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Which countries have a fascist state right now?

the USA! HERE'S HOW WE FIX IT: How Your District Majority Will Prosecute Billionaires Using 'TBV's= TRIAL BY VOTEBefore you pass your first 'TBV' sentence, you’ll have to use your online, 'EGV' voting website to ['EGV'= extra-governmental voting is opinion polling certain to become governing]:1] Elect a local citizen that renders you absolutely confident these 'TBV's will be conducted fairly, freely and accurately: [1] allow the defendant to present [online] his best defense; and, [2] maintain an absolutely transparent/accurate 'vote' count];2] Choose from among the many ‘1-to-100’ scoring systems that designate the specific rewards or punishments to be imposed upon any billionaire ‘defendant/target’ of your ''TBV' prosecution;3] Determine your district’s Quorum= In order to assure the absolute justice and moral rightfulness of the execution of your 'TBV' sentences you must require at least 80% of all adults in your district [district= 25sq mile minimum] cast their ‘vote’ to convict or acquit your 'TBV's defendant;4] Elect many [200?] well-protected ‘administrators’ willing to execute the sentences you impose [your 200 administrators will secretly devise multiple means to perform executions without being detected by today's treasonous government [FBI, etc.]];5] Elect as many district citizens as necessary to DEFEND your district’s heroic 'TBV' administrators from the wrongful, illegal, malicious attacks [arrests] that today's treasonous police and courts are certain to attempt to inflict on you and them. CONDUCTING TBVs ARE LEGAL, PROTECTED SPEECH FOR WHICH YOU CANNOT LEGALLY BE ARRESTED! The supreme justice of these executions [not murders] is absolutely self-evident. The supreme justice of our administrators being generously rewarded [never punished by the treasonous] is absolutely self-evident. The law is not the 'LAW'. The PEOPLE are the LAW! Only the people's majority confers governing AUTHORITY. Today's treasonous 'government' forces our obedience by their immoral, fascist power [NOT BY AUTHORITY]. Every action today's corrupt police chiefs/judges/DAs attempt to commit against your district majority's use of your TBVs is their arrogant proclamation of their [and their evil, billionaire owner's] ongoing, malicious treason against you! FEAR NOT! Police power will dwarf to insignificance when 80% of your district stands in passionate defense of your right [AUTHORITY] to execute the TBV sentences you impose. Now consider your invincibility and dominance when a 1000 unified districts are executing their 'TBV' sentences!'Trials-By-Vote' 'TBV' ScoringOne possible 'TBV' method of convicting a billionaire ‘defendant’ [oil/banking/media criminal?] begins with citizens logging onto your 'EGV' website [link to a precursor of an 'EGV' website is on my profile]. When you click on the defendant’s link you can then assign the defendant a 'score' from ‘1’ to ‘100’ that declares a level of ‘acquittal’ [level of reward] or ‘conviction’ [level of punishment]. Perhaps you could assign ‘acquitting’ scores from ‘49’ up to ‘1’ indicating the defendant should receive a rising scale of positive reward. Citizens might ‘convict’ by choosing scores from ‘51’ up to ‘100’ thereby assigning an increasing severity of punishment. Take the score registered by each citizen, add them up to make a total, then, divide that total by the number of 'voters' to achieve an 'average' [a verdict]. Perhaps a district’s ‘verdict’ over ‘85’ would impose a death sentence. Scores from ‘85’ down to ‘51’ ought to assign lessening degrees of swift, physical punishments [beatings?, blinding?, amputations?]. Perhaps a ‘51’ score might assign a punishment of harsh language to be inflicted on the convicted defendant [inflicted by anyone who encounters them]. Perhaps a score of ‘70’ would assign a punishment of the swift amputation of both hands and feet. Every DA who fails to honor your district majority's declaration of 'Homo Sacer'* [*Google it] status on a criminal billionaire must then be made to fear your district executing a 'TBV' sentence on HIM! Prevent those rare, 'unstable' citizens from mistakenly killing the innocent by reserving execution duty to your 'administrators'.At present, your author recommends that TBV sentences are only executed on convicted subjects who have knowingly/voluntarily/arrogantly[?] entered your district. Extra-governmental, pre-revolution extradition treaties might occur in the future. Since the rewards we'll legally offer our administrators will be gloriously irresistible, no police action will ever prevent the local execution of these 'TBV' sentences. Be confident that hundreds of your district’s citizens will eagerly compete for the honor of election to the post of 'TBV' ‘administrator’ [elected online].Use 'TBV's To Force Your Leader's 24/7/365 Obedience To Your Majority WillImmediately after you elect a district leader [today and after you win your revolution] place him/her on trial by 'TBV'. Only those absolutely eager/proud to place their life in your hands, and, be executed if they betray you, are worthy of your trust [election]. Forced transparency and threat of death by 'TBV's are your best means to assure your leader's 24/7/365, reverential obedience. Elect your leaders to FOLLOW. Punish them when they LEAD in opposition to your district’s majority-will.

