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What are some farmers' market do's and don'ts?
Here are some of the dos and don’ts from the market I attend. I edited out some specifics to our market:4. The Vendor shall abide by and comply with the hours of operations outlined. Set up time is 30 minutes prior to start time. Trucks are to be unloaded and moved 15 minutes prior to the start of the market. There is absolutely no selling out of the vehicles.5. ALL ITEMS SOLD MUST BE GROWN BY THE SELLER. Vendors must be able to certify their produce to be home grown and true to variety and type as advertised. An on-site inspection could be requested. Vendors from the following counties in Illinois are allowed to participate: …6. Each vendor shall pay a fee in order to participate in the market. The fee to participate is $100 for the entire season, $30 for a month or $5 per Day. This fee will be paid to the Chamber of Commerce before sales of goods takes place. This fee allows for marketing and promotional efforts locally. Additional costs for licenses, insurance or other business expenses are the responsibility of the vendor.7. Produce advertised in any way to be specially grown, such as organic, natural, chemical, or pesticide-free, etc., will not be allowed at the market unless certified. Any misrepresentation of your product or other vendor’s product will not be allowed.8. New vendors interested in selling at the market should contact the Market Master for space allowances. Spaces for new vendors will be assigned by the Market Master only after Farm Bureau membership is checked.9. If a vendor has an unexpected change in their schedule which prohibits them from attending the Market, the Market Master should be notified. If a regular member with an assigned spot is unable to attend the market, their spot may be given to another vendor in order to create a continuous marketplace atmosphere.10. The vendor shall at all times keep their space including the surrounding area, cleanly swept and free of debris. All walkways must be kept clean at all times. All clean-up equipment is the responsibility of the vendor. No water or electricity is available in the market area unless otherwise cleared with the City of Princeton. No pets are allowed in the market area.11. At the conclusion of each business day or at such other times as the vendor may vacate reserved space, he/she shall thoroughly clean and sweep the area and remove all personal effects, produce, and debris.14. Prices of items to be sold must be openly displayed. If scales are used, they are subject to check by the Market Master or State of Illinois inspectors or any others with a legitimate reason to inspect. Produce prices must be visibly posted.15. No vendor in the Market shall attract attention to his own product(s) by outcry or in a boisterous or annoying manner.16. According to the County Health Department every farmer, fruit and vine grower, the gardener has the undisputed right to sell the produce from his/her farm, orchard, vineyard and garden in any place or market, according to the Farm Products Marketing Act. Producers who choose to retail their unprocessed homegrown produce and/or fresh cut herbs on their home premises or at a Farmers Market, usually do so with a minimum of regulation. Stands and concessions that sell processed, prepared or packaged foods in addition to fresh fruits and vegetables are subject to inspection according to the Illinois Department of Public Health Food Service Sanitation Code or the Retail Food Store Sanitation Code.FOODS ALLOWED AT A FARMERS MARKET WITH NO RESTRICTIONFresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds- uncut, not processed in any wayMelons- may be cut for display onlyPopcorn, Other Seeds- Not sprouted, ground, etcFresh or Dried HerbsPumpkins and GourdsFOODS ALLOWED AT A FARMERS MARKET WITH CERTAIN RESTRICTIONSFoods described below are prohibited at a farmers' market or similar event without approval by the local health department as to approve source, ingredients, holding or storage equipment or other pertinent factors. The Division of Food, Drugs and Dairies will also be able to verify that a product is processed in an inspected plant.EggsCut MelonsMushroomsHoneyApple CiderBaked GoodsHerb VinegarsFlavored OilsCandies and Caramel ApplesFOODS PROHIBITED AT A FARMERS MARKET OR FROM OUTDOOR SALESHome Made Ice CreamRaw Milk, Cheese, Yogurt or Other Dairy ProductsAll Home Canned Foods- UNLESS WITH PROPER PERMITSHome Vacuum Packaged Products (of any type)Home Butchered Meat, Poultry or Wild GameHome Prepared SandwichesGarlic-in-oilPickles, Relishes and SalsaWhen in doubt about food approval contact the County Health Department to speak to a health inspector.17. Non-Food Items allowed at the market includeCut or dried flowers, Live Plants, Crafts from homegrown products18. All retail vendors must have a sales tax number. To obtain this number write to the Department of Revenue.19. In the event a vendor fails to comply with these rules or the directions of the Market Master, he/she may be required to vacate their space. In this matter as in all other details of the market, the Market Master shall be the judge.20. Vendors are able to set their own prices for their products, but you are asked to please be considerate of other vendor’s prices as well.
