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If matter cannot be created or destroyed, how is the big bang possible?

If matter cannot be created or destroyed, how is the big bang possible?Well, BECAUSE matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, the Big Bang is possible.:DThe OP indicates a statistically overwhelming likelihood of not understanding what the Big Bang is.Basically:We OBSERVED that the universe ws getting cooler and less dense, everywhere.We hypothesized that, therefore, it used to be hotter and denser, everywhere.We then OBSERVED that there was a hot dense state, everywhere, about 13.8 billion years ago… confirming it.The Big Bang is the nickname for the hot dense state.That is the Big Bang theory in a nutshell.As for matter and energy, the rest of the context is that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, so, it always exists… and, therefore, the Big Bang was not “a creation event”.Physics also includes that matter and energy can be in different forms, and, are actually two forms of the same thing.This is why you can take a huge amount of energy, and get a wee bit of matter, or, take a wee bit of matter, and get a huge amount of energy, etc.So, a hot dense state is basically the opposite of “nothing”, as it is closer to “everything” as energy.As the hot dense state was observed to get less hot and less dense, it became cool enough for subatomic particles, and simple elements, such as hydrogen, to form.(More Matter):DThis is normally expressed in terms of entropy, with a hot dense state being a state of very low entropy, and there being progressively higher and higher states of entropy ever since.The loss in density is essentially just things getting further apart (Less densely packed together).We measured this at roughly 70 kilometers per second, per Megaparsec of distance. (A Megaparsec is ~ 3.3 million light years in distance)That all means that the further apart things are (More Megaparsecs), the faster they get even further apart (More multiples of that ~ 70 km/s).I hope that helps!:D

Who has the best historic claim to the Kashmir region?

