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Why did you break up with your partner?

I have never told the full story to anyone. Because it makes me looks weak - which I hate. The feminist inside me gets insulted on how I could let this happen to me. The outspoken woman that I am now gets embarrassed on my vulnerability.I broke up with my ex because of the same reasons most first time lovers do - immaturity, innocence, and the fire to seek freedom and not submit.He and I got together when we were both 17 yo, both very naive. It was on December, 2008. It was the first relationship for both of us. We got together just two month before the final exams of our Class 12th. The relationship lasted for hardly a year. The break up was ugly and messy.We learnt from the mistakes we made. And became who we are now. But we lost each other in the process.We were both from a tiny town in India where everybody knew everybody else. Hence, we knew each other from childhood. I was a big introvert at that time. He wasn’t so much. We were both good students and aspiring engineers. He was in fact an all rounder. Dancing, Singing, Drama, Sports, Arts - you name it - he was good at everything. Everyone had just one complaint from him - he was condescending at times without him being aware of it. He would mock others not knowing that it hurts people. He had gained the infamous name “Insultor”. Me, on the other hand was that nice and shy girl in the class who was known for her good grades. But good grades only. I had no other talent per-se.When we started to talk day and night for the whole of December during our class 12th, I asked him, “Are we boyfriend girlfriend now? What are we doing?”He said, “Sure. We can be that. Yes. You are my gf. I like that. ”And that’s how we started. We were in love. Crazily.We would make dreams and talk about them all day long with each other. We were excited about meeting up, sharing food, sharing pictures and writing each other poems and what not.But since the first day, he used words and opinions which were usually construed by normal people (including me) as taunts/mockery/insults or at the least mainsplaining. He, however, never realized this and kept on speaking his heart out not knowing he was hurting me. I did not know that he was unaware.He said, “You don’t have anything to talk. You bore me. I should have dated your best friend instead. And her boyfriend - same idiotically silent like you - should have dated you.”And he would laugh.He had a nickname for my dad who was half bald - a name which I obviously hated but he would use it frequently.Often times he would say, “We should just break up. You and I don’t match. You are shy. I am outspoken. ”Other times he would compare me with another girl that he had a crush on. “You and she look so similar. Both thin, fair and even face looks similar. Even your legs. Except you have a hoop in your back and she stands straight. If you two were placed together, you would make an arrow.” This amused him. Not me.I hated that I walked with a hoop. I hated that I was shy and don’t speak up. I hated that I was thin with no boobs. Imagine the worst things you think about yourself. Now, how would you feel if the one person that you love so much not only reiterates those same things but uses them to remind you why he should not be with you[1][1][1][1].I was hurt. But I did not say anything. My first mistake.I thought he would change with time. My second mistake.I thought I would change him. My third mistake(he was not my property after all - how foolish of me).The complaints went on forever without him knowing that he was even doing it. There were good times too but somehow all that stuck were the bad memories. His complaints seemed to exceed everything nice. I kept mum, without me realizing that he cannot know my opinions if I don’t say them. Or maybe I just wanted to impress him. Or maybe I was just scared of him. So called “female Indian values” in work, I guess.Over the time, I became submissive to him and he, on the other hand, thought I did it all by my will. I was just being a good girlfriend.When his parents found out that he and I was having a love story, they shouted and scolded him. His mom cried out of worry. He told me then, as lovers its our duty to share the punishment. So, I should tell my parents too. I did and felt so guilty. My mom cried too. Difference is, I did it knowingly. After this incident, a tiny cloud of doubt and anger was created in my mind.We were both virgins at 18. He used to watch porn and I did not even know what porn had. He would talk about what he would do to me sexually. Now that I look back, it was not that bad. But at that point, I felt dirty - in a bad way. But I thought , well, my girlfriends tell me that’s how it is supposed to be, so I should suck it up and go along.One day when he came to my house, we kissed and he said, as his girlfriend, I should suck his dick. He said it out of love but it still sounded disgusting to me. I expressed my disgust. But he pushed on and finally coerced me to put his dick on my mouth. I felt worst. But I did it anyways. Sure, after that he tried to go down on me too. But I felt no pleasure and instead felt violated even then. I did not know that I was allowed to say No. I mean we were a couple. He was my boyfriend. I will marry him one day after all. I thought every girl might have done it. I should too. I went down on him at least a couple or more times after that day also - all the time hating myself, feeling used.If Indian boys and girls were more sexually educated in high schools, I would have either been able to say No firmly or would have been able to enjoy the sexual intimacy as much as he wanted to. Similarly, he would have been able to realize that he needs to seek affirmative and enthusiastic consent before going ahead when I showed disgust. But he didn’t because he thought men are supposed to push and chase women for sex. We lived and still live in a world where discussing sex is a taboo and hence both of us had our own view of sex which was not surprisingly, poles apart. Recent Aziz Ansari [2][2][2][2]case brought everything back to my mind.Anyway, our exam results were finally out in May, 2009 and he scored really low. I, on the other hand, had performed pretty well. His family blamed everything on me. That I distracted their son. His brother sent me a hate message from their mom’s cell. His mom called me and warned me to stay away from her son. His aunt - happened to be my professor’s wife too - called me to her house and explained why I should leave her sister’s son alone. All these were still not bad enough. Finally, my ex himself told me, “You know, I am not blaming you. But if I hadn’t talked so much with you, I would have fared well. So it was kind of your fault only. You are bad luck to me. Plus my grandmother died the day we got together - I think that was a sign that we were up for no good.”I was like, “wut?”But I still stayed mum. “He is just upset”, I thought. My next mistake. I told him, “Honey, I am sorry. I wish I could have done something.” Little did I know, the cloud was now growing big in my mind.I got into a NIT [3][3][3][3]and he didn’t even get into state engineering colleges. He joined a costly, not so good, private engineering college in one of the metro cities of India. He and his family kept blaming me for his bad results. Since I felt guilty, I made sure I discussed with him while I filled all my choices for NIT so that he feels that I wanted him to be a part of my decisions.Finally I got admitted to my college. We were now four Indian states apart.One day when I was trying to show him something new that I learned, he got offended and told me, “Look, you are now teaching me this. It was me who taught you how to use a pen drive when you were technologically backward and now you are teaching me this? Oh fate! If I hadn’t told you about the good college names, you wouldn’t even have been studying in this college now. Your English sounded like that of a village girl and yet you are in an NIT and I am in this shithole place”.“He is just upset”, I told myself again. Complaints like this kept coming and became harsher and harsher. And now, unknown to me, a storm was building up in my brain from those clouds.As I started my life in NIT, I slowly transformed from an introvert to an extrovert.I grew lots of friends. He grew lonelier day by day.I became busy with studies, assignments, clubs, and fests. He became busy with worries that one of those NITian guys in my photos with steal me away from him.I became free and independent. He became possessive and suspicious.When I wanted to sleep after a long day, he would complain about how I never talk to him and how I don’t make him happy anymore.I worried about us. My head started getting more messed up. I couldn’t focus completely on anything - studies, clubs, sports or Him. My first semester became a mess.When we met in between during a vacation on December 2009, I found all his sexual advances as if forced on me. As if that’s all he wanted from me. And of course, complaints all day long. Either about me or about his own situation. I was starting to get fed up. He would often threaten me in passive aggressive tone that we should just break up instead. That anyway, I don’t care about him. That I don’t give him time.I dreaded that. After all, I loved him. I don’t want to break up. And I just wanted him to understand that I just don’t have time and I love this new life. He wanted me to understand he hated his current life and needs my time. We both wanted to share our own stories but neither was ready to listen.Finally, I started speaking up. He said I had changed. We fought. We fought a lot. The storm had triggered. I was slowly less and less scared when he said we should just break up. Everyday, I cried before going to sleep but slowly I blamed myself less for it. I could not talk for hours after a long day but he wanted to. I did not have time to talk about sex with him, or the mood. But he wanted to. Add to that, his consistent complaints that I am not a good romantic talker or dirty talker. I think, apart from the miscommunication, the opposite track that our lives took, and our incompatible characters, another thing that turned me off the most was sex talks. At that point, I hated anything sexual. Hell, I started doubting that I was asexual. I felt raped and violated with him - someone I loved. If only, we had been more sexually educated. He did not know porn is not real. I did not know porn is not bad.Anyways, with all these multiple issues, our bond(weak as it already was) fell apart.A year had passed in NIT and it was around March-April, 2010. My friends saw the pain I was going through. And one fine day - with a little push from my friends, I finally said to him, “I want to break up. I want to let it go. I can’t take it anymore”.He said, “Sure. Don’t call me again.”Considering that I was always scared that he would leave me since I was never adequate enough in anything for him, obviously he thought I said that just at the spur of the moment. He thought I would definitely call him back soon.I did not.After a week or so, when it finally dawned on him, he called me.As I said, I was immature. Instead of discussing what lead me to the decision, I told him, “I have nothing to say. I don’t know why I am breaking up. I am just happier doing so. I can’t stand you any more. I have started to hate you while trying to love you and please you. It’s not my fault your life is a mess.”And I blocked him everywhere after that last conversation. I thought he obviously knew what he had done.I was really happy after that. I felt free and independent. I promised myself never ever to get into a committed serious relationship. A promise I kept for the next 4+ years.The worst part is after that.My ex realized what happened. That I was not joking. But he did not know what he did wrong. He thought I must have just dumped him for some better guy. All our mutual friends (our school friends mostly) thought I dumped him for some guy of my college.Within a few months he found out there was no other guy.He tried his best to come back to me. He requested for a talk. For a second chance. For another try. That he has changed. He followed me everywhere in social media. Saw that I was indeed really happy. His heart broke. He saw me with friends. Although multiple people confirmed that I had no new boyfriend - his heart wouldn’t believe it. He requested me to take one more chance. But I was adamant. I did not want anything to do with him. I felt bad at times, that I said I loved him, that we would marry and then I left him. But I did not have the courage to try with him again. Or maybe secretly, I never wanted to.He kept trying. Our Bachelors degree finished. I got into a job and he still kept on trying. “One last time, please”.Finally one day, I talked to him. After 4 years in 2014. And I told him everything. What suffocated me. The complaints, the taunts, the possessiveness, the blames, the hesitant blowjobs, the forced sexting, the late night fights and so on. I told him everything because of why I broke up. Only to realize that apparently he never knew I felt such frustration. All this time I thought he knew. But he did not. He said he never knew that such small things hurt me. He cried saying he couldn’t believe I made such an image of him. That he always respected me. And I told him that that was hardly visible.Now he started apologizing like anything and became very persuasive to give him one more chance. I couldn’t handle it and told him that I have to block him again. I did.By that time I had forgotten what it was like to be in love with him. I just remembered flashes of our fights at the most. Or a couple of traumatic nights. But I had forgotten him. I had forgotten us. I felt bad that we never discussed why we fought. Maybe if we had, we could have solved something. But again, maybe it was for the best.I kept getting his messages for another year.Until that year, I had tried to go out with many guys, but in vain. Maybe I never got the closure from him. I had some kind of scary feeling as well as guilty feeling that stopped me from pursuing anyone seriously. I would close myself the moment any guy seemed to fall seriously for me.Until finally, 5 years after we broke up, he messaged me, “I am over you. Finally. And it feels great. Thanks.”I found out from mutual friends that he was doing well in life too now.That same year in 2015, I was able to continue my then-dating relationship to a longer term. I knew, I finally had my closure. I am now in more than 4 years relationship with a guy and this relationship is so much easier. I am 27 now. And this relationship did have some complexities of its own and I was proud of how I handled it. I am an independent and empowered woman today. But wasn’t born one. I love to love. But I have my own identity that no man can take or give. I love sex too. But I do it at my own terms with my will. I am a hard core extrovert. I love my current partner. But I love so much more in life. And if I get screwed over, I know how to handle it.Relationship is never about love alone. In-fact, love is just the ignition. The rest is so much more - compatibility, understanding, patience, persistence, hard work and the most important - communication. Two opposite poles in love can make things work if they have the right communication. I learned that pretty late.And that was my story. I broke up with my ex because of the same reasons most first time lovers do - immaturity, innocence, and the fire to seek freedom and not submit.Footnotes[1] Chithralekha Nair's answer to What is the best line said by Rachel Green in Friends?[1] Chithralekha Nair's answer to What is the best line said by Rachel Green in Friends?[1] Chithralekha Nair's answer to What is the best line said by Rachel Green in Friends?[1] Chithralekha Nair's answer to What is the best line said by Rachel Green in Friends?[2] Aziz Ansari Allegations Stir Questions About Sexual Conduct, Consent[2] Aziz Ansari Allegations Stir Questions About Sexual Conduct, Consent[2] Aziz Ansari Allegations Stir Questions About Sexual Conduct, Consent[2] Aziz Ansari Allegations Stir Questions About Sexual Conduct, Consent[3] National Institutes of Technology - Wikipedia[3] National Institutes of Technology - Wikipedia[3] National Institutes of Technology - Wikipedia[3] National Institutes of Technology - Wikipedia

How hard is it to get a job in Denmark in IT testing?