How much does a liquor license cost in Chicago?
Here is the information from the City of Chicago Website. Liquor licenses vary based on types. They are not always easy to get.Classes of Liquor LicensesThese categories were established to help the City identify and regulate the various types of establishments serving alcoholic beverages. In addition, these categories facilitate the application process by ensuring applicants are seeking the proper type of license for their specific establishments.Tavern LicenseBars, nightclubs, taverns, pubs, and lounges are required to obtain a tavern license to sell and serve alcoholic beverages as the primary source of business. In other words, if the establishment’s business is to sell alcohol, to be consumed on the premises, a Tavern license is required. Patrons entering a tavern must be 21 or older. Persons under 21 may only enter a licensed tavern accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.Moratorium restrictions against the issuance of a new tavern license may apply; ask a hospitality business consultant in the Small Business Center or your Alderman if your business is located in a moratorium district.Taverns that offer live entertainment, charge admission for entry or have several amusement devices such as pool tables or arcade games may need a Public Place of Amusement license to conduct such activity.Requirements: Please review Required DocumentsInspections Required: Criminal History Review, Onsite Inspection, Health, Fire, DOB-Special Inspection Program, Plumbing, Ventilation, Local Liquor Control CommissionFees: $4,400.00 + $40.00 one time publication feeRenewal: 2 YearPackaged Goods LicenseThis license is necessary for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor enclosed in the original manufacturer sealed and labeled container. Businesses requiring a packaged goods license include grocery stores, convenient stores, and liquor stores. Businesses that sell packaged goods are not permitted to sell alcohol to be consumed on the premises. Tasting is permitted but must comply with Illinois State regulations (Section 5/6-31 of the Illinois Liquor Control Act).A moratorium restriction against the issuance of a new packaged goods license may apply; ask a hospitality business consultant in the Small Business Center or your Alderman if your business is located in a moratorium district.Requirements: Please review Required DocumentsInspections Required: Criminal History Review, Onsite Inspection, Health-Food Protection, Fire, Local Liquor Control CommissionFees: $4,400.00 + $40.00 one time publication feeRenewal: 2 YearConsumption on Premises-Incidental Activity LicenseThe COP license is required for the retail sale of alcohol to be consumed on the premises at a place of business where the sale of alcoholic liquor is incidental or secondary to the primary activity. Restaurants, hotels, banquet halls, theaters and bowling alleys that would like to sell liquor are required to have a Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity (COP) license. Moratorium restrictions do not apply for restaurants seeking a COP license. However, moratorium restrictions may apply to other businesses seeking a COP license. Businesses with a COP typically require additional licenses depending on the business activity.For example, a public place of amusement license is needed for theaters to operate and a retail food license is required for a restaurant.Requirements: Please view Required DocumentsInspections Required: Criminal History Review, Onsite Inspection, Health, Fire, DOB-Special Inspection Program, Local Liquor Control CommissionFees:$4,400.00 + $40.00 one time publication feeRenewal:2 YearConditional ApprovalThe City recognizes that opening a business is a major financial commitment that involves a large amount of risk. In order to minimize that risk, the City has established a conditional approval process for businesses applying for a Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity License(COP), Packaged Goods or Tavern License. This process is useful for businesses that are planning for construction of a new facility or significant rehabilitation of an older facility. This process ensures business owners that a liquor license will be issued once the facility is completed.A business applying for a liquor license under conditional approval must undergo the same process as any other liquor license application, with the exception of the facility inspections. These inspections will be performed once the building is fully constructed. Businesses applying for a liquor license under conditional approval will receive a decision within 90 days of the application file date. If conditional approval is granted, applicants have one year to complete construction and pass all required inspections.Applicants filing an application for an Expanded Establishment Liquor License may file as conditional approval regardless of