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If a two month old kitten grows up with a dog, will it end up thinking/acting like a dog?

Awww in fact I have had 3 such experiences of IDENTITY CRISIS, one even better. Read on...NO 1 in IndiaSome 40 years ago, my parents had rescued a stray cat that was PREGNANT. In a few weeks, she had the litter. My cousin, visiting from out of town, wanted one of the kittens, which was not yet weaned. Reluctantly, my parents let her take one. My Aunt and Uncle also had a pair of German Shepherds: Jack and Julie (in fact, it was from this part of the family that my affection for GSDs grew). Julie was 6 or 7, and never had puppies. However, she became the foster Mom to Neelu, the kitten. She would love him, lick him clean, he would sleep with her, and she would gently teach him manners. Neelu would often knead her belly and suckle on her dry nipples. Soon, milk started to come. The Vet had no explanation why a middle-aged dog would spontaneously start lactating. Perhaps her matetnal instincts kicked in, or his kneading stimulated her mammary glands. OR BOTH.Well the Kitty became a puppy in all senses. Neelu grew up with all dog habits, came when called, went for walks, ate dog food, wagged his tail, and spoke in a hybrid language that was somewhere between meowing, barking and growling. LOLNo. 2 in the USIn the 1980′s my brother and I, while camping near Mount Rushmore, found a stray cat. She had been on the campsite for weeks. We named her what else but RUSHMORE, and flew her with me to Washington. Again, the history repeats itself. Rushmore was already PREGNANT and few weeks later had a litter of 7, as a birthday present for me. LOLEventually, we found home for 5 but kept 2 after RUSHMORE was hit by a car, and broke her leg, as a moral Feline Family Support Network for her.One of the kittens, an orange tabby, SUJATA (meaning one of the best creed, in Sanskrit) a.k.a. TIGER, took a keen liking to our German Shepherd, JEHANGIR, who grabbed her when she was only 6 weeks, and got away. Fearing the worst, when I caught up with this duo, I found him lovingly licking her. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. TIGER would eat dog food, wag her tail, and slept with JEHANGIR. She also learned to Shake Paw. Her meows sounded strange.Four months later, when TIGER was lost in the woods near a Senior Home where we, with our pets, volunteered in PETS ON WHEELS program, it was JEHANGIR's barking that brought TIGER out of the woods. That was 8 months after she was lost. We have no idea how she survived all that time among foxes and coyotes, and not to mention the heavy traffic on the 8 lanes of divided Capital Beltway, which she had to cross to end up where we found her—3 miles away from our home.No. 3 in the USIn the summer of 2014, we rescued CHINTU, a 3-month old kitten. Kids were throwing stones at him and he had suffered an eye injury. After about 2 months, with Vet care, and after he was neutered and completley recovered, we introduced him to our two German Shepherds, BUBBLES and ROCKY. They were excited thinking CHINTU was on the Menu for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Not so fast.Soon they realized he was here to stay and sort of took him under their wings. OK, their paws.I had a family medical emergency, so wasn't much at home. It is fair to say, BUBBLES and ROCKY “raised” him and taught him to be a good dog!CHINTU doesn't eat dog food, but wags his tail, comes when called, goes for walks, and loves to kiss his canine siblings.When we rescued another pair of German Shepherds—BIANCA and DENALI, who were extremely cat aggressive, it was CHINTU who taught them how to love kitties, himself and his other Feline siblings.22-yr old KASHMIRA with 1-yr old BUBBLES. Theirs is a true story or reincarnationCHINTU GOING FOR A WALK WITH ROCKY (13) AND BUBBLES (9)BIANCA AND DENALI MEETING CHINTUBIANCA AND DENALI WAITING FOR CHINTU TO START LEADING THE DAILY WALKCHINTU AND ROCKY KISSINGDENALI (5) LOVES TIGER (9)DENALI (5) KISSING MINI (10)

How do martial arts instructors feel about The Karate Kid?