i find myself lucky to work as a web dev intern at a startup company in denmark. some of my tasks were kinda testing. testing websites after dev. so maybe this answer might help you as i can try to give you an overview. it was like a few years ago when i was in my third year of btech. i would say it depends upon the situation. there are a lot of factors - your current situation, which company you apply for- startup or established, what do you study, which year you are in, how much time you can spent being absent in college, interview process, hr structure, your limitations- how much you can apply and where do you break down, who is taking your interview, how many rounds are there, are they hiring you just for skills per se, or they are hiring you for your overall personality, which country you come from, are they brave enough to sponsor a visa, have they employed someone before from your country, are you applying for a job/internship, do you know danish or not, would knowing danish be a big deal or not, do they have resources to host you, to pay for your visas, do other team members trust you, do they like how and would they influence the decision who would hire you, do you have resources to survive there, would you able to accomodate in danish culture, would you miss you home …so on there are a lot of other factors.the most important factor for me was to never stop trying and finding the right company. i spent about a few months in beginning of 2014 applying n applying for different countries in europe for internships. one good thing about startup companies and very big companies/corporations is that even if you don’t know danish it’s kinda okay. when i ask my boss today that what led you to select me out of the pool of 15 other candidates you interviewed is the email. it was a letter which was a few pages pages long, showing my skills, knowledge, and feelings about the startup in a balanced way. that letter impressed my boss and he called me for a skype interview. skills wise- i knew a little bit but not like a pro. he was happy and got me in. i applied for my visa in vfs delhi nehru place with the documentation from them and my side. i got the visa stamped. booked my flights. packed the luggage. and yeah this internship was paid so i was able to survive there. also my college supported me during these 4 months. i can also suggest that finding a job directly to denmark right after college might be challenging. as per european union, they have to advertise the job in their locations so as to give preference to their people first. so you might want to step up through easy roles like internship where there is not much competition. then you can move ahead with performance and overall i mean, if i apply again ever for a position (imagining i am at your place), i would focus on startup companies/small ones in denmark and write them love letters (email) explaining myself, my skills as a conversation that they enjoy. i wish i could help you more. yeah european companies i have found them more transparent as most of them have the list of their employees on their company site. also during my this whole period i put my trust in allah and i consider his help for everything i do/did or will do. (this was a free style write, haha, so ignore any english mistake).below is my detailed experience i mean it can help you motivate and give you more insights.(This is a personal experience with ups and downs. It's mainly for students who are seeking internships and opportunities to give them a boost to never give up and learn everything is possible. It's not a guide but with every section I have tried to write down what you can learn/tips from the things! Have a good read:))The feeling when you are in college and have already failed 4 subjects in your third year, but still you plan to do something challenging. Welcome, that's me, Jamal and this is my story where I made to one of the best countries in the world for an internship. Some college days were missed, waking up late nights and sleeping throughout the days got common. The room becomes your world and you try hard to get the most out of it. It's a living room, it's an eating room, it's a room where you entertain yourself. It was a silent midnight, the table was cleaned, coffee was brewed and laptop was turned on. Now, I could count on my fingertips how much time the laptop would take to load Windows! The noise from the laptop could be hear due to messy heat fan, sometimes the leg got scratched due to an iron piece bulging out of the table. The chair was setup and I got a seat. Often I used to offer night prayers.This continued for a few months after I returned back to India failing an internship interview in the U.K. Interested what happened there. Click here. The passion to travel the world, the passion to know what is abroad, the passion to know what is considered as the 'west', the passion to learn abroad fueled me to follow the procedure eat -> sleep -> rave (work) -> repeat! for consecutive for 74 days. So, clearly my aim was not to score the academics, my aim was not impress people with an honors, my aim was to follow the passion.Days and days passed, sending resumes/CV and application letters to companies abroad became common, somewhat frustrating at a point. Haha, don't think I won't get frustrated just because I am blogging and I am a super human. I am just like a regular human being. I used to use a mixed number to websites to find internships, mostly through Google. Like a usual day, it was 21st April 2014, in the evening, I was on this website (Thanks @Patrick Lund for making such a great website! ;)) I was browsing randomly for internships and saw various internship listings in Europe and applied to all of them. I am not sure how many I applied to, maybe 5 or even 10. Yes, I was applying to a lot of companies and spending most of my time in searching for opportunities online.What you can learn: failure is not anend, it just a bridge between success.When I found my this dream companyThen there was this internship listing with the company name 'Morning Train Technologies ApS' based in Denmark on an island Funen. This was a small web bureau or a web design/development company having less than 5 permanent employees. To my understanding, when I found this listing it was around 5pm on that day. I found this internship just like every other listing at least for the first moment but when I read the description I found it interesting. The description impressed me but when I looked at the skills required, I got a bit sad. It was a web development internship and the skills required seems complicated to me because I just knew the basics. Still, I made my way to apply. I researched the company well, read about their employees, management, history, what they do, their current projects. I started with the cover letter on Microsoft Word but cancelled it because I was in fear that my cover letter might not be read if I would send that as an attachment, so I typed my cover letter in the body of email directly, so, that the reader would have a direct impact. In the email itself I showed my interest, more importantly my passion, my feelings for the company. That's it. I am not sure if I had knew more than 20 percent of the skills they were expecting. After the email cover letter, I had to see the format of resume according to the country's specifications. So, now I got the format of Danish resume which is below: (Danish resume format is a lot simpler than US version :D)RésuméPersonal Data (also include nationality, marital status and work permit)Key CompetenciesExperienceEducationRelevant CourseworkSkill SetLanguagesVolunteer ActivityHobbiesAchievements and ActivitiesWhat you can learn: if you are not a master of skillsets, try to be a master of passion and positive attitude. Now you also know the format of a Danish resume :DI sent the applicationThe great thing is that you don't have to worry about formatting, you just have to list the things in a Danish resume which makes it simple and easy to read. Anyway, now the time is 9:32PM and I was ready to push the email below. (LinkedIn won't allow you view the image in original size, do please don't try read the text in email, I would make separate post regarding it.)So, I had put all my efforts into these lines above. This was the best I could have wrote to impress someone. Just before I hit the button, I could see my heartbeat rising and I was very nervous. I took a deep breath and finally hit the send button.Now, I just had to wait for them to reply me. At this point, I had some expectations but I was not fully confident that I would get a reply. Why? because I didn't had top skills, inviting someone from abroad is a very expensive process which needs time and money both, immigration rules are strict (which now I think is one of the most hyped things today) etc.What you can learn: 1. to decide whether it is a good idea to type a cover letter letter or attach it. If it is not a requirement to attach it, type it. 2. Be honest, say the truth, let your feelings come out, let employers know what you can do for them. Caution: make a balance amongst all these.I got a positive reply ;)But something happened the next day, I got a reply from Karsten Madsen, the CEO of the company. When this email arrived, I was in my college where I was studying Bachelors of Information Technology. My college was United College Of Engineering and Research, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India which was 60 kilometers away from the home. I didn't had the habit to check my emails while being at the college. But throughout the whole day I was there, I was expecting something positive. So I reached home in the evening and checked my email. I noticed an email from the company, my heart started beating faster (due to the reason I had been going through the phase where you receive negative replies and phrases such as "Hi, thank you for applying for this position......This time we have decided to move on with another candidate. .....We would keep your application for x months".) These are the moments where you feel like, it's the end sometimes, you have been failed, you can't do anything. But anyway, not for me, so here is the email I got at 1:25PM on 22nd April 2014:"Hi Anvar,Well I think that is the most time anyone has ever spent on writing about our company haha ;)I like your energy and enthusiasm, so you have granted yourself a skype meeting. It will be in 1-2 weeks from now. I will return with details.Best regards / Med venlig hilsenKarsten MadsenT +45 2781 xxxxEmail:"I was so happy to read this that for the first time in several months, I felt like I am really so happy from within. I told my mom about this and she gave her blessings to me. I told my family about this and they were so happy for me.What you can learn: a good strategy and an honest approach worked.I replied them but didn't get a replyI replied them at 8:32PM the same day I asked if they needed anything from me like work samples and shown my interest to know more about their company. I didn't receive a reply from them till the next day. There was just one thing revolving in my mind, if you go through failures and failures, admit it or not negative things start coming into your mind. I doubted whether they might have accepted someone else, or no, what is the reason they didn't reply, were they busy? or were they ignoring me? I decided to play my shot again.What you can learn: it's just natural to not to receive a reply within a day or two. So, just be relaxed. Don't be over conscious like me.I impressed them againI observed their website, their SEO and performance with their priorities. I made nice list explaining the problem their website was going through and sent to them. Some of the issues I encountered with from CSS, missing files, meta tag etc. Guess what, I got a reply from the CEO Karsten Madsen in just two hours thanking me for sharing the observations. Then we started getting in touch more often.What you can learn: If you feel there is something wrong, sharing good things (which are economically beneficial) is always a good idea.I super impressed Karsten again by sharing a business planThe fear of losing an opportunity kept me tight and I kept on saying to myself, doesn't matter what happens I have to super impress them. I prayed at nights, sometimes I even cried. I had to see the world, I had to grow, I had to see mountains, meadows, abroad, had to enjoy, had to fly, had to see the skies. I researched around the company services and made a plan how can we offer better services to Danish customers and what we can offer them. I sent my ideas on 25th April 5:41PM and on 5:52PM I got this reply:"I am impressed.Although this is not what we will do - at least not quite like you proposed it. One year ago I would have wanted the same thing, but the strength of our business is our niche, which is web programming, and that is what we want to push further. I am thinking about building a blog or knowledge website that will somehow target customers who needs programming. The SMS idea and some other ideas