Is it essential for the public to eradicate corruption and strengthen democracy?

here's how= How to Weaken, Destroy and Replace Criminal Rule by BillionairesThe following are the only tactics we citizens are legally allowed to use to redress our grievances [effect reform] and they're all treasonously designed by criminal billionaires to fail:1] Voting within the current billionaire-owned corrupt system?; 2] Campaigning for candidates?; 3] Writing letters [emails, phone calls, etc] to current [usually billionaire-owned] elected officials?; 4] Demonstrating [volunteering to be beaten/humiliated by their criminals with badges]?; 5] Supporting activist organizations?; 6] Lawsuits [begging corrupt judges for justice]?These weak, democracy-killing options beg the rhetorical question: Will the reasonable application of any combination of these tactics force government’s abject obedience to the will of your citizen-majority?Your Billionaire EnemiesHumanity suffers a 10,000 times more damage at the hands of malicious billionaires than we'll ever suffer at the hands of anyone else. Billionaires: remove government then destroy the planet for profit; then they rob and punish everyone in order to maintain their sadistic domination. Plutocratic, billionaire criminals have robbed humanity of their right to civilization [a sustainable planet]. You and I will democratically seize all governing power then immediately redistribute all stratified wealth and assets by force. Absent the forced imposition of swift, dictatorial rule by your increasingly sovereign district’s majority, the world's tragic, billionaire-caused environmental, economic and societal worsening is certain to endlessly intensify.You and your District Majority ['District'= 25sq mi minimum] are the Rightful Rulers.District majorities, worldwide, are the rightful owners of supreme, sovereign*, governing authority [*some rare sovereignty exceptions]. You and I are going to spend 20-min per week using online, 24/7/365, Extra-Governmental Voting ['EGV'], democracy bomb to: 1] destroy every government-owning, fascist billionaire; and, 2] force a supreme quality of justice and freedom within each of our sovereign districts. Opinion-polling certain to become governing is extra-governmental voting ['EGV']. When 80% of your neighbors are vesting that 20 minutes per week reading and 'voting' [24/7/365], you'll award yourselves the supreme authority to achieve these 'Priority Goals':1] Elect your GIW ['Government In Waiting'] heroes certain to inspire your absolute confidence they'll maintain supreme governing justice during and after your sovereign district's revolution; and,2] Form and ratify your district’s new constitution [you'll probably confederate with other districts but 99% of all your governing will be the sovereign province on your district's 24/7/365 majority voting to determine wealth division, environmental protection, government funding, crime adjudication, sovereign currency, more]; and,3] Establishing the tactics necessary to conduct a successful Revolution [your district majority must devise tactics that are absolutely certain to weaken, destroy and replace all current, billionaire-owned, fascist governing].RevolutionNone of us will endorse a revolution unless we're absolutely certain that our GIW will provide all of us the means to easily obtain every necessity [food, clothing, shelter, health, education, welfare, general infrastructure [trash, electricity, sewer, water, roads, justice, etc.]]