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Do you consider Scientology a legitimate religion? Why or why not?

It’s three things in my opinion.It’s a religion, it’s a paramilitary cult and a business.(Scientology denies two out of three)The tax status of the Church of Scientology in the United States has been the subject of decades of controversy and litigation. Although the Church was initially partially exempted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from paying federal income tax, its two principal entities in the US lost this exemption in 1957 and 1968. This was due to concerns that church funds were being used for the private gain of its founder L. Ron Hubbard (according to the IRS) or due to an international psychiatric conspiracy against Scientology (according to Scientology).Tax status of Scientology in the United States - WikipediaThe work that has gone into production of Leah Remini Scientology and The Aftermath has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Scientology is a dangerous cult that has in it’s wake stories of untold human suffering and abuse over it’s 50 year history.Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath Full Episodes, Video & More | A&EThis is a very incomplete list of events taken place that have resulted in legal ramifications for the Church of Scientology.SCIENTOLOGY AND THE LAW14 February 1978The Paris Police Court sentences Lafayette Ron Hubbard, an American citizenand founder of the sect of "Scientology," to four years in prison and a fine of 35,000 francs. Henry Laarhuis, a citizen of the Netherlands and farmer "executive director" of the French branch of the organization, is sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 15,000 francs: Jacqueline Valentin, a French national, formerly president of Scientology in France, is sentenced to two years in prison and a fine of 10,000 francs; and Georges Andreu, husband of the current president of Scientology in France, to a suspended sentence of one year in prison. (he first three by default. A writ of arrest has been issued against them)More HEREIt was the opinion of the Court that Scientology, while pretending to be a non-profit organization, was in reality "a well managed and flourishing enterprise." It makes chimerical promises, notably of professional success and the curing of diseases, its aim however being the collection of as much money as possible. It was the opinion- of the judges that Ron Hubbard was profiting from the proceeds of the swindle, a crime of which all the accused were guilty.France - 29 February 1980The Paris Court of Appeal confirmed the sentences of the three persons sentenced by default but discharged Georges Andreu, considering his liability much extenuated by the fact that he had got into Scientology when still very young and was only twenty-one years of age when he had been named president of it. His role was limited to the carrying out of the directives of the real leaders to whom he was completely subordinate.France - 7 March 1988The Conciliation Board of Paris sentences the Celebrity Center (A Scientology Association ) to pay back salary and damages for failure to abide by the contract signed with an employee. The employment contract, alleged by Scientology to be of a religious nature, was recognized as a work contract. It was thus not allowances which were to be paid, but a salary.France - 24 March 1988The County Court of Pau non suits a Scientologist, -the founder of "La Coccinelle" day nursery, with regard to her action against the president of the ADFI of Pau, whom she accused of having spread injurious reports about her; and she is ordered to pay him an indemnity of 3,000 francs.France - 10 March 1989The Versailles Court of Appeal grants visiting rights to a father who is a Scientologist on the condition of his promise that he will not induct his children into the sect.France - 28 April 1989The County Court of Paris discharges an ex-Scientology member and relieves her of costs. The ex-member was prosecuted for her crimes of forgery, swindling and collusion committed for the purpose of obtaining student loans from various banking establishments: the money had served to pay for courses in Scientology. (Having become extremely destitute, in September of 1989 she went on a hunger strike to get Scientology to refund the cost of the courses as the only way of paying off her creditors.)France - 28 May 1990A complaint is referred to the Court of Lyon following the suicide of a Scientology member. Twenty Scientologists ( Among them the national president.) are indicted between May and October for illegally practicing medicine and for swindling. The preliminary examination is still, under way.France - 19 December 1990The Criminal Division of the Supreme Court of Appeal rejects a petition in suspicion that fair trial will not be given, filed by the attorneys of Scientology and aimed at obtaining the removal of the examining magistrate of Lyon, G. Fenech.France - June 1990A complaint against a physician (and Scientologist) by four of his patients is referred to the Court of Besancon. He is charged with swindling and temporarily prohibited from practicing medicine for having referred his patients to Scientology.France - September 1990An expert psychiatrist for the Court of Toulon lodges a complaint "against X" for premeditated robbery and violence following repeated acts leading one to suppose that Scientology is engaged in making intimidating maneuvers against him in order to influence his decisions as an expert in the matter of several actions brought in connection with this organization at Marseilles and at Lyon.France - September 1991Following the preceding complaint lodged by Dr. Abgrall, a magistrate of Toulon indicts three Scientologists for "attempted subordination of witnesses and for using threats."France - 18 September 1991The Police Court of Paris(7th Section) declared inadmissible an action initiated by the Scientologists against Dr. Abgrall. The latter had publicly denounced the organization, accusing it of having "put pressure on him" to "make him crack up." In support of his accusations: theft of his mail, distribution of injurious tracts, damage to his car, anonymous telephone calls....France - 19 December 1990The County Court of Paris acquits a reporter of the "Journal du Dimanche" charged with defamation by the director of the "Dialogic" society. The article revealed the infiltration by said society, directed by a Scientologist, into the services of the Ministry of the Interior.France - 16 January 1991The County Court of Paris orders the quashing of judicial proceedings initiated by a Scientologist against the ADFI of Paris, whom he accused of having provided his mother with information critical of Scientology. The proceedings were quashed for failure to provide documents.France- 17 May 1991A complaint of swindling and illegal practice of medicine is referred to the Court of Marseilles by the parents of a Scientology member. Thirty some Scientologists are called for questioning. The preliminary examination is still under way.France - 17 February 1992'In May of 1985, Scientology had filed a petition with the Administrative Court of Paris for the voiding of the decision of the Minister of Social Affairs and Solidarity, dated 24 January 1984, granting the C.C.M.M. a subvention of 100,000 francs for the purpose of publishing a brochure intended to inform the public about the different sects.The Council of State, ruling on the matter in contention, decided to reject the above petition. Abstract of the conclusions: "Whereas in consideration of the dangers that the practices of certain bodies commonly known as "sects" may present, especially for the young, and even though certain of these movements pretend also to pursue a religious aim, the minister of social affairs was legally empowered to participate financially, without impairment to either the neutrality of the State or the freedom of the cults, in the informing of the public so affected concerning the practices here in question; and whereas in regard to the contents of the publication thus subsidized, the decision is not blemished either by error of fact or of law or by a manifest error of judgment; and whereas the Church of Scientology of Paris is consequently not justified in maintaining that it is wrongfully attacked by the decision; therefore the Administrative Court of Paris has rejected its petition for the voiding of said decision."France - 4 March 1992The County Court of Paris dismisses all of the claims of the Dialogic Society, directed by Scientologists, against a journalist and the newspaper "Le Point" for an article that said society held to be defamatory. The Dialogic Society is appealing.France - 18 March 1992The Appeals Court of Douai confirms the judgment of the Police Court of Lille dated 14 January 1992, and for injuries done to the AFDI President Nord orders the representatives of the Hubbard Dianetic Center of Lille to pay damages.France - 3 April 1992The 17th Court of Petty Sessions of Paris was to rule on the complaint of defamation entered by a Scientologist comedian against the Vice-President of the UNADFI for remarks made in an article in the "Journal du Dimanche." _In his statement, the attorney for the UNADFI argued for the inadmissibility of the complaint and discharge of the accused since the text in question did not reflect upon the comedian, but upon the methods of Scientology. The plaintiff did not appear at the trial on 3 April 1992, thus refusing to join issue.France - 27 April 1992The County Court of Paris rejects the petition of an executive of the "Cours Bernard Dimanche, " a private institution for remedial schooling using the methods of Ron Hubbard. This petition was directed at having the name of the establishment removed from the list published by the UNADFI of organizations linked to Scientology.The plaintiff is ordered to pay 5,000 francs damages to the UNADFI for abusive actions.France - 22 June 1989The Magistrates Court of Rennes sentences the director