sounds cool.Thank you for these suggestions, you are wild i like it ;)"I didn't leave any loopholesWhenever I had time, I researched. I came up with an idea of a study app for international students studying in Denmark to give them some tips, an idea of a website for to let the students exchange exam papers. The great thing was I also made prototypes. Thanks to some of the softwares and services I used- subdomains, cPanel, Arvixe hosting, Softaculous etc. I shared these prototypes with Karsten and at last he replied:Hi Anvar, not a bad idea!Here you will find possible schedules for an interview regarding the internship position, please choose on or get back to me if nothing fitsYes, I was waiting for this moment, the moment where I can Skype with Karsten and show my enthusiasm.I replied:Thanks Karsten for the reply very early in the morning. May be this is the reason why the team calls the company as ‘Morning Train’.Second, thank you again for giving me an opportunity to get interviewed at MTT and giving me a chance to get to know each other well.What you can learn: whenever you find time, even 5 minutes, dive into the products, services, history, values, connections to see how you can contribute. Do something practical. This shows you are proactive and you are proving yourself.Finally had the Skype where no skills related questions asked, still no verdict as there were other candidatesBefore starting the interview, I prayed to Allah that everything would be fine. My mother, my family gave me blessings and prayed for me. I had just returned from my college and the Skype was scheduled at 7:30PM. So, I had mere 1-2 hours in between. While returning from college this time, I felt very happy that at last, I can face and talk to the company face to face. Since this was the first Skype interview I was a bit nervous that would I be able to understand their English accent, what if I didn't understand?? Other things, I wore a white formal shirt and used my old HP laptop gifted to me by my elder brother. I still remember the very first lines I said to Karsten, "thanks for giving me a chance to present myself......". During the Skype, I could see the Danish sunny weather and nature. Karsten didn't asked me much, he just gave me a short description what they do, what I have to do, that's all. The company wasn't even bothered about my transcripts and academics, how much subjects did I fail or not. Karsten told that they have other candidates as well for this internship position as well and I have to wait until all interviews are finished to get a final verdict on my selection. I left a thank you email after several hours of the Skype.What you can learn: Why I wasn't tested for my skills? because I had already shown them on a basic level. My average skills + passion to join them was able to counter attack the requirement for top skills. So, only skills are the part of recruitment. Recruiters are also humans and they respect passion!A big hurdle- how I get past through the competitive skills of other candidates?Recruitment is based solely on how can a candidate bring more skills on the desk unless other factors are considered. Naturally, ideas started coming to my mind. There were other international candidates from Europe fighting for this paid internship. There were total 15-20 applications for 3 intern roles. I had 3-4 days to impress Karsten and the company again and put my best possible efforts. I started researching more and more about the prototypes I developed earlier and asked for feedback. I was developing it, improving it and showing it to Karsten. It was just being proactive and never yourself down. I was so nervous on Sunday night that I wrote to Karsten the following:Hi Karsten, just wanted to tell you that as the Monday is approaching, I keep on thinking whether what will be the verdict regarding my selection. I have many expectations bound to your company. Hope everything be good ;)I didn't hear a reply for that day. I again did the same thing, challenged myself, kept on researching, developing, working on the previous projects asking feedback and things.Finally, the company accepted me officially!on 4th May 2014, Karsten emailed me.I know you are excited to know the answer. And since i have made all the interviews i can say that you are onboard the team - congratulations :DNow what was the next step. On 21st May I got my official contact letter. The next step was the visa documents. I was so excited that the same day, I researched out all the information on the process to get a visa or permit. It was really exciting to prepare documents for visa. Now I was happy, I was enjoying.What you can learn: honest hard work paid off. Be honest, work hard from within, It would definitely pay off today or tomorrow!The Visa processOn 27th June, I submitted my visa application to VFS Global New Delhi with contract letter and lot of supporting documents to make sure I get on the first try.I know the girl in pink looks good :D but trust me I didn't intend to cover her. What a postive thinking it was! I had my flight scheduled on 3rd Aug.How I dealt with 4 months of absence at my college?Since I had to be away from my college for 4 months which is more like a semester, I had to talk to the management as I would be missing sessionals, attendance, practicals, classes. There was a HODs (head of departments) meeting going on when I had decided to approach them and see any chance of collaboration. I was a little bit afraid. I had all the documents ready with me- the company contract letter, travel tickets, passport photocopy.The room was full of conversations and moment comes when I asked "May I come in sir?". I didn't get a pleasing reply. This was the moment I felt I might get screwed if anything got wrong. But I kept my confidence and approach one of the HOD at the front, I still remember some of the lines I said at that time. I said "Sir, I have got an internship in Denmark, so I was willing to go for it for 4 months." As I remember I wasn't welcomed and things got wrong or I was unable to speak to them properly. Don't know what was the reason. I left the room and went to my professor Ravi (the one who had supported me always for my passion), he said, "don't worry I talk to them". He went straight forward to them and said "Sir, this student has got an internship abroad and we should send him. It's a big deal." Then the HODs thought for a moment and asked me to come in, they asked me if I have some proof to show I have got an internship, I said that yes I have the contract letter from the company. Then they asked for my travel tickets and visa. I said I have the tickets but not the visa. They asked why? I said "waiting for it to get approved". They asked me to send it once it is confirmed. My professor said "No problem sir, Anvar can send to me". They were like "okay". Everything went okay and then my professor told me "you fool, you should have come with sweets" to impress these guys :DLater or sooner, I was accompanied by my friend, Gautam and we went to a sweet shop to buy some sweets. We brought some good sweets, didn't mind to spent few extra buck if that eases a task :D I had the opportunity to go to the top management of our college through my this friend as he was excited to share this news of mine with them. So, we went there and I introduced myself to her (Mona mam, she professionally is responsible for managing the whole college). She got very impressed with my achievement and the fun fact is that that the HOD whom I tried to negotiate with, was also present there. But this time, he was smiling at me :D We distributed sweets to almost everyone in the college from librarian to reception, from director to principal :)If you have people who understand you and they would definitely back you, things get easier. Our IT department was good and supportive to me, even though I was bad at academics but they knew I am good at something ;) My teacher Ravi sir, Aarti and Archana mam, HODs and college management they were also supportive. Overall everyone including my friends supported me for which I am happy. Just after a week or two, I got my visa confirmed.what you can learn: be nice with everyone in your college, teachers/professors/HODs/management would support you for an absence for your internship or any document work.Finally got my visa approvedOn 23 July within a month as they say, I got my visa approved from the Embassy of Denmark in New Delhi.The problem at Delhi airport(Including so that we students can learn how to handle these situations).I had a flight booked with Aeroflot airlines. I was dropped off at the airport by my brother, mother, sister in law and cute nephew who was sleeping. My mother broke into tears while saying goodbye. Yes, this happens all the time in India. When I approached the airlines counter, a semi-fat Indian lady there at the same asked me for my passport which I shown. She also asked if I had some offer letter, I shown her the contact letter. She asked where I would stay. I said I would stay with my employer since the company arranged that for me. She said "okay, wait!". She calls her manager and I don't know what she tells him regarding me. The manager who was slim, suited, and having a moustache asks if I have college ID card, I said no I didn't have. Then he started explaining things to me that the immigration won't let me go through, I would be stopped and so on. I further told I have a letter from college which states my identity which I can show him if he want. He said "okay", you can go and I made him satisfied with all the information he needed. Then he allowed, and asked the lady at the desk to process my boarding pass. I submitted my two heavy luggages (yes, I got a good deal with Aeroflot) , took my boarding pass, and proceeded towards the immigration. The immigration process was super easy. Nothing asked. The airlines executives earlier seemed a bit worried from me, don't know what was the reason. I didn't want to make myself sad on this great day. So I said to myself, let's go and not to think about that incident again.What you can learn: always carry an official ID card of your college/university while travelling abroad and always carry minor notes of things such as your accommodation address, supervisor contact details so that whenever the airlines staff or immigration asks, You don't have to think about it, but you are like, "here it is, Sir/Mam! and there you go!". Don't be a stupid like me!EXPERIENCE AT A GLANCEThe experience was full of challenges from day 1 like handling the visa documentation, embassy officer, airlines manager regarding small issues, but that was worth to learn and explore something. In Denmark, I lived on an island called Odense which is windy and cold. It was about 12 hours journey via Russia. The route was something like Delhi airport to Sheremetyevo airport to Copenhagen airport to Odense St. I started working the very next day I arrived there. In the company I got an opportunity to work on Web development and team management skills. I worked with other international interns, Paul from Greece and Marius from Romania. Paul taught me a lot of things about Greek culture like fotia me fotia :) (music)They are my very good friends. I also found anew hobby DJing which I used to do on weekends in our house parties sometimes and once in a bar. I got some very good friends like Calle, Georgi, Elena, Ieva, Edgar, Laura, Crille, Annina, Rokas, Peteris, Clemo, Dexter, Aleks, Alexandra, Tony, Daniels, Bjarne, Peter, Ronja, Glory, Liz, Bob, Dimitris, Catharina, Alex, McCullen, Jayi, Dragos, Ulari, Mariah, Irene, Toms, Giota, Tamas, Anturia, Mazvydas, Torben, Marta, Gizem, Mai mi, Rolands.The very first steps in DenmarkIt was a 10-12 hour long flight in total via Moscow (SVO- Sheremetyevo Airport). So from, DEL- SVO- CPH-Odense (by train).My office was located in a small city (Odense) on an Island (Funen) in Denmark. But Odense doesn't have an airport so, I had to travel through Copenhagen which is well know city then to Odense via train. So, having successfully landed at CPH airport, I could see the Danes (the Danish people for the first time). The immigration process was super easy. No questions asked. I wished the office, he offered me a smile and what then, he just stamped the passport. The Copenhagen airport is well connected to the city via metro. I exchanged Indian rupees for the Danish Kroners and I got a very good exchange rate which I was not expecting. Then I proceeded towards the Kastrup Station which is a train station inside the airport to go other cities. I realized I needed a ticket :D, then there were some vending machines but since I had never used one before, so, I was a bit afraid. I tried to use one and it was super easy. Carrying the two big luggage was becoming difficult. With some problems, I happen to reach the train platform where I happen to strike a conversation with two internationals (not sure if they were Danes).They helped me in getting the right train. After a few minutes, the train arrived and I managed to get my luggage inside it. Then I had to find my seat