. When most all district citizens are absolutely certain their revolution will manifest a vastly superior quality of life, your revolutions WILL BE WON [easily/swiftly], worldwide.Vote on TacticsBy your district’s popular vote, you’ll need to decide on the severity of tactics necessary to assure your district's certain overthrow of the billionaire criminals who own your current government. The safe, simple, free, easy, most just and effective tactic I recommend is to use your ‘voting’ website to prosecute these evil billionaires. These prosecutions are called 'TBV' [trial by vote]. Realize that you'll be convicting these malicious oligarchs of their horrific crimes against humanity. Using the most despicable graft, bribery and murder they've taken total possession of all governing thus 'legalizing' all of their worst crimes: 1] Fracking!; 2] $24 trillion in bailout theft; 3] Mass murder to advance theft [war in order to steal resources and profit from arms sales]; 4] Slavery [imposing sweatshop/prison labor, globally]; 5] Environmental rape for profit, worldwide; etc. Each citizen must judge the moral evil of these psychopath's crimes then vote to impose a punishment befitting [somehow] to their crimes.Your Most Powerful Tactic: TRIAL BY VOTE ['TBV']The moment your district's TBV conviction has crushed a few of these criminal billionaires into interminable fits of horror and incontinence you will, for the first time in your life, thrill to the absolute, transcendent confidence you'll swiftly defeat these reprobates. Your newfound confidence in forcing swift triumph will inspire you to joyfully achieve those vastly more important EGV Priority Goals: #1 & #2.How Your District Majority Will Prosecute Billionaires Using 'TBV's= TRIAL BY VOTEBefore you pass your first 'TBV' sentence, you’ll have to use your online, 'EGV' voting website to ['EGV'= extra-governmental voting is opinion polling certain to become governing]:1] Elect a local citizen that renders you absolutely confident these 'TBV's will be conducted fairly, freely and accurately: [1] allow the defendant to present [online] his best defense; and, [2] maintain an absolutely transparent/accurate 'vote' count];2] Choose from among the many ‘1-to-100’ scoring systems that designate the specific rewards or punishments to be imposed upon any billionaire ‘defendant/target’ of your ''TBV' prosecution;3] Determine your district’s Quorum= In order to assure the absolute justice and moral rightfulness of the execution of your 'TBV' sentences you must require at least 80% of all adults in your district [district= 25sq mile minimum] cast their ‘vote’ to convict or acquit your 'TBV's defendant;4] Elect many [200?] well-protected ‘administrators’ willing to execute the sentences you impose [your 200 administrators will secretly devise multiple means to perform executions without being detected by today's treasonous government [FBI, etc.]];5] Elect as many district citizens as necessary to DEFEND your district’s heroic 'TBV' administrators from the wrongful, illegal, malicious attacks [arrests] that today's treasonous police and courts are certain to attempt to inflict on you and them. CONDUCTING TBVs ARE LEGAL, PROTECTED SPEECH FOR WHICH YOU CANNOT LEGALLY BE ARRESTED! The supreme justice of these executions [not murders] is absolutely self-evident. The supreme justice of our administrators being generously rewarded [never punished by the treasonous] is absolutely self-evident. The law is not the 'LAW'. The PEOPLE are the LAW! Only the people's majority confers governing AUTHORITY. Today's treasonous 'government' forces our obedience by their immoral, fascist power [NOT BY AUTHORITY]. Every action today's corrupt police chiefs/judges/DAs attempt to commit against your district majority's use of your TBVs is their arrogant proclamation of their [and their evil, billionaire owner's] ongoing, malicious treason against you! FEAR NOT! Police power will dwarf to insignificance when 80% of your district stands in passionate defense of your right [AUTHORITY] to execute the TBV sentences you impose. Now consider your invincibility and dominance when a 1000 unified districts are executing their 'TBV' sentences!'Trials-By-Vote' 'TBV' ScoringOne possible 