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How to Edit Your Nevada Declaration Of Value Online

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How to Edit Text for Your Nevada Declaration Of Value with Adobe DC on Windows

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How to Edit Your Nevada Declaration Of Value With Adobe Dc on Mac

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What is the least known country in the world?

Molossia​​​​In 1977, then 15-year-old Kevin Baugh and his friend decided to start their own country. Because…..why not? The self-declared micronation(which is not formally recognized by the US) came to be known as the Republic of Molossia, and thirty nine years after its inception, Baugh is still the sitting President.​​​​Kevin Baugh, ladies and gentlemen!The micronation sits on an area of 6.3 acres in the desert of Dayton,Nevada. It has a population of 32, with its own post office, bank, currency and time zone. Molossia isn’t meant to be taken too seriously though; it’s existence is more of an exercise in free speech and creativity than politics.​​​​​​​​The basic unit of currency in Molossia is the Valora (plural: Valora), which is divided into 100 Futtrus (plural: Futtrus). The Valora is linked in value to Pillsbury Cookie Dough, 3 Valora having equal value to one tube of Cookie Dough.​​​​The flag of Molossia​​​​The micronation is happy to accept tourists( as long as they make an appointment), and they even provide a stamp for the visitor’s passport.While the micronation is small, it’s people did once receive a Christmas card from President Obama. Citizens here pay taxes to the U.S., but they call it “Foreign Aid.”So, there you have it!EDIT 1: (according to Molossia's official website)Molossia is at war with East Germany. Since 1983. In September 2008 XXXI, the Molossian Ministry of Archives and Records, Spare Room Closet Division, was examining old files, mostly dating to the early days of Molossia, then known as the Grand Republic of Vuldstein. Mixed in with castle plans, island maps and other musings was a folded piece of paper, which, when opened, proved to be a declaration of war against East Germany. This document dates to 2 November 1983 VII, a period when our current President, then still Prime Minister of Vuldstein, was stationed with the United States Army in (West) Germany. The reasons for this war declaration are obscure, although a reference is made in the document to "disrupting sleep". It is known that the US Army in Europe was conducting a military training exercise in Europe at around the same time, thus there is perhaps a connection, as those exercises were aimed at preventing an incursion by Soviet Forces, largely by way of East Germany. What is also apparent is that the war was never formally ended.It would seem, however, that the end of East Germany, which took place on 3 October 1990, would also mark the end of the Molossian war with that nation. However, East Germany lives on in an unlikely place, and thus the war lives on as well. The last remaining remnant of East German sovereignty is tiny Ernst Thälmann Island (Cayo Ernesto Thaelmann), off the coast of Cuba. The island is 15 Imperial Nortons (15 km long), but not more than 312 Royal Nortons (500 meters) wide and is uninhabited except for the iguanas and birds that are indigenous there, and the occasional tourists stopping by.Thus, East Germany lives on on Ernst Thälmann Island. As the island is uninhabited, there is no one with whom to negotiate a peace treaty. Thus the war lives on as well, with no end in sight. In response to this, the Government of the Republic of Molossia re-opened the War Department, closed since the successful prosecution of the War with Mustachistan. In addition, War Bonds are again being issued, to help finance our potentially never-ending war effort. Plans are being drawn up to deal with any threat, no matter small, that the long-dead but still extant Communist nation may bring against us. One cannot rule out the possibility of covertly-trained attack iguanas. It is hoped that someday this conflict will be brought to a successful and hopefully peaceful conclusion. In the meantime, our nation must be ever vigilant against the East German threatEDIT 2: this link if you wish to know more about Molossia.This country has a great sense of humour ;)

How do professional court appointed guardians scam the elderly?

