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Is Holocaust denial irrational?

*Ominously called the Gate of Death at the Auschwitz slave labor camp.***Why do some people believe that the Holocaust is fake?**Some people believe it has everything to do with common sense, deductive mental powers of reasoning things out logically, and above-average intelligence…**Firstly**, overall, extreme exaggerations and unconscionable hyperbole not standing up to 21st-century forensic science are a significant part of early Holocaust history that has stood the test of time but is only now being debunked—detailed explanations and examples can be found listed below. There is great incentive to keep these lurid rumors going strong, even though 1/3rd of the human population doubts their authenticity (see references for links to surveys on Holocaust opinion).**Secondly**, unreliable eyewitness accounts by camp inmates that turned out after detective investigation to be rumors, attention-seeking stories, collusion, gup, and people wanting greater emotional sympathy, or even worse, victims, seeking bigger and longer-released Holocaust restitution cheques by gaming the system.**Thirdly**, fictionalized ghoulish propaganda of the scary, childhood, bedtime, ghost story variety, also known as atrocity propaganda.***Fourthly***, pre-ordained Salem Witch trials presided over by hand-picked kangaroo judges at military tribunals, that were adroitly conducted via rogue prosecutors who used manufactured evidence, coerced confessions, false testimony, and counterfeit exhibits.***Fifthly***, the constant lowering by the ***MILLIONS*** of exorbitant and official death tolls at the Nazi slave labor camps themselves is most telling. Train records and authentic death dossier books only showing tens of thousands of deaths, are corroborated by records of incendiary charcoal/coke-fuel orders providing the material to cremate the dead bodies were found immediately after the war ended, and matched up approximately with the recorded death counts.***Sixthly***, the real death toll of Jews at these slave labor camps is likely in the high tens of thousands and low hundreds of thousands, ***not*** millions. The 6 million number is Jewish arithmology that was devised before WW2. There are videos on the internet that show the exact newspapers before WW2 which repeatedly tout the 6 million number.***Seventhly***, homicidal gas chambers disguised as shower & bathing houses were actually standard-issue camp superstitions that turned out to be total fiction when inquired into using 21st-century physics and chemical engineering.**Eighthly**, a lot of the long-held claims of anti-Semitism in other pivotal historical cases related to Jews, are often found out to be Jewish archetypal Antigentilism and traditional Jewish tribal warfare against out-tribes. (ex. Leo Frank case, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Dreyfus Affair, Jonathan Pollard*, and too many others to name.)**Ninthly**, claims that Nazis were steaming Jews to death with hot water streams turned out to be a total fabrication.**Tenthly**, Nazis were hijacking Russian diesel tanks and using the exhaust pipes to gas Jews.**Eleventhly**, downward scratches and deep handprints in hard concrete on shower walls “prove” the Nazis were gassing people.**Twelfthly**, delousing chambers using Zyklon-B to disinfect clothes of typhus and bubonic-plague carrying lice, actually saved human lives, not destroy them.**Thirteenth**, Nazis were using Jewish tail bones (sacral bones) for ashtrays (let us see if you can find it among the Holocaust propaganda photos below on the denazification table).let’s begin…**One of the most famous Holocaust photographs capturing life in the prison camps.***The famous black and white version of this colorized photo of concentration camp inmate barracks was professionally altered, by adding the skinny and naked man standing at the side who was not there in the original New York Times photo. Despite being doctored-up, it’s pretty clear if there were icy variations of the mythical fiery hell, then this was an arctic version of it. The reason these inmates were malnourished and starving to death was that allied carpet bombing raids had cut off all major supply lines in Germany. Before supply lines were cut off, the German regime in power had a real vested interest in keeping these inmates healthy and well-fed because they were essentially valuable resources serving as slave labor to keep Hitler's war machine grinding forward.***Are the photos herewithin proof of the fabled Homicidal Gas Chambers? Or, proof of the astromancy that 6 million Jews were murdered in these camps? Or, proof of Lampshades made from Jewish cadavers? Or, proof of soap made from Jews slain with pesticides? Or, proof that Nazi witch doctors and Nazi Voodoo headhunters were shrinking the heads of Jews? Is any of this proof that Nazis were using tattooed Jewish skin as avantgarde canvas to hang on the walls of their residences as framed art?**This concentration camp photo of sleeping barracks is not evidence of homicidal gas chambers secretly feigned as group rooms for hygienic bathing. Again, people died of malnutrition and low-calorie diets due to allied bombing air raids cutting off supply lines. People died of dysentery which has always been a common occurrence in times of war all throughout human history. People died of Typhus - another common problem in times of war, often the source of drinking water becoming unpotable through becoming infected or polluted with sewage. People died of exposure in the ice and snow. People died from exhaustion from being overworked. People were executed. These are the horrors of war, but 6 million Jews were not genocided in homicidal gas chambers disguised as gymnasium bathhouses via death showers or by being gassed to death via the exhaust pipes of Russian diesel engines.**No Gas Vans! No Muffler Murders!***Tenthly* Think of how ridiculous it would be to try to kill someone with the exhaust of diesel engines when these engines weren’t capable of efficiently killing people in the first place and were poorly engineered. How would Nazis replace the faulty parts of these lousy built Soviet tanks that broke down all the time and were in short supply? Wouldn’t they use more reliable engineered German tanks?Surprise! Surprise! Diesel engines are inefficient at killing people!**Watch this 1990s Audi video of a man trying to kill himself with the gas from diesel exhaust. At the end of the commercial, the guy tries to illustrate how absurd it is by trying to guillotine his how head using the driver's side window to roaring laughter.****Ending the Holocaust Fakery**It’s time we come to heal with truth and deprogramming, and finally put an end to the greatest collection of related, evidentiary scams, ever perpetrated in human history, because these listed, hereunder, are at the source of why 9-figure numbers of people across the world totally doubt the Jewish Holocaust. By facing the supermajority of exaggerated claims directly, there is still hope in salvaging what’s left of the Holocaust. And that’s my mission, to save the Holocaust, but exposing it’s relentless chicanery.*Nazi regime executives at the Kangaroo court trial in Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany, 1945–1946.***My State of Mind and Position and why the Penny is Dropping.**My goal in dropping the penny (“the penny drops”) and answering this question is not to minimize anyone’s suffering or deny the Holocaust—quite the contrary. There’s absolutely no denying atrocities were committed against persecuted minorities and perceived enemies of the German state during WW2 by the Nazi-regime, who started the second great European war, and also by the allies, who finished that war with overwhelming military might. There is also no denying that people were used as slave labor to further Hitler’s war juggernaut. However, the “Holocaust” as it has been packaged in the past since 1945 as a crude Psyop, and how it is more generally presented in the 21st-century, as a refined psyop, does not stand up to unbiased forensic/scientific inquiry, nor does it contend with dispassionate historical scrutiny.It hurts me to say these things as the great-grandchild of Holocaust survivors because I know the truth is painful for millions of people who swallowed the Holocaust blue pill and drank the blue Holocaust Kool-Aid. It’s time we Jews have a much-needed intervention and reconciliation movement with the Shoah for the purpose of finally coming to terms with this, the Holocaust is the most misrepresented group-tragedy in human historiography. The time for a new inquiry could not be more urgent. We have reached a point in time of history where billions of people all over the world doubt the authenticity of orthodox Holocaust narratives. So the time has never been more apropos than 2021 to uncover this grandest ballroom masquerade of all time and continue the recovery process in all the years ahead. Let’s finally put an end to a false chronicle that began in 1945, for our own collective mental health, we must begin to deprogram from this cult of Holocaustianity, so let us begin…*To take the first baby steps forward in healing we must keep asking the same question over and over again:*Why do some people believe that the Holocaust is fake? (Why do some people believe that the Holocaust is fake?)These are some of the reasons why….**“The Nazis Created Voodoo Shrunken Heads of Jews For Occult Witchcraft”**Exhibit USA-254 at the Nuremberg Trial, presented as hard evidence against the Nazis. Found this one at the official United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Harry Truman WW2 Library (until they eventually censor it of course). This means we are now into 76 years of this official hoax that governments, including our own, have paid out trillions (not billions, but trillions) of dollars.These shrunken heads from the South American jungles were used as exhibits at the Kangaroo Nuremberg trials - Wikipedia (Nuremberg trials) to prosecute National Socialist inner-party members and this was only the tip of the iceberg of the victor’s judicial clown show.The origin of these two shrunken-heads above in the photo are from primitive 19th-century Amazonian “Witch Doctors” living in “the bush” (the jungles of South America), who made them from the unfortunate caught or killed enemy clan members during ongoing tribal wars. They were surreptitiously utilized as atrocity propaganda against the Nazi elite in 1945 when WW2 ended and the Nuremberg show trials began. In the decades thereafter, these urban legends continued to mutate and be amplified in Western nations and Israel, as covert disinformation campaigns that were believed with religious faith and taken for granted.The Hasbara and Zio-PSYOPers alleged these cute little guys were, once upon a time, Jewish concentration camp inmates. Sadly, great multitudes believed this exotic hoodwink for generations. Today, with modern forensic science and genetic genealogy testing, we now know for certain there aren’t any known examples of Jewish concentration camp inmates having their heads shrunk.