number which I did. People were looking at me surprisingly because they are not used to see a lot of Indians. As I remember there were total less than 100 Indians in Odense city which is also the third largest city of Denmark. During the travel, I captured some photos of nature, farms, wind mills and specially the ØresundBridge which connects the two main lands. So, now I was at the Odense Station and again handling the two big luggages and carrying them via escalator was a bit challenging which I did it anyway. Now I was at the Odense Station and Karsten was waiting for me to pick me up.What you can learn: you can always purchase train tickets ('billet' is a Danish word for ticket) in advance using website for your Copenhagen airport to Odense journey. This can also save a lot of money.The first funny dayMy first at the company Morning Train was on 4th Aug, just the next day I arrived here. I dressed formally. As soon as I enter the kitchen/area where the company people used to have breakfasts, I was introduced with my team members, and other people working.I was also told that wearing formals is not a requirement and in fact most of the Danish workers don't do that :D So, that was the first and last time I wore the formal dress. Generally, Indian parents expect their child to wear formals at their office. The first day was easy, but soon we got the opportunity to work on live Danish projects mainly websites.What you can learn: be original, be nice to everyone, take the step to introduce yourself to meet at least your team members yourself and don't wait for them to come and meet you.Denmark at a glance, especially for Indians!Well I got a treat from the company side on my arrival and it was totally Danish food. It was fish cooked in spinach served with rice and sauce. They eat less spicy, simple, fresh food and I liked it. The Danes speak Danish as their first language but they also speak perfect English and governmentoffer free classes for internationals. The houses are mostly hut shaped, detached, low height, wooden with energy efficient technologies. We used to live in a big villa like this. For Indians, the climate there will always be cold because summers for them is like winters for us. Danes loveriding bikes (bi cycles, yes Danes use the word bike to refer to bicycles). The transport timings are accurate by 1 minute so may be a problem for us Indians ;)My team membersI feel like blessed to find such team members Pavlos Isaris from Greece and Marius Vaduva from Romania. Infact, they are my very good friends too. We collaborated on a great level on projects such as website development, SEO etc. I still remember the time we used to play in the kitchen.What you can learn: team members are not just for work, work and work! You need to show your true personality inside your team. Me, Paul and Marius, we had a great bonding because we used to work, play, chat and help each other. So, be great, nice and gentle, be helpful towards them!The new skillsI had the opportunity to learn the demands by Danish customers, the perfection in creating a website, you would be questioned if you even try to add a single grey line after the content ends on a website (Danish culture is highly sophisticated about quality). What they want is a strict requirement. Anyway, I got a whole new exposure to the web world such as WordPress website development, designing website using builder themes, basics of search engine optimization, researching open source solutions, working with e-commerce website, learning Google developer tools.What you can learn: learn skills!!Not just computer, I also happen to learn to cook great noodles which got famous in the office and oftenly I gave treats to people in the office.What you can learn: learn cooking too because you need to be healthy and stay responsible for yourself!!A great momentThe best moment there I receive a call from our CEO in the morning saying "hey Anvar! Our Olufbagersgaard customer wants the project ready before 1 pm today instead of next week. They want to launch it in a reception event today. Can you do it?". My reply "Sure. I will try my best." I relaxed myself andtook a cup of hot black coffee. I did it half an hour before the deadline and rewarded with an appraisal ;)What you can learn: if your supervisor would trust you, you might get challenges like this, but these challenges are just to make you standout!The weekend fun and friendsWithout fun, it's not abroad yet! Yes, I also enjoyed there and happen to make a lot of friends throughout Europe. I also had the opportunity to spent a day with a traditional Danish family where I got so much respect, love, learning about Danish culture! I also went to Flensberg, the top most north area of Germany. Also had the opportunity to get to know the high school, TornBjerg Gymnasium in Denmark. I also represented our Indian food at ESN dinner event with a great team, me from India, two from US, one from Latvia, and last one from Germany.What you can learn: An internship is not just about working and learning on the skills side. It's a complete immersion program of culture, work, ethics, people, places. So, try to balance your work life to enjoy too!The journey back home!That's our team, from right to left: It's me, Marius (team member), Paul (team member), Martin (Project manager), Karsten (CEO), Bjarne (the coding champion). Oops, where is Peter?I felt great to be able to live in such as great country, experience a great culture and its people. It was a complete immersive experience. I returned back to India on 29th November collecting up all the precious memories from back there! What a wonderful experience it was. Thanks to all who made this possible specially Karsten who believed in me, Pavlos & Marius who found a great friend in me, Peter who helped us in understanding marketing, Martin is making us understand planning, Bjare in making us understand coding, my professor Ravi, my college, my family and friends. A lot of my friends ask me, how I actually did it, I say to them, I did nothing, It's Allah who did it all!FINALLY What you can learn: never give up, there is always a way, just try to find it. Don't let your stressed academics come in between your passion!Please feel free to ask or share any views! I like hearing.Denmark- was this my end?- nopes :D, a remote internship from US was awaiting for me!- stay tuned for it!

Is the CBEE for an MSc in microbiology?

Jawaharlal Nehru University Combined Biotechnology Entrance Exam will be conducted on December, 2020JNU CBEE 2020 is a combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination for Jawaharlal Nehru University. On behalf of the participating Universities, JNU will hold Combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination ( CBEE 2020 ) for admission to the following programs being offered by various participating Universities.http://M.Sc. ( Biotechnology ) Programhttp://M.Sc. ( Agri. ) Biotechnology & http://M.V.Sc. ProgramsM.Tech. ( Biotechnology ) ProgramJawaharlal Nehru University will hold a Combined Entrance Examination for admission to 2 Year http://M.Sc. Program in Biotechnology on behalf of following participating Universities :University of Allahabad, Allahabad, ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu ( http://M.Sc. in Marine Biotechnology )Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri ( http://M.Sc. in Bioresource’s Biotechnology )Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi ( http://M.Sc. in Molecular & Human Genetics )University of Calicut, Kerala ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Goa University, Goa ( http://M.Sc. in Marine Biotechnology )Gulbarga University, Gulbarga ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )HNB Garhwal University, Garhwal ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )University of Jammu, Jammu ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Kumaun University, Nainital ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )University of Lucknow, Lucknow ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak ( http://M.Sc. in Medical Biotechnology)M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )University of Mysore, Mysore ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )University of North Bengal, Siliguri ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )North Eastern Hill University, Shillong ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Pondicherry University, Pondicherry ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Sardar Patel University, Anand ( http://M.Sc. in Industrial Biotechnology )Shivaji University, Kolhapur ( http://M.Sc. in Environmental Biotechnology )Tezpur University, Tezpur ( http://M.Sc. in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology )Utkal University, Bhubaneswar ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )Jiwaji University, Gwalior ( http://M.Sc. in Neuroscience )Sri Padmavathi Mahila Vishvavidyalayam, Tirupati ( http://M.Sc. Biotechnology )http://M.Sc. ( Agri. ) Biotechnology Programme being offered at the following participating Universities :Assam Agricultural University, JorhatCh. Sarwan Kumar H.P. Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur;G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant NagarIndira Gandhi Krishi Viswavidyalaya, RaipurKerala Agricultural University, ThrissurVasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Latur (Maharashtra)Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, BhubaneswarTamil Nadu Agricultural University, CoimbatoreUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, G.K.V.K., BangaloreUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, DharwadDr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipurhttp://M.V.Sc. Programme is being offered atLala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar;G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar;Assam Agricultural University, GuwahatiJNU CBEE M.Tech Biotechnology program being offered by the following participating Universities :The Jawaharlal Nehru University will hold an entrance examination for the academic year 2020-2021 for admission to four semesters ( Two years ) M.Tech Biotechnology program being offered by the following participating Universities :Anna university, ChennaiCochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala ( M.Tech. in Marine Biotechnology )Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology ( formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology ), Kolkata.Institute of Chemical Technology ( ICT ), Mumbai ( M.Tech. in Bioprocess Technology )Institute of Chemical Technology ( ICT ), Mumbai ( M.Tech in Food Biotechnology )Institute of Chemical Technology, ( ICT ), Mumbai ( M.Tech. in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology )Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi, New Delhi ( in Computational Biology )To know more about JNU CBEE Entrance Exam Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 EligibilityJNU CBEE Eligibility for http://M.Sc.Biotechnology ProgramsBachelor’s degree under 10+2+3 pattern of education in Physical, Biological, Agricultural, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, Pharmacy, Engineering / Technology, 4 years http://B.Sc. ( Physician Assistant Course ); OR Medicine ( MBBS ) OR B.D.S. with at least 55% marks.Eligibility of Candidates who are due to Appear in the Qualifying ExaminationThe candidates who are due to appear in the respective qualifying examination prescribed as eligibility for admission shall also be considered for appearing in the entrance examination. Such of the candidates will be allowed to appear in the entrance examination at their own risk and on the clear stipulation that in the event of their selection, they will be entitled to admission only if they secure the minimum prescribed percentage of marks in their qualifying degree examination and that they will be required to submit all the documents including final mark-sheet of the qualifying examination ( indicating the final and overall percentage of marks ) before the deadline for admission fixed by the concerned participating University.JNU CBEE 2020 Eligibility for http://M.Sc. ( Agri ) / MVSc Biotechnology ProgramBachelor’s degree under 10+2+3 / 4 / 5 pattern of education with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade point average from any recognized university in the concerned subjects shown here under against each university :For Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat : http://B.Sc. ( Agri. ), http://B.Sc. ( Hort ), http://B.Sc. ( Agril. Biotechnology ) from any recognized university. Graduates from general stream may also be admitted in case seat remain vacant, however, they will have to take extra 20 credit hours as bridge course.For Ch. Sarwan kumar H.P. Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Palampur : Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology.For G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pant Nagar : Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Horticulture or Forestry. Students from Bachelor of Science ( http://B.Sc. in ZBC / PCM and http://B.Sc.