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Can I find out if I have a warrant for free?

Capture records have consistently been public, yet were regularly hard to get. Nowadays criminal records are put away in online data sets and can be gained inside the space of minutes for an ostensible expense or free of charge. Such openness makes it simple to check the criminal history of likely representatives, sitters, neighbors and surprisingly arranged meet ups. You can likewise look for your own capture records — a keen thought on the off chance that you have at any point been the survivor of wholesale fraud.For looking for old capture records on the web go to Arrest Records Its both overall population just as non-public data in NY. It goes far beyond what a solitary asset can accomplish for you or what yippee and google may give you. You have passage to public data, social sites examination, an overall internet research, court freely available reports, criminal wrongdoer records, cell phone information (both open public and selective storehouses ), driving data and significantly more.How would I discover old capture records?You can track down some criminal records without trouble. In different examples, the interaction can be troublesome. In different occasions still, you might be not able to get to the record by any means.Getting to State Records of Criminal HistoryAt the point when you know the state where somebody's criminal preliminary was heard, finding the record ought not be excessively troublesome. Each state keeps a criminal history information base of lawful offenses and genuine misdeeds, albeit few out of every odd state gives community. In states where you can get to that criminal record, how you go about it contrasts from one state to another.The initial step is discover the information base for the state being referred to. A decent method to move toward this is to look through the web utilizing the state name in addition to the expression "criminal history data set" or "criminal history name." In Texas, for instance, this takes you to the Texas Department of Public Safety's Criminal History Name Search page. Once there, you'll track down a compact clarification of how to look for a criminal's record by name and how to pay for directing it. The expense per search is an unassuming $3. Feelings and conceded settling records – a criminal accusation that has not yet been attempted – stay in the Texas Department of Public Safety data set inconclusively.Numerous different states have comparable criminal history search strategies. In Washington State, for instance, the Washington State Highway Patrol keeps the information base of criminal narratives and offers access similar as access in Texas with correspondingly minimal effort charges.States With Limited Access to Criminal HistoriesFour states – Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland and Rhode Island – boycott private hunts totally, and a few states boycott look through identified with state business. Different states boycott a few pursuits, however permit others, for instance minor driving offenses.In California you can't get to the state record of certain criminal allegations, includingunadjudicated charges, except if the charge is at present forthcoming preliminaryfeelings over 7 years of age (A cannabis ownership conviction in California tumbles in private following two years.)absolved feelingscaptures coming full circle in the individual's entrance into a redirection programThere are a couple of exemptions for California's seven-year rule for fixing records. For instance, sex wrongdoings covered under Megan's Law stay available uncertainly.The California State Attorney General's rules, "California Department of Justice Guidelines for Access to Public Records" discloses how to lead your California search. There is a charge of a dime for every page for duplicating.Government SearchesIn principle, anybody can scan the government information base for a record of someone else's administrative criminal record. You can achieve this through PACER, the government's Public Access to Court Electronic Records. Questions you may have about this fairly muddled cycle are replied in the PACER report, "Habitually Asked Questions."There is a charge of a dime for each page for the inquiry – not only for the pages you get – so you may pay a significant sum despite the fact that the pursuit came up void. Additionally, not all government courts take an interest in the PACER program, so in case you're leading a PACER search without knowing where a criminal preliminary was held, you may concoct a negative outcome regardless of whether a bureaucratic preliminary really occurred.Records of government cases heard before 1999 exist just as paper records. PACER prescribes that you go to the court where a pre-1999 case was heard to acquire them.The Court of Last ResortWhile looking for a criminal history without knowing where a person's violations may have been arbitrated or if such records even exist, you have two other options: The first is to apply to each state's information base, each request in turn, which much of the time is unfeasible. The second is to find support for a charge from one of the numerous online criminal foundation administrations. The estimation of these administrations shifts since they rely upon the privately owned business' capacity to incorporate a solid information base by getting lawful notification of feelings in an opportune and exact way. Additionally, data introduced because of this cycle can create a great deal of confuses in light of the fact that numerous individuals have a similar name.How might you discover capture records on NY?Instructions to Request Your New York State Criminal HistoryAn individual may demand a Personal Record Review to get:A duplicate of their New York State criminal history record, generally called a rap sheet.A "no record" reaction demonstrating that the person in question has no New York State criminal history record.Note: Individuals who have presented their fingerprints as legally necessary for work, authorizing or other reason (for instance, appropriations) additionally will see that data on their Personal Record Review reaction.Visit "Individual Record Review: What You Need to Know" for more data and bit by bit bearings.An individual can't demand a criminal history record for someone else to decide whether that individual has a criminal history.New York State Criminal History Record Guide (PDF): An illustration of a criminal history record to give clarifications and insights regarding the sort of data that can be incorporated.Government Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Guidelines: This connection contains direction that tends to the prohibition of occupation candidates with criminal recordsThe New York Statewide CHRS report has the accompanying constraints and limitations:The report does exclude Family, Civil, or Federal legal dispute data.The NY Statewide CHRS Report depends on an 'definite match' of Name and DOB. Any 'variety' of the person's Name and DOB isn't viewed as a match.The report is dependent upon non-revelation of certain case miens because of NYS Office of Court Administration's approaches (e.g., Misdemeanor Redemption, non-criminal offense cases) or fixed records under NYS law.Town Court and Village Court air information isn't accessible for the time frame May 1991 through 2002. As of May 2007, all Town and Village Courts report to OCA. Town and Village manner information from 2002 through 2007 is restricted.As per the Youthful Offender Legislation CPL720.15(1), the NY Statewide CHRS report won't report forthcoming criminal cases sorted as Youthful Offender Eligible.Criminal cases 'Moved' or 'Eliminated' (CPL 725) to Family Court are not revealed.Criminal aura data which shows up on the NYS CHRS Report is just about as complete and exact as the 'electronic information' outfitted to the NYS Office of Court Administration.The NY Statewide CHRS report is certainly not a cross country individual verification.The NY Statewide CHRS report isn't a FBI foundation search check.The report does exclude case manners for 'non-criminal offenses' (e.g., Violations, Infractions).The report does exclude case manners for people whose solitary conviction was a solitary misdeed over ten years preceding the date of solicitation (Misdemeanor Redemption Policy).The consequences of the NYS/CHRS search isn't ensured.Cases showing up exclusively with charges that don't bring about fingerprinting (e.g., Violations, Infractions, Unclassified Misdemeanors - UM) are not considered a person's NYS Criminal History Report (i.e., Rap Sheet), and are comparatively not created as a feature of the NYS Office of Court Administration's CHRS Report.