This one is tough, I loved it as a Kid and so it remains a favorite. When I first saw the movie I was a kid myself exactly 10 years old at the time of The Karate Kid’s release. I used to watch Kung Fu theater in New York Saturdays around 3PM and my Summer Camp used to play Enter The Dragon, (Fist of Fury also mistakenly known as the Chinese connection LOL) and Game of Death as some of its movies to watch. So I was always into Kung Fu, though I didn’t start formally learning it until I was 20 Years old LOL. I loved the Karate Kid when I was younger and I still like it as an adult, but I have seen it with different eyes. I decided to rewatch it a few years back and then saw that Miyagi actually also used a leg scissor and tiger tail sweep at one point in the movie and Daniel learned both from Miagi even though Miagi did not teach them to him specifically but rather just used it on Daniel when he was goofing off LOL. I assume this might have been a technique taken directly from Bruce Lee’s “Enter The Dragon” as it looks similar to the way Bruce Lee used the Leg Scissors against Mr. Han in the final fight scene (low to the ground) vs the way I do my own flying leg scissors.First I assume we are talking about the original Karate Kid with pat and not the new one with Jackie Chan, and oh yeah we are, I just saw the parenthesis above that says (1984 Movie) as the new one should have been called the Kung Fu Kid LOL. Though I liked them both and the final Crane Kick in the new one is way more advanced and unique (Wire work be damned) I do have a huge qualm with the new version of the Karate Kid with Jackie Chan as they did us a disfavor casting too young of a set of opponents. I mean seriously it looks a lot better when a much older Pat takes on Strong Robust Teenagers than when Jackie who while in real life may have been older than Pat still looks like a very fit martial artist is now taking on little kids that remind me of the scene from Seinfeld where Kramer is taking Karate in a kids Karate lesson time and says “We’re all at the same level Jerry” LOL I didn’t like that part of the new Karate Kid, But Jackie was still awesome in it otherwise, and the way they used the hanging up of the jacket as a repeated motion way of learning self defense moves was done quite well without repeating the wax on wax off to a t they did a great job of paying homage to that whole training scene in the original movie LOL. the rest of the movie was pretty good and the mountain temple was gorgeous. I also had the same problem with Cobra Kai when Johnny takes out the punks it too seems a bit excessive considering how young they were and that he is really not that old yet.The way Mr Miyagi Taught Danielson was actually quite awesome and that gets repeated in a faster way in the new TV series Cobra Kai as Daniel passes on what he has learned. The whole sand the floor, wax on wax off epiphany scene really did a good job of showing the power of muscle memory through repetition of motion and constant practice. One day I decided to Drill just one move from the Classical Pakua form section 3–8 The 8th Posture in that section called “Virgin Donates the Book” I practiced it over and over about 10 times in a row with a partner (Ben) then a few minutes after class started, during sparring a guy Ironically also named Daniel LOL struck a punch only to walk right into my palm as I carried his punch to the side and struck him accidentally with Virgin Donates the Book (as I honestly was not expecting it to work as well or as quickly as it did, it literally worked exactly as it should and worked very much like the blocks in the Wax On Wax off scene of Karate Kid LOL)It also showed how the Shaolin Monks would learn building their muscles, skill and stamina through hard manual labor. There are many movies that depict people learning techniques from everyday mundane tasks and many of our weapons were everyday farming implements turned into weapons such as Er Chi Kuen aka Nun Chucks and Cha AKA SaiMiyagi taught Daniel all his main defensive blocks through everyday chores. To this day when we do certain techniques in wooden man training and I think LOL this is totally “Paint The Fence” so sometimes I use my best Miyagi voice “Right hand Big Boards, Left hand little boards” LOL. A similar style of training can be seen in an earlier movie return to the 36th Chamber with Gordon Liu in which the character has to build scaffolding around the Shaolin Temple and learns a few unique skills in the process, he does not realize he learned all the necessary skills of that particular set of chambers and doesn't realize he actually learned Kung Fu until he accidentally starts fighting back his friends as they try to grab him to get them to help him… But still, it does not mean that without actual sparring practice that you would naturally be able to apply everything that easily, it is assumed they spent more time practicing those same skills over and over after that but we only are allowed to see the new things he is working on rather than also see them review the past things they learned prior. (We as the audience cannot watch all that or the movie would be 3–6 hours long to try and show more of the training)I can still watch Karate