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How to Edit Your PDF Personal Health Record Online

Editing your form online is quite effortless. You don't need to get any software through your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Find CocoDoc official website on your device where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ icon and tap it.
  • Then you will visit this product page. Just drag and drop the template, or select the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is done, tap the ‘Download’ icon to save the file.

How to Edit Personal Health Record on Windows

Windows is the most widespread operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit template. In this case, you can get CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents effectively.

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  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the varied tools on the top.
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How to Edit Personal Health Record on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Through CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac directly.

Follow the effortless guidelines below to start editing:

  • In the beginning, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, append your PDF file through the app.
  • You can attach the template from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your paper by utilizing this CocoDoc tool.
  • Lastly, download the template to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Personal Health Record on G Suite

G Suite is a widespread Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your workforce more productive and increase collaboration between you and your colleagues. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF file editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work effectively.

Here are the guidelines to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Seek for CocoDoc PDF Editor and get the add-on.
  • Attach the template that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by clicking "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your paper using the toolbar.
  • Save the customized PDF file on your device.

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Why do criminals go back to crime?

Imagine this:You work really, REALLY hard to get the skills and education needed to get a job you really, REALLY wanted to get. You spend lots of money and thousands of dollars getting that job. Perhaps you have a family you need to support. Perhaps you want to feel as though you can make a genuine difference in the world.One day, you get a call from an employer asking you to come for a job interview. Instantly, there is a strong chemistry between you and the employer: he likes you and you like him. A week later, they confirm that they want to hire you, but they will need to do a background check. The employer also notifies you that as much as he likes you, either the law and/or company policy may have a zero tolerance police for those with criminal records.As far as you are concerned, there is nothing to fret about. After all, it’s not as though you’ve ever been arrested or charged with anything. There is no way you could have a criminal record, right? …RIGHT?!Above: Of Course NOT! I Turned Water Into Wine For God Sake!Well, it turns out that the law is not that simple. For, you see, you don’t need to actually be charged with anything — let alone, convicted — to actually receive a criminal record.How the Canadian police record you didn't know you had could be costing you job opportunities - Workopolis BlogNon-Conviction Records Explained - National Pardon CentreCriminal Records Linger Despite Lack of ConvictionsYes, you heard that right. You could have a criminal record, despite never being talked to by the police; never being arrested; never being charged; never being convicted; and never being imprisoned.And, as it turns out, when your background check comes back with something, you are stunned to find out you are no longer qualified for the job you applied for. What kind of charge could this be? Surely, there must be a mistake!420,000 in police database never convicted: Analysis | The StarWhat’s in your police record? | Canadian NurseCanadians stunned to learn they have police records, despite never being found guilty | The StarNo charges, no trial, but presumed guilty | The StarYou look into your background information, and here is what you find that leaves you completely stupefied, and it goes something like this:When you were a child, you were found to have unlawfully trespassed on private property with a friend. And your friend ended up committing vandalism.What?!Above: Say Goodbye To Your Life SavingsYou tell yourself you don’t even really know what day this was, as the person in question was someone you only met once or twice in your life back when you were in elementary school; hardly a friend to begin with, and definitely not somebody you would want to be associated with.As far as you were concerned at the time, you also did not trespass on private property, as the alleged offence took place in some deserted farmland where seemingly nobody other than yourself and your ‘friend’ were present.Your employer shrugs and simply tells you there is nothing he can do for you, and all your work and time you invested into getting this job is instantly flushed down the toilet because you were completely oblivious that you even had a criminal record to begin with.I thought criminal records were only for violent rapists, murderers, robbers, terrorists and mafia gang members formally convicted of a crime!Above: Like This Guy!No.Police reports have everything ranging from your educational background; your medical history; 9–1–1 calls involving you in any way, shape or form; as well as any reports you or someone else submits involving you — directly or indirectly.10 things you should know if you have a criminal recordFor the rest of your life, that job you worked so hard for is no longer available to you because of some record that dates back to when you may not even have reached the double-digit age. And even worse, you find out that not only is that particular job no longer available — so are most jobs involving everything from healthcare; law enforcement; government-type work; security; teaching; working with children and/or those with disabilities; as well as any job that may be considered “high-risk”: flying an airplane; the military; managing financial assets alongside every other job under the sun requiring more than just a high school education.Impact of Having a Youth RecordOut of Trouble, but Criminal Records