of an "educational" society linked to Scientology to a fine of 20,000 francs for false advertising and for not having told of its ties to Scientology.France - 21 February 1990Appeal of the preceding judgment. The Rennes Court of Appeal increases the penalties ordered by the Magistrates Court of Rennes: they are increased to a suspended sentence of four months in prison and a fine of 40,000 francs.France - 15 November 1990Petition for annulment by the director of the Wise society: the petition is rejected.Germany - April 1989The Labor Court orders Narconon to pay a young former member employed in the organization DM 43,000 for exploitation.Germany - 2 January 1991The Administrative Court of Hamburg recognizes the commercial nature of the activities of Scientology. The latter claimed that being a religion, it did not have to make disclosure of its lucrative activities.Germany - 28 May 1991The Court of Hamburg takes away the charter of association of the Church of Scientology because of the commercial and lucrative nature of its activities. It will henceforth have to declare the proceeds of its sales.Canada - 4 October 1991The Toronto Court orders Scientology, prosecuted for libel by the Attorney-General, to pay him one million six hundred thousand Canadian dollars in damages.The affair dates back to 1983: in the course of a judicial investigation of swindling, the Canadian police had made a search of Scientology headquarters and seized a mass of documents. In 1984, Scientology brought charges 9 against the Attorney General of Toronto for obstructing justice. ("Contempt of the Court.") Scientology's claim was dismissed. But the Attorney General brought charges of his own, calling for an exemplary penalty in order to discourage the taking of this type of legal action. As for the trial which began with the searches of 1983, that has not yet come before the court!Denmark - December 1990The County Court of Copenhagen gives a Scientologist and two private detectives a suspended sentence of three months in prison for illegal spying, i.e., tapping the phones of the Dialogcenter, the center for investigating the new religious movements and sects.Spain - 20 November 1988After a long investigation that was made following charges of abduction, swindling, falsification of documents and several financial crimes, a judge orders the arrest of sixty-nine officials of Scientology and its daughter organization "Narconon," among them Mr. Heber Jentzsch, international president of the sect." (A great many Scientologists were gathered in Madrid for a congress. Placed under warrants of commitment to prison, they were later released subject to heavy bail. The Spanish police made a search, seized two hundred kilos of documents and closed up thirty some affiliates of Scientology and Narconon. The preliminary examination is still under way.Great Britain - 23 July 1984Judge Latey of the High Court of Justice awarded the custody of two children of eight and ten-years to their mother, thus taking them away from their father, a Scientologist, who had kept them with him at the British headquarters of the sect in East Grinstead and had made them attend Scientology school. The mother had quit . .Scientology after several years, which had led to a divorce. The father had remarried with a loyal Scientologist. Judge Latey, in the grounds given for his decision, characterized the Church of Scientology as "corrupt, immoral, sinister and dangerous."Italy - 29 March 1989At the time of an inquiry begun in 1981 after a great many complaints, forty-three counts of indictment are brought against Scientologists. In 1986, the Italian authorities order the closing of thirtytwo Scientology centers in Italy.On 29 March 1989,seventy-five Scientology members active in Italy are tried for tax evasion, extortion of funds, illegal practice of medicine, and exploitation of infirm persons.Switzerland - 22 August 1983A former member takes legal action to obtain reimbursement of sums of money paid to Scientology. The contract is judged invalid for lack of due consent. The money is returned in an "out-of-court" settlement.Switzerland - September 1989Scientology of Switzerland and the United States files an appeal under administrative law with the Federal Council against Swiss Interpol following the latter's refusal to correct or eliminate from their file's certain information about Scientology.Switzerland - 22 May 1991The Zurich Supreme Court, on appeal, gives a suspended sentence of two months imprisonment to four Scientologists for swindling a mentally handicapped woman to whom they sold books, cassettes and lessons for more than 12,000 Swiss francs,Switzerland - 28 November 1991The Civil Court of Justice of the Jurisdiction of the Canton of Vaud nullifies a judgment of September 1991 aimed at preventing the publication of a "Reader's Digest" article. The remarks critical of Scientology were judged to be well grounded. The Swiss publisher of the journal in question who disregarded the ban is not convicted.Switzerland - 19 August 1992Paul Ranc, former president of the Association for the Protection of the Family and the Individual [Association de Defense de la Famille et de l'Individu = ADFIS], was freed of the charge that had been brought against him by the sect of the "Church of Scientology" of Lausanne. The latter held that M. Paul Ranc had been guilty of "bearing false witness, of defamation, even of slander." The reporting judge of the Eastern Vaudois district, in an order handed down on 19 August 1992, decreed that M. Ranc's sources confirmed his statements and that he is accordingly cleared of the charge.USA - 26 October 1979A federal court of Washington, D.C., declares nine high dignitaries of the Church of Scientology, including Mary Sue Hubbard, the wife of the founder, guilty of consorting with criminals, of false declarations under oath, of burglary and the theft of documents in various departments and agencies of the American government." (In particular, the departments of the Treasury and Justice, etc.) Many of these documents, (Twenty-three thousand all told.) were highly confidential. Thanks to a system of plea bargaining that allows an accused to plead guilty to one of the counts of an accusation and be sentenced for that one alone, the case developed fairly rapidly, and there was no appeal. The accused were punished with 10,000 dollar fines and sentenced to imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Two other accused,- of British nationality, who had left the United States as soon as the lid had been blown off, were later extradited from Great Britain back to the United States and were tried and condemned to similar punishment. The documents seized during a search of the headquarters of Scientology in Los Angeles were made public. USA - July 1989The California Court of Appeals orders Scientology to pay two million five hundred thousand dollars to Larry Wollersheim, a former member of Scientology. This verdict put an end to ten years of legal proceedings. The Court rejected the claim made by Scientology that all its practices being of a religious nature, they should be completely protected by the Constitution from any judicial interference. The judge declared that Scientology had deliberately ruined Larry Wollersheim both economically and psychologically and that such conduct is too disgraceful to have constitutional protection.USA - December 1989The Supreme Court decides against granting tax exemption to taxpayers for Scientology expenditures, payments for auditing being held not comparable to charitable contributions.USA - 8 August 1991The California courts in 1981 had ordered three Scientologists to repay the amounts they had deducted as charitable contributions, on their tax returns, for their Scientology courses. In 1988, the Federal Court of the 9th California district upheld the decision of 1981 on appeal. On 8 August 1991 the Supreme Court confirmed the two prior judgments.The human toll:A for Anonymous Aborted Sea Org Children. “I felt that it was strange that they would all make the same decision. Independent of their individual circumstances, they had all made the decision to have an abortion.” Who can say how many hundreds of beautiful children have died, so that their parents could pursue immortality and their “church” could save the cost of their upbringing? Even the most debased of cults recognises that children grow up to be the next generation of workers for the cause. It is above all revealing that a “church” which purports to believe in reincarnation should deny the right of children to be born to loving parents.A for Anonymous Alain X, Swiss, now aged 32, who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of Scientologists at the age of 14 when his mother, badly informed, thought that Hubbardian analysis would help him. He spent most of a year at the notorious Mace Kingsley Ranch in New Mexico. In 1994 aged 18 he tried to kill himself by jumping off a road bridge but instead killed a passer-by. At the ranch they had recommended suicide as the best solution to his problems. Since his encounter with Scientology he has not been able to live an independent life.A for Anonymous in Switzerland who died c.1996 when his father (a Clear) threw him over a cliff because he could not afford to pay for courses and maintain his family. He served a prison term but CoS stole his confession and so avoided publicity.A for Anonymous Child in Florida. In the 1980s, an unidentified child died playing unsupervised in the car-park of the Fort Harrison Hotel, Clearwater. It is adjacent to the area where children were kept.A for Anonymous Elaine X who killed herself when told to disconnect from her family who were Salvation Army people. This was in 1979 or 1980 in Sydney. There was a massive cover up.A for Anonymous Ernie X, a Scientologist who killed himself in 1978 or 1979 in Los Angeles.A for Anonymous Francois X, who killed himself mid-July 1991 aged 30 having spent 80,000 FF on auditing and the Purification rundown without gaining anything