the type of license they have.Caterer's License (for caterers located within the City of Chicago)A Caterer’s License allows catering companies or restaurants located within the city limits to cater food and alcoholic beverages off site and within the City of Chicago. "Off Site" catering means the preparation of food at one location for service at another. Holders of this license are required to have a valid City of Chicago Retail Food Establishment License as well.Requirements: Please view Required DocumentsInspections Required:Criminal History Review, Onsite Inspection, Health, Local Liquor Control CommissionFees:$4,400.00 ($2,200.00 for holders of a Consumption on Premise-Incidental Activity License) + $40.00 one time publication feeRenewal: 2 YearCaterer's Registration(for caterers located outside the City of Chicago)A Caterer’s Registration permits caterers or restaurants that are located outside the City of Chicago to cater events with food and alcoholic beverages within the city limits. "Outside Caterer" means a person who performs off site catering by preparing food at a locationoutside the City of Chicago for service at a location within the city limits. For more information, please review section 04-60-081 of the Chicago Municipal Code.Requirements:Local Municipality Food and Liquor License, a copy of an inspection report conducted by your local health department, and a certificate of liquor liability insurance, food sanitation certificate.Inspections Required:HealthFees:$6,600.00Renewal:2 YearSecondary & Special Liquor Licenses:Outdoor Patio (Secondary)An Outdoor Patio License is required to sell alcoholic liquor in a privately owned outdoor location adjacent to premises licensed as a Tavern or Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity. An outdoor patio must close by 11 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and midnight, Friday and Saturday. Live or recorded music may not be played or performed at any outdoor location licensed as an Outdoor Patio. Late Hour Licenses do not extend to an outdoor patio. Businesses that have a Retail Food Establishment license and wish to operate on the public sidewalk need to obtain a Sidewalk Cafe Permit.Requirements:Site Plan, Outdoor Floor Plan, Liquor Liability Insurance Certificate, & Occupancy PlacardInspections Required:Onsite Inspection, DOB-Special Inspection Program, Local Liquor Control CommissionFees: $1,760.00+$40.00 one time publication feeRenewal:2 YearLate Hour License (Secondary)Businesses wishing to remain open beyond the legal closing time of 2:00 a.m. may apply for a Late Hour Liquor License. This license is required for the additional privilege to remain open and permit the sale of alcoholic liquor until 4:00 a.m., Monday-Saturday, and until 5:00 a.m. on Sunday. Businesses holding a Tavern, Packaged Goods, or Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity license are permitted to apply for a late hour license.Moratorium restrictions against the issuance of a new tavern license may apply; ask a hospitality business consultant in the Small Business Center or your Alderman if your business is located in a moratorium district.Requirements:Site Plan, Floor Plan, Late Hour Petition and related documentsInspections Required:Local Liquor Control CommissionFees:$6,000.00+$40.00 one time publication feeRenewal:2 YearOther Special Liquor Licenses:Looking to sell liquor at Riverwalk, Lakefront, or Navy Pier. If you want more information, schedule an appointment with an hospitality business consultant by calling 312.74GO-Biz (4-6249)
Is Old Navy going out of business?
No not yetAmerica's stores were in rough shape even before the coronavirus hit, but the pandemic has worsened the toll on traditional retailers.Forecasters say business will never go back to "normal," as many shops have had an impossible time coming back from this year's long lockdowns.A record 9000 stores went out of business in 2019, which seemed massive — but as many as 20000 could shut down permanently in 2020, mostly in malls, says the an estimate from Coresight Research.So far in 2020, more than 8,000 retail locations have gone dark for good, Coresight says.AdvertisementHere are the major retailers that are permanently closing the most stores in 2020, starting with the biggest announcements.1. GNCGNC, which has been selling nutrition and diet products since 1935, is slimming down in a big way.The vitamins and supplements retailer has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and says it will close 800 to 1,200 of its stores. The company operates 7,300 stores around the world, including 3,600 stand-alone locations in the U.S. and another 1,600 mini GNCs within Rite Aid pharmacies.In a statement to customers on its website, GNC explains that it has been under financial pressure the last few years but was making progress toward paying down its debt and keeping up with online competitors."However, the COVID-19 pandemic created a situation where we were unable to accomplish our refinancing and the abrupt change in the operating environment had a dramatic negative impact on our business," the company