Keep Men Out of WorkFor young people, a criminal record should not be a life sentence | Mark Johnson“Challenging The ‘Life Sentence’ Of Unemployment” | New York Criminal Record Sealing AttorneysCriminal Records Ruin LivesSome jobs, such as retail, fast food, construction and delivery jobs still accept those with criminal records, but those jobs are still very likely to do a background check and ultimately choose to hire the person that does not have a criminal record of any type over someone that does.Criminal record: The stain that won't go away | The StarWrongfully Convicted Find Their Record Haunts ThemYou, alongside tens of millions of people have now been officially branded.FOR LIFE!!!Above: And Then They Wonder Why Self-Murder Is So CommonUnemployment causes 45,000 suicides a year worldwide, finds studyBeing Unemployed Could Shorten Your LifespanYou are now the scum of the earth as far as the state, law enforcement and even large portions of the public are concerned.You are a low-life criminal that DESERVES to not have any meaningful work.You are a low-life criminal that DESERVES to become penurious.You are a low-life criminal that DESERVES to suffer for your perceived misdeeds.You are a low-life criminal that DESERVES anything BUT sympathy.Well, I got news for those that think this way:Humans are a social species that need to feel that they belong somewhere and have purpose in their life. If they don’t feel either of these things, then why should they care what society thinks of them? After all, society already has determined that for the rest of their lives, they will be last for everything because of something that someone barely remembers happening years — possibly decades earlier — when they were not yet old enough to even have a social media account.Child criminals should get lifelong anonymity, official report saysAt that point, expecting someone to care about others when the law and society in general makes it clear that the caring is not being returned is like beating a dog and expecting it to lick you rather than biting your neck off.Above: N-N-N-ICE DOGGIE?7 Surprising Things That Could Make You A Sex OffenderThe Most Insane Things That Will Get You Labeled A Sex OffenderYou Might Be a Sex Offender and Not Even Know It!In some places, it is even worse, because sex offender registries — which have done literally nothing to make society safer, but a lot to ruin the lives of millions of people with no positive outcome — are not only restricted from the same types of jobs that those with regular criminal records have, they are also going to have additional restrictions which may or may not apply, depending on which country and/or state they are in:Having their pictures posted onlineBeing forced to spend hundreds — possibly THOUSANDS of dollars a month to take mandatory polygraph tests and “psychology” courses when they are probably unemployedResidency restrictions, such as being told you cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, church, daycare, bus stop, library, theatre, shopping mall, community centre, beach, park or anywhere else where children “might” congregate. (How many housing options do you think that leaves?)Being told in states such as Georgia that one cannot even WORK within 1,000 feet of any of the examples mentioned above. (How many job options do you think that leaves?)If you are underage at the time — and this has included children as young as six — you might also be sent to a foster home because your parents’ home will likely fall into the residency restriction. In addition, underage children added to the registry are also not allowed to be at school, church or anywhere else where children are — effectively ostracising them for life.Residency Restrictions for Sex Offenders - FindLaw Porn Charge for Pictures of HerselfAbove: At Least You Still Have The Ice Cream TruckThe reasons for why people added to the sex offender registry are about as numerous as the number of reasons people might get a criminal record.Reasons why somebody might get added to the sex offender registry include:Peeing in publicMasturbating in public (even if you didn’t think anybody saw you)Being seen nakedHaving sex outsideTaking a picture of yourself when you were underageAllowing your child’s boyfriend/girlfriend to move in with youIntentionally or accidentally viewing pornography around a child“Inappropriately” touching a child and/or adultBeing a prostitute and/or paying for a prostituteHaving sex with someone under eighteen, or having sex while under eighteenThe Juvenile Sex Offender Registry and Its Unintended Consequences - Crime Free KidsRaised on the Registry | The Irreparable Harm of Placing Children on Sex Offender Registries in the USWhen Kids Are Accused of Sex CrimesTurning a profit on teenage sexBogus ‘sex offender’ labels are ruining livesFindLaw's Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division case and opinions.all about meAbove: Children — Too Young To Consent — But Old Enough To Be Sex OffendersThe list of reasons can go on and on and on.Now, as far as regular criminal records go, here are some of the least known crimes that people would be surprised to hear not only exist, but are in fact enforced and can have lifelong repercussions on your life:Whistling and/or swearing in publicPossessing or selling comic books deemed violentFilming the police in publicHaving too many garage salesWearing a mask in publicBeing intoxicated in a vehicle — even if you weren’t even drivingNot being indoors during a curfew if you are a certain ageBeing unhygienic in publicClimbing a treeEating candy or ice cream on a SundayDid you know comic books depicting crime are illegal in Canada?There are literally thousands of laws in existence which can literally screw you or anyone else up for life. Even being friends, acquaintances, co-employees or a family member of somebody convicted or accused of committing a crime can get your name added to the growing list of names found on the criminal background registry.Above: Bah — Who Wants To Be A Doctor Anyway When You Can Become A Drug Dealer?It is evident that at best, this system started off as well-meaning and has now completely backfired — something that former proponents of the sex offender registry, such as Patty Wetterling have stated.Sex-offender registries: How the Wetterling abduction changed the countryPatty Wetterling questions sex offender laws | City PagesHowever, I personally believe that the law was there as a way to regulate and marginalise people and form a sort of casting system whereby those deemed undesirable by law enforcement and the government are deliberately set to become poor for life, alongside their children, who