of value. Still hounded by the cult he killed himself, leaving a note in which he imagined the happiness he could have had ‘had the church of Scientology not existed.”A for Anonymous French Scientologist aged 25, who cut his wrists leaving a note which said: “Allez à la Scientologie et vous comprendrez tout! ” – “Go to Scientology and you will understand everything.”A for Anonymous Gifford X (New Zealand), suicide circa 1978.A for Anonymous Gitte X from Lyngby Mission, Denmark, who commited suicide at FLAG.A for Anonymous Jean-Louis X, Swiss, who died in his car in Paris on 3 December 1990, after two years in the cult.A for Anonymous Larry X and his wife; long-time Scientologists who lived in Washington State. In 1986 or 1987, Larry arrived at the home of other Ex-Scis in Los Angeles. He told them he had left Seattle in order to kill himself, that his business and marriage had failed, his Scientology gains had disappeared, the more auditing he received, the worse he got, and it was all his fault. After three weeks, he was able to call his wife to let her know he was safe. They are now doing well. HEW 215.A for Anonymous mad guy: “There’s a guy in Los Angeles . . . he’s well-known among ‘old timers’ because he sits in Bob’s Big Boy restaurants, writing pages & pages of reports to Scientology about space invaders & such. In 1976, I was introduced to him by Gary Rist … and he was quite mad.” He’d supposedly gone nuts on OT3…A for Anonymous MS sufferer: 1977 ” I pleaded with my seniors and the crew C/Ses for auditing to address my condition [M/S], but I was refused. Instead, two C/Ses, Russ Barrigan and David Ziff ordered me to do the purification R/D – twice. So I spent endless hours sitting in the sauna. Unfortunately, extreme heat affects people with M/S adversely and I didn’t get better – I got worse. I didn’t know this fact at that time, but I feel that those in charge should have known.”A for Anonymous Oscar A, a member of the Brescia org. He was , a follower of Brescia org, a mentally unstable person who turned to Scientology looking for help. He realised that the “therapy” was bogus and tried to leave but was persecuted with telephone calls, psychological threats etc., and he became much worse than he had been before and finally hanged himself on 21 September 1987.A for Anonymous Rita X who lived in Sussex, England, with her husband, both Scientologists and so opposed to psychiatry. But Rita became severely depressed and cried all the time. She refused to see a psychiatrist and in March 1987 committed suicide by inhaling exhaust fumes.A for Anonymous Scientologist who jumped to his death from the Hanover bank building in New York City in the early 1980s.A for Anonymous Scientologist, in charge of Op-Z for the Portland Organization who jumped to his death from the Freemont bridge in Portland 1978-79.A for Anonymous Shields, teenage daughter of Dr Grayce Megan Shields, the Scio doctor,who committed suicide perhaps c.1990 by hanging herself in the shower. Megan gave at least $250,000 to SupahPowah.A for Anonymous Thierry X: in Normandy, France, May 1989: Thierry, with his frail mind, is just out of a sojourn in psychiatric hospital. He’s still on treatment when the Church of Scientology takes him. This cult resembles a vast blood-sucking alien insect. Two weeks before his death he strangles his mother until she loses consciousness. At the age of 24 Thierry dies after a “trip” in Scientology (an auditing session?)—————————–A for Alan Albert, who died by suicide, when his wife of many years, Jerrye, left him because he left the church.A for Göran Andersson – Göran was on staff in Sweden for many years, then he joined the Sea Org in Copenhagen. He died 1995-96 by hanging himself. for Kirk Anderson, who came into the Salt Lake City mission one day between July and October 1973 with a shotgun and threatened the mission staff because he believed they were alienating him from his new Scientologist wife, Yolanda who later left for the Sea Org and whose child died as a result of terrible Scientology child care. Kirk was the ED of the Salt Lake mission for years.A for Maria de Rosario Almeida a staff memer at the Lisbon org who was shot by a non Scientologist, Joao Cancela, in 1994. The shooter said he had ‘an intense antipathy to the Church of Scientology doctrine.” He killed himself later, while under psychiatric care.A for Michael Argue, 1993, psychosis. He became involved in Scientology in 1971. His first break was in the 1980s while doing OT levels at the LA Organization, his second in 1993. He lives on Family Benefits. He is on Prozac and Valium and states that he looks forward to bodily death to escape his situation in life.A for Tom Ashworth: Andre Tabayoyon testified that he received instructions from Ray Mithoff to use the Hubbard Tech of Thought Reform to drive Tom Ashworth crazt so he would commit suicide. Tom went PTS Type III and attempted suicide. Later, he escaped from RPF and was caught, brought back against his will, isolated with 2 guards and more