Can I shoot a bail bondsman that enters my home without permission? Would it matter if he was after me or a houseguest?

Hey Jon Mixon, I am glad you admit you have a “Jon Mixon, I have a passing familiarity with American jurisprudence.” which supports your admission of your lack of ability to properly interpret and understanding the law, the question that was asked or my answer. Pay attention to the details Jon.And, Jon, if it weren’t for the ethical considerations that bind me as a professional I would tell you exactly where you can shove your condescending statement.The Question: Can I shoot a bail bondsman that enters my home [without] permission? Would it matter if he was [after me] or [a houseguest]?Read the Law below and then go back and carefully reads my answer. The bottomline is nobody can enter your home illegally without a valid Warrant and must bar in full compliance with controlling statutes of the state and the U.S. Constitutional law. The only exception is a felony has been committed and the Police are in hot-pursuit of the perpetrator. If he runs into his home, a third-party home, or anywhere else on the face of the earth they can pursue him until capture.Synopsis of Current State Laws on Restrictions of Bail Bond and Bounty Hunters from entering a persons home.AKAlaska permits arrests to be made by private persons (AS 12.12.010, 12.25.030) and the surety may personally arrest the defendant for surrender before final charging (AS 09.40.200). UCEAALAlabama gives wide latitude to bondsmen to arrest their principals. (Code of Alabama 15-13-62) The bondsman can authorize another to apprehend the fugitive by endorsing a certified copy of the undertaking (15-13-117). The bondsman or his agent can pursue the principal anywhere in the state, must possess a certified copy of the bond, must clearly identify himself and his purpose, and can enter a dwelling for this purpose. The principal has to be surrendered to the sheriff of the county of jurisdiction. (15-13-63). An out of state bondsman shall have a certified copy of the undertaking when apprehending the principal (15-13-124). UCEAH 593 would prohibit fugitive recovery near a school or child care facility.ARNobody can represent himself as a bounty hunter or bail recovery agent in Arkansas. Only a licensed private investigator, a person under his direct supervision, a licensed bondsman from the state where the bond was issued, and sworn peace officers can arrest bail fugitives. Such persons must be at least 21 years of age and have no felony record. Bondsman must notify local law enforcement of his presence, the name and charges and suspected location of the defendant. Violation is a class D felony. (Arkansas Code of 1999, 16-84-114). UCEAH 2222 defines who can recover bail fugitives. Enacted 05APR01AZLicense required. A surety may empower a bail recovery agent to arrest a defendant (ARSA 20-282.10). The bail recovery agent may not enter a residence without permission, nor make an arrest without written authorization from an Arizona licensed bail bondsman, nor wear law enforcement- like apparel. The recovery agent must identify himself as such. Out of state bondsmen must contract for a recovery agent through an Arizona bondsman. Bondsman must report in writing to DOI name of recovery agent. Violation is a class 5 felony. (ARSA 13-3885). A recovery agent must submit to the DOI triennially a new set of fingerprints for a criminal background check. He cannot have been convicted of a felony or an offense using a dangerous weapon. (ARSA 20-323) UCEACALicense required. In September 1999, A 243, the Bail Fugitive Recovery Persons Act, was passed which added section 1299 to the Penal Code. This law provides for the regulation of bail fugitive recovery persons, defined as a person given written authorization by a bail or depositor of bail and contracted to investigate, surveil, locate, and arrest a bail fugitive and any person employed to assist the bail or depositor of bail to do same. The law requires that the bail fugitive recovery person be at least 18 years old and complete 2 power of arrest courses. This law requires that a person authorized to apprehend a bail fugitive notify local law enforcement of his intent to apprehend 6 hours prior. This law prohibits a bail fugitive recovery person from forcibly entering a premises for that purpose except pursuant to certain existing provisions of law governing arrest by a private person. Any person authorized to apprehend a bail fugitive is required to carry certification of completion of required courses and training programs, and shall not wear a badge or law enforcement type apparel, not carry a firearm or weapon except in compliance with state law. Violation of this statute is a misdemeanor. The law remains in effect only until January 1, 2005 subject to another statute deleting or extending that date. (Penal Code, Part 2, Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 5.5, Section 1299 and Insurance Code, Section 1810.7) In addition, a bounty hunter or bond agent who captures a defendant in California must go through extradition procedures to transport him interstate. [CA Penal Code 847.5 (1995 West); Ouzts v Maryland Nat’l http://Ins.Co. 505 F.2d 547 (9th Cir. 1974)]. After an arrest of a defendant on bail, the surety must deliver him to the court or the police within 48 hours if it occurs in California. If it occurs out of state, the surety must deliver the defendant within 48 hours of returning to California. (CA Penal Code 1301). UCEACOA surety with a certified copy of the bond may apprehend the defendant. (CRSA 16-4-108) A surety is prohibited from contracting with a bail recovery person, guilty of a felony within the last 15 years, or who has not been trained in bail recovery practices. A recovery agent must submit fingerprints to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, undergo a background check (12-17-105.5), and receive verification of a certificate of completion of the Peace Office Standards and Training Board (POST) bail recovery course. Bail recovery personnel must also have fingerprints on file with local police or sheriff. (12-7-101 et seq.), UCEACTLicense required. Before apprehending a principal, a professional bondsman (licensed under CT Special and Public Acts, Ch 533), a surety bond agent (licensed under Ch 700f) or a bail enforcement agent (licensed under CGSA Sec 29-152 (f) to (l)) must notify law enforcement of the jurisdiction in which the principal is thought to be (29-152(k)). Under (Sec 29-152 (f) to (l)) bail recovery personnel are not allowed to wear law enforcement-like apparel or badges (29-152(l)), and if firearms are carried a permit is required (29-152(m)). License requires training (20 hours) and background checks. No felony record allowed. Police officers are forbidden from being bounty hunters. Violation is punished by a fine not over $1,000 and/or two years in jail and permanent loss of license (29-152(n)).UCEAH 5726. Clarifies licensing standards, conduct provisions, etc.DCThe District is hostile both to commercial bail and to bounty hunters. A Maryland bail agent recently entered DC to pick up a fugitive and first called for police back up. The police arrested him for possession of a firearm, and let the fugitive go because the warrant in the bondsman’s possession had not been entered into NCIC. (DCCode 23) UCEADEA surety can apprehend and surrender his principal. (X. General provisions. Rule 46.) UCEAH 176 requires bail enforcement agents to have a license & register with Department of Public Safety.FLFree lance bounty hunters banned. Does not allow