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In the past Earth had gone through the Ice Age, when will it go through the Fire Age?

Not relevant and no evidence or description of the ‘Fire Age’ the right term for warming is tropical and that is wonderful. Yes you might expect from the fear mongering by the alarmists about the coming too hot global warming catastrophe that there would be a history as there is in abundance for ice ages. That is a little strange right? More evidence of the hoax.The alarmists say well yes warming in the past was slow and our warming is too fast causing massive sea rise. False on all counts. Any very modest evidence of rising temperatures stopped at less than 1* C and then temperatures paused and now temperatures are falling.Cooling fears are real based on history not warming. Think about the fact we are in an ice age today named the Quaternary by climate scientists and our good fortune we enjoy less ice age cooling because of the Holocene Optimum interglacial, but it will end we will swing over the harsh glaciation. Look it up on google or even better the blog Ice age now.When you are truly in an ice age surely the last thing you should fear is too much or even too fast warming? Look back just 12,000 years with observable evidence to see the brutal conditions of the last glaciation covering all of Canada with ice more than 1 mile thick.Temperature data is everything and it is obviously in a long term decline and this is the real climate crisis ignored by the fraudulent PARIS ACCORD.The frequent record cold snowy winter weather is the opposite of the predicted weather for the ‘fire age’ by the alarmists.The UN and alarmist scientists put the state of winter weather in play. They predicted moderate winters without snow would be the key evidence validating their hypothesis denying Mother Nature controls the climate.Snowfall will become “A very rare and exciting event…Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”Dr David Viner – Senior scientist, climatic research unit (CRU)The prediction that “children just aren’t going to know what snow is” was made by Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, in the year 2000. It could not be more wrong and is evidence that the new weather pattern of global warming/ climate change is not happening.TEMPERATURE IS ACHILLES HEEL OF ALARMISMEven though President Obama and other global-warming alarmists warn of a looming climate apocalypse, they avoid giving a metric to prove their claims. They blame man-made climate change for a vast array of ills, including floods, droughts, wildfires, and tornados. But they never quantify what they say is the driving force behind it all: temperature.The recent freezing winters are the result when global temperatures drop. You can observer the effects without depending on tampered data.Extreme Weather GSM“THE CONTINENTAL U.S. JUST SET IT’S COLDEST-EVER OCTOBER TEMPERATURE, BREAKING THE PREVIOUS RECORD FROM 1917OCTOBER 29, 2019 CAP ALLONThe western U.S. was blasted by a yet ANOTHER brutal Arctic air mass yesterday, Oct 28, with this one delivering the COLDEST TEMPERATURE EVER RECORDED IN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES.Peter Sinks, Utah –east of Logan– broke the Lower-48’s cold temperature record for the month of October on Monday morning with a staggering reading of minus 35 degrees.The area is known for it’s cold temperatures thanks to its high elevation (8,164 ft) as well as its unique topography, said Chicago meteorologist Tom Skilling.“It is a basin a half mile (804.67 meters) in diameter with no outlet, like a large bowl. Cold air collects in the basin on clear, calm nights,” Skilling said. “Very low temperatures can occur there, especially during outbreaks of arctic air in the winter.”The weather station located at the bottom of the sink took the -35F (-37.2C) reading at approximately 6:15AM on Monday morning, Oct 28 — beating-out the previous record low of -33F (-36.1C) set way back in 1917 (just after weak solar cycle 14, which was similar to the cycle we’ve just experienced, 24).Forgive me but I’d like to type it again, the Lower-48 just broke it’s coldest-ever temperature record for the month of October. And in addition, and perhaps even more astonishingly, the record may not even last that long — another all-time low mark is expected to be reached overnight Wednesday.The Continental U.S. just set it's Coldest-Ever October Temperature, Breaking the Previous Record from 1917 - ElectroverseWhy when Co2 levels are rising fast are temperatures falling. No one knows for sure but the best