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Why did the Soviet Union join World War II if all the Western regions of the Soviet Union would equally be lost in 1991? Would it then have been worthwhile to give up these regions in 1941 to save the lives of Russians and Central Asians?

“The Nazi Germany … bla, bla… declaration of war accuses the USSR of breaching the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and was so detailed that the USSR denied it and claimed that Germany attacked without declaring war.”Com. Nazi Germany did attacked before declaring the war. Fact.“ Modern history research makes a strong argument that the USSR was planning to attack Germany… bla, bla… months in advance near the border.”Com. Bullshit. I know what exactly Markov has in mind referencing – but suspiciously not giving out the names of his authors – the “modern history research”. It’s the voluminous trash that some former Soviet military intelligence officer (Viktor Suvorov, real name Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun) who defected to the United Kingdom, an amateur historian and a charlatan, started to pour somewhere in the early 90s to a great joy of the conspiracy theories lovers, especially those of them who are devoted Russia-haters.Fortunately, we have at our disposal several excellent works which allow the interested reader to get much more realistic picture of the events preceding, during and after the WWII. To name only few:B. H. Liddell Hart History of the Second World War;Bernd Wegner The Ideology Of Self-Destruction. Hitler And The Choreography Of Defeat;Susan Butler Roosevelt and Stalin: Portrait of a Partnership;Горьков Ю. А. Кремль. Ставка. Генштаб.Back to the questions.Why did the Soviet Union join the fight in World War II?SU did not join the fight. It was sucked in the war which has raged in the West already.And so on. The reader is encouraged to learn more from the History of the Second World War.What concerns the Hitler’s motives, the Wegner’s work is simply essential for real understanding of that subject. The following quotes are only an appetizer to awaken the reader's curiosity:Hitler on the whole had a much better understanding of the requirements of modern industrial warfare than the vast majority of his military advisers.There are many examples that demonstrate his rational and farsighted understanding of strategic developments. As early as January 1942 he reckoned with the possibility that the USA would be the only real winner of a global war. Only a few weeks after the Allied invasion of North Africa, Hitler calculated that Germany would lose the African theatre, and that Italy might sooner or later withdraw from the war (as it in fact did eight months later)Similarly, Hitler was under no illusions as to the attempts made by most of Germany’s other allies to withdraw. Even during the final phase of his rule, the dictator demonstrated a remarkable far-sightedness, as this quotation from the ‘Bormann dictations’ of 2 April 1945 shows:Between the defeat of the Reich and the rise of nationalist movements in Asia, Africa and perhaps also in South America there will be only two powers in the world that can face each other on the basis of equal strength: the USA and Soviet Russia. The laws of history and of geography dictate that these two colossuses will test their strength, whether militarily, or just economically and ideologically. The same laws dictate that these two powers must be enemies of an independent Europe.—————————-In retrospect, the reasons for Hitler’s determination have become clearer. In this context we must first consider the strong interdependence between war and genocide. On the one hand, war was the indispensable cover under which the ‘final solution’ was carried out. This means that the ‘War against European Jewry’, regarded by Hitler as his real historical mission, could be brought to a ‘successful’ conclusion only as long as the military war continued. On the other hand, mass destruction early attained a scale that would have been a serious obstacle to any diplomatic solution to the war. By December 1941, when it became clear that ‘Barbarossa’ had failed, about half a million people had already been murdered. War, in Hitler’s view, had become a matter of life and death. Goebbels, summing up a conversation with Göring, later put it thus. Göring, he said, is:‘fully aware of what would threaten us all were we to weaken in this war ... On the Jewish question in particular we are so committed that there is no escape for us at all. And that is good. Experience shows that a movement and a Volk that have burned their bridges fight much more unconditionally than those who still have the chance of retreat.’ Hitler, after Stalingrad, repeatedly expressed himself in almost identical phrases.’2. If all the Western regions of the Soviet Union would equally be lost in 1991.SU did not lost any regions. It just stopped to exist. Do you understand the difference, or you need help? Here I want to stay and make one comment. Just as shards of the exploded nebular body will continue to move on a common trajectory, the former republics of the collapsed Soviet Union, are still moving on the shared with Russian Federation-their natural centre of attraction-trajectory. Except for Ukraine, where the American military-industrial complex has assumed the role of its unfortunate predecessor, the German Wehrmacht in its desire to destroy Russia. I think this is temporary. In the end, Ukraine still will restore its ties with Russia. As they say in Russian:-Никуда не денутся. Just look at the survey conducted by the Ukrainian Institute for the Future during 17th-31st May:Today, none of the top Ukrainian politicians have a significant advantage over their competitors, and the gap between them is within statistical error.This is evidenced by the sociological survey conducted by the Ukrainian Institute for the Future during 17th-31st May.In particular, if presidential elections in Ukraine were to be held next week, the votes would be distributed the following way (from the total number