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Why does Chennai not have sufficient water?
We do not have a Water Wisdom. First we have to make one thing clear. Chennai is not a desert. It is having abundant rainfall. The water must be retained. According to Water Resources Department the total surface area of 19 of the city’s larger lakes had shrunk from 1,130 hectares to 645.There is no awareness to retain the rainfall wall, but fancy projects like Sea Water Desalination is not only baffling for a Rainfall abundant City like Chennai but also misleads the people to build more and more houses inside lakes and block the waterways with fancy structures.The Water must flow. For that it need space. Each and every space of Chennai which was meant for Water is now converted into Buildings. As water bodies shrink only 5% of Chennai’s abundant annual rainfall makes its way into the groundwater supply, and the ever-growing population becomes more and more dependent on water from outside the city.The Rain water harvesting is not practiced at all. It is now become a formality in approval drawing. YearIn 1893 Volume of water harvested (mcft)1,335 and Groundwater Recharge (mcft) was 667. In year 1954 it was 1,038 and 519 respectively. But in year 2017 the Volume of water harvested was 339 and Water Recharge was only 170 mcft.If we harvest 1335 mcft 100 years ago but we harvest only 170 mcft Today means we have not studied Engineering properly. The Dravidian parties which says Tamilnadu is developing in all fronts should answer why they are still relying on Tamil Brahmin Sathyamurthy planned Poondi reservoir called Sathyamurthy Sagar in Sanskrit, a Water reservoir constructed in those days in North Madras!Civil Engineers do not have any idea about water or Hydraulics nowadays. The Engineers want more FSI, more area, but more area more buildings means more person and more water. If you increase the area you have to increase the water sources in city. Go and ask how much water I cft space will occupy. (It is 28.3 litres) No Civil Engineering student is interested to construct a Dam, he want to work in IT Industry. Why the hell he studied Civil Engineering ? the Dravidian god only knows! They do not study anything apart from Buildings, more or less like Architecture!Congress leader (not Sonia Congress!!!) Sathyamurthy and Kamraj constructed reservoirs, Dravidian parties constructed Valluvar Kottam on water bodies and reservoirs. They are also naming speacialists. They will keep Anna and Periyar names for all the projects done some 50 years ago or 100 years ago.Until the middle of the 19th century, Chennai city received water from shallow wells and tanks, such as the Nungambakkam tank, in the And the water ways are completely replaced by buildings. Already the per Capita Water consumption for Chennai city is much below the Standards of other cities of the world.In India, the design of water supply systems has been done using certain standards. Currently the standard being used is BIS 1172: 1993, reaffirmed in 1998. This specifies a consideration of use of the following: For communities with a population of between 20,000 to 100,000 — 100 to 150 litres per head per day. For communities with a population