may be depending on their parent to provide them a better standard of living.Mass incarceration does not reduce crime rates, but mass poverty does increase the number of people perpetrating and becoming victims of crime. And when it is no longer possible to have a meaningful life because of a law that was created and enforced by the state and law enforcement personnel — what do you do?For many — they turn to crime.Does anyone think that the homeless really want to be homeless? Do the homeless have any say in how the economy is to be regulated; what kinds of laws exist to harm the public; or whether or not somebody will give them a livable wage?Of course not. And it is also known that the homeless are also far more likely to have physical and/or mental disabilities, in addition to possibly having a criminal record. Those who fall into poverty are far more likely to end up in prison and become trapped in a loop they will never get out of.Above: Homeless Shelters — The Place Where People Enjoy Being Poor, Unemployed and HatedMost police officers and politicians alike will say that criminals create their own problems, but I call farce on that one.Who decides what arbitrary laws should or should not be enforced? Who makes decisions that result in millions of people losing their homes and jobs? Who decides who will be prosecuted, imprisoned, and be slapped with a criminal record intended to deprive someone of any chance of employment?Kids for cash scandal - WikipediaWill Your Criminal Record Keep You Unemployed? - Active ScreeningExploring the experiences of violence among individuals who are homeless using a consumer-led approach.Death of homeless sex offender in Grand Rapids poses questionsThat’s right — police officers, politicians, judges and lawyers make these decisions.When you really come to think of it, one must ask themselves whether or not drug cartels and other so-called violent gang members are really the greater of two evils between themselves and the state.If I want to go get a job, I am not going to be forced to ask the Hell’s Angels for a background check in order to get into nursing, engineering, teaching, social work or the military — but I am very likely going to be forced to go to the police for such a request and hope I don’t get a negative response, in addition to being forced to pay for a background fee that might cost hundreds of dollars out of my own pocket.Above: Criminal Records In The MakingThe state and police regulate every portion of your life, right down to what you can and cannot eat; where you can and cannot live; where you can and cannot work; and even where you can and cannot go for recreational purposes.Drug gangs typically don’t really care what you do, so long as you stay out of their way and don’t try to sabotage their operations. Many people added to the sex offender registry have been arrested and spent years in prison after being previously sentenced for going to church, the library or the internet because the state they were in prohibits all sex offenders from having access to the media, education or religious services.Redemption ban? Sex offenders arrested for going to churchSex offender arrested at Athens Drive public library in RaleighHow many times have you heard of a mafia gang member actually arresting somebody with a criminal record or someone on the sex offender registry because they posted a comment on Facebook when the law makes it a crime for that individual to have internet access?Prisoner gets 37 years in solitary confinement for secret Facebook postsSex Offender With Undisclosed Facebook Wins AppealIf anything, there is a very good chance that the mafia would probably even help such people get on the internet by changing their IP address… in return that they pay a fee for that ‘service’ of course. Much the same way that Al Capone and his gang used to run soup kitchens during the Depression Years in order to help the poor so that their reputation could be improved.Above: The Fatter, More Italian Version Of Robin Hood — Comes With BeerAl Capone started one of the first Soup Kitchens during the Great DepressionI am not saying that I support mafia gangs going around selling drugs — especially the more hardened types such as cocaine — nor do I support them engaging in vandalism against private property or using physical violence against individuals. However, when you come to think about it, destruction of property and physical violence is something that the government and law enforcement practice on a daily basis.The only difference I can see is that the latter not only exercises far more power over our daily lives than the Hell’s Angels and Los Zetas do — they also expect the public to regard the government and police as the good side.Above: When Liking A Facebook Comment Can Get You A Lifetime In The SlammerHomeless people often times resort to drug use because it helps them pass the time of living a wretched existence on the street. Therefore, the government and law enforcement largely help expand the drug business by giving people the mindset of not caring about the legal and social consequences of drug consumption.The government and police can no longer claim they do what they do in the name of public safety when I see that everything ranging from frivolous criminal records; employment shortage; sex offender registries; and even criminalising the homeless and those with disabilities by incarcerating them, and then further limiting their employment opportunities all come as a result of the very laws the government imposes and law enforcement enforce.Can you stop someone from posting your 911 tape?Will My Mental Health Record Show Up in My Background Check? - Active Screening young children with autism or down syndrome have been added for life to the sex offender registry because they might have taken a naked picture of themselves when they were 12 or 13.Imagine that.Having a criminal record. A place on the sex offender registry. AND… already having limited job opportunities from the time of your birth because of a disability you simply have.The Autistic Children Who Are Labeled As Sex OffendersAsperger’s, autism, and sex offendersHow Our Autistic Son Ended up a “Sex Offender for Life”Winning combination.Above: Sex Offenders And Criminals In The MakingTo be quite frank, I am surprised that crime rates aren’t higher than they already are, seeing as it is quite apparent that the government and law enforcement have been doing everything they can for decades to try and keep the poor in poverty by looking desperately through the thick and voluminous set of laws that can be interpreted as a crime in order to ensure that such people will be barred for life from