Kid to this day, it is a good coming of age movie, the techniques are a mix of solid techniques mixed with very awkward techniques and Daniel in the movie and also David Carradine as Kwai Chang Caine always remind me of Blue belts when they are sparring / fighting in the way they move in most scenes, but the magic of Hollywood magic make their techniques land at the right moments anyway and when you see Kwai Chang Caine swat an axe out of the air or move off to the side of an arrow it sure feels like he has some serious skills anyway, and the philosophy in the series is superb so we give it a pass anyway. Then you have things in the Karate Kid and in the Kung Fu TV series that mimic your own training and you realize even with only semi good techniques these movies and TV shows still hold some real merit and entertainment with their philosophy and life lessons.There is an episode of The Kung Fu series where Caine fights a student that he once fought years prior and had lost to, the fight mimics the old fight almost move per move but Caine having stayed in the temple a few years longer prevails the second time around. I once had a sparring match where I pulled my side thrust and just placed it more gently on the second black belt’s chest, he proceeded to grab my leg then come in to sweep my supporting leg even though I faked about 6 hits in a row to his face (pulled all the blows for safety) he proceeded to sweep me and I was thinking well that’s not right after all 1. he’d have been through the wall if I had really kicked and 2. he’d not have been able to power through a barrage of hits to the face like that. But I let it go as there are a few people that can power through stuff like that and you have to prepare for the worst so you are not caught by surprise like that again on the streets. Still only 2 months later same student but now we had Gloved Sparring Month when we put on gloves and head gear and allow hits to the head and face (full contact though not full power) same guy same exact technique again I pulled the kick and drew it back slowly so not to snap it in and again he grabbed my leg on the way back and came in for the sweep but this time no fakes to the head, actual strikes to the head and with each quick strike his body lowered more and more to the floor as he tried to still hold onto my leg LOL… not the same result LOL And it was like I was living the episode in real life LOL. And of course most movies we consider classics now were so over the top cheesy in certain parts of the movie yet have great scenes and philosophy… I still love “The last Dragon” with Bruce Leeroy and SHO-NUFF! LOL Who can forget the classic line “You have just opened up a fortune cookie with no fortune, written by a master who does not exist, to answer a question for which the answer you already know” and lets face it without that movie we would not have had the classic Busta Rhymes and Mariah Carey song “I Know what You Want” since they modified the cadence and lyrics from the Chop saki sue song from “The Last Dragon” from Sockey,Sockey Sue Sockey, Ya sock it to me and I sock it to you” into “Baby if you give it to me, I'll give it to you.I know what you want, You know I got it” if you really listen you know they got it from the movie LOL. And the classic line I always think of when ever you feel a little awkward in your training and people call you Master because you have reached master level in Kung Fu I automatically think of when Laura Charles says “a girl could do worse than to have a Kung Fu master as her own personal body guard” and you think to yourself as he says in the movie “I am no Master” then she twirls her hair in her finger and says “Well you sure look like a master to me” LOL so for me that movie is a must see, as is the Karate kid if you are a real black belt. For me almost every movie has some merits and The Karate Kid is one of those great feel good movies that shows the bond between a good master and his student and the different types of training out there, IE mean spirited or kind spirited. It's hard to not go on a tangent on this one as many 80’s and 90’s movies and TV shows can be clumped together here as being fun and entertaining for their time and now can be considered classics that are worth sharing even though the fight scenes are not as elaborate as what we have today now that we have Yuen Woo Ping, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Sammo Hung and others choreographing elaborate fight scenes that make you go wow…I for one like the Karate kid one and two, three seems silly since technically Daniel knows how to sweep already, he actually learned two of the more advanced sweeps and takedowns and should be able to learn sweeps on his own, just knowing that they exist is the first step. But Karate Kid 2 was good in that Miyagi’s long time rival puts aside his differences at the end, however I feel what Daniel should have learned from the little spinning drums that were rotating side to side should have been how to yeild like a Tai Chi Master, what they chose to do with that in the movie was very sloppy instead. However the Live or die nose honk scenes, those were awesome and hilarious LOL.

What do Pakistanis think about South India?