thought processes were used on him to calm him down rather than have him kill himself.B for Annie Broeker who had a psychotic break in auditing. She was last seen being held under armed guard at the Gilman Hot Springs RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force) by Blake (last name withheld at his request), a former Sea Org staff member (1970s-1980s). Annie and her husband were close friends of LRH in his latter days in hiding.B for Arthur Beals, an Australian who was murdered by his Scientologist son Gary on 15 March 1989 (that date again). He and his wife Lawana knew Gary was tormented by voices in his head but he refused to seek psychiatric treatment. At his hearing Gary blamed Scientology for his actions. Beals said he had been advised by the “Church” against seeking therapy. According to him, the organisation’s members talked him out of accessing professional help while “bleeding dry” his bank accounts.Scientology the cult of disbelief | The Daily TelegraphB for Bob Borowsky – shot himself around 1977.B for Carl Barney, who went psychotic on the Apollo and was guarded by three other people on the shop. He had been forced to sit for months doing “blinkless” TRs. One of the periodic extremes Hubbard took no responsibility for.B for Dale Susan Bogen, who died of strychnine poisoning in November 1984. Her death was so dreadful that the manipulators told her friend she had died of CO poisoning in her car, after blocking the exhaust with a rag. In fact she swallowed gopher poison, and if you block a car exhaust with anything the engine immediately stalls. In 1984 she had done the Introspection rundown – isolation and vitamins – Hubbard’s cure for psychosis – at ASHO. for David Baker, Technical Secretary at Saint Hill, OT 3, when he committed suicide at East Grinstead in 1984.B for Flo Miller Barnett – a notorious “suicide”. She was David Miscavige’s mother-in-law, and had fallen out with him and with her daughter. She threatened to sue Scientology. She died on 8 September 1985 having been shot three times in the chest and once in the head by a gun almost as long as she was.B for Gregory S. Bashaw, 46, a successful journalist and OT7, who committed suicide in his car on 23 June 2001 after 20 years of Scientology courses, auditing and training. He was having a problem with body thetans and could not accept the help of anyone outside Scientology, but Scientology, having got him into a mess, did not want to know anything about him. Greg was a talented, very lovable person who left behind a wife and teenage son. But he died broke, deeply in debt, unemployed and beyond help, having been excommuncicated by the vampire church to which he had dedicated his entire adult life. Greg Bashaw is one of the more notable victims of the vampire cult.B for Griffee Blythe, long-time staff, who died in 2008 of alcohol abuse. Snr C/AOLA, but cracked up when her son died, as she could not believe she had not been able to save him.B for Jeremy Blake (35) and Theresa Duncan (40) who both committed suicide, he by drowning in the sea off New Jersey on 17 July 2007. He “went to join the lovely Theresa”. They both believed they were being harassed by Scientology; a possible reason is their friendship with Beck and his wife, which Beck has denied. But opinion remains sharply divided about the role of Scientology in this affair.B for John Boucher, a Scientologist for 25-years at the prestigious Founding Church of Scientology, Washington (FCDC). He committed suicide on 6 May 2001 aged 46 after being destroyed by ethics handling. He killed himself because they had told him, after 25 years, that he was an “illegal pc” because he was a security risk because he was still in touch with his father who had once worked for the NSA. The real reason was that he could not afford any more courses. He commited suicide believing that he would come back in another body and be able to get auditing. He wanted Scientology more that he wanted life, or his family. John was a true believer with integrity and courage. He believed what his “church” told him. And going up the Bridge was worth more to him than his family or any other aspect of his life. This abusive organisation, which knows neither shame nor pity, first denied he was a member and then solicited donations for its front group, CCHR, at his funeral.B for John Breedlove was at Flag Land base in the 1970s. He told his mother he had been told by Scientology to commit suicide and that Scientology could get anyone to commit suicide if they wanted. He killed himself after he left Scientology.B for John Buchanan – a Scottish landscape gardener, working in Germany, joined the cult there but committed suicide in May 1994 to escape his debts.B for Kaja Bordevich Ballo, a Norwegian girl studying in Nice, France, died 28 March 2008, a few hours after taking the worthless “find their ruin” Oxford Capacity Analysis given by the Church of Scientology. She was told it showed she had an inadequate personality. She did not know that this is the standard