getting decent employment.And then, that cycle will be imposed on the next generation.Children of criminal parents have a greater chance of becoming criminals themselves: studyHow a parent's criminal record limits childrenA Parent's Criminal Record has a Lifelong Impact...on Their ChildrenWhy should “criminals” have any regards for “non-criminals” when the system allows a background check to defy their entire existence? If you tell someone that is six years old that they are a lifelong criminal because they might have vandalised some property or hit someone in a fit, do you really think that the six year old is going to magically grow a halo and become a great and productive citizen?Of course not. They are going to do what most people do when they are being labelled: living that label.The Labelling Theory - History Learning SiteHow Your Brain Keeps You Believing Crap That Isn’t TrueIllusory truth effect - WikipediaNew evidence says US sex-offender policies are actually causing more crimeCalling someone stupid is not going to make them smarter. Calling someone lazy is not going to make them more productive. Calling someone ugly is not going to make them more beautiful. And calling someone a criminal is not going to make them law abiding — whatever that means.Above: When All Hope Is LostNot only do the people with criminal records suffer for life — so do their family members, friends and neighbours who may be forced to live the consequences of a labelled criminal. Children who grow up in an impoverished neighbourhood because their parents might not be able to afford anything else, due to limited job opportunities, are themselves more likely to experience violence, trauma and end up ultimately getting a criminal record and possibly even prison time.Let’s not kid ourselves about prison, either: prison is not about “rehabilitating” people. The whole purpose of prison in the modern ages is to dehumanise portions of the population and create a form of modern slavery. Those who go to prison are subjected to the types of treatment that would be seen as abuse anywhere else, and then on top of it, they are given a criminal record and quite possibly even added to the sex offender registry if it was decided that the crime was sexual in nature.INSIDE LOOKING OUT. American prisons tend to dehumanize most prisoners. Rehabilitation, as a systemwide policy, is hit-or-miss. The latest crisis fa...A Former Inmate Talks About How Prisons Manufacture CriminalsHigh-profile individuals such as Theodore Kaczynski were subjected to experimental abuse during their university years with the intention of creating violent individuals out of otherwise seemingly innocent men. And in turn, these types of experiments have been imposed on prisoners, patients as well as the millions of people currently on probation or parole.Harvard's Experiment on the Unabomber, Class of '62An Extreme Psychological Study May Have Affected a Young Ted KaczynskiAbove: The Government Made Me Do It!These people will then return to their communities and families with little to no employment opportunities; limited education; the negative experience of prison life; and even being looked down on by most of the public.The result is that often times children and other family members in the household become the victims of a system that the government and law enforcement helped to create. Many frustrated parents who may otherwise have been loving may have a breaking point and begin taking their frustrations out on their children. And when children are subjected to physical and/or mental abuse, studies show that not only will their children grow up to be violent — it may also damage the structure of their brain.Canadians living in low-income households experience higher rates of violent victimizationThe poorest Americans are 12 times as likely to be sexually assaulted as the wealthiest children still suffer at 506 CONSEQUENCES OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECTEven if it was the parents that ultimately beat their children, that does not necessarily mean that the parents are primarily responsible for that situation. Going back to the dog biting its owner scenario, we can see that the government and police become the owners to the extent that they will degrade an individual by calling them a criminal, and then subjecting them to mental and/or physical abuse by limiting their job employment to the point that they become homeless, where they could become the victims of weather exposure, gang beatings, or depression.Above: How Children With Criminal Records Get Their MoneyStating that other people without criminal records have lives and families of their own that they want to enjoy as justification for why those with criminal records should effectively hush up and play along is not a valid argument.Those with criminal records also have lives of their own that they want to enjoy. Millions of them have children who want to enjoy their lives just as much as the children of so-called law abiding parents want to.Kids of unemployed and depressed parents more likely to be absent from classWhy should those with criminal records be subjected to such hardships and still have people acting as though they should still be grateful to have any rights at all?Because they have a criminal record?Above: We Apparently Deserve This — Because Our Parents Apparently Do — Because The Government Said SoCrime in itself is subjective. What may be legal one day could be illegal the next and vice versa. At one time, slavery was legal; does that mean that slavery should still be legal?And even if crime were less subjective does not mean that the consequences that come with having a criminal record should be given credibility.Children of registered sex offenders have reported that they are more likely to be harassed, beaten and assaulted by adults and children alike because they saw their parents’ name and picture online.When you’re married to a sex offenderSex Offender Is Suing His Neighbors Over ProtestsCollateral damage: Harsh sex offender laws may put whole families at riskHow ‘vigilantes’ work ‘within the law’ to force child sex offenders out of Canadian communitiesDoes the ideal criminal justice system also tolerate children of “criminals” to become victims themselves?To conclude, all I can say is that if I were ever to find myself barred for life from any employment because of some criminal record that may or may not be accurate; was forced to register as a sex offender; and then have my daily routine regulated by the police: I would also be looking for my next meal in the form of committing a crime.Above: When Chasing A Pizza Delivery Man Is Easier Than Making Minimum-Wage