of respondents):Current President Petro Poroshenko would gain 8% of votes. He is followed by Yulia Tymoshenko with a score of 7.5%. Next up is Andriy Sadovyi with the result of 6.8%, followed by Oleg Lyashko with 6.7%.Mikheil Saakashvili would gain 5.9%. The leader of the "Freedom" party Oleg Tyahnybok would collect 3% of respondents' votes.27.8% of respondents would not go to the polls, and another 22% were unable to define what is normal index.The Ukrainian Institute for the Future has also calculated the results of such a vote, depending on the number of voters who came to the polls.On the basis of them it is obvious that during the years of his presidency, Petro Poroshenko has lost much of his supporters: if 2 years ago 54.7% of the electorate voted for him in the election, today only 10.7% of those who plan to participate in the elections would vote for him.The results relative to other candidates are as follows: Yulia Tymoshenko - 10.25%, Andriy Sadovyi - 9.6%, O. Lyashko - 9%, Saakashvili - 7.9%, O. Tyahnybok - 5,7%, Dobkin - 4.1%.In total, the survey involved 2,000 respondents — residents of Ukraine on the quota principle. The sampling error was 2.3%. The survey was conducted on 17th-31st May.Recall that the sociological research of the Ukrainian Institute of the Future showed that two-thirds of Ukrainians believe that the economic situation deteriorated sharply after independence. Sociological research also showed that today only 10% of Ukrainians would vote for the candidacy of Petro Poroshenko for the post of President of Ukraine. Ukrainians also stated the main failing of the reign of Petro Poroshenko and also indicated who is mainly responsible for the crisis in Ukraine.In addition, respondents named the main achievement of the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and also indicated the most influential of the oligarchs and the failure of deoligarchization.Source: Poll: Five Times Less Ukrainians Would Today Vote for Poroshenko3. Would it then be worth to give up these regions in 1941 to save the lives of Russian people and Central Asia?Nothing could save the lives of peoples. All killing and atrocities were committed the moment the Wehrmacht boots stepped into the territory of the Soviet Union. See the bold face in the quote from Wegner above.

What are some fast facts in regards to the Trump family?

Donald Trump Fast Facts(CNN)Here's a look at the life of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States.Personal:Birth date: June 14, 1946Birth place: New York, New YorkBirth name: Donald John TrumpFather: Fred Trump, real estate developerMother: Mary (Macleod) TrumpMarriages: Melania (Knauss) Trump (January 22, 2005-present); Marla (Maples) Trump (December 1993-June 1999, divorced); Ivana (Zelnicek) Trump (1977-1990, divorced)Children: with Melania Trump: Barron, March 20, 2006; with Marla Maples: Tiffany, October 13, 1993; with Ivana Trump: Eric, 1984; Ivanka, October 30, 1981; Donald Jr., December 31, 1977Education: Attended Fordham University; University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance, B.S. in Economics, 1968Photos: Donald Trump's riseOther Facts:As Trump evolved from real estate developer to reality television star, he turned his name into a brand. Licensed Trump products have included board games, steaks, cologne, vodka, furniture and menswear.He has portrayed himself in cameo appearances in movies and on television, including "Zoolander," "Sex and the City" and "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York."Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again," was first used by Ronald Reagan while he was running against President Jimmy Carter.For details on investigations into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, visit 2016 Presidential Election Investigation Fast Facts.For updates on Trump administration departures and firings, visit Who has left Trump's administration and orbit.Timeline:1970s - After college, works with his father on apartment complexes in Queens and Brooklyn, New York.1973 - Trump and his father are named in a Justice Department lawsuit alleging Trump property managers violated the Fair Housing Act by turning away potential African-American tenants. The Trumps deny the company discriminates and file a $100 million countersuit, which is later dismissed. The case is settled in 1975, and the Trumps agree to provide weekly lists of vacancies to black community organizations.1976 - Trump and his father partner with the Hyatt Corporation, purchasing the Commodore Hotel, an aging midtown Manhattan property. The building is revamped and opens four years later as the Grand Hyatt Hotel. The project kickstarts Trump's career as a Manhattan developer.1983-1990 - He builds/purchases multiple properties in New York City, including Trump Tower and the Plaza Hotel, and also opens casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, including the Trump Taj Mahal and the Trump Plaza. Trump buys the New Jersey Generals football team, part of the United States Football League, which folds after three seasons.1985 - Purchases Mar-a-Lago, an oceanfront estate in Palm Beach, Florida. It is renovated and opens as a private club in 1995.1987 - Trump's first book, "Trump: The Art of the Deal," is published and becomes a bestseller. The Donald J. Trump Foundation is established in order to donate a portion of profits from book sales to charities.1990 - Nearly $1 billion in personal debt, Trump reaches an agreement with bankers allowing him to avoid declaring personal bankruptcy.1991 - The Trump Taj Mahal files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.1992 - The Trump Plaza and the Trump Castle casinos file for bankruptcy.1996 - Buys out and becomes executive producer of the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants.October 7, 1999 - Tells CNN's Larry King that he is going to form a presidential exploratory committee and wants to challenge Pat Buchanan for the Reform Party nomination.February 14, 2000 - Says that he is abandoning his bid for the presidency, blaming discord within