says.2. Pier 1 ImportsPier 1 Imports decided to throw in the towel — and the scented candle, the silk pillow, the papasan chair and every other item this home furnishings retailer has been known for.The chain didn't plan to go out of business in 2020. But it began the year announcing that nearly half of its more than 900 stores would shut down. The company filed for bankruptcy and was hoping to find a buyer."Unfortunately, the challenging retail environment has been significantly compounded by the profound impact of COVID-19, hindering our ability to secure such a buyer and requiring us to wind down," Pier 1 CEO Robert Riesbeck says, in a May 19 news release.The closing of all Pier 1 stores brings an end to a retailer that started in 1962 with one location selling beanbag chairs, incense and love beads to baby boomers in San Mateo, California.3. Stage StoresIt's hard for regional discount department stores to hold their own against national giants Walmart, Target and Kohl's.The latest retailer to find this out is Stage Stores, the owner of Gordmans off-price stores and a bunch of other regional brands, including Bealls, Goody's and Peebles. The company filed for bankruptcy on May 10 and said it would permanently shut down all of its stores.Stage Stores was trying to get itself on a better financial footing after a weak 2019 holiday season — but then along came COVID-19, which forced the company to close its stores for weeks.The history of Stage Stores goes all the way back to the 1920s when two of its chains, Bealls and Palais Royal, were founded as family-owned businesses.4. Men's Wearhouse/Jos. A. BankCommercials for Men's Wearhouse used to end with the chain's gravel-voiced founder and CEO George Zimmer vowing that if you bought one of the company's suits, "You're gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it."But Zimmer was ousted in 2013, and guys who are now working from home because of the coronavirus have decided they look just fine in polos and jeans. Suit sales have collapsed, and the owner of Men's Wearhouse has filed for bankruptcy.Weeks ahead of the early August bankruptcy, Tailored Brands — which also owns the Jos. A. Bank, Moores and K&G clothing chains — said it would shut down up to 500 of its roughly 1,400 stores in the U.S. and Canada.The goal is to become "a stronger company that has the financial and operational flexibility to compete and win in the rapidly evolving retail environment," says Tailored Brands CEO Dinesh Lathi, in a statement.5. New York & Co.After a disappointingly quiet holiday shopping season in 2019, New York & Co. began this year with an announcement that it would close more than 25 of its shops by early February.The women's fashion and accessories retailer indicated shoppers were visiting the chain's stores less often while spending more time on the company's website.That was the diagnosis early in 2020 — before the coronavirus hit. Parent company RTW Retailwinds later filed for bankruptcy and announced that New York & Co.'s remaining stores would go out of business. Around 380 were left.The retailer was known for its collaborations with celebrities, including the actresses Gabrielle Union and Eva Mendes. The company was founded more than 100 years ago as Lerner Shops.6. GameStopGame shop Like a gamer shooting at enemy targets, GameStop is picking off store locations that it believes are too close to one another and aren't helping sales."In 2020, we will continue our work to de-densify our global store fleet," Jim Bell, the chief financial officer, told analysts on a recent conference call. That was after the world's largest video game retailer announced that sales at its more established stores were down 19.4% last year.In recent months GameStop found itself in the midst of controversy when it insisted its stores were "essential" and kept them open during coronavirus lockdowns longer than other chains.Then, the stores allowed customers to pick up online orders at the door, but employees said they didn't have adequate protection. In a statement, the company told The Boston Globe that employees were "assured that they do not have to work if they are not comfortable."7. Signet JewelersSignet calls itself "the world's largest retailer of diamond jewelry," so why is it you've never heard of the company? Because Signet doesn't operate stores under its own name but instead owns nearly every jewelry chain you do know.Kay Jewelers, Zales, Jared the Galleria of Jewelry, Piercing Pagoda, JB Robinson Jewelers and several other brands are all part of the Signet family. The stores started the year off with strong Valentine's Day sales, but that was before the coronavirus struck.Sales dropped more than 40% in the company's latest quarter, so Signet says 150 North American stores that have been under lockdown will stay closed. Another 150 locations will shut down later in the year.Signet operates about 3,200 jewelry stores worldwide, but it says the virus has sped up the company's transformation into more of an online retailer.8. Stein MartSeveral retailers have been done in by the COVID-19 pandemic following decades in business. In