“How do professional court appointed guardians scam the elderly?”Imagine you have the keys to someone’s house. They are not home, and no one is going to call the cops on you.You step inside and everything you see – absolutely everything – is yours for the taking. No one will ever call the police on you. You can remove anything you see that you like – expensive oil paintings, Persian rugs, coin collections, diamond rings, antique furniture, expensive China . . . and take it home, or give it to your brother-in-law, the auctioneer, to sell.Now, notice that family album siting over there in the corner? With decades of precious old photos in it? You can go ahead and dump it into the trash. No one will complain, except maybe the elderly person who is now tucked away in a nursing home against his will.If he claims that you have stolen the Persian rugs and other valuables, you don’t have to worry about this. You already, using your favorite judge and attorneys, had all of his civil rights removed. He cannot sue you. He cannot hire an attorney. He cannot call the police. And, besides, no one will believe him anyway. You had him declared “mentally incapacitated,” using the services of your favorite medical doctor friends who you always pay well for their standard cookie cutter medical evaluations. He’s just a crazy, old man imagining he once owned things before you stepped into his life to “help” him.So, instead of worrying about his claims that his coin collection and gold bars are missing or gone, just give these items to your brother-in-law, the auctioneer and split the profits, or sell them on e-bay.Welcome to the daily life of a professional, predatory guardian. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?When it’s time to write up an inventory for the court, just tell the judge that you found nothing of value inside the house. In fact, tell the judge that the house was covered in fleas and there were cockroaches everywhere. You actually can pay yourself out of the elderly person’s estate, for all the hard work you had to do, cleaning out all of the debris and “garbage” from the tattered home.You can then sell his house at way below value to one of your friends who is in real estate. It’s a money laundering scheme that you and your buds engage in without having to worry that anyone – including the FBI, the DOJ, the local police, the attorney general’s office – will prosecute you for.Yes, I know it sounds surreal. And I’m still in a state of shock even after ten years of conducting these types of investigations. But scamming the elderly in this manner is actually quite common.For four full years, I investigated a professional corporate guardian who operates in at least 13 different counties in Florida. My three hundred page report that included thousands of legal documents to back up my claims and enough solid information to have her and her attorney friends (and judges) arrested multiple times over, landed in some Florida government official’s trash bin.In one case alone, I uncovered $43 million missing.Florida – and all of the other states, as well, (with the exception of Nevada) are simply not prosecuting professional guardians, their attorneys, and the judges who collaborate to make these “legal” thefts possible. Nevada: Family awarded $8.5 million in guardianship abuse caseI want you to read up on this scam because you could be next.You – or someone you love -- could be next.You could be next.I’m dead serious.How would you like to work your entire life, only to find yourself under an involuntary guardianship, confined in a welfare nursing home against your will, placed on psychotropic drugs to keep you sedate, while strangers spend your lifetime of savings?Read up more at www.aaapg.netAnd here: will post more information on this difficult and heinous topic in the near future. Here it is. Now read this one:Angela V. Woodhull's answer to How do corrupt, corporate professional guardians fudge the court records when stealing from the elderly?

Why did Moe Greene instantly blow up when Michael Corleone offered to buy the casino? Why didn't he at least wait to see how much he would offer?