guess is solar radiation has slowed and the evidence is no sunspots.”The Sun has been Spotless for a Total of 224 Days in 2019, and Counting… Looming Grand Solar Minimum“2019 now looks set to eclipse 2008’s total of 269 spotless days, when the Sun was suffering it’s deepest solar minimum of the past 100+ years…”Electroverse1Comment“Climate Change–The FactsOCTOBER 28, 2019tags: factsheetBy Paul HomewoodI have been asked by a couple of people to produce a simple climate change factsheet, and it might be worth bookmarking for future use.I have kept it simple, with no graphs or references. As those familiar with this blog, everything below has been fully covered a number of times. Anybody who needs more explanation on a particular item only needs to ask.Any comments are welcome.CLIMATE CHANGE – THE FACTS1) Global TemperaturesIt is generally reckoned that global temperatures have risen by about 1C since the late 19thC. This however is only a guesstimate at best, as most of the world had very little climate data in those daysAccording to satellite data, temperatures have not increased since 1998.2) Little Ice AgeAny discussion of temperature rise since the 19thC needs to be put in the context of the Little Ice Age, which lasted around 500 years and ended in the late 19thC.Scientists believe that this was the coldest period since the end of the Ice Age, and evidence shows that it was a worldwide event, although timings were not always the same.The Little Ice Age succeeded the Medieval Warm Period, which again appears to have been a global event, during which temperatures were at similar levels as today.3) GlaciersMelting of glaciers is often held up as “proof” of global warming. But in fact they began retreating in the 19thC, long before current “man-made” global warming. There is particularly strong evidence of this fact, as Alaskan and Alpine glaciers were already being closely surveyed as early as the late 18thC.As the glaciers in Alaska retreat, they are uncovering the remains of ancient forests, which have been carbon dated back to the Middle Ages, indicating the glaciers were much smaller then. Exactly the same has occurred in Patagonia.Evidence from around the world, including South America and New Zealand, confirms that there was a massive growth in the size of glaciers between the Middle Ages and the end of the Little Ice Age.Glaciologists have established that many glaciers in both Greenland and Iceland reached their post ice age maxima during the 18th and 19thC.4) ArcticWe hear a lot about temperatures rising in the Arctic, and icecaps melting.In fact, temperatures around the Arctic are little different now to what they were in the 1930s and 40s. Subsequently they fell sharply in the 1970s and 80s, before rising again. This cycle appears to be connected to multi-decadal ocean cyclesArctic sea ice retreated as a result until 2007, since when it has remained stable. Satellite data for sea ice extent is only available since 1979, in the middle of the colder interlude, and therefore cannot provide reliable long term trends.The ice cap in Greenland has also been slowly melting, but the amounts involved are extremely tiny in relation to the total ice mass. Again, long term temperature records in Greenland show that temperatures were as high in the 1930s and 40s.On a longer timescale, scientists also know that temperatures throughout the Arctic have been much higher than now for the last 10000 years.5) AntarcticaSea ice around Antarctica has been stable since 1979, if anything increasing slightly.NASA have established that the Antarctic ice cap has actually been growing since 1992, because snowfall has more than offset thinning glaciers.6) Sea levelsSince the ending of the Little Ice Age in the late 19thC, global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches. Sea levels around the UK give a similar result, after allowing for vertical land movement. (Most of England has been sinking since the ice age).The recent rate of rise has been slightly higher, about 10 inches per century, but sea levels were also rising at a similar rate in the mid 20thC.7) Extreme weatherThere is no persuasive evidence that extreme weather is getting either more common or severe:a) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is no evidence of any long term increase in hurricane activity.b) US data confirms that tornado activity has declined since the 1970s, when proper records began. Notably data also shows that there are now fewer of the most violent tornadoes.c) The IPCC also report little evidence that flooding is getting worse.d) Equally they find