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Are the claims made by this guy about Bernie Sanders plan accurate?

No.This is scaremongering of the worst sort.Let's break this down1) There's no such thing as free health care and nobody has ever claimed that there is.What we do have, is something called a group discount. This is the way most Europeans pay for their health care. It's a flat rate and everyone pays. If you are superhuman and never get sick then you are subsidizing those fellow citizens who do, you know the kids with Leukemia, the pregnant woman the person paralyzed by a drunk driver. This is an equitable system based on the premise that you never know what's going to happen to you or your loved ones. Yes, you make a payment, but if you are insured, you make payments anyway and since there is no group discount and since many of the hospitals are trying to turn a profit, you pay a lot more that way. The rich make larger payments as is correct and proper which is one of the reasons why the Republicans hate the idea so much. The idea of using their money to help a kid with cancer makes their blood boil. You won’t live forever and there will still be ailments for which there is no cure but in this system, no-one need die of a preventable illness.And those figures are getting worse. In 2015 France spent $4,124 per capita in US PPP adjusted dollars, whilst the USA spent $8713 more than any other developed nation in fact ranking 34th out of 34th.The USA spends too much money on its health care and they don’t get much back for their money. In spite of spending 90% more per capita than France (which has nationalized health care,) the U.S. has lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality, fewer physicians (but more nurses), and fewer hospital beds. But where the difference truly shows is in deaths considered amenable to health care (the chart below shows 2002-03 amenable mortality rates by country per 100,000 people):In other words, those people would have survived if they had decent treatment. They are represented by the uninsured, by those too financially afraid to see a DR and so on. This pay more for shitty service is often offset by the fact that in the USA the rich get excellent health care. So if you are in the top 1% of income earners and or like paying those high premiums then Bernie’s plan is not for you. But if the words ‘Group discount’ resonate with you at all then perhaps he is.The graphic above shows the state of play in 2007. It’s not looking so great for the USA but let’s remember, the rich have very,very good access to health in the USA and that skews the figures upwards. Even so, the richest country in the world ranks only 37 and is routinely beaten by countries with socialized medicine. That’s a damn poor show.(Money may not buy happiness, but a Fed survey suggests it buys good health. About 90 percent of the 1 per-centers describe themselves as being in excellent or good health, compared with 75 percent of everybody else. About 85 percent expect to live into their 80s, compared with 68 percent of everybody else.)2) Debt.Firstly, the Wall street Journal huh? Owned by Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch huh?If like me, you like to know the source of the scare tactics then it’s best to check the opinions at the source. 18 trillion is an absurd figure and $15 Trillion of it is supposed to be the cost of spending towards the medical program that we just took a look at. Now. How much of Americans already spend on medical care?Well First up isn’t a prediction as much as a major milestone that’s reflective of escalating healthcare costs. According to CMS the National Healthcare Expenditure (NHE) is projected to hit $3.207 trillion this year. The U.S. Population is currently hovering at around 320 million, so 2015 looks to be the first year healthcare spending will reach $10,000 per person. We may be “bending the cost growth curve,” but the per capita amount continues to grow.So you currently spend just under 12 trillion less on healthcare than the predictions made by the open letter to the WSJ. Why then, do they suggest that you will all suddenly have to pay 4 times the amount? Are there going to be 4 times the visits to the Dr? Four times the injuries? Well no indeed that is not the case. The bill has some factors that take it down; group discount, no need to pay the deductibles and so on. It also goes up, the 46 million Americans with no health insurance will get medical help, which they do anyway, they just pay through the nose for it.The figure also doesn’t include this tidbit.It neglects to add, however, that by spending these vast sums, we would, as a country, save nearly $5 trillion over ten years in reduced administrative waste, lower pharmaceutical and device prices, and by lowering the rate of medical inflation.These financial savings would be felt by businesses and by state and local governments who would no longer be paying for health insurance for their employees; and by retirees and working Americans who would no longer have to pay for their health insurance or for co-payments and deductibles. Beyond these financial savings, HR 676 would also save thousands of lives a year by expanding access to health care for the uninsured and the under-insured. we would have is a more efficient system. Does Federal spending go up? Yes, it does. But only because all that money you give to your insurance company will go into a Federal fund. The overall cost of health care per individual will go down as has consistently been seen in all nations with socialized medical care. I sure as hell don’t pay $10,000 for my health care.The same argument can be made for the $15 minimum wage. This figure is the point where you can work a full time job and stay above the poverty line. Anything below, including Clinton’s watery $12 compromise has working, productive people in poverty. That is not an acceptable situation in the richest country in the world. It would also represent the greatest fiscal stimulus in decades. You know what’s great about affluence? People buy things. They take trips across the country, they eat out, they eat better, they spend money on luxuries and they borrow less. Economics is never black and white, making predication is, after all, hard but the glory days of America were built on two things, affluence and a more even income disparity. There are two ways of dealing with a deficit; cut services and raise taxes. There are few cuts left to make and the rich refuse to be taxed at all. That can change and it will change. If any of you reading this are on minimum wage right now, then close your eyes and imagine what you would do if your pay check was doubled next month. Pay of loans? Get a car? Spend?All of this feeds back into the