the Reform Party.January 2004 - "The Apprentice," a reality show featuring aspiring entrepreneurs competing for Trump's approval, premieres on NBC.November 21, 2004 - Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc. files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.2005 - Establishes Trump University, which offers seminars in real estate investment.February 13, 2009 - Announces his resignation from his position as chairman of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Days later, the company files for bankruptcy protection.March 17, 2011 - During an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America," Trump questions whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.June 16, 2015 - Announces that he is running for president during a speech at Trump Tower. He pledges to implement policies that will boost the economy and says he will get tough on immigration. "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best...They're sending people who have lots of problems," Trump says. "They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people."June 28, 2015 - Says he's giving up the TV show "The Apprentice" to run for president.June 29, 2015 - NBCUniversal says it is cutting its business ties to Trump and won't air the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants because of "derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants."July 8, 2015 - In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Trump says he "can't guarantee" all of his employees have legal status in the United States. This is in response to questions about a Washington Post report about undocumented immigrants working at the Old Post Office construction site in Washington, which Trump is converting into a hotel.July 22, 2015 - Trump's financial disclosure report is made public by the Federal Election Commission.August 6, 2015 - During the first 2016 Republican debate, Trump is questioned about a third party candidacy, his attitude towards women and his history of donating money to Democratic politicians. He tells moderator Megyn Kelly of Fox News he feels he is being mistreated.August 7, 2015 - The controversy continues, as Trump tells CNN's Don Lemon that Kelly was singling him out for attack, "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."September 11, 2015 - Trump announces he has purchased NBC's half of the Miss Universe Organization, which organizes the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants.December 7, 2015 - Trump's campaign puts out a press release calling for a "complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."May 26, 2016 - Secures enough delegates to clinch the Republican Party nomination.July 16, 2016 - Introduces Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate.July 19, 2016 - Becomes the Republican Party nominee for president.September 13, 2016 - During an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says his office is investigating Trump's charitable foundation "to make sure it's complying with the laws governing charities in New York."October 1, 2016 - The New York Times reports Trump declared a $916 million loss in 1995 which could have allowed him to legally skip paying federal income taxes for years. The report is based on a financial document mailed to the newspaper by an anonymous source.October 7, 2016 - Unaired footage from 2005 surfaces of Trump talking about trying to have sex with a married woman and being able to grope women. In footage obtained by The Washington Post, Trump is heard off-camera discussing women in vulgar terms during the taping of a segment for "Access Hollywood." In a taped response, Trump declares, "I said it, I was wrong and I apologize."October 9, 2016 - During the second presidential debate, CNN's Cooper asks Trump about his descriptions of groping and kissing women without their consent in the "Access Hollywood" footage. Trump denies that he has ever engaged in such behavior and declares the comments were "locker room talk." After the debate, 11 women step forward to claim that they were sexually harassed or sexually assaulted by the real estate developer. Trump says the stories aren't true.November 8, 2016 - Is elected president of the United States. Trump will be the first president who has never held elected office, a top government post or a military rank.November 18, 2016 - Trump agrees to pay $25 million to settle three lawsuits against Trump University. The deal keeps the President-elect from having to testify in a trial in San Diego that was set to begin November 28. The settlement ends a suit brought by Schneiderman, as well as two class action suits in California. About 6,000 former students are covered by the settlement.December 24, 2016 - Trump says he will dissolve the Donald J. Trump Foundation "to avoid even the appearance of any conflict with my role as President." A spokeswoman for the New York Attorney General's Office says that the foundation cannot legally close until investigators conclude their probe of the charity.January 10, 2017 - CNN reports that intelligence officials briefed Trump on a dossier that contains allegations about his campaign's ties to Russia and unverified claims about his personal life. The author of the dossier is a former British spy who was hired by a research firm that had been funded by both political parties to conduct opposition research on Trump.January 20, 2017 - Takes the oath of office from Chief Justice John Roberts during an inauguration ceremony at the Capitol and delivers an inaugural address centering on the populist themes that fueled his candidacy.January 23, 2017 - Trump signs an executive action withdrawing the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation trade deal negotiated by the Obama administration and awaiting congressional approval.January 27, 2017 - Trump signs an executive order halting all refugee arrivals for 120 days and banning travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. Additionally, refugees from Syria are barred indefinitely from entering the United States. The order is challenged