( Biotechnology ) are also eligible.For Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur : Agriculture, Biotechnology ( Agriculture ), Horticulture or Forestry with Bachelor’s Degree under 10+2+4 pattern with at least 60% marks or equivalent OGPA.For Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur : Agriculture, Horticulture, or Forestry.For Vasantrao Naik Marathwadakrishi Vidyapeeth, Latur ( Maharashtra ) : B. Sc. / B. Tech. in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Agri. Biotechnology, Bioinformatics ( 3 / 4 Yrs. ) from recognized University with minimum CGPA 6.5 on 10 scale or 65% marks.For Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar : Applicants must have passed 4 year Bachelor Degree in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry from a duly recognized University securing at least 65 % marks in aggregate.For Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore : Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture / Ag. Biotechnology / Horticulture / Forestry / Sericulture or B. Tech in Biotechnology / Horticulture / Bioinformatics under 10+2+4 pattern of education with at least 70% marks or equivalent OGPA of 3.00 / 4.00 or 7.00 / 10.00 from a Farm University. For SC / ST candidates, a pass in the qualifying degree is sufficient.For University of Agricultural Sciences, G.K.V.K., Bangalore : Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry or Seri-culture or B. Sc. Agril. Biotechnology / B. Tech. [ Biotechnology ] / B. Sc ( Ag. Biotech ) / B. Sc ( Agri ) in Biotechnology from recognized Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry University.For University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad : Bachelors degree in Agriculture, Horticulture Forestry, B. Sc. ( Agril.Biotechnology ) / B. Tech ( Biotechnology ) / http://B.Sc. ( Ag. Biotech. ) / B. Sc. ( Agri ) in Biotechnology from recognized Agricultural / Horticultural / Forestry universities.For Dr. Rajendra prasad central agricultural university, pusa, samastipur : Bachelors degree in Biology ( BZC ) / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Agriculture / Horticulture. Candidates with Bachelor Degree in Biology ( 3 Years duration ) will have to spend 3 years in http://M.Sc. programme.For Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Hisar : http://B.V.Sc.& A.H. degree recognized by Veterinary Council of India with minimum OGPA 6.0 / 10.0 or equivalent.For Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati : http://B.V.Sc. & A.H. or equivalent degree from a recognized university with minimum CGPA 2.60 in 4.00 scale or 6.00 in 10.00 scale.JNU CBEE 2018 Eligibility for M.Tech ( Biotechnology )Minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA ( under grading system ) from any recognised university in any one of the following :[table id=12999 /]For Anna University : Candidates with B.Tech / B.E in Electrochemistry, Bioengineering, Pharmaceutical Technology, Food Technology, B.Tech. in Agricultural Biotechnology and http://M.Sc. in Chemistry & Physics are also eligible.For Cochin University of Science and Technology : Candidates with http://M.Sc in Marine Biotechnology, Marine Biology / Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, Environmental Biotechnology are also eligible.For West Bengal University of Technology : Candidates with http://M.Sc. in Bioengineering are also eligible.Important Note :Before applying, please ensure that you fulfil the eligibility requirements as prescribed above. Also please note that permission to appear in the entrance examination is strictly subject to your fulfilling the minimum eligibility requirements prescribed by each University as detailed above. You may, therefore, appear in the entrance examination only if you fulfil the eligibility requirements for M.Tech Biotechnology Program. Despite this caution, in case you do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria and still appear in the entrance examination, you will do so at your own risk and cost, and if at any stage, it is found that you do not fulfil the minimum eligibility requirements, the admission, if granted to you, shall be cancelled ipso facto.Number of seats is subject to change by the participating Universities.Candidates who are due to appear in the final semester / year of the qualifying examination shall also be considered for appearing in the entrance examination provided they have secured 60% or equivalent CGPA ( under grading system ) in previous semesters / year. However, in the event of their selection, the admission will be granted to them subject to their securing minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA in their qualifying examination.Candidates seeking admission to above mentioned M. Tech programmes and who are GATE / GAPT qualified or wishing to appearto such national level exams need to apply to JNU-CEEB.To know more about JNU CBEE Eligibility Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 Exam PatternJNU CBEE MSc Exam PatternThe question paper for the Entrance Examination will be of three hours duration and divided into two parts :Part – A will have multiple choice type questions at the level of 10+2 in the subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. The Candidates will be required to attempt 60 questions : Total marks for Part A will be ( 60 questions x 1 mark each ) of 60 marks. There will be negative marking and for each wrong answer, ½ (half) mark will be deducted.Part – B will also have multiple-choice questions of Bachelor’s level requiring thinking and analysis. There will be questions from Physics, Mathematics, Biology ( e.g., Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics and Molecular Biology ) and Chemistry. The candidates will be required to attempt 60 questions. Total marks for Part B will be 60 questions x3 marks each = 180 marks. There will be negative marking and for each wrong answer one mark will be deducted.JNU CBEE MSc & MVSc Exam PatternThe question paper for entrance examination will be of three hours duration and will consist of two parts, PART- A and PART – B.Part – A : will have multiple choice type questions at the level of 10+2 in the subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. The Candidates will be required to attempt 60 questions Total marks for Part A will be ( 60 questions x1 mark each ) of 60 marks. There will be negative marking and for each wrong answer, ½ ( half ) mark will be deducted.Part – B : will also have multiple choice questions from the syllabus detailed above in Section IV of this Brochure. There will be 100 questions out of which the candidates will have to attempt 60 questions. Each correct answer will have a weightage of 3 marks. There will be negative marking and for each wrong answer one mark will be deducted.JNU CBEE MTech Exam PatternThe question paper for Entrance Examination will be of 3-hours duration consisting of Two Streams :Technology Stream andLife Sciences Stream.Technology Stream :Part A : Basic Engineering & Technology………………… under graduate levelPart B : Physics / Chemistry / Maths………………………… at under graduate levelPart C : Fundamental Life Sciences and Informatics……………….. at 10+2 levelLife Science Stream :Part A : Life Sciences (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Immunology)……at post graduate levelPart B : Physics / http://Chemistry………………………………….at undergraduate levelPart C : Maths, Computer & Information Sciences…………………at 10+2 level.To know more about JNU CBEE Exam Pattern Click HereJNU CBEE Application Form 2020The Application form will be available from the official website of Welcome to Jawaharlal Nehru University. The Application form will be available from the official website from September, 2020 from 10:00 AM.The Completed Application Form should be submitted on or before October, 2020 up to 11:59 PM.JNU CBEE 2020 Examination Feeyou have enclosed a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Jawaharlal Nehru University” payable at New Delhi for the amount indicated below towards the entrance examination fee.[table id=13001 /]To know more about JNU CBEE Application Form Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 Admit CardThe candidates may download their Admit Card from the University’s website around December, 2020 and take the Admit Card to the Examination Centre with a copy of latest passport size photograph.Before taking the entrance examination, please ensure that you fulfil the eligibility requirements as prescribed by the University. Also please note that permission to appear in the entrance examination is subject to your fulfilling the minimum eligibility requirements prescribed for admission as notified in the Prospectus.Candidate may, therefore, appear in the entrance examination only if you fulfil the eligibility requirements as prescribed for http://M.Sc. Biotechnology Program of this prospectus. Despite this caution, in case you do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria and appear in the entrance examination, you will do so at your own risk and cost, and if at any stage, it is found that you do not fulfil the minimum eligibility requirements, the admission, if granted to you, shall be cancelled ipso facto.Those candidates who have applied and fulfil the prescribed eligibility conditions but somehow are able to download the Admit Card are advised to contact either the JNU Representative ( who will be available at the Examination Centre at least a day in advance ) or the Presiding Officer / Principal of the Centre to sort out the problems. It may be noted that only those candidates will be allowed to appear in the entrance examination whose names appear in the roll – list available with the examination centre.The University will assume no responsibility whatsoever in case the candidate fails to report on the due date and time for appearing in the entrance examination.To know more about JNU CBEE Admit Card Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 Exam CentresA list of cities where JNU entrance examination is to be held is given below. No change will be permitted and no correspondence in this context will be entertained. In case it is not possible to allot the Centre of your choice, the University reserves the right to allot you alternative centre.State of Domicile[table id=13005 /]A list of cities where JNU entrance examination is to be held is given below. No change will be permitted and no correspondence in this context will be entertained. In case it is not possible to allot the Centre of your choice, the University reserves the right to allot you alternative centre.[table id=13007 /]Note :JNU The University reserves the right to change / cancel any Centre of Examination within India / abroad without assigning any reason. Addresses of the Centres of Examination will be available on our JNU website Welcome to Jawaharlal Nehru University around December, 2020.To know more about JNU CBEE Exam centres Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 Selection ProcedureSelection of the candidates will be done in accordance with their inter-se merit drawn on the basis of All India Entrance Examination vis-à-vis the preference of Universities exercised by candidates. In case a candidate has not indicated his/her option for joining a particular university, his/her name will not be considered for that university.The Selection Procedure will be as follows :After the merit list is drawn more than double the number of candidates than the total intake only will be informed of their merit rank in the entrance examination. The candidates will also be informed about the total number of seats in each participating University. The candidates will be asked to exercise their options for joining the Universities in the proforma ( which will be sent by JNU ). The candidates will be asked to send to JNU a Bank Draft of Rupee 5,000/- ( Rupee 2,500/- in the case of SC, ST, PH candidates ) as initial security deposit giving their willingness to be considered for admission to the participating Universities in accordance with their options for joining the universities vis-à-vis their inter-se merit in the Entrance Examination. All candidates are advised to check the result on the web site of the university Welcome to Jawaharlal Nehru University in the second week of February.Before excerise the options candidates are advised to check their eligibility as prescribed by different University and ensure that they fulfil the prescribed eligibility.The candidates who do not exercise their options for joining any of the participating universities will not be considered for admission to that university / universities. Candidates who don not fulfil the eligibility for any University would not be considered for admission to that University/ Universities.After allotment of seats, the JNU will send intimation to the candidates about their allotment of the university and also to the concerned participating university to which the candidate has been selected. Please note that once allotment of University is