economy. Yes, Business have to pay a little more but they also get to sell a little more. The rich lose out its true but it’s about time they did something for their country. They will still be rich.3) The mathsNot my strong point.It's odd that right wingers want to cut services so much but whenever you suggest cutting the military they scamper around like engorged cheese-weevils and talk about what a tiny effect it will have.Well to begin with he's ignored discretionary spending entirely which is annoying and deliberate.Secondly he’s making some pretty cynical points. Firstly, he’s acknowledged that the figure of 15 trillion is maybe not so kosher but then plods on ahead regardless, constantly insisting that Sanders wants to give everything for free. He doesn’t.Regardless, the spending is generally agreed to be around 600 billion a year which over ten years = $6 trillion. Now the USA cannot just stop spending money on its military but it clearly overspends. The idea that significant savings cannot be gleaned from a 6 trillion dollar spend is absurd.Then we have the idea that you can’t get any tax revenue from the rich. That’s because he is measuring income, not wealth. There’s a big difference between those two figures. Many of the richest have such great accountants that they don’t even have any income the poor things!We’ve seen this before… where was it. Ah yes, I remember.MittensThe Romney’s -- like many taxpayers -- received a tax refund for their 2010 filing. But at $1.6 million, their refund was slightly higher than the IRS-reported average of $3,003.In 2010, Romney and his wife totalled $21.6 million in income and paid slightly more than $3 million in federal income taxes. That's good for an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent, according to the documents he released. Last year, according to estimates Romney released, the pair took in $20.9 million, on which they will pay $3.2 million -- 15.4 percent of their income.(The Obamas, by way of comparison, had $1.7 million in income in 2010 and paid an effective tax rate of 26.3 percent.)So how does a man worth hundreds of millions end up with a tax rate similar to that paid by a household earning $50,000 per year? The answer, according to Joseph Newpol, a professor of law, taxation and financial planning at Bentley University in Waltham, Mass. lies not in any shady accounting or financial trickery, but in the federal income tax code, explained. Why Mitt Romney & Other Wealthy Investors Pay Less TaxesLet’s not talk about income then, let’s talk about wealth.The Times had estimated the threshold for being in the top 1 percent in household income at about $380,000, 7.5 times median household income, using census data from 2008 through 2010. But for net worth, the 1 percent threshold for net worth in the Fed data was nearly $8.4 million, or 69 times the median household’s net holdings of $121,000.The top have as much wealth as the rest of the country!Stick man 1 has $50,000 per year He also has around 32 children to support. We take about half his money in taxes leaving him with $25,000 dollars. He's going to spend it all on Gin because it's such a woefully inadequate amount of money that he and his offspring are doomed and it helps numb the pain.Stick man 2 also has $50,000 dollars but, thanks to a low sperm count caused by smoking too much he has no children. We take about 10% of his money off him. He's spending his $ 40,000 dollars on a great big party that will never end.You might thing that if Stick man 2 has as much money as stick man 1 and his 320 million dependents that maybe if we taxed him more we might be able to do something about those poor children. Well you'd be wrong according to the grinning reality sink above people with lots of money don't have any money. In his world, only by taxing the poor can you get any money together because there are a lot of poor!Aside from the fact that is just plain wrong that the rich should pay less, the maths, that he claims to not work in fact. Work. Yes, shocking i know.You might thing that if Stick man 2 has as much money as stick man 1 and his 320 million dependents that maybe if we taxed him more we might be able to do something about those poor children. Well you'd be wrong according to the grinning reality sink above people with lots of money don't have any money. In his world, only by taxing the poor can you get any money together because there are a lot of poor! Federal tax income sits at something like 3.2 trillion. If we deal with wealth instead of income then we realize that they can, and should be able to pay more.4) Free educationAgain, not free. Nothing is free in this world. Well, almost nothing. Sanders is offering free public education which at this point in time is already heavily subsidized. you want to go out of state then, as with health you can get a group discount, caps on tuition fees and loans. The federal government has the power to do this of course, they just don't want to. In the UK education os expensive but everyone and I do mean everyone is entitled to a government loan. There are several great things about this loan.1) You pay nothing up front. Zero2) It's low interest, basically at inflation.3) You don't have to pay it back unless you start earning a decent wage and even then it is on a sliding scale. so for a university degree. ( i converted this into dollars.)Pre tax income /Monthly repayment$24,680/$0$24,915/ $1$29,898/ $38$34,169/ $69$38,440/ $102$42,7172/ $133So yeah, it;s expensive. Is it crippling? No not really. You lose your job, the payments pause. If however, you benefit from your education and that is demonstrated in ever increasing wage, then you pay back. There also longer repayment plans for those who are struggling.How much does it add to UK debt? Not much. Few students default on the loans and most graduates can afford to pay them back since the interest rates are so low. they aren't quite at inflation so those who for what ever reason never make it about the threshold are covered by those who do.In summary.Sanders will not add money to the debt, certainly not the absurd $15 trillion the Murdoch empire wants to scare you with. it's just an outright lie and its being disseminated by the guy above who is not only cripplingly unfunny, he's also dishonest. It's typical right wing, things are broken but they can't be fixed, loses hope lose hope! It's getting so old; loads of countries have done all this already.Sanders will create prosperity. The debt racked up by Reagan was so enormous, it will take a long time to fix and there's only one thing that will fox it; prosperity, not for the few, but for all.

Why are people so averse to tax increases, when those increases would lead to a much higher quality of life for themselves and others?