of over 100,000 — 150 to 200 litres per head per day.In India Per household Water Demand is put from 350 to 400 litres and per Capita the demand is put between 75 to 100 litres maximum.The break-up of this demand which was put as 135 litres per person per day. The break-up was as follows: Bathing: 55 litres, Toilet flushing: 30 litres, Washing of clothes: 20 litres, Washing the house: 10 litres, Washing utensils: 10 litres, Cooking: 5 litres and Drinking: 5 litres.In India, how much actually Chennai gets is around 60 to 70 litres per head. Maximum is 90 litres per Person!But this demand totally varies in Chennai. It is not common first of all.The culture of Tamilnadu is using water for everything. The toilets need water. Indians do not use Toilet papers and the culture itself needs more water. So this break-up calculation is not done scientifically. (If i say Hindu Religion instead of Science, Sceince warriors are coming for a fight with me!)Can washing utensils can be done with 10 liters per day. What about Garden ? We may have closed all Gardens, but Rich people do Car washing instead of gardening.The high income households tend to consume 250 litres (per head and above) and sometimes as high as 600 litres in Chennai! Many homes on the other hand make to do with as little as 40 litres per person per day. This is just like Electricity. But not charged like Electricity. There is no slab.The disparity in water usage increases the water demand. Nobody is worried about water efficiency. Because we do not pay for water like Electricity. While some water-efficient devices such as low flush toilets and low demand showers are available in the market, there is no condition imposed that all water-delivering devices should meet certain efficiency norms. It is essential in a water-scarce country like India that all taps, showers, washing machines, flushes, and garden hoses be strictly water efficient.While on the one hand water conservation and recycling can drive down per person water demand, it is also true that certain systems need a minimum consumption to keep the system going. Underground sewage systems, for example, need at least 150 litres for what is called self-cleansing velocity. Less water use can result in sewage pipes choking and getting blocked.Understanding how consumers are responding to water availability will enable better design of systems and result in efficient use of water. Chennai city need to respond urgently.The area around a Water body or a lake should not be given approval for Building. The CMDA do not worry about this. And let us do a small calculation.If we construct a Building we increase the size and capacity for all amenities according to the number of persons or users.If we increase the number of Flats from 6 to 12, we will double the tank. Nobody will go for the house if the tank capacity is not increased. But if the city population increases the size of the Tank should be increased. But we are decreasing the size. And for future threat we are giving a false Seciruty in the name of Fancy projects like Desalination. It is fit for deserts. We have to first convert Chennai into desert.Even though we have converted the cities into Concrete jungles and Deserts without