'TBV' method of convicting a billionaire ‘defendant’ [oil/banking/media criminal?] begins with citizens logging onto your 'EGV' website [link to a precursor of an 'EGV' website is on my profile]. When you click on the defendant’s link you can then assign the defendant a 'score' from ‘1’ to ‘100’ that declares a level of ‘acquittal’ [level of reward] or ‘conviction’ [level of punishment]. Perhaps you could assign ‘acquitting’ scores from ‘49’ up to ‘1’ indicating the defendant should receive a rising scale of positive reward. Citizens might ‘convict’ by choosing scores from ‘51’ up to ‘100’ thereby assigning an increasing severity of punishment. Take the score registered by each citizen, add them up to make a total, then, divide that total by the number of 'voters' to achieve an 'average' [a verdict]. Perhaps a district’s ‘verdict’ over ‘85’ would impose a death sentence. Scores from ‘85’ down to ‘51’ ought to assign lessening degrees of swift, physical punishments [beatings?, blinding?, amputations?]. Perhaps a ‘51’ score might assign a punishment of harsh language to be inflicted on the convicted defendant [inflicted by anyone who encounters them]. Perhaps a score of ‘70’ would assign a punishment of the swift amputation of both hands and feet. Every DA who fails to honor your district majority's declaration of 'Homo Sacer'* [*Google it] status on a criminal billionaire must then be made to fear your district executing a 'TBV' sentence on HIM! Prevent those rare, 'unstable' citizens from mistakenly killing the innocent by reserving execution duty to your 'administrators'.At present, your author recommends that TBV sentences are only executed on convicted subjects who have knowingly/voluntarily/arrogantly[?] entered your district. Extra-governmental, pre-revolution extradition treaties might occur in the future. Since the rewards we'll legally offer our administrators will be gloriously irresistible, no police action will ever prevent the local execution of these 'TBV' sentences. Be confident that hundreds of your district’s citizens will eagerly compete for the honor of election to the post of 'TBV' ‘administrator’ [elected online].Use 'TBV's To Force Your Leader's 24/7/365 Obedience To Your Majority WillImmediately after you elect a district leader [today and after you win your revolution] place him/her on trial by 'TBV'. Only those absolutely eager/proud to place their life in your hands, and, be executed if they betray you, are worthy of your trust [election]. Forced transparency and threat of death by 'TBV's are your best means to assure your leader's 24/7/365, reverential obedience. Elect your leaders to FOLLOW. Punish them when they LEAD in opposition to your district’s majority-will.DEMOCRACY= A Bettering World. Today's fascism= Certain Doom. You CHOOSE.YOUR GENUINE DEMOCRACY= Your glorious, unrelenting dynamic of environmental/economic/societal BETTERING!TODAY'S BILLIONAIRE FASCISM= The most sadistic, destructive WORSENING era in human history! YOU CHOOSE! Your thrilling 'TBV' process WILL generate a unified ferocity among a rapidly increasing number of outraged citizens. District by district, you’re going to swiftly shrink the world of these billionaires and force these criminals to surrender and flee. Thus inspired, you’ll force the euphoric triumph of your district's near-bloodless revolution!Local majorities, worldwide, are primed and eager to endure the reasonable degree of sacrifice [reading/voting for 20-min per week] necessary to rescue our suffering world. Be confident your extra-governmental, online advancement of increased local sovereignty and year-round direct-democracy will ordain the most free, just and dynamically bettering civilizations in human history.Defeat billionaire power: Bill Kahn 714-794-5116

What is the core element that should be taken into account while framing a pro-people constitution?