“Did you know that I never paid taxes before I came here? The Edema don’t own property, as a rule.” He gestured at the inn. “I never understood how galling it was. Some smug bastard with a ledger comes into town, makes you pay for the privilege of owning something.”Kvothe gestured for Chronicler to pick up his pen. “Now, of course, I understand the truth of things. I know what sort of dark desires lead a group of men to wait beside the road, killing tax collectors in open defiance of the king.Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man’s FearThis is actually a pretty great question, Dave. I apologize in advance, this answer might get a little on the lengthy side for today’s TL;DR culture, but I know you’re personally likely to read the whole thing and would most likely appreciate the depth.Why are people so averse to tax increases, when those increases would lead to a much higher quality of life for themselves and others?This depends on where you live, what station in life you occupy, and what your perceptions of the quality of government and politics are.And it really depends on whether or not tax increases do lead to a perceptibly higher standard of living for yourself.I was just having this very conversation with two relatives about two weeks ago.We were discussing the economy and the relative fragility of it if some bubble were to burst right now (which I think will be either student debt or another dotcom bubble in FAANG stocks,) the government is currently not taking in enough revenue to adequately fund the kind of spending it will need to prevent it from being a deep recession, possibly even depression. That led to discussions of taxes, which quickly led to Ocasio-Cortez and the marginal tax rate.For context, I grew up in a rural, heavily Republican area that broke about 62–32 for Trump. My family was in leadership in the Grange when that still existed. I was probably in college before I met a Democrat. And while my family tends to think Trump is a terrible human being and pray that someone confiscates his phone, they’re generally supportive of conservative policies.I’m a slightly center-right person and a never-Trumper, myself. In certain parts of my family, that has put their perception of me somewhere on the left roughly between Marx and Chavez as of late.The first question I was asked in this conversation after I suggested that we are not taxing the wealthiest enough was why I want to punish rich people for being successful.It is important for me to give a brief primer on the three basic types of taxes: regressive, flat, and progressive taxes, for those who are not already familiar with them.Regressive taxes are where the lower your income, the higher a percentage of your income the tax takes. Flat fees are regressive taxes. The policy here is equality: everyone pays the same amount.Example:A poor person making $1000 a month who has to pay a $100 fee pays 10% of their income. They have $900 remaining to budget for the month.A middle-class person making $10,000 a month who has to pay a $100 fee pays just one percent of their income. This person has $9,900 remaining to budget for the month.A wealthy person making $100,000 per months who has to pay a $100 fee pays just one tenth of a percent of their income. They have $99,900 left to budget for the month.Note that this tends to be hard on poor people and almost meaningless to a wealthy person. Each order of magnitude up in income doesn’t increase income by 10x after the tax, it’s greater than 10x.Flat taxes are a flat rate. The percent remains unchanged as the income increases or decreases. The policy here is fairness; everyone pays the same percentage.Example:Our poor person making $1,000 a month paying a 10% tax pays $100. They have $900 a month to live off of.Our middle-class person pays $1,000. They still have $9,000 left to budget for the month. They’re paying in taxes what our poor person makes in a month.Our wealthy person pays $10,000 in taxes, ten times the total income of the poor person and ten times the taxes of the middle class person. They still have $90,000 remaining to budget for the month.Note that our wealthy person has seven and a half times as much remaining for the month as our poor person would make in income in a year if we didn’t tax our poor person at all. Our person in poverty is still in poverty.But, from the perspective of our wealthy person, he’s shouldering the same tax burden as half a dozen other less well-off individuals.Progressive taxes are where the higher your income, the higher your percentage of your income it takes. The policy here is ability to pay; everyone pays what they can afford.Example:Our poor person pays 0% taxes. They have $1,000 for the month to budget.Our middle class person pays 10% in taxes. They still have $9,000 remaining for the month to budget, 9x more than the person in poverty.Our wealthy person pays 40% in taxes, because the math is easy and it’s a nice big number. They still have $60,000 remaining for the month to budget.Our wealthy person is footing a massive tax bill, but still has five times more per month than our person in poverty has in a year. They have as much left over after taxes in three months what the person in the middle class has left over after taxes in twenty.Now, in reality, these are usually taxed in brackets. Our wealthy person isn’t really paying the full 40% in taxes. Assuming our brackets are just between our hypothetical people, they would pay 0% on the first $1,000 per month, 10% on the amount between $1,000 and $10,000 per month, and 40% on the amount over $10,000 per month. The math gets slightly tricky, but the effective overall rate would be somewhere closer to 30% here.Certain flat taxes function more regressively, particularly “consumption taxes” such as sales taxes, value-added taxes, etc. While the wealthy pay the same sales tax on a product, that product and associated tax are a comparatively smaller proportion of their income than for the poor, simply because it’s just not possible for them to consume a proportionately greater share of products than the corresponding increase in their income.The gasoline tax, for example, is a flat tax that functions regressively, particularly on populations that need to drive more as a function of living such as rural populations.These can be hybridized to an extent. For example, one way to make flat taxes more progressive and less impactful on poor people is to exempt a certain amount; say 25% on everything over $50,000. A person making less than $50,000 pays no tax at all. A person making over $50,000 pays 25% only on what they make over $50,000; i.e. if they make $100,000, they pay tax only on $50,000, or $12,500 in tax rather than $25,000.It sadly needs to be explained that this is how marginal tax rates work, which is what progressives are suggesting be raised. Nobody is seriously suggesting that we tax the wealthy at a full 70% total; the first ten million dollars annually would be exempted.First person that starts bitching about Ocasio-Cortez and socialism in the comments because they read that last bit, skipped the rest of the answer, and jumped straight to the comments to argue gets put out the airlock.Higher taxes generally provide very little increased standards of living to the rural poor.Americans, particularly rural Americans, have a few things working against them.First, they’re often less educated in particular when it comes to civics.Not a single member of my family knew the difference between the basic types of taxes. They have vaguely heard of the idea of a flat tax replacing all the various sales taxes and stuff, and they like that idea, but that is the extent of their knowledge regarding tax policy. The argument with my relatives started because they were trying to figure out whether certain retirement account dollars are taxed when they are taken out and how the economy will affect their retirement.Very few people from my home area have any trust or love of government and see it at best as keeping the roads plowed and salted.And they have reasons.