diagnosis. She was the daughter of Olav Gunnar Ballo, a member of the Norwegian Parliament for Kyle Brennan, born 12 April 1986, son of a Scientology father and a Catholic mother, was 20 when he died 17 February 2007 on a visit to his father. His father had withdrawn his medication for depression (it was found locked in the glove-box of his truck) and left a loaded gun in their appartment. When he found Kyle shot, his father allegedly (and typically) called church security before calling an ambulance an hour later. A lawsuit (currently ongoing in the Tampa federal court) alleges that several senior Scientologists persuaded Kyle’s father to take away his Lexapro. The suit, which also names Thomas Brennan as a defendant, states that the defendants tried to put Kyle Brennan into a Narconon drug treatment program. Kyle Brennan was not a Scientologist. http://kylebrennan.comB for Leila Laten (Leighton) Brown, aged 26, a public pre-clear who died in 1978 when she jumped from an apartment building several blocks from the San Francisco Scientology Organization where she had been receiving services. Her boyfriend Doug Arth was also a Scientologist.B for Lisa Bocklemann: suicide? More information needed.B for Marie lBot, 48, who died in a car accident on 16 April 2003 at Buffalo NY. No further details.B for Massimo B., a chronic schizophrenic, who hoped Scientology would help him. He had already spent time in a mental hospital but CoS staffers assured him that with their Purification “therapy” he would be completely cured. Instead he got much worse and ran away twice. He run away again, and tried to commit suicide cutting his veins.B for Robert (Bob) Borowsky, on staff at the NY org, shot himself probably in November 1977 after coming back quite crazy from Los Angeles (or from Flag) where he had gone from Clear to OTVII.B for Sam Binion or Benion who became psychotic while on OT3. It is reported that Heber Jentzsch was involved in physically restraining him and took off his Clear bracelet so he wouldn’t give Scientology a bad name.B for Steve Brackett, a successful developer and builder and one-time millionaire, some time between 24 and 28 May, 2009, jumped 200 feet to his death from Bixby Bridge on the Big Sur coast. His friends and relatives said he was despondent because of financial troubles with his business. It is clear from a subsequent legal claim made against Nancy Cartwright, his erstwhile fiancée, that these troubles involved but were not limited to his donating to Scientology a six-figure sum advanced to him for his last renovation project. He may have hoped for the lucrative SuperPower contract; if so, he was disappointed. Steve was on the fringes of the Scientology Celebrity world. He reached “Clear” in his early 20s, some time before the end of 1979. Subsequently he went to OTV. In 2006, he was listed by IAS as a Gold Meritorious $1 Million donor. Some time later, a photograph shows Brackett, his erswhile fiancee, Nancy Cartwright, and Jack and Lucy Murphy (Nancy’s daughter and son-in-law) with Scientology head David Miscavige as Patrons Laureate, a wonderful title which implies a $10 Million donation to IAS, though whether individually or jointly is not clear. In 2007 he was planning to marry Nancy, but as his financial resources dried up, so did the relationship fail. As a true Scientologist she did not attend his funeral. In an attempt to save his reputation as OT, the Church told people (including his family) that he died in a head-on collision.In September 2010 Nancy Cartwright was cited in a lawsuit brought by the American Safety Casualty Insurance Company which involved her fiance’s suicide, a failed construction project, and the Church of Scientology. Brackett Construction was hired in 2008 to remodel Off Vine Restaurant in Los Angeles. ASCIC issued an insurance policy to Brackett to cover the work with Nancy as guarantor. When the project was halfway done, in May 2009, Brackett committed suicide, his company filed for bankruptcy, and ASCIC had to pay $260,000 to complete the project. They allege that “Nancy Cartwright and Stephen E. Brackett were active members in the Church of Scientology and that [he] diverted contract funds from the Off Vine Restaurant Project to the Church of Scientology.”, 8 June 2009, on WWP. Monterey County Herald: Breaking News, Sports, Business, Entertainment & Monterey News (05/29/2009) for Theo Box, who was OT 7 or OT 8, had problems with his daughter Jenny Box. Hana Whitfield told that when she was an auditor, Jenny was brought to my house to have somewhere for constant care as she had become mentally ill while being audited and was being protected from the medical profession and from her mother who was not a Scientologist. The GO was involved. Her father was here much of the time and at other times she was left with me. She wandered off when I was alone with her and ended up in a hospital. In her “condition” she talked of her personal relationship to LRH and a whole scenario of past and future events around this theme.C for