**Nail Scratches and Deep Hand Prints in Concrete?!**“The hot shower victims left nothing behind except their terror as they were being murdered by poison gas!”Notice the problem with these supposed human fingernail scratches on the walls of the shower room? Start by trying to scratch your fingernails on dried concrete and see how far you get. Human fingernails can not make deep gouges into dried concrete, it’s humanly impossible. These deep scratches were made with hardened metal blades, not human fingernails.**The Holocaust Hand Print Hoax Debunked as a Morbid Soviet Caper***Whatcha doin’ Ivan?! Caught red-handed! Soviet troops put fresh-wet mortar on the walls of the “homicidal gas chambers disguised as showers” so they could themselves fabricate deep hand imprints to trick unsuspecting tourists into thinking the unknowing and unwilling victims of the “Holocaust” were trying to climb their way out as they were being gassed to death with Zyklon-B. It fooled millions of dimwitted tourists.***The Homicidal Gas Chambers Disguised as Bathroom Showers***In some of the supposed homicidal gas chambers disguised as bath showers, they put deep scratch marks and human handprints into the walls, to horrify tourists/visitors, by showing them the Holocaust victims tried to claw their way out as they were being slowly murdered with delousing pesticide.**Yet, For many generations to come, no one bothered to ask themselves:**How could anyone be able to put deep human palm imprints into hard dried concrete on the walls? The question gives new meaning to the word “Facepalm”.*You literally can’t mould your handprint concave-style into hard dried concrete. It’s impossible. Concrete has to be fully fresh, just mixed properly, and still originally moist to make a proper human handprint, fingerprint or palm print, as deep as they are displayed.It’s mind-boggling, NO ONE for 75 years bothered to ask this simple question about the consistency differences between wet and dry concrete, to thus debunk another bewitching Holocaust fraud that fooled countless sideshow visitors for decades.Any doubts? Just to make sure, everyone please go find a sidewalk, and try to make a deep handprint into it. You can’t unless the concrete was just put down in the pre-settled form. Concrete is so strong that combined with rebar you can build 5-level houses with it or skyscrapers.FUN FACT: When concrete is dried and hard it’s impossible to make a mould of your hand into it. Ask any chemist or concrete worker in the world if you have any doubts. To trick people into thinking the shower rooms were homicidal gas chambers the Soviets (who largely engineered and perpetuated the Holocaust hoax of gas chambers) put freshly mixed concrete of the right consistency on the shower walls, got troops of all sizes and age groups to press their hands into them, and then let the concrete set to stone. This tricked millions of people who toured these morbidly staged death chambers that no one in-the-know, takes seriously today. Now you know, you were hoodwinked! I implore you to spend a full summer in Europe touring the concentration camps (by the way you’ll love the food in Poland).1. **Over-the-Top FOLK-LORE**The ongoing problem of fakery is the recurring gory propaganda from the denazification PSYOP that went pathologically overboard in 1945 and thereafter, with absurd stories of Mengelean shrunken heads, lampshades made of Jewish skin, tattooed Jewish skins as paintings to hang on the walls of Nazis’ homes, and soap made from the fat of Jewesses.It just goes to show you how effortless it is for some people to lie, as this dapper man, Dodd was the American prosecutor at Nuremberg and he’s holding up one of the cross-Atlantic, headhunter’s craftwork, with a straight face. Those in the courtroom audience were appalled and morbidly curious by this exhibit that was passed around and examined closely between the military tribunal’s kangaroo judges.Was the joke on them or was it an inside joke?**The hard fact that you’re gullible, should not invalidate blind justice**If anyone thinks the Nazis or any other war criminals in the past, present, or future history don’t deserve a fair trial because of what they had allegedly done (real or imagined) or will allegedly do, then you have absolute proof of how infinitely gullible people are by nature, because that means all it takes to trick some individual or mob into supporting Salem Witch trials, is to simply brainwash them with manufactured propaganda or prefabricated evidence. If you dear reader think someone doesn’t deserve a fair trial because they committed the most heinous crime imaginable, then you might not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what is ideal justice. Blind justice must always be the way forward in matters of injustice, no matter what the crime. If you think otherwise, someday someone will bring artificial evidence and false testimony against you in any capacity and it might just stick.**Chief Nazi Prosecutor Dodd the P.T. Barnum of the mid 20th century.***Supposed “Nazi, **Shrunken head - Wikipedia* (*” of Jewish inmates in the slave labor camps. “In this Dec. 17, 1945, photo, American prosecutor Thomas Dodd holds the shrunken head of a prisoner of war who died in the concentration camp at Belsen.”*Source information about the Holocaust hoaxer who played a major role in prosecuting the Nazi leadership From G-man to Nuremburg lawyer, Dodd rose quickly to prominence (From G-man to Nuremburg lawyer, Dodd rose quickly to prominence).From Wikipedia on **Thomas Joseph Dodd** (May 15, 1907 – May 24, 1971):Both Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson (Robert H. Jackson), chief prosecutor for the U.S., and Dodd insisted upon a fair and legal trial to prosecute the Nazi war criminals. Dodd accepted Jackson's offer to join him in Germany. Dodd expected the position to last only several months, but he wound up spending 15 months there. Dodd suggested Heidelberg (Heidelberg) as the location for the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg trials), since it had survived the war almost completely unscathed, but Nuremberg was eventually chosen.[7] (Thomas J. Dodd) In October 1945, Jackson named Dodd to his senior Trial Board for the Nuremberg Trials, and later in 1946, named him Executive Trial Counsel, putting him in the number-two position at the trials. In the summer of 1946, Jackson appointed Dodd as the acting Chief of Counsel while he returned to DC. Dodd finally returned to the U.S. in October 1946.[5] (Thomas J. Dodd) He described the delegation as "an autopsy on history's most horrible catalogue of human crime."[8] (Thomas J. Dodd)More from Wikipedia:The first and best known of the trials was that of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT). It was described as "the greatest trial in history" by Sir Norman Birkett (Norman Birkett, 1st Baron Birkett), one of the British judges present throughout.[1] (Nuremberg trials[httpswwwjstororgstable41212687_563]-1) Held between 20 November 1945 and 1 October 1946,[2] (Nuremberg trials[httpsbooksgooglecombooksid5h_8dxXEIPsCpgPA106dq22november2019452222october1194622_106]-2) the Tribunal was given the task of trying 24 of the most important political and military leaders of the Third Reich.Hint: The Jewish tailbone in the photo at the left between the two shrunken heads isn’t really an ashtray. Nazi’s were using Jewish tailbones to ruminate and bogart cigarettes.*Above is an American de-Nazification propaganda table display that went on tour around Germany. These displays were showcased outdoors to deprogram German citizens with dozens of hoaxy items being presented by a G.I. Joe Mountebank, including bath soap made from the buttocks of morbidly obese Jewish women who were supposedly exterminated in homicidal gas chambers disguised as showers; lampshades made from the skin of murdered Jews in the camps (right); and shrunken heads of hanged Jews (left) with a tailbone (sacral bone) ashtray.**The grossest part of these shocking displays was the Allied forces got artists to tattoo animal skins, like goats and pigs, to display on the deprogramming table. You read that right, they actually tattooed pig skins with colorful ink and pawned them off as the flesh of murdered Jews. That’s not very Kosher is it, now?**1945: Standing right is G.I. Joe “the Real American Hero”, he performs as a showcase showdown presenter on film in military uniform (the video recording still exists), walking around the table, pointing to items, holding some of them up, and circling back around, swinging his arms and hand to show everyone the grisly chachkas (Yiddish), from afar and up close. The presentation of these grotesque props achieved its intended goal of causing people to gasp and cover their eyes. People who couldn’t look away from these morbid items put their hands over their mouths in horror. Yet, little did they know, it was all an inside joke, and the joke was on them, and then the public fell for when the rumors spread by word of mouth. And spread they did! The masses fell for it and kept passing down these macabre folk stories for lifetimes to their descendants, fathers to sons, grandfathers to grandsons, and so on... 70 years later the penny dropped, it was all smoke and mirrors. Astonishingly, even as late as 2021, people still believe the Holocaust mythology.***Summer Holocaust Tour**If the Bat and Bar Mitzvah is Judaism’s significant coming of age for tween/teenage boys and girls of the Jewish faith, then the Holocaust tour is like a coming of age for young adult Jews who are trying to make sense of Jewish history. As the great-grandson of Holocaust survivors who visited these memorial sites of significance in the early 2000s touring all the major camps, with a group of Israeli students, I am outraged that the deaths of tens of thousands of Jews is constantly being turned into a (use your best NYC Yiddish accent) “step right up boys and girls”, carnival sideshow and funhouse of warped mirrors that people still proselytize with today. All of this is done to convince people the impossible 6 million number is real and not scrier numerology. The real number of Jews that died in the archipelago of Nazi concentration camps is significantly lower than 1 million. Auschwitz which is considered the worst of the worst when it comes to these concentration work camps is where approximately 40,000 to 45,000 Jews died. Keep in mind that since 1945, Auschwitz has always been the camp that Jews demonized as symbolizing the central Holocaust narrative. It’s regarded as the worst of the worst by Jewish storytellers.