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Would you consider having antibody titers checked on your dog prior to having annual vaccinations in order to determine whether the vaccines are necessary?

Vaccination is a racket so never necessary only to drug industry pocketEg antibodies aren’t a measure of immunity and costInfection hypotheses can help making billions of dollars:1. The antibody business: Millions of screening tests are distributed, each blood sample needs to be tested (4 millions in Germany alone)“The fallacy of this (antibody theory) was exposed nearly 50 years ago, which is hardly recent. A report published by the Medical Research Council entitled 'A study of diphtheria in two areas of Gt. Britain, Special report series 272, HMSO 1950 demonstrated that many of the diphtheria patients had high levels of circulating antibodies, whereas many of the contacts who remained perfectly well had low antibody."--Magda Taylor"Just because you give somebody a vaccine, and perhaps get an antibody reaction, doesn’t mean a thing. The only true antibodies, of course, are those you get naturally. What we’re doing [when we inject vaccines] is interfering with a very delicate mechanism that does its own thing. If nutrition is correct, it does it in the right way. Now if you insult a person in this way and try to trigger off something that nature looks after, you’re asking for all sorts of trouble, and we don’t believe it works."—interviewed by Jay Patrick, and quoted in "The Great American Deception," Let’s Live, December 1976, p. 57."Many measles vaccine efficacy studies relate to their ability to stimulate an antibody response, (sero-conversion or sero-response). An antibody response does not necessarily equate to immunity......... the level of antibody needed for effective immunity is different in each individual.....immunity can be demonstrated in individuals with a low or no detectable levels of antibody. Similarly in other individuals with higher levels of antibody there may be no immunity. We therefore need to stay clear on the issue: How do we know if the vaccine is effective for a particular individual when we do not know what level of antibody production equals immunity?"-"I took my two-year-old Rottweiler for rabies vaccination and the vanguard DHLPP now all of her organs are shutting down. They want me to put her to sleep. I should've never took her. I didn't know. Her temp is 105 she's paralyzed in her two front legs. I wanted to update this post because around 1:05 PM they called me and told me that she went into cardiac arrest and died. They wanted me to put her to sleep and I refused. So I paid $200 for them to put an IV to give her anabiotic's but she didn't even last one hour. They said it's a coincidence that she happened to get sick after the shots and said my neighbors probably poisoned her. She was fine before her vaccinations! Those shots killed her. I'm so broken hearted I love her soooo much." (June 2016)“In 1987, journalist Robert Lederer wrote about a vaccine against hog cholera. The serum was developed from pig blood which turned out to be tainted with African Swine Fever (ASF). "Thus," Lederer suggests, "during mass [pig] vaccination programs, the tainted vaccine prevented hog cholera but also induced ASF on a mass scale."Ben Dupuy, editor of New York's Haiti Progress, told Lederer he believed the hog cholera vaccine was intentionally introduced into Haiti to blast the poor-peasant infrastructure. With the death of their pigs during the ensuing ASF epidemic of 1979, Dupuy maintains peasants were forced to pay $100 apiece for new pigs brought in from the US. Of course, they couldn't afford this. The idea was to drive peasants off their land into low-paying urban jobs and, from the outside, establish a new Haitian economy (US controlled) of huge farms and factories.In this regard, Lederer also cites an article from the New York Native, December 17,1984, in which Jane Teas (Harvard School of Public Health) remarks that ASF first broke out in Haiti in a well-populated valley that was due to be flooded, as part of a hydroelectric dam project. Ownership of All Life p86)"The links are invisible and so far, unproven. Even to suggest they exist is to be heaped with scorn from the U.S. medical establishment. Yet a growing number of holistic and now even conventional veterinarians are convinced, from sad experience, that vaccines as they are administered in this country to pets are doing more harm than good. I myself think that's a conservative view. I think that vaccines, justly credited as the tamers of disease epidemics, are nevertheless the leading killers of dogs and cats in America today." ---"Canine parvovirus is closely related to feline viral enteritis virus. The sudden widespread appearamce of the disease in 1979 has led to the suggestion that it originated from an attenuated feline enteritis vaccine strain.. ..Read that sentence again: it is thought that a vaccine caused parvovirus."