made on the basis of inter se merit vis-à-vis options, other options of the Universities given by the candidate shall stand frozen. Candidates are advised to check the allotment of university on the website of the university Welcome to Jawaharlal Nehru University in the first / second week of March.The participating university will then inform the candidate about the complete admission procedure and schedule of their university as well as the amount of fee etc. to be deposited by the candidate. The initial security deposit already sent by the candidate through demand draft to JNU will be sent to the concerned University for refund after first semester.In case the candidate is offered admission in accordance with his/her options for joining the universities vis-à-vis his / her inter – se merit, but subsequently in case he / she either does not join the concerned university or withdraws during the first semester then in that event, the initial deposit of Rupee 5000/- or Rupee 2500/- in the case of SC, ST , PH categories as the case may be, will stand forfeited.The initial security deposit of Rupee 5000/-, ( Rupee 2500/- in the case of SC / ST, PH category candidates ) will be refunded in full to those of the candidates who are not offered admission to any of the participating university.Candidates may note that request for transfer from one university to another will not be entertained under any circumstances. Therefore, candidates are advised not to make any request in this regard.Only those candidates who will be asked to exercise their option, the list / letter of these candidates will be available on JNU website Welcome to Jawaharlal Nehru University although intimation to this effect is also sent to the candidates on their e-mail account. However, the candidates are advised to find out through their own sources whether their names appear in the list and thereby make arrangement for sending their final option together with initial security deposit by the stipulated date. The University will not issue any paper intimation to the candidates. Candidates are advised to regularly check JNU website for updates.Please note that only one merit list will be released and there will be no second list under any circumstances.To know more about JNU CBEE Selection Procedure Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 SyllabusJNU CBEE 2020 MSc Agri Biotechnology SyllabusAgricultural Biochemistry : Isomerism, hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction in biomolecules; chemistry of biomolecules-carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, lipids and nucleic. Metabolism of carbohydrats, fatty acids and protein. Genetic code, replication, transcription and translation. Enzymes and their kinetics, factors affecting enzyme activity. Competitive – and non – competitive inhibitions. Coenzymes and cofactors. Plant pigments.Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science : Importance of livestock in agriculture; relationship between plant and animal husbandry; mixed farming; animal breeding; breeds of indigenous and exotic cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, pigs and poultries and their potential for milk, egg, meat and wool production; classification of feed and fodder; major contagious diseases affecting cattle and drought animals, poultries and pigs; reproduction biology of cattle; artificial insemination, fertility and sterility; principles of imunization and vaccination; description, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of major contagious diseases; drugs used for killing, tranquillizing and doping farm and wild animals; study of milk composition; physical properties and food value of milk; quality control of milk, tests and legal standards; dairy equipments and their cleaning; organization of dairy, milk processing and distribution; microorganism found in dairy and milk products; pregnancy and distochea.Cell Biology : Modern tools and techniques in the study of cytology; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells-structural and ultrastructural details; functions of organelles including membrane; cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis; numerical structural variation in chromosomes and their significance.Protection : Diseases of field, vegetable, orchard and plantation crops of India and their control; causes and classification of plant diseases; principles of plant disease control biological control of diseases; Seed health testing, Integrated pest management-concepts and components; host plant resistance-biological control of insect pests; genetic manipulation of insects for their control; pesticides, their formulation, classification and safe use; behavioural methods; use of computer modeling in pest and disease out break; use of semiochemicals in IPM; insect growth regulators; biotechnological approaches in IPM; IPM in major crops, Principles of nematode management-integrated nematode management in major crops-silkworm types; mulberry silkworm, culturing methods; pests and diseases of mulberry and mulberry silkworm and their management.Cropping Systems and Crop Management : Impact of the high yielding and short duration varieties on shifts in cropping patterns; concepts of multiple cropping, relay cropping and inter-cropping and their importance in relation to food production crop production practices for important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre, sugar and cash crops; crop weed, their characteristics, cultural biological and chemical weed control; remote sensing and agriculture.Ecology and Environment : Ecology and its relevance to man; natural resources their management and conservation- Climatic elements as factors of crop growth- impact of changing environment on cropping pattern- change in environment due to agriculture-environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals and humans-liquid and solid waste disposal – Pollution prevention and remediation.Principles of Food Science and Processing : Food production and consumption trends in India; food Science objective food composition; nutritive value of foods; importance and scope of food processing; Indian scenario; Effect of processing on different food groups; Food spoilage; Principles and methods of preservation; Quality Standards, Ventra Centicals.Genetics and Plant Breeding : Earlier concepts of heredity; Mendel’s work and laws of heredity; Chromosomal theory of inheritance; Gene interactions; Multiple alleles; Multiple factor hypothesis; Linkage and crossing over; Linkage analysis; Construction of genetic map; Sex determination; Sex linked; sex influenced and sex limited traits; Spontaneous and induced mutations; Centre of origin; Domestication of crop plants; Conservations and utilization of genetic resources; Reproductive and pollination mechanisms in plants; Methods and principles in plant breeding; Methods of breeding self-pollinated crops; Methods of breeding cross- pollinated crops; Methods of breeding asexually propagated crops; self incompatibility and male sterility in crop breeding; mutation breeding in crop improvement; Ploidy breeding in crop improvement; Innovative breeding methods in crop improvement.Horticulture and Forestry : Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits, flowers and vegetable crops spice in plantation crops, the package of practices and the scientific basis for the same; handling and marketing of fruit and vegetables; preservation of fruits and vegetables; fruit and vegetable in human nutrition; landscaping and floriculture; ornamental plants and design and lay out of lawns and gardens; tissue culture and micropropagation of important fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants including major spices and plantation crops, important features, scope and propagation of various types of forestry plantations, such as, extension/social forestry, agroforestry and the management of natural forests.Agricultural Microbiology : Spontaneous generation theory-Grem theory-Discovery of antibiotics-Types of Microscopes-Principles and equipment of different kinds of sterilisation-staining Techniques-Nutritional types of bacteria-Growth curve-Factors influencing bacterial growth-Fermentation : Principle and Application-Classification of Bacteria-Gene transfer methods in microorganisms Antigen and antibody reaction. Contributions of Beijerinck and Winogradsky-Role of microbes in carbon and nitrogen cycles-Influence of Rhizosphere on soil microorganism-Various types of nitrogen fixing microorgranism-Production of bacterial biofertilizers: Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Phosphobacteria etc.- Fungal biofertilizers; Ecto- and Endomychorizae- Azolla and BGA- Method of application for different biofertilizers.Plant Physiology : Plant physiology and its significance in agriculture; physical properties and chemical constitution of protoplasm; plant cell water relation – imbibition, surface tension, diffusion, osmosis; absorption and translocation of water and nutrients; transpiration, guttation, mineral deficiencies and their symptoms; physiological disorders, correction hydrophonics, foliar nutritions aerobic and anaerobic respiration; Photo respiration Factors affecting respiration and Photo- respiration. Photosynthesis- modern concept and the factors affecting photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation growth development and differentiation; growth hormones, growth retardants, growth inhibitors and their use in agriculture; tropism in plants photoperiodism and vernalization; seed dormancy and germination; fruit ripening process and its control.Seed Technology : Seed technology and its importance; production processing and testing of seeds of crop plants; seed storage, seed certification; role of NSC in production; New seed policy and seed control order, Terminator Technology.Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry : Soil as a medium of plant growth and its composition; mineral and organic constituents of soil and their role in crop production; chemical physical and microbiological properties of soil; essential plant nutrients, their functions occurrence and recycling; micro-secondary and micro nutrient sources and their management; integrated nutrient management, soil water relationship, principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious use of fertilizers; organic manure and biofertilizers; soil conservation planning on water shed basis; erosion and run -off management in hilly, foot hills and valley lands; processes and factors affecting soil erosion; dryland agriculture and its problems; rainfed agriculture.Biostatistics : Compilation, classification, tabulation and diagrammatic representation of data; measures of central tendency,correlation and regression involving two variables; concept of random sampling; tests of significance testing of hypothesis; statistical tests two kinds of error; chi-square test; principles of sampling; sampling and sampling errors; analysis of variance transformations to stabilize variance; principles of experimental design, randomized block design; latin square design; factorial experiments; missing plot techniuqes. Introduction to computer-Electronic data processing, operating system-common software available-Internet applications-Databases and bioinformatics.Agricultural Biotechnology : Concepts and scope of biotechnology. Tissue culture and its application, Micropropagation. Meristem culture and production of virus-free plants. Anther and microspore culture. Embryo and ovary culture. Protoplast isolation. Protoplast fusion-somatic hybrids, cybrids. Somaclones. Synthetic seeds. In vitro germplasm conservation. Cryopreservation. Organelle DNA, Satellite-and repetitive DNAs. DNA repair. Regulation of gene expression. Recombinant DNA technology-cloning vectors, restriction enzymes, gene cloning. Methods of gene transfer in plants. Achievements and recent developments of genetic engineering in agriculture. Development of transgenies for biotic & abiotic stress tolerance, Ribozfore Technology microarray, bioethics, terminator technology, nanotechnology, DNA finger printing, gene silencing.JNU CBEE 2020 MVSC SyllabusAnimal Biotechnology : Structure of prokaryotic and etukaryotic cells, cell wall, membranes, cell organelles, organization and functions, chromosome structure and functions, cell growth division and differentiation. Sub unit structure of macromolecules and supermolecular systems. Self assembly of sub units, viruses, bacteriophage, ribosomes and membrane systems. Scope and importance of biochemistry in animal sciences, cell structure and functions. Chemistry and biological significance of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones. Enzymes— chemistry, kinetics and mechanism of action and regulation. Metabolic inhibitors with special reference to antibiotics and insecticides. Biological oxidation, energy metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and nucleic acids. Colorimetry, spectrophotometry, chromatography and electrophoresis methods.Chemistry of antigens and antibodies