*The above sign was a major feature of the Auschwitz camp from 1946 to 1991. For 45 years at Auschwitz, dignitaries, politicians, world leaders, royalty, Jewish young adults like me, and millions of tourists were indoctrinated with this sign.***The Astrology of Six Million Jews**The six million number is at the root of the problem of why people think the Holocaust is a confidence shakedown, this occurred after the Auschwitz death toll was lowered from 4 million to 1 million by the Jewish and Polish scholars who ran the tourist trap in Kraków - Wikipedia (Kraków) for decades. This intellectual bankruptcy sale creates derivative problems too, it means the confessions of the Nazis to the death tolls in the labor camps were all wildly exaggerated and obtained by torture or other forms of coercion (promises of safety for their families, less harsh conditions in prison, or humane executions). It means the admissions of the Nazi defendants at these Soviet-style show trials at Nuremberg were nothing more than concocted confessions that we know in hindsight to be amplified by factors upward of 100x times (we get this factor by calculating the 45,000 Jews actually dying in Auschwitz versus the 4 million deaths claim presented as historical fact from 1945 to 1991).**Does Majdanek Death Toll collapse from 2 Million to 40K?**Officially the Majdanek Jewish murder count starts out at a whopping 2 million cadavers and then over time it slowly dips down to 80K, not by Holocaust deniers, but the Jewish scholars running the Museum who are Holocaust promotionists. Holocaust deniers put the real number at 40K based on train records and death certificates. Let’s give the Holocaust promotionists the benefit of the doubt over the Holocaust deniers and stick with the 80K.What are ordinary people supposed to think when the official death toll at a labor or transit camp drops from 2 million, or by 92%, or all the way down, falling by more than 1.9 million to a final toll of less than 100K? Now imagine this is going on with every single Nazi camp, not just the ones claimed to be the worst examples.I’ll tell you what ordinary people think. They’re thinking the 6 million murdered Jews mantra is probably exaggerated by 92%+ too. By logic and deductive reason, it also means all the Nazi admissions were also likely 92% fake too and obtained by torture or other coercive methods. This is how normal people think when Jews try to shove the Holocaust down everyone’s throats or up everyone’s butt. Let us be honest without pretensions, it’s all too contrived how much the Holocaust is in everyone's face all the time. The obsessive-compulsiveness of it all causes people to suspect something is fishy and their intuitions were right. This is a psychological problem we Jews have when it comes to the Holocaust, we overplay our hand. We are four-flushers bluffing that we have an ace-high royal flush.**Coerced Nazi Confessed and False Testimony Against Themselves**When someone is prosecuted for mass murdering X-number of people, where “X” is some large arbitrary number and then decades after they die, the number of “X” is lowered by multiple factors, a serious air of mistrust arises around the whole historical event. People naturally begin to doubt, especially in the Internet age where it’s a lot harder to dupe than it was before the Internet age. During the TV set age, it was easy to fool people. Dominating the Shoah narrative is no longer possible in the Internet age.Skepticism is basic human psychology, not blanket anti-Semitism by anti-Semites as the Hasbara activists would have us believe. We have a serious problem because other major Jewish historical events turned out to be complete hoaxes. One of the most famous American hoaxes is the Leo Frank case and the Jewish consensus that he was falsely accused, wrongfully convicted, and wantonly murdered by anti-Semites.**The Leo Frank Antisemitism Hoax and comparisons of it with the Holocaust****Jewish Assertion: the 1913 Leo Frank trial outcome is negative to Jews collectively, therefore it’s automatically Anti-Semitism. Leo Frank was convicted because he was Jewish, not because of the facts, exhibits, testimony, and evidence. It turned out to be another Jewish hoax compared to the Holocaust.**July 28th, 1913, Leo Frank is seated at the center. Prosecutor Dorsey at the right is direct examining the former black overnight security guard, Newt Lee, which Leo Frank attempted to ensnare for the gruesome sex-related homicide.**Jewish History as Antigentile Warfare (*Eighthly*) and it’s influence on the believability of Holocaust narratives.***Accusations of Antisemitism is now perceived as a dueling weapon of Jewish ethnic warfare, and an anti-Gentilistic psyop to maneuver non-Jews with the weakening emotions of guilt and shame. Antisemitism began to lose its power to manipulate Gentiles during Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy. Before The-Donald became president, the accusation of Antisemitism made Gentiles psychologically weak and deracinated them, after The-Donald became president, the accusation of Antisemitism started to enrage Gentiles to take direct forceful action against Jews. There’s no going back to the pre-Trump days when accusations of Antisemitism could psychologically control, divide, manipulate or atomize Gentiles. The word on the street is that Gentiles have become immune to accusations of Antisemitism, and no virus mutation is going to change that their immunity will instantaneously adapt.*People doubt the Holocaust narrative because other persecution narratives against Jews turned out to be totally bogus. In general, people don’t trust orthodox narratives that are related to Jewish events anymore because they believe Jews lied about other major historical incidents, like the Leo Frank case for example.From the number one most visited website in the world on Jewish history: Leo Frank - Wikipedia (Leo Frank)“Today, the consensus of researchers is that Frank was wrongly convicted and Jim Conley was likely the actual murderer.”They intentionally left out the word ‘Jewish’ that should be in front of consensus, if you look up the people who claim Leo Frank was wrongfully convicted and falsely blame the black man Jim Conley the actual murderer-rapist, they’re almost unanimously of Jewish descent. Ordinary denizens see the word “consensus” (without the word Jewish in front of it), then look up who is among this supposed consensus and they see names like journalist-author Steve Oney who is married to a famous Jewess interior designer, Leonard Dinnerstein who was Emeritus Professor of Judaic Studies at Arizona State University, Jeffrey Paul Melnick a Jewish sociology professor at Boston College, Robert Seitz Frey, a Jewish historian who wrote a master’s thesis on the Leo Frank case at the Baltimore Hebrew College, ‘The people vs Leo Frank’ docudrama produced by Jewish film director Ben Loeterman, Parade the Leo Frank musical by three Jewish librettists Harold Prince, Alfred Uhry, and Jason Robert Brown, and the Jewish list of the neutral-sounding “consensus” goes on and on.People aren’t so easily duped by Antisemitism hoaxes anymore because of the Internet, they can see the historical pattern that it’s mostly Jews who say Leo Frank is innocent and mostly Gentiles who say he is guilty. This is partly why 1 in 4 people surveyed on the planet earth doubt the Jewish version of “The Holocaust” because they see all the other frauds related to the anti-Semitism hoax and thus perceive it as a tool of Jewish besiegement and power-grabbing. Any time Jews bring up anti-Semitism or the anti-Jewish persecution narrative, people instantly doubt it, due to a lengthy rap sheet of false history which is written from the self-serving and self-deceiving point of view.**“The Consensus”**For instance, on Wikipedia, it claims the consensus of modern Jewish scholars is that Leo Frank was innocent. Jewish activists, since 1913, claimed Leo Frank was wrongfully indicted of molesting and killing a child because of supposed Antisemitism and hence the fictional narrative that follows is that he was falsely convicted in 1913 because of Antisemitism. It’s a tired and maudlin fiction repeated too often. Most people are not aware that the Leo Frank trial was the most famous true crime in the United States of America from 1913 to 1915. Every big city newspaper in the United States published articles about Frank’s judicial appeals, especially the New York Times owned by Jewish press-magnate Adolph Ochs, who was well connected and networked with every media-Barron in North America. He saw to it the false narrative was played up everywhere, we know this because the library of congress has been digitizing these newspapers for decades, and we can read their Jewish activist narrative and see the similarities in other newspapers.Jewish marketing-wizard Albert D. Lasker and his national advertising firm headquartered out of Chicago engaged in a cynical crusade on behalf of Leo Frank. Lasker invested hundreds of thousands of dollars from his own bank account to make sure everyone in the United States was aware of the Leo Frank case and the pro-Frank slant he desired. Ochs and Lasker combined, ensured that every national and local newspaper in the USA had framed the case as if Leo Frank was being persecuted. They literally fooled the entire nation, all U.S. states minus Georgia, thus amounting to crores (10s of millions) of people.People looking at the comparative analysis of this case over the generations can see these patterns now with the lucid clarity of eagle eyes. Recently someone examined Albert D. Lasker’s estate papers and found out that he in private communication called Leo Frank a supercilious megalomaniac and that Leo Frank had impressed him as a pervert. You won’t find that hard fact published among the so-called “consensus” folks —more like manufactured consensus. You also won’t find among the Antisemitism hoaxers that Leo Frank solved the murder of Mary Phagan (Little Mary Phagan, Leo Frank, Jim Conley, 1913 Murder), when he had his day in court, specifically August 18, 1913, when he admitted “unconsciously” being at the scene of the crime, when the murder took place—the area near the men’s toilet was where he assaulted Phagan.