bounty hunters. Fugitives can only be recovered by those to whom they are bonded out. One cannot make an arrest on an out of state bond unless the person is licensed in the state or the state where the bond was written. Violation of the statute is a 3rd class felony. (Florida Statutes 648.30 (2)(3)). UCEAGAAs of 01 July 1999, in Georgia, arresting agent must be at least 25, possess a Georgia firearms permit (if carrying), be a US citizen, if out of state from a state that has no licensing/training requirements, must contract a Georgia licensed agent, no law enforcement style apparel, must carry ID from bondsman with physical description and bondsman’s signature, notification to local authorities required by phone or fax if pick up is in private home (not required if apprehension is in public). (OCGA 17-6-50 through 58)) UCEAHIThe surety may at any time surrender the principal (HRS 804-14) (HRS (Insurance) 431:1-210) UCEAIALicense required. Bounty hunters must be licensed and notify local police of a defendant’s location before making an arrest. (IA CODE 80A.3). A victim can sue a bail bond agent as well as the bounty hunter for misconduct. (IA CODE 80A.16A) A bounty hunter cannot enter the home of or use force against an innocent third party. (State v McFarland, 598 N.W.2nd 318 (Iowa Ct. App. 1999)). In Iowa, the surety, subject to the limitations of IA CODE 80A, may at any time arrest the defendant at any place in the state and by written authority on a certified copy of the undertaking may empower any person of suitable age and discretion to do so. (IA CODE 811.8) UCEAIDThe surety may at any time arrest the defendant at any place in Idaho (IS 8-111) and by written authority on a certified copy of the undertaking may empower any person of suitable age and discretion to do so. (19-2925) UCEAILBounty hunters banned. Illinois is a state unfriendly to commercial bail. A statute was enacted in 1963 designed to eliminate the commercial bail bond industry. See Schlib v Kuebel, 264 N.E.2nd 377, 380 (Ill. 1970), aff’d 404 U.S. 357 (1971); Ill. Stat. Ch. 725 Sec.s 5/110-7, 5/110-8. “No bail bondsman from any state may seize or transport unwillingly any person found in this State who is allegedly in violation of a bail bond posted in some other state.” Ill. Stat. Ch. 725 Sec. 5/103-9. UCEAINLicense required. A surety, or a person authorized by him with a certified copy of the undertaking, may apprehend a principal in any county in the state (IC 35-1-22-7). Recovery agents must be licensed (IC 27-10-3-1(1997). To obtain a license, recovery agents must be at least 18, a citizen of the US, a resident of IN for at least 6 months, 10 years since a felony conviction, 5 years since a misdemeanor. (IC 27-10-3-5.) They must pass an examination given by the state. (IC 27-10-3-6). Recovery agents must notify the sheriff in their respective locales of their residence (IC 27-10-3-17) and bail bond agents must give the state a list of recovery agents they employ (IC 27-10-3-14). Forcible entry into a private dwelling of a third party to arrest the principal is prohibited (IC 35-33-1-4) (IC 27-10-2-7) Mishler v State, 660 N.E.2nd 343 (Ind App. 1996). UCEAKSThe surety , or a person authorized by the surety, may arrest the defendant to be delivered to the county in which he is charged. (KS 22-2809) UCEAKYBounty hunters banned. No bail bondsman or his agent can arrest, detain, and remove from the state a bail fugitive unless a warrant has been issued for the defendant (KRS 440.270(2)). To get the warrant, a “credible” person has to appear before a judge, the judge has to issue it, and the arrest must be made by a peace officer. Defendant then answers the charge before a judge in the county in which he was arrested (KRS 440.270(1). Kentucky expressly outlaws the commercial bail bond industry. KRS 431.510 (outlawing commercial bail bond industry); See Stephens v Bonding Assoc. Of Kentucky, 538 S. W.2nd 580 (Ky 1976) (upholding statute).UCEA.LALicense required. All recovery agents must be licensed by DOI. There are education requirements to obtain and keep license. Out of state recovery personnel must contract with a bail agent licensed in Louisiana. Recovery personnel required to wear apparel identifying bail bond company during apprehension or surrender in a private residence. For apprehension in a private residence, notification of local law enforcement required. (LAC Title 37, Part XIII, Ch. 49, Reg 65, Sec. 4901 et seq.) UCEAMAThe surety to whose exclusive custody the principal is released has legal control over the principal to ensure his appearance. (MGL Ch 276, Sec. 58, Sec. 68, & Sec. 69) The surety can forcibly enter the dwelling of the principal to apprehend him. (Ch 276, Sec. 68) UCEAH 1481 Bail recovery agents must register with Department of Public Safety prior to a recovery.MDThe surety can surrender the principal. (Rule 4-217, Section (h)(2) and (I)(3)(Annotated Code of MD, Art. 41, Ch.2) UCEAH 912 would require licensing for recovery agents.METhe surety is responsible for the principal’s appearance at all times before the verdict, and the defendant’s compliance with conditions of release (15 MRS 105A-1072). UCEAMIThe surety may arrest the principal and is entitled to the assistance of law enforcement (MCL 765.26). UCEAMNThe surety has the authority and right to arrest the principal (MS 625.18), or cause him to be arrested. He must give notice to the sheriff before apprehension (629.63). UCEAMOThe surety or any person authorized by him may with a copy of the recognizance apprehend the principal in any county of the state. (MRS Title 37, Ch. 544.600) UCEA does not apply in Missouri.S 246 (Sec. 374.782 to 374.789) Bill regulating licensing of bail recovery agents.H 853/S 560 allows recovery agents to carry concealed weaponsMSLicense required. Bail enforcement agents must be licensed and be at least 21 years of age, a resident of MS for at least one year, and have no felony record (MS Code 83-39-3). A surety may before final judgement arrest the principal anywhere or authorize another to do so. (MS Code 99-5-27) A surety, by presenting a certified copy of the bond, can request law enforcement to arrest the principal. The surety must accompany the officer to receive the principal. (99-5-29) UCEAMTThe surety may at any time arrest the defendant or by written authority on a certified copy of the undertaking empower any person of suitable age and discretion to do it. (MCA, 46-9-205 & 510) UCEANCFree lance bounty hunters banned. The surety may take the principal into custody at any time or place or by written authority on a certified copy of the undertaking request any judicial officer to arrest the principal (NCGS Ch 85C-7) ((Insurance) 58-71-25&30, 1-434) or by written authority on a certified copy of the undertaking empower any person over 21 to do so. Bounty hunters can only work for one bonding company (NCGS 58-71-65)[1996] Bondsmen and runners cannot enter the homes of third parties to apprehend a fugitive. (State v Mathis, 509 S.E.2nd 155 (N.C. 1998)) UCEANDA surety may arrest the defendant before the forfeiture of the undertaking, or by written authority on a certified copy of the undertaking, empower a peace officer to make the arrest. (NDCC( Insurance) 26.1-26.6-07) (29-08-20) (NDR Crim. Proc., Rule 46) UCEANEThe surety may at any time before judgment seize the defendant for surrender to the sheriff of the county in question. (NS 29-906) UCEANHRecovery agents must be trained and certified through a program approved by the Professional Bail Agents of the US, and register with the Secretary of State who will issue proof of