in court.February 13, 2017 - Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigns amid accusations he lied about his communications with Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak. Flynn later pleads guilty to lying to the FBI.February 28, 2017 - Nominates Neil Gorsuch to replace late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.March 4, 2017 - Alleges on Twitter, without offering evidence, that Obama wiretapped his phones ahead of the 2016 election. "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"March 16, 2017 - The Trump administration releases its budget blueprint, with increases in funding for the military and cuts for agencies including the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture.May 3, 2017 - FBI Director James Comey confirms that there is an ongoing investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia during a hearing on Capitol Hill. Less than a week later, Trump fires Comey, citing a DOJ memo critical of the way he handled the investigation into Clinton's emails.May 2017 - Shortly after Trump fired Comey, the FBI opens an investigation into whether Trump "had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests," citing former law enforcement officials and others the paper said were familiar with the probe.May 17, 2017 - Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is appointed as special counsel to lead the probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, including potential collusion between Trump campaign associates and Russian officials. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein makes the appointment because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself in March from investigations into Trump's campaign.May 19, 2017 - Departs on his first foreign trip as president. The nine-day, five-country trip includes stops in Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, a NATO summit in Brussels and a G7 summit in Sicily.June 1, 2017 - Trump proclaims that the United States is withdrawing from the Paris climate accord but adds that he is open to renegotiating aspects of the environmental agreement, which was signed by 175 countries in 2016.July 7, 2017 - Meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in person for the first time, on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany.August 8, 2017 - In response to nuclear threats from North Korea, Trump warns that Pyongyang will "face fire and fury like the world has never seen." Soon after Trump's comments, North Korea issues a statement saying it is "examining the operational plan" to strike areas around the US territory of Guam.August 15, 2017 - After a violent clash between neo-Nazi activists and counterprotesters leaves one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump holds an impromptu press conference in the lobby of Trump Tower and declares that there were "fine people" on both sides.August 25, 2017 - Trump's first pardon is granted to former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of criminal contempt for disregarding a court order in a racial-profiling case. Trump did not consult with lawyers at the Justice Department before announcing his decision.September 5, 2017 - The Trump administration announces that it is ending the DACA program, introduced by Obama to protect nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. Trump calls on Congress to introduce legislation that will prevent DACA recipients from being deported. Multiple lawsuits are filed opposing the policy in federal courts and judges delay the end of the program, asking the government to submit filings justifying the cancellation of DACA.September 19, 2017 - In a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Trump refers to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as "Rocket Man" and warns that the United States will "totally destroy North Korea" if forced to defend itself or its allies.September 24, 2017 - The Trump administration unveils a third version of the travel ban, placing restrictions on travel by certain foreigners from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. (Chad is later removed after meeting security requirements.) One day before the revised ban is set to take effect, it is blocked nationwide by a federal judge in Hawaii. A judge in Maryland issues a similar ruling.December 4, 2017 - The Supreme Court rules that the revised travel ban can take effect pending appeals.December 6, 2017 - Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital and announces plans to relocate the US Embassy there.January 11, 2018 - During a White House meeting on immigration reform, Trump reportedly refers to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries." He reportedly says that the United States should get more people from countries like Norway.January 12, 2018 - The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump had an alleged affair with a porn star named Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels. The newspaper states that Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, arranged a $130,000 payment for a nondisclosure agreement weeks before Election Day in 2016. Cohen denies that Trump had a relationship with Clifford.March 13, 2018 - Trump announces in a tweet that he has fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and will nominate CIA Director Mike Pompeo as Tillerson's replacement.March 20, 2018 - A New York Supreme Court judge rules that a defamation lawsuit against Trump can move forward, ruling against a July 2017 motion to dismiss filed by Trump's lawyers. The lawsuit, filed by Summer Zervos, a former "Apprentice" contestant, is related to sexual assault allegations.March 23, 2018 - The White House announces that it is adopting a policy, first proposed by Trump via tweet in July 2017, banning most transgender individuals from serving in the military.April 9, 2018 - The FBI raids Cohen's office, home and a hotel room where he'd been staying while his house was renovated. The raid is related to a federal investigation of possible fraud and campaign