Water body or greenery we are long way to go as a desert. The rainfall is abundant only. We are not saving the water. We are blocking the passages. We are not allowing the flow of water. That is the reason.This involves money. We buy electricity for 10 rupees per unit and sell it for 2 Rupees in the name of subsidy. The Dravidian governments will loot money in the name of awarding the Desalination project to foreign companies. And they will increase the loan of state government by spending 10 rupees per litre of water. But if we clear the water passages and make more space for Water bodies the maximum cost of Water per liter will come around only 2 Rupees. Even the 2 Rupees is not spent properly. Do you beleive they will spend 10 rupees properly ? The will shelve the project like the shelved Sethu Samudram not feasible.And when we have water falling from sky we drain everything into sea. We do not allow water to enter into the ground. These two are not mistakes, these two are symtoms of deseases. The cure is stop the wastage and drain and more harvesting of ground water. If we foget this when the mansoon comes next year and again we remember only if we hit a scarcity. And nowadays we directly think of desalination.What is the first thing they do in Moon ? We are proud that Tamil sceintist found out Water in Moon. Even in Mars first thing we will check if there is water. And we are searching water in Moon, but we are not ready to search for water source in our local city. We can easily create a water source in Chennai. But we are not ready to do that. We are thinking of desalination plant for Chennai and we are finding water on Moon. So Irony. Why we are searching for Water on Moon ? To construct Buildings in Moon and we will suck all the water on moon and we will jump to Mars. A person who do not save, will not be happy with any thing you give. We are not saving, we want more and more and we are living in an illusion that without saving Rainwater we can easily manage the water Crisis in Chennai. This what i said, we do not have water wisdom!Interesting Trivia as usual : If Good people are living in a Place the rainfall will be in excess! Thirukkural says. All the good People in Thanjavur are chased away out of Tamilnadu to US. So USA is having abundant water.Chennai was having lot of good people in 50’s and 60’s. So no water problem. Both Dravidian families, Karunanidhi family and Sasikala family came from Thanjavur and settled in Chennai will some hundred relatives in 70’s and 80’s! All of them are now living in Chennai city in places like Poes garden and Gopalapuram and boat club. They go out only in Election time to cheat people and get votes and come back to Chennai to buy more properties and loot more money! They always live in posh localities! Since all Bad Elements are now living in Chennai city, how can we expect rain for Chennai city ?No wonder they treat Chennai as desert and plan a Desalination plant for the desert! They converted Marina Beach into a Burial ground and Chennai city into a desert. Caste and corruption alone grows here. All Trees and Plants died out. Give them Moon or Mars, they will empty both and look at Jupiter for Water!
How many 3-letter words exist in English?
