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What are good marketing strategies for a small business?

Any business that serves customers locally needs to be on Google My Business (GMB). It offers the greatest impact for brands seeking local exposure.Google My Business is, without a doubt, a market pioneer when it comes to empowering small businesses and enables them to connect with their customers directly.If you think that was impressive, wait until you hear this:84% of consumers turn to search engines to find out information for a local purchase and much of that information comes from a company’s GMB listing.Customers who find a brand through their Google My Business listing are up to 50% more likely to make a purchase.According to Google research data - “businesses which continuously keep updating photos on their listings tend to receive 42% more requests for directions on Google Maps. They also get 35% more clicks through to their websitesAnd despite these advantages, 56% of local stores are yet to claim their local listing on Google.The above trend suggests that more consumers are looking for local businesses. So, if you haven’t optimized your business for Google local search, you are failing to take advantage of this significant opportunity.Well, We have put together all the resources you need to tap into this incredible marketing potential.Use this guide to ensure you’ve completed your Google My Business listing correctly, and optimized all possible facets of the tool to get the most leverage for your business on Google and third-party platforms that use the Google Maps API to generate location information for users.Introducing....Google My Business 2.0 Training GuideDiscover how to master google my business and leverage it to grow your online business brand!Would you like to expand your local search marketing strategy with a powerful, free marketing tool that has the potential to funnel dozens, if not hundreds, of customers to your website or front doors?Finding a local business that fits your needs is remarkably easy this day and age, thanks to the information provided by Google’s free tool: Google My Business (GMB). GMB has proven itself to be an essential tool in local SEO for small and big businesses alike.Perfectly created GMB listings answer the right questions for the overwhelmed customers as they start searching for options. And this is why: 80% of smartphone users are more likely to purchase from companies whose sites/apps help them easily find answers to their questions.A visibly unique and informative GMB listing can draw the attention of a large number of customers towards your website and ultimately increase your brand awareness.So, here we are with our Awesome Google My Business 2.0 training guide which covers:• How to get Started with creating and claiming your GMB account• How can you improving Local SEO and how it affects your Company’s GMB Page Rankings• In what ways you can Improve Google Places Page Ranking• What are the important things you might not know about Google My Business categories• How Can Restaurants Use Google My Business For Menu Listing & Local Posts and rank higher in local SEO.And much more!

What are some examples of great marketing?