finance violations.April 13, 2018 - Trump authorizes joint military strikes in Syria with the UK and France after reports the government used chemical weapons on civilians in Douma.May 7, 2018 - The Trump administration announces a "zero tolerance" policy for illegal border crossings. Sessions says that individuals who violate immigration law will be criminally prosecuted and warns that parents could be separated from children.May 8, 2018 - Trump announces that the United States is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal. "This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made," he says in remarks that, at times, misrepresent the international agreement's provisions.May 31, 2018 - The Trump administration announces it is imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from allies Canada, Mexico and the European Union.June 8-9, 2018 - Before leaving for the G7 summit in Quebec City, Trump tells reporters that Russia should be reinstated in the group. The annexation of Crimea in 2014 led to Russia's suspension. After leaving the summit, Trump tweets that he will not endorse the traditional G7 communique issued at the end of the meeting. The President singles out Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for making "false statements" at a news conference.June 12, 2018 - Trump meets Kim in person for the first time during a summit in Singapore. They sign a four-point statement that broadly outlines the countries' commitment to a peace process. The statement contains a pledge by North Korea to "work towards" complete denuclearization but the agreement does not detail how the international community will verify that Kim is ending his nuclear program.June 14, 2018 - The New York attorney general sues the Trump Foundation, alleging that the nonprofit run by Trump and his three eldest children violated state and federal charity law.June 26, 2018 - The Supreme Court upholds the Trump administration's travel ban in a 5-4 ruling along party lines.July 16, 2018 - During a joint news conference with Putin in Helsinki, Trump declines to endorse the US government's assessment that Russia interfered in the election, saying he doesn't "see any reason why" Russia would be responsible. The next day, Trump clarifies his remark, "The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia." He says he accepts the intelligence community's conclusion that Russia meddled in the election but adds, "It could be other people also."August 21, 2018 - Cohen pleads guilty to eight federal charges, including two campaign finance violations. In court, he says that he orchestrated payments to silence women "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office." On the same day, Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort is convicted on eight counts of federal financial crimes. On December 12 Cohen is sentenced to three years in prison.September 5, 2018 - The New York Times publishes an op-ed by an anonymous Trump administration official who claims that there is an ongoing effort to thwart the president's worst impulses. Trump says the person who wrote the piece is "gutless."September 11, 2018 - Bob Woodward's book "Fear: Trump in the White House" is published. Several administration officials say that they are misquoted in the book.November 20, 2018 - Releases a statement backing Saudi Arabia in the wake of the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a Virginia resident, killed in October at a Saudi consulate in Turkey. Khashoggi was a frequent critic of the Saudi regime. The Saudis initially denied any knowledge of his death, but then later said a group of rogue operators were responsible for his killing. US officials have speculated that such a mission, including the 15 men sent from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to murder him, could not have been carried out without the authorization of Saudi leader Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.December 18, 2018 - The Donald J. Trump Foundation agrees to dissolve according to a document filed in Manhattan Supreme Court. The agreement allows the New York attorney general's office to review the recipients of the charity's assets.December 19, 2018 - Trump declares that the US has defeated ISIS and orders a "full" and "rapid" withdrawal of US military from Syria.December 22, 2018 - The longest partial government shutdown in US history begins after Trump demands lawmakers allocate $5.7 billion in funding for a border wall before agreeing to sign a federal funding package.January 16, 2019 - After nearly two years of Trump administration officials denying that anyone involved in his campaign colluded with the Russians to help his candidacy, Trump lawyer and former New York City mayor, Rudy Giuliani, says "I never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or people in the campaign. I said the President of the United States. There is not a single bit of evidence the President of the United States committed the only crime you can commit here, conspiring with the Russians to hack the DNC."January 25, 2019 - The government shutdown ends when Trump signs a short-term spending measure, providing three weeks of stopgap funding while lawmakers work on a border security compromise. The bill does not include any wall funding.February 15, 2019 - Trump declares a national emergency to allocate funds to build a wall on the border with Mexico. During the announcement, the president says he expects the declaration to be challenged in court. The same day, Trump signs a border security measure negotiated by Congress, with $1.375 billion set aside for barriers, averting another government shutdown.February 18, 2019 - Attorneys general from 16 states file a lawsuit in federal court challenging Trump's emergency declaration.February 28, 2019 - Trump's summit with Kim ends with no joint agreement after Kim insists all US sanctions on North Korea be lifted. On the same day, Trump's former attorney Cohen testifies before the House Oversight Committee presenting an extensive set of Trump's possible criminal liabilities.