[1]Many of them have bought into the idea that gubbmint takes their money and sends it all down to Madison and Milwaukee to the lazy people who don’t work and live fat off the public trough.Whether this is true or not, it feels true to them. Why?You have to understand, where I grew up, most people live hand to mouth and struggle for that. It’s mostly manufacturing and small dairy, both industries that have been especially hard hit in the last thirty years. Milk prices are lower than they were when I was a child, and when you figure in inflation and the increasing cost of overhead (diesel fuel, electricity, etc.) it’s impossible to keep a small dairy running these days. One of the largest manufacturers in my hometown folded and took probably a quarter of the local economy with it.These people are utterly convinced and have been since Reagan that government, particularly regulation, is the problem.The farmers constantly complain about how those idjits in Madison who wouldn’t know one end of a cow from another come out and tell ’em how to do things when any person with common sense coulda toldja that was stupid and costly for no actual benefit.The schools are largely funded by property taxes. In rural areas, who are the biggest landowners? And who are the ones whose land values keep going up? Farmers.My grandfather used to talk about being land-rich, money-poor. And he’s right.Land is a valuable asset, but not a liquid one. So, every year the assessor comes out and tell you that your land is worth 2% more, so your taxes are going up 2%. And you’re sitting there knowing that milk prices haven’t budged, soybeans and corn are down, seed is going up, and you’re out of notches on the tight end of the belt.And then the school says they’re broke and needs a referendum for a new auditorium. It’ll raise your taxes another 1% this year. Another couple of thousand bucks. That could be an acre’s worth of soybean seed.Do those taxes feel enough like a punishment yet?Even if you’ve got kids in school and you know that auditorium is in disrepair or hasn’t been updated since it was built in 1965, how are you going to pay for that tax increase? Sell some land? Sell some cows? Sell some equipment?Most folks where I grew up ain’t got it to spare.So, when that “smug bastard with a ledger comes into town, makes you pay for the privilege of owning something,” yeah, it sure feels like a punishment for having anything of value.Now, add to that the perception that these people feel at least like they’re not getting a fair shake at life and government isn’t doing much to help it.What are they getting? Their roads are crumbling.[2] [3] Their schools are failing if not just plain closing, and teachers are fleeing in droves from rural districts to better paying urban ones.[4] [5] Health insurance premiums and deductibles have continued to go up.[6] Their kids are dying of suicides and overdoses.[7] [8]My people don’t feel like their quality of life is improving with higher taxes.And then some guy from Milwaukee wants to take tax dollars and build a choo-choo that’ll never go anywhere near their farm.[9]That’s what these folks see.Now, it is also true that the rural poor benefit a great deal in ways they don’t consider from the higher taxes. The New Deal built the vast majority of the infrastructure where I grew up. My grandfather remembers when their farm got hooked up to electricity and telephone thanks to the rural electrification efforts. Rural roads all over the state were paved to keep dust out of the milk; there are more miles of gravel roads in one non-dairy county in the western part of the state than the rest of the state combined. The CCC planted millions of red pine hedgerows to slow down the dust storms and erosion in the Central Sands region and practically built the town of Stevens Point. Kids still go to school in buildings constructed through WPA grants.A large tax push in the 1960’s also built a substantial piece of educational infrastructure; the University of Wisconsin System constructed the vast majority of the classroom and dorm buildings for both four-year universities and two-year community colleges in the late 1960’s, and many communities around the state built new elementary and secondary school buildings, particularly in rural areas, at the same time. Many of those rural schools now sit vacant, sold off to private businesses, or converted into local government centers as districts consolidated buildings. (When I was in first grade, I started at a rural school south of town and our class moved to a renovated school in town over Christmas break; the building was eventually sold to a local construction company that still uses it.)Tack on the Farm Bill and agriculture subsidies, the fact that many of those people are in school districts that are well over 50% on free and reduced lunch, many qualifying for the earned income tax credit, and more, and it adds up quickly to rural poor getting far more back in benefits than they pay in.The three major urban centers in the state (Milwaukee, Madison, and the Fox Valley area) generate a significant majority of the state’s revenue, and receive less back than they generate, even after taking into account major road projects such as several recent interstate overhauls.Not only that, but Wisconsin made a deal in 1911 with the municipalities of the state: in exchange for a state law prohibiting cities and municipalities from instituting local income taxes, they would get more state aid. Since the 1990’s, the state legislature has reneged on that deal, and state aid to counties and municipalities has continued to decrease. In 1995, 53% of Milwaukee’s budget consisted of state aid. For fiscal year 2017, it was 36%. Urban areas are losing a greater share of state aid every fiscal year, while paying in more.But rural counties have also been heavily hit.This reduction in local aid was drastically heightened under the Scott Walker administration, who reduced county aid so significantly that many rural counties had to cut mowing county road ditches down to perhaps once in the summer. One county where I have a friend on the county board has had to start asking for farmers to volunteer to mow their areas. The school aid formula hasn’t been updated in nearly 30 years and doesn’t account for transportation costs, which have been hammering rural districts with rising fuel prices to bus kids in from long distances.And that’s with taxes continuing to stay flat or only rise a little bit.Rural health care options have been declining for a long period of time, in part because they aren’t profitable, and in part because some complex procedures just aren’t performed often enough that health care providers are able to keep the staff trained; even birth services are being dropped because of the risk of complications or c-sections.