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A Simple Manual to Edit Staggered Payment Sample Online
Are you seeking to edit forms online? CocoDoc can be of great assistance with its comprehensive PDF toolset. You can get it simply by opening any web brower. The whole process is easy and convenient. Check below to find out
- go to the PDF Editor Page of CocoDoc.
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- Conduct the desired edits on your document with the toolbar on the top of the dashboard.
- Download the file once it is finalized .
Steps in Editing Staggered Payment Sample on Windows
It's to find a default application which is able to help conduct edits to a PDF document. Fortunately CocoDoc has come to your rescue. View the Handback below to find out possible methods to edit PDF on your Windows system.
- Begin by acquiring CocoDoc application into your PC.
- Upload your PDF in the dashboard and make alterations on it with the toolbar listed above
- After double checking, download or save the document.
- There area also many other methods to edit your PDF for free, you can check this article
A Complete Manual in Editing a Staggered Payment Sample on Mac
Thinking about how to edit PDF documents with your Mac? CocoDoc has come to your help.. It empowers you to edit documents in multiple ways. Get started now
- Install CocoDoc onto your Mac device or go to the CocoDoc website with a Mac browser. Select PDF sample from your Mac device. You can do so by hitting the tab Choose File, or by dropping or dragging. Edit the PDF document in the new dashboard which includes a full set of PDF tools. Save the file by downloading.
A Complete Advices in Editing Staggered Payment Sample on G Suite
Intergating G Suite with PDF services is marvellous progess in technology, a blessing for you simplify your PDF editing process, making it quicker and with high efficiency. Make use of CocoDoc's G Suite integration now.
Editing PDF on G Suite is as easy as it can be
- Visit Google WorkPlace Marketplace and locate CocoDoc
- install the CocoDoc add-on into your Google account. Now you are more than ready to edit documents.
- Select a file desired by clicking the tab Choose File and start editing.
- After making all necessary edits, download it into your device.
PDF Editor FAQ
Will RBI's EMI moratorium (temporary relief due to COVID-19) really be helpful to borrowers?
It is just a postponement of the suffering. If you are comfort enough to pay the EMIs, pay them with out fail. The compounding effect of interest on monthly basis will make the interest manifold. I am giving two sample files - for an one lac loan @9% interest with a term of 12 months. One file for regular payment and another file for staggered payments ( for convenience it is given fro the failed EMIs). For easy presentation, 2% penal interest is not taken into account.
We are going to be expectant parents soon and are considering stem cell banking. Has anyone in India used it? Any pointers? We need to pick one of cryobank and life cell. Would really appreciate quick help. Thanks?
Its easy to call it a ripoff but globally stem cell therapy is the fastest growing branch of medicine. Having said I dont mind admitting I dont have the feeling that the stem cell banking business in India is that well regulated. It relies primarily on self regulation whereby stem cell banks seek audit based accredition from reputable firms every year.To give an idea of the pace of development in this technology till 2010 there were about 16 incurable though rare disorders that stem cell transplants could cure. Today the list of clinically proven curable diseases has expanded to 85. This includes less rare cancers like Leukaemia as well. There is work going on to find stem cell based cure for 350 more diseases. Research now includes diabetes, arthritis and heart disease-ailments that are quite common in India.At present there is evidence that stem cells can be stored safely for at least two decades just like frozen embryos. There are also technologies at an advances stage of research that can allow stem cells to be cultured in a lab from a retrieved sample. So there is ample hope that storage life of stem cells can be extendedIn the recent years the case of Lisa Ray is an oft quoted one. In 2009 she was diagnosed with an incurable cancer called Multiple Myeloma. She received a stem cell transplant that cured her and she has been cancer free since 2010. She obviously didn't get her own stem cells since the technology wasn't around when she was born. She received cells from a public stem cell bank in Canada after it was matched to her own HLA type. That can be quite an expensive proposition as finding a match is not cheap. However, this creates a good business opportunity for many pvt banks who now have an interest looking after the cells frozen in their banks as these can be potentially a good source of revenue.The key stem cell bankers in India in order of size and experience are Lifecell (since 2004), Cryoviva (established in 2006 as Cryobank) and Cordlife. Relicord and Novacord are some of the other smaller players. I found the Lifecell website to be the most well organized and informative. There salespeople too, tend to be the most well informed. If you are a details person do go through a copy of the retrieval and storage agreement that they post on the website. But do ask for presentations once you have had a look at the websites. All of them will gladly comply.Worth remembering though even with a decent science background it can be quite hard to distinguish fact from salespeak particularly because most salespeople wont mind badmouthing their competitors in this business. The other thing they tend to do is to start splitting hair on the details of the technology to try and prove theirs is the best technical option. Ideally if you know a stem cell specialist who can give an unbiased opinion consult them before choosing. There