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  • Attach the form that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your paper using the toolbar.
  • Save the customized PDF file on your laptop.

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The vegan lifestyle is incredibly expensive and harmful. Why are people still vegan?

You are wrong on all counts. It is not expensive to be a vegan because plant-based foods cost a lot less than meat and dairy-based foods. Of course, for vegans to save that cash, they need to be ready to shop for produce and learn how to cook it. Even if you are the kind of vegan who is willing to spend money on vegan processed foods, like dairy-free cheese (disgusting) plant-based meat substitutes (so disappointing) and imported coconut and tamarind yogurt at $3.95 a tub, it still won’t cost as much as meat and real dairy.And a vegan diet is not harmful. The only essential nutrient missing from vegan and some vegetarian diets is B12, and you can take that as a supplement. Now, I have mentioned vegans I have known whose diet is based on canned creamed corn and Skittles, but I don’t think those people count as vegans. They just like to say they are vegans. Most of the vegans I know have a clue about how to feed themselves well without animal products because they know about a variety of vegetables, legumes and nuts, and they know how to cook.People become vegans for all kinds of reasons. Most are perfectly nice people who don’t feel the need to remind you constantly that meat is death. The worst thing about vegans is trying to find a restaurant you are all ok with eating at. If you get stuck with a dear friend sitting across the table from you who spends ten minutes interrogating the waitstaff about secret chicken broth and bootleg butter, you can become homicidal kinda fast, especially if you are hungry. This is the closest veganism comes to being dangerous: the hostility of family and friends.But expensive and harmful? I’m afraid you have been misinformed, my dear.

What are the best ways to maintain a healthy diet?

The best way to plan your diet are:-Go to the supermarket after the gym.You’ll feel motivated to keep up with all the hard work you just put in by buying the best options for your body. Just try to get some food in your system, because…2. You shouldn’t shop on an empty stomach.This will shut up that voice inside your head that tells you to buy those amazing-looking Oreos. Shopping when you’re hungry triggers your cravings for fast, satisfying food—and that can spell the end to an otherwise careful diet plan.3. Make a list.Stick to basics and add or rotate one new snack/meal a week to switch things up. Don’t know what to get? Start with the nine foods that should be in every diet.4. Use a basketIt should be all you need. If you have the storage space for buying in bulk, prioritize the really healthy foods that you know you’ll be eating every day—chicken breasts, fish, healthy vegetables, and—of course—protein powder.5. Plan your route through the grocery store.Avoid aimless wandering—it’ll make you susceptible to temptations. You’re on a mission every time you go. Get in, and get out.6. Shop the perimeter.Most of the food you’ll need, like produce and fresh foods, is on the outside border of the supermarket. Avoid the snack and processed foods that poison the middle of the store.7. Don’t be fooled by marketing buzzwords.Make sure you understand what marketing terms mean. Just because something is “natural,” “diet,” or “whole wheat,” don’t assume it’s healthy. Focus more on good foods you can eat rather than ones that you can’t. One exception to this rule? The USDA Certified Organic label, which is subject to strict regulations by the USDA. Certified Organic livestock are by definition cage-free, vegetarian-fed, free-roaming, and not subjected to antibiotics or hormones; likewise, organic plants are nonGMO and strictly regulated so they’re not subjected to harmful additives.8. How to cook healthier.You’ve just had a long and stressful day at work, and the thought of cooking seems horrible—so follow these strategies to avoid the path of fast food.9. Prep your meals for the week.Remember how grandma made a big pot of chicken soup on Sundays so you could eat leftovers throughout the week? She was on to something. Prepare your meals for the week ahead, and get in the routine. It won’t feel like “dieting,” and it’ll save you the effort of thinking about what the hell you’re going to eat every day.10. Measure out your nutrients.Calories can sneak up on you with portions that are larger than you think. Use the nutrition facts to your advantage so you know how many macronutrients—carbs, fats, and proteins—go into your body. That’s not to say you should count calories, but you should balance out your consumption to make you get enough protein (for building muscle) and fats and carbs (for energy).12. Don’t eat boring, but watch your “flavorizers”.Some of the healthiest meals can be ruined by things you put on to make it taste better, like salad dressing (loaded with fat) or barbecue sauce (packed with sugar). Find healthy alternatives like spices and herbs, which don’t add any fat and sugar, or a low-calorie hot sauce.13. How to eat healthier.You’ve bought and prepared your healthy meals. Now it’s time to enjoy!14. Take your time.Enjoy your food to avoid eating faster than your mind can register it being full. It takes the body and mind about 20-30 minutes to acknowledge you’re satisfied.Use your nondominant handUse your other hand to slow you down.Build your support groupFocus on the relationships with the people you’re eating with by enjoying good conversation. Talk about your struggles and triumphs with trying to reach your goals. This will slow down your eating, and get your mind right to stay focused.15. Drink water.Your beverages should have zero calories. Coffee is OK, as long as you focus on healthy additives.16. Follow the 80% rule.Eat until you’re 80% full whether you leave a couple of bites on your plate or do so by lowering the portion size during meal prep time.17. Emjoy small meal & eat 5–6 times.Small meal will give you nutrition continuously and increase your metabolism.