the case of the discount department store chain Stein Mart, it lasted for well over a century, since 1908.But the company announced in mid-August that it filed for bankrutpcy and would close "a significant portion, if not all, of its brick-and-mortar stores." There are more than 280 in 30 states.Stein Mart's low-price locations carry a little bit of everything: clothing, shoes, jewelry, bedding, luggage, even candy. But the virus and a "challenging retail environment" have made it difficult for the chain to carry on, CEO Hunt Hawkins said in a news release."I would like to thank all of our employees for their dedication and support," Hawkins said. More than 8,600 people are losing their jobs, according to media reports in Jacksonville, Florida, where the company is based.9. Bed Bath & BeyondBed Bath & Beyonds are behemoths. Some occupy more than 80,000 square feet and display around 300,000 items from floor to ceiling. That’s a lot of bath mats, bed sheets and potholders.Before the pandemic hit, the home goods retailer planned to turn 40 of its stores into empty big boxes by March 2020. Another 20 stores were marked for closure from the other chains BB&B owns, including buybuy BABY and Cost Plus World Market.In early July, after the business took a serious hit from COVID-19 shutdowns, the company announced plans to close around 200 more stores over the next two years. That's out of nearly 1,500 stores total."We believe Bed Bath & Beyond will emerge from this crisis even stronger, given the strength of our brand, our people and our balance sheet," says CEO Mark Tritton, in a news release.10. AT&TAT&T is hanging it up at 250 of its retail locations, including both AT&T Stores and Cricket Wireless shops. Labor union the Communications Workers of America says the closings will affect 1,300 store employees."Reducing our workforce is a difficult decision that we don’t take lightly," AT&T said in a statement. "With more customers shopping online, we are closing some retail stores to reflect our customers' shopping practices. While these plans are not new, they have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic."AT&T plans to offer workers from the affected stores other, work-from-home jobs within the company, according to CNN.The closures come less than two years after AT&T announced plans to open more than 1,000 new stores. At that time, the company had more than 5,300 locations.11. Victoria's SecretIt's no secret that this lingerie retailer has been having problems in recent years as many women have decided the chain isn't relevant anymore and isn't inclusive enough.It didn't help that then-Chief Marketing Officer Ed Razek told Vogue in 2018 that the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was "fantasy" and had no place for transgender or plus-size models.With sales declining, Victoria's Secret has announced that about a quarter of its more than 1,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada will be out of business by the end of 2020.And, interim CEO Stuart Burgdoerfer has told Wall Street analysts he expects there will be more closings in 2021 and 2022.12. Chico'sChico's specializes in sophisticated clothing, accessories and intimates for women. It serves "the lifestyle needs of fashion-savvy women 30 years and older," according to its website.The company — which also operates the the Soma and White House Black Market stores — was founded in 1983 by a husband and wife team and named after a friend’s parrot. It grew rapidly to more than 1,400 locations in the U.S. and Canada.Now, the chain is shifting gears away from traditional stores. That spells the end for 250 U.S. locations by early 2022. It's not clear how many have already closed.Chico’s has partnered with Amazon, ShopRunner and QVC to accommodate its 8 million customers' changing needs and shopping behaviors.13. Tuesday MorningThese are tough times even for a deep-discount retailer whose stores normally look like they're holding going-out-of-business sales.Closeout chain Tuesday Morning has filed for bankruptcy and will be holding liquidation sales for real as it plans to shut down around 230 of its nearly 700 locations during the summer of 2020."The prolonged and unexpected closures of our stores in response to COVID-19 has had severe consequences on our business," says CEO Steve Becker, in a news release.Tuesday Morning got its start — and its odd name — from a massive "garage sale" of manufacturers' unsold inventory that founder Lloyd Ross held on a Tuesday morning in 1974. He considered Tuesday "the first positive day of the week."14. GapThe Gap chain is shrinking — in more ways that one.The clothing retailer is on its way to closing around half of its stores through early 2021. The company made that decision following a not-so-merry 2018 holiday season that saw Gap's sales decline 5%.Robert Fisher, currently Gap's interim CEO, says the closures will breathe new life into the 50-year-old brand. Not only that, but remaining stores will be reduced in size.In late January 2020, Gap announced that it had so far closed 89 stores — including 56 in the U.S. — toward its goal