are about 50 different hospitals across the country that offer stem cell therapy in one form or the other. But ask for reasons for their recommendations. Nevertheless a presentation from each of the main providers is still worth going through before you make up your mindThe following aspects are worth considering when considering who to choose-The total cost of retrieving a lifetime storage of a stem cell sample is around INR 50,000-60,000 these days. Try to negotiate a staggered payment. You would usually end up paying INR 10-15,000 in the first year and the rest at the first birth anniversary. Some of them offer genetic testing for vulnerability to disorders to get you to pay the entire amount upfront. I personally think it may have limited value but do your on research to find out. Life cell also offer an annual maintenance plan whereby you make an upfront payment of 12-14k followed by 5k p.a every year. You have the option of converting it to lump sump payment plan at any point in future-There are various accredition agencies but I understand AABB is the most well respected. It an American regulator and has been around since the beginning of stem stem cell Banking . Companies that seek AABB accredition have to get re-certified annually. In India DGCI is the regulator but its regulations have been around since 2012 only and its not clear how stringently it audits for compliance. ICMR is the nodal agency in India which approves clinical trials for specific disorders. Ideally it should have the final say which diseases will be approved for stem cell therapy in India.Ask for annual AABB certs for at least the last four years for each facility where you stem cells are likely to be stored.-stem cell separation technology : various technologies are available in the mkt. And plenty of literature exists comparing the performance of one against the other based on 3-4 criteria. For me the most important one is % recovery. Despite claims to the contrary by Cyoviva almost all of them (even the Lifecell supplied Manual tech) offer a recovery of 80%. The recovered stem cells are an important factor since a certain minimum volume is needed for treatment depending on the size and age of the individual. But with culturing technologies being around the corner its hard to say how much of a critical criteria this one is. Rest assured if you ask the sales people they will leave no stone unturned to confuse the hell out of you. Hence my recommendation to speak to a reliable stem cell therapy professional-Lifecell offer two different storage facility options to protect samples from natural calamities-one in Chennai the other in Gurgaon. Cryoviva say this not necessary. They have tie ups with their public banking arms in Thailand and Africa and are agreement bound to provide matching samples in case the original preserved samples are lost due to a natural calamity. They say the Lifecell offer is inferior as it only offers a compensation upto INR 20 lakhs which they do too if they can find an appropriate match. I opted for the Lifecell option because I would much rather rely on my own stem cells and with the ability to culture stem cells hopefully quite soon to be commercialized I would much rather take my chances with that option-all banks provide a facility to tansport frozen stem cells to any part of the world you may need them in. Only Lifecell have the experience of having sent samples overseas for treatment. Nationally and internally they claim to have dispatched in all 41 samples as opposed to around 12 for Cryoviva. Its clear from these stats that this is still a very recent technology and experience of logistics does count. All banks offer a 20 lakh compensation in case the receiving doctor finds the samples have been damaged/destroyed during transit. In my view its important to have some experience of transporting samples overseas. Other than the fact that they have to comply with local regulations of the receiving country logistics experience of cryogenic transportation also counts. Besides overseas transport may be the only option you have if the treatment is unavailable in India. I didn't ask how many of these overseas dispatches resulted in successful treatment but its worth checking.-ask for annual preservation or viability report. The preservation report will only provide the key parameters of storage to assure you that cryogenic conditions have been maintained. Viability reports speaks about no.of active stem cells remaining. Cryoviva claim that they maintain a separate sample of your stem cells to measure residual viability each year. Lifecell say its impossible to do so. Not sure how Cryoviva's claims can be authenticated. In my view an annual report is important. I don't want to approach the bank after 40 years and find out our stem cells got destroyed in a fire, etc. So an annual report is good to have
How do Freecharge and PayTM make money? What is their business model and what are the reasons for their exponential growth?
Hit upon this interesting discussion, however based on these numbers above, online recharge alone seems to be a very difficult business to sustain. If it requires huge google adword spend and margins look very very thin as someone has pointed out I am thinking what is in it?If the gross margin of 1% is the maximum after deducting payment gateway charges, a sample calculation of a figure as high as 10 Million USD per month.. ..which should translate to a staggering 2.2 Corore INR per day of recharges per month if I am not mistaken, it is a mere 200K USD monthly revenue for the company x 12 for an year. That makes it just above only 1 Million USD annual revenue company purely from recharge business,,,minus expenses.... It is natural they will have to look out for alternate revenue streams. But so much for the efforts for running such a low margin business. Hail such entrepreneurs. Best of Luck!
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