**The Murder of Mary Phagan was Solved on August 18, 1913, by Leo Frank.**Yet 98 years after Leo Frank’s August–18-1913 day in court, the former 2011 Governor of Georgia had the legal records released to the public, by first having government functionaries scan the official trial and appeals documents, and then put them online for public consumption. The trial and appeals records, especially the records of his appealed trial to the Georgia Supreme Court, revealed the full criminal lengths the 60th governor of Georiga, John M. Slaton (1866 - 1955) went to in order to get his law client Leo Frank, cleared of the forceable sodomy, and choking death that he was duly convicted of. Leo Frank’s defenders are willing to stop at nothing to trick the public into thinking he was innocent and railroaded because of Antisemitism. They are willing to even use disgusting hoaxes to trick anyone willing to believe their narrative and imbibe it as the false truth. People found out there was no real Antisemitism at Leo Frank’s trial and because of this, they are more inclined to doubt the Holocaust.**The ADL compared the Leo Frank case to the Holocaust and called it the worst case of anti-Semitism in the United States history before 2018. How long have Jews been in the United States? Centuries!***The most famous predatory rapist-pedophile of 1913–1915, Leo M. Frank, a Jewish sweatshop owner in Atlanta, Georgia. He was convicted and hanged by top brass. Every major newspaper in the United States published articles favorable to him. People are starting to see the patterns today, using computers, anyone can use algorithms to see how newspapers and mainstream media sources are manipulating the narrative of subjects. A search on the Library of Congress website reveals thousands of newspaper articles about him published across the United States. What’s the common theme or undercurrent of those newspaper reports? “He’s an innocent man who was railroaded.” But that conclusion doesn’t comport with the Leo Frank trial brief of evidence. People aren’t stupid any more thanks to the Internet, they can see what’s being cherry-picked and what’s being omitted and what the hoaxes are. The Jig is up.*From 1913 till 2011 (98 years) my coreligionists were claiming there was no evidence against Leo Frank at his 1913 summer trial, other than anti-semitic rumors and anti-semitic hearsay by a savage Negro brute named Jim Conley. The fact of the matter is that Leo Frank tried to frame two black men for the sodomy-murder crime he alone had committed and my coreligionists continue to make this racist framing a central feature of retelling the Leo Frank case. But then in 2011, when the records of Frank’s appeal to the Georgia Supreme Court were released to the public, people found out, Leo Frank told the jury he vacated his colon and emptied his bladder at the scene of the crime, when and where the murder happened.Leo Frank spoke to the Jury about why his office was found empty at the exact time he said he was private with Mary Phagan in his inner office room. He put himself exactly where the police and prosecution said the defiling-murder occurred:**Now, gentlemen [jurymen]**, to the **best of my recollection** from the time thewhistle blew for twelve o’clock until after a quarter to one when I wentup stairs and spoke to Arthur White and Harry Denham, to the **best ofmy recollection**,** I did not stir out of the inner office; but it is possible thatin order to answer a call of nature or to urinate I may have gone to thetoilet. Those are things that a man does unconsciously and cannot tellhow many times nor when he does it.** Now, sitting in my office at mydesk, it is impossible for me to see out into the outer hall when the safedoor is open, as it was that morning, and not only is it impossible for meto see out, but it is impossible for people to see in and see me there.However, he still claimed at the time to be innocent, after telling the court he was alone urinating at the scene of the crime, at the exact time the crime occurred. Medical examiners and Gastroenterologists figured out approximately when the victim Mary Phagan died, based on the digestion state of the food in her stomach according to the time her mom had fed her brunch at 11:30 a.m. The food had undergone very little digestion. They pinpointed the time of the murder within minutes of it having happened on the clock between 12:00 and 12:15, Leo Frank gave 4 different times Mary came to his office, they all fit neatly into that 15-minute time frame. One eery detail is that someone had urinated all over Mary Phagan after killing her because her dress was soaked in urine from top to bottom. The murder notes have her going to the toilet too.Almost every author, intellectual, attorney, and journalist promoting the innocence of Leo Frank from 1913 to 2011 were caught red-handed leaving out all the evidence against him in their retellings of the trial. They got caught engaging in academic fraud and all they do now is double down on their cognitive dissonance. Their argument is always the same “the consensus of Jewish researchers and scholars of the Leo Frank (Leo Frank) case is he was innocent.Leo Frank prior to his arrest had told Atlanta police the victim was alone with him, alive, in his office between 12:05 pm and 12:10 pm, but another employee Monteen Stover testified his office was vacant at that time. So in response, Leo Frank then explained to the jury that he was in the men's toilet relieving his bowels and bladder at that exact time to explain his empty office according to Monteen Stover, when, in fact, he formerly claimed he was alone with Mary Phagan there. He got caught in an inconsistency that sunk his case.The factory janitor Jim Conley told the jury that Leo Frank admitted to him that he wanted to have sex with the little girl when he was near to the toilet in the metal room, and she refused him and that’s when he (Frank) punched her in the face and she fell backward, hitting her head on something. An employee found Phagan’s hair on his machine stuck on it like glue from the dried blood. Leo Frank dragged the girl to the men’s toilet and raped her, then lynched her with a package rope. Conley told the jury he found the dead victim near the men’s toilet.*Jewish intellectuals suppressed the trial evidence of blood-sponged hair found on a machine in a work area adjacent to the men’s toilet for more than 100 years, until they were called out about it, but then they quietly acquiesced. They went silent for the time being.***1913–2011 is one helluva long time to promote an anti-Semitism hoax about a single subject and then for the ADL to compare the Leo Frank case to the Holocaust is just downright disgusting.**No one found out until 2011, that Leo Frank made these admissions at his murder trial, admissions of being at ground zero where the murder originally took place, and at the time the murder happened according to the prosecutor. No one knew until 2011 because Jewish authors put Judaism over justice and truth. When people find this stuff out about Jewish criminal cases and keep on learning of other examples like this one, with full-on Jewish academic fraud by dozens of professors fibbing in unison, they naturally don’t want to believe the Holocaust narrative that’s also repeated by largely Jewish groups and individuals. When Jews openly lie about other historical events, it puts the holocaust into doubt. There’s too much Jewish falsification in Jewish history, so it’s no wonder Jewish polling suggests that billions of people doubt the Holocaust.Everyone found out that all the Jewish scholars claiming in consensus that Leo Frank was innocent, also kept out of their retellings, all the incriminating evidence and trial admissions from of their books and articles. So when stuff like this kind of falsified history is constantly happening, over and over, with Jewish history, written by Jewish historians, journalists, authors, law professors, and researchers, naturally people are going to doubt the Holocaust too, especially since Jews exaggerated by double-digit and triple-digit factors how many Jews died at some Nazi camps.It hurts me to admit this but all of Jewish history has a similar problematic nature, it’s predominantly written through the eyes of religious zealotry and tribal fanaticism, not produced dispassionately or scientific historiography in mind, with the highest goal of searching for the truth, even if the truth is negative toward Jews. This is a psychological or cultural pattern that is too commonplace and as a result, the whole human race is learning about these essential characteristics, thanks to the Internet. They aren’t just learning about Jewish psychological and cultural patterns, they are beginning to believe that potentially, pathological lying is hardwired in our tribe’s ethnic genetics. It really hurts me to see this happening and I’m not alone.**The Next Big Jewish Hoax: ****Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Wikipedia** (** were framed because of antisemitism.**Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were not falsely accused because of anti-Semitism.While Julius did most of the dirty work, Ethel was not only tangentially involved, she played a major role in the treason. Ethel recruited her brother into the espionage ring and she worked as Julius’ secretary typing up, and producing the documents that were given to the Soviets, so she played a very important communication role.It was her brother, David Greenglass—that she recruited who ultimately helped prosecutors get all the juicy details. After the fall of the soviet union, KGB documents were released showing that they were in fact, Soviet spies. Pay stubs were included.Venona project - Wikipedia (Venona project)The Ethel and Julius Rosenberg case was the most famous espionage case of the post-WW2 decade in the United States. Two American Jews engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union, whose spy apparatus was largely made up of largely of atheistical Jews (no scholars disputes this either). No Jewish groups deny it today, not even the ADL, not even the SPLC, that the Bolsheviks who overthrew the government of Russian in 1917, providing its management and executive strata were overwhelming in numbers of atheistical Jews. They murdered many more millions than the Nazis but you never hear about it day and night as you often do about the Holocaust mythologies and anti-Semitism mythologies.