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How has Christianity improved or made society/the world a better place?

The positive cultural influence of the Christian Church is too vast to enumerate in detail in less than a series of books. Its influence is not limited to the West, as it spread beyond the Western Empire in the days of Rome, in its first centuries, and has continued to spread around the world in the centuries since. For the most part, its influence has been more good than not wherever it has gone, and attempting to even list it all would be a very long list indeed.However, in answer to this question, I have chosen to limit a sampling of examples to the West, and to the limited time period of Early Christianity up to the Middle Ages. I have picked a few examples of influence I see as the paradigm altering, watershed, kind.The Christian church has continued, to this day, to be a cultural influence for good all around the world, but the history from the 1400s on is even more extensive—and complex—than what preceded it, so please accept—these limitations I have imposed are my limitations—and not the limitations of the church.Christianity altered the paradigm concerning:SexWomenCharityPreservation of literacyMonks and NunsBenedict’s RuleSkills and EducationSocial StructureCharles Martel Stopped IslamScienceArts and HumanitiesPainting, sculpture and architectureMusicLawHuman ValueHuman RightsSlaveryDemocracyFirst to Fourth Century (30–500)Sex — Let’s talk about sex—not just because it’s fun—but because changes here are among the most powerful, yet most overlooked, of all the many positive changes Christianity brought.“The gradual transformation of the Roman world from polytheistic to Christian marks one of the most sweeping ideological changes of premodern history. At the center of it all was sex.”[1]Historian Kyle Harper says:"...the triumph of Christianity not only drove profound cultural change, it created a new relationship between sexual morality and society...The legacy of Christianity lies in the dissolution of an ancient system where social and political status, power, and social reproduction (passing on social inequality to the next generation) scripted the terms of sexual morality."That ancient system was built on status and used shame to enforce itself. Shame was not personal guilt so much as a social concept: breaking the rules had profound and far-reaching social consequences. Aristocratic men had status; women had little, and slaves had no status at all, therefore, as far as the Romans were concerned, slaves had no internal ethical life and were incapable of shame. This permitted Roman society to find both a husband's control of a wife's sexual behavior as a matter of intense importance, and at the same time, see his live-in mistress and sex with young slave boys as of little concern.Paul wrote that the body was a consecrated space, a point of mediation between the individual and the divine. His over-riding sense that gender—rather than status or power or wealth or position—was the prime determinant in the propriety of the sex act was momentous. It was a transformation in the deep logic of sexual morality.The Greeks and Romans said our morality depends upon our social position which is given to us by fate; that there is inequity in that is not a moral issue that concerned them. Christianity "preached a liberating message of freedom.” It was a revolution in the very image of the human being as a sexual being, free to choose, and personally responsible for that choice to God alone. It created a revolution between society and the individual, limiting society’s rights and claims on the individual as a moral agent.Whether or not Paul’s particular teaching on gender is still agreed with or not, the historical facts show that the Christian view that the powerful should be held to the same standards of sexual accountability as those without power has since become the norm of a just society.Appearance of Jesus Christ to Maria Magdalena (1835) by Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov.Women [2]Early Christianity — Some historians hold that the Church played a considerable part in fostering the inferior status of women by providing a "moral justification" for male superiority. However, the Church has also made enough positive contributions toward women that, on balance, I am going to say the overall impact has been more positive than negative.Understanding that involves understanding context—what was there before, and without, Christianity.In antiquity, there were no Near Eastern societies that were not patriarchal, so patriarchalism and male superiority were not unique to the Old Testament. All around the Mediterranean, patriarchy was established as the norm in all of the multiple different societies before 3000 BC and they did not change for millennia—until Christianity.[3]Women were seen as intellectually and physically inferior to men and as "naturally dependent" by Sumerians, and Babylonians, by the Hittites, the Greeks and the Romans—all of them. Some philosophers speculated that women were a different race not fully human like men. Athenian women were legally classified as children regardless of age and were the "legal property of a man at all stages in her life." Women everywhere, including the Roman Empire, had limited legal rights and could not enter professions.It was common in the Greco-Roman world to expose female infants because of the low status of women in society. Many exposed children died, but many were taken by speculators who raised them to be slaves or prostitutes. Female infanticide and abortion were practiced by all classes. The church forbade these practices to its members.Christians did not believe in cohabitation, so if a Christian man wanted to live with a woman, the church required marriage; the pagan double standard of allowing married men to have extramarital sex and mistresses was forbidden. This gave women far greater security.It was not rare for pagan women to be married before the age of puberty and then forced to consummate the marriage with her often much older husband. Christianity established a minimum age for marriage.Husbands could divorce their wives at any time simply by telling the wife to leave; wives could not. In the code of Hammurabi, a woman could sue for divorce, but if she couldn’t prove she had been an exemplary wife, she was drowned for making the request.Roman law required a widow to remarry; 1 Timothy says a woman is better off if she remains unmarried. Widows in Greco-Roman society could not inherit their husband's estate and could find themselves in desperate circumstances, but almost from the beginning the church offered widows support.Women were an important part of Jesus’ inner circle, and there is no record of him ever treating a woman with less than respect. He spoke to women in public, assumed they had responsibility for their own choices, taught Mary of Bethany, admired, forgave, accepted and approved them. Christianity never fully lost sight of this as a fulfillment of God creating humans in His image as both “male and female.” Along with Paul declaring a Christian is a Christian, male or female, in Galatians 3:28, this produced a kind of “metaphysical” equality found only in Christianity at this point in history. [4]The church started out trying to practice this at first. The extra-biblical evidence is strong that women played vital roles in Christianity’s beginnings. Many women began choosing to stay single and celibate, and they spread the word, but this “female initiative” stirred up vehement opposition from the Romans.According to Margaret MacDonald, accusations that Christianity undermined the Roman family, which was built upon male authority, were used to stir up hatred of Christianity. Along with many other rumors and accusations, this led to the persecution of the early church.[5]Some of the later New Testament texts reasserting traditional roles for women are seen by many scholars as an accommodation to the danger involved with this Roman response.Within the church of the second and third century, tensions between the existing fact of women's leadership in Christian communities, and traditional Greco-Roman and patriarchal biblical views about gender roles, combined with persecution, produced controversy and challenges to women’s roles within the new church. Several apocryphal and gnostic texts provide evidence of such a controversy.Middle Ages — Once the early days of Christianity were past, the status of women declined. Women were routinely excluded from scholastic, political and mercantile life in society, however, women were not fully excluded from service in the church. [6]Medieval abbesses and female superiors of female monastic houses were powerful figures whose influence could rival that of male bishops and abbots: “They treated with kings, bishops, and the greatest lords on terms of perfect equality;... they were present at all great religious and national solemnities, at the dedication of churches, and even, like the queens, took part in the deliberation of the national assemblies...” Such powers had never been, as a rule, available to ordinary women in previous Roman or Germanic societies.[7]There was a rite for the ordination of women deacons in the Roman Pontifical, (a liturgical book), up through the 12th century. (But by the 13th-century Roman Pontifical, the prayer for ordaining women was removed, and ordination was redefined as applicable only to male Priests.) [8]The popularity of the Virgin Mary secured maternal virtue as a central cultural theme of Europe in the middle ages and helped form the concept of chivalry. Kenneth Clarke wrote that the 'Cult of the Virgin' in the early 12th century "taught a race of tough and ruthless barbarians the virtues of tenderness and compassion".Woman-as-witch became a stereotype in the 1400s until it was codified in 1487 by Pope Innocent VIII who declared "most witches are female."The European witch stereotype embodies two apparent paradoxes: first, it was not produced by the "barbaric Dark Ages," but during the progressive Renaissance and the early modern period; secondly, Western Christianity did not recognize the reality of witches for centuries, or criminalize them until around 1400. Sociologist Don Swenson says the explanation for this may lay in the nature of Medieval society as heirocratic which led to violence and the use of coercion to force conformity."There has been much debate to how many women were executed...[and estimates vary wildly, but numbers] small and large do little to portray the horror and dishonor inflicted upon these women. This treatment provides [dramatic] contrast to the respect given to women during the early era of Christianity..."Women under the Law —Church teaching heavily influenced the legal concept of marriage. In a departure from societal norms, Church law required the consent of both parties before a marriage could be performed. No more kidnapping and forced marriages.The elevation of marriage to a sacrament made the union a binding contract. The Church abandoned established tradition by allowing women the same rights as men to dissolve a marriage. (However, in practice, men have been granted dissolutions more frequently than women.)Women, in Conclusion[9]The church’s behavior toward women has been both positive and negative, but all in all, Christianity’s contribution has been more positive than negative.If nothing else could ever be said, Christianity’s treatment of women was a big improvement over what existed before it, and its belief in the spiritual equality of both genders before God, altered the paradigm for women forever.Historian of hospitals Guenter Risse says the Church spearheaded the development of a hospital system geared towards the marginalized.Charity/Hospitals — Prior to Christianity, there is little to no trace of any organized charitable effort anywhere in the ancient world. After centuries of Christian influence, charity has become a universal practice.[10]Albert Jonsen, historian of medicine, says:“the second great sweep of medical history begins at the end of the fourth century, with the founding of the first hospital at Caesarea in Cappadocia, and concludes at the end of the fourteenth century, with medicine well ensconced in the universities and in the public life of the emerging nations of Europe.” [11]That hospital was founded by Basil, Bishop of Caesarea. He established the first formal soup kitchen, hospital, homeless shelter, hospice, poorhouse, orphanage, reform center for thieves, women’s center for those leaving prostitution, and many other ministries. He was personally involved in the projects and process, and gave all his personal wealth to fund the ministries.Basil himself would put on an apron and work in the soup kitchen. These ministries were given freely regardless of religious affiliation. Basil refused to make any discrimination when it came to people who needed help saying that “the digestive systems of the Jew and the Christian are indistinguishable.”His example spread throughout Christianity continuing to the modern day.In the modern day, across the world, various Christian denominations are still the ones largely responsible for the establishment of medical clinics, hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens, and schools of all kinds.The Catholic Church maintains a massive network of health care providers. In 2009, Catholic hospitals in the USA received approximately one of every six patients. Catholic Health Australia is the largest non-government provider of group-health, community care, and aged-care services, representing about 10% of the health sector.Women have played a vital role in running and staffing these Christian care institutions. In Methodist hospitals, deaconnesses who trained as nurses staffed the hospitals, and in Catholic hospitals, religious like the Sisters of Mercy, the Little Sisters of the Poor, and the Sisters of St.Mary kept their hospitals focused on serving the needy. The New York Times noted that nuns were trained to "see Jesus in the face of every patient."In the West, these institutions are increasingly run by lay-people after centuries of being run by priests, nuns and brothers, and while the profit motive has stepped in, it does mean more people are taking responsibility for caring for the poor than ever before. In Western nations, governments have increasingly taken up funding and organization of health services for the poor. In 1968, nuns or priests were the chief executives of 770 of America's 796 Catholic hospitals. By 2011, they presided over 8 of 636 hospitals.[12]All over the West, charity is now a societal standard that simply didn’t exist prior to Christianity’s existence.[13]"After the Battle of Gravelotte. The French Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo arriving on the battle field to succor the wounded." Unsigned lithograph, 1870 or 1871.Dark Ages and the Early Middle Ages (500–800) [14]Preservation of Literacy — After the Fall of Rome, culture in the west returned to a subsistence agrarian form of life. Church scholars preserved literacy in Western Europe at this time, saving and copying Greek and Roman texts in their scriptoriums. For centuries following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, small monastic communities were practically the only outposts of literacy in all of Western Europe.…all through Europe, matted, unwashed, barbarians descended on the Roman cities, looting artifacts and burning books, when the Irish, who were just learning to read and write, took up the great labor of copying all western literature – everything they could lay their hands on. These scribes then served as conduits through which the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian cultures were transmitted to the tribes of Europe, newly settled amid the rubble and ruined vineyards of the civilization they had overwhelmed. Without this Service of the Scribes, everything that happened subsequently would be unthinkable.[15]Monks and Nuns [16]Benedict’s Rule — The period between 500 and 700, often referred to as the "Dark Ages," could also be designated the "Age of the Monk." Christian aesthetes, like St.Benedict (480–543) vowed a life of chastity, obedience, and poverty, and after rigorous intellectual training and self-denial, lived by the principles ‘work and pray’ following the “Rule of Benedict.” This “Rule” became the foundation of thousands of monasteries that spread across what is modern day Europe; "...certainly there will be no demur in recognizing that St.Benedict's Rule has been one of the great facts in the history of western Europe, and that its influence and effects are with us to this day."[17]Spread Skills and Provided Education— Monasteries were self-supporting models of productivity and economic resourcefulness teaching their local communities animal husbandry, cheese making, wine making and various other skills. They were havens for the poor, hospitals, hospices for the dying, and schools. Medical practice was highly important in medieval monasteries, and they are best known for their contributions to medical tradition, but they also made some advances in other sciences such as astronomy. These monks had impact on every level of society both directly and indirectly since all leaders of this period were educated by monks.[18]Changed Social Structure — The monastic movement also changed our social structure in ways that continue to affect us today. The formation of these organized bodies of believers, free from the political authority and familial authority that normally had the power to control an individual’s choices, gradually carved out a series of social spaces with some amount of independence and autonomy, thereby revolutionizing social history.Charles Martel Stopped Islam — (c. 457-751 CE) and his family played a crucial role in Western Europe’s transition from “ancient” to “medieval.”[19]By 727, Charles — “the Hammer”—has become King of what will one day become the nation of France. Charles wages long campaigns against the pagan Germanic tribes who constantly raid his northern and eastern borders - Frisians, Saxons and Bavarians. He also lends strong support to the missionary activities of St. Boniface hoping that conversion to Christianity will tame the heathens enough to stop this raiding. It is not fully effective, but it sets the stage for his grandson’s actions that do change the landscape of Europe.The Hammer’s main positive role involves the Arabs who, since their arrival in 711, have gained a toehold on the European continent in the Spanish peninsula. The Arabs advanced rapidly northwards in their planned takeover of the continent and were soon beyond the Pyrenees. Narbonne was taken in 720 and an extended raid in 725 brought the Arabs briefly into Burgundy. There was a lull until 732 when a Muslim army took Bordeaux, destroyed a church near Poitiers and rode on towards Tours. Here the Arabs were confronted by an army of Franks led by Charles Martel and were stopped.It was a turning point in the attempted Muslim takeover of Europe.The Middle AgesSet of pictures of notable Scientists who self-identified as Christians: Isaac Newton (top left), Robert Boyle (top right), Francis Bacon (bottom left) and Johannes Kepler (bottom right).Science [20]Early in the eleventh century, the full writings of Aristotle were reclaimed in the West by intrepid monks who traveled to Spain to work with the Jews there translating Aristotle’s writings into Latin. (These writings had been mostly lost in the West but not in the East, and when the Muslims came to Europe, they brought their books.) The church’s study of these texts laid the foundation for the beginnings of modern science as well as our modern university system.Historians of science, including J.L.Heilbron, A.C.Crombie, David Lindberg, Edward Grant, Thomas Goldstein, and Ted Davis, have argued that the church promoted learning and science during the Middle Ages. Critics will raise the Church's condemnations of Copernicus, Galileo, and Johannes Kepler as evidence to the contrary— which is a valid criticism—but it should also be considered that these same men all considered themselves Christian, were influenced by their faith in their work, and were originally sponsored by their respective churches.The sheer number of scientists and the amount of scientific work and discovery done by Christians, (many of them funded and supported by the church), supports the assertion that, taking its failures into consideration, the church’s overall impact on science has still been positive.Saint Thomas Aquinas was one of the great scholars of the Medieval period.Thomas Aquinas—the friar—opened the door for the church’s promotion of scientific and intellectual development by arguing that reason is in harmony with faith, and that reason can contribute to a deeper understanding of revelation.[21] The church put that into practice. Churchmen such as the Augustinian abbot Gregor Mendel (pioneer in the study of genetics), the monk William of Ockham who developed Ockham’s Razor, Roger Bacon, (a Franciscan friar who was one of the early advocates of the scientific method), and the modern Belgian priest George Lemaître who was the first to propose the Big Bang theory, and others, have been among the leaders in astronomy, genetics, geomagnetism, meteorology, seismology, and solar physics, with many becoming the "fathers" of these sciences.Christians who influenced Western science include such notables as Isaac Newton and Robert Boyle, Albertus Magnus, Robert Grosseteste, Nicholas Steno, Francesco Grimaldi, Giambattista Riccioli, Roger Boscovich and Athanasius Kircher.[22]Henri Becquerel, discovered radioactivity; Galvani, Volta, Ampere, and Marconi, are pioneers in electricity and telecommunications; Lavoisier is the "father of modern chemistry"; Vesalius is the founder of the modern study of human anatomy; and Cauchy, is one of the mathematicians who laid the rigorous foundations of modern calculus.According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), (which is a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000), 65.4% of all Nobel Prize Laureates have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (423 prizes). Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards.[23]It is not too much to say that modern science may never have begun without the influence and support of the Christian church, and it most certainly would not be what it is today without it.[24]Universities - The church of the middle ages helped found and build the university system, which grew rapidly in Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries. Today, there are more universities in the West than any other part of the world and almost all of them were founded as Christian institutions.[25]Map of mediaeval universities established by Catholic students, faculty, monarchs, or priestsArts and Humanities [26]Painting, Sculpture and Architecture — Artists like Michaelangelo, Da Vinci and Raphael produced some of the most celebrated works of art in history sponsored and supported by the church.[In the West] with a single exception, the great artists of the time were all sincere, conforming Christians. Guercino spent much of his mornings in prayer; Bernini frequently went into retreats and practised the Spiritual Exercizes of St.Ignatius; Rubens attended Mass every morning before beginning work. The exception was Caravaggio, who was like the hero of a modern play, except that he happened to paint very well. This conformism was not based on fear, but on the perfectly simple belief that the faith which had inspired the great saints of the preceding generations was something by which a man should regulate his life.The cathedrals of the Late Middle Ages are among the most iconic feats of architecture ever produced by Western civilization.Music — Catholic monks developed the first forms of modern Western musical notation; there would be no modern music as we know it without this.An enormous body of religious music has been composed for the church, with its support, and this sacred music led directly to the emergence and development of European classical music, and its many derivatives.Ludwig van Beethoven, composed many Masses and religious works, including his Ninth Symphony Ode to Joy.Law and Human Rights [27]Church laws were the single Universal Law common to the different jurisdictions and peoples throughout Europe for much of European history.Human Value[28]If we turn to the roots of our western tradition, we find that in Greek and Roman times not all human life was regarded as inviolable and worthy of protection. Slaves and 'barbarians' did not have a full right to life and human sacrifices and gladiatorial combat were acceptable... Spartan Law required that deformed infants be put to death; for Plato, infanticide is one of the regular institutions of the ideal State; Aristotle regards abortion as a desirable option; and the Stoic philosopher Seneca writes unapologetically: "Unnatural progeny we destroy; we drown even children who at birth are weakly and abnormal.” And whilst there were deviations from these views..., it is probably correct to say that such practices...were less proscribed in ancient times. Most historians of western morals agree that the rise of ...Christianity contributed greatly to the general feeling that human life is valuable and worthy of respect.[29]Human Rights — Christian theology has strongly influenced Western philosophers and political activists in many ways, but nowhere more than in the area of human rights. Howard Tumber says, "human rights is not a universal doctrine, but is the descendent of one particular religion (Christianity)."" cannot and need not deny that Human Rights are of Western Origin. It cannot be denied, because they are morally based on the Judeo-Christian tradition and Graeco-Roman philosophy; they were codified in the West over many centuries, they have secured an established position in the national declarations of western democracies, and they have been enshrined in the constitutions of those democracies." [30]Saint Peter Claver worked for the alleviation of the suffering of African slaves brought to South America.Slavery — The Church initially accepted slavery as part of the social structure of society, campaigning primarily for humane treatment of slaves but also admonishing slaves to behave appropriately towards their masters.[31] However, historian Glenn Sunshine says,Christians were the first people in history to oppose slavery systematically. Early Christians purchased slaves in the markets simply to set them free.Later, in the seventh century, the Franks..., under the influence of its Christian queen, Bathilde, became the first kingdom in history to begin the process of outlawing slavery....In the 1200's, Thomas Aquinas declared slavery a sin.When the African slave trade began in the 1400's, it was condemned numerous times by the papacy.[32]The British became involved in the slave trade in the late 1500s, and by the 1700s, most people accepted slavery as a fact of life, until gradually, from the mid-1700s onwards, a Christian abolitionist movement began to take shape. It began with American Quakers.Slavery was also coming under attack from Enlightenment philosophers like Montesquieu and Rousseau, but it was Christian activists who initiated and organised an abolitionist movement.By the 1770s, Evangelicals were waking up to the seriousness of the issue – the British Methodist John Wesley and the American Presbyterian Benjamin Rush denounced the slave trade in influential pamphlets. Once the British Abolition Committee was established in 1787, abolitionism quickly became a mass movement. Within twenty years, the slave trade had been abolished throughout the British Empire. [33][34]Christianity was instrumental in stopping slavery. If you don’t think it was Christianity that made the difference, read this: John Dewar Gleissner's answer to What are some mind-blowing facts about slavery?Consistent with Calvin's political ideas, Protestants helped create both the English and the American democracies.Christianity is criticized for many things, some of them justly. David Gushee says Christianity has a "tragically mixed legacy" when it comes to the application of its own ethics, using the examples of three cases of "Christendom divided against itself": the crusades, and Frances of Assissi’s attempt at peacemaking with Muslims; Spanish conquerors and the killing of indigenous peoples, and the Christian protests and fights for Native rights; and the on-again, off-again, persecution and protection of Jews. [85]But we have also gotten a few things right here and there.I have borrowed from the article Role of Christianity in civilization - Wikipedia but I did attempt to limit myself to those sections of the article I wrote myself. Here are some of my references:Footnotes[1] From Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity (Revealing Antiquity): Kyle Harper: 9780674072770: Books[2] A Short History of Christianity: Geoffrey Blainey: 9781442225893: Books[3] Sexual Morality in Ancient Rome (9780521859431): Rebecca Langlands: Books[4] The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism: Timothy Keller: 9780525950493: Books[5] Early Christian Women and Pagan Opinion[6] Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia (Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages) (9780415969444): Margaret C. Schaus: Books[7] CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Abbess[8] Get the facts in order: A history of women's leadership[9] Society, Spirituality, and the Sacred: A Social Scientific Introduction, Second Edition: Donald S. Swenson: 9780802096807: Books[10] Christian Charity in the Ancient Church - Kindle edition by Gerhard Uhlhorn. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @[11] A Short History of Medical Ethics: 9780195134551: Medicine & Health Science Books @[12] Nuns, a ‘Dying Breed,’ Fade From Leadership Roles at Catholic Hospitals[13] Giving: Charity and Philanthropy in History: Robert H. Bremner: 9781560008842: Books[14] A History of Orthodox, Islamic, and Western Christian Political Values: Dennis J. Dunn: 9783319325668: Books[15] How the Irish Saved Civilization (Hinges of History Book 1) eBook: Thomas Cahill: Kindle Store[16] 9783319325668: Books[17] Benedictine Monachism[18] Christian Community in History: Volume 1: Historical Ecclesiology: Roger D. Haight: 9780826416308: Books[19] Charles Martel : the Military Leader and Frankish Defender: History and Civilization Collection: 9782366593624: Books[20] 100 Scientists Who Shaped World History[21] St. Thomas Aquinas and the Natural Law Tradition: Contemporary Perspectives: John Goyette, Mark S. Latkovic, Richard S. Myers: 9780813213781: Books[22] Faithful to Science[23] 100 Years of Nobel Prizes: Baruch Aba Shalev: 9780935047370: Books[24] 50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in God[25] A History of the University in Europe: Volume 1, Universities in the Middle Ages (9780521361057): Hilde de Ridder-Symoens: Books[26] The Western Humanities: The Complete Edition: Roy T. Matthews, F. Dewitt Platt: 9780874847857: Books[27] The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought (Routledge Religion Companions) (9780415442251): D. Jeffrey Bingham: Books[28] The Sacredness of Human Life: Why an Ancient Biblical Vision Is Key to the World's Future: David P. Gushee: 9780802844200: Books[29] Text, Cases and Materials on Medical Law and Ethics: Marc Stauch, Kay Wheat: 9781138024021: Books[30] The Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights[31] The Truth About the Catholic Church and Slavery[32] Why You Think the Way You Do[33] The abolition of the slave trade: Christian conscience and political action by John Coffey - Jubilee Centre[34] The Abolitionists