Why do you dislike President Trump, and who would you prefer for President?

First, let me give you an example of a very conservative republican I oppose, or two.Mitch McConnell and Orrin Hatch are both paid employees of the many large corporations they serve, and will stop at almost nothing to make sure those industries are deregulated, corporate tax rates fall, and the government services to the poor, the sick, the disabled, the injured, the unemployed all end up getting cuts, even in times of economic crisis when more people need those services than ever.That said, when a pedophile comes along, or a guy who starved people to death in his prisons, generally speaking, Mitch McConnell and Orrin Hatch don’t suggest those are fine upstanding folks who deserve a pardon or a Senate seat.I’m talking of course, about scumbag Arpaio and scumbag Moore.Joe ArpaioTenure as sheriff 1993–20162.1 Jail conditions2.2 Tent city jail2.3 Claims that sheriff's office failed to properly investigate serious crimes2.4 Targeting of political opponents2.5 Election law violation2.6 Misspending analysis2.7 Misconduct and mismanagement memo2.8 Wrongful arrest and entrapment lawsuit and settlement2.9 Abuse of power investigation2.10 Immigration patrols“Sheriff Joe” set up what HE described as a concentration camp in the United States of America, where the outdoor tents the inmates lived in reached 145 degrees Fahrenheit, (48 Celsius). Needless to say, this had adverse effects on the health of the prisoners. Oh, but he didn’t stop at concentration camps where you were tortured. He actively denied his prisoners basic medical care, resulting in deaths.In the subsequent wrongful death of Braillard v. Maricopa County, [175] the plaintiff's attorney cited numerous reports commissioned and paid for by Maricopa County, dating back as far as 1996, detailing a "culture of cruelty" where inmates were routinely denied humane healthcare at Maricopa County jails run by Arpaio. Testifying in this case, Arpaio stated he could not deny making the statement that even if he had a billion dollars he wouldn’t change the way he runs his jails. [176] Arpaio said his jails were meant as places for punishment, and that the inhabitants were all criminals, although in fact most inmates had not been convicted of a crime and were awaiting trial. [177]Not convinced yet, Have some more.Donald Trump thought to himself, this law-breaker, torturer, and human pile of scum who denied medical care and tortured people who hadn’t even been shown to have committed a crime, this pile of shit known as Joe Arpaio, who brought concentration camps and voluntary manslaughter to the penal system in the United States, didn’t deserve to pay for any of his crimes.Oh, he can torture and kill people, but if he commits a crime himself, no punishment needed. Presidential pardon!Next, this bucket of slime:Roy Moore3.5 2016 suspension from the bench and resignation3.5.1 Suspension by the Court of the Judiciary3.5.2 Appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court and resignation5 Sexual abuse allegations6 Foundation for Moral Law6.1 Undisclosed salary payments8 2017 Senate special election in AlabamaAnother fine person upholding the law, while doing everything they could to ignore the law, and ignore the authority of higher courts with jurisdiction over him, lying about taking 180,000 dollars a year from the nonprofit he founded, and failing to disclose this. The scumbag also hid his income from the Internal revenue service, and used his “charity” to pay for his healthcare, travel expenses, bodyguard, his own political activities, and he also paid his wife and children salaries from this “charity”. A great way to earn an income for your whole family while not reporting it to the government, so you can avoid paying taxes.Foundation for Moral LawMoore founded the nonprofit Christian legal organization Foundation for Moral Law in 2002.[131] Moore's wife, Kayla, is the president of the Foundation for Moral Law.[132]In 2005, Moore's Foundation for Moral Law accepted a $1,000 contribution from a neo-Nazi organization founded by Willis Carto, a prominent Holocaust denier. The donation attracted attention during Moore's 2017 campaign for a Senate seat.[133][134][135]Undisclosed salary paymentsMoore publicly said that he did not draw a "regular salary" from the organization. In October 2017, however, The Washington Post reported that Moore had arranged an annual salary of $180,000 for himself from the foundation.[22]From 2007 to 2012, he collected more than $1 million, a number that far surpasses what the nonprofit declared in its public tax filings.[22]Furthermore, The Washington Post reported that Moore arranged the salary and that, in 2012 when the charity could not pay his full salary, Moore received a note promising that he would get the salary in back pay or a stake in the assets of the foundation.