**The Holocaust, was it invented in Soviet Russia?**Another reason people believe the Holocaust was a hoax is that from the 1950s until the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Jewish activists were claiming Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were framed due to anti-Semitism and unfair “anti-Communism paranoia” (some Jewish activists claim that anti-Communist/m is a codeword for anti-Jewish). The so-called “red scare” liberal intellectuals called it, to treat what was going on in Russia dismissively, as if it was a word of hysteria and paranoia, without any rhyme or reason—when in fact Stalin’s Russia was built on rivers of frozen blood.It turned out my deceased coreligionists actually were guilty when their post-Soviet secret records archive were posthumously released during the following years. The word anti-Semitism is again being used as an anti-Gentile bludgeon for ethnic warfare against non-Jews.Jewish professors in the academy for 56 years (1953 - 2008) taught their Gentile students that this married couple was persecuted for being Jewish, thus anti-Semitism was the ultimate source. It turned out to be another Jewish Hoax, and they were actually guilty. People looking back on these exaggerations are naturally seeing a pattern of anti-Gentile abuse.From Wikipedia:For decades, the Rosenbergs' sons (Michael (Michael Meeropol) and Robert Meeropol ( and many other defenders maintained that Julius and Ethel were innocent of spying on their country and were victims of Cold War (Cold War) paranoia. After the fall of the Soviet Union (Dissolution of the Soviet Union), much information concerning them was declassified, including a trove of decoded Soviet cables (Venona project) (code-name: Venona), which detailed Julius's role as a courier and recruiter for the Soviets and Ethel's role as an accessory. In 2008, the National Archives of the United States (National Archives and Records Administration) published most of the grand jury testimony related to the prosecution of the Rosenbergs.**Too many exaggerations about Jewish Tragedies. Jewish History as largely a maudlin self-serving parable and allegory.**The Rosenberg treason was another example of Jews lying and exaggerating about a major Jewish event in our history and falsely blaming anti-Semitism. So with this—the Rosenberg case, the Leo Frank case, the Dreyfus case (an example where Jewish pressure actually got him exonerated, just read the trial transcript it’s obvious he was a sloppy spy), the Pollard case, and so on, we see a pattern that Jewish intellectuals with advanced colleges degrees are willing to falsify history, generation after generation.ADL National Chairman Emeritus, Abraham Foxman once publicly called Jonathan Pollard’s lengthy prison sentence bordering on anti-Semitism.Source: ADL's Foxman Calls Pollard Incarceration 'On the Verge of Anti-Semitism' (ADL's Foxman Calls Pollard Incarceration 'On the Verge of Anti-Semitism')Jonathan Pollard stole enough top-secret records to fill a walk-in closet according to governmental investigators who uncovered his espionage. Pollard was no “noble spy” with lofty morals to solely help Israel, he offered his services to Pakistan and South Africa for money. He was even willing to sell out the USA to an overwhelmingly Muslim country like Pakistan that could potentially share those secrets with other Muslim-supramajority countries which could in turn potentially hurt Israel.People keep seeing this pattern of lengthy exaggeration and abuse of Gentiles with anti-Semitism, so they wonder how much of Holocaust anti-Semitism is exaggerated too. When they inquire they find out 95% of it horror fiction.**Anti-Semitism as Sword and Shield of Anti-Gentilism**This pattern keeps repeating itself with Jewish history all being narrated to wage a psychological war of guilt on Gentiles and to fortify Jewish solidarity with the word anti-Semitism. It’s tribal warfare on a psychological level. So how could anyone not doubt the Holocaust with this atavistic behavior always in play every generation? The Jewish youth of today are absolutely sick and tired of it to the point of exhaustion, wanting to vomit every time a Jewish activist starts up with some new cookie-cutter hasbara of new alleged persecutions whether Holocaust-related or not.When we inquire into the Dreyfus Affair, The Leo Frank Case, the Rosenberg Espionage, and the Holocaust, we discover they all have one central feature, largely Jewish (and to a lesser extent Gentile) academics, scholars, attorneys, historians, intellectuals, journalists, professors, and researchers, all with academic credentials, the supra-majority of them are willing to lie through their teeth and exaggerate for the benefit of Jews and to the detriment of Gentiles. The whole world has a crystal clear view of this now going back to the late 1800s with the Dreyfus case, to the present and continue to believe it will most likely go on into the future. Grandfathers are telling fathers, fathers are telling sons, our reputation is being besmirched.*Another big hoax you can see on the denazification table (next to the shrunken heads) is that Nazis were using Jewish sacral bones for ashtrays. No one asked how that’s possible with all the holes. The cigarette ashes would fall through and make a big mess. Cigarette butts would get everywhere. It’s too messy to be an ashtray. This is yet another ridiculous Holocaust hoax, just like 95% of what we are told about the Holocaust is false.*Doubt. Doubt. Doubt. People everywhere are beginning to doubt the bill of goods they have been sold to all the generations prior about us poor little Jews being persecuted victims and they’re beginning to think we probably did something to cause our supposed misfortunes. Jewish scholars are conducting academic studies which are revealing upward of 15% of today’s youth believe the Jews did something to cause the Holocaust. With every new generation, they become more inoculated against the anti-Gentile virus and immune to hasbara propaganda.*Jewish guerilla historian and Holocaust Revisionist David Cole at the Auschwitz swimming pool with Canadian Holocaust denier **Ernst Zündel - Wikipedia* (* (deceased).***David Cole, Jewish Holocaust Denier? Posed as a question, not a statement!**The agglomeration of post-WW2 agitprop is the reason why you have Jewish “Holocaust denier(s)” like David Cole, who produced his world-famous Auschwitz documentary, debunking a lot of the Shoah flimflam. Many Jews secretly find his film to be very convincing. I don’t agree with everything Cole propounded but it does make you seriously question, or at least wonder why an archipelago of slave labor camps were Hollywoodized into fictitious industrialized-facilities of genociding 6 million Jews. Who benefited from milking the dead? Norman Finkelstein gives us the answer.Cole’s hotly contested documentary keeps getting censored, but if you look around, you can find the infamous Jewish Holocaust revisionist’s one-hit-wonder at lesser-known video sharing websites (You won’t find it on YouTube that’s for sure).More on the Republican Party Animal, David Cole, can be found on his libation-centered YouTube channel and a stubby article at Wikipedia. Enough pressure was eventually brought to bear on him for a “change of heart”, read about him here: David Cole (journalist) - Wikipedia (David Cole (journalist)).Former Jewish Holocaust Investigator Debunks the Shoah Sham Redemption: David Cole In Auschwitz ( Full Documentary) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (David Cole In Auschwitz ( Full Documentary) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive)**Pig-nosed German Soldier Harpoons one of God’s sweet little angels***A German soldier with a hog’s face spearing cupid. That puts an end to people falling in love for all eternity!***Sinister Propaganda versus Common Sense**A famous man once said that a lie can travel around the world 7x before the truth even gets the chance to sit down, for putting on its socks and running sneakers. The same WW2 villainy went on during WW1, where people were spreading rumors that Germans were swinging babies into the air and catching them on the point’s of bayonets like primitive tribesmen hunting animals, but that atrocity propaganda was debunked and died out over time. Unfortunately, WW2 propaganda has had more staying power due to the endless Holocaust museums, Holocaust monuments, Holocaust holidays, the Hollywood juggernaut, mandatory Holocaust education in Western-world public schools, and the Holocaust publishing houses churning out endless books remixing all the Holocaust hoaxes and creating imaginary new ones.**Presented at the 1945 Nuremberg Nazi Trials: **Soap made from human corpses - Wikipedia (Soap made from human corpses)*A big-fat bar of fake Jewish adipose soap created by the Anglo-American Soviet-Zionist propagandists for their Holocaust psyop that began in 1945 to denazify the German people and promote the colonization of Palestine by European Jews. The image above is a color photo of the falsified evidence that “proved” Nazis were turning cyanided Jews into artisan bath soap. Such bath bars were presumably to be sold at epicurean-fascist women’s spas and to the macho management class of the nascent 3rd-Reich empire so that they might maintain ****spick-and-span**** hygiene!*Everyone forgot to ask for generations who in their right mind would sanely bathe with potentially deadly cyanide-laced soap?!**Grandma Gertrude the Boutique Bar of Soap**One of the more common spoofs to be promoted for decades after WW2 ended is that the Nazis rendered down the plump asses, bodacious hips, thunder thighs, and juicy love-handles of overweight Jewish women into luxurious bars of connoisseur’s soap for the Nazis to cleanse their bodies with after a long hard day of work. Here’s what one of my favorite newspapers has to say on the subject.*Only the most hardcore Zionists and Hasbara agents today still push the Nazi-made human-soap fable. For more than 50–60 years, generations of Americans and Europeans were raised on this gruesome propaganda. And the worst part is they believed it with blind faith. There are millions of people who still believe the hype today.