Many times, as an educated Pakistani I feel that we Pakistanis have isolated ourselves from the rest of the subcontinent and many other countries in East Asia. We have really painted ourselves into the North Western corner of the region and hidden ourselves in a large Tortoise shell rarely wanting to stick our heads out to know about our neighbours or interact with them in a meaningful manner.I am a professor from the Humanities Department of CIIT in Lahore. I want to remain anonymous since airing liberal and appreciative views openly about India could affect my job in the current volatile scenario.As part of many exchange programs, I have visited India three times since 1995 after getting Visas with a tremendous amount of difficulty and the one trip I took to South India is imprinted in my mind for its freshness and the totally different and enchanting experience I had there in terms of ambience, cuisine, songs, languages I heard there and the vibrancy and the scenic beauty of the place.After the partition of India, we Pakistanis consistently have a - Look West policy, when in reality, all that the countries to the West of us have to offer is more of Islam and more of the same dry, drab, rocky and treeless landscapes which we see in Balochistan, Iran or Afghanistan.The only parts of India we choose to be familiar with are Indian Punjab and the Hindi belt and to some extent the Bollywood culture from Mumbai.There are hardly any places in the world which are as verdant and teeming with wildlife, natural resources and enterprising and orderly people like Southern India. The same could be true with other countries like Sri-Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia, which lie to the East of us.During the partition, very few Indian Muslims from the South Indian states migrated to Pakistan and I can now understand why they did not migrate to Pakistan but stayed put in India.I have traveled to Southern India and spent two weeks there and the feel and freshness of the place was totally different and invigorated my spirit. I felt that the Hinduism which is practiced in South India is more ritualistic and pristine than the Northern version. In Southern India the Hindus believe in a lot more deities like Ganesh and Hanuman in Karnataka, Lakshmi and Murugan (popular in Tamil Nadu) and Venkatesh or Balaji (popular in Andhra Pradesh which has now split into two states).The Hindu temples in Southern India are more ornate and have a different style of architecture and the mosques are more or less the same everywhere.Among the biggest mosques I saw in South India was the Masjid-e-Bilal in the Southern city of Bangalore and the Mecca Masjid in the city of Hyderabad.Touring South India easily constitutes one of the happiest and most refreshing time of my life.Unfortunately this whole trip lasted a mere two weeks.I was eager to wake up at 5:00 AM every morning to do my prayers at the first Azaan and later immerse myself in the culture and gaiety of the place without any inhibitions or set prejudices.The Western Ghats of South India and the State of Kerala have some really scenic locales and I feel that we Pakistanis are really missing out on holidaying in Coorg, Kerala backwaters, Munnar (famous for Tea Plantations) and visiting the many tiger reserves which are in the states of Karnataka, North Western Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.In the same way many Indians are missing out by not being able to take their families for holidays in many scenic Northern Areas of Pakistan which are part of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan and visit the historic cities of Lahore and Multan, the mega metropolis in Sindh - Karachi or the most scenic and well planned capital city in all of South Asia: Islamabad which is nestled at the foot of the Margala Hills.Islamabad is the one city in South Asia where you are guaranteed to drive on broad avenues without running into a traffic jam, provided the place is not swarming with Imran Khan’s PTI-wallahs.Here is my friend Yoginder Sikand’s account of his visit to the capital city of my country.Islamabad, the best city I've seen in South Asia-Yoginder Sikand(an Indian)Such is the sorry state of affairs between our two countries and our peoples.During my visit to South India, I lived in the cities of Hyderabad and Bangalore.I can tell you that the Hyderabadi-Biryani I had was far superior to anything that I have had in Pakistan and I really liked my stay at Bangalore and interacted with the students of IIM there.I had five days off and my peers at the conference were eager to give me a tour of some places. We set of in a Tata Indica mini car and visited the princely capital of Mysore to the South while stopping by at Srirangapatna which was on the way.The British used to call this city Seringapatam and this was the scene of the famous Siege of Seringapatam (5 April – 4 May 1799).This historic place saw the final confrontation of the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War between the British East India Company and the