What's the coldest thing a doctor has ever said to you?

“WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?”Allow me to put that in context. I apologize in advance for the lengthy post.I suffer from chronic pain related to a back injury which is inoperable. I have been on multiple opioids over a period of 20 years. Around 10 years ago there was a lot of media attention about the crisis of untreated chronic pain and the fact that sufferers were not getting treated properly. This started a revolution in which suddenly if you were in pain, doctors were “shamed” into treating you (and in some cases even if you weren’t in pain). I believe most doctors that previously wouldn’t have prescribed anything stronger than ibuprofen or aspirin were now prescribing Percocet. Not out of genuine concern for their patient’s suffering but to avoid malpractice suits as a result of the constant media coverage.In my case I take as little pain medication as possible. 20 years ago I had a pain specialist I saw about every 90 to 120 days. Then my GP was suddenly able to prescribe my medication which he did for about 10 years. He knows me for 30 years and knows I’m careful and conservative with my medication. I am fully aware that I’m dependent on my pain medication from the perspective that I can’t function without the pain relief and because I would go through withdrawal without it. But I’m not addicted. In fact, I am prescribed more than I take 95% of the time. And as a result I have a “stockpile” of medication.As I’m sure many of you are aware over the last couple of years the media has once again jumped on the crisis “de jour” which in this case is now the “new” prescription opioid crisis. Now it is no longer important that people who’s lives are diminished by pain get their pain relief. The new mission is to stem the flow of prescription opioids. I think the main reason is the so called war on illegal drugs was a complete failure with little results to justify the massive cost.Please keep in mind that over the last 20 years I have taken just about every pain medication known and even some “off label” prescription medications to get relief. I tried Suboxone years ago when it was being used in Europe for pain long before being approved in the US. I believe I know more about pain and pain medications than most doctors. Tramadol is a synthetic opioid with seratonin and norepinephrine reuptake functionality. The 24 hour extended release version has four manufacturers in the USA of the 4 only 1 has the bioavailability equivalent to the rapid release versions. Ask 99% of doctors what Tramadol is and does and you won’t get that information I assure you.Recently (after 10 years) my GP received notification from the DEA telling him to cease and desist prescribing pain medications. He continued for another 3 months until they threatened to take his license. He then referred me to a pain specialist who I had a interesting conversation with. It went like this: Hi, I’m xxxxxx I was referred to you by Dr. xxxxx. Here is my medical records and a letter from Dr. xxxxxxx. I have been on xxxxxx for 10 years and get pretty good pain relief, have not had to increase my dosage in fact I take less most of the time. Dr.xxxxx replies, I’d like to change your medication to xxxxxxxx. I say, I tried it 12 years ago and it didn’t work well and I had to keep increasing my dosage. I’ve also tried xxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx ,xxxxxxx and xxxxxxxx. Dr.: well I’d like you then to start a titration down from you current dosage with the goal of getting you off opioids. I reply, Why? For what reason? I’m on a stable dosage and It has worked for 10 years better than anything else. What is the alternative? Dr.: Your dependence on the medication is my concern. I reply : why? I’m here for pain relief not addiction counseling. There is a huge difference between dependence and addiction. Dr.: yes that’s true but I’d like to do 2 spinal blocks to see if you get relief that way instead. I say: I’ve had that procedure done 4x in the past 20 years without results. The top neurologist in the county Dr. xxxxxx has seen me and determined it’s a futile endeavor. Here is his contact information. Dr.: well I’d like to try anyway. In the mean time I’ll prescribe 1/2 of your current dosage and we will see how it goes. I say: I’ll go into withdrawal on that dosage (I admittedly did not mention my “stockpile”) Dr.: yes it might be uncomfortable for a while. I say: why would anyone do that on purpose? I won’t be able to work. I have to travel all over the country for my job. Dr.: you travel? You know you will have to see me every 30 days. I say: that’s impossible. My schedule simply doesn’t work that way and besides I’ve been on this medication for 10 years with no issues. Please read Dr.xxxxxx’s letter he addresses that. I’m hoping you aren’t that rigid and we can work around my work schedule. Dr: Well, here is a prescription for 1/2 your current dosage. I’m sure we can work it out. I’ll schedule you for Thursday the end of this month for the first block and for the second a week later which is a month from today.I got the two spinal blocks done despite knowing it was futile (it was). The second was on a Friday. Two days later on Monday my pharmacist called to say Dr.xxxxx did not send in a second prescription for the pain medication. I called him and reminded him it was due. Dr.xxxxxx: You need to come in for an appointment. I say: I just saw you two days ago. Dr.xxxxxx : yes but that wasn’t for a prescription. I said: you told me that you would work with my schedule. I’m 2000 miles away. Dr.xxxxxx: No appointment, No medication that’s how it works. I say: you are saying my choices are to fly 2000 miles to see you for 5 minutes or go into full blown withdrawal? Dr.: No I’m saying you need to see me to get a prescription. I said: go %^~€ yourself.Needless to say I reported him to the AMA for performing 2 spinal blocks after being told they wouldn’t work (he never called or consulted the neurologist) and for knowingly putting me at risk for withdrawal effects and for behavior more appropriate for a drug pusher than a doctor. BTW he billed my insurance $20,000 for two 15 minute procedures.Unfortunately, the new rules have created pain specialists that have everyone by the short hairs while at the same time has them watching their own asses so the DEA doesn’t label them as “Dr. feel goods”. Over the last year I’ve seen 12 pain management doctors. In most cases they were specifically treating only cancer patients (which I discovered they don’t mention unless you ask). Apparently this is a trend amongst pain management specialists because cancer is the one pain management area that the DEA will never touch and where they will allow any type of pain medication. Doctors practicing pain management for cancer are essentially immune to harassment from the DEA. Most were very nice and agreed that the medication I was on and the dosage was appropriate for my condition and the time I had been on my medication but under the rules of their practice they couldn’t help me. I understand completely why any pain management specialist would gravitate to this area of practice. I also sympathize with pain specialists