Getting 100 Mbps unlimited high speed internet for free !! Yes completely free !!It’s still difficult for me to believe it as I am writing this answer on a 100 Mbps connection with a cap of 100 Gb (after the offer). I get a free router and with refundable deposit and free unlimited internet till the company makes upto 80% coverage in my city. So I will be using free internet like 6 to 9 months. Before I go in detail on optical fiber internet and secret of the success, let me give a small recap story.It is 5th September 2016. The day goes on as usual in India. People are paying 300–400 rupees (around 6 dollars ) for a GB of internet per month. It is on this day the company has decided to make its product public. After a lot of preparations, pouring a lot of investments and creating a plan, “the master plan” which the world has yet to witness, the company made its product public. And this company is Reliance Jio, the brainchild of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani.At the time when 4G internet was struggling to penetrate in India due to its exorbitant cost, jio decided to provide 4G sim cards free to the public and enjoy free unlimited internet and calls for first 3 months which was later extended to a year due to huge customer interests. Once free plan is done, customers were charged 349 (5 dollars) rupees per 3 months to get 1 GB/day and unlimited calling. This is the cheapest internet plan anywhere in the world which gave run for money to its competitors. From this jio has increased its customer base from nothing to 250 million in just 25 months. Now jio holds 2nd largest market share in india with 27.8%.Now in 2019, they are going to replicate similar success in optical fiber internet but with a small twist.Once the free usage is done, JIO is going to charge 600 rupees (8.71 dollars) for 100 Mbps connection and 100 Gb cap. Along with this they will provide a landline connection with free calling as will as ipTV with all channels included !! Most of the Indians uses either cable tv or DTH connections ( satellite TV ). But Jio is the first connection to offer ipTV. For those who don’t know what ip tv is,this is nothing but transmission of programs through optical fiber connections same way the internet is transmitted. The tv channels will go through local servers ( nothing but large storage devices) and transmitted to the users same way how internet is transmitted.People were paying 300 to 400 rupees for cable TV, 200 rupees for landline phone bill, 500 to 1000 rupees for 8 Mbps broadband with 40 Gb data limit. That’s around 1500 rupees (around 22 dollars). Now all services will be given for just 600 rupees per month !!!The secret of Success: From the pay-pal, times when they increased the customer base during silicon valley revolution to present day food delivery startups like Zomato, Swiggy and wallets/online companies like PayTm, PhonePe, Google Pay, all have one thing in common. It is giving money for free to buy the customers, give good services and retain the customers. Lot of offers and discounts are given for ordering from their app. But nothing was done on this scale as Mukesh Ambani’s Relaince JIO did. He jumped in one of the most difficult market to penetrate since it is dominated by big players and gave everything for free and cheap to get the share in customer base. Once done retain the customers with good service and wallah !!! All the customers are yours. He poached the customers from big players for himself.This is by far one of the greatest marketing expansion I have come across in recent years and almost no other country in the world enjoys 1 gb/ day internet and 100 Mbps internet at such a low cost. And JIO is expanding to tier 2 and tier 3 cities of India which means there is going to impact Indian average internet speed rankings.Source of images: My phone and last one hereReferences:Reliance Jio records 250 mn subscribers in 25 months, Q2 data consumption peaks at 771 crore GBJio - WikipediaJio is now second-largest telecom operator in India, leads overall broadband sector by 55 per cent market share

What are some of the best marketing practices for startups?

Here are a few things my start up is doing to acquire users and increase our website traffic.Try Facebook Advertising: would highly recommend. We have had more success with FB ads then we have had using either Google or Linkedin’s service. FB allows for you to upload spreadsheets of customer profiles to specifically tailor audiences based on your existing user base. They also give an extremely extensive range of demographics to choose from- from location, title, industry- to even the type of browsers you want your user to be using! The degree to which you can customize your target for ads is staggering, which in part is why FB advertising can be extremely beneficial for a new start up. If you can find great ways to showcase your start up using screens, images, and a solid pitch you can get a lot of eyeballs to your page regardless of how small your budget is. Here’s a great guide we used for creating engaging FB ads.Get Listed on Online Directories. For a new start-up, try getting yourself listed on platforms where people are actively going to find alternatives, like or Capterra for example. To maximize your impact with this strategy, you can double check how much traffic these sites get using a tool like similar web.Be Featured in local/digital press: Create a solid pitch, and try first testing it out with your local press. In many places they are always looking for stories to share about unique companies being built in the area, so we were able to get a lot of early traction and users following this strategy. If you can create a pitch to pique the interest of your local press, you will be able to gauge how to better tailor it to larger, digital outlets. There are plenty of smaller digital press outlets now a days that cover start ups (we found a lot on twitter) proposition a few with your best pitch and see what happens.Referrals: Come up with a series of really awesome incentives that you can give out to your existing user base to entice them to spread the word about your service. Treat your oldest users well and you would be amazed at how much traction you can get from creating internal champions.Mimic what your competitors are doing: Using a tool like similar web you can see the top referring domains for your competition. See where they’re getting their website traffic from, and try and emulate a few of their strategies.Create original, shareable content to increase website SEO.Find out where people are going to find solutions like yours! Quora is a good start. Answering related questions on Quora has helped us gain a lot of high quality traffic to our site. We increased our site traffic when we began to answer Quora questions consistently, and the visitors to our site were not only more engaged, but more likely to sign up. (Great comment suggestion by Peter)Hope this helps!

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Justin Miller