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What is the truth about Andrew Carlssin, who claimed to have come from the future?

In 2003, a man named Andrew Carlssin was investigated by the FBI, at the request of the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) for being under suspicion of insider trading.Most of the fans of science fiction and of the strange cases type X-Files, surely they have heard the name of John Titor, a person who said to be a time traveler from the year 2036.In his day, Andrew Carlssin told the FBI that he was a temporary traveler and that he was coming from the year 2256, and that he could prove it. His case today remains a mystery that there is hardly any evidence to show that this person really existed.On January 28, 2003, a man named Andrew Carlssin received a petition by the SEC’s FBI (Security and Exchange Commission) to be questioned on suspicion of insider trading or Insider-trading. Suspicions began when the SEC learned that Carlssin inexplicably increased his assets in cash for an initial value of 800 dollars to 350 million dollars in just two weeks!read more The Strange Case of Andrew Carlssin, a "Time Traveler" of the year 2,256 (proof of time travel) - Infinity Explorers

What are flaws in Zeno's proof?

I guess the question meant flaws in zeno's paradox.In case you are not well versed with Zeno's paradox let us first quickly see what Zeno's paradox is all about!According to Zeno, nothing in the universe could move. Now what made him claim so? It's in this puzzle of his. In his most famous puzzle, “The Achilles,” Zeno proves that swift Achilles can never catch up with a lumbering tortoise that has a head start.To make things more concrete, let's put numbers to the problem. Imagine that Achilles runs at 1 foot per second, while the tortoise runs at half that speed. Imagine, too that the tortoise starts off a foot ahead of Achilles.So, Achilles speeds ahead, and in a mere second he has caught up to where the tortoise was. But by the time he reaches that point, the tortoise, which is also running, has moved ahead by half a foot. No matter. Achilles is faster, so in half a second, he makes up the half foot. But again, the tortoise has moved ahead this time by a quarter foot. In a flash a quarter second is made by Achilles. But the tortoise again lumbers ahead in that time by an eighth of a foot. And this continues….But we all know that it is never the case in real life. So where did he go wrong? To answer this let us nurture a bit of history.Zeno was a Greek and there lie all the problems!The Greeks were stumped by the problem, but they did find the source of trouble: infinity and zero. It is the infinite that lies at the heart of Zeno's paradox. Zeno had taken continuous motion and divided it into an infinite number of tiny steps. Because there are an infinite number of steps, the Greeks and also Zeno assumed that the race would go on forever and ever, even though the steps would get smaller and smaller and that the race would never finish in finite time.The Greeks did not have zero, but now we do and it is the key to solving Zeno's paradox.It is sometimes possible to add infinite number of terms to get a finite result- but to do so, the terms being added together must approach zero.When you add up the distance that Achilles runs, you start with the number [math]1[/math],then add [math]\frac{1}{2}[/math], then add [math]\frac{1}{4}[/math], [math]\frac{1}{8}[/math] and [math]so[/math] [math]on...[/math],with the terms getting smaller and smaller, getting closer and closer to [math]0[/math] in other words, each term is like a step along a journey where the destination is zero. Thus [math]\displaystyle\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{1}{2^{n}}\rightarrow0[/math]However the Greeks rejected the number [math]0[/math], they couldn't understand that this journey would never have an end. To them the numbers [math]1[/math],[math]\frac{1}{2}[/math],[math]\frac{1}{4}[/math],[math]\frac{1}{8}[/math] and so forth aren't approaching anything; the destinations Does not exist. Instead Greeks just saw the terms as simply getting smaller and smaller and smaller,meandering outside the realm of numbers.However modern mathematicians know that the items have a limit; the numbers [math]1[/math],[math]\frac{1}{2}[/math],[math]\frac{1}{4}[/math] and son forth are approaching [math]0[/math] as their limit. It is not that difficult to sum the distance that Achilles runs:[math]\displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{2^{n}}[/math]In the same way that the steps that Achilles takes gets smaller and smaller, and closer and closer to[math][/math][math] 0[/math], the sum of those steps gets closer and closer to [math]2[/math] because[math]1+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8}+...=\frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{2}}=2[/math]So, Achilles runs [math]2[/math] feet's in catching up to the tortoise , even though it takes an infinite number of steps to do it. Better look at the time it takes Achilles to overtake the tortoise:[math]1+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8}+...=2[/math] because he runs at a speed of a foot per sec, so every distance would correspond to its respective time which are both same.So Not only does Achilles takes an infinite number of steps to run a finite distance, but he takes only 2 seconds to do it.So you see that paradox is easily explained,but was once a fallacy because they rejected the concept of Two very important things in mathematics [math]0[/math] and [math]\infty[/math].I guess I was clear in explaining to you where the fault was in the simplest way that I could. In case there are anything more mysterious and more technical in this paradox, do let me know for this is all I managed to remember from my studies on this topic way back in class 11 when it was introduced to me by one of my friends.But yes, we all have to agree to a point that no matter how correct his propositions are, it did force mankind to think over it and there in lies his success. So he definitely deserves a salute!!Hope you liked it and Thanks for reading!!!