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The person to be interviewed may be having higher qualifications; however, he may not be having the requisite potentials or caliber in handling the job offered namely; better communication ability, leadership quality, emotional strength and efficient interpersonal relationship. Banking demands people who are willing to work hard by mingling with customers freely and friendly apart from maintaining a cordial; social and friendly relationship with the colleagues and superiors.Phases of the interview:The interview is conducted in four phases namely;·the first phase during the course of which questions are asked about the individual and his specialization in any area;·the second phase wherein questions are asked about the bank for which the interview is conducted;·the third phase wherein questions are asked about general banking, economy, finance and latest developments and·the fourth phase is the final round for the interview.The interview committee:The interview committee consists of three to five imminent personalities who are well versed in banking matters and normally the services of executives or retired executives of various commercial banks are utilized for the purpose of conducting the interview. The following system is adopted by the committee members during the course of interview process:·While one member poses questions to the candidate, the remaining members observe the body language of the individual as to how he reacts to the questions and especially in respect of difficult questions;·They also review as to how the candidate comes forward in presenting his answers in a crisp manner thereby providing the relevant points expected by the committee members at the shortest possible time.·Basing upon the answering ability, communication ability, level of confidence, willingness to accept challenges etc., the committee members select the individuals by awarding better gradation.·When the candidate is found to be inattentive on account of low level of self confidence or some other factors, the committee members pose provoking questions so that the candidate is emotionally provoked and aroused to come forward with appropriate answers.The interview process:The interview process consists of the following stages:·Attendance marking by the candidate at the reception committee and filling up the relevant format thereby furnishing his details;·Verification of the certificates namely; qualification certificates, experience certificates, certificates relating to extracurricular activities etc., by the reception committee/team members;·Candidate waiting at the reception hall for his turn;·Once called, candidate entering into the interview room duly seeking permission of the team members;·Candidate thanking the interview members for permitting him/her inside the cabin;·Candidate sitting on the seat once offered by one/more members in the interview committee;·Candidate thanking the person who had offered the seat;·Candidate shaking his hands with the members, if offered;·Candidate eagerly awaiting for the questions from the members;·Candidate mentally preparing himself to attend the interview with full concentration maintaining regular eye contact with the committee members;·Candidate answering the questions posed by the members enthusiastically, till the entire process is treated as completed;·Candidate collecting all certificates and documents once the interview is treated as completed;·Candidate thanking the committee members and·Candidate politely raising from the chair, walking towards the entrance, opening the cabin door and gently closing the door behind him;·Candidate meeting other candidates awaiting at the reception hall cheerfully.Dress code:·Dress code is most important aspect and a person is judged by the dress he wears. Dress makes half man.·For men: Please wear a neat full length trouser and one full length shirt – preferably white or light shaded; Usage of “T” shirts greatly dampens the image of the candidate and the purpose of using any ‘T” shirt is to have better comfort during the course of walking, relaxing, jogging, running, partying and relaxing. As such “T” shirts are not considered to be a fit wear during professional meetings including interviews. Do not wear highly dark colored and checked dresses. The candidate has to wear a good quality shoes neatly polished. If possible he can wear a “tie” and this is purely optional and certain organizations pay more attention to the personality of an individual which gets improved by way of better dressing.·For girls: Under any circumstances girls should not wear provoking dresses namely; “T” shirts, jeans pants, trousers, half gowns and shirts with messages and blouses with low cuts. A neat chudithar is considered to be the best option and wearing of sarees improves the image of the individual.A.Questions during the first phase:·Initially the candidates are invited to tell about their personal life and interests, their family members, their ambitions, their qualifications, their achievements in studies, sports, music and any other extracurricular activities;·The second question is about the place to which the candidate belongs. In case the candidate belongs to Chennai, he will be asked to tell about Chennai and the importance of the place. Necessarily the candidate should have a thorough knowledge about the place from which he is hailing;·The interviewers will pose “ice breaking questions” in order to shift the focus of the candidate. This is for the purpose of finding out the reaction of the candidate during such “focus change”. (Banks demand people who are able to face any challenges);·During the first two to three minutes, more than 80 percent of the questions will be on the personal details and basic information about the candidate. It has to be remembered that – “The first impression is the best impression” and accordingly the candidate has to behave politely, calmly, courageously and confidently.Sample questions during the first phase:·01. My dear friend, now tell us about yourself: The candidate has to inform in a crisp manner about himself, his family, his qualifications, achievements if any etc. Unnecessary details should be avoided altogether and the candidates at no cost should provide information to the committee members with an intention to derive sympathy from the committee members. Such an attitude will prompt the members either to reject or award poor marks.·02. I see – you are from Chennai – please tell me about Chennai: Since the candidate belongs to Chennai, he is invited to tell about Chennai and he should have pre-hand information about Chennai and should come forward to tell about important places in Chennai namely; Marina beach, High Court, Kabaleeswarar Temple, Metro train facilities, Santhome church, International airport, Asia’s biggest bus station at Koyembedu and many more.·03. I find that you had studied in Presidency college. What was the reason for your preference of this college?. How was your life in the college? The candidate has to tell about the college; the achievements of the college in academic scenario as well as in sports and in other areas;·04. I find that you had studied “EEE” - why you had chosen the course? The candidate has to tell about the purpose and the potential available for the students who had opted to pursue EEE course.·05. You are in Chennai for a long period. What is your opinion about Chennai?·06. You are having “EEE” in engineering and why you are willing to get employed in banks? (Your reply should be – In fact by working in a bank, I can develop my relationship with public in a better manner; improve my knowledge and provide better service to as many people as possible since the banks are purely service oriented organisations. I find that I can have more career prospects in future by getting employed in the banks)·07. What are your strengths and weaknesses? – Your answer should be: I am always willing to work hard under all circumstances and since I have a good communication ability, I hope that I can surely develop friendship with my colleagues, clients and others in a fast manner so that I can contribute better to the society.·08. You are a highly qualified person having one MBA degree apart from a degree in Engineering. What is the guarantee that you will be in the bank without shifting your attention to some other employment potential after some time?: Your reply should not be: On account of unemployment problem, I am joining the bank; Your reply should be – even though I have better qualifications, I wish to work in the banking industry because I can have better opportunities to serve for the welfare of the society by working in the bank than any other organisations.Responsibilities of the candidates appearing for the interview:The candidate should do a home work and he should always depend upon his positive straits namely; his strength, achievements and abilities and necessarily he should believe in himself that he can accept and do the job in a better manner and he should altogether avoid any negative reply or angry reply under any circumstances; even when provoked or tempted by the interview board members and the candidate should remain calm and wear a broad smile during the entire interview process.A smile has the power to keep the individual in better spirits at all times.The following question may provoke the candidate –·Dear friend, considering your personality, I find that you look like a film actor. How do you feel yourself ?(You had not at all expected this question and you are tempted to provide an apt reply to them: Your reply should be– In fact I am fond of wearing a neat dress and I take care of my health by doing physical exercises regularly apart from eating moderate food and getting into the bed at the appropriate time. I always believe in the following proverb – “Health is wealth”. An individual may not be in a position to discharge his duties properly without adequate health. The habit of eating quality food, regular exercise and better dressing are the factors which are responsible for my personality.B.Second phase of the interview process:During this phase, questions will be asked about the bank for which the candidate is appearing for the interview and the following are some sample questions in case the candidate is appearing for a post in Punjab National Bank:·Do you know – where is the head office of Punjab National Bank?·Who is the present chairman of the bank?·How many branches are there in Punjab National Bank as on date?·Can you tell me about the total business of the bank?·Can you tell me about some deposit schemes available in the bank?·What do you know about the logo of Punjab National Bank?·What is the punchline of Punjab National Bank?·What is the position of Punjab National Bank among the commercial banks in the country as on date?(It is the responsibility of the candidate to collect the necessary information about the bank for which he is appearing for the interview by visiting the website of the bank and referring other material sources in order to get the required information about the bank namely; the headquarters, number of branches, total business, profit position, important schemes, tie up with another banks, achievements of the bank, if any; the present position and ranking of the bank in terms of business, profitability, non performing assets, productivity of the employee etc., In case the candidate is appearing for a group of banks, he should have information in general about all the banks in the group)C.Third phase of the interview:During this phase, questions will be asked on general banking practices as mentioned below:The following are the questions regarding the banks in general:·Have you visited any bank branch? What was your experience?·What is the business of any bank?·What are the essential/primary functions of any bank?·What are the secondary functions of any bank?·Who can open a savings bank account?·What do you know by KYC guidelines?·Why banks insist customers in adhering to KYC guidelines?·What is the difference between Current deposit account and Savings deposit account?·What do you mean by CASA account?·Who normally opens a current account?·What do you know by a fixed deposit account?·Can a company open a savings account?·Can the director of a company open a savings account?·Who is the controlling authority for the banks in India?·What is a foreign bank?·What is meant by a public sector bank?·Which is the largest private sector bank in the country?·Which is the largest bank in the country?·You are working as an officer in savings department. The customer complains about the irritating behavior of the clerk who is working under your supervision. What will you do in this situation?·Your manager delegates some work and you are failing in doing the work within the allotted time and your manager is not happy with your performance. How will you convince your manager?·Today there is some news about annual credit policy. What do you know by that?·What do you know by reverse repo rate?·What is called as inflation?·What is rupee convertibility?·What do you know by gross domestic product?·What do you know by ASBA?·What do you know by Sensex?·What do you know by a convertible debenture?·What is an initial public offer?·What do you know by facebook – whether it is good or bad for any individual and what is your opinion?·What are the advantages and disadvantages of Whatsapp?·What is your opinion about currency demonetization and how far the process helps in improving the economy of the country?(The above questions are illustrative and not exhaustive and the candidate should know fairly well about many banking as well as general aspects)D.The fourth phase of the interview:Like the initial phase or first phase, this fourth phase is also important wherein tricky questions will be asked as mentioned below:·You are hailing from Coimbatore. In case you are posted to Chennai whether you will be willing to work at Chennai?. (Your answer: If I am posted at Coimbatore, I shall try my level best to bring more business to the bank since I know the place and people well and I can take care of family members who are dependent on me. Even otherwise, I shall discharge my duties to the best when I am posted at Chennai)·Suddenly on account of computer crash, you have to sit late – whether you will be willing to sit late and finish the job or leave early without informing your superiors? (Definitely I will never mind in sitting late and I shall always cooperate with my superiors in finishing the day to day functions of the branch. I am one among the team members and I have the responsibility to cooperate with other members during critical situations)·What information are you willing to tell about yourself? (If I am selected, I shall work hard and I shall discharge my duties to the entire satisfaction of my superiors. I shall always do the best from my side for the growth of my organization.)Selected Interview QuestiomsCandidate: 00101.Why you are willing to join in a bank?I am willing to join in a bank since I hope that I may be having more opportunities to serve the public. Banks have better career opportunities by means of periodical promotions to higher cadre.02.What do you mean by appraisal of gold loans?Gold loans are granted against the security of gold jewellery namely gold chains, necklaces etc., The jewellery apart from gold contains certain amount of copper and stones. Appraiser is a person well versed in the art of appraising the jewellery and on appraisal of the jewellery, he will be finding out the approximate gold content so that the bank may be able to provide loans against the gold content.03.What are the different kinds of term deposits available in a commercial bank?The different kinds of term deposits available in a commercial bank are – fixed deposit, recurring deposit and reinvestment deposit. In the case of fixed deposit, a fixed amount is accepted for a definite period and interest is paid on quarterly basis. In the case of reinvestment deposit which is similar to fixed deposit, interest is paid on maturity since interest is reinvested. In the case of recurring deposit, monthly instalments are accepted for a fixed period.04.What is the minimum period for which a fixed deposit is accepted and the maximum period for which a fixed deposit is accepted?The minimum period for which fixed deposit is accepted is seven days and the maximum period is ten years.05.Whether a fixed deposit can be accepted for a period more than ten years?In the case of deposits in the names of minors on account of settlement of claims, the deposit can be for more than ten years06.What do you mean by FERA?FERA means foreign exchange regulations act and it came into effect from the year 1973. An act to regulate certain payments dealing in foreign exchange, securities, the import & export of currency and acquisition of immovable property by foreigners. Under Section 31 (1) of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act ( FERA) of 1973, it is mandatory for foreign corporations, which are not incorporated in India to obtain permission from the Reserve Bank Of India (RBI) to acquire, hold, transfer or dispose off in any manner (expect by way of lease for a period not exceeding five years) any immovable property in India.07.What do you mean by ECS?ECS means electronic clearing service and the customer can authorize on periodical basis to make payment of certain utility bills like electricity charges, water charges etc., by debiting his account till such time he submits a revocation letter. Similarly, he can authorize corporate to credit the dividends on shares and interest on debentures as and when due to the credit of his account with the bank.08.What is the minimum amount that can be sent through RTGS?The minimum amount that can be sent through RTGS is Rupees two lakhs and there is no maximum limit09.What is the maximum amount that can be remitted through NEFT?There is no or maximum limit for remittances sent through NEFT10.What is the maximum amount that can be sent abroad by any resident individual?Under liberalized remittance scheme, all resident individuals including minors are allowed to freely remit an amount upto US dollars 250000 (or its equivalent freely convertible foreign currency) per financial year11..What is the name of apex bank which is responsible for the development of agriculture in the country?NABARD is the apex bank which is responsible for the development of agriculture in the country.12.What are the different kinds of schemes available in our country aiming towards poverty alleviation?National old age pension scheme; Jawahar Gramin Samruddi Yojana; National Family Benefit scheme; Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme; National Maternal Benefit Schemel Annapurna etc.,13.What do you mean by crossing of any cheque?Writing of two parallel transverse lines drawn on the face of the cheque on top left hand corner with or without any words between the lines is known as crossing and it is for the purpose of making payment of the cheque through an account in the name of the payee or holder.14.What are the different kinds of crossing?Two parallel transverse lines drawn on the face of the cheque on top left hand corner of the cheque with any words or without any words is known as general crossing and the the payment can be made to the account of the payee or holder with any bank. In case the name of any bank is mentioned within the two parallel lines, it is known as special crossing and in this case, the payment should be made to the account of the payee or holder with the bank mentioned in the crossing only and not to any other bank.15.What do you mean by CASA?CASA means current and savings and this is applicable to computerized branches linked under core banking solution16.Whose signature is available in Rs. 100/- currency note?The signature of RBI governor is available in Rs. 100 currency note17.What do you know by dividend?Dividend is the return available in the form of money for the investments made by the shareholders in the equity shares and preference shares of any company.18.Bank holidays are declared according to which act?Holidays for banks are declared according to Negotiable Instruments act 1881 by the respective state governments in their states. However, all Sundays, all second and fourth Saturdays have been declared as holidays apart from the holidays permitted for religious and national ceremonies.19.Banks are functioning according to which act?Commercial banks in the country are functioning according to Banking Regulation act 1949 and to some extent as per Reserve Bank of India act 193420.RBI is functioning in the country as per which act?Reserve Bank of India is functioning according to Reserve Bank of India act 1934.Candidate: 00201.What do you mean by a guarantee?Guarantee is an undertaking executed by one person called as guarantor in favour of another person called as beneficiary expressing his intention to make payment in the event of failure of the principal debtor on payment of a debt or failure to perform any contract within the stipulated time or according to the terms of the contract.02.What are the different types of guarantees?The different types of guarantees are financial guarantee, performance guarantee and deferred payment guarantee03.What do you mean by letter of credit?Letter of credit is an undertaking executed by one banker on behalf of its customer to honour bills and documents drawn by another person as per the terms and conditions as mentioned in the letter of credit04.What do you know by packing credit advance?It is the preshipment advance granted by one bank to the exporter for the purpose of procuring raw materials; payment of various duties like customs duty, excise duty; packing charges; shipment charges etc.,05.What do you mean by special crossing?In case the name of any bank is mentioned within the two parallel lines, it is known as special crossing and in this case, the payment should be made to the account of the payee or holder with the bank mentioned in the crossing only and not to any other bank.06.What do you know by IFSC code ?IFSC means Indian Financial System Code and this is one alphanumeric code consisting of eleven digits of which the four alphabetic digits represent the name of the bank mentioned in abridged form and the next zero is known as control number and the last six numeric digits represent the branch code of the bank.07.Which is called as mother of deposits?Savings deposit is known as mother of deposits. Normally the first time customers will be advised to open savings deposits with the bank branch before availing any other facility with the bank08.Who is a called as natural guardian?Bother mother and father are known as natural guardian for the purpose of opening accounts in the name of minors represented by the guardian.09.Whether grandfathers and grandmothers can be natural guardians?Grand fathers, grandmothers grand grandfathers or grand grandmothers cannot represent as natural guardians on be behalf of the minors10.Which type of credit facility is available to a farmer for raising crops?For raising crops, the farmers are provided with crop loans, Kisan Credit Cards etc.,11.What do you mean by NULM?National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) was launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MHUPA), Government of India in 24th September, 2013 by replacing the existing Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY).The NULM will focus on organizing urban poor in their strong grassroots level institutions, creating opportunities for skill development leading to market-based employment and helping them to set up self-employment venture by ensuring easy access to credit. The Mission is aimed at providing shelter equipped with essential services to the urban homeless in a phased manner. In addition, the Mission would also address livelihood concerns of the urban street vendors12.What do you mean by Gram Sadak Yojana?The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana called as PMGSY was launched by the Government of India for the purpose of providing connectivity to unconnected habitations as part of a poverty reduction strategy. Government of India is endeavouring to set high and uniform technical and management standards and facilitating policy development and planning at state level in order to ensure sustainable management of the rural roads network.13.What are the salient features of MGNREGA?MGNREGA is known as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee act and according to this employment is guaranteed at least one person per household in rural areas. It aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people living in rural areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage employment during each financial year to a rural household whose adult members volunteers to undertake unskilled manual work14.Which authority is supervising the functions of insurance companies?IRDA – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority is the authority responsible for supervising the functions of insurance companies in our country15.What is meant by IPO?IPO means initial public offer and this is the first time public offer of equity shares, preference shares or debentures to the public for subscription16.What is meant by ASBA?ASBA means applications supported by blocked amount. Nowadays investors are permitted to remit the amount through ASBA demand drafts drawn in ASBA accounts for the purpose of subscribing shares or debentures through initial public offer and further public offer. When the demand draft is issued, instead of debiting the amount in the account, the amount is blocked till such time the shares or debentures are allotted. On allotment, the entire amount is debited; in the case of partial allotment, the amount is debited equivalent to the value of allotment and in the case of non allotment, the entire amount is allowed for further use. For the intervening period, the depositor earns interest as applicable to the category of deposits.17.What is meant by Performance guarantee issued by any commercial bank?In the case of contracts in favour of governments, the contractors are in a position to provide a bank guarantee by a reputed commercial bank, thereby undertaking to guarantee the government department to compensate the loss on account of failure of performance of the contract by the contractor within the due date or failure to perform the contract as per the terms and conditions of the contract. This is known as performance guarantee.18.What do you mean by packing credit facility issued by any commercial bank?Packing guarantee is known as preshipment advance provided by the commercial bank to the exporter for the purpose of procuring raw materials, packing materials or making payment towards customers duty, excise duty, transportation charges etc.,19.What do you mean by notice money?Notice money is money borrowed for a period of two days and more and upto fourteen days in the call money market.20.Treasury bills are issued by which authority and what are the different kinds of treasury bills available in the country?Treasury bills are issued by central government and state governments for the purpose of mobilizing funds from the public and others towards meeting the cost of various projects. There are three kinds of treasury bills as at present namely – 91 days, 182 days and 364 days. 91 days treasury bills are issued each Friday and the notified amount is Rupees one hundred crores. 