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How do interventionists explain the outcomes of more liberal policies?

You mean the enormous successes of things like:1. The 40-hour work week.2. Weekends3. Vacations4. Women’s Rights5. The Civil Rights Act of 19646. The right of people of all colors to public accommodation7. Public schools8. Child-labor laws9. The right to unionize10. Health care benefits11. National Parks12. National Forests13. Interstate Highway System14. GI Bill15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights16. Marshall Plan17. FDA18. Direct election of Senators by the people19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws20. Social Security21. NASA22. The Office of Congressional Ethics, Created in 200823. The Internet24. National Weather Service25. Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws26. Rural Electrification/Tennessee Valley Authority27. Morrill Land Grant Act28. Public Universities29. Bank Deposit Insurance30. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention31. Consumer Product Safety Commission32. Public Broadcasting/Educational Television33. Americans With Disabilities Act34. Family and Medical Leave Act35. Environmental Protection Agency36. Clean Air Act37. Clean Water Act38. USDA39. Public Libraries40. Transcontinental Railroad and the rail system in general41. Civilian Conservation Corps42. Panama Canal43. Hoover Dam44. The Federal Reserve45. Medicare46. The United States Military47. FBI48. CIA49. Local and state police departments50. Fire Departments51. Veterans Medical Care52. Food Stamps53. Federal Housing Administration54. Extending Voting Rights to 18 year olds55. Freedom of Speech56. Freedom of Religion/Separation of Church and State57. Right to Due Process58. Freedom of The Press59. Right to Organize and Protest60. Pell Grants and other financial aid to students61. Federal Aviation Administration/Airline safety regulations62. The 13th Amendment63. The 14th Amendment64. The 15th Amendment65. Unemployment benefits66. Women’s Health Services67. Smithsonian Institute68. Head Start69. Americorps70. Mine Safety And Health Administration (This has been weakened by conservatives, resulting in recent mining disasters.)71. Food Labeling72. WIC73. Peace Corps74. United Nations75. World Health Organization76. Nuclear Treaties77. Lincoln Tunnel78. Sulfur emissions cap and trade to eliminate acid rain79. Earned Income Tax Credit80. The banning of lead in consumer products81. National Institute of Health82. Garbage pickup/clean streets83. Banning of CFCs.84. Erie Canal85. Medicaid86. TARP87. Bail Out of the American Auto Industry88. Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act89. Wildlife Protection90. End of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell91. Established the basis for Universal Human Rights by writing the Declaration of Independence92. Miranda Rights93. Banning of torture94. The right to a proper defense in court95. An independent judiciary96. The right to vote97. Fair, open, and honest elections98. The right to bear arms (Do you really think extreme right wingers would allow anybody besides themselves to have firearms if in power?)99. Health care for children and pregnant women100. A stable and strong government established by a Constitution101. The founding of The United States of America102. The defeat of the Nazis and victory in World War II103. Paramedics104. The Brady Handgun Act105. The Glass-Steagall Act (It has since been repealed and we’ve been paying the price for it.)106. Oil industry regulations (The Gulf paid the price after conservatives tore many of these regulations down.)107. The Affordable Care Act which makes insurance companies more honest and fair.108. Woman’s Right to Choose109. Title IX110. Affirmative Action111. A National Currency112. National Science Foundation113. Weights and measures standards114. Vehicle Safety Standards115. NATO116. The income tax and power to tax in general, which have been used to pay for much of this list.117. 911 Emergency system118. Tsunami, hurricane, tornado, and earthquake warning systems119. Public Transportation120. The Freedom of Information Act121. Emancipation Proclamation, which ended slavery122. Antitrust legislation which prevents corporate monopolies (These laws have been savaged by conservatives, which is why corporations are getting huger and competition is disappearing leading to less jobs and high prices.)123. Water Treatment Centers and sewage systems124. The Meat Inspection Act125. The Pure Food And Drug Act126. The Bretton Woods system127. International Monetary Fund128. SEC, which regulates Wall Street. (Conservatives have weakened this regulatory body, resulting in the current recession.)129. National Endowment for the Arts130. Campaign finance laws (Conservatives have gutted these laws, leading to corporate takeovers of elections.)131. Federal Crop Insurance132. United States Housing Authority133. Soil Conservation134. School Lunch Act135. Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act136. Vaccination Assistance Act137. Over the course of nearly 50 years, liberals contributed greatly to the eventual end of the Cold War.138. The creation of counterinsurgency forces such as the Navy Seals and Green Berets.139. Voting Rights Act, which ended poll taxes, literacy tests, and other voter qualification tests.140. Civil Rights Act of 1968141. Job Corps142. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965143. Teacher Corps144. National Endowment for the Humanities145. Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966146. National Trails System Act of 1968147. U.S. Postal Service148. Title X149. Kept the Union together through Civil War and rebuilt the South afterwards.150. The GI Bill151. Endangered Species Act152. Environmental Laws153. The Space Program154. The Peace Corps155. Americorps156. Earned Income Tax Credit157. Family & Medical Leave Act158. Consumer Product Safety Commission159. Americans With Disabilities Act160. Freedom of Information Act161. Women's right to control their reproductive future162. Allowing citizens to view their own credit records163. The Internet164. Balancing the federal budget165. The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks)166. Lobbying Disclosure Act167. "Motor-Voter" Act168. The Voting Rights Act169. Unemployment Insurance170. Medicare/Medicaid171. Food Stamps/WIC172. Social Security171. Peace between Israel and Egypt172. Peace between Israel and Jordan173. The Department of Education174. The Department of Energy175. The Department of Transportation176. The Department of Housing and Urban Development177. Labor Laws178. The Marshall Plan179. Winning World War II180. Food Safety Laws181. Workplace Safety Laws182. The Tennessee Valley Project183. The Civilian Conservation Corps184. The Securites and Exchange Commission185. Women's Right to Vote186. Universal Public Education187. National Weather Service188. Product Labeling Laws189. Truth in Advertising Laws190. Morrill Land Grant Act191. Rural Electrification192. Public Universities193. Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC)194. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention195. Public Broadcasting196. Supporting the establishment of Israel197. The United Nations198. NATO199. Religious freedom, including freedom from religion200. All of human civilizationWithout liberals and the ideas that make human civilization possible, we’d be living in a violent nightmare of totalitarianism, slavery, oppression, fascism, rape, torture, endless war, crushing poverty for the 99% and criminally obtained wealth for the most violent and evil, and all the other ills and horrors perpetrated upon the human race by conservatism.Civilization itself exists due to liberal ideas and values.

What is it like to be a liberal with parents who support Trump?

First ask him why he hates liberals. Ask him if he has benefited from the list I listed below. People need help sometimes, and sometimes you get lucky and meet good people, and sometimes those people just might offer you the help you need. Sometimes, you meet bad people, and need to turn to something else for help. Something like the government. Everyone needs help, at some point in their lives. Everyone needs a kind word, or just a fu-king break, whether it comes from people, or yes, from government. Some people forget that they got somewhere on the backs of others, and some people don't. That’s the biggest difference I see between liberals and conservatives. Liberals get somewhere in life, receive help to do so, remember it, and want those same options for everyone else. Conservatives get somewhere in life, receive help to do so, think they did it all themselves, and resent those same options for everyone else. Over generalization? Possibly. . I'll refer you to your president. The guy that got a *cough* “small” loan, and considers himself a titan of industry that picked himself up by his own bootstraps. A guy who has apparently forgotten that, even he, has received help. That's a damn shame. "Give a Republican a fish and he'll think he learned how to fish. Teach him to fish and he'll call you socialist." -- Debating with a conservative is like cleaning up your dog's vomit: It is an inevitable consequence of your association, he isn't much help, and it makes very clear the fact that he will swallow anything. I will never understand the far right's mindset, so I don't even waste one second of my time trying to do so. All you need to know is that they're batshit crazy, off-the-charts lunatics who believe everything that comes out of their czars' mouths, and will not ever question anything. You cannot reason with these kind of people, nor does any logic about anything apply to them. They're robots without brains and do as they're told. Pretty scary, isn't it? (The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. - John Kenneth Galbraith ) Right Wing Republicans are like alligators, all mouth and no ears.According to virtually any conservative today, the government has been just one big liberal establishment. The current extremists that own and operate the GOP are hell bent on destroying anything and everything that even has a hint of liberalism or progressivism in it, even if Republicans helped pass it. So what would America be like without liberals and progressives? Here is a list of programs, legislation, and achievements that we would not have if extreme right wingers had their way. Some items on this list were indeed passed or created by Republicans, but that doesn’t make them conservative achievements. It only means that at one time, Republicans favored liberalism and progressivism or that they were willing to work with Democrats for the common good.1. The 40-hour work week.2. Weekends3. Vacations4. Women’s Voting Rights5. The Civil Rights Act of 19646. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.7. Public schools.8. Child-labor laws.9. The right to unionize10. Health care benefits11. National Parks12. National Forests13. Interstate Highway System14. GI Bill15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights16. Marshall Plan17. FDA18. Direct election of Senators by the people.19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws20. Social Security21. NASA22. The Office of Congressional Ethics. Created in 2008.23. The Internet24. National Weather Service25. Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws26. Rural Electrification/Tennessee Valley Authority27. Morrill Land Grant Act28. Public Universities29. Bank Deposit Insurance30. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention31. Consumer Product Safety Commission32. Public Broadcasting/Educational Television33. Americans With Disabilities Act34. Family and Medical Leave Act35. Environmental Protection Agency36. Clean Air Act37. Clean Water Act38. USDA39. Public Libraries40. Transcontinental Railroad and the rail system in general41. Civilian Conservation Corps42. Panama Canal43. Hoover Dam44. The Federal Reserve45. Medicare46. The United States Military47. FBI48. CIA49. Local and state police departments50. Fire Departments51. Veterans Medical Care52. Food Stamps53. Federal Housing Administration54. Extending Voting Rights to 18 year olds55. Freedom of Speech56. Freedom of Religion/Separation of Church and State57. Right to Due Process58. Freedom of The Press59. Right to Organize and Protest60. Pell Grants and other financial aid to students61. Federal Aviation Administration/Airline safety regulations62. The 13th Amendment63. The 14th Amendment64. The 15th Amendment65. Unemployment benefits66. Women’s Health Services67. Smithsonian Institute68. Head Start69. Americorps70. Mine Safety And Health Administration (This has been weakened by conservatives, resulting in recent mining disasters.)71. Food Labeling72. WIC73. Peace Corps74. United Nations75. World Health Organization76. Nuclear Treaties77. Lincoln Tunnel78. Sulfur emissions cap and trade to eliminate acid rain79. Earned Income Tax Credit80. The banning of lead in consumer products81. National Institute of Health82. Garbage pickup/clean streets83. Banning of CFCs.84. Erie Canal85. Medicaid86. TARP87. Bail Out of the American Auto Industry88. Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act89. Wildlife Protection90. End of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell91. Established the basis for Universal Human Rights by writing the Declaration of Independence92. Miranda Rights93. Banning of torture94. The right to a proper defense in court95. An independent judiciary96. The right to vote97. Fair, open, and honest elections98. The right to bear arms (Do you really think extreme right wingers would allow anybody besides themselves to have firearms if in power?)99. Health care for children and pregnant women100. A stable and strong government established by a Constitution101. The founding of The United States of America102. The defeat of the Nazis and victory in World War II103. Paramedics104. The Brady Handgun Act105. The Glass-Steagall Act (It has since been repealed and we’ve been paying the price for it.)106. Oil industry regulations (The Gulf paid the price after conservatives tore many of these regulations down.)107. The Affordable Care Act which makes insurance companies more honest and fair.108. Woman’s Right to Choose109. Title IX110. Affirmative Action111. A National Currency112. National Science Foundation113. Weights and measures standards114. Vehicle Safety Standards115. NATO116. The income tax and power to tax in general, which have been used to pay for much of this list.117. 911 Emergency system118. Tsunami, hurricane, tornado, and earthquake warning systems119. Public Transportation120. The Freedom of Information Act121. Emancipation Proclamation, which ended slavery122. Antitrust legislation which prevents corporate monopolies (These laws have been savaged by conservatives, which is why corporations are getting huger and competition is disappearing leading to less jobs and high prices.)123. Water Treatment Centers and sewage systems124. The Meat Inspection Act125. The Pure Food And Drug Act126. The Bretton Woods system127. International Monetary Fund128. SEC, which regulates Wall Street. (Conservatives have weakened this regulatory body, resulting in the current recession.)129. National Endowment for the Arts130. Campaign finance laws (Conservatives have gutted these laws, leading to corporate takeovers of elections.)131. Federal Crop Insurance132. United States Housing Authority133. Soil Conservation134. School Lunch Act135. Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act136. Vaccination Assistance Act137. Over the course of nearly 50 years, liberals contributed greatly to the eventual end of the Cold War.138. The creation of counterinsurgency forces such as the Navy Seals and Green Berets.139. Voting Rights Act, which ended poll taxes, literacy tests, and other voter qualification tests.140. Civil Rights Act of 1968141. Job Corps142. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965143. Teacher Corps144. National Endowment for the Humanities145. Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966146. National Trails System Act of 1968147. U.S. Postal Service148. Title X149. Kept the Union together through Civil War and rebuilt the South afterwards.150. Modern CivilizationIt is safe to assume that if the current breed of Republicans had their way, ALL of the above list would have never happened. The fact is, the people need government. Government protects the people from the greedy power hungry hands of the wealthy, especially when liberals are in power. The corporations and extremists that own the Republicans today will always only do what is profitable to themselves, and would also get rid of most of the things on this list. So, the next time a conservative complains about all those “socialist” liberals, remind them of what liberals have accomplished. Any conservative that claims anything on this list as a conservative achievement would be a hypocrite. Conservatives would lead us back to the Dark Ages. Liberals and liberal ideals have time and time again, led the way to a brighter future for everyone.