[10] [11] [12] [13] There just isn’t a lot of trust in government to keep things like this from happening.Essentially, these folks might see the cost of their health insurance decrease with a switch to universal health care, since the rural areas are largely already poor enough that they’re heavily subsidized through the current ACA system[14][15], (though they still generally have higher premiums anyway,)[16] but likely wouldn’t see any increase in quality of care.Most of the tax benefit they see just doesn’t seem terribly visible to them, while any increase in taxes is quite visible. Thus, these folks have no reason to believe that their quality of life will increase if they pay higher taxes, even if they could afford it.And ultimately, the tax increase necessary to fund the kind of infrastructure, public utilities and services, and programs such as universal health care for rural populations would be massive if the burden fell on them alone, simply because of population density.Higher taxes don’t improve the standard of living for the already-wealthy.The vast majority of the economic recovery in the United States after the 2008 recession went to a) the largest urban areas of the country, and b) to the already wealthy.[17]For the wealthy, higher taxes are not only highly unlikely to result in a higher standard of living, they’d be prone to decreasing the standard of living that a wealthy person already enjoys.For the most wealthy, what they would receive from social programs such as Social Security is less than a rounding error in their annual income just from carried interest on their assets. The benefit from a buy-in option for Medicare is meaningless when a person can pay for platinum-level insurance plans with the change in their couch cushions, if not simply outright own the hospital.For them, universal health care is probably a step down. They’d likely have to maintain supplemental insurance to cover what they currently have. They’d basically get the same care they get now at more or less the same price, except now it wouldn’t be optional for them to pay in.They benefit somewhat from public investments into infrastructure; after all, what’s the use in driving a Bentley or Beamer around if the roads are terrible? Private jets don’t work as well without GPS and traffic control towers at the airports, even if you have a private hangar.Edit: Kagan Hudayar brought up a couple of very good points about ways that I had not listed that the wealthy benefit from higher taxes put back into national investment. Better infrastructure reduces the friction costs for business - this is why we have an interstate system. (Contrary to popular myth, Eisenhower didn’t come up with it as a way to move military forces quickly; he saw how it improved German industry with its ability to quickly move resources.)Public infrastructure such as transit also reduces employment costs. Employees that can get to work efficiently are more productive for the wage costs, and allows employers to get labor from a wider geographical region, which improves their ability to recruit better workers.Poverty is more heavily correlated with crime than anything else. People in poverty are more desperate, more likely to be willing to turn to illicit means to make things happen. There’s little good in having a million dollar mansion on a hill when you’re afraid to leave it or get robbed. And if things are bad enough, all the security forces in the world are not going to protect you when the mob with torches and pitchforks decides they’ve had enough with the plutocrats.[18]Kagan also worded this better than I think I could paraphrase it:And additionally, the ONLY way the wealthy can keep their wealth and grow it from generation to generation is by ensuring a well educated, well fed, and economically advantaged middle class. It doesn’t matter how I make my money. If the masses can’t buy more and more widgets, my business will shrink, my stocks in companies who sell widgets will diminish in value, and ultimately, we will enter a recession that is impossible to get out of. It seems to me, what the wealthy conservatives actually want is a system more in line with banana republics and under-developed nations. What they fail to realize is that the end-result will also be the same as it has been for these impoverished nations.He’s exactly right. If you want to grow the economy, give money to poor people. They will buy things. When people can’t buy things, the whole system falls apart. The wealthy can only stay wealthy, and continue to grow that wealth, if there is sufficient distribution of it to the rest of the world to support it.That perspective, however, is tempered with the idea that they shoulder the vast majority of the tax burden - as much as 70% of it.[19] [20] [21] [22]That feels heavily unfair to them. As a percentage, they’re basically subsidizing the rest of us poor schmucks.On the other hand, the richest 10% of Americans control more than 90% of the overall wealth.[23]Depending on what side you look at it from, it can either seem totally unfair to place the tax burden on the wealthy, or that they are not shouldering their fair share.One way to look at it is that fewer than 10,000 people control 90% of the nation’s wealth - shouldn’t they pay 90% of the nation’s tax burden? Or, alternatively, fewer than 10,000 people are effectively paying for all of the rest of us to have Social Security and Medicare and don’t benefit hardly at all from those programs.If you’re already wealthy, what perspective would you be prone to taking?This is why they fight tooth and nail to keep the carried interest loophole[24], repeal or raise the exemption amounts for the estate tax[25], use offshore accounts to disguise their assets[26] [27] [28], and to raise the amount of pass-through income for LLPs and LLCs.