IN SWAROCHISHA manvantara there are seven rishis ( great sages).One of the rishis is KASHYAPA. He is mentioned in RIGVEDA and many other Hindu religious texts including BRIHADRANYAKA UPANISHAD. .The valley was called kashyapa MAR, kashypa PURA. That is the origin of the name kashmir.IN india your ancestory is known, specially amongst brahmins, by your GOTHRA.most of the brahmins take their ancestory from great maharishis.There are many brahmins have their gothra as KASHYAPA gothra which means that lineage begins from the maharishi KASYAPA. incidentally my Gothra is kasyapa gothraIN INDIA KASHYAP IS A SURNAME OF MANY BRAHMINS. .Kashmir was a great lake surrounded by mountains . it was called SATISAR named after SATI the fiirst wife of LORD SHIVA. Sage Kashypa cut the mountains at a place called VARAHAMULA( Baramullah) and drained the lake.Kasyapa gave the land in the valley to Brahmins to settle. They are called Kashmiri Pandits ( nirmal purana.)the 12th century historian KALHANA in his book on history of kashmir RAJATARANGINI also confirms the above.In 14th century Muslims started arriving in Kashmir. It was consolidated during muslim rule by SHAHMIRI dynasty 1331 to 1561.The last muslim rulers of kashmir were Afghani Durrani empire which collapsed in 1819.. MUSlim rule was in kashmir for less than 500 yearsin its entire history.\from 1819 till date Kashmir is under Hindu rule till 1947 and thereafter under indian republic.the british had500 plus princely states at the time of independence. jammu and kashmir was one such state ruled by Maharaja Hari singh.none of these states were independent. they were not eligible to become UN members. THE british while granting independence to india and creating the state of P akistan through indian independence ACT also created an Instrument of accession for these princely states and advised the princely states to join either india or signing the instrument of accession..the congress Party which ruled India wanted the opnion of the people of the princely state to be obtained and the princely state should join india or Pakistan as per that opinion.MUSLIM LEAGUE ruling party of PAKIstan wished that the opnion of ruler final and did not want the opinion of people of state to be was generally thought that all muslim majority princely states will accede to Pakistan and Hindu majority state to india but was NOT legally Binding.MR. Jinnah the firstgovernor general of Pakistan was a brilliant lawyer.he stareted negotiations with HIndu majority prinely state rulers luring them to accede to Pakistan offering them a white paer to write their own conditions for accession. HE was contacting the rulers of jodhpur, bikaner, junagarh etc etc,India objected to this but jinnah was adament thar there is no rule that hindu majority states should join india and muslim majority should join Pakistan.the\decision of the ruler was final and the opinion of the people of the state has no relevance to the matter of accession.he somehow lured the nawab of junagarh a state with 95% hindu majority to sign the instrumentof accession acceding to PAkistan. fearing revolt The Ruler ranaway from the state leaving even his wife in india.india sent its armed forces to junagarh and conducted a plebiscite which voted >95% majority to accede to india . the junagarh ruler tried to approach UN but nothing came of It.Meanwhile a muslim ruler of another hindu majority state HYDERABAD wanted to REMAIN INDEPENDENT. HE asked the british for permission to declare independence. British refused and asked him to join india . He tried to get UN membership claiming that after british left he was independent. THE UN MEMBERSHIP WAS DENIED.indian army launched opertion polo and marched in to Hyderabad. the rulers army surrenederd and the ruler signed the instrument of accession acceding to india. the ruler lived happily in India and died here and his heirs are comfortably living in INdia . The matter ws taken to UN but nothing came out of it, the state of Hyderabad is an integral part of india ever since.The above narrative is to show that none of the princely state were ever independent. Their idea of independence had no basis nor acceptance. what is applicable to 500plus princely states is also applicable to state of JAMMU AND KASHMIR. THERE IS NO LEGAL OR HISTORIC BASIS FOR INDEPENNDENCE OF KASHMIR. THE ONLY OPTION is TO\ EITHER JOIN INDIA OR PAKISTAN. THEREIS NO THIRD OPTION OF INDEPENDENCEindependence to kashmir was/is/will never be we come to accession of JAMMU AND KASHMIR.The maharaja of kashmir Hari Singh was also toying with the idea of independence.and was buying time by entering in to standstill agreements with india and Pakistan.The governor general of Pakistan was a dying man.for some inexplicable reasons instead of sending his army in to kashmir he chose to send armed tribals and army regulars disguised as tribals in to kashmir under the garb of kashmiri freedom fighters.It started from oct 22 1947 . maharaja panicked and asked for indian help. INDIA refused to help unless he accedes to India.Mharaja Hari SINGH signed the instrument of accession. indian armed forces were airlifted to srinagar airport.The Indian army started pushing back the tribals from pakistan and pakistan army entered the fray . full fledeged war started .Nehru (indian Prime minister) illegally approached UN on this matter and UN ordered a cease fire leaving 30percent of kashmir land in the hands of Pakistan.A himalyan Blunder.UN security council passed a resolution under chapter six (which makes the resolutions recommendatory and not mandatory) as under.the following are sequential that is unless first step is completed second step can not commence.A. Pakistan should vacate all its forces, tribals people from the state of Jammu and Kashmir to the satisfacton of UN commission.B. india will reduce its forces in jamu and Kashmir in a phased manner but is permitted to keep adequate forces to protect against any aggression by Pakistan and also to keep local law and order.c. After steps A AND B the commission of UN will be conduct a Plebiscite in jammu and kashmir giving the people to decide either to merge with India or Pakistan.the above resolutions were passed in 1948.PAkistan REFUSED TO IMPLEMNT PART A OF THE RESOLUTION THEREBY EFFECTIVELY KILLING THE RESOLUTION.India and Pakistan went to war on kashmir in 1965 which ws a 1971 therewas another war . Pakistan army surrendered in eastern sector .there were 90000 prisoners of war in India.Later there was Simla Accord where in all the ISSUES between pakistan and India were agreed to be resolved bilaterally, peacefully incuding Kashmir. the ceasefire line was marked till siachin glacier and was later called LINE OF CONTROL.IT is very important to note that Kashmir is only an ISSUE between India and Pakistan and Not a DISPUTE post simla accord.Kofi Annan the UN SECRETARY general declared that UN SECURITY COUNCILRESOLUTIONS OF 1948 as defunct.In 2000 UN security council dropped kashmir from its list of DISPUTED TERRITORIES OF THE WORLD.Post soviet defeat in Afghanistan all the islamic terrorists who were abandoned to the care of Pakistan by the world were intruded in to kashmir and Islamic terrorism is prevalent there till dateThe islamic terrorists have ETHNICALLY CLEANED THE VALLEYof non muslims by driving out the kashmiri Pandits the original inhabitants of kashmir,This is like throwing out native indians from Americas, aborigines from australia and MAORIES from Newzealand..Kashmir state has substantial non Muslim population.The violence is mainly confined to South kashmir.The entire Kashmir valley is about 15 to 20 percent of area.i habitats of Jammu and Ladakh regions which constitute 80 percent of J&K state is very peaceful.By driving out Kashmiri Kashmiri pandits from Kashmir they have proved that it is Islamic terrorism and not independence movement.There is not a single non Muslim who is identifying with the current unrest.WHAT KIND OF INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT IS THATFrom the above it is clear that Pakistan has no claim whatsoever to kashmir. it is in illegal occupation of a PORTION of kashmir which India has to Get back peacefully by discussing Bilaterally.There is no provision for any independence to Kashmir.The present unrest is Islamic terrorism and not a fight for indrpendence.Plebiscite could not be conducted because of Pakistans refusal to vacate Kashmir.THEREFORE THE ENTIRE STATE OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR RULED BY MAHARAJA HARI SINGH till 1948 BELONGS TO INDIA.please excuse the typos. i will edit it after sometime.

What is the future of the Republican party post Trump?