The Scrabble Dictionary (OWL2) recognizes 1015 three-letter words, though the version I have is a little out of date, and might be missing some:1. AAH; 2. AAL; 3. AAS; 4. ABA; 5. ABO; 6. ABS; 7. ABY; 8. ACE; 9. ACT; 10. ADD; 11. ADO; 12. ADS; 13. ADZ; 14. AFF; 15. AFT; 16. AGA; 17. AGE; 18. AGO; 19. AGS; 20. AHA; 21. AHI; 22. AHS; 23. AID; 24. AIL; 25. AIM; 26. AIN; 27. AIR; 28. AIS; 29. AIT; 30. ALA; 31. ALB; 32. ALE; 33. ALL; 34. ALP; 35. ALS; 36. ALT; 37. AMA; 38. AMI; 39. AMP; 40. AMU; 41. ANA; 42. AND; 43. ANE; 44. ANI; 45. ANT; 46. ANY; 47. APE; 48. APO; 49. APP; 50. APT; 51. ARB; 52. ARC; 53. ARE; 54. ARF; 55. ARK; 56. ARM; 57. ARS; 58. ART; 59. ASH; 60. ASK; 61. ASP; 62. ASS; 63. ATE; 64. ATT; 65. AUK; 66. AVA; 67. AVE; 68. AVO; 69. AWA; 70. AWE; 71. AWL; 72. AWN; 73. AXE; 74. AYE; 75. AYS; 76. AZO; 77. BAA; 78. BAD; 79. BAG; 80. BAH; 81. BAL; 82. BAM; 83. BAN; 84. BAP; 85. BAR; 86. BAS; 87. BAT; 88. BAY; 89. BED; 90. BEE; 91. BEG; 92. BEL; 93. BEN; 94. BES; 95. BET; 96. BEY; 97. BIB; 98. BID; 99. BIG; 100. BIN; 101. BIO; 102. BIS; 103. BIT; 104. BIZ; 105. BOA; 106. BOB; 107. BOD; 108. BOG; 109. BOO; 110. BOP; 111. BOS; 112. BOT; 113. BOW; 114. BOX; 115. BOY; 116. BRA; 117. BRO; 118. BRR; 119. BUB; 120. BUD; 121. BUG; 122. BUM; 123. BUN; 124. BUR; 125. BUS; 126. BUT; 127. BUY; 128. BYE; 129. BYS; 130. CAB; 131. CAD; 132. CAM; 133. CAN; 134. CAP; 135. CAR; 136. CAT; 137. CAW; 138. CAY; 139. CEE; 140. CEL; 141. CEP; 142. CHI; 143. CIG; 144. CIS; 145. COB; 146. COD; 147. COG; 148. COL; 149. CON; 150. COO; 151. COP; 152. COR; 153. COS; 154. COT; 155. COW; 156. COX; 157. COY; 158. COZ; 159. CRU; 160. CRY; 161. CUB; 162. CUD; 163. CUE; 164. CUM; 165. CUP; 166. CUR; 167. CUT; 168. CWM; 169. DAB; 170. DAD; 171. DAG; 172. DAH; 173. DAK; 174. DAL; 175. DAM; 176. DAN; 177. DAP; 178. DAW; 179. DAY; 180. DEB; 181. DEE; 182. DEF; 183. DEL; 184. DEN; 185. DEV; 186. DEW; 187. DEX; 188. DEY; 189. DIB; 190. DID; 191. DIE; 192. DIF; 193. DIG; 194. DIM; 195. DIN; 196. DIP; 197. DIS; 198. DIT; 199. DOC; 200. DOE; 201. DOG; 202. DOL; 203. DOM; 204. DON; 205. DOR; 206. DOS; 207. DOT; 208. DOW; 209. DRY; 210. DUB; 211. DUD; 212. DUE; 213. DUG; 214. DUH; 215. DUI; 216. DUN; 217. DUO; 218. DUP; 219. DYE; 220. EAR; 221. EAT; 222. EAU; 223. EBB; 224. ECU; 225. EDH; 226. EDS; 227. EEK; 228. EEL; 229. EFF; 230. EFS; 231. EFT; 232. EGG; 233. EGO; 234. EKE; 235. ELD; 236. ELF; 237. ELK; 238. ELL; 239. ELM; 240. ELS; 241. EME; 242. EMS; 243. EMU; 244. END; 245. ENG; 246. ENS; 247. EON; 248. ERA; 249. ERE; 250. ERG; 251. ERN; 252. ERR; 253. ERS; 254. ESS; 255. ETA; 256. ETH; 257. EVE; 258. EWE; 259. EYE; 260. FAB; 261. FAD; 262. FAG; 263. FAN; 264. FAR; 265. FAS; 266. FAT; 267. FAX; 268. FAY; 269. FED; 270. FEE; 271. FEH; 272. FEM; 273. FEN; 274. FER; 275. FES; 276. FET; 277. FEU; 278. FEW; 279. FEY; 280. FEZ; 281. FIB; 282. FID; 283. FIE; 284. FIG; 285. FIL; 286. FIN; 287. FIR; 288. FIT; 289. FIX; 290. FIZ; 291. FLU; 292. FLY; 293. FOB; 294. FOE; 295. FOG; 296. FOH; 297. FON; 298. FOP; 299. FOR; 300. FOU; 301. FOX; 302. FOY; 303. FRO; 304. FRY; 305. FUB; 306. FUD; 307. FUG; 308. FUN; 309. FUR; 310. GAB; 311. GAD; 312. GAE; 313. GAG; 314. GAL; 315. GAM; 316. GAN; 317. GAP; 318. GAR; 319. GAS; 320. GAT; 321. GAY; 