[29]These people see no standard of living increase from higher taxes, and for the ultra-wealthy, would probably mean having only the smaller yacht to get to their villa in Tuscany for the winter. The shame. What will the Carlisles say?The main people who visibly see a rise in the standard of living from higher taxes are the urban poor and the suburban middle class.The urban poor generally see small percent increases in taxes, but because of the overall concentration of people in one area, tend to get the most benefit from reinvestment back in the community.For example, urban areas are more likely to have public transit systems which make it possible for the urban poor to move about without the costs of owning a vehicle and insuring it. The rural poor do not have this advantage; no car = walking, biking, or getting a ride.To keep public transit systems affordable for riders, they are generally subsidized with tax dollars and are not self-sustaining. So, the urban poor get a comparatively higher benefit from that tax investment.The urban poor are much less likely to be landowners[30][31], and if they are, the value of the properties owned by the urban poor is significantly less than rural landowners simply by virtue of location and size.[32] An urban poor to lower-middle-class person might own a home, but it is unlikely to be larger than half an acre of property or valued at higher than $250,000. A rural poor farmer with almost any acreage very likely has an asset valued at at least as much; a rural poor farmer with 360 acres of total land may have a net worth on paper of several million dollars, but often with very little net income.This significantly impacts property taxes, which are the most common way that local municipalities are funded.The urban poor combined pay a lot in property taxes, in smaller individual amounts, and receive back infrastructure that simply due to density and availability is more tangibly and visibly raising their standard of living.The rural poor, on the other hand, pay larger individual amounts of property taxes that simply due to density issues don’t amount to as much, and end up supporting comparatively less immediately visible infrastructure.Both urban and rural poor would probably benefit significantly from social programs such as universal health care. But, as discussed above, the rural poor are more likely to be significantly distrustful of whether they will actually benefit from that program.The urban poor, on the other hand, are unlikely to be working jobs that have health benefits at all. Universal health care would be an enormous benefit to them, and because of the population density, they are more likely to have access to excellent medical options in metro-area hospitals.The suburban middle class is who really sees a lot of benefit for their tax dollars.Their density is slightly less than the urban poor, but the value of their properties is likely to be double. (This is highly dependent on geography; it is far more true in the Midwest than on the East Coast, for example. But, the overall trend is this direction.) Overall, the combined tax revenue from the suburbs compared to its population density means that almost everything in the municipality is likely to be better funded and require less infrastructure in some ways.For example, suburbs generally do not require a public transit system - most people there are in the lower-middle-class and likely have a car and a garage to park it in. So, that’s one big urban government expense municipalities don’t have to worry about.Smaller population densities means fewer police, fire, and EMS are required to service the same area. Schools can service a greater area without being overcrowded, but without having to extend themselves into such a great area as to require substantial student transportation in order to have enough students to justify having a school at all. Suburbs are dense enough to justify public works infrastructure such as centralized water and sewage treatment, but not so dense as to make such works difficult to construct, maintain, and run.That all means more money per capita that can go into schools, police, fire, and public works and services.Universal health care would be an enormous benefit to the suburban middle. These people are more likely to be working full-time with benefits including health insurance, but are also very likely to have seen drastically rising costs associated with that insurance.[33] [34] [35] This group of people is most likely going to see a significant decrease in overall personal costs if the nation were to move into universal health care. They would gladly pay more in taxes because it would likely mean a greater increase in compensation from full-time employment and less than the projected tax in current payment of deductibles and premium co-pays.Additionally, they’re likely to be close to major metro area hospitals that provide full-service care, much unlike the rural areas that are seeing care options decline significantly, which means that universal health care would provide them with advanced care at a cheaper price than they’re paying right now.All of this combined means a significantly more visibly higher standard of living for a comparatively small tax increase than urban or rural areas.Overall, higher taxes generally tangibly increase the standard of living for the suburban middle class and urban poor, but not for the rural populations or the wealthy.Now, there are lots of ways we can take this into account and tax intelligently to spread the burdens out based on ability to pay, but there simply will be wealth redistribution, particularly to the rural population, for any kind of efforts. It’s just absolutely unavoidable if you want to give them the same or comparable standard of living as suburban populations with a lower population density.But as it stands, just raising taxes would not provide enough revenue to significantly improve the rural standard of living (if placed only on rural populations, at least), raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for improved standards of living for any other population will justifiably feel to the wealthy like they’re subsidizing the standard of living increase for the rest of the population, and raising taxes just in general will most tangibly benefit the suburban middle class and urban poor.I’ll give you three guesses as to which of those two populations are most represented in Congress as Republicans and which two are represented as Democrats, and the first two guesses don’t count.You’ve read a long answer with no pictures. Here, enjoy a picture of a fuzzy kitten as a reward.Mostly Standard Addendum and Disclaimer: read this before you comment, goddammit.I welcome rational, reasoned debate on the merits with reliable, credible sources.But coming on here and calling me names, pissing and moaning about how biased I am, telling me to go push my commie values in Venezuela, et cetera and so forth, will result in a swift one-way frogmarch out the airlock. Doing the same to others will result in the same treatment.Essentially, act like an adult and don’t be a dick about it.Additionally, as aforementioned and because it bears repeating, first person that starts bitching about Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren and socialism and taxation is theft! gets the airlock. Walk down the road to Galt’s Gulch and you’re out the door. These are bad faith arguments that have been repeatedly debunked, and I am ornery enough not to put up with it today.If you want to discuss, rationally and with reliable, credible sources, what kinds of tax policy would actually