Kingdom of Mysore which was then headed by Sher-e-Mysore - Tipu Sahib whom every Pakistani admires for his heroic last stand.Srirangapatna is an island in the river Kaveri, about 14 km north of Mysore.In Srirangapatna, the Dariya Daulat Palace made from teak-wood was a Summer Palace set in the middle of a beautiful garden called Daria Daulat Bagh.Tipu Sultan, popularly known as the "Tiger of Mysore", built this palace in 1784 and ruled Mysore from here till 1799 after his father Hyder Ali, wrested power from the Wodeyars in the middle of the 18th century.I could not prevent myself from reciting a poem by Allama Muhammad Iqbal while standing in front of the spot where Tipu Sultan fell fighting to the British forces and later at the Tipu Sultan Gumbaz in front of his tomb.It is called “Sultan Tipu Kee Wasiyat” (Tipu Sultan’s Will).This poem is learnt by heart by every Pakistani student in high school.The essence of the poem is to urge people to set higher goals for oneself and not rest on one’s laurels. While I reflected on the poem, I reminded myself of the fact that Tipu’s rise to greatness happened only in his later years when he became a tolerant ruler and made peace with his Hindu subjects and patronized their religious practices by making donations to temples and allowing able, efficient and brilliant Hindus to become his advisers and ministers.Tipu, his father Hyder Ali and Akbar before him had all started of as eager Ghazis hellbent on converting the infidels to Islam by the sword and Tipu’s many depredations in the land of the Kodavas (Coorg) and against the Kingdom of Travancore in Kerala did result in the widespread loss of property and many innocent lives were taken by his zealous soldiers.Some years later he realized that he could not go on like that and gave up extremism. He began to patronize a number of temples and made liberal donations to them.In a way Emperor Ashok’s story also reads like that - when he had a change of heart witnessing first hand the carnage his soldiers had inflicted after the Battle of Kalinga.To give you readers a bit of history and the influence Tipu Sultan had on Mohammed Iqbal’s soul:Iqbal visited Srirangapatna in 1929 and when he was standing before the tomb of Tipu Sultan, he became highly emotional and was inspired to write a work called Javid Nama.Javid Nama reads like the Divine Comedy of Dante. It is a wonderful and imaginative work. In it, Iqbal goes to heaven with his guru Rumi and meets Tipu Sultan.Tipu asked him “How is my country doing now?” Iqbal replies that Indians are thoroughly disgusted with the British and that the Brits will be thrown out soon. Tipu feels very happy and remembers the Cauvery River fondly. Then Iqbal meets Chatrapati Shivaji and Buddha. He talks to each one of them and some interesting conversation ensues.He condemns the traitors Mir Jafar from Bengal and Mir Sadiq from the Deccan.Later he met Bhartrihari who summarizes the Bhagavad Gita for Iqbal. Iqbal expresses his complete solidarity with Indian culture despite the religious differences and contradictions.Thus Javid Nama is a highly interesting and readable work addressed to his own son Javid Iqbal who died last year in 2015.Iqbal in Javid Nama was indirectly addressing the Muslim youth in British India to be bold, dynamic and to work for good causes to serve humanity.In a way it is a little similar to Glimpses of World history written by Nehru to his daughter Indira although Nehru did not use any poetry.While coming out of Dariya Daulat Bagh, I heard the loud ringing of the bells of a temple and was told by my hosts that it was from the nearby Ranganathaswamy Temple after which the island city of Srirangapatna gets its name.This was a short driving distance away. My hosts became very excited and happy when I told them that I wanted to visit that temple to take some pictures. It was my first visit to a South Indian Hindu temple and I marveled at the intricate architecture of the temple after I removed my shoes, washed my feet and went in.I could not help noticing that the Hindu practice of washing ones feet, up to the knees, washing ones hands up to the elbows and rinsing ones mouth before stepping into the temple resembles closely the Islamic practice of Wudu before performing salat.I stood in line and accepted the holy water and offerings from the priest while reminding myself that, I was doing this only to please my hosts and not because I felt any reverence towards the deity within the temple and I made sure to recite the Six Kalimas to myself, after I had completed the temple visit.While inside the temple, I had noticed several Muslim men and women also standing in line at the temple to receive the offerings from the Brahmin priest.We visited the Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary close by , it has so many birds like spoonbills, storks and pelicans who nest on the many trees growing on small islands.There were many marsh crocodiles in the water so we were advised not to put our hands outside the boat.Towards nightfall, we visited the Brindavan