322. GED; 323. GEE; 324. GEL; 325. GEM; 326. GEN; 327. GET; 328. GEY; 329. GHI; 330. GIB; 331. GID; 332. GIE; 333. GIG; 334. GIN; 335. GIP; 336. GIT; 337. GNU; 338. GOA; 339. GOB; 340. GOD; 341. GOO; 342. GOR; 343. GOS; 344. GOT; 345. GOX; 346. GOY; 347. GUL; 348. GUM; 349. GUN; 350. GUT; 351. GUV; 352. GUY; 353. GYM; 354. GYP; 355. HAD; 356. HAE; 357. HAG; 358. HAH; 359. HAJ; 360. HAM; 361. HAO; 362. HAP; 363. HAS; 364. HAT; 365. HAW; 366. HAY; 367. HEH; 368. HEM; 369. HEN; 370. HEP; 371. HER; 372. HES; 373. HET; 374. HEW; 375. HEX; 376. HEY; 377. HIC; 378. HID; 379. HIE; 380. HIM; 381. HIN; 382. HIP; 383. HIS; 384. HIT; 385. HMM; 386. HOB; 387. HOD; 388. HOE; 389. HOG; 390. HON; 391. HOP; 392. HOS; 393. HOT; 394. HOW; 395. HOY; 396. HUB; 397. HUE; 398. HUG; 399. HUH; 400. HUM; 401. HUN; 402. HUP; 403. HUT; 404. HYP; 405. ICE; 406. ICH; 407. ICK; 408. ICY; 409. IDS; 410. IFF; 411. IFS; 412. IGG; 413. ILK; 414. ILL; 415. IMP; 416. INK; 417. INN; 418. INS; 419. ION; 420. IRE; 421. IRK; 422. ISM; 423. ITS; 424. IVY; 425. JAB; 426. JAG; 427. JAM; 428. JAR; 429. JAW; 430. JAY; 431. JEE; 432. JET; 433. JEU; 434. JEW; 435. JIB; 436. JIG; 437. JIN; 438. JOB; 439. JOE; 440. JOG; 441. JOT; 442. JOW; 443. JOY; 444. JUG; 445. JUN; 446. JUS; 447. JUT; 448. KAB; 449. KAE; 450. KAF; 451. KAS; 452. KAT; 453. KAY; 454. KEA; 455. KEF; 456. KEG; 457. KEN; 458. KEP; 459. KEX; 460. KEY; 461. KHI; 462. KID; 463. KIF; 464. KIN; 465. KIP; 466. KIR; 467. KIS; 468. KIT; 469. KOA; 470. KOB; 471. KOI; 472. KOP; 473. KOR; 474. KOS; 475. KUE; 476. KYE; 477. LAB; 478. LAC; 479. LAD; 480. LAG; 481. LAM; 482. LAP; 483. LAR; 484. LAS; 485. LAT; 486. LAV; 487. LAW; 488. LAX; 489. LAY; 490. LEA; 491. LED; 492. LEE; 493. LEG; 494. LEI; 495. LEK; 496. LES; 497. LET; 498. LEU; 499. LEV; 500. LEX; 501. LEY; 502. LEZ; 503. LIB; 504. LID; 505. LIE; 506. LIN; 507. LIP; 508. LIS; 509. LIT; 510. LOB; 511. LOG; 512. LOO; 513. LOP; 514. LOT; 515. LOW; 516. LOX; 517. LUG; 518. LUM; 519. LUV; 520. LUX; 521. LYE; 522. MAC; 523. MAD; 524. MAE; 525. MAG; 526. MAN; 527. MAP; 528. MAR; 529. MAS; 530. MAT; 531. MAW; 532. MAX; 533. MAY; 534. MED; 535. MEG; 536. MEL; 537. MEM; 538. MEN; 539. MET; 540. MEW; 541. MHO; 542. MIB; 543. MIC; 544. MID; 545. MIG; 546. MIL; 547. MIM; 548. MIR; 549. MIS; 550. MIX; 551. MOA; 552. MOB; 553. MOC; 554. MOD; 555. MOG; 556. MOL; 557. MOM; 558. MON; 559. MOO; 560. MOP; 561. MOR; 562. MOS; 563. MOT; 564. MOW; 565. MUD; 566. MUG; 567. MUM; 568. MUN; 569. MUS; 570. MUT; 571. MYC; 572. NAB; 573. NAE; 574. NAG; 575. NAH; 576. NAM; 577. NAN; 578. NAP; 579. NAW; 580. NAY; 581. NEB; 582. NEE; 583. NEG; 584. NET; 585. NEW; 586. NIB; 587. NIL; 588. NIM; 589. NIP; 590. NIT; 591. NIX; 592. NOB; 593. NOD; 594. NOG; 595. NOH; 596. NOM; 597. NOO; 598. NOR; 599. NOS; 600. NOT; 601. NOW; 602. NTH; 603. NUB; 604. NUN; 605. NUS; 606. NUT; 607. OAF; 608. OAK; 609. OAR; 610. OAT; 611. OBA; 612. OBE; 613. OBI; 614. OCA; 615. ODA; 616. ODD; 617. ODE; 618. ODS; 619. OES; 620. OFF; 621. OFT; 622. OHM; 623. OHO; 624. OHS; 625. OIL; 626. OKA; 627. OKE; 628. OLD; 629. OLE; 630. OMS; 631. ONE; 632. ONO; 633. ONS; 634. OOH; 635. OOT; 636. OPE; 637. OPS; 638. OPT; 639. ORA; 640. ORB; 641. ORC; 642. ORE; 643. ORS; 644. ORT; 645. OSE; 646. OUD; 