1st] remove the phrase 'consent of the people'. Only those enthusiastically ENDORSED by citizen majority can be allowed to govern. The citizen majority must be ordained with the eternal power to 'force' their dictatorial, 24/7/365 command over all those they elect. FORCE! That means all those elected to high office must be placed on 'trial by vote' from the moment they are elected. The moment they destructively violate the majority will of the electorate they will immediately [within 7-days] convict and execute that public-trust violating criminal. Only those absolutely proud to place their lives in the hands of their citizen-majority can be trusted with governing responsibility.2nd] each district's must retain the sovereign right to secede. 95% of all governing must be removed from city/county/state/federal officials and placed in the hands of each near-sovereign district's [25sq mi minimum] local majority.3rd] 24/7/365 voting that instantly removes/replaces any law, policy or elected officer must be ordained. Ranked choice voting and Proportional representation = a must. The local citizen majority must retain the power to force any level of equal wealth division they choose.4th] NO TAXES! With a citizen-approved, value-based, sovereign currency we citizens can simply vote the amount of money we wish printed to pay for governing. If government spending was divided into 10? Categories we could then vote what percentage we wish spent on that purpose.My book on exactly this subject is 250pgs. I'll paste the 'TBV' PROCESS to help you achieve the just and free civilization you seek. How to Weaken, Destroy and Replace Criminal Rule by BillionairesThe following are the only tactics we citizens are legally allowed to use to redress our grievances [effect reform] and they're all treasonously designed by criminal billionaires to fail:1] Voting within the current billionaire-owned corrupt system?; 2] Campaigning for candidates?; 3] Writing letters [emails, phone calls, etc] to current [usually billionaire-owned] elected officials?; 4] Demonstrating [volunteering to be beaten/humiliated by their criminals with badges]?; 5] Supporting activist organizations?; 6] Lawsuits [begging corrupt judges for justice]?These weak, democracy-killing options beg the rhetorical question: Will the reasonable application of any combination of these tactics force government’s abject obedience to the will of your citizen-majority?Your Billionaire EnemiesHumanity suffers a 10,000 times more damage at the hands of malicious billionaires than we'll ever suffer at the hands of anyone else. Billionaires: remove government then destroy the planet for profit; then they rob and punish everyone in order to maintain their sadistic domination. Plutocratic, billionaire criminals have robbed humanity of their right to civilization [a sustainable planet]. You and I will democratically seize all governing power then immediately redistribute all stratified wealth and assets by force. Absent the forced imposition of swift, dictatorial rule by your increasingly sovereign district’s majority, the world's tragic, billionaire-caused environmental, economic and societal worsening is certain to endlessly intensify.You and your District Majority ['District'= 25sq mi minimum] are the Rightful Rulers.District majorities, worldwide, are the rightful owners of supreme, sovereign*, governing authority [*some rare sovereignty exceptions]. You and I are going to spend 20-min per week using online, 24/7/365, Extra-Governmental Voting ['EGV'], democracy bomb to: 1] destroy every government-owning, fascist billionaire; and, 2] force a supreme quality of justice and freedom within each of our sovereign districts. Opinion-polling certain to become governing is extra-governmental voting ['EGV']. When 80% of your neighbors are vesting that 20 minutes per week reading and 'voting' [24/7/365], you'll award yourselves the supreme authority to achieve these 'Priority Goals':1] Elect your GIW ['Government In Waiting'] heroes certain to inspire your absolute confidence they'll maintain supreme governing justice during and after your sovereign district's revolution; and,2] Form and ratify your district’s new constitution [you'll probably confederate with other districts but 99% of all your governing will be the sovereign province on your district's 24/7/365 majority voting to determine wealth division, environmental protection, government funding, crime adjudication, sovereign currency, more]; and,3] Establishing the tactics necessary to conduct a successful Revolution [your district majority must devise tactics that are absolutely certain to weaken, destroy and replace all current, billionaire-owned, fascist governing].RevolutionNone of us will endorse a revolution unless we're absolutely certain that our GIW will provide all of us the means to easily obtain every necessity [food, clothing, shelter, health, education, welfare, general infrastructure [trash, electricity, sewer, water, roads, justice, etc.]]