registration. Bail agency must have at least $300,000 in liability insurance for recovery activities, and recovery agents acting as independent contractors must have liability of insurance of at least $300,000. A surety or bail fugitive recovery agent must notify local law enforcement of the jurisdiction in which the recovery is to be made. (NRS 597:7-b) UCEAH 657 Prohibits convicted felons from being a recovery agents.NJSurety can make a civil arrest of the defendant but the defendant must have the same rights and protections as if arrested on a criminal charge. The return of the defendant must be made within 20 days after the action is taken by the court against the surety for non appearance of the principal (NJPS 2A:15-47). UCEANMThe surety may at any time apprehend the defendant and return him to the sheriff of the county of jurisdiction along with a certified copy of the order admitting the defendant to bail and a certified copy of the bond. (NMSA 31-3-3) The bondsman’s authority to arrest a principal does not absolve him of criminal responsibility for armed, unauthorized forcible entry into a third party’s residence. (NMSA 31-4-14) UCEANVLicense required. Since 1997, one must use a bail enforcement agent licensed in Nevada for recovery operations (NRS 697 et seq.). Fugitive recovery can also be done by the bail bond agent (even one from out of state) who bonded out the defendant (NRS 178.526). Qualifications for a bail recovery agent license (NRS 697.173) are: be 21 years of age, high school or GED diploma, pass drug test 30 before application, pass a written exam, an exam by a Nevada licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, no felony, moral turpitude, or drug convictions, and 80 hours of training (NRS 697.177). After making an arrest, the bail enforcement agent must notify the local law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction in which the defendant was apprehended of his identity, the identity of the defendant, and where the defendant is being taken to be surrendered. Before forcibly entering an inhabited dwelling, a bail enforcement agent must notify local law enforcement (NRS 697-325). UCEANYAt any time a surety may take a principal into custody at any place in the state and by written authority on a certified copy of the bail bond may empower any person over 20 to do so. (Crim. Proc. Title P, Div, 3, art. 530.80 & 540) UCEAA 1432 (enacted 21 NOV 00)and S 4719 Provide for licensing of bail enforcement.OHThe surety may at anytime or place arrest the defendant or by written authority on a certified copy of the bond empower any person of suitable age and discretion to do so ( ORSA 2713-22) UCEAH 730 provides for the regulation of bail recovery operations. Enacted 05JAN01OKA surety may at any time and place in the state arrest his principal, or by written authority on a certified copy of the undertaking, empower another of suitable age and discretion to do so. (OK S, Title 39.1328 & 1329) (Crim. Proc. 1107). Out of state bounty hunter or bond agent must be accompanied by peace officer or licensed Oklahoma bond agent when seeking to apprehend a fugitive (OK S 1750.14). UCEAH 1786/S 445 Regulates bail recovery agentsORBounty hunters banned. Oregon is another state outlawing commercial bail. Defendant can only be released from custody on conditional release, deposit bond, or his own recognizance (i.e., no surety bonds). Arrest by a private party is regulated by ORS 133.225. In State v Epps, 585 P.2nd 425 (Or. 1978), the Oregon Supreme Court abolished the broad common law rights of bounty hunters and bond agents, and applied the UCEA to bounty hunters seeking to take defendants over state lines. ORS, Title 56, Ch 731 for insurance. UCEAPAThe surety upon receiving a bail piece from the court may apprehend the defendant wherever and whenever found (Rules of Crim. Proc. Ch 4016). A bondsman has a right to pursue and arrest the principal in another state. (Key#80 of Penn Digest 2d CA Pa 1971) UCEARIThe surety at any time can surrender his principal to the court or magistrate of jurisdiction. (RIC 12-13-18) UCEASCFree lance bounty hunters banned. The surety may at any time and place arrest the principal, or by written authority of a certified copy of the undertaking, empower anyone of suitable age and discretion to do so. (South Carolina Code of laws, Civil Remedies and Procedures 15-17-740) ((Insurance) 38-53-50 & 60) UCEA does not apply in South Carolina.SDLicence required. A surety may arrest a defendant who violates the conditions of his release (SDCL 23A-43-29) ((Insurance) 58-22-1 thru 48). A bail runner must be licensed, and have no felony record (SDCL 58-22-12, 58-22-13) must submit fingerprints (58-22-16) and must pass a written examination. A bond agent must notify the state of the runners they employ (SDCL 58-22-27, 58-22-52). Out of state bail agent or runner must notify local law enforcement where he intends to conduct activities, and present evidence of an out of state license. If he has no license, he cannot conduct search and arrest activities. (58-22-51). UCEATNA bounty hunter cannot have a criminal record, must notify the local police of defendant’s location, and present to the police a copy of the warrant, a copy of the bond, and evidence that the bounty hunter has been hired by the bond agent. (TC 40-11-3). The surety may arrest the defendant on a certified copy of the undertaking in any place in the state and by written authority on such a copy empower another to make the arrest (TC 40-11-133) The surety is also entitled to the assistance of the sheriff of any county to make the arrest. The certified copy of the undertaking must be exhibited to the principal upon arrest. (40-11-134) UCEAS 221 Bondsman liable for damage if address is wrong.TXThe surety can apprehend and surrender the accused at any time. (TS 17.16 (282)(330)(318) also the surety can obtain a warrant to arrest the principal which warrant can be acted upon by a peace officer, security officer, or private investigator licensed in Texas (17.19). A judicial warrant is required to arrest with force (TS 17.19 [Vernon 1977]); see Austin v State 541 S.W.2d 162 (Tex. Cr. App. 1976). UCEAH 1848 Only a licensed PI or the bail bond surety can do recovery work.UTLicense required. The surety may arrest the defendant at any time or place in the state. Surrender of the defendant to a peace officer must be accompanied by a duplicate copies of a certified copy of the undertaking. (UC 77-20-8) Bail enforcement agents shall be licensed (53-11-107), be 21 years old, a citizen or legal resident of the US, pass a state background check, complete training, and perform minimum time in the field as an apprentice, a bond agent, or a law enforcement officer. (UC 53-11-108 et seq.). Bail enforcement agents shall identify themselves as such (53-11-122) and not wear law enforcement-like apparel or badges (53-11-121). They shall notify local law enforcement not less than 24 hours before action is taken, when an occupied structure is to entered for arrest, and must carry written documentation as a cause of action (53-11-123). A bond company from outside Utah may hire, under contract, a licensed recovery agent for any needed apprehension within Utah. UCEAVAA surety may at any time arrest his principal and surrender him to the court in question. (Code of Virginia 19.2-149) UCEAH 582/H 2569. Regulates bail fugitive recovery.VTSurety presents a bail piece to a justice of the peace who issues a warrant directing any sheriff or constable in the state to assist the surety in apprehension of the principal. (VS Ch 125, Sec. 3477 and 3484) Also, a