182 day treasury bills are issued during alternative Wednesdays which is non reporting week and the notified amount is Rupees 100 crores and 364 days treasury bills are issued on alterntive Wednesdays which is a reporting week and the notified amount is Rupees 500 crores.Candidate: 00301.What do you know by PIN number?PIN number is four digit number expressed in numerical characters. PIN number is used for the transactions done using debit cards and credit cards through automated teller machines and point of sale terminals.02.What do you know by PAN number?PAN number is known as permanent account number. This is used for the purpose of remittance of income tax with income tax department. Tax payers should get one PAN number by sending an application along with relevant documents and by payment of specified sum of money to Income tax department or their agencies. It is ten digit number consisting and alphapetical and numerical characters.03.What are the functions of DICGC?DICGC means Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation and this corporation provides deposit insurance upto an amount of Rupees one lakh per depositor per bank in the event of insolvency of the bank and it also provides small loans guarantee upto certain limits04.What is the role played by ECGC?ECGC provides guarantee support to the exporters of the country in the form of several export guarantees05.Mention the Regional Rural Banks which are functioning in Tamilnadu?The Regional rural banks which are functioning in Tamilnadu are Pandiyan Grama Bank and Pallavan Gramin Bank. Pandiyan Grama Bank has been sponsored by Indian Overseas Bank and pallavan Gramin Bank has been sponsored by Indian bank.06.What do you mean by Mergers and what are the different kinds of mergers?When two independent units merge together to form a single unit, it is known as merger. The mergers can be vertical merger, horizontal merger, reverse merger, consolidation, amalgamation etc.,07.What do you mean by horizontal merger and reverse merger?When the business functions of two units are identical in nature and when the merger takes place between those units, it is known as horizontal merger. New Bank of India merged with Punjab National Bank and both are banking organizations. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited was instrumental in establishing ICICI bank as per LPG norms and subsequently Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Limited merged with ICICI Bank and when a parent unit gets merged with an ancillary unit, it is known as reverse merger.08.Which are the top two private sector banks in our country?The top private sector banks in our country are HDFC bank limited and ICICI bank limited09.Whether housing loan is a priority sector advance and if so, upto what amount?Housing loans granted are treated as priority sector advances subject to certain conditions. Loans to individuals up to Rupees 28 lakh in metropolitan centres (with population of ten lakh and above) and loans up to Rupees 20 lakh in other centres for purchase/construction of a dwelling unit per family, are eligible to be considered as priority sector provided the overall cost of the dwelling unit in the metropolitan centre and at other centres does not exceed Rupees 35 lakh and Rupees 25 lakh, respectively. Housing loans to banks’ own employees are not eligible for classification under priority sector.10.Whether educational loan is a priority sector advance?Loans to individuals for educational purposes including vocational courses upto Rupees 10 lakh irrespective of the sanctioned amount are eligible for classification under priority sector.11.What do you mean by micro, small and medium enterprises?The classification is based on original investment in plant and machinery: For micro enterprises, upto Rs. 25 lakhs for manufacturing units and Rupees 10 lakhs for service units; For small enterprises, for manufacturing units above Rupees 25 lakhs and upto Rs. 5 crores and for service units above Rupees 10 lakhs and upto Rupees 2 crores; For medium enterprises, for manufacturing units above Rupees 5 crores and upto 10 crores and for service units above Rupees 2 crores and upto Rupees five crores12.What do you mean by KYC and name any two important documents which are obtained as per KYC?KYC means know your customer guidelines and these guidelines were prescribed by RBI for new customers who are willing to open accounts with commercial banks and according to KYC, any new customer who is willing to open accounts with commercial banks should submit the photocopy of anyone of the following namely; driving licence, voter id card, AADHAARA card, passport as address proof and photocopy of anyone of the following namely; driving licence, voter id card, AADHAAR card, passport, pancard as identity proof. KYC is antimony laundering device.13.What is the present repo rate and reverse repo rate?The present repo rate is 6.25% and reverse repo rate is 5.75%14.In the case of MICR code, the middle three digits represent what?MICR code consists of nine numerical digits and the middle three numerical digits represent bank name15.PAN number consists of how many alpha characters?PAN number consists of ten digits. The first three alpha characters are random alphapetical characters between AAA to ZZZ; next one alpha character represents the category of the cardholder; the next one alpha character represents the first character of the name of the cardholder; the next four numerical digits are auto generated sequential numbers and the last one single alpha character is a check digit.16.What do you know by biometric automated teller machines?In the case of automated teller machines, the four digit numerical PIN number is used for performing transactions using debit card and credit card. In the case of biometric automated teller machines, instead of PIN numbers, anyone of the following body parts is used – left hand thumb impression; eye retina and voice recognition. In India, the left hand thumb impression is the accepted mode and these kinds of automated teller machines are known as green label automated teller machines.17.What is the criteria by which a bank is considered as largest bank?For the purpose of ranking, a bank is considered to be largest or smallest taking into consideration the business position of the bank; namely – the total deposits and total advances as at the end of March each year.18.What do you mean by commercial paper?Commercial papers are issued by well rated organizations for mobilizing funds from the public and other corporate. They are issued at a discount and they are freely negotiable by endorsement and delivery. The minimum maturity period is seven days and the corporate should have earned credit rating equivalent to P2 issued by CRISIL19.What do you mean by FCNR?FCNR means foreign currency non resident accounts. Non resident Indians and Persons of Indian origin are eligible to invest in this deposit. It is a term deposit accepted in the currencies – US dollar, Sterling Pound, Euro, Japanese Yen, Canadian dollar and Australian dollar. The minimum period of deposit is one year and the maximum period is five years and the deposit is held in foreign currencies and the interest earned is free from income tax.20.What do you mean by Escheat?He is a person who dies without leaving any legal heirs and in this case, his estate will revert to the state government.Candidate: 00401.What do you mean by money laundering?Using the banking channel for the purpose of bringing illegal money is known as money laundering.02.What do you mean by subprime lending?Mass lending by commercial banks to the borrowers without ascertaining the credit worthiness of the borrowers03.What is meant by LPG and who is responsible for introduction of LPG strategy in our country?LPG means liberalization, privatization and globalization and this was coined by Dr. Manmohan Singh, the then finance minister of our country. The salient highlights of the Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation Policy in India are: Foreign Technology Agreements; Foreign Investment; MRTP Act, 1969 (Amended); Industrial Licensing; Deregulation Beginning of privatization; Opportunities for overseas trade; Steps to regulate inflation; Tax reforms; Abolition of License -Permit Raj04.What do you mean by PURA?PURA means providing urban amenities in rural areas. This concept was coined by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the then president of India.05.What do you know by current ratio?It is one equation between current assets and current liabilities. This ratio provides the liquidity position of the organization. When the ratio is more than one it is known as positive current ratio and the unit is having sufficient working capital and when it is less than one, the unit is found to have more current liabilities than current assets and the liquidity position is found to be very weak.06.What do you know about negotiable instruments act?In India, the negotiable instruments act was passed during 1881 which came into force with effect from March 01, 1882. Negotiable instruments means and include promissory note, bills of exchange and cheque payable to order or bearer. Promissory note, bill of exchange, cheque and demand draft are negotiable instruments.07.What do you know by MICR?MICR means magnetic ink character recognition. MICR code is available in MICR bank at the bottom of the cheque or demand draft. It consists of nine numerical digits of which the first three digits represent the centre/city; the middle three digits represent the bank and the last three digits represent the branch of the bank.08.When it comes to rural lending, which are all considered to be priority sector advances?When it comes to rural lending, the loans granted to the following are considered to be priority sector advances – Loans granted to all agriculture related activities; self help group; Differential rate of interest; Loans to SC/ST beneficiaries; Loans provided to doctors for setting up clinics in rural areas; Loans to dealers in fertilizers and pesticides; loans to dealers of springler irrigation and drip irrigation equipments etc.,09.Who is called as an authorized dealer?Authorised dealer is at present known as authorized person. Authorised person is an individual or organization permitted to deal in foreign exchange business in the country.10.What do you know by financial inclusion?Financial inclusion means the following: Providing formal banking services to poor people in urban and rural areas; Promoting the habit of money savings, insurance, pension-investment among poor people; Helping the people in getting loans at reasonable rates from commercial banks so that they do not become victims to local moneylenders11.What are the important initiatives taken through financial inclusion in the country?The following are the important initiatives taken through financial inclusion in our country: Lead banking scheme; No frill accounts; Basic savings bank deposit accounts; JANDHAN accounts; business correspondent and business facilitator facilities; Swabhiman campaign;12.What do you mean by MCLR?MCLR replaces the base rate system. RBI introduced the system with effect from 01.04.2016 in order to determine the base rate by commercial to improve the efficiency of monetary policy transmission. All rupee loans sanctioned and credit limits renewed with effect from 01.04.2016 to be priced with reference to MCLR and it will be an internal benchmark for the banks. It consists of marginal cost of funds, negative carry on account of CRR, operating costs and tenor premium. The marginal cost of funds consists of two components namely; marginal cost of borrowings and return on networth13.What are the major money market instruments?Certificate of deposits; Commercial paper; Inter Bank participation certificates; iner bank term money; Treasury bills; Bills rediscounting and call/notice money14.What are the differences between NEFT and RTGS?Both are two categories of online remittance facilities through CBS enabled branches of commercial banks. The minimum balance that can be sent through RTGS is Rupees two lakhs whereas in the case of NEFT, there is no such limit. The beneficiary gets his funds at real time and it means instantaneously without any loss of time. In the case of the beneficiary gets his funds in between batches15.Who is deciding the rate of interest for savings deposit accounts?Rate of interest for savings deposits is decided by respective commercial banks only and RBI has permitted full freedom in this connection.16.Who cannot open savings deposit accounts?Proprietorship concerns, partnership firms, limited liability partnership firms, private limited companies and public limited companies are not permitted to open savings accounts17.What is meant by memorandum of association?Memorandum of association is the parent document for any company whether it is a private limited company or private limited company. It contains the details of formation of the company, policies, objectives, registered office and more.18.What is known as power of attorney?Power of attorney is an authorization given by one person called as principal in favour of another person called as an agent authorizing the agent to perform certain activities on behalf of the principal and it can be specific power of attorney or particular power of attorney.19.In which currencies FCNR accounts can be opened in our country?FCNR account can be opened in the following currencies namely; US dollars, Sterling Pounds; Euro; Japanese Yen; Australian dollars and Canadian dollars.20.What are the differences between NRE and FCNR?NRE and FCNR accounts are opened by non resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin in India. NRE accounts are to be opened in rupees whereas FCNR is opened in foreign currencies. NRE accounts can be opened in the form of savings account, current account, reinvestment deposit and fixed deposit whereas, FCNR account is permitted to be opened as fixed deposit or reinvestment deposit. NRE term deposits can be opened for a minimum period of seven days and maximum period of ten years. FCNR accounts can be opened for a minimum period of one year and maximum period of five years.Candidate: 00501.What do you mean by masala bonds?Masala bonds are the bonds issued for rupee denominated borrowings by Indian companies in overseas markets02.What do you mean by secondary market in our country?Secondary market pertains to capital market and it is also known as stock exchange or old issues market. Shares, debentures and bonds can be bought and sold from the stock exchange through registered brokers.03.What do you mean by fund based limits and non fund based limits?The loans provided to the borrowers in the form of term loans, overdrafts, cash credits and bills discounting limits are known as fund based limits since funds are released to the borrowers. Guarantees and letter of credits are non fund based limits since no funds are provided for the time being since they are contingent liabilities.04.What do you mean by off balance sheet items?Guarantees, letter of credits and bills sent for collection for which proceeds are yet to be realized are known as off balance sheet items05.What do you mean by closed ended scheme?This is one form of mutual fund scheme. Like initial public offer, the scheme is open for a certain period only and after which the public cannot invest their amount in the units under this scheme.06.What do you mean by open ended scheme?This is one mutual fund scheme and the units under scheme can be purchased and sold at any time07.What do you mean by overdraft facility granted by a bank?Overdraft is a facility granted by the banks towards meeting the working capital requirements of a borrower. This is provided by means of credit limit over and above the current account balance and the borrower has to pay the interest as and when due.08.What do you mean by collateral security?Collateral security is an additional security provided by the borrower in addition to the primary security. For example, in the case of vehicle loan, the car purchased out of loan is known as the prime security and the insurance policy obtained by the bank from the borrower for the sanction of this loan is known as collateral security.09.In regard to educating a customer, what are the different kinds of information boards displayed in a bank branch?The following boards are available in the bank branches – Working hours and business hours; Interest rates on various deposits; Interest rates for loans; Service charges; Time norms for various services; Details of schemes available in the branch10.Who is the present RBI Governor?The present governor of RBI is Shri Urjit Patel and he is functioning as the governor of RBI since 04th September, 201611.What do you mean by unclaimed deposits?The deposits which are not in operation for more than ten years are known as unclaimed deposits. For the purpose of this classification, the customer induced transactions are only taken into account.12.How many regional centres are available for RBI in the country?Reserve Bank of India has four regional centres at the following places – Chennai, Kolkatta, New Delhi and Mumbai.13.What do you mean by white label automated teller machines?The automated teller machines which are maintained and managed by non bank entities are known as white label automated teller machines. In our country TATA Indicash and Muthoot finance are having such machines installed at various centres.14.What are the advantages of CTS?CTS means cheque truncation scheme. This is used for clearing purpose. Normally commercial banks used to send the physical cheques through their15.What do you mean by certificate of deposits?Certificate of deposits are issued by scheduled commercial banks (except Regional Rural Banks) and all financial institutions within their umbrella limits. Individuals, corporate, companies, trusts, funds and associations can invest in certificate of deposits and they are issued for a minimum period of seven days and maximum period of twelve months in the case of commercial banks and in the case of financial institutions the minimum period is one year and maximum three years, Minimum amount for investment is Rupees one lakh and in multiples of Rupees one lakh.16.RBI is called by which names – mention four names?RBI is called by the following names – banker to banker; lender of the last resort; custodian of banks; banker to government;17.What do you mean by ways and means advances?Ways and means advances were introduced as per an agreement between Reserve Bank of India and Government and they are temporary overdraft facilities provided by RBI to central government and state governments and the purpose is to bridge the time interval of mismatch the government expenditure and receipts. The duration of the limit is ten days for central government and 14 days for state government departments.18.Who is banking ombudsman and by whom he is appointed?Banking Ombudsman is an arbitrary authority who resolves the complaints received from the customers of commercial banks in regard to bank related issues.19.What do you mean by EEFC account?Exchange Earner’s Foreign Currency account is an account maintained in an account maintained in foreign currency with an authorized dealer ; i/e/ a bank dealing in foreign exchange. Professionals, exporters, trainers etc., who are in receipt of foreign exchange for the services extended by them in foreign countries can invest the amount in EEFC account and the account will be in the form of current account and no interest is paid for the balance held in EEFC account.20.What do you know by NBFC?NBFC means non banking finance companies. It is a company registered under Indian Companies act 1956 and presently 2013 engaged in the business of providing loans and advances, acquisition of shares/stocks/bonds/debentures/securities issued by Government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire purchase, insurance business, chit fund business etc.,Candidate: 00601.What do you mean by arbitrage?It is the process of purchase of one security from one market and selling the same security for earning a profit at the same time at another market.02.What do you mean by Bonus shares?It is the free allotment of shares in certain proportion to the existing shares held by the shareholders of a company and this is a means of providing reward to the investors for their contribution to the growth of the organization by capital investment03.What do you mean by Bull?It is a term given to a speculator on stock exchange who buys the securities in expectation of a rise in the prices. The market is called as bullish when there is a domination of buyers over the sellers04.What is known as dematerialization?Dematerialisation is the process by which shares in the physical form are cancelled and they are issued in electronic form. The certificates are known as demat shares. This process eliminates the time and manpower involved in transfer and registration of shares from the seller to the buyer05.What do you mean by moorat trading?It is the auspicious trading on a special day, say Diwali during some specified hours.06.What do you mean by rights issue?It is the issue of new shares to the existing shareholders in a fixed ratio to those already held at a price which is generally below the market price of the old shares.07.What do you mean by futures?It is a standard contract issued on an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain price at a certain time in future. It is an obligation on the buyer to purchase the underlying instrument and the seller to sell it.08.What do you mean by forward?The forward is a contract that is traded off the stock exchange and it is self regulatory and has certain flexibility unlike future which are traded at stock exchange only and it do not have flexibility of quantity and quality of commodity to be delivered and these are regulated by Securities Exchange Board of India, Reserve Bank of India or other agencies.09.What do you mean by factoring?Factoring is an arrangement in which short term domestic receivables on sale of goods or services are sold to a company called as factor and this scheme came into existence during 1991 based on the report of Kalyanasundaram Committee10.What do you mean by forfeiting?Forfaiting represents the purchase of obligations, which fall due at some future date and arise from the delivery of goods in export transactions, without recourse to the previous holder of the obligations.11.What do you mean by leasing?A lease is a contract where the owner of the assets transfers the right to another person to use the assets against the payment of fixed lease rentals. In the case of one lease contract, there are two parties namely – the lessor or the owner and the lessee or user. The lessor remains owner and the leased property remains with the possession of the lessee.12.What do you mean by debt market?It is a market wherein the debt instruments are issued to the public by any company for investment and such debt instrument bears a fixed interest rate payable half yearly on specific dates and principal amount repayable on particular date on redemption. Debentures are normally secured/charged against the asset of the company in favour of debenture holder. The following are some debt instruments – debenture; bond; zero coupon bond; convertible bond; security receipts etc.,13.What do you mean by greenshoe option?It is an option provided by Securities and Exchange Board of India to a company which is coming out with one initial public offer to the public. By this option, the company can retain certain portion of the applications received through IPO in case of oversubscription.14.What do you mean by equity market?Equity market consists of investment by the public in different kinds of shares issued by the company and by subscribing for the shares, the investors are expressing their willingness to stand as owners of the company. The equity market consists of equity shares, preference shares, rights shares, bonus shares etc.,15.What do you mean by sweat equity?Directors and employees contribute intellectual property rights to the company in the form of providing technical know-how captured by way of research or contributed by way of strategy software developed for the company or adding profit and economic value. To compensate the directors and employees, the concept of sweat equity has come into existence.16.What do you mean by participatory notes?A participatory note is a financial derivative instrument issued against an underlying security and it allows the holder, to get dividend or capital gains earned from the underlying security although some of the holders may not be eligible to trade in stock markets in India.17.What do you mean by book building?Book building is the process to assess the demand for a particular public issue of various prices, based on which the issue is priced and sold to the investors.18.What do you mean by sensex?It is a stock market index provided by Bombay Stock Exchange for the information of the investors. The positive or negative variation in the index provides an insight for investment or dis-investment to the general public and especially the investors in the stock market. It is based on the market capitalization of top thirty shares earmarked by BSE19.What do you mean by Nifty?It is a stock market index provided by National Stock Exchange for the information of the investors. The positive or negative variation in the index provides an insight for the investment or dis-investment to the general public and especially the investors who are participating in stock market trading. It is based on the market capitalization of top fifty shares earmarked by NSE20.What do you mean by swap?A swap is a contract that binds two counterparties to exchange the different streams of payments over the specified period at specified rate.

What will I need to successfully run away?