If a photon does not have mass, then how is it a particle? Are there counterparts of photons for the entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum? If so, are we then continuously being bombarded by these particles?

The physical characteristics of the photon are possibly the central underlying context on which the whole of modern physics is based. The existence of the photon was first postulated by Max Planck in 1900 when after intensive research into black body radiation he found that heat, which had hitherto been thought of as a continuous fluid property was in fact composed of discrete quantities or packets of energy which he named quanta. It was not until twenty-six years later that the name photon was proposed for this quanta of radiation, the name 'photon' was formally accepted only in 1927 when it was first used by Compton in his experiments. This very long time gap shows the intense confusion and disarray that Planck's discovery had made to the science of physics. Physicists were suspicious of this new phenomenon.It was Einstein, who in 1905 first put forward a practical explanation for what Max Planck's discovery of quantised energy signified. He demonstrated that each frequency of electromagnetic radiation possessed a unique energy that never changed, and that this energy was always released in discrete quantities that could only be represented by whole numbers. This was strong proof in favour of Max Planck's discovery that energy was quantised. Prior to this discovery physicists had assumed that all electromagnetic radiation possessed identical energies regardless of frequency somewhat in the same manner that the energy of a wave spreads out throughout the wave. This discovery raised the first seemingly insurmountable obstacle to a straight forward solution. How could a wave (light was known to travel as a transverse wave) possess the characteristic of a solid? In other words how could a wave, whose energy is naturally spread throughout its extent, possess the properties of a solid and retain distinct individual energies for distinct frequencies and wave-lengths? It seemed impossible to reconcile these two widely disparate concepts; namely the properties of a wave with those of a solid. This confusion was further amplified with the discovery that theoretically at least electrons orbiting the nucleus should radiate away their energy and spiral into the nucleus in something like ten pico seconds ( [math]10^{-10}[/math] secs.). This meant that atoms should not exist! The solution to these problems was wave particle duality.The truly surprising aspect of all these developments when looked at in a logical manner is that in spite of all the immensely convoluted theories and solutions put forward by quantum mechanics in the form of wave-particle duality, none of these theories work! Think of all the hype involved stating that only if you know the mathematics can qm be truly understood. But if that mathematics is examined, take for instance re-normalisation where it is attempted to impose a particle solution onto waves the mathematics is found to be wanting. The mathematical result is infinities amounting to[math][/math][math] 10^{-12}[/math] that are repeatedly written off and replaced by whatever is convenient to the final solution. After doing all this it is claimed that this process is accurate to one in a trillion! Mathematicians, somewhat derisively call this kind of mathematics ‘quantum mathematics’!Take a practical example. Look at electricity flowing in a wire. Often the ping pong ball solution is used where the wire is represented as a tube filled with ping pong balls, when a ball is pushed in from one end it pops out at the other end. In actual fact free electrons in the interstitial spaces of the conductor are separated by massive distances, the equivalent of trying to hit one billiard ball with another at a distance of 250,000 kms. Therefore it is obvious that electrons do not physically carry the current. The next logical question is, if not electrons, how is electrical energy conveyed in an electrical conductor? The qm answer to this is that electrical energy is conveyed by an electromagnetic wave. Look at how immensely complicated this explanation is since it involves both a magnetic and an electrical field and also states that these fields are in some mysterious manner quantised so that energy does not disperse but remains intact as individual units. This is obviously an immense task and it is not surprising that it fails completely. The Gestalt Aether Theory explanation of a current is that electrical energy is carried by special low energy photon emitted by free electrons within the conductor. These 'conduction' photons have a wave length of [math]1.2 \times 10^{ -6}[/math] m , a frequency of[math][/math][math] 2.49\times 10^{14}[/math] Hz and an energy of [math]1.6 \times 10^{-19}[/math] J. Using this explanation for the flow of an electric current all criteria are fulfilled. Using the qm explanation it is very obvious that the explanation does not fit the criteria posed by Planck's discovery of energy quanta, no matter how twisted and convoluted the explanations get.Take another example, reflection according to qm. Again, it is thought that reflection is due to the electromagnetic wave being in some manner bounced off atoms in the reflecting surface. Once again this flies squarely in the face of Max Planck’s discovery of energy quanta. The qm explanation is that the wave length of the incoming wave is so huge about [math]500 \times 10^{-9}[/math] m as compared to the incredibly small atom [math]10^{-10}[/math] m atom and the even smaller size of the electron [math]10^{-16 [/math][math][/math][math]}[/math]m that it is impossible for the electron to absorb energy from a wave-length spread out over such an extent. GAT demonstrates how such a transaction can take place with ease. Time to rethink most of what we know. More information available in my book : “A Gestalt Aether Theory on the Nature of Light and Related Phenomena.”

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