*No one bothered to really think hard on it. Does anyone with basic common sense think that diehard members of NSDAP would bathe with Untermensch-soap made from the deceased political enemies that they so fervently loathed!? Zionist activists and Hasbara propagandists absolutely do believe this nonsense in their fevered-cracked brains, but not ordinary Internet denizens with common street sense.The German people were propagandized to be grossed out by Jews and hate us to the limit of human possibility and passion. So we might glibly and sarcastically ask, does ubermensch storm trooper Hans want to wash his sweet pink Aryan bum squeaky clean with the Jewess bertha’s gas-chamber blubber? Does Frau Greta want to wash her future Aryan super baby-making-machine daughter named Frieda with the Jewess Mindy’s cyanide Jelly-Belly rolls? Does crazy uncle Adolph the fuhrer want to take a long hot steamy, opulent, roman bath in his oversized clawfoot tub with Jewess Irene’s thunder thigh soap? These are rhetorical questions of course but meant to point at the fact of how amazingly gullible people are by nature when believing such utter nonsense that Jews were turned into bars of soap. Many post-WW2 generations were raised on this pap. Again, there are still people today who believe all the hoaxes outlined here in this detailed answer to a poignant question.**Fancy Nazi Soap**Does Nazi soap moulded from Jews’ fat come in luxuriant different varieties like, Blue Agave Benjamin’s Cankles? Virgin Eucalyptus-Mint Anne? Abraham’s Pine Tar Jowls? Lavender-Sheabutter David’s beer belly? Simon’s lemon-scented old man butt? I mean seriously, It’s getting to the point where it’s understandable why people think the Holocaust is a Ponzi scheme because this kind of baloney has been going on for generations. And quite frankly people are getting sick and tired of this grand charade. In the name of my great grandparents who survived the Holocaust and all the thousands of Jews who died in the labor camps, the gaming of the Shoah is itself a crime against humanity.*More fake bars of soap made from Jews (comes in airplane/hotel traveler size too).*It never occurred to thrice generations of Westerners that Nazis would never want to clean their bodies with dead gassed Jews, it’s ridiculous. But Hollywood and Jewish movie producers made the German people out to be these demonic baby eaters (there are too many movies to name). This image of the fiendish German is the opposite-reality of course. As a Yid with a lid, I was treated like royalty when I went to Berlin. The Germans are very sincere and hospitable, not monsters, they are humans and all humans are capable of great injustices. Yet, the Anglo-American Zionists and their postwar Hasbara agitation film camera went into overdrive thanks to tinsel town’s twisted imagination and the hack-academy filled with neo-Marxist intellectuals who grunted out mountains of bull hockey after the German-instigated conflict ended.The reality is that just telling the truth would have been sufficient, the nazis had rivers of blood on their hands! No need for all the endless eyewitness stories that were all sounding very similar and later turned out to be tall tales.**Next up is “Jew Lampshades” a Holocaust hoax that was believed from 1945 to 2010, or lived 65 years! May this particular shoah sham rest in peace (RIP).****Schlomo the ****Lampshades made from human skin - Wikipedia** (Lampshades made from human skin)Quote directly from Wikipedia, Dec 2020.*In his 2010 book **The Lampshade: A Holocaust Detective Story from Buchenwald to New Orleans* (*, journalist Mark Jacobson claimed to be in possession of a human-skin lampshade made by order of Ilse Koch.**[13]* (Lampshades made from human skin[14]* (Lampshades made from human skin Jacobson's lamp underwent DNA testing in the early 1990s, which showed evidence that the lamp was made of human skin; however, subsequent testing demonstrated that the lampshade owned by Jacobson was actually made of cowhide and that sample contamination likely led to the initial erroneous result.**[15]* (Lampshades made from human skin The results of those tests were reported in the 2012 **National Geographic* (* television program "Human Lampshade: A Holocaust Mystery".**[16]* (Lampshades made from human skin[15]* (Lampshades made from human skin)No one bothered to ask the simple obvious question as to their authenticity.People born post-millennium ask what true fanatical Nazi would want to have the nasty skin of a “dirty Yuden” camp prisoner with smelly body odor as a lampshade at his bedside table while the tired officer is reading the poorly written Mein Kampf before dozing off to sleep in his warm bed at night, to catch some Zzzzzs? It’s so obviously false at face value, but we come around full circle again and ask, how did three generations of Westerners fall for this blind faith hoax?“Carnaval Sideshow From the Jewish Lampshades Mythology”. Another Jewish lampshade that transfigured with forensic and genetic testing to be nothing more than plain old cowhide.Think about how horrible the conditions were at these labor and death camps and how the slaves were covered with typhus-infected lice. Does anyone think that a genuine Nazi who is obsessed with German racial purity, would want some Jewish foreskin collection sewn up together into a lampshade, crawling with blood-sucking fleas, infected with the plague, then set by his bedside while he makes romantic love to his racially pure blond wife Hildegard? The nazis wanted the Jews ethnically cleansed from Europe, they didn’t want their cadaver skins tanned and processed for wallpapering their homes. No Jewish bones were used to make nazi desks. No hairy Jew was placed as a taxidermist rug in front of a luxuriant castle’s fireplace. No Jew's head was pickled and sent to a taxidermist to be stuffed and mounted with a cigarette in his mouth, so he could be hung up high onto the sportsman's trophy wall, next to a deer head, bear head, or antelope head.Holocaust survivors are incensed by this endless propaganda nonsense because it causes people to think the Holocaust was largely bluffed and Jews are four-flushers, when in fact the Sho’ah is not fake. Holocaust survivors are infuriated by this kind of circus presstitution, because it makes the Holocaust seem like some dark Hollywood fantasy world with Nazis dressed up in Pennywise killer clown suits, honk-honk, but it’s definitely not funny. Yet, WW2 massacres have become the clown world personified with Broadway plays, like “Producers”, not created by those that suffered, but by those who have used it for making money and political purposes, some 8-decades after the events. We all know who those Jewish organizations and entities are because they all directly or indirectly benefit from the hoaxery.2. **Nazis Kept Meticulous Records**The Nazis were obsessed with keeping records of everything. The main problem Holocaust propagandists have is in part from the fact that the Nazis kept really good records of everything and the death toll at Auschwitz was around 70K - 80K (based on their records). The Nazis lost the war so quickly there wasn’t enough time for them to wipe out all the voluminous records, which they kept. The Holocaust propagandists put the number at a stupid 4 million murders for Auschwitz, which was promoted from 1945 to 1991, and then the governments of Israel and Poland, secretly realizing that historians were calling out the bullshit, reduced the Auschwitz death toll to the still astronomical 1 million. This is a huge mistake to begin with and continue, because eventually, the death toll is going to have to be lowered again. Eventually, it will have to be reduced to 70K to 80K over time because they found the records for how much coke the nazis ordered to burn the bodies, and the coke was for about 70K to 80K, which matched the death records which were at 70K to 80k. You can only trick forensic scientists for so long. 21st-century forensic scientists can not be tricked, they have futuristic tools, like electron microscopes, for example, so they can authenticate documents at the molecular level. Also some of the alleged gas chamber walls didn’t even have traces of post cyanide chemical interactions in them based on forensic tests. Most of the Holocaust does not stand up to scientific inquiry. The gas chambers that did have cynaide traces in them were largely used for delousing clothes, not killing people.In my opinion, as the great-grandson of Holocaust survivors, the constant flow of extreme Shoah lies cheapens the deaths of the 70K innocent souls who perished at Auschwitz by adding millions of fake, never-existing people to the death toll. 70K is an immense number and doesn’t require exaggerating it to millions.Auschwitz is regarded by Holocaust promotionists as the worst Nazi slave labor camp where the highest number of Jews died, so this creates another problem as to why people think the Holocaust is fake. It means the other camps also likely had lesser death tolls. To put it another way, If the death toll was under 75K at Auschwitz and 1/3rd of the deaths were non-Jews, it means about 50K Jews died in Auschwitz, still, it’s a ginormous number, but not the BS four million number used from 1945 to 1991, and not the BS one million number used from 1991 till today.**Jewish surveys conducted every year reveal 1 in 4 people, or 1 in 3 people, have serious doubts about the Holocaust. Gee, I wonder why?**75K is still in my opinion an astronomical number for Jews and non-Jews to be murdered because that was just one camp and there were many lesser camps where thousands died. The nonsense of exaggerating 75K into 4 million and then backpedaling into 1 million is the reason why 25% of the human race thinks the Holocaust is a hoax.Here is how people pensively ponder it out:The reason is that if 75k was turned into 4 million, what’s to say the 75K number itself isn’t a lie or exaggeration. This is the normal thinking process of logical people who are tired of the endless lies and inflated sob stories. It’s time to tell the truth and stop the lifetime of lies, so the Holocaust can be real again. Jewish surveys that are conducted by statisticians all over the United States reveal that a large minority of people doubt the greatest fiction of the 20th century is a true story.Source Newsweek: One-third of Americans don't believe 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust (One-third of Americans don't believe 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust)Opinion survey (MANDATORY READING): New Survey by Claims Conference Finds Significant Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in the United States - Claims Conference (New Survey by Claims Conference Finds Significant Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in the United States - Claims Conference)**Treblinka, Sobibor, and many more….