--- (What Vets Don't Tell you about Vaccination, p 129)"Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in 1989 threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year – of rabies. This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease alive?"---- Dr Vernon Coleman MB"What appears to emerge from the study is: a) Nosodes can effectively stop, in its tracks, an outbreak of a highly transmissible disease (viz kennel cough). b) That it does so, in this case, more effectively than the presently available vaccines. c) That vaccination impairs the ability of the animal to respond to the nosode."--Christoper Day, MA, Vet.M.B., M.R.C.VS. Vet.F.F.Hom (What Vets Don't Tell you about Vaccination, p 238 by"John Saxton MRCVS VetMFHom presented a paper in 1991 describing the use of the canine distemper nosode in disease control...The results showed that, of dogs kept in the kennes for 8 days, 11.67% showed clinical signs of distemper on the 5th day prior to the introduction of nosodes, dropping to 4.36% after the nosodes were introduced. Where the entire kennel population was taken into account...the incidence of distemper dropped from 8.05% to 2.81% afetr the introduction of nosodes."---(What Vets Don't Tell you about Vaccination, p 240 by"What I am suggesting here is that the original disease, Distemper, has been, for the most part, replaced by Distemper Vaccinosis, a chronic disease of great variety. This chronic disease also creates a susceptibility to new acute forms of distemper like parvovirus. Because by its nature, chronic disease is more developed than an acute disease, the many ramifications of this condition have been given new names from the mistaken idea that they are different and distinct diseasesNutritional medicine QuotesR. GEOFFREY BRODERICK, D.V.M.: "I haven't had a single case of hip dysplasia since I started using vitamin C for prevention five years ago. Before that, I used to do one or two dysplasia operations every week."WENDELL 0. BELFIELD, D.V.M.: "In the more serious cases [of ruptured discs], my routine approach is to inject the downed dog with sodium as-corbate [vitamin C] for three to five days. Normally this is all the time it takes to bring the animal back to its feet.".RICHARD J. KEARNS,D.V.M.: "I believe all cases of spinal myelopathy and wobbler's syndrome are caused by poor nutrition .. . sometimes going back to the mother's nutrition during pregnancy."Cancer"We have had (leukemic) cats who have been able to climb trees and look normal in less than ten weeks."---S. Allen Price FVM""You get cats in with high fevers, 105-108 degrees. There is nothing you can give them that will bring down that high a fever--except laetrile."---Dr Kearns, DVM. (Dr Kearns uses 50mg of laetrile orally until the leukemia is under control.)Problems of the EyeROBERT GOLDSTEIN, V.M.D., AND MARTY GOLDSTEIN, D.V.M.: "Very often corneal ulcers that are incurable with standard drugs will heal with natural therapy."RICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M.: "Often, in early cases, a $25 bottle of Vitamin B15 drops will dissolve cataracts. Even in very advanced cases, cataracts can be arrested approximately seventy percent of the time, if the owner uses a natural diet along with nutritional therapy."Problems of the Skin and HairJ. KEITH BENEDICT,D.V.M.: "I suppose we veterinarians who do a lot of work with skin and hair problems ought to thank the commercial pet food manu-facturers for all the business they create for us?'MICHAEL W. LEMMON,D.V.M.: "Popular flea collars often contain powerful nerve gases. They can kill some fleas. They can also kill some pets, and can do damage to children and adults handling the pet wearing the poisonous flea collar."Infectious DiseasesRICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M.: "The only time I use an antibiotic is when the client insists on it. With drugs, the animal has less of a chance of being cured than he has with natural therapy. Also, even in those cases where the drug does cure, the poor animal can be suffer-ing for a week or two; whereas with vitamin C and other nutrients, he can be well in three days."H. H. ROBERTSON, D.V.M.: "Bacteria do not attack a healthy body. Most doctors worry about the bacteria. I do not treat the bacteria; I treat the animal?'MICHAEL W. LEMMON,D.V.M.: "With. . . upper respiratory tract diseases, I get ninety per-cent cure in early cases. However, if the animal has already been treated with antibiotics and other drugs when I get to see him, my successful results drop to about seventy-five per-cent."Some Problems of Internal Organs:NORMAN C. RALSTON, D.V.M., AND RICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M.: "Just by adding vitamin E in high enough doses for diabetic pets, you can cut insulin down to only ten to twenty percent of what the animal needed before taking the vitamin. If you add a natural diet and pancreatic enzymes, you can get even better results?'NINO ALORO, D.V.M.: "Diet seems to be at the base of about ninety percent of the cases of cystitis that I see. . When my clients observe the