647. OUR; 648. OUT; 649. OVA; 650. OWE; 651. OWL; 652. OWN; 653. OXO; 654. OXY; 655. PAC; 656. PAD; 657. PAH; 658. PAL; 659. PAM; 660. PAN; 661. PAP; 662. PAR; 663. PAS; 664. PAT; 665. PAW; 666. PAX; 667. PAY; 668. PEA; 669. PEC; 670. PED; 671. PEE; 672. PEG; 673. PEH; 674. PEN; 675. PEP; 676. PER; 677. PES; 678. PET; 679. PEW; 680. PHI; 681. PHT; 682. PIA; 683. PIC; 684. PIE; 685. PIG; 686. PIN; 687. PIP; 688. PIS; 689. PIT; 690. PIU; 691. PIX; 692. PLY; 693. POD; 694. POH; 695. POI; 696. POL; 697. POM; 698. POO; 699. POP; 700. POT; 701. POW; 702. POX; 703. PRO; 704. PRY; 705. PSI; 706. PST; 707. PUB; 708. PUD; 709. PUG; 710. PUL; 711. PUN; 712. PUP; 713. PUR; 714. PUS; 715. PUT; 716. PYA; 717. PYE; 718. PYX; 719. QAT; 720. QIS; 721. QUA; 722. RAD; 723. RAG; 724. RAH; 725. RAI; 726. RAJ; 727. RAM; 728. RAN; 729. RAP; 730. RAS; 731. RAT; 732. RAW; 733. RAX; 734. RAY; 735. REB; 736. REC; 737. RED; 738. REE; 739. REF; 740. REG; 741. REI; 742. REM; 743. REP; 744. RES; 745. RET; 746. REV; 747. REX; 748. RHO; 749. RIA; 750. RIB; 751. RID; 752. RIF; 753. RIG; 754. RIM; 755. RIN; 756. RIP; 757. ROB; 758. ROC; 759. ROD; 760. ROE; 761. ROM; 762. ROT; 763. ROW; 764. RUB; 765. RUE; 766. RUG; 767. RUM; 768. RUN; 769. RUT; 770. RYA; 771. RYE; 772. SAB; 773. SAC; 774. SAD; 775. SAE; 776. SAG; 777. SAL; 778. SAP; 779. SAT; 780. SAU; 781. SAW; 782. SAX; 783. SAY; 784. SEA; 785. SEC; 786. SEE; 787. SEG; 788. SEI; 789. SEL; 790. SEN; 791. SER; 792. SET; 793. SEW; 794. SEX; 795. SHA; 796. SHE; 797. SHH; 798. SHY; 799. SIB; 800. SIC; 801. SIM; 802. SIN; 803. SIP; 804. SIR; 805. SIS; 806. SIT; 807. SIX; 808. SKA; 809. SKI; 810. SKY; 811. SLY; 812. SOB; 813. SOD; 814. SOL; 815. SOM; 816. SON; 817. SOP; 818. SOS; 819. SOT; 820. SOU; 821. SOW; 822. SOX; 823. SOY; 824. SPA; 825. SPY; 826. SRI; 827. STY; 828. SUB; 829. SUE; 830. SUK; 831. SUM; 832. SUN; 833. SUP; 834. SUQ; 835. SYN; 836. TAB; 837. TAD; 838. TAE; 839. TAG; 840. TAJ; 841. TAM; 842. TAN; 843. TAO; 844. TAP; 845. TAR; 846. TAS; 847. TAT; 848. TAU; 849. TAV; 850. TAW; 851. TAX; 852. TEA; 853. TED; 854. TEE; 855. TEG; 856. TEL; 857. TEN; 858. TET; 859. TEW; 860. THE; 861. THO; 862. THY; 863. TIC; 864. TIE; 865. TIL; 866. TIN; 867. TIP; 868. TIS; 869. TIT; 870. TOD; 871. TOE; 872. TOG; 873. TOM; 874. TON; 875. TOO; 876. TOP; 877. TOR; 878. TOT; 879. TOW; 880. TOY; 881. TRY; 882. TSK; 883. TUB; 884. TUG; 885. TUI; 886. TUN; 887. TUP; 888. TUT; 889. TUX; 890. TWA; 891. TWO; 892. TYE; 893. UDO; 894. UGH; 895. UKE; 896. ULU; 897. UMM; 898. UMP; 899. UNS; 900. UPO; 901. UPS; 902. URB; 903. URD; 904. URN; 905. URP; 906. USE; 907. UTA; 908. UTE; 909. UTS; 910. VAC; 911. VAN; 912. VAR; 913. VAS; 914. VAT; 915. VAU; 916. VAV; 917. VAW; 918. VEE; 919. VEG; 920. VET; 921. VEX; 922. VIA; 923. VID; 924. VIE; 925. VIG; 926. VIM; 927. VIS; 928. VOE; 929. VOW; 930. VOX; 931. VUG; 932. VUM; 933. WAB; 934. WAD; 935. WAE; 936. WAG; 937. WAN; 938. WAP; 939. WAR; 940. WAS; 941. WAT; 942. WAW; 943. WAX; 944. WAY; 945. WEB; 946. WED; 947. WEE; 948. WEN; 949. WET; 950. WHA; 951. WHO; 952. WHY; 953. WIG; 954. WIN; 955. WIS; 956. WIT; 957. WIZ; 958. WOE; 959. WOG; 960. WOK; 961. WON; 962. WOO; 963. WOP; 964. WOS; 965. WOT; 966. WOW; 967. WRY; 968. WUD; 969. WYE; 970. WYN; 