. When most all district citizens are absolutely certain their revolution will manifest a vastly superior quality of life, your revolutions WILL BE WON [easily/swiftly], worldwide.Vote on TacticsBy your district’s popular vote, you’ll need to decide on the severity of tactics necessary to assure your district's certain overthrow of the billionaire criminals who own your current government. The safe, simple, free, easy, most just and effective tactic I recommend is to use your ‘voting’ website to prosecute these evil billionaires. These prosecutions are called 'TBV' [trial by vote]. Realize that you'll be convicting these malicious oligarchs of their horrific crimes against humanity. Using the most despicable graft, bribery and murder they've taken total possession of all governing thus 'legalizing' all of their worst crimes: 1] Fracking!; 2] $24 trillion in bailout theft; 3] Mass murder to advance theft [war in order to steal resources and profit from arms sales]; 4] Slavery [imposing sweatshop/prison labor, globally]; 5] Environmental rape for profit, worldwide; etc. Each citizen must judge the moral evil of these psychopath's crimes then vote to impose a punishment befitting [somehow] to their crimes.Your Most Powerful Tactic: TRIAL BY VOTE ['TBV']The moment your district's TBV conviction has crushed a few of these criminal billionaires into interminable fits of horror and incontinence you will, for the first time in your life, thrill to the absolute, transcendent confidence you'll swiftly defeat these reprobates. Your newfound confidence in forcing swift triumph will inspire you to joyfully achieve those vastly more important EGV Priority Goals: #1 & #2.How Your District Majority Will Prosecute Billionaires Using 'TBV's= TRIAL BY VOTEBefore you pass your first 'TBV' sentence, you’ll have to use your online, 'EGV' voting website to ['EGV'= extra-governmental voting is opinion polling certain to become governing]:1] Elect a local citizen that renders you absolutely confident these 'TBV's will be conducted fairly, freely and accurately: [1] allow the defendant to present [online] his best defense; and, [2] maintain an absolutely transparent/accurate 'vote' count];2] Choose from among the many ‘1-to-100’ scoring systems that designate the specific rewards or punishments to be imposed upon any billionaire ‘defendant/target’ of your ''TBV' prosecution;3] Determine your district’s Quorum= In order to assure the absolute justice and moral rightfulness of the execution of your 'TBV' sentences you must require at least 80% of all adults in your district [district= 25sq mile minimum] cast their ‘vote’ to convict or acquit your 'TBV's defendant;4] Elect many [200?] well-protected ‘administrators’ willing to execute the sentences you impose [your 200 administrators will secretly devise multiple means to perform executions without being detected by today's treasonous government [FBI, etc.]];5] Elect as many district citizens as necessary to DEFEND your district’s heroic 'TBV' administrators from the wrongful, illegal, malicious attacks [arrests] that today's treasonous police and courts are certain to attempt to inflict on you and them. CONDUCTING TBVs ARE LEGAL, PROTECTED SPEECH FOR WHICH YOU CANNOT LEGALLY BE ARRESTED! The supreme justice of these executions [not murders] is absolutely self-evident. The supreme justice of our administrators being generously rewarded [never punished by the treasonous] is absolutely self-evident. The law is not the 'LAW'. The PEOPLE are the LAW! Only the people's majority confers governing AUTHORITY. Today's treasonous 'government' forces our obedience by their immoral, fascist power [NOT BY AUTHORITY]. Every action today's corrupt police chiefs/judges/DAs attempt to commit against your district majority's use of your TBVs is