of closing about 230 by February of next year.15. J.C. PenneyJ.C. Penney has survived since 1902, but the company whose department stores are a fixture in shopping malls across America is now battling for its life against Amazon, Walmart, Target and off-price retailers like T.J. Maxx.Penney filed for bankruptcy protection in mid-May and informed federal regulators it would permanently close 242 of its stores: 192 in 2020 and another 50 next year. CEO Jill Soltau says in a news release that the company is dealing with "unprecedented challenges" because of COVID-19.Earlier this year, the retailer put a dozen stores out of business following a terrible holiday shopping season. Around 600 locations will remain after the next rounds of closures.And how's this for an indignity? J.C. Penney stock has become a penny stock: It dropped below $1 a share in January and has fallen steadily since then, leading the New York Stock Exchange to delist the stock.16. Family VideoNever mind Blockbuster, with its one remaining store (in Bend, Oregon). Another video chain is still around, renting DVDs and Blu-rays, but the closing credits are running on many of its locations.Family Video, which calls itself "the largest movie and game rental chain" in the U.S., is closing hundreds of stores, reports The Times of Northwest Indiana. More than 300 will remain."Recent events have caused us to make some tough business decisions," the company explains on its website.Family Video operates primarily in the Midwestern U.S. The chain started in Springfield, Illinois, in 1978.17. The Children's PlaceThe Children's Place — which has been dressing kids for over 50 years — has decided to put hundreds of its stores to bed.Two-hundred locations are going out of business this year and another 100 will leave the playground in 2021, because of what CEO Jane Elfers describes as "the rapidly changing shopping patterns of our consumer, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic."The Children's Place wants to move more of it business online and away from struggling shopping malls. It has already closed 275 stores since 2013.The retailer had more than 900 locations in the U.S. and Canada as of early May.18. Art Van FurnitureArt Van Furniture and mattress stores have been an institution in the Midwest, but the region is going to have to learn to get along without them.The chain announced in early March that it was closing all of its company-owned stores in eight states, and a few days later Art Van filed for bankruptcy. In its filing, the company said its problems included losing customers to Amazon and Wayfair."Despite our best efforts to remain open, the company's brands and operating performance have been hit hard by a challenging retail environment," spokeswoman Diane Charles said, in a statement.The chain's odd name came from its founder, Archie "Art" Van Elslander, who opened the first store in the Detroit area in 1959.19. WalgreensDrugstore chain Walgreens has been taking a big dose of downsizing. The company announced in the summer of 2019 that it would shut down about 200 of its U.S. stores, and that work is still going on.Three San Francisco Walgreens closed in recent months, including a location in a prominent spot on Market Street. In March, a Walgreens is closing on the main shopping street in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C.Walgreens says the closings amount to fewer than 3% of the chain's nearly 9,600 locations in the U.S.The chain is trying new ways to lure customers into its stores. For example, there's now an arrangement that lets Urban Outfitters' online shoppers pick up their orders at Walgreens locations.20. Destination MaternityDestination Maternity is expecting to close 280 stores over four yearsIs anyone surprised that expectant moms would rather shop from the comfort of home than trudge to the mall?So, Destination Maternity — which operates stores under its own name, as well as Motherhood Maternity and A Pea in the Pod — has been struggling to compete against online retailers.With sales dropping, the chain filed for bankruptcy in October 2019 and said in a court filing that it would shut down more than 180 stores. The company was still working its way through its closure list in early 2020."In a challenging retail environment, we have had to make some very tough choices," said Destination Maternity CEO Lisa Gavales, in a statement. Her company wants to sell more of its maternity clothes via the web.21. PapyrusThe appropriate greeting card for this occasion is the kind that says, "We're sorry to see you go."Papyrus, the upscale stationery and greeting card retailer that was a fixture in malls across America, has folded. The chain's 70-year-old parent company Schurman Retail Group filed for bankruptcy in January and announced that all of its stores would close."We hope that through our artistic, thoughtful greeting cards and our personal expression products that we were able to inspire you to celebrate and honor the special people in your lives, creating memorable moments along the way," Papyrus said on its Facebook page.A total of 254 Papyrus, American