971. XIS; 972. YAG; 973. YAH; 974. YAK; 975. YAM; 976. YAP; 977. YAR; 978. YAW; 979. YAY; 980. YEA; 981. YEH; 982. YEN; 983. YEP; 984. YES; 985. YET; 986. YEW; 987. YID; 988. YIN; 989. YIP; 990. YOB; 991. YOD; 992. YOK; 993. YOM; 994. YON; 995. YOU; 996. YOW; 997. YUK; 998. YUM; 999. YUP; 1000. ZAG; 1001. ZAP; 1002. ZAS; 1003. ZAX; 1004. ZED; 1005. ZEE; 1006. ZEK; 1007. ZEP; 1008. ZIG; 1009. ZIN; 1010. ZIP; 1011. ZIT; 1012. ZOA; 1013. ZOO; 1014. ZUZ; 1015. ZZZWhy aren't there more: they have not been given a meaning by people. This would be because they are hard to pronouns, use letters that would not have co-existed in root languages.
What are programming languages?
There are over 5000 known programming languages. Here are the 692 most popular:1C:Enterprise programming languageA# .NETA-0 SystemA+A++ABAPABCABC ALGOLACCAccentAce DASL (Distributed Application Specification Language)Action!ActionScriptActorAdaAdenineAgdaAgilent VEEAgoraAIMMSAldorAlefALFALGOL 58ALGOL 60ALGOL 68ALGOL WAliceAlma-0AmbientTalkAmiga EAMOSAMPLAngelScriptApexAPLApp Inventor for Android's visual block languageAppleScriptAPTArcARexxArgusAssembly languageAutoHotkeyAutoLISP / Visual LISPAverestAWKAxumActive Server PagesBBabbageBallerinaBashBASICbcBCPLBeanShellBatch file (Windows/MS-DOS)BertrandBETABLISSBlocklyBlooPBooBoomerangBourne shell (including bash and ksh)CC-- (C minus minus)C++ (C plus plus) – ISO/IEC 14882C*C# (C sharp) – ISO/IEC 23270C/ALCaché ObjectScriptC Shell (csh)CamlCayenneCDuceCecilCesilCéuCeylonCFEngineCgChChapelCharityCharmCHILLCHIP-8chomskiChucKCilkCitrineCL (IBM)ClaireClarionCleanClipperCLIPSCLISTClojureCLUCMS-2COBOL – ISO/IEC 1989CobolScript – COBOL Scripting languageCobraCoffeeScriptColdFusionCOMALCombined Programming Language (CPL)COMITCommon Intermediate Language (CIL)Common Lisp (also known as CL)COMPASSComponent PascalConstraint Handling Rules (CHR)COMTRANCoolCoqCoral 66CorVisionCOWSELCPLCryptolCrystalCsoundCSPCuneiformCurlCurryCybilCycloneCythonDDASL (Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language)DartDarwinDataFlexDatalogDATATRIEVEdBasedcDCLDinkCDIBOLDogDracoDRAKONDylanDYNAMODAX (Data Analysis Expressions)EEaseEasy PL/IEASYTRIEVE PLUSeCECMAScriptEdinburgh IMPEGLEiffelELANElixirElmEmacs LispEmeraldEpigramEPL (Easy Programming Language)EPL (Eltron Programming Language)ErlangesEscherESPOLEsterelEtoysEuclidEulerEuphoriaEusLisp Robot Programming LanguageCMS EXEC (EXEC)EXEC 2Executable UMLEzhilFF#F*FactorFantomFAUSTFFPFjölnirFLFlavorsFlexFlooPFLOW-MATICFOCALFOCUSFOILFORMAC@FormulaForthFortran – ISO/IEC 1539FortressFPFranz LispF-ScriptGame Maker LanguageGameMonkey ScriptGAMSGAPG-codeGDScriptGenieGDLGEORGEGLSLGNU EGoGo!GOALGödelGoloGOM (Good Old Mad)Google Apps ScriptGosuGOTRANGPSSGraphTalkGRASSGrasshopperGroovyHackHAGGISHAL/SHalide (programming language)Hamilton C shellHarbourHartmann pipelinesHaskellHaxeHermesHigh Level AssemblyHLSLHollywoodHolyCHopHopscotchHopeHugoHumeHyperTalkIoIconIBM Basic assembly languageIBM HAScriptIBM Informix-4GLIBM RPGIrineuIDLIdrisInformJJ#J++JADEJALJanus (concurrent constraint programming language)Janus (time-reversible computing programming language)JASSJavaJavaFX ScriptJavaScriptJCLJEANJoin JavaJOSSJouleJOVIALJoyJScriptJScript .NETJuliaJythonKKaleidoscopeKarelKEEKixtartKlerer-May