surety may arrest and surrender his principal at any time either personally or by agent (Ch 229, Sec. 7562) UCEAWASurety may return defendant to custody. (RCW 10.19.160)Licensing of bail bond agents. (18.185) UCEAH1482. Similar to CA requirements.WIBounty hunters banned. The surety may arrest the principal or by written authority on a certified copy of the bond, empower another to do so. (WS 818.21)(969.14) But WS 969.12 provides that no surety can be compensated for serving as a surety, effectively eliminating the commercial bond market. See Kahn v McCormack, 299 N.W.2nd 279 (Ct. App. 1980)(upholding constitutionality of statute and stating that the purpose of the law is to eliminate the commercial bond industry). UCEAWVLicense required. All “bail bond enforcers” must register with the West Virginia state police. That registration must: (1) identify at least one bail agent for whom the enforcer is authorized to act, (2) include written authorization from that bonding agent, (3) include the enforcer’s certified fingerprints, and (4) include one photograph. To register, an enforcer must be at least 21 years of age, a citizen of the US, and have no felony convictions. A bonding agent can grant an ongoing 2-year authorization to an enforcer who is a West Virginia citizen to seek all defendants for whom the bonding agent acts as surety. The bonding agent otherwise can grant a 60-day authorization to an enforcer, in which case the enforcer must notify the state police of the time and place of any proposed actions, and if the enforcer is not a state resident, he also must notify the police the date he will enter the state. Out of state bounty hunters must abide by the same requirements of in-state (including written authorization from a in-state bail agent). An enforcer is to be considered the legal agent of the bail agent. An enforcer cannot: (1) enter an occupied residential structure (i.e. house or apartment) without the consent of the occupants who are then present, (2) arrest a defendant without written authorization from the bondsman, (3) wear or carry any uniform or badge that implies that the enforcer is a state agent or employee (but “may display identification that indicates his or her status as a bail bond enforcer only”), and (4) must exercise due care to protect the safety of third parties. WV H 4481 (Enacted, April 4, 2000)(WVC 51-10A, 56-3-34)WYThe surety may arrest the principal or by written authority on a certified copy of the bond, empower another to do so. (Rules of Crim. Proc., Rule 46) UCEA

Why do some people call Donald Trump a liar?

Because he lies frequently and consistently.For example, in December of 2015, Politifact had rated that 76% of 77 statements Donald Trump had said were graded as Mostly False, False and Pants on Fire.2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatementsIn March of 2016, The Washington Post says:“about 64 percent (59 of 92) of our rulings of his statements turned out to be Four Pinocchios, our worst rating. By contrast, most politicians tend to earn Four Pinocchios 10 to 20 percent of the time,”In the same article, The Washington Post went on further to say:“Since Trump never takes anything back — and often repeats the same false claims — voters are likely to hear these time and again during the campaign season.”All of Donald Trump’s Four-Pinocchio ratings, in one placeTime wrote the following in the bullet points on March, 23 2017 regarding Trump’s pattern of deception in general, referencing a phone interview with him two days after Comey’s hearing:The more the conversation continued, the more the binary distinctions between truth and falsehood blurred, the telltale sign of a veteran and strategic misleader who knows enough to leave himself an escape route when he tosses a bomb.Rather than assert things outright, he often couches provocative statements as "beliefs," or attributes them to unnamed "very smart people."During the campaign, he claimed falsely that Texas Senator Ted Cruz's father had consorted with the assassin who killed John F. Kennedy.Now as President, Trump argued that he had done nothing wrong by spreading the fiction, since it had been printed in the National Enquirer, a tabloid famous for its unconventional editorial standards."Why do you say that I have to apologize?" he asked. "I am just quoting the newspaper." He appeared to do it again, when he repeated the accusation of a Fox News contributor, Andrew Napolitano, who claimed his network was told by three former intelligence officials that Obama had asked the British to surveil Trump's campaign.Fox News repudiated the claim, the pundit vanished from the airwaves, the British called the accusation "ridiculous," and the head of the U.S. National Security Agency said it would not have happened under his watch.And yet Trump did not back down. "I have a lot of respect for Judge Napolitano," he said. "I don't know where he has gone with it since then."For years, we have known Trump colored outside the lines of what was actually real because he told us. As a businessman, Trump wrote in praise of strategic falsehood, or "truthful hyperbole," as he preferred to call it.Sometimes his whoppers were clumsy, the apparent result of being ill informed or promiscuous in his sources. Sometimes he exaggerated to get a rise out of his audience.But often Trump's untruths give every sign of being deliberate and thought through.Trump recently bragged about a drop in the Labor Department jobless rate--after calling the same statistic "phony" when it signaled improvement under Obama.Trump explained the contradiction through his spokesman with a quip: "They may have been phony in the past, but it's very real now."He entered national politics in 2011 peddling the incredible theory that Obama might have been born in Africa--and therefore constitutionally barred from the presidency.In those days Trump was widely dismissed as a reckless self-promoter, though he clung to his story for five years, using it to get television bookings and newspaper coverage, before surrendering it with a shrug.Looking back, it's striking to see a future President testing the waters by charging the elected incumbent with fraud and illegitimacy without introducing a shred of evidence.Trump's alternative reality is dark, divisive and pessimistic, and it tends to position him and his supporters as heroic victims of injustice.Despite this--or maybe because of it--his reckless assertions are weapons that often work.He commandeers the traditional news cycle and makes visceral connections with voters.By taking on Obama over his birth certificate, Trump charmed a right-wing constituency and ratcheted himself to the level of White House--ready.By scorning good manners to attack border crossers and Muslims, Trump showed solidarity with the politically incorrect and advertised his iconoclasm.By flouting fact-checkers and making journalists his enemy, he is driving home the theme that his turbulent presidency is a struggle to the death with a despised Washington elite.Trump has discovered something about epistemology in the 21st century.The truth may be real, but falsehood often works better.It is for this same reason that Russia deployed paid Internet trolls in the 2016 campaign, according to U.S. investigators, repeatedly promoting lies on U.S. social networks to muddy the debate.In the radical democracy of social media, even the retweets of outraged truth squadders has the effect of rebroadcasting false messages. Controversy elevates message. And it keeps the President on offense."These big falsehoods are different," explains Bill Adair, who