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How to Edit Printable Health Care Proxy Form on Windows

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How to Edit Printable Health Care Proxy Form on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Thanks to CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac directly.

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How to Edit PDF Printable Health Care Proxy Form through G Suite

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Here are the steps to do it:

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  • Upload the PDF that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
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What does Death Care mean to you?

Part X, .... End of Life Series...And Biblical TextWe prepare for many events in our lives except Death. According to Eccl. 3:1,there is a time and a purpose for everything under the sun.Being an Effective VisitorNotes taken directly from A Family Guide to Death and DyingBy Dr. Jim Towns, Page 82. (permission granted for use)1. Knock on the door and receive permission to enter an ill person's room.2. Walk in and talk softly as you approach the patient.3. Identify yourself immediately if there is any question as to whether or notthe patient will know you.4. Give a warm appropriate handshake or embrace as a greeting if the patientis able to receive it.5. Smile and have a pleasant facial expression.6. Make the visit brief, assuring the patient that you will visit at length whenhe/she is feeling better; if you promise to do so, do it, but be sensitive.You should be able to tell if the patient truly desires for you to stay longer.Do not tire out the patient.7. Keep in mind that the patient's condition influences are personal, soconsider his/her rights of confidentiality.8. Keep your personal problems to yourself. Be positive andaffirming rather than negative.The ill person needs to be free from negative influences so that allenergy can be used to maintain health.The goals of the care-giver is to provide relief from negative symptomsso patient and family can be comfortable and alert. The patient, as wellas, the family thrive best when their own lifestyles are respected andmaintained.Rarely, can one person fully meet all the needs of an ill person.Care usually requires collaboration of many disciplines and personsworking as a health care team.Overall caring involves receiving as well as giving. This principle willbe realized as people who care, provide for one another through mutualsupport.Ten Commandments for caring: (top line only)1. Always tell the truth.2. Never set times, no one can tell how much time a person hasto live.3. Listen with sensitivity.4. Respond to needs.5. Never allow the person to feel abandoned.6. Make yourself available.7. Do not give medical advice.8. If necessary, protect the person from him or herself.9. Always hold out hope.10. Provide Spiritual Support1982, re-print 7/24/10Caring for the Terminally Ill and rights of Caregivers...This burden of care should be shared by all family members using awritten schedule. If you can afford outside help to care for your loved one athome, please use it. Caregivers need respite care too, especially if they livein close quarters with the patient.Plan of care should be approved by Doctor and revised when necessary.It may be necessary to have home visits from Doctor, Nurse, Therapist, Personal Care, and Clergy.All patients should be encouraged to maintain as much independence aspossible in dealing with final illness. For example, a stroke victim may be ableto dress himself/herself if clothes close with velcro instead of buttons or zippers.Family members can alternate bath, Feeding, and laundry care. Foods can beprepared in advance. (depending on need) Tin or steel muffin cups lined can serveas exact portions of various foods frozen and stored on zip lock bags. Keep thedate current because carbon dries out food.If the patient cannot be left alone and refuses to go to community professionalcare, (this may seen cruel) wait until predicament is beyond self-care andcall 911 and step aside. EMS must make a report of the visible situation.Example, my sister ate her way into severe, co-dependent health. My othersister who works at night, tried to care and work with day home care. Mysister kept falling, EMS was called, she is currently in a nursing home.The choice is hers to loose some excessive weight; we cannot make her dothat. Note: my sister passed away on 12/10/12.Many adult children and other relatives who must work and care for self andyoung families simply cannot devote prime time to another ill relative. Life must not stop for the rest of the family because one or more member isterminal. It is very stressful for family to care for a bitter, indifferent person/family member at home. This behavior may have a negativeeffect on babies and other children living in this type of climate.Most of us prefer to die at home, however, consideration must also begiven to caregivers. A nursing home that has been screened can be aquality source of help, relief, and security for all concerned. Some homesallow family to do certain domestication for terminal loved one on their site.Above all, be honest with your sick family member, try not to make anypromises you know (in advance) you will not keep. Dying patients can bevery manipulative, watch out for that toxic behavior.This is the function of, Look Over Shared Care, Until...1982 Elouise SwansonPassive Euthanasia term paper, 1982Euthanasia is a controversial subject; the issue of mercy killing crossesall classes of Mankind. My discussion of this subject is Passive Euthanasia;this means that no extraordinary care is given to a dying person. Death isallowed to be in the driver's seat. My Position on this issue is from Doctor,Patient, Family, and Clergy/Chaplain's point of view.There are no plugs to pull; there are no extra life support systems used.The patient is given general medical care. Some Doctors exercise too muchauthority in deciding who should live and who should die. (ex. Childbirth)It is, in my opinion, the doctor's duty to assist in the restoration of health; it isthe duty of health through God to maintain life. (for a given time)Life alone is not health. One can exist for many years in aseverely unhealthy state. If the patient wants the doctor to provide lifewithout health, the doctor should level with patient, making no promises ofimproved health. If the patient request to leave the hospital to die at home,this request should be carefully considered in a positive manner with legal/medical/spiritual counsel.Many patients regard the body as a sacred vessel; they don't want it wired orhooked up to other machines. Some doctors are not as sensitive as they couldbe to the patient by prolonging death. There should be open awareness