapoor said she went to the bathroom and didnt come out. He went inside to check and found her dead/ unconscious .Dubai police said she fell into the bath tub and died due to accidental drowning.And this is because Boney kapoor was never interrogated by the Dubai police. He was just called in to record his statement and that was it. The Dubai police recorded his statement and made his statement the official cause of Sri Devis death.Boney didnt call the police for a good 1 hour after Sri devi died. He was on the phone with a friend asking him what to do. I think “ accidental drowning” was his friends suggestion.The fact that Boney refused to respect the feelings of India and give them any clear answers regarding the death of Sri Devi is a big sign of his guilty conscience. He knows he does not have the answers and cannot afford to tell the truth, so he ducked behind his grieving excuse. There is a difference between taking a shower and taking a bath. The more he talks , the more mistakes he will make and there will be more discrepancies in his statements. And that would have been possible if he had been interrogated.The people who wanted to know about her death were the people who made her a star. And now all of a sudden its a private issue and there are two young daughters who have lost their mother and the husband has lost his wife, but the media and people only want to sensationalise Sri devis death by making it some kind of a murder mystery ? Shame on the media and such people !!When will be the right time to ask these questions ? Is the family still grieving ? There was a wedding in the family … Sonam kapoor getting married a month after Sri Devis death. Is it okay to ask the questions now or will i and other ppl be called shameless and insensitive and be made to feel guilty about seeking answers to a superstars sudden and suspicious death ?It will always be a big mystery what happened that evening in the hotel room.Update :Sri Devi was staying at the Presidential suite of the Jumeirah Emirates Towers in the city.This is a screen shot from the representation video posted by India Today of the bathroom of a Presidential Suite at the hotel. This is not the bathroom where she was found, but this how the bathroom looked like.As u can see, the bathtub is separate from the shower cubicle.Below is a clearer picture of the bathroom of a Presidential Suite at the Jumeirah Emirates Towers :Its the same bathroom with minor cosmetic differences.Now that we have a clear picture of the bathroom, lets trace the qseries of events again.Boney arrives at 5: 30 pm. He wakes up Sri Devi who is sleeping. They talk for 1 hour like a couple of teens in love. Do they consume alchohol ? Boney doesnt say anything about that. There is no clear answer to how long they chatted for. At some places they say 15 mins, and then Sri Devi goes to the bathroom. Lets help Boney and assume they chatted for 1 hour.2. Boney said he waited for 15-20 mins for Sri devi to come of the bathroom. It was 8 pm( or close ) and he was worried they wouldnt be able to find a table( why couldnt he just book a table for 2 ? ) at a resturant.3. So if Sri Devi goes to the bathroom at around 7:40 pm, there is an hour missing from the events, if we assume they chatted for 1 hour from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. There is even more time missing if they chatted for only 15 mins. But we want to give Boney as much benefit of the doubt as possible.4. As i have mentioned above, there is a difference between taking a shower and taking a bath. Boney said she went to take a shower. Or lets help him again and assume he just said she went to the bathroom. I find it hard to believe she will actually fill up the tub with water and plan to take a bath when they r in a bit of a hurry to go out for dinner. One piece of information is not debatable, that boney got worried that they wont be able to get a table when Sri Devi did not come out of the bathroom after 15 mins. So Sri Devi knew she had around 5- 10 mins to spend in the bathroom. Why would she run herself a bath when she didnt have the time ?5. And then the story goes that Boney called the police at 9 pm. I dont know what he was he doing for 1 hour, after discovering Sri Devi dead or unconscious at 8pm. He probably checked for a pulse and found that she was dead ? So, no point in calling for medical help i assume. But when he says he found her unconscious in the bathtub and he still doesnt call for help, that should automatically make him the killer from my point of view. He drowned her in the bathtub and called his friend for suggestions on what to do next. This is one explanation.6. Now lets assume Sri Devi did actually go to take a bath for some reason. She fills up the tub with water and enters it. She is lying there and loses consciousness and drowns to death. The post-mortem or whatever that was, claimed that she was inebriated at that time. No mention of her blood alcohol levels, just inebriated. Was she really inebriated or they needed a reason to make her lose consciousness and drown in the tub ? Boney kapoor does not mention anything about consuming alcohol, just chatting and then she goes to the bathroom. When did she consume alcohol ? Boney does not say anything about her consuming alchol, but does not deny the “post-mortem report” of her being inebriated at the time of entering the bathroom or the bathtub.7. Now lets consider the reports that Sri Devi called room service at 10:30 pm asking for water. The attendant arrives and knocks at the door. He stays outside for 15 mins waiting for a response. He feels something is not right and alerts the management. They force open the door and see Sri Devi lying on the bathroom floor, unconscious but with a pulse. They take her to the hospital but she is declared dead at 11 pm. Boney is not in the room.8. This is where an actual post-mortem wouldve cleared most doubts. If she was still alive till 10:30 pm, then Boney kapoor wouldve been caught telling a white lie. She couldnt have died at 8 pm , if she was calling room service at 10:30 pm. The post-mortem report wouldve predicted her actual time of death. Even if she didnt call room service, they found her with an active pulse. So, she was alive till 10:30–45 pm if we believe this story.9. “She was inebriated, she slipped and fell in the water and died.” She mustve sustained some trauma to her head to lose consciousness, if she slipped and fell.The most crucial question : What made her lose her consciousness ?U cannot just slip and pass out. You have to bang your head into