Al Crivello: A nice guy who maybe knew too much about the cult’s finances. He was sent to the RPF, declared SP, then shot himself in his apartment on North Edgemont in LA. He and his children Robbie, Steve [or Antony?] and Kristine were active in the org from 1969 to at least early 1970s, in NY, LA, and East Grinstead.C for Allan Crichton who lives in Maine and New York City. He’s a former institutionalized mental patient who inherited a lot of money. It’s managed by a trust fund so he can’t go through it too quickly. Nevertheless, he wanders in and out of being extremely unhappy with Scientology. He’s had his OT levels delivered by an auditor, since he isn’t allowed to see the confidential stuff. He’s a brilliant artist who fights depression, and he’s not getting the care he needs in Scientology. His wife, Lorna, is practically rabidly in favor of Scientology, and actively takes services. They give lots & lots of his money to Scientology…C for Clint Coleman, 14 – Hit by car in 2003. Any further information?C for David Cary (29), a Dianetics instructor at Berkeley, CA. He and his wife were early followers of Dianetics. He tried to cure his depressed wife of a suicide mania. She shot him to death in 1951, then killed herself. – for David Orin Cloud died on 5 June 1983 in a car accident. He was in L.A. for auditing and had persuaded himself he was going to die.’s source said “He thought he was going to die, because he was just giving up.” He was thirty years old. He was involved with the Better Baby Institute. He had been involved in Scientology for 8 or 9 years beginning in 1977.C for Diane Coletto – murdered by her husband John Coletto, OT3, in 1979. Alt.religion.scientology Week in ReviewC for Giuliano Cocchetti, OT 8, committed suicideC for Helen Cary – suicide in 1951. She murdered her husband then killed herself. (see David Cary)C for Jeremy Cassowitz (sp.?) a young person who hung himself; he was on auditing lines at the time.C for John Coletto – suicide. John was routed to the RPF. His wife Diane Coletto was the Commanding Officer, Publications Org, and she had been instructed to divorce her husband because he was a ‘criminal.’ After some weeks, he managed to escape the PAC RPF and shortly afterwards called Scientology officials to let them know that they had turned his wife against him (a common practice in Scientology), and he was going to kill her. Marty Rathbun was in a car with Diane driving down what is now known as L. Ron Hubbard Way, when out of nowhere came John, her husband, and he had a gun in his hand. He emptied it into her body. Blood and guts everywhere. He then took the gun and pointed it at Marty and started to shoot – click, click, click – no more bullets. John ran off and was found dead himself a few days later for self-inflicted wounds from the same gun he used to kill his wife.” This was Marty’s first protection duty.C for Leigh Crundall– staff at Saint Hill, who became psychotic through overwork and general abuse, committed suicide in July or August 1984 by hanging from the banister in her own house. Crundall is her maiden name.C for Marianne Coenan – psychosis. She was locked up in Pomona in 1991.C for Mark Carlton who jumped off of the Aurora Bridge in Seattle, about 1978.C for Maude Casissu– suicide c.1995 (HEW)C for Michael Carr: died in a car wreck. See Murder file.C for Paul Cooper, New Zealand, suicide 1998.C for Richard (Rick) Coco or Cocco – had an incurable crack habit: “A suburban West Palm Beach man fatally shot himself at 4:15 p.m. on the beach just north of Coral Cove Park near the Martin County line, said Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Diane Carhart. Witnesses said the man, identified as Richard Cocco, 47, shot into the water before taking his own life.”C for Richard Collins, 24, of Bristol, Avon, England died on 9 August 1996 when he jumped from the Clifton Suspension Bridge near Bristol. He was trying to leave or had left Scientology, but church members besieged him with aggressive telephone calls and letters to lure him back.C for Ross Cooper who committed suicide circa 1988.C for Steven Craine (or Crane) who is reported to have committed suicide at East Grinstead.C for Thomas Ciancio: who died on 30 December 2009 when he was shot three times in the back of the head by his ex-boss, William Rex Fowler, a Scientology “minister” and OT VII. Ciancio was the company’s Chief Operations Officer and the only non-Scientologist working at Fowler Software, a WISE business (run according to Scientology principles), in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. Fowler then turned the gun on himself but the bullet passed through his chin and exited through the top of his head without doing fatal damage. Ciancio had gone to pick up a severance payment of $9,900, having resigned on 23 November. The firm was not doing well but six months earlier Fowler had donated $200,000 of company money (to a “church”, presumed to be the Church of Scientology.

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