betweendoctor and patient. When a team of medical professionals are involved, they mustwork together for the benefit of the patient instead of personal emotions ormedical science/research data.A doctor does not have the ultimate right to inform or tell a patient their deathdate. Such decision is left up to God through nature. Proxy care is vital in thisinstance. It has been said, the body reacts to the thinking process of the mind.I believe the patient has the right to decide his/her fate, based on motives.If pain is too severe, medication can be requested. All orders must be writtenin advance and approved. If patient no longer wants to live, natural oxygencan be with-held by the patient. There is no need to ask anyone to end yourlife. If the patient believes life is in God's Hands, then conversationis directed to same.I personally believe God allows Passive Euthanasia to take place. Manypatients feel/believe that they are a great financial burden to family and friends.When bills pile up as health deteriorates, health insurance plans are laterdenied, terminal patient may simply give up. Wills should be in order so demisewill not create family feud.The Family's role in passive euthanasia helps the patient to accept death.If there are past misgivings, they should be openly discussed and pardoned. Thefamily should not play circus with patient. A patient may become very sensitiveknowing he/she will soon die. The family must or should be realistic by qualitysupport (not burnout) while waiting on transition. (death)Sometimes, the family is too emotional; this is extremely bad for the patient.If the shock of a perspective death is too great for certain family members,seek grief counseling before or help at a greater distance. Some people don'thandle the sight of blood or acute care. If the patient knows he/she is mourntoo much, death becomes the fight, not for the patient's benefit, but for others.The family need to realize that the patient is in physical agony and does notneed any additional stress. An older friend of mine had blood cancer. I visitedhim and told him what his life and care-deeds meant to me as a child. I alsotold him to wait on the Lord to send death, he smiled.The Clergy, Chaplain, or priest has a dynamic role in passive euthanasia. The clergy has a greater scope to relate to a dying patient. He/ She can help the patient know God in terms of redemption. If the patient wants Last or Religious Rights, C. C. P. has the power to grant it. They can offer to show the patient the beautiful side of death. He/She can reassure the patient that death is not harsh; it's the ways and means by which it comes that makes it seem harsh. A few studies in Spiritual Insight is a great source of Inspiration for the patient,as well as, the medical team and family. Suffering together brings about inner strength.In Conclusion, death, according to the Bible, is appointed to mankind.Since there is an awareness of Death, there should be acceptanceof it. Death comes with time, not diseases. We relish the right to live; we shouldallow time for Death or Demise.Bibliography:1. Kohl, Marvin, Benefit Euthanasia. New York: Prometheus Books, 19742. Maguire, Daniel C., Death By Choice. New York Doubleday & Company,Inc., 1973Elizabeth Seton Adult Weekend College, Elouise SwansonWe Seniors who suffer with incontinence and bowel problems can create afew facilities in America for Basic Religious/Social Enjoyment. Too many ofus become depressed because we smell sometime in spite of general bathing and our average healthier folks don't want to put up with us. This is a serious problem in the United States that can be eased; Celebrate Life Now. We were great contributors to life; why should we lockourselves away as if we committed some evil crime. Most of usdon't plan to become chronically ill or too old to function.Pre - Need Arrangements for Funeral/Cremation, and PAPERWORK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Order means nothing is left to chance. Proxy/ AdvancedDirectives, Legal Financial and (ALL) General Daily Living Papers can and should be up-to-date. (see topic 19 on pre-need)If you live alone, papers such as telephone, Internet, cable ,Con Ed, Mortgage, Rent, D.M.V., non-beneficiary pension, rented medical equipment, Charities, and magazine subscription need their proper Exit. Whatever is done must be done in writing with a named contact or institution. It has been my unfortunate experience to use help from some church friends. Keep envelopes addressed, up-to-date with stamps handy, E-mails in a special place or with a person so that in the event of death, your basic living papers contacts will be notified of your demise with a copy of death certificate. "This paper clearing issue needs national attention now" in America. Some papers may demand original deathcertificate for clearance such as Bank/Pension Beneficiary.A Walk Through the Life-Cycle of Death.Notable Scriptures Concerning Death..."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1. Man's first breath Genesis 2:72. Purpose of life Revelations 4:113. Origin of death Genesis 2:174. What to do with your life after you accept Jesus? Micah 6:8Ecclesiastes 12:15. Choices Deuteronomy 30:15Romans 6:236. Why we have death Ecclesiastes 3:1-27. What happens to body & spirit? Ecclesiastes 12:5-C" 12:78. Great hope for the believer I Thessalonians 4:16-189. Unbelievers fate Revelations 20:11-15Ezekiel 18:2310. God's purpose for loving the world. John 3:16-l711. Where is Death Proverbs 18:2112. Life after life (Dorcas) Acts 9:36-4213. Death has a sting I Corinthians 15:54-5714. Did not experience natural death Genesis 5:24II Kings 2:1-1115. What will be the fate of death Revelations 20:14" 21:416. Letting go and letting God offertory prayer:Not my will "O Lord," but Thine be done.I commend his or her spirit back to God; this body I commit"back" to Your Earth. Luke 22:42 & Ecclesiastes 12:7.Elouise Swanson July 28, 2010Some Lessons On Dying...1. The Value of Life.2. The Respect for Our Limitations3. Chronological And Qualitative Time4. Teaches Us to Learn to Let go of whatWe Normally Consider to be Important5. We Learn the Meaning of Sharing Somethingas Intimate as Death6. We Learn the Significance of Silence7. The Unexplained Involved in Life8. Death Teaches Us to Separate Ourselvesfrom the Roles and Models We Played Until...Moment of pure honesty.Used by Permission from Professor Kelly,see j-pegged copy of letter included.E.S.C., Yonkers, 1983 9/97, printedIf possible, keep insurance up-to-date. Keep wills in order and working cashto start burial/cremation process. Death is part of Life.Proxy form # for New York State is 1430.Elouise Swanson,Compiler 6/29/10Note: unable to correct margins/spaces for printable v. & print preview forhard copies at this time. E. S., 3/11

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