proper diet after initial treat-ment, there are rarely any of the ‘normal’ relapses. If they put the pet back on commercial food, then the cystitis comes back.”RICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M., AND NORMAN C. RALSTON) D.V.M.: "Bladder stones and kidney stones are completely a nutritional problem. [We] have never seen a recurrence once an animal is put on a natural diet. Never.' Heart Problems and Hypertension:RICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M.: "We can get most of our animals with heart problems off drugs, when people go along with me in using natural foods and natural supplements?'MICHAEL W. LEMMON, D.V.M.: "I've had cases of heart disease that were absolutely given up on by other veterinarians, be-cause the cardiograms indicated there was no hope. Nutritional therapy improved the animals' health greatly and has given them years more of life."S. ALLEN PRICE, D.V.M.: "Almost all-if not, indeed, all-cases of hypertension can be traced, I believe, to the commercial foods. "I virtually never have to use digitalis or digitoxin anymore?' Cancer Need Not Be a Death Sentence for Your Pet:H. H. ROBERTSON, D.V.M.: "What you have to do is bring the body chemistry back to normal. Once you've done that, you can just get rid of the tumors without any problem. I don't cure the cancer; all I do is put the animal's body into shape so it can do the job."MICHAEL W. LEMMON, D.V.M.: "When my clients cooperate, thirty to forty percent of pets in the 'terminal' stage of cancer can be successfully treated. With early cancer, the success rate rises above ninety percent."S. ALLEN PRICE, D.V.M.: "I've been dealing with feline leukemia for years; and I get disgusted with most veterans, whoadvocate Test and Slaughter-that is, if the cat tests positive, it's best to kill it. We've had cats who have been able to climb trees and look normal in less than ten weeks. And I'm talking about cats who were brought in to us when they were too weak even to stand up."Special Diets for Special Times in Your Pet's Life:JOHN E. CRAIGE, V.M.D.; H. H. ROBERTSON, D.V.M.; and RICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M.: "Dead mothers and dead babies: We seldom see them anymore if the mother is fed a natural diet with supplements.'ROBERT GOLDSTEIN, V.M.D., AND MARTY GOLDSTEIN, D.V.M.: "Many people come to us with old, degenerated pets for whom other vets have told them there is 'no hope.' When the owners see how their pets become young again-and recover from the 'hopeless' disorders-they start taking themselves and their families to nutritionally oriented physicians. They realize that 'If nutritional medicine can work wonders for my pet, it can work wonders for us, too." What Your Pet Should Eat for a Long and Healthy Lift and why:ROBERT S. GOLDSTEIN, V.M.D.; MARTY GOLD-STEIN, D.V.M.; RICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M.; H. H.ROBERTSON, D.V.M.: "We just seldom see the so called inevitable diseases in our patients, when we can get the owners to raise the pets on their natural foods.”RICHARD J. KEARNS, D.V.M.: "Everybody laughs at me; they say I'm a specialist in geriatrics, because all my animals get to be so old. That's simply because I try to have my clients feed their pets right in the first place."R. GEOFFREY BRODERICK, D.V.M.: "My greatest goal is to be known not for what I've cured and controlled, but for what I've prevented."NINO ALORO, D.V.M.: "Even the so-called 'sickly' pet can get to live a long, healthy life with the proper diet."The five stages of vaccine awareness1. Vaccines are safe and effective2. Vaccines are unsafe but effective3. Vaccines do more harm than good4. Vaccines are ineffective and dangerous5. Vaccines are silent weapons for human farming: killing, sterilising, mind control, and disease creation for fear and income. Vaccine advocates are psychopaths or useful idiots“Vaccination is child abuse and a crime against humanity.” - Dr Buchwald MD''Vaccination is not disease prevention - it's a particularly nasty form of organised crime in that it manipulates parents' protective instincts to get them to submit their child into getting poisoned for profit under the guise of disease prevention.'' ~ Erwin"The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."-Dr Robert Mendelsohn (received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Chicago in 1951. For 12 years he was an instructor at Northwest University Medical College, and an additional 12 years served as Associtae Professor of Pediatrics and Community Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He was also President of the National Health Federation, former National Director of Project Head Starts Medical Consultation Service, and Chairman of the Medical Licensing Comittee of the State of Illinois.)"Parents who allow their children to be vaccinated should be charged with child abuse and sent to prison for a very long time."