Greetings and Carlton Cards stores have gone out of business, including 178 in the U.S. The rest are in Canada.22. Forever 21Forever 21 has been one of the giants of the "fast-fashion" business. The chain offers low-price clothing that changes rapidly to keep up with trends, and its massive stores have been a major go-to for teens who want hot styles at cheap prices.But with young shoppers now questioning whether Forever 21's disposable clothing is good for the planet, the retailer has been forced to file for bankruptcy and shut down part of its buisness."Forever" has come to an end for nearly 350 stores worldwide, including nearly 200 U.S. stores. Those closings were announced last year, though a few didn't happen until early 2020.Forever 21 has new owners who plan to save the nearly 450 stores that are still open in the U.S.23. Modell's Sporting GoodsYou're probably familiar with Modell's Sporting Goods if you've ever been to New York City, where it seems there are almost as many of the stores as there are subway stations. In fact, Times Square has had two Modell's just one block from each another.But now they're closing, along with all of the company's other stores along the U.S. East Coast.Modell's said in February that it would close 24 of its stores, but a few weeks later the chain filed for bankruptcy and announced it would be shutting down all of its locations, from Massachusetts to Virginia.Company executives blame Modell's demise on: tough competition from big-box stores and Amazon; bad seasons for the region's sports teams; a shorter holiday shopping season last year; and warm weather that hurt sales of jackets and other outerwear.24. A.C. MooreThe arts and crafts chain A.C. Moore is no more.The retailer — whose stores were known for their generous coupons and were found primarily east of the Mississippi — has shut down. The company announced it was going out of business early in 2020."Unfortunately, given the headwinds facing many retailers in today's environment, it made it very difficult for us to operate and compete on a national level," A.C. Moore's CEO Anthony Piperno said, in a statement.The first store was opened in New Jersey in 1985 by a guy named Jack Parker. Up to 40 of the A.C. Moore locations may have reopened as Michaels arts and crafts stores.25. Macy’sMacy's has made the shocking announcement that one fifth of its iconic department stores will be gone within three years.CEO Jeff Gennette says Macy's will close 125 stores in struggling malls that customers are abandoning. The number includes 28 stores already being closed as part of Macy's usual downsizing following the holiday shopping season.“We will focus our resources on the healthy parts of our business, directly address the unhealthy parts of the business and explore new revenue streams," Gennette said, in a news release.As it tries to rely less on malls and reinvent what a department store is, the giant retailer is experimenting with opening smaller stores in strip shopping centers.26. Wilsons LeatherWilsons Leather — a chain known for its leather belts, shoes, handbags, gloves and especially jackets — is zipping it up.Parent company G-III Apparel Group decided to close the last of the Wilsons Leather stores, which dwindled from more than 700 locations that operated in the U.S. and Canada in the early 2000s.G-III also is shutting down its 89 G.H. Bass shoe and clothing stores.The company says it wants to focus on what it calls its "five global power brands": DKNY, Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger and Karl Lagerfeld.27. Office DepotYou may have to drive farther on your lunch hour for ink cartridges and mailing envelopes.Seeing greater potential in business-to-business services, Office Depot has announced it will close 90 locations by 2021. That's on top of 55 that have gone dark over the last year.The office supplies company also owns OfficeMax, so some of those stores are on the chopping block as well.CEO Joe Lower has told investors that the company's stores might account for only 20% of all sales within three years.28. Olympia SportsIt's game over in 2020 for half the stores that are part of the Olympia Sports chain. That's a regional sporting goods retailer familiar to shoppers in New England, New York and elsewhere along the East Coast.The company got bought out last year by JackRabbit, a chain that has stores across the U.S. selling sneakers, exercise gear and athletic apparel.The deal didn't include 76 of Olympia Sports' more than 150 stores, so liquidation sales at those locations began in November 2019 and stretched into the new year.Olympia Sports was launched in 1975 in Portland, Maine, and spread as far south as the Washington, D.C., area.MORE: Make liquidation sales cheaper by shopping with cash-back credit cards.29. ExpressWhat shopping center doesn't have an Express store? The men's and women's closing retailer first appeared as "Limited Express" 40 years ago and quickly became a mall staple.But fewer shoppers are visiting malls now, so Express is trying to keep itself on track. Following a disappointing 2019 holiday shopping season, the