**Treblinka extermination camp - Wikipedia (Treblinka extermination camp) and Sobibor extermination camp - Wikipedia (Sobibor extermination camp) also has the same ongoing problems as Auschwitz, the death tolls are wildly inflated to impossible numbers. The numbers are so bloated that people just presume the whole shebang must be a complete farce. It’s the proverbial story of the little shepherd boy who cried wolf too many times in The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Wikipedia (The Boy Who Cried Wolf).The low budget documentaries by the nefarious Amateur Holocaust denier Eric Hunt about Treblinka, Auschwitz, and other Death camps are far more convincing than the millions of dollars spent on Hollywood’s Holocaust dramas. This is a big problem. Holocaust revisionist materials are becoming mainstream and no longer fringe.3. **Holocaust Syndrome - Too much Holocaust Fixation**I feel sad to admit this but we have stereotypically earned a bad reputation for dishonesty. Whether this stereotype is partly true or not can be debated but I’ve noticed this psychological problem all my life that many of my coreligionists have a pathology of “everyone is out to get us”, it’s a sickening form of mental illness. We always think everyone is gangstalking on us, and we also have a hard time handling criticism. We need to do some soul searching about our fragile egos. We are too super sensitive. We have too many Holocaust museum openings, and we’re constantly trying to shove the Holocaust down other peoples’ throats like castor oil. We are constantly pressuring groveling politicians to pass laws making the Holocaust an endless part of public school education brainwashing. Non-Jews resent it and don’t want to hear about it every single day or too frequently. Even though I feel Holocaust education is extremely important and should exist, it’s getting to the point of being so far over the top that people are getting angry. We have Holocaust holidays. We have Holocaust Museums in all the major cities of America. We keep putting out new tear-jerker movie-film dramas about it. Hundreds of books keep coming out about it each and every year, regurgitating the propaganda and inventing new lies. The whole world wants to collectively scream, ENOUGH ALREADY!4. **We need to get over ourselves, we are sometimes egomaniacs.**I don’t like to admit this even though it's more true than not about us, but as a people, we sometimes tend to be too self-absorbed with our own suffering and misery. We too often exaggerate our victimhood by gargantuan factors. We also try to minimize the suffering of other groups of people who have experienced massacres or near genocides. Prominent Jewish civil rights leaders (Abraham Foxman and Barbara Lerner Specter) tried to stop the governments of world nations (including the United States) from recognizing the Armenian genocide. It’s a weird competitive cultural thing that we have to out Holocaust other people and it’s likely very genetic too because we give currency to misery. It’s like we secretly love it. We behave as if we are constantly in a game of one-upmanship in the “I’m more of a victim than you” Olympics, and we have latched on to the 6 million Jews numerology, like it’s a new age astrology cult. We also often deny the fact that we played a major role in the African slave trade, so when we deny that Jews played a significant part in human trafficking, people are less likely to believe us about our own persecutions.**Jewish Scholar ****Amy Goodman - Wikipedia** (** Interviews Former High-Ranking Israeli ****Shulamit Aloni - Wikipedia** (** About Anti-Semitism and its Use as a ****Racial hoax - Wikipedia** (**. Aloni mentions that the Holocaust is used as a weapon against criticism of Israel and Jews.**I don’t like to admit this because it’s an honest stereotype about us, but we also tend to be degeneratively infatuated to the paranoid extreme with calling any criticism of Jews or Israel: “anti-Semitism” or “anti-Semitic”. We call people who criticize Jews or Israel, “Anti-Semites”. So this anti-Gentilism irritates a lot of ordinary people about us over the fact that we think no one should be allowed to criticize us, otherwise, they’re likened to Hitler and Nazis. The cheesy mantra is Holocaust, Nazi, Anti-Semitism, rinse, and repeat.**Pro-Holocaust Politicians and Modern Holocaust Laws**Every time you read the newspaper there are updated reports about brand new governmental organizations being opened to monitor anti-Semitism. New anti-Semitism czars paid six figures are hired for keeping an eye on it and they get all kinds of staff. Any criticism of Jews or Israel is treated as a crisis of consciousness. Politicians are given big donations who are pro-Israel, and politicians who want neutrality over the Palestinian-Israel conflict are treated with suspicion and isolated. Politicians who are pro-Holocaust get that much-needed campaign funding to keep staying in office. This is why we constantly see new Holocaust museums being opened and more pressure to indoctrinate little boys and girls in public schools with Holocaust propaganda is ramping up.When people learn that governments are outlawing the inquiry into the Holocaust the first thought normal people have is it must be fake or “what are they hiding?” If it were real, Jews would have an army of scholars debate-humiliating the neo-Nazis who claim it’s fake. Yet Jews are terrified to debate Holocaust because most of it is smoke and mirrors (this is how normal people interpret the lack of debate), when the bare bones are where the real strength lays. The fact that Jews refuse to debate the Holocaust is like a sports team not showing up at an athletic competition, the result is you lose by default. We have become flabby as a result. We don’t know how to defend the Holocaust because we haven’t been to that mental gym since 1945.**Debunking the Holocaust w/ 21st-Century Forensic Science is Illegal in Many Countries.***The above image is incomplete for identifying countries in red that have made it illegal to debunk Holocaust lore or disbelieve the popular narrative of 6 million.*Inquiring into the Holocaust and discovering voluminous falsehoods is not minimizing the suffering of people. Pointing out that the focus of the Holocaust shouldn’t just be entirely on Jews is not anti-Semitism or anti-Semitic. Jews weren’t the only people that suffered under Hitler’s regime, in fact, more Gentiles died than Jews as a result of WW2.Making it illegal to inquire into the Holocaust, transmogrifies it, into a religious dogma, not true history. Up to 20 countries now have made it illegal to inquire into the Shoah. You can go to jail for 5 years for even doubting it. If you say publicly 5.9 million Jews were murdered instead of 6 million you get thrown in the slammer for up to 5 years. The Jews who pressured the governments of 20 countries to do this are bringing the world closer to a 1984 dystopia than a world of progress and understanding. We should have armies of scholars and forensic scientists fighting with facts to support its reality, not censorship and persecution and jail and crybaby antics of screeching anti-Semitism. Censorship means it’s fake, open dialogue means it’s real. The more Holocaust censorship, the more people are inclined to think it's fake. The more people who get thrown in jail for doubting it, the more the world doubts it.**Holocaust Cultism**I wish there were more psychological studies on why we tend to gravitate toward being self-absorbed with imaginary masochism and being daily victims of anti-Semitism. No other group of people in the world is so fixated on their own suffering and misery than us, and the proof is we have prolific Holocaust museums reproducing and monuments blossoming everywhere. Here is the List of Holocaust memorials and museums in the United States - Wikipedia (List of Holocaust memorials and museums in the United States) and Category: Holocaust memorials - Wikipedia (Category:Holocaust memorials). And they’re always placed in high profile locations or near government buildings to remind the politicians who is collectively running the show.It’s a bit wacko and traumatizing for Jews to grow up with this kind of 24/7 insanity.Star Wars actress Natalie Portman is publicly right, we talk about the Holocaust too much. If you’re a Jew, from the maternity ward to the cemetery it’s non-stop having the Holocaust jackhammered into your brain, and waterboarded down your throat. People see this and think the Holocaust is more of a pathology than it is a true-crime of biblical proportions.It’s psychologically traumatizing all this Holocaust madness. It also makes many of us, hate the world, want revenge against anyone non-Jewish, and makes us neurotic-phobics. The world isn’t blind, they can see this clearly. It’s also causing the world to disbelieve the Holocaust at major population levels. Every new Jewish study that comes out indicates 1/4 to 1/3 people think the Holocaust is either exaggerated or largely a swindle. Take out your calculators boys and girls, and please multiply .25 or .33 against 8 billion and you realize billions of humans think the Holocaust is a mind game, a three-card monte.**Documentary Anti Semitism and the Holocaust**Watch the free documentary online by an Israeli film director called, “Defamation” which covers the phenomena of using the Holocaust for teaching Jewish kids to hate and seek generational vengeance, which causes a great division between Jews and Gentiles (with lots of doubts too). Jewish kids are drowned with it. Watch some of the trickery used to reinforce the paranoia by the IDF Hasbara in the film.As I said, I went to Auschwitz with a group of Israelis and a Jewish tour guide. She told us the Russians didn’t even bother attaching the fake chimney to the fake gas chamber, they admitted to us that the chimney was built in 1947 by Russians, ten feet away from the building. It looked like a chimney never used, obviously. How could anyone not think the Holocaust is a hoodwink, when they can’t even put the least amount of effort into getting the hoax to be convinceable. They told us on the tour that the holes in the ceiling to drop the cyanide pellets to gas the Jews were added in the 1950s, after the war by the Russians! They literally told us that the gas chamber was a hoax. A Jewess tour guide told us this and we’re all looking around at each other, into each other's eyes, and wondering what THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Reading each other's minds, we were all thinking the same thing, why is a Jewish Holocaust tour guide at Auschwitz suggesting the Holocaust is a Russian fabrication?! Yes, it was a hard pill for all of us to swallow.