---Dr Vernon Coleman MB (Coleman's Laws.)"The 'victory over epidemics' was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvements and especially of improved nutrition. Here the role of the potato...deserves special mention.....Consider carefully whether you want to let yourself or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ineffective and no longer necessary procedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause for the decline of infectious diseases is **utter nonsense.**"--The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---**Dr. med. G. Buchwald **“I was the first to announce the "autism epidemic", in 1995, and I pointed out in that article that excessive vaccines were a plausible cause of the epidemic. As you know, an enormous amount of clinical laboratory research (as opposed to epidemiological research), has been accumulated since that time, supporting my position. (I did not know then that the vaccines contained mercury, although I had been collecting data since 1967 from the mothers of autistic children, on any dental work they may have had during their pregnancy.) The evidence is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine.” ~ Bernard Rimland (November 15, 1928 – November 21, 2006) was an American research psychologist, writer, lecturer, and advocate for children with developmental disorders. Rimland's first book, Infantile Autism, sparked by the birth of a son who had autism, was instrumental in changing attitudes toward the disorder. Rimland founded and directed two advocacy groups: the Autism Society of America (ASA) and the Autism Research Institute."We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.......Every doctor now essentially in this country has done something as heinous as the Nazis did, unknowingly." ~ Dr Eisenstein MD“I think that the biological case against Thimerosal is so dramatically overwhelming anymore that only a very foolish or a very dishonest person with the credentials to understand this research would say that Thimerosal wasn’t most likely the cause of autism……you couldn't even construct a study that shows thimerosal is safe. It's just too darn toxic. If you inject thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage." ----Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky and one of the world's leading authorities on mercury toxicity.

Why is pork unholy in some religions?

I have written a small article on topic of FORBIDDEN food in which you have the answer to your question.FORBIDDEN FOOD“If anybody said that I should die if I did not take beef tea or mutton, even on medical advice, I would prefer death. This is the basis of my vegetarianism”--- Mahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi said it to the London vegetarian society 20-11-1931. However he did not call for a complete beef ban to respect sentiments of nonhindu religions if India.It will be foolish for anyone to say that food is a integral part of human life. It’s a basic requirement and all our activities are ultimately directed towards single goal of feeding self and one’s family. However food is also very important and inseparable part of our socio – cultural and religious life. Every religion or civilization has its own thoughts and beliefs regarding food ---- type of food to be eaten [vegetarinian or meat], method of cattle slaughter for food, time period when it can be eaten and so on and so on.So, food is not just a means to fill ones tummy and guarantee the continuation of human species but is a complex socio – cultural, religious topic of hot debate and war.IT’S THE ENDORSEMENT OF A RELIGION THAT’S A PROBLEM, NOT THE CHICKEN OR MUTTON.Food has been viewed from a religious point of view asLawful food --- allowed or approved by that particular religion or culture e.g. – kosher, halal food.Forbidden food -- food whose consumption is not allowed by that particular religion or culture.Forbidden food has been used and misused over time immemorial to further divide our already divided society and world. How many tens of thousands of innocent people have died in riots following finding swine flesh in mosque and after cow slaughter in front of Hindu temples? Forbidden food has been and is used even today to instigate and stoke intensely negative religious sentiments and hatred leading to communal disharmony.Although there are some instances where forbidden food was used to instigate patriotism and hatred towards the erstwhile British Empire in India which led to the famous SEPOY MUTINY or India’s first war of independence in 1857. The pregreased paper cartridges of the newly inducted Enfield pattern rifle muskets had to be bit before loading and firing. It was alleged by many Indian sepoys of the then British army that the source of grease was TALLOW [animal fat] of beef and pork which were offensive and forbidden to Hindus and Muslims both. This potent mix of food and religion led to the final eruption of the first war of independence against the mighty British Empire in 1857.Storage and domestication of food and its sources was never a problem for our Paleolithic [Old Stone Age] and Neolithic [new stone age] hunter