that treat other pain issues because they are at risk of getting on the DEA’s (doctor police) radar. Everyone of them I saw tried to change my medication to either something stronger (morphine, OxyContin) or tried to “adjust” my dosage down or offered alternative medication I had already tried and knew was not as effective as my current medication or just plain dangerous. All of the doctors required a visit every 30 days (I assume to cover their asses). I also realized, telling a doctor who effectively has you over a barrel because of the new laws what he should do (even if it’s backed up by your history and current doctors) is a surefire wayNOT TO GET WHAT YOU NEED.Apparently having a medical degree makes some doctors believe they are a superior entity to common humans. I’ve had doctors ask me where I went to medical school in a sarcastic tone. But the last straw was a Dr.xxxxxx who after speaking to my GP, reading his letter, knowing my history and seeing me Said: I don’t know what you and Dr.xxxxx are up to but I’m not prescribing you anything. I said: What exactly are you implying? Dr. Asshole says, I’m not implying anything I’m telling you I won’t prescribe you anything. I said: I understand you. That is your prerogative. I’m asking you what you mean by “up to”. Dr.Asshole: this conversation is over and walked out. I can only assume he was implying that both a fellow board certified MD and his patient were trying to get him to break some sort of law or ignore his Hippocratic oath. I think he realized he was treading on dangerous ground and decided not to clarify his comment for fear of repercussions.The opioid crisis is very real. It was 20 years ago, even worse 100 years ago when children’s medication had opium in it and it still is. The current prescription drug crisis was partially created 10 years ago by the media pushing an agenda that got ratings. “People are in pain and nobody is doing anything about it. “ The media is now demonizing the very same doctors they previously demanded treat people with chronic pain with respect and compassion.The crisis is still very real but once again it’s shifted to illegal drugs. This is a huge problem for the DEA. They failed miserably in their efforts to curb illegal drugs. The end result of the media demonizing prescription drugs is a newly re-energized DEA clamping down on doctors that prescribe ANY of the medications on their arbitrary list regardless of circumstances.This has created a third crises. Law abiding legitimate pain sufferers who are no longer able to get proper care at a reasonable cost and input of effort. It’s far easier for the DEA to track doctors who DOCUMENT their actions as opposed to street pushers and they get to show results (we stopped 2567 doctors from prescribing opioids last month) they couldn’t possibly achieve with illegal drugs. Never mind the fact that the legitimate pain sufferers that doctors were treating are now caught in the cross fire. Especially if they are functioning working people with families and very little, if any spare time. Basically they now have to make 1 of 3 choices. Quit their jobs and manage their pain full time or look for illegal means to get the “medication” they need or find a pain specialist (not so easy in today’s big brother environment) This has created a huge increase in the use illegal drugs and overdoses as “newbies” try street drugs for the first time.In my case, as I previously stated, I have a stockpile of medication. Enough for about 2 years (10 years of taking less than I was prescribed). So far my search for a pain specialist has taken a year and 12 doctors with no positive results. I refuse to be reduced to showing up at the doctors office to grovel and plead for my monthly prescription. Nor will I be held on a leash that gets jerked every 30 days with no regard for my occupation. The thought of it disgusts me. I’ll go out on disability and become a burden to the same system that created this mess before I allow them to dehumanize me.I am not “up to” anything. I’m simply a human being that suffers 24/7 with severe pain. A person that until last year was perfectly happy to live with it and the medication required to manage it. Someone that was able to contribute to society as a result of that medication. I’m educated, well informed and proud. The system has created a situation where my doctor of 30 years is now prohibited from treating me. The same system forces me to go to strangers that the system also restricts and monitors like criminals and explain myself in the hope that one of them will accept what I and my doctor tell them without assuming we are “up to something” and then will be willing to take the chance that the DEA (doctor police) will approve of their actions.The system is broken. If government wants something to do I suggest they pass the equal rights amendment. In almost 100 years they can’t manage to pass it into law which is their supposed speciality. Perhaps they should try passing gun control on federal agencies like the EPA, the DOE and the FDA. Why do federal environmental, education and food & drug departments need SWAT teams? The second amendment states the PEOPLE have a right to bear arms not every federal agency in the USA. Isn’t that the domain of Homeland Security or the FBI?Please politicians, don’t flip flop the rules every time the polls tell you it’s the popular position. Every time you do, you screw it up badly. Leave things like medicine to the medical experts. At the very least, of you must go after the “bad apple” doctors, INVESTIGATE FIRST THEN PROCECUTE. We all know what happens on a witch-hunt.Thank you.UPDATE: I am now on Tramadol ER and weaning myself off the other “big bad” schedule II opioid I have been on for 10 years with excellent results. I made this decision because my regular GP can prescribe it. So far the results are positive. I believe it’s because of Tramadol’s excellent seratonin and norepinephrine reuptake properties are effective on nerve pain. It will be awhile before I know for sure but I’m optimistic.NOTE:ANY RATIONAL PERSON WILLING TO DO THIRTY MINUTES OF RESEARCH ONLINE WILL DISCOVER WE ARE BEING LIED TO. THERE IS NO PRESCRIPTION OPIOID “CRISIS”.ALSO:1.Thanks to the person that corrected my grammar, punctuation and spelling. I fully agree with you. I am challenged in these areas. Especially since I no longer have an assistant. I hope my message still got out even with the errors I made. I will let my post stand “as is” as long as the message is clear.2. I also wanted to thank everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes. This issue is apparently not limited to the USA. People have commented from as far away as Australia.3. For those of you that asked about Tramadol. Here is some of what is available online…..A) First the bad news. The media and the US government are delusional.The following segments are from If you want to read the entire “article” just search Tramadol on their site.Finally, in 2014, the DEA finally changed Tramadol to a Schedule IV designation as a controlled substance. But the World Health Organization continues to classify the drug without restriction, under the belief that it would become much more difficult to obtain by people who need