have a meaningful impact on the standard of living, fine. I will even let you argue supply-side economics if you think you’ve got a line of reasoning that hasn’t already been proven wrong by the annals of history, so long as you’re making good faith arguments about it.Also, getting cute with me about my commenting rules and how my answer doesn’t follow my rules and blah, blah, whine, blah is getting old. Again, ornery enough today to not put up with it. Stay on topic or you’ll get to watch the debate from the outside.If you want to argue and you’re not sure how to not be a dick about it, just post a picture of a cute baby animal instead, all right? Your displeasure and disagreement will be duly noted. Pinkie swear.I’m done with warnings. If you have to consider whether or not you’re over the line, the answer is most likely yes. I’ll just delete your comment and probably block you, and frankly, I won’t lose a minute of sleep over it.Debate responsibly.Footnotes[1] The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker (Chicago Studies in American Politics) eBook: Katherine J. Cramer: Kindle Store[2] Audit: Wisconsin DOT significantly underestimated highway project costs[3] Infrastructure spending: Which state is falling apart the worst?[4] School’s Closed. Forever.[5] Western Wisconsin Schools Grapple With Falling Status Of Teachers[6] Health Costs A Burden For Wisconsin's Middle-Income Families[7] Wisconsin suicide rate has increased 25 percent since '99, mirroring national problem[8] ER Visits For Opioid Overdose Double In Wisconsin[9] Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -[10] Rural hospitals retreat from delivering babies; small towns pay the price[11] Only 42% of Texas' rural hospitals will still deliver babies: A majority of rural hospitals in Texas are opting to discontinue delivery services as the number of births fall and the cost of providing the service rises, reports the Texas Tribune.[12] Another Thing Disappearing From Rural America: Maternal Care — ProPublica[13] Rural Hospitals Are Dying and Pregnant Women Are Paying the Price[14] Health Insurance Coverage in Small Towns and Rural America: The Role of Medicaid Expansion[15] The Role of Medicaid in Rural America[16] ACA Premiums Costlier in Rural America[17] Poorest Areas Have Missed Out on Boons of Recovery, Study Finds[18] The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats[19] Diving into the rich pool[20][21] High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be 'fair'?[22] Tax burden on the wealthy has trebled since the 1970s, Telegraph analysis shows[23] Wealth Inequality -[24] What is carried interest, and should it be taxed as capital gain?[25] The GOP wants to repeal the estate tax—here's how to know if that affects you[26] How rich people avoid taxes by parking money offshore (legally)[27] Opinion | How Corporations and the Wealthy Avoid Taxes (and How to Stop Them)[28] Paradise Papers Expose Rich And Famous Using Tax Havens  [29] What you need to know about the Senate's pass-through tax debate[30] The Definitive Guide to Who Rents and Who Buys in America[31] The Incredible Rise of Renting in the U.S.[32][33] Cost of Employer Insurance Growing Burden Middle-Income Families[34] Middle-Income Americans Take The Biggest Hit With Obamacare[35] Steep Premiums Challenge People Who Buy Health Insurance Without Subsidies

If you give SAT multiple times, is the best score taken or average score?

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Medical Center School of Health ProfessionsMarist CollegeSeattle Pacific UniversityWestfield State CollegeDartmouth CollegeMarlboro CollegeSeattle UniversityWestminster College PennsylvaniaDarton CollegeMarquette UniversitySewickley Valley HospitalWestwood College--DuPageDavidson CollegeMarshall Community Technical CollegeShawnee State UniversityWheelock CollegeDavidson County Community CollegeMarshall UniversitySimmons CollegeWhitman CollegeDawson Community CollegeMary Baldwin CollegeSinclair Community CollegeWidener UniversityDaytona State CollegeMaryland Institute College of ArtSingapore PolytechnicWillamette UniversityDelta State UniversityMarymount Manhattan CollegeSkidmore CollegeWilliam Jessup UniversityDenver Academy of Court ReportingMaryville University Saint LouisSmith CollegeWilliam Paterson University of New JerseyDePauw UniversityMassachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied HealthSomerset Christian CollegeWilliam Penn UniversityDeSales UniversityMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Somerset Community CollegeWilliam Woods UniversityDeVry UniversityMaster's College and SeminarySonoma State UniversityWilliams CollegeDeVry University AlpharettaMatanuska-Susitna Community CollegeSouth Carolina State UniversityWilson CollegeDeVry University CAMayo School of Health SciencesSouth Piedmont Community CollegeWilson Community CollegeDeVry University CentersMcNally Smith College of MusicSoutheast Technical InstituteWinthrop UniversityDeVry University HoustonMedCentral College of NursingSoutheastern Bible CollegeWisconsin Indianhead Technical CollegeDeVry University Long Beach CAMercy College Dobbs FerrySoutheastern Free Will Baptist CollegeWofford CollegeDeVry University MissouriMercy School of Nursing (PA)Southeastern Oklahoma State UniversityWorcester Polytechnic InstituteDeVry University TexasMercy School of Nursing (NC)Southeastern Technical CollegeWorcester State CollegeDickinson CollegeMercyhurst CollegeSouthern Arkansas University Tech BranchWord of Life Bible InstituteDigipen Institute of TechnologyMessenger CollegeSouthern California Institute of ArchitectureWright State University DaytonDivine Word CollegeMessiah CollegeSouthern Catholic CollegeXavier UniversityDominican College of BlauveltMiami Dade CollegeSouthern Connecticut State UniversityXavier University LouisianaDominican University of CaliforniaMiami UniversitySouthern Illinois University EdwardsvilleYellowstone Baptist CollegeDowling CollegeMiddle Georgia CollegeSouthern Methodist UniversityYork College of PennsylvaniaDrake UniversityMiddle Tennessee State UniversitySouthern New Hampshire UniversityYork St JohnDrexel UniversityMiddlebury CollegeSouthern University Agricultural and Mechanical CollegeYork Technical CollegeDuke UniversityMidreshet LindenbaumSouthern Utah UniversityYoung Harris CollegeBoston CollegeIf you have taken the SAT more than once, Boston College will take the highest individual section scores from each date and combine those scores.BC AdmissionsBoston UniversityBoston University will allow students to choose [the College Board's Score Choice]; however, we strongly recommend students submit their scores each time they take the SAT. BU has always considered a student’s highest SAT section scores in making admissions decisions and will continue to do so.BU AdmissionsBrownWe automatically focus on your highest test scores and therefore Score Choice is a bit redundant.Brown AdmissionsColumbiaApplicants may select the Score Choice option for the SAT ... When evaluating applicants, we consider the highest testing results reported from