If you want to Successfully run away, then go to this website. It has all of the details to this Question.How to Run Away From HomeRunning away is a major decision. You may need some time to think about whether you want to "run" or not. There are many reasons why young people would want to run away from home–some of them good, and some of them not so good. Remember to think of need to successfully run away bad things that can happen. Probably need to successfully run away most important thing for young people to understand is that running away is a lot harder, and a lot less glamorous, than you may think. There are cold, sleepless nights; there is danger and hunger; there is a general sense of being lost and not knowing where you need to go. That being said, there may be legitimate reasons for wanting to run away. Read this article to help you weigh need to successfully run away consequences, and get a head start if you end up deciding that's need to successfully run away right call for you.Part 1Weighing need to successfully run away Pros and ConsStop and think about your actions. Why do you want to run away? Is there a really good reason to run away, or are you just bored or tired with your situation? There's a difference between running away for a good reason (you're in physical danger) and running away for a bad reason (you just got in a small fight with your parents). Don't make a hasty decision in need to successfully run away heat of anger; you might regret it later.Think about all need to successfully run away people you might be affecting by running away. Humans are social. We bond together out of need and necessity, but also because we gain satisfaction from being close to one another. Try to think about need to successfully run away people who will be seriously affected by your decision. You owe it to them. You may not know it, but they think about you all need to successfully run away time.Think about your parents. Though it may not always seem like it, your parents love you deeply. They see themselves in you, and they want a better future for you than they want for themselves. Fights and disagreements happen with parents; their love for you never changes.Think about need to successfully run away rest of your family. Your brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers—all of them have a relationship that's deeper than just a friendship. It's very possible that your family will feel hurt and responsible for you running away, even if they had nothing to do with it.Think about your friends. Your friends are need to successfully run away lifeblood of your social circle. They laugh with you, they make you feel better when you're down, they sometimes even think of you like a brother or sister. Running away probably means leaving them behind.Think of other mentor figures. Maybe it's a teacher; maybe it's a friend of your mother's. Many of us have mentors who look after us. They want to see us succeed and be safe. Your decision will undoubtedly have an effect on them.Understand that in many cases, running away from home is illegal. Although most states won't punish minors (someone under need to successfully run away age of 18) for running away from home, several states consider it illegal. In Georgia, Idaho, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming, running away from home is a status offense, meaning that it's against need to successfully run away law if you are under 18.However, if your parents or guardians have tried to hurt you, you should get away and this is perfectly legal - but you have to do it in need to successfully run away right way. Tell a teacher or other trusted adult or call need to successfully run away police. Make sure you have a place to stay for a night or two before you do this, so you don't have to go anywhere weird.You may worry that foster care will be worse than being with your parents, even if they hurt you, but it is better to risk it. You may even be able to stay with another family member or friend if you work this out in advance.Even if you do run away in a state that doesn't have laws against it, you could still find yourself in court. Over 30 states consider children who chronically run away from their homes "Child in Need of Supervision” or CHINS, a process which is designed to help children lead better lives. Still, minors who are in need to successfully run away CHINS process may face fines, suspended privileges, and mandatory drug screenings.Talk to someone about your plans to run away. Consider callingAddress need to successfully run away motivation for wanting to run away, if possible. There are many reasons why a child would want to run away. Addressing need to successfully run away reason why could help you solve need to successfully run away problem before it gets so bad that you feel forced to run away. Here are some statistics:47% of runaway youth described having a significant problem with one or both of their parents. Is there another adult who might give you advice about how to work need to successfully run away problem out with your parents? If not, consider calling Child Protective Services.[1] [2]More than 50% of runaway youth in shelters said that their parents told them to leave or knew they were leaving but didn't care. If your parents ask you to leave or tell you they don't care about you leaving, call or visit Child Protective Services.[3] It's not betraying your parents to want to find someone who cares about you. You deserve that.80% of runaway and homeless girls reported physical and sexual abuse. If you are need to successfully run away victim of physical or sexual abuse, find an adult who you can confide in (it may be your parents, it may not be) and visit need to successfully run away police to file a report.6Write a list of all need to successfully run away pros and cons of running away. Often, putting your thoughts down on paper has a soothing effect, making things more clear in need to successfully run away process. Here are some possible pros and cons of running away.The pros:Possible freedom from neglect, abuse (verbal, physical, or sexual), and/or harassment.Opportunities to travel, see new places, and meet new people.Increased freedom and need to successfully run away possibility of maturity and personal growth, no matter how hard it gets.Development of self-reliance, a sense of being able to do things by, and entirely for, yourself.The cons:Increased likelihood of spending nights outdoors, on need to successfully run away streets, under bridges or overhangs, or even on top of roofs.Increased likelihood of depression, isolation, and powerlessness (32% of runaway youth have attempted suicide at some point in their lives.)Increased likelihood of violence, drugs, disease, and prostitution on need to successfully run away streets.Increased likelihood of death or serious injury.Feeling like you have no one to talk to, like no one cares, or like need to successfully run away things you do don't make a difference.Give your emotions one week to cool off before making any big decisions. Often, we let our emotions make decisions for us when we think we're being rational. This can be a good thing, but sometimes it's bad because we trick ourselves into thinking that we're being rational. To let your emotions cool off and really give yourself time to think about your possible life-changing decision, wait a week before doing anything. Reach out to people you can trust and perhaps talk it over with them. After a week, your rational brain will probably have had time to make a decision. This is different for each case, and so you should weigh need to successfully run away consequences for running away if your parents were to find you. Some parents get mad at you, instead of trying to help youStarting OffPlan ahead. Think of what you will do if any part of your plan goes wrong, and make up excuses for everything. Here are some things that you always need to consider:What will you do if you get sick?What will you do if you are caught?What will you eat?How will you maintain good hygiene?How will you stay off need to successfully run away streets and out of harm's way?How will you earn enough money to survive?Try to find a safe place to stay with someone you can trust. If you have someone who's helping you run away and can stay with them at least for a little while, you're pretty much set. However, if that's not a possibility, where will you take shelter?Pack up a bag with some essentials. Travel light; bring only need to successfully run away bare essentials. Now is not need to successfully run away time to set a record for pounds carried. Bring food, money, extra changes of clothing, a jacket or coat in case it gets cold, clothes with pockets, a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and anything else you will need. If you don't want to be recognized, take with you only need to successfully run away clothes you wear least often. Some other things that might be useful are maps, an umbrella, a utility knife, a combination lock, a face mask, and a blanket.Don't bring your phone or any electronic devices. Even if you turn your location off, there are easy ways for people to track you. You can buy a very cheap phone with cash if you really need one.Try to bring some of your allowance but don't take enough to get you noticed. Maybe $10 for a bus or other transportation, and $50 just in case. If you plan to steal need to successfully run away money, find a place where you can get it fast without being spotted by your parents.If you have a credit card, take it, as it's much harder to steal and use, and you can cancel it at any time. Be prepared for your parents to possibly cancel it, however, when they find out that you've run away. Don't use it as your only source of money. Also, using a credit/debit card can give away your hiding place. The bank can track down your card, and see what stores and shops to which you've been. You need to be aware of these things and store your money wisely.Wait until you have need to successfully run away right opportunity to make a run for it. Make sure you have plenty of time to get away before anyone notices you're gone. Try making your move as soon as you get to school in need to successfully run away morning, or as soon as everyone in your home leaves and you know they won't be coming back for a long time. When you do book it, make it snappy. The last thing you want is for anyone in need to successfully run away neighborhood to notice you leaving.Find a method of transportation. You will likely want to have a quick and easy way of getting around. The city bus is your best bet, or a long-distance traveling bus if you're leaving need to successfully run away town/city.Part3Planning Long-Term Strategies for SurvivalMake up a story. You'll have to accept that at some point, someone is going to want to know where you came from, or what you are doing. You're probably going to need to do some thinking about this. Think of something reasonable and realistic, but don't say you ran away.Keep it simple. You'll want to remember it everywhere you go because word gets out quite fast in this world about anything, so you should probably keep your story need to successfully run away same all throughout your life as a runaway, just to avoid arousing suspicion. Avoid inconsistencies by thinking out need to successfully run away details ahead of time.If you are really serious about running away permanently, change your name. Have fun with it, but don't choose anything too wacky that you wouldn't name your kid it. Think about it, something common would probably be best because it'll be harder to remember, and your main aim is not to become well-known. But, don't use a name that's only become well-known or used very recently. Try to pick out a name from need to successfully run away year you were born.Live near large grocery stores or candy stores. These places will usually have food samples open to need to successfully run away public which you can snack on, though make sure you take a cart with you and try to look like you have a purpose; don't hang around. Also, you can use need to successfully run away public bathrooms to wash yourself and do your business.It's not glamorous, but you can always go dumpster-diving at need to successfully run away back of large grocery stores. You'll be seriously surprised about what people throw away. The more you dumpster-dive, need to successfully run away more your system will get used to food that's past its prime. In need to successfully run away beginning, it might be quite uncomfortable, but it should get better.3Find shelter if you haven't. If you don't have a place to stay, you'll have to find shelter elsewhere. Try finding a reasonably safe spot under a bridge, in an alcove, in an abandoned building somewhere, or perhaps in a public building that stays open 24/7. If these don't work out, try looking for need to successfully run away nearest homeless shelter, and check their availability.If you just need a place to stay in order to pass need to successfully run away time, public libraries, popular stores, churches, college buildings, airports, and train stations are all possible options. These places are safe, while generally having enough people about to make it easy for you to go unnoticed.In need to successfully run away winter months, you may want to try to find a building with an elevator if you are in a downtown area. Try climbing need to successfully run away stairs next to an elevator shaft all need to successfully run away way to need to successfully run away top. You may find a room that is nice and warm, that not too many people go into.Stay away from need to successfully run away woods or need to successfully run away desert. These places are generally very rural, and make it easier for other people to victimize you. As romantic as it may seem, it's really hard to make a living off of need to successfully run away land nowadays, especially if you know nothing about plant and animal species. Try to find places with other people around; they're usually safer.4You'll probably begin to need money at some point, so learn how to panhandle. Panhandling is asking other people for money. There's not much pride in it, and many people will flat-out ignore you, but with need to successfully run away right strategies, you could be quite successful, and maybe even get enough to save some money.Choose need to successfully run away right location. Find a busy place where people walk, such as outside a mall area, a convenience store, or a place where people come out with change. Ask patrons for money after they come out of need to successfully run away store, not before. Alternatively, ask drivers for money on a busy intersection. Make sure you're on need to successfully run away side where need to successfully run away driver's seat is.Smile, and ask people for change politely and softly. You won't get very much money if you look mean, frustrated, or unhappy. When someone does give you money, thank them with a smile and a friendly remark.5Don't use need to successfully run away foreign accent ploy. Some people find faking a foreign accent tempting, but this is typically a bad idea. A foreign accent draws attention to yourself. People will want to know more about you and your culture, when you should really be trying to be as invisible as possible. Moreover, faking an accent is extremely difficult; it doesn't matter how good you think your foreign accent is, it matters how much everyone else does.Maintain yourself. This part is by far need to successfully run away hardest, particularly maintaining a healthy diet and good hygiene. Hospitals are known to keep exceptionally clean restrooms, and offer good privacy. Here are some other tips that you can use to keep your hygiene high even if your spirits are low:Use bathrooms in big grocery stores. There's not much privacy, but there's very little foot traffic. (Think about it: how often do you use need to successfully run away restroom in a grocery store?) You'll probably be able to give yourself a nice little hand-bath here and use some of need to successfully run away free soap provided.Use generic sex-lube for shaving and straightening out hair. It sounds weird, but it works. Put a dab of lube on your skin and work it in gently with a bit of water. Shave up, being careful to wash need to successfully run away razor out immediately. If you need to straighten or tame your hair in need to successfully run away morning, a little bit works wonders, and it doesn't look noticeable afterwards.Shower at public-swimming pools, as well as colleges and universities. If you pretend to be a student, colleges often won't ask you to show your ID. This won't work all need to successfully run away time, but it's worth need to successfully run away try, especially if you trick a regular into believing you belong there.Decide what happens when you run out of food. Come up with a plan, and if you run out of suitable options, consider returning home, or if you're really true about running away, try to start a new life. Get a job, some shelter (no matter how bad, all you need is protection from need to successfully run away weather), and some friends in your new city or town.8Control any desperation productively. When you're down on your luck and you have nowhere else to turn, you can begin to feel pretty desperate. Try to control that emotion instead of letting it push you to do rash things. Get some good food into your stomach, even if it means spending every penny you have. Take a deep breath, even if it feels like wasting time. Think back to a time when you felt powerful and resourceful, ready to take on need to successfully run away world. Control your desperation by controlling your attitude. There is no problem that can't be tackled by a little bit of imagination and pluck.Part4Protecting Yourself from HarmAvoid hitchhiking. Keep in mind, if you do decide to hitchhike, that there are drivers that will do some bad things to you. They could abandon you or even hurt you. However, on need to successfully run away flip-side, there are also really nice people out there who would gladly take you with them. It's all about reading need to successfully run away driver and making a decision.Try to hitch rides with a nice lady, a family with several children, or a car with passengers. They will probably want to ask you where you are going, or what you are doing, so have a nice little lie handy. Do not tell them that you ran away from home, and say as little to them as possible.If a sketchy or scary looking person offers to give you a ride, ask them where they're going first. When they answer, tell them you're going to a different place, preferably far away. If they say that they can take you there, politely refuse and cut off communication after that. Wait for them to drive off.Protect yourself. If you are in a big city with many people, know that there are likely people who could pose a threat to you. Bring something with which you can defend yourself, such as pepper spray, cleaning chemicals, or perfume because perfume contains chemicals that can cause blindness. Being aware of dangers and avoiding them is usually better than having to confront them, however.Walk away from people who pose a threat to you. Stand upright and tall, and keep your composure, but don't argue or aggravate them. Try to get to a public, well-lit area where there are a lot of people. There's usually strength in numbers.Don't get pulled into prostitution. Don't let anyone do anything to you that you are uncomfortable with. If you get desperate enough that you feel you need to resort to this, seek help. Local charities and churches will help you without asking too many questions.Prostitution is a common outcome of running away. Actually, a study showed that one in four of runaways, both boys and girls, were victims of trafficking or used sex to get things like food and shelter.[5]Because of need to successfully run away high chance of prostitution and also because of need to successfully run away poor sanitation conditions, runaways are significantly more likely to get HIV/AIDS. Be very careful.4Avoid drugs and alcohol. Homeless youth are significantly more likely to fall into drug and/or alcohol use. This can lead to diseases like HIV/AIDS or even death from overdose. This is just aside from need to successfully run away other side effects of drug and/or alcohol use. Be careful and do not use drugs, no matter how bad you feel.Try to avoid getting arrested. Homeless people are much more likely to be arrested, usually for being a nuisance, loitering, or trespassing. You want to avoid having to spend a lot of time in jail, so be careful where you go and how you look and act.6Be careful around need to successfully run away other homeless people. Many people are homeless because they just hit some hard times and these people can be perfectly wonderful. But there are also a lot of homeless people that are very desperate, intoxicated, or mentally unstable. Especially in need to successfully run away US, where mental health care is notoriously inadequate, many mentally ill people end up on need to successfully run away streets. These people can be dangerous and may attack you for no reason. Try to avoid being around other homeless people to keep yourself safe.Do not bring your cell phone with you, as it can be used to trace your location. If you need to make a call to someone, borrow a phone or use a payphone. If you need to purchase something, try to pay with cash.Exercise common sense. By running away, you can face need to successfully run away risk of getting caught, mugged, raped, kidnapped, or murdered. It is something you might regret for need to successfully run away rest of your life.Be prepared for when you run out of food and money, because there will be a time when that happens.Be careful if you hide out at another person's home because your hosts can be charged with harboring a runaway.Be ready to cut off any romantic relationships. Don't think you can keep your boyfriend/girlfriend if you run away from home.Leaving behind family that loves you is need to successfully run away hardest part, so be sure that you are (if you insist on running away) in fact doing so for need to successfully run away right reason and not just because you want attention.Do not run away unless it is essential. Try seeing if you can stay at a friends house first. It is extremely dangerous to be alone on need to successfully run away streets, so please use this as a last resort.If you are punished and don't think it's fair, just think about what you did and how many times you did it. Also, remember need to successfully run away good times you've had with your family. You may forgive them and not run away at all.Know that running away from home can cause more grief to your parents and siblings than you can ever imagine.Remember that, regardless of how successful you are in running away, you will likely end up returning home eventually.How to Run Away IntelligentlyRunning away from home, while it sounds liberating and glamorous, is not fun. You'll be sleeping on need to successfully run away street, scrounging for food, and life certainly won't be easy. That being said, sometimes a home situation is so bad that running away still looks like need to successfully run away better option. If you've thought it through and still want to run away, but run away successfully, it's time to start getting ready.Save up some cash. Ideally, you'll have at least $5,000 with you. That may sound like a lot, but $5,000 can seem to disappear in no time at all. The last thing you want is to realize need to successfully run away morning after your escape that you can't afford breakfast. If you get in a tight spot (which you likely will), you'll be glad you have need to successfully run away money.This is, of course, if you don't have a job and a place to stay lined up. If you're one of need to successfully run away lucky few who have a pre-approved destination in mind, you may be able to get by being a little more strapped for cash.Practice living like a runaway. Before you actually run away, you should practice living like you've done so – especially if you want to run away intelligently. This, by and large, means two things:Find ways to scavenge for food. Whether it's seeing what a few days off need to successfully run away dollar menu feels like or dumpster diving, practice. It's more than a good idea to see what you're in for, food and drink wise. Aside from those two ideas, we'll talk about what else you can do in need to successfully run away next section.Practice sleeping in uncomfortable places. When you're on need to successfully run away run, you'll be sleeping on benches, behind bushes, curled in corners – you name it. You won't be sleeping in your 1000-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets anymore that your body is used to. Sleeping in hard, uncomfortable places is only difficult if you're not used to. Get used to it beforehand and it's one less thing you have to worry about.If applicable, find somewhere to land. Sometimes runaways just go. That's need to successfully run away beauty of it. However, just going can be particularly stressful. It's better to go if you have a safe destination you know you can, at least, hunker down in for a while until you get your own two feet on need to successfully run away ground. If you had to go somewhere else right now, where would it be?Youth shelters are a good place to start. They're not a good place to stay forever, but they can give you that time to get your situation figured out.A friend or extended family member can be good, too, but do know that puts them in a tough place when it comes to your parents. They are legally bound to say they know where you are if your parents have filed a report on your disappearance. However, you may be able to get away with a few days, no questions asked (and food on need to successfully run away table).Pack your bag well. A good, waterproof backpack should be what you're working with (you never know if you'll get caught in need to successfully run away snow or rain). Inside should be a warm sleeping bag, a flashlight (spare batteries), a water bottle with a filter, storable food, a compass, layered clothing, a knife to defend yourself with, and your light valuable possessions. If you have room, it can also be nice to have a pillow with you. Everything else will just have to go.Remember that you're taking this wherever you go, like a backpacker. It'll be annoying as much as it'll be useful. Also, remember that what you carry around determines your look. Do you look like a backpacker, tourist, or shifty runaway?Leave a note. Though it may seem counterintuitive, be sure to hide a note informing need to successfully run away authorities of your intent to run away so they do not believe it to be a kidnapping (or worse case, murder). The authorities are going to investigate a kidnapping more thoroughly than a runaway case.Do not be afraid to hide this note fairly well; need to successfully run away authorities will find it during their search no matter how well it is hidden and discovery by your guardian would likely lead to immediate notification of authorities.Leave when need to successfully run away weather is good. If it's need to successfully run away dead of winter and nights reach below zero, you're as bright as Napoleon was attacking Russia in January. To give yourself a better shot, wait until need to successfully run away weather gets nicer. You'll be spending a large amount of time outside – day and night – so it's best to have mother nature on your side.Sleeping inside sometimes lets us forget just how cold it gets at nights. Bring long underwear and warm clothing with you, even if you're not sure you'll need it. It's better to be safe than sorry, and warmth is a necessity.Get on a bus or train. Once you're out of need to successfully run away house (whether it's after school or while need to successfully run away parents are asleep), get to need to successfully run away nearest bus or train station. Take a look at need to successfully run away schedule, and get one whichever one comes next. Hop on, and you're out of there. Now here's a few things to keep in mind:If you decide to travel across country borders, try to do so within need to successfully run away first 12 hours of departure. Your passport photo will be easily recognizable by border control after your parent has had you declared an official missing person.You are less likely to be recognized if you are not nearby your home. Although this may sound slightly crazy, it's actually easier to run away to a foreign country, especially in Europe, because you will likely be mistaken for just another American tourist with a lot of luggage.Don't talk about your story to other passengers. They may not take pity on you (and instead take pity on your parents) and alert need to successfully run away police to your situation. If anyone asks, either come up with a story or tell them you'd just like to keep to yourself.Don't let yourself get caught electronically. Do not bring your cell phone, iPod, iPad or any other portable electronic devices with you. They can and will track you down using these devices. If you need a communication device to carry out your plans, bring enough money to buy a simple cell phone and some credit. It won't be fancy, but it'll be a number.Don't update your social media either. Saying, "I'm so tired of this crap. I'm going to run away!" is not a brilliant idea. What's more, never go on your old Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Youtube, Gmail or any other web based account again once you leave. They can easily track you using these sites.If necessary, change your appearance. If you know people are searching for you and you don't want to be found, you'll need to change what you look like to raise fewer eyebrows. The easiest thing to do will be to cut and dye your hair. Wherever you do this (though it will likely be a public bathroom), be sure to clean up after yourself. In need to successfully run away worst case scenario, police take your hair and get your DNA from it, getting closer to your whereabouts.It's also a good idea to gain weight, if possible (within reason, of course). Losing weight is to be expected – those looking for you will assume you're becoming thinner as need to successfully run away days go by because you're not eating.Never try to contact friends after leaving unless you are 100% sure they will not inform need to successfully run away authorities. The fact of need to successfully run away matter is that you're going to get lonely. You're going to be tempted to call people from your past, but if you want them to stay part of your past, you can't. Only if you are absolutely, positively confident they will not inform need to successfully run away authorities should you even think about it.And even then, exercise caution. They may tell someone who will tell someone who will tell need to successfully run away authorities. The gossip chain is usually pretty hard to pin down, and it's always flowing from ear to ear somewhere.Surviving as a RunawayFind somewhere to sleep. If you don't have a bed to sleep in (which will be need to successfully run away case most nights), need to successfully run away best spots to sleep are in need to successfully run away bushes, at need to successfully run away park, or in need to successfully run away woods or large, empty fields. In short, being out of need to successfully run away city is best. However, if you're stuck there, go somewhere that's open 24 hours a day, like a train or bus station.