legitimate pain relief, according to the Wall Street Journal report.Finally? Finally? Continues? Under the Belief? What exactly is the WSJ trying to imply? That WHO is pushing drugs? It’s not a belief it will be much more difficult to obtain it’s a FACT!This is exactly what makes Tramadol so dangerous. Despite it’s reputation as being a “safe” opioid, it is still an opioid. These drugs have been massively over-prescribed over the past 20 years, causing an opioid crisis in the U.S. with thousands of people suffering the consequences of addiction, ruined lives, and death. In 2014 alone, more than 28,000 people died from opioid overdose — at least half of them prescription drugs, compared to street drugs like heroin (which are often the cheaper drug of choice among people who started with a prescription opioid).Iodine is telling us that there were 28,000 drug overdoses in 2014 and AT LEAST half from prescription drugs but NOT how many from Tramadol. That’s about 14.000 for ALL prescription opioids (maybe). WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that as much as 25% of the population in North America suffers with chronic pain. That’s 145 Million people. Assuming Tramadol was responsible for 1/2 of all the prescription drug overdoses (7,000) which is being overly generous since Tramadol prescriptions do not account for 1/2 of all opioid prescriptions. Tramadol overdoses only represent .0005 percent and ALL prescription drug overdoses amount to .001 percent of all people with chronic pain. Basically the risk of overdose from Tramadol (using generous percentages) is only .05 % as likely of causing death as all “unintentional accidents”. The risk of overdosing on ANY prescription drug representats only 1%. That puts the risk of a prescription drug overdose closer to getting killed by lightning than killed by cigarettes or alcohol.For the sake of perspective, unintentional injuries cause approximately 136,000 deaths in the USA annually.The above segment is not exactly objective reporting in my opinion. Reporting like this is exactly the problem. Drugs like Morphine, Methadone, Dilaudid and Hydrocodone are Schedule II. Because Tramadol is a schedule IV my GP can still prescribe it without fear of reprisals from the DEA. I don’t need to see a so called Pain Specialist every 30 days. As a result of poorly researched and bias reporting like this, I’m fairly certain it this won’t last much longer. The need for the DEA to justify its massive budget requires results that historically come only from attacks on legal, documented prescription medications. The results achieved from their conventional “war on illegal drugs” was, is and will continue to be a complete failure.When you actually consider the real world experience of people taking the drug, however, it quickly becomes evident that Tramadol, like other opioids prescribed for pain relief, also carries the trade off of dependency and withdrawal. Among the 50 or so first-person reports on Drug information, side effects, and reviews -, many Tramadol users cite these effects.50 people that apparently are not all using Tramadol. Really? Tramadol is a”weak” opioid which acts unlike any standard opiate. How many of the 50 people actually used Tramadol? Not exactly scientific given the scope of the prescription pain market. Dependence is NOT addiction and for those on long term medication for long term chronic pain withdrawal only comes into play if the medication is withheld suddenly. This is circular logic at its worst.On every page for an opioid drug at Drug information, side effects, and reviews -, we have placed a clear and emphatic warning about the risks of these drugs in a big orange box. For many people, these drugs serve a purpose, and are a necessary part of coping with pain. But people need to be careful before they begin using them, and they need to be aware that the drugs carry a significant risk of dependency that can squander lives. These are dangerous drugs that must be taken seriouslyHere, Iodine seems to be a little more reasonable and I agree with most of it until they confuse dependence with addiction. Addiction to anything can squander lives. Take your pick. Drugs, Gambling, Sex etc. Dependence does not squander lives. I’m dependent on my pain medication nor more than I’m dependent on food. Could I take less of both? Yes, but I wouldn’t want to live like that.There were 2,813,503 deaths in the USA in 2017. The CDC ( reports that 46 people die everyday in the USA from prescription drugs. That’s 16,790 per year (2018). Even with the increased pressure from the government over 4 years this is an increase from 2014’s 14,000 overdoses of 8%. The CDC DOES NOT say how many were using prescription drugs illegally and or recreationally nor do they say how many had legitimate prescriptions. Despite this the total is 16,790. This represents .0059% of all deaths in the USA based on 2017’s numbers and .0000296 percent of the population. The CDC tries hard to obscure this number. Because overdoses from all prescription drugs do not even rank in the top 200 for causes of death in the USA. If the CDC released the number of overdoses due to legitimate prescription users the numbers would be even smaller.Ask yourself these questions:Should the approximately 145 million people in the USA with chronic pain be made to suffer, denied medication or for that matter even inconvenienced because 16,790 people died from prescription drug overdoses?How many of those 16,790 did this to themselves through recreational and or illegal drug use? (I cannot find that statistic anywhere)Does the death of .0059% of all deaths in the USA constitute a crisis? If it does, tobacco and alcohol should be made illegal today. Especially since they serve virtually no medical purpose. Full disclosure: I smoke cigars.Will resticting the flow of prescription drugs reduce the total number of overdoses or will it simply increase the number of illegal drug overdoses?Will more productive lives be ruined by this action than lives saved?Is the restriction of prescription drugs worth the loss of productivity and quality of life for 145 million people? What impact will this have on the economy?If the CDC and the DEA elimated 100% of all prescription pain medications they MIGHT save 16,790 lives a year. How many of the 145 million chronic pain sufferers will have their lives ruined?B) Now for the good news. Some medical researchers are logical, methodical and rational instead of agenda oriented, deceptive and hysterical.For those of you that asked about ER vs IR Tramadol here is a independent study that specifically names particular brands and why some ER formulations are less effective than others. Some are delivering only about 1/2 of the dosage listed for several reasons. Please pay attention to how this abstract is worded compared to the WSJ, the CDC and just about everyone else justifying the opioid “crisis”.The entire abstract is linked here: beginning introduction is below. They give a lot of statistical information regarding the impact chronic pain has on people, productivity and the economy.Journal of Pain ResearchReview of extended-release formulations of Tramadol for the management of chronic non-cancer pain: focus on marketed