individual sections of the SAT ... We are always seeking to give students the greatest opportunity to showcase their academic talents and hoping to make the testing experience as stress-free as possible. We encourage applicants to take these examinations no more than twice, but we do not penalize applicants for exceeding that recommendation.Columbia AdmissionsDukeStudents who have taken multiple tests may choose which scores to send to Duke. For students who elect to send multiple test scores Duke will use whichever score is highest.Duke AdmissionsGeorgetownGeorgetown University does not participate in the Score Choice option available through the College Board. Georgetown requires that you submit scores from all test sittings of the SAT ... If an applicant takes the SAT more than once, the admissions committees will consider the highest critical reading score and the highest math score from multiple test sessions when reviewing the application.Georgetown AdmissionsGeorgia Institute of TechnologyWe super score within the same test, using your highest section scores from any test date. Each time you submit new scores to us, we will update your record with your highest scores. We evaluate all your sub-section scores, not just the sum or composite.Georgia Tech AdmissionsHarvardYou are free to use the College Board Score Choice option.Harvard AdmissionsJohns HopkinsWe'll considers your highest section scores across all SATs taken—even if they were on different test dates—in our evaluation of your application. We therefore encourage you to update your application with new test scores each time you take the SATs.Hopkins AdmissionsMITIf you take [the SAT] multiple times, we will consider the highest score achieved in each section. This superscoring also applies to students who submit scores from both the "old" and "new" SAT. We do this in order to consider all applicants in their best light. Students are free to use the College Board's Score Choice option ... to submit the scores of your choice as well.MIT AdmissionsNew York UniversityIf you’ve taken the SAT more than once, you can select which results you want to send to us using Score Choice. We will review the highest SAT scores you submit, regardless of test dates. This practice is commonly known as the “superscore.” If you submit scores from the old and new versions of the SAT, however, we will not create a new “superscore” as the old SAT is a different test from the new SAT.NYU AdmissionsNotre DameIf you submit multiple SAT scores, we will superscore the tests for our evaluation. This means we will use your highest individual SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math sub-scores from multiple testing dates to compute your composite score.Notre Dame AdmissionsPrincetonWe allow applicants to use the score choice feature of ... the SAT ... but we encourage the submission of all test scores.Princeton AdmissionsStanfordStanford is an "all scores" school, which means you must report all scores from all high school sittings of [the SAT] ... For the SAT, we will focus on the highest individual Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math, and Essay scores from all test sittings. For SAT exams taken prior to March 2016, we will focus on the highest Critical Reading, Math and Writing scores. Because we are not able to superscore across the two exams, we will superscore results within the old and new SAT exams separately.Stanford AdmissionsUniversity of ChicagoWe recommend you send us all of your test scores. Only your best testing results (highest sub-scores AND/OR best result of the 2 testing options—SAT vs ACT) will be included/used in your admission review. Lower testing will not be included in your final/official application so it cannot count against you.U Chicago AdmissionsUniversity of ConnecticutWe will combine the highest scores from each subsection of an exam to create the best overall score (within same exam formats) for exams taken more than once.U Conn AdmissionsUniversity of MiamiIf you take the test more than once, please ensure that the testing agency sends all of your scores so that we have your best performance on record. The Admission Committee will consider all official test scores from multiple test dates. We will use the highest composite score from among each test that you’ve taken.U Miami AdmissionsUniversity of North CarolinaIf you send us scores from multiple test dates, we’ll take your highest score for each section of the test and consider those scores as we evaluate your application. If you send us both an SAT and an ACT, we’ll look at whichever is higher.UNC AdmissionsUniversity of Southern CaliforniaFor students who take the SAT more than once, USC records the highest scores for each section—even if achieved in different sittings—but will not combine section scores from the old SAT (prior to March 2016) and the redesigned SAT.USC AdmissionsUniversity of VirginiaIt has been the Office of Admission’s long-standing policy to consider the best test scores submitted by applicants. When reviewing SAT scores, we use the top score from each section across all administrations of the exam. Scores from the previous version of the SAT and the current SAT will not be combined ... We hope you will submit all of your scores knowing that we will recombine the sections to get the best possible set of scores.UVA AdmissionsVanderbiltVanderbilt strongly encourages students to submit scores each time they take the SAT. Vanderbilt will super-score among Old SAT tests and among New SAT tests, but will not super-score between the Old SAT and the New SAT. Only the highest section scores for either the Old SAT or the New SAT will be considered as part of the admissions review process. Each time SAT scores are submitted, the student's record is updated with the new high section scores.Vanderbilt AdmissionsVillanovaCandidates are asked to submit their scores from each sitting of the SAT ... understanding that the Admission Committee will superscore the highest Evidence-based Reading and Writing scores and Math scores from the SAT.Villanova AdmissionsVirginia TechAt Virginia Tech, we superscore across test dates AND across exams—meaning we’ll look at your highest Math and English subscores and even combine scores from the SAT and ACT. For example, the Committee could consider your SAT Math and ACT English subscores when reviewing his/her application.Virginia Tech AdmissionsYaleWhen assessing SAT results, admissions officers will focus on your highest individual old or new scores from all test dates. For example, if you took the old SAT twice, your highest Critical Reading, Math and Writing scores will be considered individually. If you took the new SAT twice, your highest Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math and Essay scores will be considered individually. If you took both types of SAT, the admissions office will treat them separately and review the best scores on each test.Yale…SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG LISTREGARDS

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Justin Miller