gatherers or the CAVEMEN who lived on the planet 2.6 million years to 1000 BCE as they lived in caves and hunted in small groups, moved through dense jungles and mountains, frequently changed locations in search of food and water. They had an immense advantage over the so called POLISHED AGRICULTURALISTS who eventually succeeded them. Their advantages were --Access to all flora and fauna of dense jungles and plains and mountains.They ate large seeded legumes [beans, chickpeas, lentils] more than cereals.Physically more robust with an uncorrupted mind.Respect of nature and animals evidenced by more animistic cave paintings.No concept of selfish fortified dwellings, invasion, war.May be the cavemen were A BUNCH OF HAPPY MEN rather than ignorant barbarians. Ignorance is a bliss proven correct even today as we see the foolishness of the learned people on social media today.It was not until 10000 BCE that the first agrarian revolution occurred in Mesopotamia – Sumer was the first agrarian civilization rightly called the CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION or Fertile Crescent.Revolution in human intelligence and technology that is BEHAVIOURAL MODERNITY reached its peak around 50000 years ago in the Homo sapiens. First evidence of wheat cultivation was found in JERICO Palestine and GESHAR Israel during 10000 – 7000 BCE. Pigs and sheep were domesticated by 11000 BCE. Innocent Caveman got corrupted and started thinking about ---Storage of food.Domestication of farm animals, cattle for food and tilling fields.Humanistic [self centered] cave paintings.LanguageWheels , transportationFortification , weapons , warRELIGION.As cultivation and domestication grew so did human population and is ever growing since. Problems of Neolithic agriculturalists were ridiculously similar to current problems which entire world is facing now ----Famine prone due to high dependence on cropsPopulation explosion.Malnutrition due to under feeding and low nutritional value of cultivated crops .so the need and concept of increasing the nutritional value of food grains by GENETIC MODIFICATION ……? Playing with nature or advanced science.Sedentary, fixed, fortified lifestyle.Diseases of domesticated farm animals --- this problem has entered a new monstrous dimension of global pandemics due to diseases contracted to humans from farm animals and exotic WILD animals either due to their rearing , meat consumption either which way . The current CORONA VIRUS pandemic is a result of similar disease transmission from china.As BEHAVIOURAL MODERNITY and rational thinking improved , as small dwellings were converted to large fortified cities , as man moved from a constantly travelling and moving to a more fixed and sedentary lifestyle , as man moved from US to ME ………….. There came the concept of WORSHIP AND RELIGION and its guidance over all aspects of human life including food.First came the PAGANS [e.g. – preislamic Arabic paganism , pagans of roman empire before it adapted Christianity as its official religion] who worshipped Mother Nature in all her forms and shapes, which we may be reverting to soon if we continue to destroy our planet at the current pace. Then came POLYATHEISM who worshipped different deities in different forms idolatry or non idolatry. There were 360 idols of stone around KAABA in Mecca before Islam in Arabia. Ultimately it was monotheism or belief in one single and only one god as in all 3 Abrahaminic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam.Hinduism or Vedic civilization is a complex mixture of nature worship along with deity and idol worship with more emphasis on AHIMSA or nonviolence in all aspects of life including food.So, food became not only the source to fill the hungry tummy but became the matter of ---# Religious beliefs and sentiments – lawful and forbidden food.# Faith# Divinity, offering to god.# Prestige and status.Higher the castes more are the food restrictions. After all beggars can’t be choosers, right?God’s food -- in Hebrew bible when Moses struck the rock with his staff and along came 12 water springs or 12 tribes of Bani Israel. God gave the Israelite Jews shade of clouds and MANNA [vegetarinian sweet resin dew honey from tamarisk tree along with salwa birds for food during their exodus from Sinai to Israel. There are many such instances of GODS FOOD in all major religions and cultures of the world.Although ancient Sumerians were agriculturalists thanks to Tigris and Euphrates, Although Hejaz province [land of Mecca and yathrib ] in Saudi Arabia had vast green fields ,although the ancient Sabians [ Yemen] were farmers thanks to the prehistoric great Marib dam …………we cannot disagree that the primary source of food in Levant , Arabia , Israel was MEAT of animal origin. Levant and Hejaz are also the places of origin of major Abrahaminic religions of the world like Judaism, Christianity and Islam. So it is important to discuss about meat before understanding about forbidden food.Forbidden food in Judaism –Among all religions probably Jews