chain has announced plans to close around 100 stores by 2022.The number includes 31 that have already shut down in 2020, and another 35 that will be gone by the end of January 2021.That's out of 411 mall-based locations and 215 Express Factory Outlet stores that the company reported in a public filing in November.30. Sur La TableStores closing in 2020: 56The coronavirs pandemic put the cookware chain Sur La Table in hot water — causing the retailer to file for bankruptcy in early July with plans to close nearly half its 121 stores.The rest would be sold to an investment firm. "This sale process will result in a revitalized Sur La Table, positioned to thrive in a post COVID-19 retail environment," says CEO Jason Goldberger in a statement.Sur La Table got its start in Seattle's Pike Place Market in 1972. The company says founder Shirley Collins had a simple idea: "Make good food. Share it. Do so often."The chain doesn't just sell products for the kitchen and dining room but also offers in-store and online cooking classes. Those will continue via the remaining stores under the new owners.31. Brooks BrothersIt's tough to sell men's and women's suits and other fine clothing at a time when many Americans are working from home in shorts and scruffy polo shirts.That's part of the story behind the bankruptcy filing and store closings at Brooks Brothers, which has been in business since 1818. It's the oldest clothing brand operating continuously in the U.S.During its 200-plus years the retailer has never had to face anything like the coronavirus. But Brooks Brothers was in decline even before COVID-19 because of relaxed work dress codes and the growing popularity of online shopping."Industry headwinds were only intensified by the pandemic," says CEO Claudio Del Vecchio. The company is now looking for a buyer as it shuts down U.S. stores that represent about one-fifth of its locations in North America.32. SearsSears is more than 130 years old — and dying a slow death.The iconic chain was once the largest retailer in the country, and it played a key role in the rise of shopping malls.Its innovative mail-order catalogue forever changed the way people shop. The next time you order a rug or a refrigerator, you’ll have Sears to thank.The company emerged from bankruptcy in 2019, but not looking any stronger. The months since have seen one round of store closings after another. Dozens more locations will be shutting down by February 2020.The chain's current owner says in a statement that it's "pruning operations that have struggled due to increased competition and other factors."33. Bath & Body WorksYou'd think that a chain selling soaps and hand sanitizers would have it made during the coronavirus pandemic, but Bath & Body Works is closing 50 of its locations, primarily in malls.CEO Andrew Meslow told analysts on a conference call in May that the mall stores "may not come back to their pre-crisis levels of productivity."So, the Bath & Body Works rubber duckie mascot will have a smaller pool to swim in — even though the company's soap and sanitizer business is indeed growing fast. Sales have doubled from a year ago."Sanitizer is now something that will likely be part of all of our daily routines for the months and years ahead. So, [it's a] meaningful opportunity," Meslow said.34. Earth FareSmaller organic grocery chains are learning that they're no match for goliath Whole Foods and its owner, Amazon.Asheville, North Carolina-based Earth Fare decided to give up the fight. The chain announced in early February that it would shut down all 50 of its natural foods supermarkets in 10 Southern and Midwestern states. The company filed for bankruptcy just as going-out-of-business sales were getting underway."Continued challenges in the retail industry impeded the company's progress as well as its ability to refinance its debt," Earth Fare said in a news release.Earth Fare got its start in 1975, and in the early years its name was a mouthful: Dinner for the Earth. That was replaced in 1993.35. BoseBose isn't amped up over having brick-and-mortar retail stores anymore, so the speaker and headphone company is closing all 119 of its outposts in North America, Europe, Japan and Australia.The Bose website lists 50 stores in the U.S. — which will all be out of business within months.The first U.S. store opened in 1993 as a place where consumers could test and experience Bose products. “At the time, it was a radical idea, but we focused on what our customers needed, and where they needed it – and we’re doing the same thing now," says Colette Burke, the company's vice president of global sales.But Bose says its customers are increasingly doing their shopping online now.36. KmartThe home of the Blue Light Special first opened under the name Kmart in 1962. The discount chain had almost 2,500 locations worldwide in 1994, but the retailer closed hundreds when it filed for bankruptcy in 2002.Two years later, Kmart merged with Sears. And that's when things really started going bad.The lights have steadily been going out at Kmart stores in recent years.
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