formulationsArshi Kizilbash and Cường Ngô-Minh Additional article informationAbstractPatients with chronic non-malignant pain report impairments of physical, social, and psychological well-being. The goal of pain management should include reducing pain and improving quality of life. Patients with chronic pain require medications that are able to provide adequate pain relief, have minimum dosing intervals to maintain efficacy, and avoid breakthrough pain. Tramadol has proven efficacy and a favourable safety profile. The positive efficacy and safety profile has been demonstrated historically in numerous published clinical studies as well as from post-marketing experience. It is a World Health Organization “Step 2” opioid analgesic that has been shown to be effective, well-tolerated, and valuable, where treatment with strong opioids is not required. A number of extended release formulations of Tramadol are available in Canada and the United States. An optimal extended release Tramadol formulation would be expected to provide consistent pain control with once daily dosing, few sleep interruptions, flexible dosing schedules, and no limitation on taking with meals. Appropriate treatment options should be based on the above proposed attributes. A comparative review of available extended release Tramadol formulations shows that these medications are not equivalent in their pharmacokinetic profile and this may have implications for selecting the optimal therapy for patients with pain syndromes where Tramadol is an appropriate analgesic agent. Differences in pharmacokinetics amongst the formulations may also translate into varied clinical responses in patients. Selection of the appropriate formulation by the health care provider should therefore be based on the patient’s chronic pain condition, needs, and lifestyle.Keywords: analgesics, opioids, chronic pain, drug delivery, pharmacokinetics, TramadolIntroductionThe two faces of painIt is useful to distinguish between two basic types of pain; acute and chronic. Acute pain, for the most part, results from disease, inflammation, or injury to tissues. This type of pain generally comes on suddenly, for example, after trauma or surgery, and may be accompanied by anxiety or emotional distress. The cause of acute pain can usually be diagnosed and treated, and the pain is self-limiting – that is, it is confined to a given period of time and severity. In some rare instances, it can become chronic.1 Chronic pain is defined as persistent pain, which can be either continuous or recurrent, and of sufficient duration and intensity to adversely affect a patient’s well-being, level of function, and quality of life.2 A number of definitions of chronic pain have been described in published literature, ranging from persistent pain of at least 2 weeks duration, to continuing for longer than 6 months, to persistent pain that is not amenable to routine pain control methods.3,4 Given the debilitating effects of chronic pain and its impact on the quality of life, chronic pain is widely viewed by experts to represent a disease itself. It can also be made much worse by environmental and psychological factors. Chronic pain persists over a longer period of time than acute pain and in many cases may be resistant to routine medical treatments. It can and often does cause severe problems for patients. A person may have two or more coexisting chronic pain conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic low back pain, diabetic neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.3,5Focus on chronic painPain is an enormous global health problem. Although the burden of chronic pain worldwide is underestimated, it is anticipated that one in five adults suffer from pain and that another one in ten adults (approximately 60 million) are each year diagnosed with chronic pain that falls in the moderate to severe category.6,7 Even children are not spared, with 15%–30% of children experiencing recurring or chronic persistent pain.8 Pain that interferes with life also increases with age and in those with physically strenuous work or less education.11 The prevalence of chronic pain, defined by duration, in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Mental Health Surveys was 37% in developed countries and 41% for developing countries.8 In one survey, 19% of the general adult population of Europe had moderate to severe chronic pain for a median of 7 years and one in five of those had suffered with chronic pain for over 20 years.14 Age and sex variations in chronic pain prevalence are remarkably consistent across countries and populations.8 In the North American population specifically, it is estimated that between 12%–25% of the population in the United States and between 15%–30% of the Canadian population experiences chronic pain.7,9,10 In only about 1%–2% of the population with chronic pain does the pain result from different forms of cancer.6–8Chronic pain impairs everyday activities and quality of life. Psychological morbidities are often observed among patients with chronic pain, which can include depression and suicidal ideations.8 Chronic pain also carries a great economic burden.6,12 In a recent report from the United States, the estimated annual cost of chronic pain in adults including associated health care expenses and lost productivity was US$560–630 billion annually. Similarly, the annual cost of chronic pain in Canada, including medical expenses, lost income, and lost productivity is estimated to exceed US$10 billion annually, not accounting for social costs.7,9 The financial cost of chronic pain is estimated to be roughly the same as cancer or cardiovascular diseases.8,13The high prevalence and incidence of global chronic pain, its substantial and growing comorbidities, and its linkage with a myriad of social and economic determinants collectively provide ample justification for regarding pain as a public health priority. Three groups of conditions are large components of the burden of chronic non- cancer pain: osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, injuries, and spinal problems.13 Other causes include headaches, diabetic neuropathies, toxins (eg, alcohol), neurological disorders, stroke, and human immunodeficiency virus infection/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS).

What are the differences between American and Australian values?

Question: What are the differences between American and Australian values? Answer: These three are actually very closely related and part of the same concept, so I will explain them together. 1. Hero Worship vs Tall Poppy Syndrome 2. Dogmatism Politic vs Pragmatism Politic 3. Audacity vs Conservatism A Canadian producer once spoke in US TV saying a joke that in Canada, you don’t need to put a lid on a bucket of captured crabs, because if any crab try to escape, other crabs will pull it back down. This is often called Tall Poppy Syndrome, and American often accuse UK, Canada and Australia to have them ingrained in their society. The tallest Poppy gets cut down by the farmer, hence the term was used as warning against excessive pride at best, and against standing out or being different at worst. A very succ(more)

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