**“Soviet Skylights” added in 1947.**The Russians began adding Zyklon-B drop chute holes on rooftops of the supposed “homicidal gas chambers” in 1947 - 1952. Mind you WW2 ended in ‘45.What are the group of Israeli students I toured the Holocaust with supposed to believe when a Polish-Jewess gives us a private tour of the camps and informs us that the “Gas Chamber” at Auschwitz was actually just an air raid shelter that they put some cremation ovens in later?What are people supposed to think when that same tour guide tells us the Russians added the death holes in the ceiling of the supposed gas chambers in the late 1940s and early 1950s, where cyanide was supposedly thrown down to kill people?What are people supposed to do when some of the camps no longer claim the showers were secretly homicidal gas chambers? But they used to.This is why young Jews today suffer from Holocaust fatigue.It’s like, please stop, enough already, we want to scream, ENOUGH, just as much as the Gentiles want to do the same!It’s Holocaust for Breakfast, Holocaust for Lunch, Holocaust for Dinner, Holocaust for Tea, Holocaust for dessert, Holocaust wine, Holocaust Vodka, HELP!!!!!!! We’re drowning in Holocaust propaganda. How can Gentiles not doubt it when it’s like this nonstop!**Holocaust Survivor’s Grandchildren**I am the great-grandson of Holocaust survivors and I think exaggerating the death toll of the Shoah/Holocaust cheapens the memory of those who actually died in an untimely manner, many of whom were worked to death in horrible conditions or were murdered under the 12-year regime of Hitler’s National Socialist Germany. Exaggeration is debunking the Holocaust narrative. Imagine if a plane crashed because of terrorism and 100 people on the aluminum bird were killed, but the families and government said 10,000 people died in the crash, doesn’t that cheap the deaths of the 100 people who died horribly? They get lost in the 10,000 fake, non-existent people. The same thing goes with the Holocaust, when we overinflate the numbers, no one takes it seriously and I have a big problem with it because it sustains Holocaust deniers and Holocaust revisionists. I want people to take the Holocaust seriously and not have to go to the CODOH website or Holocaust Handbooks websites to find out what is today’s soup of the day when it comes to transforming the tragedy into a maudlin soap opera or cheesy B-movie.**The Holocaust as a Zionist ruse for Jewish supremacist colonialism and theft of land**Source: The United Nations (OCHA).5. **Jews and Israel Use the Holocaust to Persecute Arabs**I don’t want people thinking the Holocaust is a hoax, or that it’s exaggerated, but it is impossible to stop now because of the Internet and additional new Holocaust hoaxes are invented every year. I don’t like the government of Israel using the Holocaust as an excuse to take the State of Palestinian’s land and persecute Palestinian people because this causes people to doubt the Holocaust. When Jews use the Holocaust as a psychological weapon to abuse Arabs in the illegally occupied territories, it causes world opinion to trend in the direction of thinking the HaSho’ah is nothing more than a BS excuse to steal land and guilt non-Jews. I have a problem with the Holocaust being used to steal land, abuse Arabs and build settlements because when the world sees what’s going on, they just think the Holocaust is a sham used for Israel to slowly swallow up her neighbors and extract taxpayer money from the USA. How much restitution has been extracted using the Holocaust? Trillions.What’s wrong with you people (Holocaust promoters), 75,000 people murdered at Auschwitz is disgustingly high, why do we exaggerate it to 4 million from 1945 to 1991, and then we get called out as a race of liars by mathematicians who examined the records, so we lower the number to 1 million, why? How long are we going to keep the charade of 1 million going when the real number is 75,000? The Holocaust is not a game but it’s treated as such and this hurts Jews everywhere by making people hate us for trying to manipulate their goodwill and emotions. It makes people distrust us and presume we are a tribe of pathological liars. No doubt the Hasbara trolls will come out and do a propaganda dump in the comments section or quora-harass me by downvote-mobbing or report-mobbing this very detailed answer.**Jewish American Scholar Normal Finkelstein**6. **Holocaust Pimping**A lot of Jewish civil rights groups use the Shoah, and Nazi themes to raise money. The neo-Nazi movement in the United States could not even get 150 people to put on National Socialist uniforms to march on the street if they tried their darnedest.Jewish groups wouldn’t do the Nazi manipulation agitprop if it didn’t work. They prey on older Jews and use fear-mongering for raising money. A lot of people resent this and think the Holocaust is a money-making and money-laundering scam. Proof of this is in Norman Finkelstein’s bestseller The Holocaust Industry, now in its second edition. A highly recommended read by the 70% of Jewry that considers themselves liberals and humanists. Norman Finkelstein is a Jewish scholar who exposes how billions of dollars have been stolen using the Holocaust as a device for money-making.**The Final Conclusion.**As the great-grandson of Holocaust survivors, a request to the Zionists and army of Hasbara IDF trolls, please stop cheapening the deaths of all the people who died during WW2 with fiction, frauds, and fantasy. It really hurts us as an international ethnoreligious people when we grossly exaggerate our suffering, it causes people start thinking we’re mentally ill attention seekers and that lying is an integral part of our culture and hereditary DNA. It severely hurts the PR reputation of our people when we engage in OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) behavior pressuring people to believe Holocaust phantasmagoria and it puts us in danger of being seen as a tribe of shysters that suffer from endemic mental illness. This holocaust mania is not good for our collective mental health or the mental health of Gentiles that we constantly beat over the head with it, like a child crying when it wants ice cream or a toy, and mommy says no.But all of this being said, at least you now know why so many people think the Holocaust is a bamboozle or hyperbole.The atrocities during WW2 were 100% real. The Holocaust was 100% real. The problem is people think it is fake because it’s being used by unscrupulous Jews and abused for profiteering (see: Norman Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry - Wikipedia (The Holocaust Industry)), manipulation of Gentiles (see: **Shulamit Aloni) for anti-Gentilism**, ethnic conflict (colonialism in Israel), extracting resources (endless money requests from governments), and an excuse by Israel since 1948 to commit generations of crimes against humanity, war crimes, apartheid, Jim Crow, racism, prejudice, and bigotry against Gentiles.The Holocaust has become a radioactive dirty bomb, instead of a historical tragedy that began 80 years ago and ended 75 years ago as of 2020.**Thomas J. Dodd - Wikipedia** (** the rogue prosecutor who in conspiracy played a significant role in starting the greatest fiction of the 20th century.**The Holocaust is not a game, but it is being treated as such and has been so since 1945 and it's now 2020, going on 2021 soon, and this ugly mind manipulation continues at present for what amounts to 3/4ths of a century later. Until the games stop the human population which doubts the Holocaust will continue to grow until there is not a single person on the planet Earth that believes the most fantastic hornswoggle of the 20th and 21st century.**Citations, References, Sources:**[1] Shrunken head - Wikipedia ([2] Nuremberg trials - Wikipedia (Nuremberg trials)[3] From G-man to Nuremburg lawyer, Dodd rose quickly to prominence (From G-man to Nuremburg lawyer, Dodd rose quickly to prominence)[4] Racial hoax - Wikipedia (Racial hoax)[5] Rogue Prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd - Wikipedia (Thomas J. Dodd)[6] Holocaust denial - Wikipedia ([7] Shulamit Aloni - Wikipedia ([8] Amy Goodman - Wikipedia ([9] The Holocaust Industry - Wikipedia (The Holocaust Industry)[10] Democracy Now! - Wikipedia (! (My favorite show)[11] The legality of Holocaust denial - Wikipedia ([12] Source Newsweek: One-third of Americans don't believe 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust (One-third of Americans don't believe 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust)[13] Opinion survey (MANDATORY READING): New Survey by Claims Conference Finds Significant Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in the United States - Claims Conference (New Survey by Claims Conference Finds Significant Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in the United States - Claims Conference)[14] Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Wikipedia (Julius and Ethel Rosenberg)[15] David Cole In Auschwitz ( Full Documentary) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive ([16] Did Six Million Really Die? - Wikipedia ([17] Leuchter report - Wikipedia (Leuchter report)[18] The Hoax of the Twentieth Century - Wikipedia ([19] Ernst Zündel - Wikipedia ([20] Ingrid Rimland - Wikipedia ([21] Category: Holocaust deniers by nationality - Wikipedia (Category:Holocaust deniers by nationality)[22] Category: People convicted of Holocaust denial offenses - Wikipedia (Category:People convicted of Holocaust denial offenses)[23] Lampshades made from human skin - Wikipedia (Lampshades made from human skin)[24] Soap made from human corpses - Wikipedia (Soap made from human corpses)[25] Leo Frank - Wikipedia (Leo Frank)[26] The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism - Wikipedia ([27] The Founding Myths of Modern Israel - Wikipedia ([28] Arthur Butz - Wikipedia ([29] Ron Unz - Wikipedia ([30] Robert Faurisson - Wikipedia ([31] Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia ([32] ADL's Foxman Calls Pollard Incarceration 'On the Verge of Anti-Semitism' ([33] Jürgen Graf - Wikipedia ([34] Sacrum - Wikipedia ( (Notice the holes? makes an inefficient ashtray)[**35**] Holocaust Handbooks ( (*Required Reading*)[**36**] Welcome | CODOH ( (*Required Reading*)

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