[2]If you are in a place surrounded by people, know that you have a higher chance of police or concerned pedestrians questioning you about your predicament. Always be prepared with a back-story.Make sure that wherever you are that's empty at night is still empty in need to successfully run away morning. That church parking lot on Saturday evening may seem safe and secure, but come Sunday morning you'll be regretting that assumption.Eat on need to successfully run away cheap. Food is expensive. Apart from eating cheaply at grocery stores by just buying loaves of bread, cheese, and peanut butter, you should also work eating for free into your repertoire. Here are some ideas:Dumpsters behind grocery stores and restaurants often throw out need to successfully run away food they can't sell. It's not necessarily old, they just can't sell it. Go at night after closing and you may be rewarded.Poke around at buffets. When a party gets up, you go in for need to successfully run away pounce. Uneaten food for need to successfully run away win.Ask. If you go to a restaurant, cafe, or hospital, they may take pity on you and give you some of need to successfully run away food they know they probably won't or can't sell. Just remember to put on your kindest smile when you do so.If possible get a job. If you're sixteen or older, you may be able to get a job and settle down in your new location. It's need to successfully run away best way to keep your cash flowing – and besides, you didn't want to go back home anyway, right? If you can give them a phone number, an address, and look showered, you may be in.If you're not sixteen or you admitting your identity is a problem, see if you can find day-to-day, cash-in-hand work. This will likely be manual labor but, at least, it's something. Answering flyers posted to community boards and checking sites like Craigslist are your best bets.Find cheap living quarters. Essentially, you have four options: living with a friend, living on need to successfully run away streets, living in a youth shelter, or squatting. They all have their advantages and disadvantages (namely, squatting is illegal). That being said, in time you'll need to find a place – if you can land a job and then find a cheap room to rent (rented by roommates, not a landlord), that's ideal. You don't want to live forever as a runaway.Whatever you do, do not steal any items from wherever you are staying. This makes you a wanted criminal, and you are now being hunted much more so than if you had just run away.Hitchhike. Maybe you've decided that wherever you are, you can't stay. That's okay. If you're out of cash, one of your options is to hitchhike. It's illegal in many places, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Here are need to successfully run away details:[3]Position yourself near a gas station near need to successfully run away entrance to a freeway or highway. You will then be able to approach need to successfully run away drivers that you think may give you a ride (young and old people are best; avoid those in suits and those that look crazy). If that's not an option, get near need to successfully run away on-ramp or a low-speed road – need to successfully run away drivers need time to see you and slow down.When someone does stop, act approachable, happy, and comfortable with your situation. And then survey them: do you want to ride with them? Trust your gut; if it says no, politely decline. If it says yes, get in, put your bag in need to successfully run away back, and keep your hands on your knees (to show that you're not a threat).Or jump trains. Don't want to hitchhike, eh? Then your next free-transport method of travel is jumping trains. It's not relaxing, but it can get you from point A to point B. Here's how to get started:[4]Go to your local train station and get a copy of need to successfully run away schedule. Find need to successfully run away train you want to take to your preferred destination. When it arrives, get on a middle car when an agent steps away from need to successfully run away door. Sit down as if you came from a prior stop, and keep an eye out for need to successfully run away agent. When you see him or her coming for your ticket, hop into need to successfully run away bathroom. If he or she actually knocks on need to successfully run away bathroom, be on need to successfully run away toilet and none too happy about being intruded upon. Your only other option is wandering about need to successfully run away entire time, never really sitting down.Prepare yourself against getting robbed. The world isn't a very friendly place, especially when your peers are need to successfully run away ones that live on need to successfully run away street, too. If you act afraid and make yourself a target, you may find yourself need to successfully run away victim of a petty crime and without all your cash and belongings. Keep these points in mind:[5]Act confident wherever you go. Being nervous invites those looking for prey to come up to you and take advantage of you. Carry a knife with you for self-defense (it's not pretty advice, but it's real).Use a secret compartment in your backpack, if possible. If they raid your stuff, they may skip over need to successfully run away lining of your bag – you can keep a small laptop or something flat in there to mirror need to successfully run away structure of need to successfully run away bag.There's such a thing as "adventure underwear," and it has pockets. Thieves will generally not check your underwear, so keeping a wad of cash in there is a pretty safe bet.If you are in a public area, walk into need to successfully run away nearest store. Chances are they won't follow.Know your legal situation. If you live in need to successfully run away states, it is illegal to run away from home under need to successfully run away age of 18 in Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. If you get caught or return home, you may be facing a penalty. In other countries, it varies by jurisdiction. And even if it is not illegal, you generally do not have rights if found and will be escorted home, even if it is against your will. It's important to go in with this knowledge so you know what you're in for.If you have run away several times, you may become a child of need to successfully run away state and be forced into need to successfully run away foster system, or otherwise away from your home when found. You are then deemed a "Child in Need of Supervision" and need to successfully run away courts will determine what to do with you. Because of situations like this, it's best to avoid need to successfully run away authorities at all costs.If you are in a foreign country that speaks a different language and you get confronted by need to successfully run away police, pretend not to speak English. It really helps to be bilingual in this situation, even if it is a language different than need to successfully run away native one of need to successfully run away country you're in to try to fool need to successfully run away police into thinking you are from a country other than your actual homeland.Call a runaway hotline. If worst comes to worst, you can always call a runaway hotline in your country. They can either set you up temporarily at a shelter or even pay for your ticket home (bus or train, usually). They also offer counsel and can be an understanding ear should you need one.In need to successfully run away US, that number is 1-800-RUNAWAY. In need to successfully run away UK, Childline offers similar services at 0800 1111. Covenant House, based in Los Angeles but operating in many countries in North America and Central America, offers shelter to youth, and their main number isTry to make new friends with your new name after leaving to erase any feelings of loneliness.You may want to alert your parents that you are still alive after you reach need to successfully run away age of 18, as you will still be an official missing person until you do so.If you are running away to a foreign country, make sure it is a safe one. If you are a 15-year-old girl, running away to Ciudad Juárez is not need to successfully run away smartest thing you could do. You should also try to make sure you speak need to successfully run away country's language.Make friends with as many people as possible if it is safe to do so. Always use your street smarts.Some sandwich shops throw out day old bread, even though it is safe to eat. If there is one near by and you are hungry, look for need to successfully run away dumpster they use. Only pick bread from need to successfully run away top, though.Don't start using drugs. Not only can they ruin your life, you'll be treated differently, and finding a place to stay will become harder.Try to run to need to successfully run away forest, most people won’t go looking for you there.Before you run away, be prepared for anything your parents or anybody looking for you may do to find you.If you runaway with a friend, which is probably safer in terms of self defense, it is importantly to always work together and be on need to successfully run away same page. This will help you to not get in trouble. You should also come up with a backstory in case anyone asks.Hang out somewhere where you won’t likely be searched for. If you are known to hate clothes shopping, for example, hang out at need to successfully run away mall.The day I ran away from home!No one likes deadlines, me neither. My mother had a deadline for everything—a time to reach home, days on which I should clean my room, need to successfully run away hour at which I should wake up (and god help me if I missed that), how long should a phone conversation last and what not. And she wanted to know everything—if need to successfully run away boy I met recently, is really my friend or a boyfriend? Am I attending my classes regularly or are under need to successfully run away influence of those ‘friends’ who bunked college frequently?For her, my tops were always too short or too tight. My decisions to have dinner or not are first approved by her. And she would only grant me need to successfully run away permission to skip meal after ensuring I am not an anorexic or overindulging on outside food. I needed space and she wouldn’t spare me an inch. Father was no better. He always agreed to what she said.I was 19 years old and high on hormones, and needed no further encouragement to arrive at a conclusion—I should run away and teach them a lesson. I have heard enough stories about people leaving home with just twenty rupees and building an empire. I had almost two thousand rupees that, I believed, was enough to build a nation. The plan was hatched and a bag, need to successfully run away same that I carried to college every day, was packed with clothes. The next morning, I left for college after bidding a hasty adieu to my parents. Strangely, I wasn’t feeling happy.I was running away from home but I didn’t know where I wanted to go. The new-found freedom was almost exhilarating. I reached need to successfully run away bus station without even figuring out a destination. After much deliberation, I dismissed need to successfully run away thought of going to Mumbai to become an actress or to Delhi and make a fortune there (no buses could travel from Guwahati to those destinations). I decided to go to my paternal village which was just 60 kms away from Guwahati. I didn’t have any experience of travelling in a local bus alone and need to successfully run away condition of need to successfully run away rickety vehicles almost made me change my mind. Finally, I got a ticket for my ride and gingerly climbed need to successfully run away bus. The two-hour journey (yes, two long hours for a mere 60 kms!) wasn’t easy. From sweaty armpits to crying babies, middle-aged man rubbing their bellies to betel nut chewing old women, I had all need to successfully run away misadventures. I just waited for need to successfully run away moment to get down from need to successfully run away bus. But buried in a sea of passengers, I didn’t even realise when my destination arrived. Only after need to successfully run away conductor started throwing me suspicious glances, I understood my mistake. I paid him a few extra rupees (a fine for travelling need to successfully run away unpaid kilometers) and got down on a strange land.This was just need to successfully run away beginning of my nightmare. I had no idea where I was and there was no body I could call for help because mobile phones were yet to be discovered. I looked for a face with kind eyes. Thankfully, a gentleman explained that need to successfully run away village I wanted to go was just three kilometers away and I could travel need to successfully run away distance in an autorickshaw. Finally, I found a ride and started my journey. After reaching my grandparents’ place, I faced need to successfully run away dilemma of whether to tell them need to successfully run away truth or not? They would definitely send me back if they got a whiff of what I have done. I decided against telling need to successfully run away truth and before my grandmother could ask anything else, I heard a familiar honking of an approaching car. My parents were here too.“What were you planning to do,” cried my mother as she got down from need to successfully run away car.I don’t know.” As I said these three words, I realised how wrong I was about my parents. As my father got down from need to successfully run away car I could see need to successfully run away few gray strands on his temple that went unnoticed so far, need to successfully run away dark circles under my mother’s eyes were a little darker than usual. They were growing old, and this sudden realisation broke me down.I no longer wanted to build an empire. I wanted a clean bed, a bucket of warm water for a bath and home-cooked dinner. That night I had it all and slept like a toddler beside my mother on a shared bed under my grandparent’s roof. Running away from home taught me need to successfully run away biggest lesson-you do not need to run away from home to build an empire; I discovered need to successfully run away empire of love under my grandparent's roof that day.I wish my parents had a son!Soul Curry invites you to share your real life soul-stirring experiences. If you have any such story to share, do send it to us at [email protected] and we will publish it for you!We were always a happy family. My mummy, daddy and their three daughters. My daddy never made us feel like he wanted a son. Instead he raised us with all need to successfully run away love and affection that he could and always believed in us more that we believed in ourselves. He provided us with need to successfully run away best of education that he could and made us self-reliant, always encouraging us to do our best. Even my mummy was never a stereotypical mother asking us to assist her in doing need to successfully run away household chores or advising us how to dress. Instead she always motivated us to study and focus on building a bright future.Fast forward to current situation. The three daughters are happily married and financially independent—all thanks to their upbringing.It was just a regular summer afternoon. Three of us were at our parents’ place during need to successfully run away summer vacation. My daddy came home for his lunch and being a diabetic and surviving on insulin injections, he had to be very particular about his meal timings. I saw daddy sitting on a chair in need to successfully run away living room and staring at need to successfully run away TV set endlessly. Someone switched off need to successfully run away TV but daddy still tried to operate need to successfully run away TV remote.“Daddy, need to successfully run away TV is switched off,” I reminded him but got no response from him. It was daddy’s lunch time and we tried to make him eat his meal but he choked on his food. He refused to open his mouth and was all cold and sweaty. Seeing this, tears started running down my cheeks. I started rubbing his back, my sisters and our mummy called my aunt, uncles and our cousins who stayed next door. All came rushing and my daddy was still sitting on need to successfully run away chair like a statue. After a few minutes, daddy regained consciousness and we heaved a sigh of relief. He ate something, took his medicines and went off to sleep. His sugar level had dropped and there was nothing else to worry about.But this entire chaos made me think that this might happen again and we three may not be there to feed our daddy, to rub his back, to take care of him or to just give him medicines. Mummy can't do all these alone, no one can. We three selfish girls will return to our respective husbands and take care of their parents, leaving our own parents all alone. Today was need to successfully run away only day in my life of 27 years that I wished I had a brother, to drop mummy to need to successfully run away market, to take daddy to his checkups, or just be there for my parents.What is need to successfully run away use of all need to successfully run away education and energy they spent on their daughters when they can't be there for their parents. I don't know whom to question. The patriarchal society where need to successfully run away daughters are supposed to get married, leave their own house and settle far enough to not be there for their own parents or God for not giving my parents a son.But maybe, God thought that three of us are enough to take care of them but need to successfully run away society that we live in has a different story to tell. My report card is based on how good I am as a daughter-in-law than I am as a daughter. We may worship God but we follow need to successfully run away rules set up by this amazing society. Why is only a daughter supposed to leave need to successfully run away house after marriage? Why isn’t it acceptable for parents to stay with their daughters? Why are married daughters treated as guests in need to successfully run away house they spent their childhood and adolescence?I am back to my husband's house but I have left my heart back home. Each time there is a call from my mother or my sisters, my heart beats faster than usual. The first question I ask them is if my father was okay. I so wish I could be there to witness that he is okay, that he is fine…I just wish.12 reasons why need to successfully run away #MonsterReloaded Samsung Galaxy M12 belongs in every millennial’s pocketWe can’t stop talking about need to successfully run away Samsung Galaxy M12 just yet! The smartphone has been need to successfully run away talk of need to successfully run away town need to successfully run away past few weeks after Samsung had challenged 12 celebrities to try and drain need to successfully run away #MonsterReloaded phone’s battery in a relay of sorts.In need to successfully run away runup to its glamorous launch on March 11th, stars like Sarah Jane, Angad Bedi, Sayani Gupta, to name a few, took up need to successfully run away challenge head-on. They hit need to successfully run away road one after need to successfully run away other with a firm resolve to help Team M12 win need to successfully run away race. On their failure to beat need to successfully run away #MonsterReloaded at its game, need to successfully run away baton was passed on to Varun Sood, Shriya Pilgaonkar, Sumeet Vyas et al in need to successfully run away next leg. The heat was on and these celebs were seen trying different fascinating strategies to drain need to successfully run away battery on this monster device. Each of them put need to successfully run away Samsung Galaxy M12 through a tough test , using its 48 MP True Resolution Camera, 8nm Exynos Processor, 90Hz Refresh Rate and 6000 mAh Battery relentlessly! They clicked several photos, ran multiple apps in need to successfully run away background, listened to music, used navigation, watched their favourite show while on need to successfully run away run but to no avail! Next up in need to successfully run away race - model Asim Riyaz, Sayan Bakshi, Aahana Kumra, Eesha Rabba - all of them too put their best foot forward, but it wasn’t good enough to take down need to successfully run away #MonsterReloaded M12!Amit Sadh finally pulled need to successfully run away curtains down, bowing down to need to successfully run away massive device that is Samsung Galaxy M12.If you still have your doubts about whether you should be getting your hands on this baby, here are 12 reasons why this phone belongs to every millennial out there! It has got:1. THE COOLEST PROCESSORMillennials don’t settle for anything other than THE BEST. So does Samsung Galaxy M12. It is YOUR phone because it comes with an 8nm Exynos 850 SoC. Primary research will tell you that this processor has ONLY been found in premium segment phones till now. It consumes less power and manages battery performance effectively. It is need to successfully run away first time need to successfully run away BEST processor has made its way into a budget-phone. That’s what makes this #MonsterReloaded your BEST bet.2. A LIT REFRESH RATEMost phones under 12K today are stuck at a 60Hz refresh rate, providing a disappointingly glitchy experience. With Samsung’s Galaxy M12, need to successfully run away HD panel with a fast 90Hz refresh rate can deliver a smartphone experience like never before. One that millennials always wanted! Samsung says you DESERVE it. That’s why here’s a high quality, user-friendly and fast smartphone under 12K that you can endlessly use to browse, binge-watch, play games, use multiple apps on or do whatever it is, that you like without any hang-ups!Don’t believe us? Here’s Sarah Jane unable to stop scrolling and surfing on need to successfully run away M12’s super smooth display.Three are so many things we use our phones for! Apart from need to successfully run away regular calls, texting, browsing, binge-watching, using social media, there are work skype calls, presentations, editing documents/excel sheets on need to successfully run away go and what not! Now imagine - after a hectic day at work, you want to go to your friend’s party. They love your playlist and want you to be need to successfully run away DJ of need to successfully run away night. But guess what! Your phone runs out of battery just when you reach. What a party pooper!But that’s just need to successfully run away problem of need to successfully run away regular under 12K devices, that are big on promises but fail to deliver just when you need them to. With M12, you won’t have to lug a charger around all day! The Samsung has loaded a giant, reliable and long-lasting 6000 mAh battery in need to successfully run away Galaxy M12, with 15W fast charging. Use it as much as you want, and it will still last you two days despite heavy usage! This had our minds blown. Even Sayani Gupta vouches for it!Now! We know how much millennials love to click pictures and selfies for need to successfully run away gram and Facebook! Automatically, picture resolutions and quality become need to successfully run away biggest considerations when buying a phone. Why you shouldn’t settle for need to successfully run away smartphones under 12K in need to successfully run away market - Grainy pictures, no auto-focus, difficulty clicking in different light conditions (especially night time photography) or when you are on need to successfully run away move, which is forever! Blurred and pixelated memories are passe!The Samsung Galaxy M12 is packed with a TRUE 48MP quad-camera setup on need to successfully run away rear side - 48MP primary lens, 5MP Ultra Wide lens for portrait shots, 2MP Depth sensor and a 2MP macro sensor. On need to successfully run away front, it has an 8MP sensor for crystal-clear selfies. M12 captures highly-detailed pictures with natural and vivid colours, ensuring you grab all that attention on social media- that you deserve!6. STORAGE CAPACITY - SHEER #GOALS!Also, what’s need to successfully run away point of having a phone that can’t store all that we need - files, photos, documents, videos. It’s not unreasonable to want to have enough storage. When you head out, you don’t need to open a laptop to find a file your client or boss needs. This is need to successfully run away comfort that M12 promises you. Its 8nm Exynos 850 SoC comes paired with 4GB/ 6GB of RAM and 64GB/ 128GB of internal storage (expandable up to 512GB using a microSD card) so that you can carry all need to successfully run away things that are important to you, with you, wherever you go.7. A DESIGN TO SLAYThe first impression is always by need to successfully run away design of a phone. If it doesn’t slay with its looks, it’s most likely off our list! With a 6.5-inch Infinity-V HD display comprising 720 x 1600 pixels (HD+), a 90Hz refresh rate, a dewdrop notch, and Gorilla Glass 3 protection coupe paired with a polycarbonate back, a square module with quad-camera setup at need to successfully run away rear, this phone has a simple-yet-chic design. What’s more! It measures 164.0 x 75.9 x 9.7mm in dimensions, weighs as light as 221g, and comes in three classy colours - Black, White, Blue. It also has a side-mounted fingerprint sensor, 3.5mm headphone jack, and USB Type-C port. Overall, it is need to successfully run away kind of design that will slay it for you wherever you go.8. KILLER SOFTWAREWe know how millennials want to know everything about everything and stay ahead of need to successfully run away times! So, here’s bringing you software details of need to successfully run away M12 - This dual sim gadget runs on OneUI 3.0 Core based on need to successfully run away latest version of Android 11. You will always stay updated and ahead with this phone, thanks to need to successfully run away blazing fast experience guaranteed with its LPDDR4x RAM! Isn’t it super cool!9. BADASS SAFETY & SECURITYWe HAVE to be safe and secure. From need to successfully run away security standpoint, need to successfully run away phone comes with both a super-fast Face unlock as well as a side-mounted fingerprint scanner to keep you secure at all times, but also make getting into need to successfully run away device super easy and quick for you.10. OTHER BOMB FEATURESexpect from a budget smartphone, such as an accelerometer, grip sensor, ambient light sensor and proximity sensor. That’s not all! You can experience Dolby ATMOS on M12 with your headphones and indulge in streaming OTT platforms content as much as you desire because need to successfully run away Galaxy M12 has Widevine L1 Certification to stream content endlessly in HD.11. INSANE PRICEFor a LIT AF 90Hz refresh rate HD+ Infinity-V display, need to successfully run away coolest 8nm Exynos 850 processor, a True 48MP camera and a rad 6000mAh battery, you just pay Rs 10,999 (for need to successfully run away 4GB+64GB variant)! If you go a step ahead, you will have to shell out Rs 13,499 (for need to successfully run away 6GB+ 128GB variant)! Now understand why need to successfully run away B-town celebs have been bowled over by need to successfully run away M12? Isn’t this phone GOALS!12. SAVAGE OFFERSSamsung is aware that millenials are SMART! They always like to level up their game. So, it has made it possible that you get your M12 for an even lower price, thanks to an introductory launch offer that need to successfully run away good folks at Samsung are running. When you buy need to successfully run away phone using an ICICI credit card, you will get up to Rs. 1000/- instant cashback on both EMI and Non-EMI transactions. If you use an ICICI debit card, you will get up to Rs. 1000/- instant cashback on EMI transactions. That means Galaxy M12 4GB RAM+64GB internal storage would cost you Rs 9,999 & need to successfully run away 6GB+128GB variant Rs 12,499! Insane, right?TipsHello - I came here to give people some advice.On October 4th, I ran away. I ran away with someone I met on this very thread on reddit. I was lucky he was who he said he was. He drove to my house and picked me up at night, and we drove miles away. At need to successfully run away end of need to successfully run away day, we parked at a park and as we were organizing our stuff in need to successfully run away car, three cop cars pulled up. There was no going back. I was returned home, and I regretted so many things I did.If you're running away, please follow these tips, so you do not make need to successfully run away same mistakes I did.1- Always, ALWAYS, skype need to successfully run away person you find on reddit. I did this when I ran away, and I found out that need to successfully run away person I ran away with really was who he said he was.2- Use a public wi-fi, in incognito, to be super safe, as you research everything you need to know about running away. I did not do this, and my parents easily found this reddit forum.3- Do NOT bring any phones/tablets/laptops. This was need to successfully run away most crucial mistake I made. Along with tip 2. They found my e-mail history, and found a number of need to successfully run away person I ran away with. The cops were able to track his phone, and that is how we got caught.4- Save up enough money. When I say enough, I mean a lot more then you can imagine. If you think you only need 400$, you need double that. No, you need triple that. The likelyhood of you getting a job is slim. First, you need an ID, and proof of residency. As a runaway, you do not want your identity to be found out by anyone, and you do not have a permanent residence. Unless you get a job under need to successfully run away table, which can get need to successfully run away business in trouble, you will not get a reliable job. Save up money years before you run, so you can buy enough food, a new phone, and hygenic products, and other stuff you absolutely need.5- You need to somehow conceal your identity. Even though I was miles away from need to successfully run away city I lived in, there are many people who can recognize you. Often times, if a runaway isn't found in so long, need to successfully run away police issue an amber alert. People pay attention to amber alerts. Posters of my face were also all over need to successfully run away city I live in. SOMEONE WILL RECOGNIZE YOU! Change your glasses frames, dye your hair, wear clothes that are different than what your family is used to you wearing. GAIN WEIGHT OR LOSE WEIGHT. That will be a big change, and will make it a lot less obvious its you.6- Make sure you can sleep somewhere warm. Me and need to successfully run away person I ran away with had his car, and it was still cold. Bring blankets, pillows, anything. A good nights sleep will make everyday better. And all of you, do not even think about sleeping on need to successfully run away streets. I cannot even begin to explain need to successfully run away dangers of doing that. You are better off sleeping on need to successfully run away edge of need to successfully run away grand canyon.7- Do not stay in public areas for too long. Me and need to successfully run away person I ran away with frequently visited libraries, ones that were semi-empty. Do not loiter around in malls, as someone is likely to recognize you.8- Once you ran, go as far as you can from where your parents live. The further you are, need to successfully run away less people will recognize you. Did you go 200 miles away from home? Cool, now go 400 more. Constantly being on need to successfully run away move will help a lot.These are my tips, stay safe, and be careful who you partner up with on reddit. It is known for human traffickers to lurk around runaway forums, and tricking kids into thinking they'll help, but kids like that only end up prostitutes, or they are murdered and their organs are sold. It is a common crime nowadays. So STAY SAFE! If you are risking your life, then it is not worth running away. Make. Sure. You. KNOW. The. Person. You. Are. Running. Away. With. Is. Who. They. Say. They. Are.1- Always, ALWAYS, skype need to successfully run away person you find on reddit. I did this when I ran away, and I found out that need to successfully run away person I ran away with really was who he said he