little proof that droughts are becoming worse globally, though there inevitably regional differences.e) Wildfires, contrary to popular myth, are claiming many less acres than they did in the past.One of the biggest sources for the myth of extreme weather is 24/7 media coverage, which now brings events into our homes which would have gone unreported not long ago.In the UK, long term data also provides no evidence of an increase in extreme weather, such as storms, floods and droughts.8) UK climate trendsAccording to official Met Office data, UK temperatures stopped rising about fifteen years ago. The summer of 1976 remains the hottest on record, as well as having the most intense heatwaves.Furthermore there is no evidence of any significant changes in rainfall trends, other than in Scotland which has experienced higher rainfall in recent decades.9) Climate projectionsAll of the scary forecasts concerning temperatures, sea level rise etc are based on computer modeling of the climate. However these models have consistently grossly overestimated the small rise in temperatures actually experienced.10) UK Climate Change ActThe 2008 Climate Change Act committed the UK to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 80% from 1990 levels by 2050.Since the Act was passed, the UK’s CO2 emissions have reduced by 183 Mt, representing 31% of 1990 levels. However this has come at a great cost.This year, subsidies for renewable energy are forecast to hit £12.2bn, equivalent to about £450 per household.This year however, Parliament approved changes to the Act which alter the target from an 80% cut to 100%. Official estimates put the cost of this at £50bn a year by 2050, some £1800 per household.11) Global emissionsWhile UK emissions have dropped by 183 Mt since 2008, global emissions have increased by 3389 Mt. UK emissions are now only a tiny 1% of global ones.Despite the hype, the Paris Climate Agreement, signed in 2015, won’t do anything to reduce emissions, as most countries plan to carry on increasing them until at least 2030. Notably these include China and India, who account for 35% of the world’s carbon dioxide.Climate Change–The Facts• The "Great Arctic Outbreak of February 1899" - Polar Vortex and Low Solar Activity to Blame - ElectroverseExtreme Weather GSM“THE “GREAT ARCTIC OUTBREAK OF FEBRUARY 1899” — POLAR VORTEX AND LOW SOLAR ACTIVITY TO BLAMEFEBRUARY 12, 2019 CAP ALLONThe “Great Arctic Outbreak of February 1899” as it became known, is one of the most widespread North American cold snaps in recorded history. It was described in a 1988 academic article as “a benchmark with which to compareEvery winter has its cold spells, when temperatures crash well below zero in the northern states and well below freezing even into parts of Florida for a few days.Some cold outbreaks, however, are so cold, so deep into the South or so long-lasting they burn in the memories of meteorologists and weather enthusiasts.If you think you're shivering, keep these historic U.S. cold outbreaks in mind. You'll likely say to yourself, "At least I didn't have to suffer through that."(MORE: The Coldest Places on Earth | Earth's Coldest Town | America's Coldest Cities)February 1899 Outbreak - Coldest LowsMap showing the coldest low temperatures recorded during the February 1899 cold outbreak.(Kocin et al., 1988; Extreme Weather by Christopher Burt)February 1899: The Clear Number 1The cold wave during the first two weeks of February 1899 is by far and away the gold standard for cold outbreaks in U.S. history.The definitive paper on the Great Arctic Outbreak by Paul Kocin, Alan Weiss and Joseph Wagner referred to it as "a benchmark with which to compare similar events."Weather historian Christopher Burt described this as "the greatest cold wave in modern U.S. history" in his book, Extreme Weather.What made this outbreak worthy of its lofty status was the magnitude, areal coverage and longevity of the cold.For the first and only time on record, every state in the Union (recall, there were only 45 states at the time) dipped below zero, according to Burt. Subzero cold invaded parts of south-central Texas, the Gulf Coast beaches and northwest Florida.The worst of the outbreak took place in the days leading up to Valentine's Day.Tallahassee, Florida, dipped to -2 degrees on Feb. 13, 1899, the only subzero low in the city's history. This remains the all-time record low for the Sunshine State.All-time record lows were set in a dozen states, from the Plains to the Ohio Valley, Southeast and District of Columbia. In addition to Florida, state record lows in Louisiana (-16 