[22] The foundation also paid for Moore's health-care benefits, travel expenses, and bodyguard, and the foundation's website has regularly promoted Moore's speaking arrangements and book.[22] Furthermore, the foundation employed Moore's wife and at least two of Moore's children.[22]The Washington Post also noted that there was considerable overlap between the charity and Moore's political activities, with previous top officials of the charity leading Moore's 2017 Senate campaign and with the charity using the same fundraising firm as Moore's campaigns.[22]The IRS warned the foundation about discrepancies in its tax filings in 2013, saying that the issues "could jeopardize your exempt status".[22]A number of charity and tax law experts have said that the foundation's activities "raised questions about compliance with IRS rules, including prohibitions on the use of a charity for the private benefit or enrichment of an individual".[22]Additional reporting by The Washington Post that October found that the $498,000 that Moore was guaranteed in back pay was not declared to the IRS; tax experts say that it should have been and that Moore would have had to pay more than $100,000 in federal tax.[136]And how about his pedophilia and abuse of power as a District Attorney?During Moore's election campaign for the Senate, three women described a sexual assault by Moore when they were aged 14 to 28,[5] and several others described him pursuing a romantic relationship with them when they were as young as 16, while he was in his 30s.[8][111]While denying the sexual assault allegations,[5] he did not dispute his having approached or dating teenagers over the age of 16[7] (the age of consent in Alabama).[112][6] Independent witnesses confirmed that Moore had a reputation for coming on to teenage girls.[8][6][9] A total of nine women have accused Moore of inappropriate sexual or social conduct.[113]One of those three women was Leigh Corfman who said that Moore sexually assaulted her in 1979, when she was 14 and he was 32, after Moore had introduced himself to her and her mother outside the courthouse where he worked. In the Washington Post report, Corfman's mother confirmed the initial meeting with Moore, and Corfman's friends recalled her talking about Moore's sexual abuse.[8]In response, Moore said he had "never known" Corfman and "never had any contact with her".[114]Another of those three women was Beverly Young Nelson who said she had received unwanted attention from Moore when she was 15 years old, and said that, in December 1977 or January 1978[115] when she was 16, Moore sexually assaulted her. She said that when she fought him off, he eventually gave up, but told her, "You're just a child, I'm the district attorney. If you tell anyone about this no one will ever believe you."[116][117]Moore denied Nelson's accusations saying they're "absolutely false", and "I don't even know the woman."[118]The third of those three women was Tina Johnson who alleged that when she was 28 in 1991, she had visited Moore (now married) in his law office for a legal matter. She said Moore flirted with her, asked questions about her young daughters, which made her uncomfortable, and finally he "grabbed" her buttocks as she left.[119]Prominent Republicans such as John McCain and Mitt Romney called for Moore to drop out of the race after the allegations were reported.[120][121] Other senators withdrew their endorsements of Moore's Senate candidacy.[122][123][124][125] Days later, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that he believes the women who made the accusations and that Moore should "step aside".[126] Speaker of the House Paul Ryan also called for Moore to abandon his campaign.[127]President Donald Trump, however, expressed support for Moore.[128]Donald Trump thought to himself, this tax-dodger, charity scammer, and pedophile and sexual harasser needs to represent Alabama, so he can get more tax cuts passed.Do you know why Donald Trump is so much more offensive to me than Mitch McConnell or Orrin Hatch or Paul ryan or former speaker John Boehner?Because all of those other republicans want to demonize liberals and democrats and pass their corrupt and selfish tax cuts that will hurt Americans, but they draw a line at defending serial torturers and serial harassers and pedophiles, people who break the law constantly as government officials charged with upholding the law. Maybe they’re not doing it out of principle, maybe they’re doing it just so they can look like “the Good republicans”.But I am not marching in the streets against Mitch McConnel or Orrin Hatch or Paul ryan. I am not marching against people who voted for Trump thinking it would bring them a better life, somehow. I’m not marching against the billionaires who only care about more money for themselves. I’m marching positively, for the policies I believe in.But when it comes to Donald Trump himself, and the people who he wants in government