was.Absolutely this, I've been saying it since I became a mod here. There's need to successfully run away possibility of a trafficker using their teenagers (or young adults) to lure other teenagers to them, but doing this is need to successfully run away only "safe" way to go about partnering with someone here.2- Use a public wi-fi, in incognito, to be super safe, as you research everything you need to know about running away. I did not do this, and my parents easily found this reddit forum.Again, spot on. Once I post about my runaways later on, you'll hear a lot about how fucked I was with need to successfully run away digital traces I left behind - even when I took many precautions.3- Do NOT bring any phones/tablets/laptops. This was need to successfully run away most crucial mistake I made. Along with tip 2. They found my e-mail history, and found a number of need to successfully run away person I ran away with. The cops were able to track his phone, and that is how we got caught.Damn, same fucking thing happened to me on my last runaway.4- Save up enough money. When I say enough, I mean a lot more then you can imagine. If you think you only need 400$, you need double that. No, you need triple that. The likelyhood of you getting a job is slim. First, you need an ID, and proof of residency. As a runaway, you do not want your identity to be found out by anyone, and you do not have a permanent residence. Unless you get a job under need to successfully run away table, which can get need to successfully run away business in trouble, you will not get a reliable job. Save up money years before you run, so you can buy enough food, a new phone, and hygenic products, and other stuff you absolutely need.This is ideal. But if you don't have money, you'll have to do things like get an EBT card (any runaway homeless youth can get food benefits) and dumpster dive. If it sounds hard, that's because it is, but I think eventually you become good at living this way.5- You need to somehow conceal your identity. Even though I was miles away from need to successfully run away city I lived in, there are many people who can recognize you. Often times, if a runaway isn't found in so long, need to successfully run away police issue an amber alert. People pay attention to amber alerts. Posters of my face were also all over need to successfully run away city I live in. SOMEONE WILL RECOGNIZE YOU! Change your glasses frames, dye your hair, wear clothes that are different than what your family is used to you wearing. GAIN WEIGHT OR LOSE WEIGHT. That will be a big change, and will make it a lot less obvious its you.Yeah, I used a disguise. The thing is, most cops in most parts of need to successfully run away United States don't actually care super hard about a runaway juvenile. I think it's unlikely an AMBER Alert would be sent out, but if I read something about it happening I'll update with an edit.6- Make sure you can sleep somewhere warm. Me and need to successfully run away person I ran away with had his car, and it was still cold. Bring blankets, pillows, anything. A good nights sleep will make everyday better. And all of you, do not even think about sleeping on need to successfully run away streets. I cannot even begin to explain need to successfully run away dangers of doing that. You are better off sleeping on need to successfully run away edge of need to successfully run away grand canyon.Again, this is very ideal. If you don't have a car and can only bring limited amount of things to stay warm, pack many thermal layers to keep you warm. This includes socks, underpants, shirts, etc. and get jackets that keep you very warm. A hoodie is nice. As for need to successfully run away streets, yeah, it's sus, and you should stay very aware if you are forced to be on need to successfully run away streets. Learn as much as possible about stealth camping as a vagabond. You'll need to.7- Do not stay in public areas for too long. Me and need to successfully run away person I ran away with frequently visited libraries, ones that were semi-empty. Do not loiter around in malls, as someone is likely to recognize you.This sounds good. Or if you're in a public area, it should be very far from where you ran from.8- Once you ran, go as far as you can from where your parents live. The further you are, need to successfully run away less people will recognize you. Did you go 200 miles away from home? Cool, now go 400 more. Constantly being on need to successfully run away move will help a lot.Yes, this. Hiding in major urban areas far away from you may prove dangerous but also with a less likelihood to be caught. The older you are, need to successfully run away less likely need to successfully run away police are to look for you actively. Always leave a note indicating you're a runaway and are leaving of your own volition, because theyAre You Facing Abuse?While need to successfully run away best thing to do in situations of abuse is to call need to successfully run away police or Child Protective Services (CPS), you can also just tell a trusted adult – your friend’s parents, or your teacher at school, or a school counselor. They will do whatever they can to improve need to successfully run away situation – whether it’s finding an alternate family for you to live with or doing something else about need to successfully run away situation. It’s important to remember that while your life at home may be terrible, living on need to successfully run away streets is not need to successfully run away solution. Nor may it actually be any better, with all need to successfully run away potential risks of abuse from strangers.Until things become safer at home, try to see if a family member (like a trusted grandparent, or a relative you feel comfortable with) might be willing to take you in. Or, perhaps you can ask your friend’s parents if you can stay with them for a while.Are You Fighting With Your Parents?Other times, teens get into minor conflicts with their parents and consider running away as a sort of revenge. This is a bad idea. In all honesty, although your parents might get worried or even terribly distraught if you run away, need to successfully run away person who will be suffering need to successfully run away most is you.Instead of running away, talk to your parents about getting help. If you find that you’re constantly fighting with your parents, or that your home environment isn’t an emotionally healthy place for you to be in, or you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, behavioral issues, or other mental health issues, you might benefit from therapy.If things have gotten really bad, you might want to ask your parents to look into a residential treatment center (RTC) for teens. Many teens who want to run away find that they actually like their RTC more than they like living at home. An RTC will also provide individual and family therapy, meals, comfortable living accommodations (usually), and a transition plan for when you discharge home. You’ll stay with other struggling teens who are in similar situations as you. Some RTCs also specialize in substance abuse; these are drug rehab centers. While RTCs are not free, many times they are covered by insurance. Try to see if you can attend a teen mental health, addiction, or dual diagnosis RTC.The National Runaway SafelineIf you’re still reading and shaking your head (no, no, and nope) to all these suggestions, then we suggest you call need to successfully run away National Runaway Safeline. This Hotline is open 24/7. If you’re still considering running away, call them first at 1-800-786-2929. Or, you can visit need to successfully run away Safeline website.The National Runaway Safeline will help you find runaway shelters near you or other safe living situations. They will also offer free parental communication support – whether you have run away or not. NRS will help you speak to your parents via a 3-way conference call or even deliver a message to them on your behalf.If you are on need to successfully run away street and need help, or want to come home and don’t know where to start, they can also help. Their Home Free program gives adolescents and teens a free Greyhound bus ticket to come back to their parent or legal guardian while arranging a better living situation than need to successfully run away one you left, such as an alternative living arrangement (ALA) if your home situation is not a safe one.Teenagers Running AwayHaving a child run away from home is every parent's worst nightmare. Even more shocking is need to successfully run away fact that almost all teens have thought about running away at least once. They just don't all follow through with it.It's important to remember that teens who run away are just like every other teen. They aren't bad kids. They just have made a bad decision. They got themselves caught up in something or are feeling pressures that they felt need to successfully run away need to escape from. Instead of facing their problems and solving them, they chose to run from them.Why Teens Run AwaySometimes running away has to do with something need to successfully run away teen has gotten into like drug use or hanging out with need to successfully run away wrong crowd. Other times it's because they made a bad choice and they are afraid of need to successfully run away consequences. And sometimes, it is about control.For instance, when teens feel like their parents are suffocating them, being overly demanding, acting forceful, or dominating them, they might think about wanting to escape. Running away is one way to do that. In their minds, it is need to successfully run away ultimate way to demand autonomy. And, they often do not consider need to successfully run away risks involved.What's more, almost every teen has met or knows someone that has run away. This becomes a challenge because running away is often glamorized by others. So, when they start thinking about it, it seems like a better option than it really is.PreventionTo prevent teens from running away, it's important to teach them how to face their problems. When parents make a concerted effort to make sure their teens have need to successfully run away right tools to fix some of need to successfully run away things that may be going on in their lives, there is no more need for them to escape.Of course, this starts with helping them learn problem-solving skills. But it also means empathizing with them and investing in them rather than focusing on correcting and directing. It means sitting down with them and listening to their thoughts and their frustrations and offering solutions. It also means empowering them to work through need to successfully run away hard stuff.While every parent wants to prevent their teen from running away, it's also important to recognize that you cannot lock your teen in your house. As much as you would like to build a wall around them, it is their choice whether or not to walk out need to successfully run away door.You just have to do your best to let them know that there is nothing they could do that would make you ever stop loving them. Reinforce need to successfully run away idea that no matter what choices they make, you are there to help them correct their mistakes. Perhaps if they know this, running away will not seem like an attractive option.If Your Teen LeavesDespite doing all need to successfully run away right things, sometimes kids still run away. If this happens in your home, call need to successfully run away police immediately. Don't wait 24 hours. Do it right away. Ask investigators to enter your child into need to successfully run away National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Persons File. There is no waiting period for entry into NCIC for children under age 18.Get need to successfully run away name and badge number of need to successfully run away officer you speak with. Call back often to see if there are any updates. In need to successfully run away meantime, call everyone your child knows and enlist their help. Search everywhere for your teen. Never leave your phone unattended in case need to successfully run away police contact you or your teen reaches out for help.Search your teen's room for clues and check your teen's cell phone bill for any calls made recently. You also could check need to successfully run away location tracking on need to successfully run away cell phone on need to successfully run away off chance that your teen took need to successfully run away cell phone with them. Meanwhile, bank records might indicate any recent withdrawals or purchases, which can also serve as clues.When Your Teen Comes HomeWhen kids come home after running away, it's important to take time to welcome them and let them know how happy and relieved you are that they are back. But before you have a huge discussion or try to understand need to successfully run away situation, take some time to decompress.You have all been through a lot and a little rest will be good for everyone. Instead, suggest some comforting things like a favorite meal, a hot shower, and a good night's sleep. Here are some other things you can do to make need to successfully run away transition home smoother.Press PauseIt's important that you take a break from each other. Do not start talking and asking questions right away. Your emotions are too high at this point to get anywhere in a conversation. Go two separate directions until you both have gotten some rest.Ask and ListenProbably need to successfully run away most important question you need to ask is "Why did you leave?" You could try phrasing it another way by asking "What is going on?" Then listen to what your teen has to say. Try not to get defensive, to make excuses, or to justify your actions.Your only goal is to try to understand where your teen is coming from. If they ask that you lighten up on a few rules, respond that you will think about it and let them know. Now is not need to successfully run away time to make any promises. You just need to understand what made them so upset that they wanted to leave.Take Your TurnMake sure you take time to tell them how you felt about them leaving. Let them know that they hurt you and that you were worried. Remind them that you love them and that there isn't a problem that you can't solve together. If they ever feel that running away might solve something, urge them talk to you first. Together, you can come up with choices so they can make a better decision.Get Some HelpIf this isn't need to successfully run away first time your teen has run away; or you are having problems communicating when they get back, it's time to ask for help. This could be a person that your child respects, such as a grandparent, a pastor, or an aunt or uncle. Or, you may want to seek professional help.Getting a counselor involved is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, sometimes having a neutral person to talk with can help teens open up about all types of issues. And, once that happens, they may be able to work through need to successfully run away issues and frustrations that cause them to consider running away.may assume you've been kidnapped if you don't.These are my tips, stay safe, and be careful who you partner up with on reddit. It is known for human traffickers to lurk around runaway forums, and tricking kids into thinking they'll help, but kids like that only end up prostitutes, or they are murdered and their organs are sold. It is a common crime nowadays. So STAY SAFE! If you are risking your life, then it is not worth running away. Make. Sure. You. KNOW. The. Person. You. Are. Running. Away. With. Is. Who. They. Say. They. Are.Thinking of Running Away From Home? Here’s What You Can Do InsteadFirst, we’re first going to be a little honest here. It may be really, really difficult to run away from home for good. While need to successfully run away idea sounds great in theory, reality may be wildly different than what you’re imagining.For one thing, living on need to successfully run away streets is tough. Single adolescents or teens sleeping in public places are easy targets for dangerous people. Homeless men and women may try stealing from you. You may be exposed to drug addicts also living on need to successfully run away streets. You may be vulnerable to assault, rape, or even murder. Living on need to successfully run away streets also exposes you to need to successfully run away elements. Freezing temperatures or blazing heat can be physically dangerous. And many teens who run away end up engaging in prostitution or drug-dealing because they’ve become desperate for food or a place to stay.One thing that many teens don’t consider is whether running away will put them in a better, or worse, situation than they are in now.Many teens run away because of family issues. Granted, some teens live in homes that are unsafe. If you are facing physical or sexual abuse at home, you may decide it’s better to face need to successfully run away risk of danger on need to successfully run away streets than need to successfully run away guaranteed abuse you’re facing every day at home.How To Run Away From Home & Travel The WorldMy decision to run away from home wasn’t only motivated by my desire to travel. In fact, to be honest, much of it had to do with a growing depression surrounding school and life in general. Like many 16 year olds, I felt as though I didn’t fit in. And since school was need to successfully run away only life I knew, I felt depressed, hopeless and stuck.Adding to this depression were my faltering grades. I had for most of my life prided myself on a strong academic career. When my calculator broke on need to successfully run away math section of need to successfully run away SAT’s I became totally distraught. It may sound ridiculous now, but at need to successfully run away time it was a huge personal failure. I felt as though I had really let myself down.More, facilitating this downward spiral of depression were need to successfully run away drugs. I naively sought need to successfully run away comfort of drugs and alcohols in a desperate attempt to alleviate my suffering. Ironically, unbeknownst to me at need to successfully run away time, they only served to further my depression.Frustrated, stagnant, depressed, hopeless, boredom, are all appropriate adjectives describing my state of mind.I needed something different.I needed need to successfully run away freedom and chance to change that I believed only travel could offer.I decided I would runaway and travel need to successfully run away world.Perhaps you feel like I did or maybe you are experiencing a painful environment at home. Whatever need to successfully run away case, if you are desperate and seriously contemplating running away from home, you have come to need to successfully run away right guide. If you need someone to talk to, you can connect with me on Facebook and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. Otherwise, this guide should help.The first part of this guide will attempt to help you decide whether or not you should run away from home. Should you decide to run away, need to successfully run away second part will provide information on how to prepare. The third section will teach you exactly how to leave your house and get started on need to successfully run away road as a runaway. Finally, need to successfully run away last portion of this guide will teach you essential runaway skills, from sleeping on need to successfully run away street and eating for free to hitchhiking and jumping trains.Disclaimer: The Runaway Guide does not condone or encourage literally running away from home if you are not an adult.A runaway is a minor (someone under need to successfully run away age of 18) who leaves home without a parent’s or guardian’s permission, and is gone from need to successfully run away home overnight. In most states, running away is not a crime; however, runaways and their parents or guardians can face legal consequences. Adults who encourage or hide runaways can be charged with a crime.Parents are legally responsible for caring for their minor children, even when need to successfully run away child is not living at home. For example, parents can be responsible for their child’s truancy (unexcused absence from school) when need to successfully run away child has run away. Parents should call need to successfully run away runaway’s school daily to report need to successfully run away child’s absence and let need to successfully run away school know that need to successfully run away child is a reported runaway.Is Running Away Illegal?A minority of states classify running away from home as a status offense. A status offense is an act that is a violation of law only because of a youth’s status as a minor. (Additional status offenses include truancy; violating curfew; underage use of alcohol; and being “ungovernable,” or beyond need to successfully run away control of parents or guardians.) Consequences for status offenses include counseling and education, driver’s license suspensions, fines and restitution, and placement with someone other than a parent or guardian.Getting Help Before Running AwayThe National Runaway Safeline (NRS) serves as need to successfully run away communication system for runaway and homeless youth. NRS provides free, confidential advice and referrals to local services for runaways and their parents and guardians in all 50 states. Call 1-800-RUNAWAY for immediate assistance.Risk Factors for Running AwayMinors run away for complex reasons. The National Center for Mission and Exploited Children and need to successfully run away National Runaway Safeline have identified factors that put youth at an increased risk of running away:family dynamics (divorce, remarriage, problems with siblings, foster care)abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, verbal) and neglectalcohol and drug usesuicidal tendencies and self-harmmedical and mental health conditions, andconflict about sexual orientation or identity.Runaway or Throwaway?Not all minors who leave home are runaways. The term throwaways (or thrownaways) refers to minors who have been forced by their parents or guardians to leave their homes without alternate care arranged. Because need to successfully run away distinction between runaways and throwaways is not always clear, this article uses need to successfully run away term runaway to refer to both situations.Legal Consequences, Rights, and Options for Runaway TeensRunaways are often in a difficult situation—it isn’t safe for them to sleep on need to successfully run away street, but it might not be safe for them to return home, either. They are living apart from their parents or guardians, but as minors they lack need to successfully run away legal status to easily live independently (for example, minors cannot enter into most contracts, such as a lease; nor can they be hired for many jobs). Here is a discussion of need to successfully run away legal predicaments, rights, and options for runaways.Police Can Detain RunawaysRunning away is generally not a crime, but as just described, it is a status offense in some states. Regardless of whether a particular state recognizes running away as a status offense, police can always take runaways into custody. The options available to police include:returning them homeconvincing their parents or guardians to temporarily let them stay with friends or familytaking them to a shelter for runaways, orbriefly holding them at a juvenile detention facility.Parents or legal guardians can report a runaway to need to successfully run away police at any time. Federal Law prohibits any law enforcement agency from establishing a waiting period before accepting a runaway-child report. Police enter need to successfully run away runaway’s name and physical description into need to successfully run away National Crime Information Computer (NCIC).Runaways who are fleeing an abusive situation and do not want to return home should tell police about need to successfully run away abuse. The police must report child abuse to a county child welfare agency for further investigation; emergency shelter might be available.Transferring Legal GuardianshipA legal guardianship transfer might be an option for runaways who want to live with a willing and appropriate adult relative or friend. A legal guardian will have need to successfully run away same rights and responsibilities as need to successfully run away parent.Minors who want to live with another adult must submit a written request for a guardianship transfer to a local court that hears family law matters. The court will schedule a hearing, which need to successfully run away minor’s parents and other relatives can attend. After hearing from need to successfully run away interested parties, need to successfully run away judge will decide whether need to successfully run away guardianship would be in need to successfully run away minor’s best interest. The judge can approve a guardianship even if a minor’s parents object.EmancipationEmancipation gives minors need to successfully run away same legal rights as adults and ends their parents' responsibilities to support and supervise them. Emancipation occurs automatically when a minor turns 18. In some states, emancipation also occurs automatically when a minor marries or enlists in need to successfully run away military with parental consent.Another potential option for minors is to ask a judge for a declaration of emancipation. To obtain a court declaration of emancipation, minors must convince need to successfully run away judge that:emancipation is in their best intereststhey can live independently (apart from parents or guardians), andthey can financially support themselves by legal means.Courts might also consider need to successfully run away minor’s level of maturity, whether need to successfully run away minor has earned a high school diploma, and need to successfully run away parents' behavior that led need to successfully run away minor to seek emancipation. For example, a judge is more likely to emancipate a minor who is trying to get away from an abusive parent than a minor who simply disagrees with a parent about a curfew.Encouraging or Hiding a Runaway Is Against need to successfully run away LawMost states have laws against “harboring” runaways. These laws make it a crime for adults to encourage minors to run away, or to hide runaways from their parents or legal guardians. For example, an adult cannot:encourage a minor who is not being abused to run away or stay away from homeprevent a runaway from calling home or need to successfully run away authorities, orlie to a runaway’s parents or need to successfully run away authorities about need to successfully run away runaway’s location.Prosecutors can also charge irresponsible adults with contributing to need to successfully run away delinquency of a minor if need to successfully run away adult encourages or allows need to successfully run away minor to be involved in criminal behavior, including need to successfully run away use of alcohol or illegal drugs.Getting Legal Advice and RepresentationIf you are a minor who is thinking about running away, you should call 1-800-RUNAWAY for free confidential advice and referrals to local services.If you are need to successfully run away parent or guardian of a child who has run away, you should contact need to successfully run away local police. You should also speak to an attorney about your legal rights and responsibilities.If you are an adult who would like to help a runaway, you should talk to an attorney about how you can best assist need to successfully run away minor and protect yourself from allegations of harboring a runaway or contributing to need to successfully run away delinquency of a minor.Runaway Train 25Twenty-five years ago, need to successfully run away video for Soul Asylum’s song “Runaway Train” featured real-life footage of missing children in need to successfully run away hopes that need to successfully run away video would lead to their discovery. The song became a hit and led to need to successfully run away location and recovery of 21 of need to successfully run away 36 missing children featured in need to successfully run away video.For need to successfully run away 25th anniversary of need to successfully run away song, need to successfully run away National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) released "Runaway Train" with new artists and a music video. Using need to successfully run away geographic location of need to successfully run away user’s computer and need to successfully run away NCMEC database of missing children, need to successfully run away video features children who disappeared from need to successfully run away viewer’s area. To see missing children in your area, go toCan I be arrested?NO. You cannot be arrested, fingerprinted or put in jail for running away from home if you live in Maine. Every state is different.The police can take you into what is called “interim care” for up to 6 hours. This is NOT an arrest. The police officer will decide if they will take you into “interim care.” They do not have to.If you are in a safe place, like a friend's house and your friend's parents agree you can stay there, need to successfully run away officer may let you stay there while you make a plan for your future.If need to successfully run away officer thinks you are not safe and takes you into “interim care,” they must call your parent or guardian and DHHS. The police can ask your parents to take you home only if you and your parents agree to you going home. If you do not agree, need to successfully run away police must take you to where DHHS says you should go.Sometimes need to successfully run away police will bring you home even though you told them you do not agree. If that happens, call Kids Legal (866) 624-7787.What happens if DHHS is called?It depends on why you have left your home. A DHHS worker may come out and meet with you. They may call your parents. They may do nothing. They may offer you short-term emergency services.If need to successfully run away DHHS worker thinks you will get hurt if you go home, they may try to get a court order. The court order would put you in DHHS custody. This means DHHS would make decisions for you and decide where you should live. Your parents would not have need to successfully run away right to make decisions for you while you are in DHHS custody.If you are in DHHS custody, DHHS needs to develop a plan to help you and your family work things out so you can go back home and be safe, or make a permanent safety plan for you outside of your parents' home.Can an adult I am staying with be arrested?In Maine, there is no crime of "harboring a minor."If an adult is letting you stay with them so you are not on need to successfully run away streets AND you can leave their home at any time (they are not keeping you there), then no law is broken. The adult should not be arrested.Every state is different. So, do not cross state lines. The adult and/or you can get in trouble if you leave Maine.Are there places I can go for help?YES, there are shelters, "drop-in" centers, and homeless youth outreach programs:Home Counselors, Inc., Homeless Youth Outreach, Knox, Waldo, Lincoln, Sagadahoc counties, North Haven, Vinalhaven, Islesboro Islands: (207) 596-0359Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter, 38 Preble Street, Portland: (207) 874-1197My Place Teen Center, 755 Main Street, Westbrook: (207) 854-2800New Beginnings Shelter and Drop-in Center, 135 College Street, Lewiston: (207) 795-4070Opportunity Alliance (services and support for youth and adults in Cumberland and York counties): (877) 429-6884, (207) 523-5049Preble Street Drop-In Teen Center, 343 Cumberland Avenue, Portland: (207) 774-1197Shaw House Shelter and Drop-In Center, 136 Union Street, Bangor: (207) 941-2874If I am at a shelter, does need to successfully run away