What do I do as a 13-year-old in a meat-loving family who won't let me be a vegetarian?

I’m a mother of a vegan daughter. Ever since she was 8 months old and starting to eat solid food she disliked meat. If I hadn’t seen her using her tongue to push meat out of her mouth time after time I wouldn’t have believed someone can be “born to dislike meat”, but that is what I witnessed. I thought she would grow to like meat. I was wrong. It was always constant battle with her to make her eat even a little bit meat. The reason for me trying to make her eat meat was that I was worried about her not getting enough certain B-vitamins and protein if she wasn’t eating meat and it all having ill effect on her growth and health.At some point when she was older, maybe around 13-years old we had a real conversation about this. I told her, that I have finally learned that she will never like eating meat, and I’m going to allow her to stop eating meat and inform her school that she needs vegetarian meals (here in Finland kids get free lunch at school). In order for me to do this, I needed her to prove me that she won’t just stop eating meat but investigate how to get all nutrition, vitamins, protein etc. needed when on vegetarian/vegan diet. How to construct a healthy, well balanced and nutrition rich vegetarian diet.Also, I told her that she needs to learn to cook these dishes for herself. In my family all kids, boys and girls equally, have to learn to cook. I also explained to her, that I won’t be able to cook two different dishes every day, so those days she will need to cook for herself. I will be buying what food she needs, of course. Because she had to learn to cook these dishes herself I knew that when she moved out she had sufficient skills to have a healthy and balanced vegetarian diet and she wouldn’t take short cuts and ending up eating vegetarian fast food.She learned what she needs to cook, what vitamins to have, what to cook to get enough protein and so on. Nowadays she’s on vegan diet.So in my experience I would suggest, that you do your homework, study what are special requirements for a growing teenager on vegetarian diet. Your parents are most likely worried, that when you stop eating meat you won’t get all vitamins and protein as easily, which is true. So show them that you understand their concern and you take your own health and well-being seriously and have studied what you need to eat in order to get all nutrient you need.Who ever is cooking in your home might be really busy and it takes quite a lot of time to cook one dish, not to mention if they have to cook two different meals, so help them out. Show that you are grown up enough to do your part in kitchen, so they don’t have to spend more time in kitchen because of your special diet. Also, this is a great way to show them you are mature enough to make decisions on your own diet and mature enough to execute it safe and efficient way.Have a conversation with your parents, where you explain your points. This conversation is your chance to show you are taking your health and diet seriously and that you are mature and responsible enough to understand also their concerns about your health. No arguing, you need to show them that you are mature enough to have a conversation without “but moms” or tantrums how they are fossils who don’t understand. Ask them to listen to you, give them all information you studied earlier (maybe even print out this information) about how to have a healthy vegetarian diet as a teenager, explain them how you will help in the kitchen and take responsibility of your own diet. If your parents are still hesitant, ask them if they would agree to give you a chance to show them, that you can do this? If they would agree to let you do this for two weeks? During that two weeks you need to show them that you are mature and responsible enough so they can trust you on this and let you continue.

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