something to lose consciousness. Pick any accidental drowning case, there is a logical explanation of what happened. If u r stoned or drunk, you can pass out in the bathtub and drown. If u slip and fall, u need to hit your head somewhere. U will not lose consciousness if u land on your ass or hit your shoulder on the way down. Your head needs to hit something.Why is there no post-mortem report telling us about trauma to some part of the head resulting in loss of consciousness ? Or was she so wasted , that all she needed was to fall into the water to lose consciousness ? If that was the case, then when and where did she consume all that alcohol ?We just keep going in circles.Nothing adds up.As you can see in the absence of a post-mortem report this looks like plain murder to me. Boney refused and still refuses to shed any light on the sequence of events . The investigations by Dubai police couldnt even enable them to come up with a proper timeline leading upto the death of Sri Devi. They say they investigated the matter and found no criminal motive. There is no post-mortem report, there is no timeline of the events leading upto her death, there is no evidence of death due to “accidental drawning” and i am clueless about how the Dubai police could call this an investigation.Whitney Houston died of accidental drowning on the 11th of Feb 2012. Please google and read an overview of her autopsy report if it interests you. They have the full case report and the autopsy report online. And we have a piece of paper saying “death due to accidental drawning”. A joke.EDIT : 20/09/2020Found this online,though its being claimed to be fake because it was not released by the Dubai Govt.Maybe its a leak ? The English is bad, but their “ Accidental DRAWNING” document is authentic and verified. If anything, the bad English only verifies the authenticity of the document as coming from the same source. It maybe fake, but claiming its fake simply because the Dubai govt. did not release it officially, is not enough. Like i said, someone from the Dubai health ministry could’ve leaked the document, and Dubai govt. decided to disown it after it got leaked.No political benefit will come out of pursuing this, otherwise politicians would’ve been all over it like vultures!! If BJP was not the ruling party in Maharashtra at that time, i am sure JUSTICE FOR SRIDEVI would’ve been plastered all over India.—-Update : This is very interesting. This case is currently on trial. It is remarkably similar to Sri Devis death.Husband is accused of strangling his wife and staging the scene to look as though she slipped in the tub, struck her head and drowned in the bathwaterThe man , Covlin , strangled his wife, Danishefsky, to death in a bathtub and made it look like accidental drowning. And the police actually believed him. Three months after her death, her body was exhumed and they found she had a broken neck bone. She had been strangled to death.Danishefsky was scheduled to meet with a lawyer on Jan. 1. 2010 — the day after she died — to remove Covlin from her will. He stood to get half her roughly $4 million estate, with the rest going to their children.With the only obvious sign of trauma a cut on the back of her head, investigators initially thought she had slipped and fallen. After her Orthodox Jewish family objected to an autopsy for religious reasons, the cause of her death was listed as undetermined.But as an investigation began, her body was exhumed and autopsied with her family's permission. Medical examiners concluded in April 2010 she had been strangled.( Notice how there was trauma to the head that misled the investigators to think she slipped, hit her head, lost consciousness and drowned. I have repeatedly pointed out above, trauma to the head is the only way to lose consciousness if u slip and fall. There is no other way. In Sri Devis case there is no trauma to her head. Yet, she just lost consciousness and drowned. They cant even exhume her body. )Read : Stockbroker tried framing daughter, 9, for wife’s murder, prosecutors sayAnother : Husband's murder trial underway for wife's 2009 New Year's Eve death—-Rupali Arora Khanna made a reference to a 240 crore life insurance policy. I read in the Australian Womens Weekly that Boney was going through a financial crisis and this was a murder. ( Boneys son is going out with Salmans ex bhabhi and Boney has not made a movie in a long time. When boney was going though a rough patch salman helped him with No entry. )Anyway, maybe this was all planned. We have seen people give up their own lives to claim insurance money that would help their families. Maybe thats what Sri Devi did. She sacrificed herself for her family. I dont know if her daughters know how their mum really died. If they do, please let the world know one day. A lot of Indians invested love, money and time in Sri Devi. It would only be fair they they know the truth.Thanks for reading.

What was the purpose of many gym classes in middle and high school requiring students to take swimming? Is it still commonplace to make swimming mandatory in gym classes?

In my county, it’s a northern part of the Bay Area which is Northern California, there are no swimming classes at any level in any public schools. While our High Schools do have swim teams, and some of the richer High Schools have a pool, they are only for use by the swim team. My city has a few public pools and they are all quite nice, and teens whose schools don’t have pools practice at these public ones. But in terms of PE or Gym classes, there are no swim classes in public school here. It’s probably a liability issue. We also have no school field trips involving water. There used to be a water slide park in one of the cities here, but a kid drowned and died on an end of the year school trip there. The parents, who didn’t know English, signed the permission slip saying their son knew how to swim. He didn’t. But after that the park was shut down, and all water activities were banned. I’m not sure but I think that was in 2004. I’m pretty sure swim in gym stopped here in the early 1990s.On a different note, and this might have changed recently, but at least as of 2008 and before, all San Francisco High Schools required passing a swim test as a part of the graduation requirement. And they had swim classes in PE. Maybe because the city is surrounded by water, and low income students generally don’t have access to free or affordable swim lessons unless they go somewhere like the YMCA so the school system provides it.

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