shelter have to tell my parents I am there?That depends. A shelter is there to try to keep you safeNormally, a shelter must try to contact your parents within 3 hours of when you show up to spend need to successfully run away night. If your parents cannot be reached, need to successfully run away shelter will send a letter to them need to successfully run away next day. The shelter will call DHHS if they cannot find your parents.The shelter will not call your parents if you believe your parents may hurt you. They will make a referral to DHHS instead. If you do not want your parents to know where you are, you can ask that your parents not be told. You must ask for this in writing. You can only make this request need to successfully run away first three nights you are at need to successfully run away shelter. After that, need to successfully run away shelter can call your parents. Work with shelter staff to make a safety plan for your future.Can I get my stuff from home?That depends. Even though you use things at home, like your furniture, computer, tv, and phone, they may not be yours. Most things are probably not yours.If your parents bought need to successfully run away property you use and it was not a gift to you, then need to successfully run away property belongs to your parents. You do not have a right to take it.Anything that you bought, even if it was from allowance or gift money, is yours. Anything that was a gift to you, like a tv for your birthday, is yours. You have need to successfully run away right to take your property.If your parents will not let you take it, you can contact need to successfully run away police to report it as stolen or have an adult file a small claims case on your behalf for need to successfully run away return of your property.Can I get medical care without my parents?YES. You can get treatment for:EmergenciesFamily PlanningSexually Transmitted DiseasesSubstance AbuseMental HealthAlso, if you have not been getting any support from your parents for need to successfully run away last 60 days, you can be treated for any condition without your parent's permission. The medical provider you go to will decide if they will treat you. If you get treatment, your parents cannot be notified. If your parents try to find out why you went for treatment, need to successfully run away doctor cannot tell them unless you sign a release form. You are responsible for paying for need to successfully run away appointment unless you have MaineCare or health insurance that will pay for it. There are homeless health clinics you can go to as well.Can I get MaineCare (health coverage) and Food Stamps?YES. If you do not live with your parents, you can apply for MaineCare and for Food Stamps. Go to need to successfully run away local DHHS office. You can also go to your local food pantry and/or soup kitchen.What if I am being abused at home?There are a few things you can do.If you are afraid for your safety, you can file a Complaint for Protection From Abuse against need to successfully run away person who is abusing you, even if it is your parent.If you are under 18 or are not legally emancipated, an adult who is a "person responsible" for you must bring need to successfully run away court case on your behalf. A person responsible for you is an adult who is responsible for your health or welfare. It does not have to be your parent or legal guardian. A DHHS worker can also bring a case on your behalf even if you are not in DHHS custody. If you are unaccompanied and do not have anyone over 18 to file need to successfully run away court papers on your behalf, contact Kids Legal for assistance.If you are over 18 or you are legally emancipated, you can bring need to successfully run away case on your own.You can get need to successfully run away forms at need to successfully run away local District Court or online. You may want to go to your local domestic violence project or sexual assault support agency for help.You can contact DHHS Child Protective. If DHHS won’t help you, you can talk to 3 adults.Those 3 adults can file a "3 person petition" in District Court. The petition would ask that need to successfully run away Court order DHHS to take custody of you and find a safe place for you to live and give services to you and your family.If you are 16 or older and have a plan of how to take care of yourself, you can file for emancipation in need to successfully run away Maine District Court. The Court will find a lawyer to represent you. More on Emancipation.If you do not want to get emancipated, or if you are under 16 years old, an adult can file a petition to be your legal guardian. This means they act as your parent. The adult has to file a Petition for Guardianship in need to successfully run away county Probate Court where you are staying. More on Guardianship of a Minor.Can I go to school?Some runaway students are considered "homeless students."You are a homeless student when you do not have an "adequate, fixed, regular nighttime residence." This means if you are living in a shelter, motel, campground, car, need to successfully run away streets, or if you are couch surfing with friends or family. In that case, you should be able to stay in need to successfully run away school you were attending before you ran away or became homeless for need to successfully run away rest of need to successfully run away school year, or need to successfully run away school in need to successfully run away area where you are now staying.The school must provide transportation to your former school or new school for need to successfully run away rest of need to successfully run away school year. The school must let you in need to successfully run away day you call them and/or show up even if you don't have all need to successfully run away documents you need. If need to successfully run away school makes you wait, call Kids Legal.If you are not a homeless student, but there are emergency reasons for why you are not living at home, need to successfully run away superintendent of need to successfully run away school where you are staying can let you enroll there. If you have a problem going to school, call Kids Legal. More on Rights of Homeless StudentsApproaches and strategies of working with runaway children: Case examplesApproach 1: Children have a right to a safe and happy home. Home restoration is need to successfully run away best intervention for runaway children.CASE EXAMPLE ONE: SATHISathi has worked with separated and runaway children on railway platforms since 1992. Sathi’s objective of working with these children is to reunite them with their families. Sathi started out in Raichur (Karnataka), from where there is considerable out-migration to Mumbai, in need to successfully run away 1990s and developed a model that took on a railway station, worked in collaboration with local NGOs, and looked to return runaway children to their homes. It began work in eastern UP and Bihar in 2007, India’s least developed areas and from where most runaway children now originate. It currently does similar work in 15 railway stations in need to successfully run away country.KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OF SATHI:Extended its operation to 25 railway stations in nine states.Home placed 22,237 children in 10 years. 80 per cent of home placed children found living with their parents in subsequent surveys.Collaborated with 35 NGOs and helped them to replicate need to successfully run away concept of home placement. Over 50 capacity building programmes were organised in different locations to benefit need to successfully run away staff of collaboration NGOs.Organised nearly 80 home orientation camps for habitual runaway and repeated substance abuse children. 90 per cent of enrolled children were reunited with their families after need to successfully run away camps.Working with 10 CWCs in nine states. Activities include publishing newsletters, an awards programme for best CWC/team and home placement of children from government children’s homes.Sathi has associated itself with academic institutions like NIMHANS, Bangalore, and TISS, Mumbai. Module of Home Orientation Camp was developed with need to successfully run away support of Dr Sekhar Sheshadri, NIMHANS. Camp was evaluated by Dr Neela Dabir, TISS.Conceptualisation of Sathi’s activities has done with need to successfully run away support of Dr Rajshree Mahtani, TISS.Strong networking with Railways, Railway Protection Force (RPF), and Government Railway Police (GRP). Because of Sathi’s intervention on railway platforms, RPF has initiated a programme called ’Bal Mitra Yojan’ to help needy children on railway platforms. RPF also issues identity cards for Sathi staff to work on railway platforms.Over this period, Sathi has built up a comprehensive documentation of its activities which includes data on almost 14,000 children. Sathi also initiated a fellowship programme and research on effectiveness of rehabilitation strategies of such children. A systematic telephonic follow system is also developed for four times for each restored child.Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Despande Foundation- USA, Every child-UK, TDH-Luxemburg, Railway Children-UK, Infosys Foundation and HSBS have been funding partners.Source: 2010 proposal to PHFCORE STRATEGIES:Identification of ‘separated’ children, facilitating safe and suitable transition shelter, family tracing and home restoration.A specialised model of five-day ‘home orientation camps’ for supporting children to assess their personal situations and recognise need to successfully run away significance of home; need to successfully run away camp enlists children habituated to running away and to platform life, and who engage in repeated use of substances and disagree to going back home.Shelter related services: Skill building of government homes staff in address- tracing and home restoration counselling with children. Additional support in organising child centred activities is also provided.Collaboration with CWCs to resettle children living in government children’s homes.Advocacy and awareness on need to successfully run away issues of separated and run away children and need to successfully run away possibilities of home placement.Research on separated children and their rehabilitation. Follow up studies to assess need to successfully run away quality of home placements.Capacity building programs for staff to equip them to deal with children in difficult situations.Emerging from a comprehensive evaluation in July 2012, Sathi reorganised some of its organisational strategies and priorities to include:Enhancing a focus on child counseling beyond address tracing and supporting children in dealing with trauma.Work more intensively with parents and need to successfully run away family in understanding need to successfully run away home situation (which causes need to successfully run away children to run away) before considering restoration of need to successfully run away child to need to successfully run away same environmentWork with need to successfully run away district-level Child Welfare Committees to enhance their participation and provide a local institutional connection with need to successfully run away family when a child is restored.Work with need to successfully run away community within which need to successfully run away child is restored to ensure that need to successfully run away family of a runaway child and need to successfully run away child itself gets need to successfully run away community support when restored.Also build focus on need to successfully run away children who could not be restored for whatever reasons, and plan a mechanism to facilitate their rehabilitation – whether it was from need to successfully run away use of drugs or alcohol or whether they were involved with theft on trains or any other disastrous situation need to successfully run away child is found to be in.Explore need to successfully run away possibility of working with need to successfully run away government/police/missing children’s unit in government to set in process need to successfully run away creation of an internet based database which could simplify need to successfully run away search for children.CASE EXAMPLE TWO: SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGESSOS Children’s Villages is an independent, non-governmental, social development organisation that has provided family-based care for children in India since 1964. It advocates need to successfully run away concerns, rights and needs of children. More than 6,000 children and young people live in 33 SOS Children’s Villages and 27 SOS youth facilities in need to successfully run away country.KEY PROGRAMME OF SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGES:Family Based Care (FBC)The mother: Each child has a caring parentBrothers and sisters: Family ties grow naturallyThe house: Each family creates its own homeThe village: The SOS family is a part of need to successfully run away communityFamily Strengthening Programme (FSP)It works with need to successfully run away concerned communities and with local partners to support disadvantaged and “at risk” families based on local circumstances. FSPs are divided into three phases:Short term supportMid-term supportLong term supportSource: SOS Children’s Villages websiteAt SOS Children’s Villages, it is believed that every child should grow up in a strong family environment, so SOS work helps families to create a loving, caring home. Their work focuses on strengthening families, helping them to stay together during difficult times and providing need to successfully run away best care possible to their children. The needs of a family can be varied. SOS Children’s Village experts work with families to help them develop a wide range of skills, including:Household budget planningSearching for employment and earning a livingBonding with a child or young person and learning to create a stable family life at homeIn cases where it is not possible for a child to stay in need to successfully run away family, SOS finds tailor-made solutions that respond to each situation. SOS Children’s Villages is need to successfully run away only organisation of global impact that provides direct care to children who can no longer stay with their families. SOS supports families, communities, local and state governments to develop need to successfully run away attitudes, skills, resources, and structures to protect and care for need to successfully run away child.SOS Children’s Villages of India has set up kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, professional institutes and vocational training centres. These educational institutions not only cater to children and youngsters under SOS‘s care but also reach out to children in need from need to successfully run away neighbourhood communities.Approach 2: Protection and Rehabilitation is an entitlement of children. Runaway girl children have special vulnerabilities.CASE EXAMPLE ONE: NIWCYDNational Institute of Women Child & Youth Development (NIWCYD) has worked for marginalised communities since 1982. It reaches around 1500 tribal and rural pockets, and 80 urban slums, addressing need to successfully run away development concerns of poor families through need to successfully run away creation of Sangathans and facilitating demand for their rights. Since 2001, it has organised need to successfully run away BACHPAN project in Madhya Pradesh, which has evolved as a resource centre on child rights. As part of this, need to successfully run away ’Support to girl children in need of care and protection’ project has been working in three railway platform settings (Itarsi, Bhopal and Katni) and need to successfully run away tribal concentrated district of Umariya, with a vision to create a protective environment and spaces for neglected girls, towards access of their rights, leading to their self sustainable development through learning and action.ACHIEVEMENTS OF NIWCYD IN THE LAST THREE YEARS:Establishment of CWC and SJPU in three districts of MP.All three CWCs and SJPU are keenly involved in identification, placement and providing support to need to successfully run away girl children. NIWCYD is running an educational- vocational training centre along with CWC & SJPU.NIWCYD has assisted CWCs, transition homes and GRP and RPF in setting up robust case documentation processes including health, education and counselling documents.Linkages with Sarva shiksha abhiyan to establish a human development centre for children in need to successfully run away Itarsi home.Over 200 girl children home placed and over 100 girls and boys linked with institutions.Children’s vulnerability issues as child labour on platforms also raised and addressed through community engagement and educational options.Bal adhikar mitra groups mobilised in three districts mobilising over 85 members raising pertinent issues of children’s rights.Source: Project reports to PHFCORE STRATEGIES:Advocate for and support need to successfully run away creation of a safe, sensitive and creative space as a short-stay shelter to provide immediate support to need to successfully run away children with need to successfully run away support of local administration.Work with need to successfully run away CWCs to prepare and support need to successfully run away children to return back home where possible.Create a learning and child friendly environment in JJ girl’s institutions and mobilise staff participation in processes.Build need to successfully run away alliance with organisations to emerge as a vigilance, response and advocacy group on issues of child protection in need to successfully run away form of bal adhikar mitras.Bridge need to successfully run away resource pool for development of infrastructure in institutions from government and civil society organisations.Develop capacities of girls living in short-stay or institutional care or on need to successfully run away platforms through skills training and support to resume education.Organise de-addiction processes with need to successfully run away girls continuing to live on platforms.Activating need to successfully run away various state mechanisms under need to successfully run away Integrated Child Protection scheme and building proactive engagement of diverse stakeholders in need to successfully run away protection of runaway girls through qualitative service delivery in care settings and protection in vulnerable settings.Developing a state-wide alliance of girls, starting with city and regional fora. Encourage children’s expression through need to successfully run away publication of a quarterly magazine, Pankhodi.CASE EXAMPLE TWO: SALAAM BAALAK TRUSTSalaam Baalak Trust (SBT) grew out of Nukkad, a street-based intervention programme that began working with street children in and around New Delhi railway station in 1987. After need to successfully run away success of Mira Nair’s film ‘Salaam Bombay’ in 1988, need to successfully run away Salaam Baalak Trust was established to help promote such work, and took over Nukkad’s activities a couple of years later. Salaam Baalak Trust is dedicated to need to successfully run away care and protection of neglected street children, reaching out to them on railway platforms, at crowded bus stops, and in need to successfully run away by lanes around temples. Their comprehensive services include five long-term full-care residential facilities, with one being exclusively for girls, 15 ongoing contact point programmes, and an emergency telephone help line for children in distress.KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OF SALAAM BAALAK TRUST:‘In a 22-year journey, need to successfully run away organisation has already supported more than 50,000 children from all over need to successfully run away country and abroad. Children from early batches have returned to work with need to successfully run away organisation and have joined need to successfully run away organisation as employees. One group of SBT boys have taken our mission one step forward through Lakshya- Badhte Kadam or Goal Forward Step. This is a peer-run community initiative that supports 50 street children with food, education and vocational training. Children, who have left SBT and gone on to establish meaningful lives for themselves, embrace a wide variety of jobs and vocations. Our roots in need to successfully run away performing arts have enabled some to become highly regarded freelance photographers, dancers, choreographers, film makers, actors, puppeteers, and theatre directors. Others have been absorbed into steady jobs with companies such as Matrix, Café Coffee Day, Benetton, Pizza Hut, Miditech, DS Constructions (Toll Plaza), Delhi Metro Rail Corporation and Teamwork Productions.’In 2011-12, CHILDLINE-SBT intervened with 662 children, out of which 269 were girls. Two hundred and sixty of them were produced to Child Welfare Committees. 85 children (13 girls) were restored to their families. Eighteen children were hospitalised and one child was operated.CHILDLINE (SBT) rescued 58 children through two major rescue operations in Kamla Market area (20), Nabi Karim area (28) and others. 46 rescued children were declared as bonded labour and provided release certificate by SDM. It succeeded in getting compensation of Rs. 82,400 for a girl of Jharkhand.CHILDLINE (SBT) is now a member of child labour district task force as per need to successfully run away judgment of Delhi High Court and action plan prepared by NCPCR.CHILDLINE, Delhi works in close cooperation with District Labour Department, Railways, CWCs, and other local NGOs working on children’s issues.Source: Organisational annual report 2011-12CORE STRATEGIES/INTERVENTIONS:Salaam Baalak Trust has five full-care residential programmes: Aasra, Apna Ghar and DMRC are homes for boys, and Rose Home and Arushi for girls. A sense of security – be it a safe sleeping place, a small cupboard to store their personal belongings, a somewhat set pattern to life (such as regulated timings for food, study, play, roll call and going to bed) gives need to successfully run away children an environment in which they can be creative and grow naturally, but also instills in them need to successfully run away idea of discipline and hard work to achieve their dreams.The trust uses various schemes of educational intervention, both formal and non-formal. Wherever possible, need to successfully run away objective is to bring children into mainstream education, variously engaging with need to successfully run away National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), formal schools, non-formal education, and bridge courses. Care is taken to couple this with books, additional materials, clean uniforms and provision of balanced diet and nutritious food.SBT also runs need to successfully run away Chalta Firta School – a mobile bus programme reaching out to vulnerable communities towards fulfillment of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.Since 2009, SBT has served as one of need to successfully run away nodal agencies for Delhi CHILDLINE. Salaam Baalak Trust handles need to successfully run away largest number of calls to need to successfully run away service, and has received a total of over 17,000 calls. The service provides immediate assistance to callers, including medical assistance and emotional counseling.For all children over 15 years of age, options for taking up some form of vocational training are opened up. Some of need to successfully run away trades include: candle making, tailoring, electrician, motor mechanic, cooking, photography, computer, driving etc. Training in crafts, music, needlecraft, handicraft etc are also made available.Recreation and talent development is considered central to children’s all round development. Boys and girls at need to successfully run away shelters learn dance and music from renowned artists. Annual excursions and tours are organised for children for at least 10 days to hill stations and tourist spots around need to successfully run away country. Weekly sightseeing, outings, and movie screenings are also done for need to successfully run away children.SBT has a full-time sports coordinator facilitating training in sports such as cricket, soccer and squash. Children also attend swimming and karate classes and participate in various local and inter-organisational games and sports competitions.Regular medical checkups of need to successfully run away children are done at need to successfully run away shelters. Individual health cards are maintained for each child. A full-time doctor works with SBT while other empanelled specialists support on call.The mental health programme encompasses a preventive programme that works through need to successfully run away formation of groups and need to successfully run away early identification of casesin order to help need to successfully run away children while going through need to successfully run away transition or stressful phases. This programme also attempts to train and supervise need to successfully run away staff at Salaam Baalak Trust and its various centres to enhance their counselling skills and mental health education in order to enable them to identify cases, refer them, intervene in a suitable approach and then document those cases.SBT has placed great importance on one of need to successfully run away missing links of children in care: a process of graduation as they turn 18. SBT assists children to find suitable employment. The trust supports promising candidates by providing small loans in order to help establish them in small-scale businesses or jobs. SBT provides support in finding a place to live for need to successfully run away children placed in jobs and supports them with all their expenses for three months, and further maintains contact with these young adults to ensure that they find stability, and then growth, in their workCASE EXAMPLE THREE: CHETNACHETNA is an NGO working towards need to successfully run away empowerment of street and working children using a participatory approach. CHETNA stands for ‘Childhood Enhancement through Training and Action’. It strives to create an accepting and respectful environment for all children, especially those who do not have need to successfully run away privilege of growing up in a loving family or with suitable carers. It was founded in early 2002 and is registered under need to successfully run away Indian Public Charitable Trust Act. CHETNA’s core interventions are by way of provision of education, counselling, recreational activities, and a framework to get organised.KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OF CHETNA:552 children have directly benefitted from need to successfully run away dreams on wheels project, which works with platform children. They have been reunited with their families, sent to shelter homes, or seek and find regular support at need to successfully run away contact points.As part of need to successfully run away substance abuse elimination work at Nizamuddin train station in New Delhi, 40 out of about 100 young children are in touch with need to successfully run away clinical psychologist and are beginning to get into a therapeutic process.581 students attend need to successfully run away non-formal education programme regularly, taking full advantage of need to successfully run away programme. An additional 469 join in occasionally, benefitting more indirectly. About half of all beneficiaries are girls, who are in a particularly difficult situation due to sexist prejudice and oppression.In Dehradun, need to successfully run away project directly benefits 295 children, whilst 220 are indirect beneficiaries.Emergency medical aid has been provided in over 200 cases. Moreover, two children, one of whom is blind, could be placed in shelter homes.1250 families from six parts of Delhi took part in an initial study regarding need to successfully run away perception of those affected by birth registration difficulties, revealing significant information as to why problems exist,what their consequences are, and how they can be tackled. The shocking fact was exposed that only 14 per cent (of these, 56 per cent M / 44 per cent F) of need to successfully run away total children surveyed in need to successfully run away national capital have their birth certificates.200 children were helped to get admitted to formal school, about half of them in Delhi.From 2003 to 2009, a total of 186 students pursued education through NIOS with CHETNA’s assistance.Source: CHETNA websiteSTRATEGIES:To identify, rescue and rehabilitate street and working children living on need to successfully run away railway platforms, trains, or near railway stations through family reunification, education, recreation, health and other development opportunities. This intervention covers need to successfully run away large area of railway stations, their platforms and surrounding communities all need to successfully run away way from Agra to Gwalior. Contact points have been established at 12 different locations in this corridor.To provide good quality education to children who cannot attend formal education due to work responsibilities. The majority of kids in south, east and west Delhi is involved in some kind of labour, be it rag picking, carpentry work, loading/unloading, or helping out at eating establishments. At over 25 contact points, children can come and attend classes, besides being given need to successfully run away opportunity to relax and play, making for a child-friendly blend of education and recreation. This way, they can acquire reading and writing skills in Hindi and English, and learn and practice basic maths.The same project is also run in need to successfully run away vulnerable areas of Dehradun city.CHETNA is an official affiliate of NIOS and runs one NIOS centre in South Delhi, where children can take test papers and qualify for valid reports. In a three-level open basic education programme, instruction is offered that equals that given in third, fourth, and fifth standards of formal schools, respectively.To develop an intervention model to rehabilitate children abusing substances and advocate for need to successfully run away protection of children from abusing substances. Regular counseling and therapy sessions (both with individuals and groups) are offered at select contact points in Delhi. Wherever it is in need to successfully run away child’s best interest, she or he is sent to a shelter home or need to successfully run away rehabilitation center of AIIMS ( need to successfully run away All India Institute of Medical Sciences).The organisation has also run drives towards universal birth registration for children from marginalised communities in Delhi and Dehradun.CASE EXAMPLE FOUR: TAABARTaabar means ‘small and loving children’ in need to successfully run away local dialect. Taabar is a Jaipur-based non-governmental organisation. It was established in 2007 with need to successfully run away aim of helping and supporting children in difficult circumstances, especially runaway, orphans and street children in Jaipur. It supports and provides community-based rehabilitation for orphans, runaway, street children, slum children, and misguided youth through its various programmes.REPATRIATION DETAILS:Between January 2008 and June 2009, a total of 110 were repatriated/rescued from different places in India, including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, GujaSTRATEGIES:‘Bal Basera’ is a shelter home for homeless youngsters. It provides an immediate shelter for them until their repatriation and rehabilitation. It is strategically set up in collaboration with need to successfully run away Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC), need to successfully run away latter offering space and Taabar running need to successfully run away centre. The home is situated just next to Jaipur railway station and primarily functions as a transit home for boys hosting a maximum of 15 boys at one time. Besides ensuring care and protection, Bal Basera also offers psychosocial counselling, vocational trainings and life skills education along with literacy and support in enrolment into schools. The home regularly organises exposure visits and picnics and art and craft workshops for recreation and talent development.