in Minden), Nebraska (-47 in Camp Clarke) and Ohio (-39 in Milligan) still stand today.Dozens of cities still hold onto their all-time record low from this cold wave, including Atlanta (-9), Grand Rapids, Michigan (-24), and Wichita, Kansas (-22). Temperatures as frigid as -61 degrees (Montana), -59 degrees (Minnesota) and -50 degrees (Wisconsin) were recorded.The Mississippi River froze solid north of Cairo, Illinois, and ice not only clogged the river in New Orleans, but also flowed into the Gulf of Mexico a few days after the heart of the cold outbreak.Ice jams triggered floods along parts of the Ohio, Tennessee, Cumberland and James Rivers. Ice skating was the activity of choice as the San Antonio River froze.Lacking snow cover, the ground froze to a depth of 5 feet in Chicago, damaging water, gas and other pipes.Snowball Fight - Tallahassee, FloridaA snowball fight takes place on the capitol steps in Tallahassee, Florida on Feb. 13, 1899.(Wikimedia)New York City engineers found trusses on the Brooklyn Bridge had contracted 14 feet due to the cold, according to Extreme American Weather, by Tim Vasquez. Due to frozen aqueducts from Catskills reservoirs, the city of Newark was forced to draw water from other rivers and bays.Adding insult to injury, a massive snowstorm punctuated the cold outbreak from the Gulf Coast to New England Feb. 11-14.Cape May, New Jersey, picked up 34 inches of snow, the nation's capital was buried by 21 inches and 15.5 inches fell in New York City, overwhelming city crews and isolating suburbs.In Florida, snow fell in Fort Myers, Tampa saw measurable snow for one of only two times in its history, and Jacksonville picked up 1.9 inches of snow. New Orleans was blanketed by 3 inches of snow.Here are some other notable cold outbreaks since the massive 1899 outbreak.Chicago Cold Jan. 2014Ice builds up along Lake Michigan as temperatures dipped well below zero on January 6, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. Chicago hit a record low of -16 degree Fahrenheit as an arctic air mass brought the coldest temperatures in about two decades into the city.(Scott Olson/Getty Images)Winter 2013-2014- December 2013 - February 2014 was among the top 10 coldest such periods on record in seven Midwest states.- An early January 2014 outbreak brought the coldest temperatures of the 21st century, to date, for some cities.- The winter was among the top five snowiest on record in at least 10 major cities.Late January-Early February 1996- Minnesota state record: -60 degrees near Tower on Feb. 2, 1996. WCCO radio's Mike Lynch broadcasted live from Tower that morning, during which he blew soap bubbles which then froze on the ground as a crowd watched.- All Minnesota public schools shut down.- Fears of natural gas shortage in northern Illinois prompted requests to reduce consumption.Mid-Late January 1994- 14 cities set all-time record lows, including Indianapolis (-27), Cleveland (-20) and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (-22). Pittsburgh (-22) beat its previous all-time record set during the February 1899 outbreak.- Both Pittsburgh (52 hours) and Cleveland (56 hours) set their record stretch of subzero cold.- Indiana state record low set: -36 degrees at New Whiteland on Jan. 19- 35 counties in Ohio plunged to -30 degrees or colder on Jan. 19.- Worcester, Massachusetts, had seven straight days with subzero lows, a record stretch.- Crown Point, New York, dipped to -48 degrees on Jan. 27.- Coldest month on record in Caribou, Maine, with an average temperature of -0.7 degrees.December 1990- Most destructive freeze in California since 1949. Fifty percent of California's citrus crop damaged.- Record 18-day freeze streak in Salt Lake City- 2,000 children stranded in Seattle schools due to heavy snow on Dec. 18- Randolph, Utah, bottomed out at -45 degrees on Dec. 22.December 1989- All-time record lows in Kansas City (-23), Topeka, Kansas (-26), Lake Charles, Louisiana (-4), and Wilmington, North Carolina (0).- First Christmas Day snow (trace) on record in Tallahassee. Miami had a rare freeze while Key West dipped to 44 degrees.- 14 inches of snow fall at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, on Christmas Eve.- At the time, it was the fourth coldest December on record for the entire U.S.President Reagan Inauguration - Jan. 1985Due to the cold, President Ronald Reagan takes the oath of office for his second term as President in the Capitol Rotunda on Jan. 21, 1985.(Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)January 1985- 13.2 inches of snow in San Antonio, Texas (Jan. 12), crushed the previous 24-hour snow record, there. Austin and Houston (3 inches each) also were blanketed by this snowstorm.