and molecular basis of immune reaction, radio -immune assay and other assays. Chemistry of respiration and gas transport, water and electrolyte metabolism. Deficiency diseases, metabolic disorders and clinical biochemistry. Endocrine glands, biosynthesis of hormones and their mechanism of action. History of molecular biology, biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, genome organization, regulation of gene expression, polymerase chain reaction, basic principles of biotechnology applicable to veterinary science gene sequence, immunodiagnostics, animal cell culture, in vitro fertilization. Sub-unit vaccines: Principles of fermentation technology.Veterinary Science : Anatomy Physiology. Structure of cells, cell organelles, chromosome structure and functions, cell growth, division and differentiation and functions. Histology and physiology of mammalian organs and systems, major sense organs and receptors; Exocrine and endocrine glands, hormones and their functions, blood composition and function. Homeostasis, osmoregulation and blood clotting.Veterinary Microbiology (Bacteriology, Virology, Immunology), Veterinary Pathology Veterinary Parasitology. Classification and growth characteristics of bacteria, important bacterial diseases of livestock and poultry, general characters, classification of important fungi. Nature of viruses, morphology, and characteristics, viral immunity, important viral diseases of livestock and poultry. Viral vaccines. Antigen and antibody, antibody formation, immunity, allergy, anaphylaxis hypersensitivity, immunoglobulins, complement system. Etiology of diseases and concept, extrinsic and intrinsic factors, inflammation degeneration, necrosis, calcification, gangrene, death, atrophy, hypertrophy, benign and malignant tumours in domestic animals. General classification, morphology, life cycle of important parasites, important parasitic diseases (Helminths, Protozoa and Arthropods) of veterinary importance with respect to epidemiology, symptoms pathogeneses diagnosis, immunity and control.Veterinary Medicine, Epidemiology veterinary surgery and Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology including reproduction. Clinical examination and diagnosis, Etiology, epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and control of diseases affecting different body systems of various species of domestic animals, epidemiology— aims, objectives, ecological concepts and applications. General surgical principles and management of surgical cases. Types, administration and effects of anaesthesia. Principles and use of radiological techniques in the diagnosis of animal diseases. Estrus and estrus cycle in domestic animals, Synchronization of estrus, fertilization, pregnancy diagnosis, parturition, management of postpartum complications dystokias and its management, fertility, infertility and its management, artificial insemination.Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology. Zoonotic diseases through milk and meat, Zoo animal health. Source and nature of drugs, pharmacokinetics, Chemotherapy-sulpha drugs, antibiotics, mechanism and problem of drug resistance. Drug allergy, important poisonous plants, toxicity of important agro-chemicals and their detoxification, drugs action on different body systems.Animal Sciences : Animal Genetics and Breeding. Inheritance of acquired characters, cell structure and functional organization, mitosis, meiosis, Mendel’s laws, gene interaction, sex determination, sex linkages, cytoplasmic, heredity, quantitative inheritance, linkages and combination, different types of chromosomes, gene structure and functions, mutation, speciation and evolution, inbreeding and crossbreeding, general and specific combining ability, heterosis, sire evolution, breeds of various important livestock species, breeding programmes, population statistics of livestock species.Animal Nutrition, Feed Technology, Animal Physiology. General nutrition, carbohydrates, proteins and fats their digestion and metabolism protein value of the feed measure of protein quality and its application, requirement of energy, protein, minerals (macro and micro), vitamins and additives for pigs and poultry, protein-energy interrelationship, comparative design of nutrients in various species. Feed and animal body composition, function of water in body, rumen digestion and metabolism, nonprotein nitrogen metabolism in rumen, feeds and fodders, role of antibiotics, hormones and biostimulators. Digestion – control and motility and secretion of alimentary tract, gastric hormones, digestion and absorption in ruminants and monogasteric animals, avian digestion. Mechanism, neutral and chemical control of respiration, gaseous transport and exchange, high attitude living, physiology of work and exercise. Control of male sexual behaviour, ovarian function, estrus, ovulation, mechanism of sperm capacitating, sperm and ovum transport, female genital tract, fertilization, implantation, maintenance of pregnancy and physiology of placenta. Artificial insemination collection, preservation, transport of semen, semen diluters, artificial insemination, embryo transfer-collection, preservation, transport and transplantation of zygotes, oocytes culture and in vitro fertilizationAnimal Husbandry, Dairy Science, Livestock Production and Management, Animal Product Technology & Meat Science and Poultry Science. General concepts of livestock production and management in Indian agro-climatic and socioeconomic conditions, impact of livestock farming in Indian agriculture; concept of livestock housing, production and reproduction management of livestock species, lactation management, concept of machine milking. Poultry industry in India, random sample test, breeding programmes for broilers and layers. Composition of milk, meat, fish, poultry and eggs, technology or processing and preservation of livestock products, methods of processing and storage of meat. Meat products, eggs, poultry meat, food preservation, refrigeration, freezing, freeze drying, dehydration canning, radio pasteurization, chemical additives, curing, smoking.Veterinary Extension. Definition and concept of sociology, differences between rural, tribal and urban communities, social change, factors of change. Principles and steps of extension education, community development—aims, objectives, organizational set up and concept evolution of extension in India, extension teaching method. Role of livestock in economy, health and socio-psychology of rural, semi-urban and urban society. Identifying social taboos, social differences, obstacles in the way of organizing programmes. Concept of marketing, principles of co-operative societies, animal husbandry development planning and programme, key village scheme, ICDD, Gosadan, Goshala, Role of Gram Panchayat in Livestock production of rural economy. Data analysis, basics of statistics and computational techniques.To know more about JNU CBEE MSc / MVSc Syllabus Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 MTech Biotechnology SyllabusSection I : Technology / Engineering Stream :Part A : ( Basic Engineering and Technology Pharmacology )i ) Basic Engineering and Technology :Basic concepts / principles in mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics engineering :Chemical Engineering : Computer applications in chemical engineering- chemical process industries instrumentation methods of chemical analysis, thermodynamics-laws of conservation of mass and energy, First and Second laws of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, internal energy, enthalpy, Kirchoffs equation, heat of reaction, Hess law, heat of formation, Applications of first law to close and open systems, Second law and Entropy Thermodynamic properties of pure substances: equation of state and departure function, free energy, and work function. Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, free energy change and equilibrium constant, Troutons rule, properties of mixtures: partial molar properties, excess properties and activity coefficients; phase equilibria: predicting VLE of systems; Azeotrope and eutectic mixtures, and ideal gas mixtures, Third law of thermodynamics, stoichiometry, fluid dynamics, mechanical operations, heat and mass transfer operations- chemical kinetics/reaction engineering- process instrumentation dynamics and control- process equipment design. Material and Energy Balances: Laws of mass conservation, heats of reactions, law of mass action, Correlation, linear regression and analysis; degree of freedom analysis.Chemical Reaction Engineering : Basic laws of chemical kinetics, chemical rate equations, parallel, sequential and other complex system kinetics, differential and integral kinetics analysis, CSTR and Plug Flow reactors, ideal and nonideal reactors, tank-in-series and APDF models, residence time distribution concept, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.Fluid Mechanics : Fluid statics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Bernoulli equation and its application, energy balance, flow through pipeline systems ( laminar and turbulent flows, friction factor ), flow meters, pumps and compressors, packed and fluidized beds, size reduction and size separation; free and hindered settling; centrifuge and cyclones; thickening and classification, filtration, mixing and agitation; conveying of solids. Relation between stress and strain rate for Newtonian fluids.Heat and Mass Transfer : Conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer coefficients, steady and unsteady heat conduction, boiling, condensation and evaporation; types of heat exchangers and evaporators. Fick’s laws, Diffusion of fluids, mass transfer coefficients, film, penetration and surface renewal theories; momentum, heat and mass transfer analogies; stage-wise and continuous contacting and stage efficiencies; HTU & NTU concepts design and operation of equipment for distillation, absorption, leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, drying, humidification, dehumidification and adsorption.Principles of Biochemical Engineering : Enzyme catalysis ( Michaelis Menton Kinetics ) and reactor design. Material & energy balances of fermentation processes. Kinetics of microbial growth and product formation (Monad modelLeudeking-Piret model). Nature of fermentation processes. Transport phenomena in biochemical reactors- Mass transfer in immobilized enzyme systems and Oxygen transfer in submerged fermentation process, examples of primary metabolites, secondary metabolites and enzymes. Bioreactor operation and design, reactor sterilization. Batch, fedbatch and continuous culture process and cell recycle processes. Modelling of non-ideal behavior in bioreactors. Novel bioreactors, air-lift reactors, membrane bioreactors and fluidized bed reactors. ( Filtration and membrane based separations, centrifugation, extraction, absorption and chromatography – to be removed ).Pharmaceutical Sciences & Bioprocess technology, and PharmacologyPhysiology, Pharmacology & Biochemistry : Basic physiology and biochemistry pertaining to all the systems in the body. Classification, mode of action, pharmacological effects, side effects, toxicity and posology of drugs acting on the CNS, ANS, CVS, gastrointestinal system, endocrine system. Principles of chemotherapy, chemotherapeutic agents, anticancer drugs, vitamins and minerals.Industrial Pharmacy : Pharmaceutical processing – mixing, milling, drying, powder compression, clarification, filtration, Rheology, sterilization, sterility testing, disinfection, Pharmaceutical dosage forms : Formulation, manufacture and evaluation of solid, semisolid, liquid, aerosols and parentrals. Chemistry of natural products, SAR and Chemistry of analgesics, anticancer, CVS drugs, drugs acting on the CNS, GIT, chemotherapeutic agents, vitamins, hormones. classification, identification, extraction and isolation of active principles of commonly used medicinal plants. Immunological preparations, genetic engineering, fermentation, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics-drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination- general principles. Basic concepts of analysis of drugs.Biologicals and Biopharmaceuticals : Antibodies: polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, catalytic antibodies, diagnostic antibodies; production of antibodies, vaccines: types, production and applications; Therapeutic proteins and peptides: Insulin, erythropoietin, interleukins, hormones, sterilization methods for biopharmaceuticals, biosimilars, blood plasma products, Cohn fractionation, recent examples of biopharmaceuticals.Food Science and Technology : Food chemistry and analysis, microbiology and biochemistry of fermented food products, food spoilage and food borne diseases, Food additives and ingredients, Chemistry and technology of various food commodities like cereals, legumes and oil seeds, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and poultry, plantation crops, milk and dairy products, confections, beverages etc., Food processing and preservation, Food packaging, Use