positions of power, law-breakers and scum of the earth, I oppose him.I find him not just a moron, I find him not just vulgar and offensive, I find him not just an admitted-on-camera groper of women without their permission, I find him not just corrupt and selfish, I find him to be a traitor to the United States who actively undermines the press, the judiciary, and an idiot whose brilliant mastermind strategy as a “negotiator” to get his agenda passed is to insult people in his own party on Twitter, and fail to get his agenda passed.But I would march against him for pardoning the concentration camp operator and murderer of innocent people, Joe Arpaio, and for promoting the scumbag tax-dodging law-breaking sexual harasser and pedophile known as roy moore.This tops even his illegal collusion with russia to undermine the United States, which makes him an irredeemable traitor. Some “traitors” like Edward Snowden exposed government secrets in order to put a stop to horrendous actions by our own government to break the law and violate the rights of Americans.What is Trump’s purpose, his motive for breaking the law, colluding with our enemies, and promoting scum of the earth like Arpaio and Moore?His purpose is to get another tax cut passed, so he can personally earn a lot more money, and so can his family. He’s willing to sell out the United States and give it over to fellow law-breakers and traitors, murderers and rapists, just so he can get more money, because he’s such a terrible businessman that this was the only way he could really make a decent chunk of money: ripping off the taxpayers.He’s a traitor to the country and to human decency, for money.He’s a sick, demented human being, and I would vote for right-wing libertarians over Donald Trump. I would vote for socialist party members over Donald Trump. I would vote for Green party activists over Donald Trump. I would vote for Democrats over Donald Trump. I would vote for almost any republican over Donald Trump. I would vote for a random person in the middle of Afghanistan over Donald Trump. I would vote for total goober Louie Gohmert, the dumbest republican who ever lived, over Donald Trump. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton, but I still would vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. I’d vote for the zombified corpse of Ronald Reagan over Donald Trump. I would vote for Paul ryan over Donald Trump. I would vote for Mitch fucking McConnell over Donald Trump.I can reverse the thievery of billionaires making their profits in the United States and refusing to help pay for the system that made them rich, by voting in a generic Democrat in the next election cycle. The damage they do to this country is in suffering and in the cost of billions of dollars. But it’s a lesser kind of evil.I cannot undo what Donald Trump has done and will do to this country. And this traitorous moron has the ability to fire nukes.That is why I hate Donald Trump, and why I have trouble sleeping knowing this asswipe is the President.And did you notice none of my criticism of him had anything the fuck to do with being conservative?How do you not recognize that this man is not a conservative, not a Reagan, not a Bush senior, or even a Dubya., not an Eisenhower, not a McCain, not a Romney?I know how. It’s because of Fox News and Brietbart and AM talk radio.And I hate those people just as much as I hate Donald Trump.I know there are lots of good people out there who voted for Trump, and those assholes are the ones who talked them into it. They convinced good people to hate liberals so much that they’d vote for a roy moore or a Donald Trump, because at least those two aren’t liberals.That’s the entire pitch, you can’t have a liberal or a Democrat ever, you have to vote for the child molester because “he denies it” and it happened too long ago.It’s so insulting to know how low I rank in the minds of many conservatives, that they prefer men like that to principled Americans like me who simply have the audacity to disagree with them on a few issues.I’m sorry, but not all your ideas are amazing. Why’d you have to go and pick Trump or Moore over a civil disagreement? Why’d you listen to those assholes on TV and on the radio who call me a traitor who hates America, when all I wanted to do was make sure old people get healthcare? Is that really the evil you wanted to fight?…I don’t know what else to say. I cannot undo thousands of hours of Fox News broadcasting in a single Quora post. They don’t pay me enough for that, and chances are, you never reached the bottom of this post, because I’m on “the other side” and therefore must be the enemy. No one listens to their supposed enemies.That’s how Fox News won. They got you to hate me and not listen to a word I say.I used to be one of you. I believed what you believed and voted the same way.Please switch sides. Please.

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