Gardens initiated by Sir Mirza Ismail -Dewan of Mysore State. It is an elaborately laid out Mughal Garden with many water fountains. This was a truly magical place to visit at night since all the fountains are lit up with different colored lights. I was wishing so much for my family to be with me during this trip to Brindavan Gardens.From there we drove to Coorg on an excellent highway - NH 275.I can still remember the totally mesmerizing smell and taste of Coorg Coffee, the thick fog lifting up early in the morning, the call of the peacocks, the bark of Langurs and the sighting of my first wild tiger in the Nagarahole National Park which was a two hour drive away.There was a rustle in the bushes and a large tiger suddenly appeared about ten feet from the jeep, grimaced and lifted its tail before spraying a medium sized tree with its urine and then moved on deliberately in an unhurried gait for about three yards occasionally turning its head to look back at us, as our Maruti-Gypsy jeep slowly followed it before disappearing back into the undergrowth - a breathtaking five minutes during which my camera was clicking away furiously.The South Indian country side is so green with its rice fields and hamlets and during the long drives my Indian friends had put many songs in the Kannada language the melodies of which I thoroughly enjoyed, though I did not understand a word of what they were singing. They also played songs by Mohammed Rafi, Kishore Kumar and Talat Mahmood along with many intricate Carnatic Classical instrumental melodies by Mandolin Maestro U Srinivas who passed away some years ago.The Jungles of South India and the Southern Western Ghats are so thick and we may see many animals like the majestic Indian Gaur, the largest venomous snake in the world- The King Cobra, elephants, leopards, tigers and many different species of birds. There are many streams, reservoirs and waterfalls and large ponds filled with lotuses in these forests, many kinds of monkeys and such tall and flowering trees.I was put up at the following place: Orange County Resorts in Coorg.Fellow Pakistanis can google up this place with the vain hope of seeing it someday.While I was staying there, alone and without my family I could not help thinking how much my beautiful wife and two children would enjoy visiting these places.I took a solitary elephant ride at a place called the Dubare Elephant Camp and crossed the river Kaveri on elephant back thinking all the time, how much my eight year old son would enjoy touching and bathing an elephant, feeding it and going for a ride on it into the forest.We visited a Tibetan temple at a place called Bylakuppe and it was really the most ornate Buddhist temple I had seen, before heading back to Bangalore or Bengaluru as it is now called.When I brought back all the photographs I had taken from my trip to South India and showed them to my friends and immediate family members in Lahore, Pakistan they were so awestruck by the beauty, richness and the diversity of the place.A rueful atmosphere pervaded in my home in Lahore for the next two days and my eight year old son was especially depressed that he missed out on all this.The South Indians I had the pleasure of interacting with were very highly educated, with a number of interesting hobbies, very sharp and analytical, motivated, outgoing, bursting with ideas for startups, cultured, polite, hospitable and warm people who did not make me feel like an outsider at all.South Indian cities are bustling metropolises with ever-growing number of technically proficient young Indians from every corner of India swarming them and the real estate prices are also skyrocketing in these cities with many posh high rises and apartment complexes with many amenities like tennis courts, swimming pools and movie theaters within their gated premises.They do have a huge garbage management problem which is common in Pakistani cities also with mounds of garbage suddenly piling up at random places.For some reason, littering without ever bothering about how the ugly mounds of litter look like is a common problem for all peoples of the subcontinent except the Sri Lankans who keep their cities much cleaner.There are so many software and engineering companies in Bangalore and Hyderabad that salaries and careers are guaranteed to rise and the competition is very fierce.These cities are pretty organized and have all the amenities like top class schools, universities, malls and the best hospitals with top notch doctors and surgeons and are they are coming up with newer modes of transport like metros and internet linked cab services and have free-wifi in many places.There are so many eateries and different types of cuisines you can try in South India and refreshing coconut water is always available anytime of the day.For a second I could not help thinking:I can just blend into this vast mosaic of people from so many different backgrounds.No one would even know that I am from Pakistan if I do not tell them where I am from.

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