have the strictest code for food. Strict dietary prohibitions in Jews may be to safeguard cohesion of community in the time of profound exististinal crisis for this group of displaced and persecuted people. Like that happened during the 6 BCE Nebuchadnezzar’s Jewish exile and captivity of Jews in Babylon. Hebrew bible classified animals into –Beasts of the landsFlying animalsCreatures which crawl on landAnimals which dwell in waterKosher [lawful] meat in Judaism --- animals which chew their cud or ruminate and have divided or clover hooves are considered kosher for Jews. Animals which don’t have these qualities or have only one quality are called unclean for consumption. Rumination is a form of regurgitation of partially digested food from their specialized multi chambered stomach to mouth followed by more chewing and transfer to another chamber which ensures a very good digestion and dilution of all swallowed plant poisons and impurities.Cow chews cud and has split hooves so its kosher.pig doesent chew cud but has cloves hooves so its non kosher .camel chews cud but has no split hooves so non kosher .Meat of quadrupeds with paws is forbidden .hare meat is forbidden.Meat of ox, bison, sheep, goat, deer, gazelle, Arabian Oryx, antelope, giraffe is kosher.Fat of ox and sheep except the one which adheres with the bone is also prohibited from consumption .Kosher water animals -- all water animals which have scales and fins are kosher. Non fish marine creatures like -- crustaceans [ crab , lobster , prawns , shrimps ] , mollusks [ squid , oyster , octopus ] , shark , whale , crocodile , turtles , sea snakes ,amphibians are all non kosher food .Forbidden food in Christianity --Genesis 9; 3 -- God told Noah – ‘every moving thing that lives shalth be your food’Christians particularly have no strict code for forbidden food as in Judaism and Islam. Jesus ate fish, he is depicted to be a fisherman, fishing in the sea of Gallelie in Israel .As JESUS is considered god or the son of god in Christianity , whatever food Jesus ate is considered lawful .list of forbidden food in Christianity --Blood, meat sacrificed to idols, meat of animals killed by strangling, animal fat.Christians eat -- beef, pork, lamb, mutton, chicken, fish of all kinds. Passover lamb meat eating is a very popular ritual of Christianity from time of exodus. RED HEIFER SACRIFICE is considered sacred in judo – Christian culture.Modern Christians do not pay much heed to the forbidden food mentioned in bible. On the contrary, Vegetarianism is gaining popularity in modern Christianity and Judaism.Spiritual base -- avoid sin of meat gluttonyEthical base – avoid inhuman treatment of farm animalsBiblical base -- god sent vegetarinian MANNA [HALVA IN ISLAM] to feed the Israelite Jews during exodus.Forbidden food in Islam [Haram] --The holy QURAN has an entire sura on Al –Maida [table spread], al – baqarah [the cow] which are one of the most detailed and elaborative Suras of the holy Quran. Method of slaughter of the animal is also mentioned in Islam called ZAHIBA in Islam and SHECHITA in Judaism. Food forbidden in Islam is as follows –BloodDead meat [ carrion ]Flesh of swine or pigMeat that on which the name has been invoked other than ALLAH.Which has been killed by strangulation, violent blow, headlong fall, gored to death.Partly eaten by wild animals.That which is sacrificed on a stone altar.Division of meat by raffling with arrows is also forbidden.Food obtained from LAND GAME [ hunting, killing and eating wild animals] is forbidden only during IHRAM [pilgrimage to Mecca either Hajj or umrah ]All above food is forbidden until unless one is forced by hunger or there is no inclination to willful transgression for ALLAH is all merciful [rahmani]Food obtained from WATER GAME -- eating animals that purely live in water for yourself and those who travel is Halal food in Islam. KOSHER food is also considered halal in Islam .HEIFER sacrifice mentioned in sura Al – Baqarah of Quran is about Allah’s command to MOSES [MUSA] to sacrifice a heifer – which is a young cow that has not borne a calf or has borne only one. Heifer shouldNeither is too young or too old.Be of middle ageFawn color[ slight yellowish tan]Pure and rich in tone to admiration of the beholders.Not trained to till the soil or water the fields.Blemish free.Forbidden food in Hinduism and Vedic civilization --Vegetarianism in India is based on the principle of AHIMSA or non violence towards any living being.Faxian, a Chinese pilgrim who visited India during 5 CE noted the following about India“India is a strange country; people do not kill any living creatures, do not keep pigs and foul and do not sell live cattle”It’s not hard to imagine how perplexed and confused a Chinese would get when he sees that no animals are being killed for food when Chinese are known to eat almost everything and anything that has legs , tails ,fins, paws ,fur ,scales and moves on its legs irrespective of the number of legs it has.In complete contradiction to Islam which considers animals or