SystemKIFKojoKotlinKRCKRLKRL (KUKA Robot Language)KRYPTONKorn shell (ksh)KoduKvLabVIEWLadderLANSALassoLavaLC-3LegoscriptLILLilyPondLimboLimnorLINCLingoLINQLISLISALisp – ISO/IEC 13816Lite-CLitheLittle bLLLLogoLogtalkLotusScriptLPCLSELSLLiveCodeLiveScriptLuaLucidLustreLYaPASLynxM2001M4M#Machine codeMAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder)MAD/IMagikMagmaMaude systemMániMapleMAPPER (now part of BIS)MARK-IV (now VISION:BUILDER)MaryMASM Microsoft Assembly x86MATH-MATICMathematicaMATLABMaxima (see also Macsyma)Max (Max Msp – Graphical Programming Environment)MaxScript internal language 3D Studio MaxMaya (MEL)MDLMercuryMesaMetafontMHEG-5 (Interactive TV programming language)MicrocodeMicroScriptMIISMilk (programming language)MIMICMirahMirandaMIVA ScriptMLModel 204ModelicaModulaModula-2Modula-3MoholMOOMortranMouseMPDMathcadMSLMUMPSMuPADMutanMystic Programming Language (MPL)NASMNapier88NekoNemerleNESLNet.DataNetLogoNetRexxNewLISPNEWPNewspeakNewtonScriptNext Generation ShellNialNiceNickle (NITIN)NimNPLNot eXactly C (NXC)Not Quite C (NQC)NSISNuNWScriptNXT-Go:XMLOakOberonOBJ2Object LispObjectLOGOObject REXXObject PascalObjective-CObjective-JObliqOCamloccamoccam-πOctaveOmniMarkOnyxOpaOpalOpenCLOpenEdge ABLOPLOpenVeraOPS5OptimJOrcORCA/Modula-2OrielOrwellOxygeneOzPP4P′′ParaSail (programming language)PARI/GPPascal – ISO 7185Pascal ScriptPCASTLPCFPEARLPeopleCodePerlPDLPharoPHPPicoPicolispPictPig (programming tool)PikePILOTPipelinesPineconePizzaPL-11PL/0PL/BPL/CPL/I – ISO 6160PL/MPL/PPL/SQLPL360PLANCPlankalkülPlannerPLEXPLEXILPlusPonyPOP-11POP-2PostScriptPortablEPOV-Ray SDLPowerhousePowerBuilder – 4GL GUI application generator from SybasePowerShellPPLProcessingProcessing.jsPrographPROIVPrologPROMALPromelaPROSE modeling languagePROTELProvideXPro*CPurePure DataPureScriptPythonQ (programming language from Kx Systems)Q# (Microsoft programming language)QalbQtScriptQuakeCQPLQbasicRR++RacketRakuRAPIDRapiraRatfivRatforrcReasonREBOLRedRedcodeREFALREXXRlabROOPRPGRPLRSLRTL/2RubyRustSS2S3S-LangS-PLUSSA-CSabreTalkSAILSAM76SASSASLSatherSawzallScalaSchemeScilabScratchScript.NETSedSeed7SelfSenseTalkSequenceLSerpentSETLSIMPOLSIGNALSiMPLESIMSCRIPTSimulaSimulinkSingularitySISALSLIPSMALLSmalltalkSMLStrongtalkSnap!SNOBOL (SPITBOL)SnowballSOLSoliditySOPHAEROSSPARKSpeakeasySpeedcodeSPINSP/kSPSSQLSQRSqueakSquirrelSRS/SLStarlogoStrandStataStateflowSubtextSBLSuperColliderSuperTalkSwift (Apple programming language)Swift (parallel scripting language)SYMPLSystemVerilogTTACLTACPOLTADSTALTclTeaTECOTELCOMPTeXTEXTIETMG, compiler-compilerTomTOMToiTopspeedTPUTracTTMT-SQLTranscriptTTCNTuringTUTORTXLTypeScriptTynkerUbercodeUCSD PascalUmpleUniconUnifaceUNITYUnix shellUnrealScriptValaVerilogVHDLVim scriptViperVisual BasicVisual Basic .NETVisual DataFlexVisual DialogScriptVisual FortranVisual FoxProVisual J++Visual LISPVisual ObjectsVisual PrologVSXuWATFIV, WATFORWebAssemblyWebDNAWhileyWinbatchWolfram LanguageWyvernX++X10xBasexBase++XBLXC (targets XMOS architecture)xHarbourXLXojoXOTclXOD (programming language)XPathXPLXPL0XQueryXSBXSharpXSLTXtendYorickYQLYoixYUIZ notationZebra, ZPL, ZPL2ZenoZetaLispZOPLZshZPLZ++List of programming languages - Wikipedia
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