their arrogant proclamation of their [and their evil, billionaire owner's] ongoing, malicious treason against you! FEAR NOT! Police power will dwarf to insignificance when 80% of your district stands in passionate defense of your right [AUTHORITY] to execute the TBV sentences you impose. Now consider your invincibility and dominance when a 1000 unified districts are executing their 'TBV' sentences!'Trials-By-Vote' 'TBV' ScoringOne possible 'TBV' method of convicting a billionaire ‘defendant’ [oil/banking/media criminal?] begins with citizens logging onto your 'EGV' website [link to a precursor of an 'EGV' website is on my profile]. When you click on the defendant’s link you can then assign the defendant a 'score' from ‘1’ to ‘100’ that declares a level of ‘acquittal’ [level of reward] or ‘conviction’ [level of punishment]. Perhaps you could assign ‘acquitting’ scores from ‘49’ up to ‘1’ indicating the defendant should receive a rising scale of positive reward. Citizens might ‘convict’ by choosing scores from ‘51’ up to ‘100’ thereby assigning an increasing severity of punishment. Take the score registered by each citizen, add them up to make a total, then, divide that total by the number of 'voters' to achieve an 'average' [a verdict]. Perhaps a district’s ‘verdict’ over ‘85’ would impose a death sentence. Scores from ‘85’ down to ‘51’ ought to assign lessening degrees of swift, physical punishments [beatings?, blinding?, amputations?]. Perhaps a ‘51’ score might assign a punishment of harsh language to be inflicted on the convicted defendant [inflicted by anyone who encounters them]. Perhaps a score of ‘70’ would assign a punishment of the swift amputation of both hands and feet. Every DA who fails to honor your district majority's declaration of 'Homo Sacer'* [*Google it] status on a criminal billionaire must then be made to fear your district executing a 'TBV' sentence on HIM! Prevent those rare, 'unstable' citizens from mistakenly killing the innocent by reserving execution duty to your 'administrators'.At present, your author recommends that TBV sentences are only executed on convicted subjects who have knowingly/voluntarily/arrogantly[?] entered your district. Extra-governmental, pre-revolution extradition treaties might occur in the future. Since the rewards we'll legally offer our administrators will be gloriously irresistible, no police action will ever prevent the local execution of these 'TBV' sentences. Be confident that hundreds of your district’s citizens will eagerly compete for the honor of election to the post of 'TBV' ‘administrator’ [elected online].Use 'TBV's To Force Your Leader's 24/7/365 Obedience To Your Majority WillImmediately after you elect a district leader [today and after you win your revolution] place him/her on trial by 'TBV'. Only those absolutely eager/proud to place their life in your hands, and, be executed if they betray you, are worthy of your trust [election]. Forced transparency and threat of death by 'TBV's are your best means to assure your leader's 24/7/365, reverential obedience. Elect your leaders to FOLLOW. Punish them when they LEAD in opposition to your district’s majority-will.DEMOCRACY= A Bettering World. Today's fascism= Certain Doom. You CHOOSE.YOUR GENUINE DEMOCRACY= Your glorious, unrelenting dynamic of environmental/economic/societal BETTERING!TODAY'S BILLIONAIRE FASCISM= The most sadistic, destructive WORSENING era in human history! YOU CHOOSE! Your thrilling 'TBV' process WILL generate a unified ferocity among a rapidly increasing number of outraged citizens. District by district, you’re going to swiftly shrink the world of these billionaires and force these criminals to surrender and flee. Thus inspired, you’ll force the euphoric triumph of your district's near-bloodless revolution!Local majorities, worldwide, are primed and eager to endure the reasonable degree of sacrifice [reading/voting for 20-min per week] necessary to rescue our suffering world. Be confident your extra-governmental, online advancement of increased local sovereignty and year-round direct-democracy will ordain the most free, just and dynamically bettering civilizations in human history.Defeat billionaire power:

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It is super quick and simple to use, very user friendly. I've mainly used the print-to-pdf feature and the combine existing pdfs feature.

Justin Miller