of enzymes in food industry, Human nutrition, Nutraceuticals and functional foods, Food safety and Food laws.Agricultural Biotechnology : Production of value added products (biofuel, secondary metabolites, natural products, bioplastics, etc.) from agricultural waste, traditional crop improvement vs biotechnological interventions, secondary agriculture, post-harvest technologies.Fermentation Technology : Introduction to fermentation processes, Isolation, preservation and improvement of industrially important microorganisms, Optimization of media and culture conditions, Bioreactor design and operations, Modes of culture – batch, fed batch, perfusion, continuous, chemostat etc., Types of bioreactors, Scale up of microbial and animal cell based processes with case studies related to applications in biopharma, biochemical, food and agroindustries, Bioprocess considerations for animal & plant cell cultures. Applications of cell culture technology for production of vaccines, growth hormones; interferons, cytokines and therapeutic proteins; hybridoma technology and gene knockout; stem cells and its application in organ synthesis; gene therapy; transgenic animals and molecular pharming, strategies for improving yield and productivity.Downstream Processing : Centrifugation, liquid-liquid extraction, solid-liquid extraction, sedimentation & flocculation, Cell disruption- physical, chemical, mechanical and enzymatic methods, Concentration methods, Purification by adsorption, chromatographic and membrane (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, plate and frame filters, hallow fibers, cassette filters) techniques including charge based, size based and affinity based processes, drying; Process design of industrial bio-products such as proteins & enzymes, peptides, antibiotics, vitamins, natural products, polysaccharides & biopolymers, oils and Oleochemicals, enzyme immobilization, methods of controlling bioburden in biopharma and biological products and food products.Cell Culture Techniques : Cell culture materials and tools, growth conditions and other requirements for establishment and maintenance of plant and animal cells, cell lines and tissues, micro propagation, virus free plants, protoplast & haploid culture, synthetic seeds, hairy root culture. Animal cell cultivation: primary culture, growth kinetics, biology and characterization of cultured cells.Section I : Technology / Engineering StreamPart – B : ( Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics )MathematicsCalculus – Differential Equation- Complex numbers- Complex integration- Power series- Three Dimensional Geometry-Algebra.PhysicsMechanics : Kinematics – Newton’s laws – work and mechanical energy- dynamics of rotary motion – fundamentals of special theory of relativity – gravitation – motion in non – inertial frames.Thermodynamics : Ideal gases – Ist law of thermodynamics – Kinetic theory of gases – 2nd law of thermodynamics -real gases.Electricity and Magnetism : Electrostatics- Coulomb’s law- electric field potential- capacitance – dielectrics in an electric field- energy of an electric field- direct current- magnetic field of direct current- – eletromagnetic induction.Waves and Optics : Free hormonic oscillators – elastic waves- electromagnetic waves – interference, diffraction, scattering and polarisation of light – thermal radiation.Modern Physics : Structure of matter and basic solid state physics – elementary nuclear physics – elementary quantum mechanics – structure of atom.ChemistryInorganic chemistry : Electronic structure of atoms, periodic table and periodic properties. General characteristics, structure and reactions of non-transition elements and transition elements. Coordination compounds, structure, crystal field and ligand field theories, spectral and magnetic properties.Organic chemistry : Synthesis, reactions and mechanisms of alkenes, alkynes, arenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, halides, nitro compounds and amines. Structure and properties of biomolecules, carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins.Physical chemistry : Chemical equilibrium, first law, thermochemistry, second law and entropy, free energy, properties of dilute solutions. chemical kinetics, rates of reactions and factors affecting rates of reactions.Analytical techniques in Biotechnology : Principle and applications of spectroscopy, principles of UV- visible and IR spectroscopy, analytical chromatography such as HPLC, GC, TLC, HPTLC, FPLC, ion chromatography, Gel permeation chromatography ( GPC ) etc., hyphenated techniques such as LC-MS and GC-MS, thermo-gravimetric analysis ( DSC, TGA ), Karl fisher titration, fluorescence spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering ( DLS ) techniques, Immunological techniques : Immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, RIA and ELISA techniques, southern & western blotting, gel Electrophoresis (PAGE, SDS-PAGE) and capillary electrophoresis, PCR & Q-PCR, AFM, SEM, TEM, EDX, X-ray diffraction, Zetasizer, acid-base titrations, common methods of organic and inorganic analysis, validation of analytical methods as per ICH guidelines, characterization of biotech products as per regulatory guidelines & pharmacopoeial guidelines, Pharmacopoeial assay, LAL-Test, BET Test, Principles and methods of microbial assay of pharmacopoeia, filter integrity test, sterility testing of biopharmaceuticals, methods of analysis of for proteins,.Section I : Technology / Engineering Stream :Part C : ( Fundamentals of Life Sciences and Informatics )Life Sciences : Organization of unicellular organisms, invertebrates and vertebrates. Ultrastructure of plant and animal cells. Nucleic acids, protein synthesis, Mendalian genetics. Morphology of angiosperms. Biotechnology, Physiology.Information Technology : Introduction to www.Networking : Basics-modem-hub-switch-commands to transfer files – remote login. Elements of languages used on the Internet JAVA – Perl. Elements of databases – Relational databases.Genetics and Genetic Engineering : Genotype and Phenotype, nucleic acid structure, Cell division, crossing over and mapping, Mutations and their role in evolution, Genetic Disorders, Enzymes in Genetic Engineering, Cloning Vehicles, gene cloning strategies, mutagenesis, Cloning & expression of transgenes in Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic systems, DNA sequencing, PCR technologies, gene transfer in plant and animals, molecular markers, Applications and impact of rDNA technology.Molecular Biology : Central dogma of molecular biology, Gene structure in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Coding and non-coding DNA & RNA, Gene regulation, Molecular mechanisms of recombination, Transposons and rearrangement of DNA, DNA damage and repair, Post transcriptional and post-translational modification. Concept of system and synthetic biology.Bioenergy biosciences : Types of biofuels, Biomass characterization and processing, biodiesel, biogas and biohydrogen production, algal biofuels ( microalgae and macroalgae cultivation, harvesting, processing and value addition ). Application of enzymes in biofuels.Chemistry and chemical equilibria : Ionic and covalent bonding, M.O. and V.B. approaches for diatomic molecules, VSEPR theory and shape of molecules, hybridisation, resonance, dipole moment, structure parameters such as bond length, bond angle and bond energy, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals interactions. Ionic solids, ionic radii, lattice energy ( Born-Haber Cycle ). Identification of functional groups by chemical tests. Acids and bases, electronic and steric effects, optical and geometrical isomerism, tautomerism, conformers, concept of aromaticity. Reaction kinetics: Rate constant, order of reaction, molecularity, activation energy, zero, first and second order kinetics, catalysis and elementary enzyme reactions. Colligative properties of solutions, ionic equilibria in solution, solubility product, common ion effect, hydrolysis of salts, pH, buffer and their applications in chemical analysis, equilibrium constants for homogeneous reactions. Zeta potential and electronic double layer.Section II : Science Stream :Part A : Life Sciences :Biochemistry : Cell structure and function; protein synthesis; genetic code; DNA & RNA; carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, clinical biochemistry; In born erros of metabolism; hormones and their function. Enzymes- classification, nomenclature, kinetics etc., Metabolism & regulation of: carbohydrates, proteins, fats & nucleic acids, Metabolic disorders, Classification and taxonomy of microorganisms; Growth and physiology; Laboratory cultivation of microbes, Methods of microbial enumeration; Microbial metabolism, photosynthesis, fermentation, aerobic & anaerobic respiration, Pathogenic microorganisms, Microbial genetics, Microbes in industry, Endotoxins, viruses ( enveloped and non-enveloped )Molecular biology & recombinant DNA technology : Properties of nucleic acids, chromosomes, DNA replication, damage and repair, gene manipulation, cloning vectors, gene libraries, screening of libraries, gene cloning, applications of recombinant DNA technology, PCR, RFLP, Western, Northern and Southern blotting. microarray technology, DNA fingerprinting and recombinant DNA technology; prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems; Vectors : plasmids, phages and cosmids. Gene mutation: Types of mutation; UV and chemical mutagens; Selection of mutants; Ames test for mutagenesis; Bacterial, yest, cyanobacteria, fungi genetic system: transformation, conjugation, transduction, recombination, transposons genome shuffling, electroporation; DNA repair and chromosomal aberrations, synthetic biology for production of biochemicals and biotech products.Immunology : Cells of the immune system, lymphoid tissues, complement, antibodies, hybridoma technology, applications of monoclonal antibodies, antigen recognitioin, processing and presentation, cell mediated immunity, cytokines, hypersensitivity, vaccines & vaccine technology, auto-immunity, transplantation, immune responses to various infections, Immunotechnology, B-cells and T-cells, Antibody structure, function and diversity, T-cell receptors, Antigen-antibody Reaction, Complement system and Cytokines, Hyper-Sensitivity, MHC and HLA, Hybridoma, Immunodeficiency diseases.Section II : Science Stream :Part B : ( Physics and Chemistry )Physics :Mechanics : Kinematics- Newton’s laws- work and mechanical energy- dynamics of rotary motion- fundamentals of special theory of relativity- gravitation- motion in non-inertial frames.Thermodynamics : Ideal gases – 1st law of thermodynamics- Kinetic theory of gases- 2nd law of thermodynamics- real gases.Electricity and Magnetism : Electrostatics- Coulomb’s law – electric field potential – capacitance- dielectrics in an electric field – energy of an electric field – direct current – magnetic field of direct current- electromagnetic inductionWaves and Optics : Free hormonic oscillators – elastic waves – Electromagnetic waves – interference, diffraction, scattering and polarisation of light – thermal radiation.Modern Physics : Structure of matter and basic solid state physics – elementary nuclear physics – elementary quantum mechanics- structure of atom.Chemistry :Inorganic Chemistry : Electronic structure of atoms, periodic table and periodic properties. General characteristics, structure and reactions of non – transition elements and transition elements. Coordination compounds, structure, crystal field and ligand field theories, spectral and magnetic properties.Organic Chemistry : Synthesis, reactions and mechanisms of alkenes, alkynes, arenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, halides, nitro compounds and amines. Structure and properties of boimolecules, carbohydrates, amino acids an proteins.Physical Chemistry : Chemical equilibrium, first law, thermochemistry, second law and entropy, free energy, properties of dilute solutions. Chemical kinetics, rates of reactions and factors affecting rates of reactions. Spectroscopy, principles of UV-visible and IR spectroscopy.Section II : Science Stream :Part C : ( Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences )Mathematics : Vectors- Trignometry- Differentiation & Integration- MatricesInformation Sciences : Introduction to www. Networking : Basics-modem-hub-switch-commands to transfer files- remote login. Elements of languages used on the Internet JAVA- Perl. Elements of databases- Relational database.Computer Application : Basics of computers – hardware – components of a computer. Operating systems – windows – linux – simple commands. Elementary Boolean arithmetic – substraction – addition – multiplication. Applications – word processing – spread sheets. Elementary basic programming commands and syntax.To know more about JNU CBEE MTech Biotechnology Syllabus Click HereJNU CBEE 2020 ResultsJNU CBEE Exam DateJawaharlal Nehru University Combined Biotechnology Entrance Exam will be conducted on December, 2020

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