cattle to have a heart within which they understand no, eyes which see not, ears which hear not, are misguided and heedless to warning Hinduism thrives on the one basic belief of “KANA KANAT DEV ASTO” and SOUL or AATMA is present in all living things of god including animals, plants, humans.Dairy cows are called AGHNYA [that which may not be slaughtered] in Rigveda.cow is called ADITI or AKHANDANEEYA [one should not be taken apart].lord Krishna is called GO- PALA [friend of cows] with cows all around him listening to his sweet basuri music all the time .KAMADHENU or SABALA or KAPILA or SURABHI or GAYATRI is revered as GOU – MATA [mother of all cows] in Hinduism giving health, wealth and happiness to one and all. KAMADHENU emerged from patala during samudra -- manthan and was in possession of Hrishi VASHISTA. Kamadhenu used to provide milk and food to entire ashram of vashista and also used to provide ghee used in his yagnyas.[ similar to preislamic prophet SALEHs large she camel which provided milK for entire Thamud in north Hejaz] . SURABHI gave birth to golden colored kapila cow that are considered mothers of entire world in Hinduism. Gopuja is done during padwa or Bali pratipadana .Did Lord Indra god of thunder and storm ate meat of calf, horse, bull, buffalo, cow?Rig-Veda [1500 BCE] mentions a word “HANYATE GAOVO”Hanyate has 2 meanings ---To killTo make something moveRitualistic cow slaughter during marriage ceremonies, guest honour was common during vedic period? But the meaning of gao is also ambiguous meaning earth, sun, knowledge.Cows were the greatest assets of ancient Vedic Indians and modern rural farmers. Exchange of cows [to make cows move along] during ceremonies, marriages was common during Vedic period. So, GO-MEDHA yagnyas may not be cow sacrifice. However, ASHWAMEDHA was a traditional, ritual horse sacrifice by ancient victorious Indian kings [yudhistira in Mahabharata and samudragupta of gupta dynasty] to prove their imperial sovereignty over their kingdom and surrounding kingdoms. Horse was slaughtered as a symbolism and not for eating.Ramayana also mentions about meat eating [mamsa-aahar] and hunting deers and antelopes. In panchavati maa sita longed for the flesh / skin of the golden deer which was maricha in disguise of an attractive golden deer.Now to understand whether the Vedic civilization was non vegetarinian eater or were pure vegetarinian we should dig deep into the origin of Vedic civilization. The original ARYANS who were mobile shepherds of the Eurasian steppes who had domesticated horse and cattle long ago as evidenced by finding of horse burial sites in GUL TEPPE and ALTYN TEPPE in central Asia. ARYANS percolated into India through imbibing Hindu idol worship and AHIMSA. So maybe the original Aryans ate meat as they were mobile shepherds depending on their livestock for food , unlike the people of the I.V.C [INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION] who were agriculturalists . Hinduism is a complex mixture of traits and attributes of Aryans of steppes, I.V.C, native Hindus, Dravidian culture. It’s not a one book religion like the Abrahaminic religions. Vegetarianism among Hindus was further strengthened by influence of Buddhism, Jainism and ISKCON today.Even if the heroes of our great epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata were non veg eaters they used to be guided by Hunters code of ethics of killing an animal out of necessisity, as a last resort, not for combat and not out of pleasure or sport.Forbidden food in ChinaBeef eating is considered hot and disruptive to internal body balance. Buddhism and Confucianism in china had a great impact on animal sacrifice and vegetarianism especially in western china and Tibet. Also, china is home to millions of Sunni Muslims [ ugihurs] whose code of food eating is in accordance to Islam. It’s the heartland of china CANTONESE where all kinds and all forms of animals are beaten and eaten. Chinese are known to eat almost everything and anything that has legs, tails, fins, paws, fur, scales and moves on its legs irrespective of the number of legs it has. Beef, pork, chicken, chicken feet, ducks tongue, frog legs, snakes, snails etc etc etc .To conclude, with the emergence of many new, deadly diseases which are directly or indirectly related to consumption of animal food or meat either of farm animals or exotic wild animals time has come for the entire world to introspect ,think and act in path of welfare and safety of entire world and its beautiful people. Aren’t we not taking for granted that all the animals are our food and they don’t have a life of their own and their sole purpose is to feed the hungry human population? Also the current pandemic has proved again that this planet can live and thrive even without humans and nature does not require humans to take care of her ….mother nature will heal itself, all she requires is some peaceful time without human interference and poking.Dr Amol MutkekarUrologist

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