- All-time record lows were set in Chicago (-27), Jacksonville, Florida (7), and Macon, Georgia (-6)- State record lows were set in Virginia (-30 at Mountain Lake) and North Carolina (-34 atop Mt. Mitchell).- $1.2 billion in damage to Florida's citrus crop- Ronald Reagan's second inauguration was the coldest Inauguration Day on record (7 degrees). The ceremony was moved indoors and parade cancelled.Late December 1983- $2 billion damage to agriculture, mainly due to freezing temperatures in central and northern Florida.- As measured using the old formula, wind chills reached 100 degrees below zero over much of North Dakota on Dec. 22.- Williston, North Dakota tied its all-time record low (-50) on Dec. 23. (Check out the hourly observations from that day.)- Sioux Falls, South Dakota, remained below zero from the morning of Dec. 16 until Christmas Day afternoon.- Over 125 daily low-temperature records were broken on Christmas Day. Tampa's Christmas Day high was only 38 degrees.San Diego Chargers quarterback Dan Fouts shivers during the AFC Championship game in Cincinnati, Ohio on Jan. 10, 1982.(AP file photo)January 1982- 85 deaths were attributed to the cold wave, according to the National Climatic Data Center.- Chicago's O'Hare and Midway Airports set all-time record lows (-26).- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, plunged to -26 degrees on Jan. 17, their coldest temperature in 111 years.- Montgomery, Alabama (-2), Jackson, Mississippi (-5), and Atlanta (-5) each plunged below zero.- Snow at rush hour on Jan. 11 slickened streets, stranding motorists in Atlanta.- Natural gas lines froze, and up to 7 million experienced brownouts, according to Tim Vasquez.- The second coldest game in National Football League history, the "Freezer Bowl", was played in Cincinnati, where a kickoff temperature of -9 degrees greeted the warm-weather San Diego Chargers.- Hundreds of cases of frostbite were treated at the stadium, including Bengals quarterback Kenny Anderson's frosbitten ear.Tonawanda, New York - Post Blizzard of 1977Photo of a house almost completely buried in snow in the aftermath of the "Blizzard of '77" in Tonawanda, New York.(Jeff Wurstner/Wikipedia)January 1977- 69 first-order weather stations shivered through their record coldest month, according to Weather Underground's Christopher Burt.- South Carolina state record set: -20 degrees near Long Creek- Temperatures did not rise above freezing the entire month in a swath from eastern Iowa to western Pennsylvania northward, according to Burt.- Snow fell as far south as Miami and Homestead, Florida, the farthest south occurrence of snow in the U.S. Two inches of snow fell in Winter Haven, Florida.- 35 percent of Florida's citrus crop was damaged; rolling blackouts were needed in Florida due to heavy power demand.- President Jimmy Carter walked 1.5 miles in the Inauguration Parade with temperatures just below freezing on Jan. 20.- The "Buffalo Blizzard of '77" added a foot of snow to the 33 inches of snow on the ground, accompanied by wind gusts to 75 mph, producing snow drifts up to 30 feet high, paralyzing the city.January 1949- Coldest month on record in Boise, Idaho, and Spokane, Washington.- Coldest winter at virtually every weather station in California, Nevada, Idaho and Oregon, according to Burt.- A series of blizzards in the Great Basin and Plains claimed 150,000 sheep and cattle, isolating ranches from Wyoming to South Dakota.- The Army airlifted supplies to snowbound ranchers.- Snow fell in San Diego. One of only three measurable snowfalls on record in Downtown Los Angeles, as well.- All-time record low set in San Antonio, Texas (0 degrees).Winter of 1935-1936- Coldest Plains winter of record.- Low temperatures dropped below -50 degrees on four separate days in Malta, Montana.- Parshall, North Dakota, plunged to -60 degrees on Feb. 15, still the state record low today.- Langdon, North Dakota, remained below zero for an incredible 41 straight days, the longest stretch on record in the Lower 48 states, according to Burt.”Jonathan Erdman is a senior meteorologist at National and Local Weather Radar, Daily Forecast, Hurricane and information from The Weather Channel and weather.com and has been an incurable weather geek since a tornado narrowly missed his childhood home in Wisconsin at age 7. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.America's Coldest Outbreaks | The Weather Channelsimilar events.””

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