created PolitiFact, the fact-checking journalistic site that won a Pulitzer Prize. "They are like a neutron bomb. They just take over the discussion and obliterate a lot of other things that we should be discussing."Since winning the White House, Trump has employed this weapon at specific times, often when he is losing control of the national story line.He pulled the trigger on Nov. 27, a day after Clinton's vanquished campaign agreed to join in a recount of votes in Wisconsin. Over the course of that day, Trump sent out 11 tweets, averaging 18,440 retweets, expressing his outrage over the situation.But the two most widely read and shared, by wide margins, were the false ones.His incorrect claim that he had won the popular vote "if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally" was retweeted more than 53,000 times.His unsupported allegation of "serious voter fraud" in three states that he lost was forwarded more than 31,000 times.The virtual world far prefers the outrageous, the new, the controversial to the normal routine of reason and verification. And so does the world of news. Television and print reporters rushed to examine the President-elect's sensational statements, thus spreading them further.TIME reviewed the 298 tweets Trump has sent since being elected President as of March 21.Fifteen included clear falsehoods, like the wiretap claims.The false messages were retweeted an average of 28,550 times.Those that were not clearly false were retweeted on average 23,945 times.The viral effect of falsehood being repeated on the news was many times more pronounced.For Trump's allies, this is a measure of strategic brilliance, not defective character. "He understands how to make something an issue and elevate the discussion by saying things that are contrary, perhaps even unproved," explains Roger Stone, a former adviser to Trump, who has his own penchant for spreading false conspiracy theories. "He has the ability to change the subject to what he wants to talk about."The night before his wiretap maneuver had been a trying one for Trump's young White House, according to aides.It was a Friday, and the President was frustrated that his widely praised address to Congress on Tuesday had been overtaken by darker news.Revelations of previously denied contacts between Attorney General Jeff Sessions and a Russian official had led Sessions to recuse himself from any probe of Russian election interference.The LexisNexis database registered 509 stories or news transcripts referring to some aspect of the story.Aides later said Trump latched on to an online article by a conservative talk-show host, who assembled previously published media reports into a speculative indictment of Obama.Whether Trump was persuaded by the theory or simply looking for something explosive to change the story line, he knew he had found dynamite."There is one page in the Trump White House crisis-management playbook," argued Obama's former White House spokesman Josh Earnest two days later. "And that is simply to tweet or say something outrageous to distract from a scandal."It worked. His tweet replaced the Russian story at the top of the news, generating 514 stories that Sunday.Trump is by no means the first to use diversion and distortion as a political weapon…Trump took this occasional tool and made it a favorite weapon."Politicians typically care not just how the public cares about them but about how elites care about them," explained Dartmouth's Brendan Nyhan, one of the authors of the study. "Trump doesn't care."Indeed, even exit polls on Election Day found that 65% of voters--including 28% of his own voters--said that he isn't "honest and trustworthy." Yet that hasn't stopped his rise.Can President Trump Handle the TruthIn Trump’s own words:"People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion.”Trump wrote in his 1987 best-seller, The Art of the Deal"People maybe call me out, but they turn out to be wrong, also. And many of the things I've said -- and I think just about all of them -- they may have been controversial at one point, George, but they're not controversial in the end, because people start to say, you know, Trump's actually right."Trump when confronted about his lies2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatementsPolitifact said that they fact checked Donald Trump 13 times before his 2016 run, below is one example:Trump claimed that people who went to school with Obama "never saw him." We rated that Pants on Fire, because many journalists had found and interviewed Obama’s college friends.Politifact gives multiple examples of Trumps frequent and consistent lies during his campaign in the following bullet points:"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," he said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering." Pants on Fire. There is no video of thousands of people in Jersey City cheering. Weeks later, Trump continues to stand by his claim but has not been able to point to evidence to back it up. Public safety officials on the ground in New Jersey say it never happened."The Mexican government ... they send the bad ones over." Pants on Fire. There’s no evidence to show the Mexican government encourages criminals to cross the border. Most illegal immigration comes from people seeking work. Recent estimates show illegal immigration from Mexico dropped off dramatically during the recession and has remained low."Whites killed by whites — 16%. Whites killed by blacks — 81%," said an image he shared on Twitter. Pants on Fire. Most people are killed by someone they know, and someone of the same race. The correct number for whites killed by whites was 82 percent in 2014, while the number of whites killed by blacks was 15 percent."If you're from Syria and you're a Christian, you cannot come into this country, and they're the ones that are being decimated. If you are Islamic ... it's hard to believe, you can come in so easily, in fact, it's one of our main groups of people that are coming in." This is wrong on its face -- Syrian Christians have been admitted as refugees in recent months. There’s nothing in U.S. law or regulation that discriminates against Christian refugees. We rated the claim False.Megyn Kelly as Trump questions about his comments regarding women at the first Republican debate on Aug. 6, "You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals…Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on The Celebrity Apprentice it would be a ‘pretty picture’ to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president? And how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the 'war on women'?"Trump dismissed her question.Later, Trump said its premise was wrong, "Well, some of the things that she said, I didn't say, okay?" Trump said when asked about it by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. "And she went through a whole list. And this is a hell of a first question, by the way."Actually, Trump said exactly what Kelly mentioned, and it’s clearly documented. We rated his denial False."The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product … was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It’s never below zero." Pants on Fire. The gross domestic product was not "zero," and the growth in the gross domestic product has been below zero 42 times over 68 years.Sept. 28: The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent." Pants on Fire. The highest alternative unemployment-rate measure we could come up with that had any credibility was 14.8 percent.Nov. 17: The federal government is sending Syrian refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats." Pants on Fire. Refugees are in fact sent to states with Democratic governors.Politifact quotes a professor in an article regarding Trumps lies:Trump has "perfected the outrageous untruth as a campaign tool. He makes a clearly false or even absurdly false claim, which draws the attention of the media. He then rides that wave until it comes time to call up another one." - said Michael LaBossiere, a philosophy professor at Florida A&M University who studies theories of knowledge2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatementsNewsweek looks into an example of Trump’s lies by analyzing Comey’s hearing:FBI director told the American public that there is an ongoing counterintelligence investigation looking into whether the president’s campaign coordinated with a foreign government’s interference in the election.But the hearing couldn’t focus on this bombshell alone.In addition to Republican members steering the conversation toward the problem of leakers, the committee also had to deal with Trump’s evidence-free claim, which he issued in a series of tweets, that President Barack Obama had Trump “wires tapped” during the campaign.Both the chairman and the ranking member addressed the issue in their opening statements.And in a line that we may be hearing again (and again), Comey said, “I have no information that supports those tweets.”Since Trump first tweeted his baseless charge on March 4, members of Congress have had to respond to it, reporters have had to write about it, and, behind the scenes, the Justice Department has had to figure out how on earth it was going to deal with it.At the end of all of this scrambling, nothing has changed: It’s still not true.But it’s taken so much effort to arrive back at the very place where we started: a baseline grasp of reality.Whether it’s eating up valuable minutes of a congressional hearing (when oversight of real wrongdoing should be taking place) or forcing journalists to run it down versus working on another story, there are real costs to Trump’s circuitry of lies.Trump’s lies are halfway round the world before truth puts its pants on | OpinionThe New York Times said:Among many other things—Obama’s birthplace, John F. Kennedy’s assassination, September 11, the Iraq War, ISIS, NATO, military veterans, Mexican immigrants, Muslim immigrants, anti-Semitic attacks, the unemployment rate, the murder rate, the Electoral College, voter fraud and his groping of women.All the President’s LiesThe Wall Street Journal ’s said:“The President clings to his assertion like a drunk to an empty gin bottle, rolling out his press spokesman to make more dubious claims.”Trump’s lies are halfway round the world before truth puts its pants onLie:a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.something intended or serving to convey a false impression;imposture:an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.the definition of lieInstead of including all three of the above statements, people that support Trump focus on only the part that says deliberate or intended instead of the general consensus of the three points.How lies are used:Lies are self serving.Lies may be employed to serve a variety of instrumental, interpersonal, or psychological functions for the individuals who use them.In certain situations, lying is permitted, expected, or even encouraged.LieTypes of Lies, as listed by Wikipedia, that Trump, and his base, routinely fall under in my opinion:Bad faith:"bad faith" is lying to oneself.Specifically, it is failing to acknowledge one's own ability to act and determine one's possibilities, falling back on the determinations of the various historical and current totalizations which have produced one as if they relieved one of one's freedom to do so.Barefaced/Boldfaced lie:A barefaced (or bald-faced) lie is one that is obviously a lie to those hearing it.Big lie:A lie which attempts to trick the victim into believing something major which will likely be contradicted by some information the victim already possesses, or by their common sense.When the lie is of sufficient magnitude it may succeed, due to the victim's reluctance to believe that an untruth on such a grand scale would indeed be concocted.Bullshit:Bullshit does not necessarily have to be a complete fabrication.While a lie is related by a speaker who believes what is said is false, bullshit is offered by a speaker who does not care whether what is said is true because the speaker is more concerned with giving the hearer some impression.Thus bullshit may be either true or false, but demonstrates a lack of concern for the truth which is likely to lead to falsehoods.Contextual lie:One can state part of the truth out of context, knowing that without complete information, it gives a false impression.Likewise, one can actually state accurate facts, yet deceive with them.Cover-up:A cover-up may be used to deny, defend or obfuscate one's own (or one's allies or group's) errors, one's embarrassing actions or lifestyle, and/or one's lie(s) that they made previously.One may deny a lie made on a previous occasion, or one may alternatively claim that a previous lie was not as egregious as it actually was.For example, to claim that a premeditated lie was really "only" an emergency lie, or to claim that a self-serving lie was really "only" a white lie or noble lie.Deception:Deception is the act of propagating beliefs in things that are not true, or not the whole truth (as in half-truths or lying by omission).Deception can involve dissimulation, propaganda, and sleight of hand, as well as distraction, camouflage, or concealment.Defamation:Is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation. Other various kinds of defamation retaliate against groundless criticism.Deflecting:Avoiding the subject that the lie is about, not giving attention to the lie. When attention is given to the subject the lie is based around, deflectors ignore or refuse to respond.Skillful deflectors are passive-aggressive people, who when confronted with the subject choose to ignore and not respond.Disinformation:Disinformation is intentionally false or misleading information that is spread in a calculated way to deceive target audiences.Economical with the truthIt describes a careful use of facts so as not to reveal too much information, as in "speaking carefully".Exaggeration:An exaggeration occurs when the most fundamental aspects of a statement are true, but only to a certain degree - "stretching the truth" or making something appear more powerful, meaningful, or real than it actually is.An exaggeration might be easily found or described as a hyperboleFabrication:A fabrication is a lie told when someone submits a statement as truth, without knowing for certain whether or not it actually is true- Although the statement may be possible or plausible, it is not based on fact. Rather, it is something made up, or it is a misrepresentation of the truth.Half-truth:A half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth.The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may employ some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade, blame or misrepresent the truth.Lying by omission:Also known as a continuing misrepresentation, lying by omission occurs when an important fact is left out in order to foster a misconception.Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre-existing misconceptions.Minimisation:Minimization is the opposite of exaggeration. It is a type of deception involving denial coupled with rationalization in situations where complete denial is implausible.Misleading and dissemblingA misleading statement is one where there is no outright lie, but still retains the purpose of getting someone to believe in an untruth.Pathological lie:In psychiatry, pathological lying (also called compulsive lying, pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth, being unaware that they are relating fantasies.Speaking with forked tongue:The phrase "speaking with a forked tongue" means to deliberately say one thing and mean another or, to be hypocritical, or act in a duplicitous manner.Weasel word:Words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that a specific and/or meaningful statement has been made, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated, enabling the specific meaning to be denied if the statement is challenged.A more formal term is equivocation.I also believe that Trump is gaslighting America as a whole.Gaslighting: a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.GaslightingPeople who gaslight typically use the following techniques, as told by Dr. Sarkis, a Nationally Certified Counselor and Licensed Mental Health Counselor:1. They tell blatant lies.2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.3. They make constant personal attacks.They attack the foundation of other’s - their very being.4. They exhaust others to their verbal abuses over time.5. They know confusion weakens people.Gaslighters know that people like having a sense of stability and normalcy.Their goal is to uproot this and make you constantly question everything. Humans' natural tendency is to look to the person or entity that will help you feel more stable—and that happens to be the gaslighter.8. They project.They aren’t the liar, you are. They aren’t corrupt, the media is, etc.This is done so often that you start trying to defend yourself, and are distracted from the gaslighter's own behavior.9. They try to align people against others constantly.Gaslighters are masters at manipulating.To weaken their real, perceived or temporary enemies, they find the people they know will stand by them no matter what—and they use these people against you.They will make comments such as, "This person knows that you're not right," or "This person knows you're useless too."Keep in mind it does not mean that these people actually said these things.A gaslighter is a constant liar.When the gaslighter uses this tactic it makes you feel like you don't know who to trust or turn to—and that leads you right back to the gaslighter.And that's exactly what they want: Isolation gives them more control. For example, Trump’s attempts to ostracize the media.10. They tell others that their perceived enemies are “crazy”.This is one of the most effective tools of the gaslighter, because it's dismissive.The gaslighter knows if they question your sanity, people will not believe you when you tell them the gaslighter is abusive or out-of-control. It's a master technique.11. They tell consistently say everyone else is a liar but them.By telling saying everyone else (your family, the media) is a liar, it again makes people question their reality.It's a manipulation technique.It makes people turn to the gaslighter for the "correct" information—which isn't correct information at all.Gaslighting: Know It and Identify ItIn another article, Dr. Sarkis emphasizes on whether there is awareness from the gaslighters regarding their gaslighting:Some do know what they are gaslightingSome actually study the technique by reading things about cult leaders or dictators.Some learned gaslightingIn many cases, their own parents.Some come by it naturallyPerson who has a personality disorder such as antisocial personality disorder, are born with an insatiable need to control others and a deep-seated anxiety.Some just like controlling othersGalighting gives some a sense of control in their own lives by making others depend on them.Others have an authoritarian personality.A person with an authoritarian personality tends to think in absolutes: Things are 100 percent right or 100 percent wrong.When a gaslighter thinks that they are not the problem and everyone else is, this is called having an ego-syntonic personality.Ego-syntonic, or narcissitic gaslighters believe nothing is wrong with them.Those that aren’t completely aware of their gaslightingStill use gaslighting to get what they wantThe gaslighter also gets a “boost” when there are no checks and balances in place—no one holding them accountable for their behavior.If a gaslighter is not aware of their manipulative behavior, that does not make it acceptable—it is still pathological, and it is still their responsibility. For gaslighters who have read up on this behavior or were taught it, of course, the same rule applies.Are Gaslighters Aware of What They Do?Some people may actually think Trump is not lying. Others know he is but won’t admit it.For those that think Trump is not a habitual liar, or claim his lies aren’t lies, their subjective understanding gets in the way since meanings are in people, not necessarily in words.The Denotation of a word: its objective definitionThe Connotation of a word: its subjective or emotional meaningPeople can mistake the existence of a lie based on their subjective understanding of what was said, not what is taken from a statement objectively.Another theory I have regarding why some refuse to condemn or admit that Trump lies would be blue lies.University of Toronto psychologist Kang Lee, says the following about blue lies:“You can tell a blue lie against another group. For example, you can lie about your team’s cheating in a game, which is antisocial, but helps your team.”According to a study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine:Blue Lies: a pervasive form of lying in the adult world that is told purportedly to benefit a collective. People’s social behaviors are strongly influenced by social situational factors, which may also be the driving force for adults’ decisions to tell blue lies. In other words, blue lies are a unique product of an individual’s attempt to meet the complex demands of the adult society. As a result, many endorse others telling blue lies as well as telling them themselves.This research seemed to develop the following conclusions about blue lies:White Lies: drive people together.Black lies: drive people apartBlue Lies: drive some people together as well as drive others aparthttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2570108/In the peer reviewed journal, Advances in Political Psychology, D.J. Flynn and Brendan Nyhan of Dartmouth College and Jason Reifler, essentially summarize everything known about “false and unsupported beliefs about politics.”Their findings are in the following bullet points:The teller of a lie is important.If the source of the lies looks like the people hearing the lies, they are more likely to believe them. In reference to Trump, this explains his unwavering support with white conservative men.Blue lies suggest what our prejudices areSome blue lies, like Trump’s, and the acceptance of them by certain groups, suggests predisposition to hate and dehumanization of outsiders, and tendencies to self delude.Trump’s lies are useful tools for him and his baseThese types of lies are designed to be a racial “us-against-them” narrativeThis makes people think they are the “real America”, and others are notPeople are more likely to believe things that “originate from ideologically sympathetic sources,” or whatever source furthers their implicit biasesThe Nature and Origins of Misperceptions: Understanding False and Unsupported Beliefs About Politics

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