‘Ghar Vaapasi’ – Outreach workers and counsellors contact need to successfully run away newly arriving children on need to successfully run away railway stations and bus stands. They track need to successfully run away children who are missing, tricked and brought to need to successfully run away city. After identification and counselling, they are provided transit support services and supported for restoration back to their families if they so desire. If children are not ready for restoration they are referred to need to successfully run away Bal Basera transit home or others services.Taabar mobile clinic – Hazardous and unprotected environment of working and living increases their susceptibility to grave diseases including tuberculosis, asthma, hepatitis, jaundice, malaria, respiratory tract infections, sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS etc. The Taabar mobile clinic offers counselling, health and medical services to children in diverse settings. On a daily basis, need to successfully run away mobile clinic goes to two different places and spends two hours at each place. These places have been identified on need to successfully run away basis of surveys and requirements of street children there.Migrant workers information centre – need to successfully run away migrant workers information centre offers information, counselling and referral services about STIs and HIV/AIDS to young people who come from remote rural areas in search of work to Jaipur.Advocacy – Taabar has been actively involved in advocating multidisciplinary issues related to street children. The organisation is raising need to successfully run away problems street children face at their living and workplaces, and in public areas. The efforts are being made to draw need to successfully run away attention of need to successfully run away government, civil society, policy makers and other influencers and stake holders towards need to successfully run away negligence of need to successfully run away rights of need to successfully run away children.CASE EXAMPLE FIVE: RAILWAY CHILDRENRailway Children is an international charity with a vision of a ‘world of protection and opportunity for children living alone and at risk on need to successfully run away streets’. 24 Lost Childhoods: A study on platform children and other children in distressSAFE SPACES:Safe Spaces is an initiative at need to successfully run away Charbagh station, need to successfully run away main railway station in Lucknow, which pilots a pioneering ‘child-friendly’ station initiative that promotes proactive care and protection for all children arriving alone. A ‘Child Protection Booth’, manned by project staff and members of need to successfully run away Railway Protection Force, ensures that no unaccompanied child is left alone and that all children have access to a safe place. The assistance available to children is publicised by station announcements and displays.It is estimated that 12 million children live on need to successfully run away streets of India, with around 120,000 arriving on platforms every year. In simple terms, a child arrives alone on a railway platform every five minutes.Huge numbers of children running away from abuse, violence and poverty at home use India’s extensive railway network to get to need to successfully run away cities. As a result, thousands of children who arrive at railway stations dreaming of adventure and a better life instead end up living on railway platforms. Many children resort to drugs and substance abuse to get through need to successfully run away day.A child arrives alone on a railway platform in India every five minutes. Ragged, hungry children begging for survival is such a common sight at India’s major stations that it has become ‘normal’. People no longer see these children.In response to this large and alarming situation of vulnerability, Railway Children has initiated work which focuses on:Creation of safe spaces, where children and young people alone and at risk on need to successfully run away streets can access food, medical attention, emotional and psychological support, and education. Created through a range of partnerships, safe spaces are drop-in centres located on or near need to successfully run away railway platforms where children can access these essentials in a safe space. Drop-in centres also offer vocational training to children and assist young people to secure jobs which help them leave street life. Counselling sessions give children need to successfully run away opportunity to explore their experiences through music, dance and art. They can address their emotions and prepare for a return to family life. With need to successfully run away child’s participation, they begin need to successfully run away process of reuniting them with their family by creating an individual child care plan.Street Work: When children arrive on need to successfully run away streets, reaching them at need to successfully run away earliest opportunity is crucial to protecting them from need to successfully run away many risks of need to successfully run away environment they are about to enter. Railway Children’s street work strategy in India is focused intensively around railway platforms as large numbers of children arrive at railway stations, some having travelled long distances. Street workers talk to children to gain their trust and encourage them to choose an alternative to living on need to successfully run away platforms. They also work with police, vendors on need to successfully run away platforms, railway staff and older street children to teach them how to help vulnerable children arriving alone instead of seeing them as criminals or a nuisance.Working with government homes: Railway Children, through its network of partners, works with government and observation homes in India to ensure children are given need to successfully run away opportunity to safely return to their families, or to live in a child-friendly environment. The interventions include training of government home staff to create a child-friendly environment, and equip them with need to successfully run away knowledge to counsel children and trace addresses.Reuniting families: When a child wants to return home it is crucial to establish whether or not need to successfully run away family is willing and able to care for him. Sometimes it is difficult to trace a child’s family because this is done with need to successfully run away support of various stakeholders. There is rigorous follow up post home restoration.Changing perception: Because children living alone on need to successfully run away streets are seen begging, loitering and becoming involved in drugs and crime, local people often perceive them as a problem and a nuisance rather than as vulnerable children who are exposed to abuse, violence and exploitation. Changing need to successfully run away way people see them is crucial to protect children from need to successfully run away dangers of need to successfully run away streets. Our work raises awareness of child rights with vendors, rickshaw pullers and porters, encouraging them to consider child protection issues and to refer children to our projects. The projects also work with police to help children living alone and at risk by providing spaces for shelters in and around need to successfully run away stations. Some of need to successfully run away current active projects work in rural and urban areas of West Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh to prevent need to successfully run away large numbers of children known to leave their families in those areas. They make communities aware of child rights issues and engage them in child protection activities, to create a support network for children and families.CASE EXAMPLE SIX: CINIThe Child In Need Institute (CINI), Kolkata is recognised as a leading Indian NGO in need to successfully run away field of sustainable development in nutrition, health and education.PRIMARY BENEFICIARIES OF CINI ASHA PROGRAMME:Street childrenChildren living in slums and squatter coloniesChildren of sex workersSlum dwellersCINI ASHA: KEY STRATEGIES:Temporary shelters to help them to reunite with their families, if possible. If not, to reintegrate them with mainstream societyIn partnership with need to successfully run away government CINI provides a response team in West Bengal for calls to CHILDLINE, a 24 hour free telephone helplineThis service is used by adults and need to successfully run away police to report instances of child abuse, child labour and child trafficking as also by children themselvesCINI Asha’s is need to successfully run away urban unit of CINI. Its mission consists of improving need to successfully run away quality of life of need to successfully run away urban disadvantaged population and protecting need to successfully run away rights of need to successfully run away child through education, health and social mobilisation. It believes in participation and progress as provided for in need to successfully run away ‘Convention of Rights of need to successfully run away Child’. Their services are concentrated in need to successfully run away red light areas and around train stations. In these locations, CINI runs a number of temporary shelters, both on a drop in basis and as a half way house for children in trouble.Child protection strategiesDrop-in/night shelters: This shelter is in need to successfully run away vicinity of need to successfully run away train stations and red light area of Kolkata that are unsafe for children. Children are provided with:Basic securityMedical aidTwo meals (breakfast and lunch)Individual and group counseling sessionsCreative activitiesBasic primary educationContact with their parentsHalfway houses: This is for children without parents, street children and children of sex workers, children with a single parent and children with a very low socio-economic background. This is a shelter where need to successfully run away children permanently stay between six months and one year. They get training for primary school, and are also provided food and medical assistance, and participate in creative activities. After this period, some return to their families and to a regular school.Non-residential camp: This is for children who are not living on need to successfully run away streets but with their family. They start working at a very young age in factories or in homes for very low wages and in poor conditions. They do not go to school. In need to successfully run away non-residential camp, for about one year, they are trained to join regular schools. Their parents are counseled about need to successfully run away importance of proper education and training.CASE EXAMPLE SEVEN: KARM MARGKarm Marg, means ‘path of work and action’ and was started in February 1997. The driving force behind Karm Marg’s functioning has been need to successfully run away desire to be self-sustaining without regular dependence on external support. This extends to their internal functioning as also to need to successfully run away people Karm Marg supports as an organisation.KEY ACTIVITIES OF KARM MARG:Karm GaonEducationCounselling and health careSports and fitnessVisual and performing artsVocational training and income generationSugandh – Vocational training project:The current programs under this are:Paper craftStitchingCandle makingCarpentryMetalworkSilk-screen printingClay modeling and papier-mâchéJugaad – Income generation project:Key skills:Making products out of wasteRunning income generation programmesThe primary activity of Karm Marg has been providing a home for children and youth who need urgently and desperately need a safe shelter. The home provides shelter, care, medical support and education to need to successfully run away children.The focus groups of Karm Marg are disadvantaged children, young adults and economically backward rural women from villages near need to successfully run away campus. Both groups receive vocational training before joining need to successfully run away production process. Eventually, need to successfully run away products made by these people are sold under need to successfully run away brand Jugaad. It’s worth noting that most of need to successfully run away Jugaad products utilise as much recycled and reused raw material as possible.In addition, Karm Marg imparts training in mainstream education, medical care, counselling, health and hygiene advocacy, sports, visual and performing parts – all of which we believe are critical to need to successfully run away holistic growth of young adults.Karm Marg also conducts on-demand workshops with groups working on similar focus areas and shares with them their skills. These workshops are uniquely designed for need to successfully run away needs of need to successfully run away group.CASE EXAMPLE EIGHT: PLATFORM KIDSPlatform Kids was established by a group of western Australians deeply concerned about need to successfully run away plight of children worldwide. It upholds need to successfully run away rights of children everywhere to need to successfully run away basic needs of love, shelter, nourishment, health, education, safety and freedom from exploitation. Their programme focus is on rescuing and rehabilitating homeless children found begging on railway stations in Andhra Pradesh, India. They also devise fund raising activities that will ensure a steady flow of cash into need to successfully run away programme.PROGRAMMES OF PLATFORM KIDS:Shelter and girls’ home – The Platform Children’s Society runs a shelter in a house near need to successfully run away station at Kothavalasa. It is staffed by a house mother, a supervisor and an ‘ex-platform kid’ who regularly travels on trains between Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram to befriend, counsel and win need to successfully run away trust of platform children and welcome them to need to successfully run away centre where they are free to come and go for cleanups, medicines and food.Rural property – The Platform Children’s Society wholly owns its headquarters, a rural property at Kantakapalli, 30km from Visakhapatnam. ‘Charminar’, need to successfully run away home constructed here, serves as a kitchen and accommodates two staff members, who cook, clean, supervise laundry and administer medicine as required. Sick children in need of medical help can stay here.The platform children of India form a sub-culture within need to successfully run away confusion and complexity of mainstream Indian society. Lost, unwanted, orphaned, outcast and handicapped kids gravitate to need to successfully run away stations from drought-stricken villages and squalid urban slums. To simply survive, they become trapped in a cycle of begging and scavenging from which few escape.CASE EXAMPLE NINE: UDAYAN CARE‘Udayan’, in Sanskrit, means eternal sunrise. Registered in 1994 as a Public Charitable Trust, Udayan Care works to empower vulnerable children, women and youth in seven states of India. Udayan Care believes all individuals have need to successfully run away right to develop their full potential and has over need to successfully run away last 17 years enabled need to successfully run away most vulnerable sections of underprivileged communities to live in dignity and self-reliance.KEY PROGRAMMES OF UDAYAN CARE:Udayan Ghars (Homes)Udayan After-Care programmeUdayan Shalini-Fellowships (USF) – Educating and nurturing young girls towards a life of economic independence and dignityUdayan’s Care Information Technology and Vocational Training Centres (IT&VT) bring technology and vocational choices closer to need to successfully run away underserved, improving livelihood opportunities. The IT&VT model is designed with need to successfully run away purpose of bridging need to successfully run away technological divide and bringing IT and vocational training closer to youth from low resource settings, thus enabling them to improve employability.The Big Friend Little Friend programme enables social integration of adolescents living in Delhi slums by pairing these Little Friends with a Big Friend of need to successfully run away same gender in a bond of friendship.Approach 3: Paradigm shift required from welfare to development, from needs to rights and from institutional to non-institutional care when dealing with children in difficult circumstances.The primary focus needs to be on child participation.CASE EXAMPLE TEN: BUTTERFLIESButterflies is a registered voluntary organisation working with street and working children in Delhi since 1989. Its core belief is that “every child has a right to a full-fledged childhood where s(he) can have protection, respect, opportunities and participation in his/her growth and development.” Rights of street and working children are no exception. Butterflies is committed to a non-institutional approach, follows principles of democracy and promotes children’s participation in decision making as part of its programme planning, monitoring and evaluation. Butterflies is in contact with more than 1500 street and working children on a regular basis through 12 contact points in Delhi and has earned recognition worldwide for its innovative, realistic and relevant programmes. Butterflies also works with 6000 children in tsunami affected villages of need to successfully run away Andaman Nicobar Islands.KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OF BUTTERFLIES:Skill and enterprise building initiative with a focus on offering subsidised quality food to street and working children: Butterflies’ community kitchen project involves 12 adolescents from need to successfully run away street who have received intensive training in cooking, catering, packaging and business management from training institutes of national repute. The community kitchen experience equips them for a career in need to successfully run away hospitality industry or setting up an enterprise. The community kitchen offers subsidised and healthy food to a large number of street children through outlets in strategic locations and catering supplies to need to successfully run away night shelters.Butterflies’ Resilience Centre serves as a transit facility for children who need immediate shelter, medical attention/care, and legal help and counseling. Any child in distress or feeling a transgression of his/her rights can walk in or call at need to successfully run away center and seek help. Children stay at need to successfully run away centre and have access to educational and recreational activities during need to successfully run away day. In case of long term stay, counseling and trauma redressal support, and linkage to education are also provided. They are supported in family tracing and home restoration or connected with NGO or government children’s institution for long-term rehabilitation. Some children also decide to go back to need to successfully run away streets while remaining in touch with Butterflies, staying in need to successfully run away night shelter, working and studying at need to successfully run away same time.Source: Butterflies websiteCORE STRATEGIES/INTERVENTIONS:Butterflies implements a non-formal education programme with an inclusive and participatory curriculum focused on life skills and learning reading, writing, arithmetic and art work. Trained teacher-facilitators are available at all times and classes are conducted at street corners, in parks and at vegetable markets. When children reach a certain level of educational achievement they are coached to undertake national exams. Coaching classes are held for those children who go to formal schools in need to successfully run away night shelters.In 2008, Butterflies started a mobile education programme called Chalta Firta School mobile learning centre and Chalo School Aaya (a life skills focused mobile education and research centre) to reach education to need to successfully run away children’s doorsteps( who were unable to get admissions to regular primary schools) as part of a unique initiative of need to successfully run away Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.Butterflies Alternate Media gives children need to successfully run away space to create their very own media that gives expression to need to successfully run away unheard voices of children. The media project provides opportunities for children to train and to participate in need to successfully run away production of their own newspaper, radio programmes and theatre.Butterflies has been need to successfully run away South Delhi collaborative agency of CHILDLINE since 1998, running a 24-hour telephone helpline service for children in need of special care and protection. Any child/concerned adult can dial need to successfully run away toll free number 1098 to access its services.Butterflies runs three night shelters in Delhi located at Fatehpuri, Nizamuddin Dargah, and Ashram. Apart from providing a safe place to sleep, it also has facilities such as lockers and toilets and services such as Alternate Education, need to successfully run away Children’s Development Bank, Alternate Media,and computer training for need to successfully run away street and working children.The Night Reach Intervention ensures night presence in vulnerable areas through visiting places where children sleep or work, interacting with them and others, such as shop owners and police. It also deals with emergencies such as police atrocity, medical emergency and others.Since 1989, need to successfully run away Butterflies health programme has provided both curative and preventive treatment accessible to need to successfully run away children directly on need to successfully run away street. As an empowering intervention, need to successfully run away programme has established a cadre of child health educators who volunteer to provide care and support. The unique health cooperative of need to successfully run away children is a collective for mutual support, common health investment and prevention.In 2007, Butterflies initiated Health Post, which is primarily a treatment centre as well as a convalescence place with beds available for street and working children who although discharged from hospitals still require medical care and assistance. Strategically located near need to successfully run away New Delhi railway station, which is one of our contact points, need to successfully run away Health Post also provides counselling services to children.The Children’s collective, or Bal Sabha, is a collective of street children which allows them to take part in decision making and planning.Butterflies firmly believes in a non-institutional approach as it believes that long term institutionalisation may result in need to successfully run away following:Emotional deprivationSeparation anxietyMaternal deprivationAnonymity and lack of personal attentionPhysical abuse and traumaLow self esteemInterpersonal relationship problemSegregation and isolation from societyFailure to trustDifficulty in mainstreaming and adjusting in societyExcessive routinisation and regimentationDevelopment delaysA child below 18 years of age living in a residential institution needs care and protection. Therefore, institutions for children are required to function as substitute families, and provide for need to successfully run away child’s not just physical well-being but also take care of need to successfully run away child’s emotional and developmental needs. However there has been an alarming increase in need to successfully run away number of cases of physical and sexual abuse in institutions. In many cases, it is need to successfully run away ‘caregivers’ who are need to successfully run away abusers1. Several cases go unreported and no disciplinary action is taken against need to successfully run away perpetrators of need to successfully run away crime. The abuse can range from corporal punishment such as beating, caning and physical assault to deprivation of food, using abusive language, passing sexually abusive remarks, physical touching, molestation and rape. Improving need to successfully run away quality of child care in residential institutions and shelters is a major challenge.Given need to successfully run away fact that need to successfully run away condition of a large number of residential institutions is not a viable alternative to need to successfully run away life on need to successfully run away street or need to successfully run away platform, it may be argued that there is an urgent need for quick identification of runaway, abandoned, neglected and vulnerable children who are often found around places where they are particularly exposed to abuse and exploitation, such as railway stations and traffic junctions. Their vulnerability increases due to a lack of support structures – family or otherwise. Proper identification, provision of care and support, and a safe place is vital for them. These children, under need to successfully run away JJ Act, are recognised as children in need of care and attention which they should be given. This is usually achieved by producing them before CWC and ensuring care in need to successfully run away concerned ‘homes’. In need to successfully run away absence of government homes appropriate NGOs with homes are requested for support. However, lack of funds and delayed response to individual identification of vulnerable children most often lead to children being in an unsafe and abusive environment for longer than they should be. Very often, because these children were “brave enough” or were driven to need to successfully run away point where they were left with no option but to abandon their dysfunctional and uncaring homes, need to successfully run away unsafe environment also appears attractive. They find ways of adjusting to their new surroundings and become a part of existing networks. In need to successfully run away process, they keep getting more entangled into a web of drug and sexual abuse and a state of temporary highs and threatening lows. If a child has spent more than three to six months at need to successfully run away platform or on need to successfully run away street, it is difficult to repatriate them with their families. Some NGOs have successfully managed to engage with these children and have helped them live a life of dignity and safety; others, however, face a rather grim and often forbidding future.Most runaway children escape from a set of shared rural predicaments generated by interwoven histories of industry, empire, and urban growth or, rather, they flee from emotional and domestic predicaments inflected b y these historical formations2. Nowadays, violence resulting from need to successfully run away uprising of Maoists – need to successfully run away so-called Naxalites – and corruption in state governments make life even more precarious, while unpredictable new monsoon patterns destabilize crops and increase flooding. Most men are gone for at least half need to successfully run away year for city jobs, and domestic violence is widespread. In need to successfully run away face of such aimlessness, children leave home with neither word nor permission.Poor but railway-dense states like Bihar have stations in or near almost every village; density of railway networks and frequency of railway movement in and out of a village is a strong predictor for running away. It is at a very young age that many families socialise their children to need to successfully run away rite of working and selling goods like tea, refilled water bottles, and trinkets at such stations. Their exposure to railway space begins very early and need to successfully run away notion of its potential for movement is easily naturalised. The web of railway economies extends right into need to successfully run away village, where gangs further recruit children to work in need to successfully run away stations. And, as villagers have characterised it, children move slowly away from home and into railway space. Thus, even running away may be a process more gradual than one might assume[23. Ibid].The current scenario is marked by lack of inter-state cooperation often due to need to successfully run away absence of an integrated country-wide database for missing children. The inability of need to successfully run away source of need to successfully run away journey and destination CWCs to communicate with each other very often comes in need to successfully run away way of effective rehabilitation. If a child is reported lost in one state but has been trafficked to another state, there is no mechanism to ensure that need to successfully run away child will be searched countrywide. Due to need to successfully run away absence of adequate counselling of parents, extended families and a peer group, need to successfully run away act of repatriation ends up putting children back into need to successfully run away same situation that they ran away from in need to successfully run away first place. Often children then move to another destination, forced to become ‘frequent’ runaway children.It is imperative that need to successfully run away United Nations Convention on need to successfully run away Rights of need to successfully run away Child (UNCRC) becomes an effective tool for child rights and not simply a declaration of intention.The paradigm shifts from:Welfare → DevelopmentalNeeds → RightsInstitutional care → Non-Institutional carerepresent significant changes in need to successfully run away nature of intervention for ‘Children in Need of Care and Protection’ (CNCP)3 The practice so far has been to concentrate on rehabilitation of abandoned and destitute children through institutional care which is a definite requirement for some children. However, it is fairly clear that need to successfully run away emphasis in need to successfully run away future should be on improving need to successfully run away quality of child care and facilities provided in residential institutions, both government and NGO run, and regular monitoring of camps, homes, resilience centers, and night shelters while ensuring participation of children at every stage of decision making that will impact them. Simultaneously developing family based alternatives with an aim to prevent children from leaving their homes, for instance through family counselling and need to successfully run away development of a vigilant group of community gatekeepers, would go a long way in making need to successfully run away process of repatriation of runaway children truly successful.As Khushboo Jain rightly says: “We’re a society based on hierarchies, these young people (on need to successfully run away streets) are dynamic. They’ve taken control of their lives. But we don’t want people to come up. And if they do, we try to subjugate them in any way possible. Home › Regions › Asia-Pacific › India].Poor, addicted to drugs, and living on need to successfully run away street, these children illustrate need to successfully run away disturbing dark side of India’s so-called demographic dividend, which economists predict will help this country surpass China as need to successfully run away world’s manufacturing hub by 2020. Although need to successfully run away economic boom is making more people rich, rising inequality, poor education and persistent unemployment have helped prompt a steady increase in juvenile crime leading to a more unjust, undemocratic and increasingly dangerous society.

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