I’ve really been thinking about this one. I cannot seem to drill down to the central core of it though. There are too many variables, too many unknowns.For instance, what if Trump returns in 2024 to run again. I would bet my firstborn that he wins the primary.Let’s assume though that Trump goes off and lives his life free of politics- what happens to the GOP.As I first thought about this I pondered the notion that Trump has ruined the GOP. That the Republican party has taken a huge hit to its overall prestige and reliability thanks to Trump and that it is no longer competitive.On this point I have at least come to a conclusion- and that conclusion is that this train of thought is wrong.Let’s look at some numbers real quickTrump has done VERY well compared to other GOP candidates. In his 2 elections, he set the record for most votes for any GOP candidate and then broke that record despite the odds.In addition given the numbers we know now he likely set the record for the highest overall percentage of any GOP candidate in electoral history.One thing is clear- Trump pulls out big numbers. Even more importantly Trump pulls big numbers where it is needed most. He does poor in Cali and New York but he does exceptionally well in key blue-collar states like PA, MI, WS, and OH.The GOP was kinda lost before Trump. Bush has not gone down as a good President and neither Romney nor McCain were able to inspire much support. Trump was able to energize the GOP like never before.He converted millions to the GOP cause and set the course of the GOP.Without Trump, the party can do 2 directionsFull steam aheadRevert back to pre-Trump eraIf the GOP is smart they steam ahead. If they are stupid they revert back to the hyper-conservative past.My prediction? Full steam ahead.It’s working so why change anything? Obviously, find a better candidate and maybe come up with a more concrete position but this new populist GOP is the only GOP that will thrive. Trump set records and won despite being theoretically un-electable. Imagine what happens if the GOP runs a charming more polished candidate.Here is what the GOP needs to do.1: Get black votersBlack voters can win elections all over the US. There are 40,000,000 black people in the US and they can dominate swing-states. If the GOP can capture the black vote they can dominate the South, the rust belt, and become more competitive in “deep-blue” states.They don’t even need to get 90% of black voters to vote Republican. Even getting 30% of black people to vote Republican in the near future would be enough to dominate the electorate.I think Black voters are a voting block that is “up for grabs” so to speak.First off most African Americans are not liberal. Statistically speaking black Americans are religious, traditionalists, and individualists. The align far more closely with the GOP than the Democratic party.Why Black Voters Keep Picking DemocratsLet's debunk GOP myth of why blacks vote DemocraticBlack voters vote 90% Democrat because the prevailing myth is that Republicans are racist and only out for themselves- that is really it.Black voters also feel like Democrats take their vote for granted and contribute little to their community. After decades of being loyal Democrat voters their lot in life hasn’t improved much. Are black Americans happy with things right now? I think this is the time for the GOP to strike.I think the GOP could mount a serious and significant campaign to attract black voters. This will takePromise the black community change- target them specifically and clearly explain the change. Better schools, better jobs, better homes, more attention.Lean on the Christian roots of the GOPMention the history of the GOP like freeing the slavesRun a black President or Vice President. Not Ben Carson, someone better.I really think that if the GOP actually makes a significant effort to promise black voters real change the GOP could see millions of new voters. The GOP will have to actually deliver and deliver big though. If they do they can keep black voters around for years to come.2: Become less conservativeDemographics are changing right now and Christian conservatism is less popular than ever. The anti-LGBTQ and pro-life platform has not done the GOP any favors with voters. As young people grow up they are not going to support a party they see as bigoted.The GOP needs to retain their traditionalist and Christian message but abandon their more extreme-conservative positions.Candidates need to talk about God and their faith in the Christian god but that is it- go no further. Focus on what matters- the economy.Look at Trump. Trump never really mentioned abortion or LGBTQ rights. He ignored the issue entirely and he DOMINATED the party. Trump showed that you do not need to be an evangelical Christian to win over Republicans.3: Continue to go after blue-collar votersBlue-collar voters decide elections, plain and simple. They are the important vote in swing states. Trump did well attracting these voters and the GOP has to double down on this.They need to be the party of jobs, low taxes, and community improvement. The party of low crime, nativism, and patriotism. This new populist wave can work and work long term. Trump was able to attract new voters and I think without COVID he would have been a shoo-in for 2020.As we mechanization takes over and anxiety about jobs takes hold the GOP can position itself as the party for the “common man”. Meanwhile, the Democrats are increasingly concerned with progressive social issues, carbon emissions, and partisan expansion (adding States, etc). These are not positions that attract blue-collar voters.What do we have?Well the GOP needs to expand. It can no longer be the party of conservative Christian white men. They need to abandon their more extreme-conservative positions, double down on populism, and begin aggressively courting new demographics.Donald Trump is a sign of things to come. Notice 2 specific topics Trump avoidedLGBTQ rightsAbortion rightsThis was calculated. In this new era being anti-LGBTQ is a losing position. You’ll do well with extreme Christians but they are a minority and vote right-wing no matter what.Trump turned away from traditionalism and put a focus on realigning the government with the “common man”. He fought for jobs and the economy. Now was he actually worried about the common man? I doubt it. But people believed that.This new populist GOP is the answer. It will work and if the GOP can work to attract new voters they can become far more powerful.Make no mistake, smart people run the RNC and they are capable of seeing what we all see. The party has got to expand and this is a great time to court new support and become more aggressive in key states.This may not be what happens though. The GOP could just really be Trump’s party going forward or revert back to old habits. Parties follow voters though so can foresee the GOP expanding rapidly now.

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