Unlike the other answers so far, I am going to answer according to the book. I think this answer also plays into the movie narrative, because it makes more sense in the context of organized crime, but it is very much the root of the issue in the novel. Those reasons are, in two words:Power and pride.Moe Greene’s casino was losing money. This was made clear from Michael’s own words, and Moe Greene didn’t dispute it. Not only was it losing money, but it was in trouble financially. Moe Greene himself made this clear in his declaration of why he wouldn’t sell:I talked to Barzini. I can make the deal with him and still keep my casino.So that shows part of the condition, financial trouble which required Moe to make a deal with someone just to keep his casino afloat, and his belief he could make that deal while remaining in control. But more is revealed than just that. Greene also revealed that he had already been in communication with Barzini about this very subject. There is a subtle significance there that becomes obvious if one considers what else was going on that the time.At that time Michael had already taken over control of the Corleone Family. The Great Don, Vito Corleone, had retired. Moreover, the Corleone Family were being steadily encroached upon and were responding with weakness, doing nothing forceful to defend their territories and businesses. This was revealed shortly after that meeting with Moe Greene, but it was also revealed at that time as having been going on for quite a while.In short, the Corleone Family, and Michael himself, looked weak.To Moe Greene this had to look like the Corleones were trying to push him out into the cold with no power or significance, take over “his” casino and hotel for themselves, and move their power base to Nevada, all because they were too weak to hold their ground against their enemies in New York. It had to seem to him that Michael was trying not only to push him out, but to do so from a position of weakness, with veiled threats he was too weak or too timid to carry out. He was insulting Moe Greene, a carefully calculated insult, though Greene didn’t realize that last part.Now all of that is not only how Moe Greene, and incidentally Barzini, had to view matters at that time. What they could not know was that was exactly how Michael wanted them to see matters, and that they were reacting exactly how Michael wanted them to react. He wanted to be seen as weak, as desperate enough to try to retreat from New York by picking on one lone casino owner on the opposite side of the country. And more specifically to that particular issue, he wanted Moe Greene to feel insulted enough to flatly refuse, to refuse even to negotiate about it.The reasons are twofold and simple:Michael had already decided to kill Moe Greene before that meeting even took place.Michael wanted all his enemies, especially Barzini, to think the Corleone Family really was in decline, really was on the ropes, and really was running scared before the Barzini-Tattaglia alliance.Now on that first point, i.e. Michael planning to kill Moe Greene, Michael wanted it made clear to the other Families, especially the Molinari Family who were also involved in Greene’s dealings, that it was Moe Greene who refused to reason with a legitimately interested party. Remember that Michael clearly referred to how the Corleone Family had invested “big money” with Moe Greene, and that their investment with him was losing its value because of how the casino was being managed.The Molinari Family already knew all this, because they were a part of that larger investment deal. When Greene was first establishing his casino, the Corleones arranged a deal whereby they supplied a large portion of the money to finish building and furnishing the hotel and casino, and the Molinaris supplied the large cash reserves to bankroll that casino’s gambling operations. This allowed Greene to go into business in the first place, at a time when he was short of funding and couldn’t cover those expenses himself. In return, they were to get a portion of the profits (we are never told how much), Moe Greene was to agree to make Fredo Corleone the manager of the hotel side of the business, and the Molinari Family would assist with security and guarantee Fredo’s safety.If Moe Greene had even agreed to negotiate with Michael, made even a show of wanting to be reasonable about making sure the Corleone and Molinary Family concerns were being respected, then Michael could not have killed Greene without risking the Molinari Family seeing it as the Corleones damaging their mutual investment without cause. By refusing to even negotiate some reasonable settlement, however, Moe Greene made himself a legitimate target for assassination as a straightforward matter of business. That was often what triggered killings within and between Mafia families after all, the refusal to negotiate.Moe Greene gave Michael the excuse to do what Michael had already decided to do, kill him. That is why Michael made it clear from the outset that his envisioned deal was a buyout, shoving Moe Greene out in a complete takeover of “his” hotel and casino, after which he would wield no power, regardless of the money he was paid to sell the casino. He knew that such an initial offer, coupled with talk of how weak the Corleones had become, would trigger Moe Greene into flying into a rage, thinking he was being played for a weak chump by a weakling. And Michael then had a reason he could show the Molinaris for why he had whacked Greene.Now back to that second point, this was not just Michael’s desire. In the book there was a family meeting with the caporegimes, Tessio and Clemenza, Hagen the Consigliere, Michael the new head of the Family, Vito the retired Don, and Carlo Rizzi, with no fixed position but who had been drawn higher into the Family councils since the death of Santino. This meeting took place after Michael returned to New York from that meeting with Moe Greene, and it was a pivotal scene in the entire plot, though few people ever recognize its full importance.It is the meeting where Michael makes himself look even weaker, by forbidding the caporegimes from responding to the ongoing encroachments into their respective territories. This move was to smoke out one of them as a traitor. Also at this meeting, Michael removed Hagen as Consigliere, expressing lack of confidence in him, but not replacing him, leaving that crucial post vacant. Doing this at all was to further make Michael and the Corleone Family look weak and ripe for the taking. Doing it in front of the three main suspects for the nascent traitor, Tessio, Clemenza, and Carlo, was further intended to incite the traitor to make that final, fatal move and reveal himself.And finally, at that meeting Tessio spoke up and, bypassing Michael in a breach of protocol and a veiled insult, he addressed the old Don directly, asking why, if Moe Greene was resistant to Michael’s proposal, the old Don himself didn’t enter the negotiations, citing the Don’s legendary reasonableness against which nobody had ever been able to stand. The old Don responded that if he interfered Michael would lose respect, and then he finished with a comment that made Tessio see part of the real plan (paraphrasing):…and besides, that man is someone I would rather not speak with.At that comment, Tessio realized that Moe Greene was already a dead man, since the Corleone Family, both Vito and Michael, did not wish to persuade him. As to the reason Vito also wanted him dead, Greene had, as was revealed at that meeting he had with Michael, physically abused Fredo in public before dozens of witnesses. This was a deadly insult not just to Fredo, but also a sign of severe disrepect, even contempt, for the entire Corleone Family. That kind of deadly insult could not go unanswered without setting an even more deadly precedent.

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Justin Miller