What are the pros and cons of conservatism and liberalism? I have an exam and for the life of me I can't seem to come up with good pros and cons.

I can speak for the Liberal side but have a hard time coming anything the conservatives have contributed. What exactly have Republicans done in the last 40 years that has benefited the average person? Black or white. Seriously? I mean, we had Ike with the National Highway Project and Nixon with OSHA, and several other programs -- including environmental protection, but since then, it's been money and greed for them all the way. And the poor and needy take the hindmost! "I'm okay, Jack! I've got mine -- the heck with you!" So perhaps I'm exaggerating here, but please correct me -- what law has made it through the House of Representatives, the Senate, sponsored by Republicans that has helped the average working or middle class citizen. There is no comparison between what the Republicans and Democrats have done for Black people. Civil rights, voting rights, housing, employment, education, welfare reform and Healthcare, the Democrats have made huge strides for a fairer, non racial America. There will never be a Black Republican President. FACTThe Democratic Kennedy years were a great age for legislation and laws that protected and provided for Black peopleLiberal and conservative is a battle between old school and new school. The old school scholars say judges should interpret the Constitution as our founding fathers intended. The new school says that the Constitution changes and evolves.Those new schooler's believe in what some call a "living constitution." In other words, the past is the past and today's world is much different than 200 years ago, so the Constitution needs to be interpreted in that light. It was the framers that intended that the Constitution would adapt to changing circumstances, That is not how the old schooler's look at it."There is one philosophy, original intent conservative say. That is the only legitimate means of interpretation under our written Constitution and all other philosophies which are illegitimate."On the Supreme Court, Justice Ruth Bade Ginsberg, a liberal, is a believer in the living Constitution.Justice Antonin Scalia believes in following the original intent of the founding fathers. He has warned that if judges start to redefine the constitutional text according to their own views, then they have rendered the Constitution useless.Only the judges that are faithful to the text in the original understanding of the text are following the rule of law."Old schooler's say that looking at the Constitution as a living, breathing document is dangerous. They point to a long list of Supreme Court decisions that basically created new rights.For example, abortion. The Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion. Originalists say this is a new right that has been made up.Same thing with gay rights in Lawrence v. Texas; the high court basically established a constitutional right to sodomy. And then there is the juvenile death penalty, where the high court, in Roper v. Simmons ruled that children under 18 should not be subject to the death penalty.Ginsberg defends this approach saying the Constitution must allow for broad interpretation. Things are much different than 200 years ago. Automobiles, airplanes, computer's. muskets to nuclear weapons and millions of other changes in the last 200 years. How would all that fit into only the original intent theory, calling someone socialist or communist just because they believe we have to progress from, 200 ago is just plain stupid.According to virtually any conservative today, the government has been just one big liberal establishment. The current extremists that own and operate the GOP are hell bent on destroying anything and everything that even has a hint of liberalism or progressivism in it, even if Republicans helped pass it. So what would America be like without liberals and progressives? Here is a list of programs, legislation, and achievements that we would not have if extreme right wingers had their way. Some items on this list were indeed passed or created by Republicans, but that doesn’t make them conservative achievements. It only means that at one time, Republicans favored liberalism and progressivism or that they were willing to work with Democrats for the common good.1. The 40-hour work week.2. Weekends3. Vacations4. Women’s Voting Rights5. The Civil Rights Act of 19646. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.7. Public schools.8. Child-labor laws.9. The right to unionize10. Health care benefits11. National Parks12. National Forests13. Interstate Highway System14. GI Bill15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights16. Marshall Plan17. FDA18. Direct election of Senators by the people.19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws20. Social Security21. NASA22. The Office of Congressional Ethics. Created in 2008.23. The Internet24. National Weather Service25. Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws26. Rural Electrification/Tennessee Valley Authority27. Morrill Land Grant Act28. Public Universities29. Bank Deposit Insurance30. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention31. Consumer Product Safety Commission32. Public Broadcasting/Educational Television33. Americans With Disabilities Act34. Family and Medical Leave Act35. Environmental Protection Agency36. Clean Air Act37. Clean Water Act38. USDA39. Public Libraries40. Transcontinental Railroad and the rail system in general41. Civilian Conservation Corps42. Panama Canal43. Hoover Dam44. The Federal Reserve45. Medicare46. The United States Military47. FBI48. CIA49. Local and state police departments50. Fire Departments51. Veterans Medical Care52. Food Stamps53. Federal Housing Administration54. Extending Voting Rights to 18 year olds55. Freedom of Speech56. Freedom of Religion/Separation of Church and State57. Right to Due Process58. Freedom of The Press59. Right to Organize and Protest60. Pell Grants and other financial aid to students61. Federal Aviation Administration/Airline safety regulations62. The 13th Amendment63. The 14th Amendment64. The 15th Amendment65. Unemployment benefits66. Women’s Health Services67. Smithsonian Institute68. Head Start69. Americorps70. Mine Safety And Health Administration (This has been weakened by conservatives, resulting in recent mining disasters.)71. Food Labeling72. WIC73. Peace Corps74. United Nations75. World Health Organization76. Nuclear Treaties77. Lincoln Tunnel78. Sulfur emissions cap and trade to eliminate acid rain79. Earned Income Tax Credit80. The banning of lead in consumer products81. National Institute of Health82. Garbage pickup/clean streets83. Banning of CFCs.84. Erie Canal85. Medicaid86. TARP87. Bail Out of the American Auto Industry88. Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act89. Wildlife Protection90. End of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell91. Established the basis for Universal Human Rights by writing the Declaration of Independence92. Miranda Rights93. Banning of torture94. The right to a proper defense in court95. An independent judiciary96. The right to vote97. Fair, open, and honest elections98. The right to bear arms (Do you really think extreme right wingers would allow anybody besides themselves to have firearms if in power?)99. Health care for children and pregnant women100. A stable and strong government established by a Constitution101. The founding of The United States of America102. The defeat of the Nazis and victory in World War II103. Paramedics104. The Brady Handgun Act105. The Glass-Steagall Act (It has since been repealed and we’ve been paying the price for it.)106. Oil industry regulations (The Gulf paid the price after conservatives tore many of these regulations down.)107. The Affordable Care Act which makes insurance companies more honest and fair.108. Woman’s Right to Choose109. Title IX110. Affirmative Action111. A National Currency112. National Science Foundation113. Weights and measures standards114. Vehicle Safety Standards115. NATO116. The income tax and power to tax in general, which have been used to pay for much of this list.117. 911 Emergency system118. Tsunami, hurricane, tornado, and earthquake warning systems119. Public Transportation120. The Freedom of Information Act121. Emancipation Proclamation, which ended slavery122. Antitrust legislation which prevents corporate monopolies (These laws have been savaged by conservatives, which is why corporations are getting huger and competition is disappearing leading to less jobs and high prices.)123. Water Treatment Centers and sewage systems124. The Meat Inspection Act125. The Pure Food And Drug Act126. The Bretton Woods system127. International Monetary Fund128. SEC, which regulates Wall Street. (Conservatives have weakened this regulatory body, resulting in the current recession.)129. National Endowment for the Arts130. Campaign finance laws (Conservatives have gutted these laws, leading to corporate takeovers of elections.)131. Federal Crop Insurance132. United States Housing Authority133. Soil Conservation134. School Lunch Act135. Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act136. Vaccination Assistance Act137. Over the course of nearly 50 years, liberals contributed greatly to the eventual end of the Cold War.138. The creation of counterinsurgency forces such as the Navy Seals and Green Berets.139. Voting Rights Act, which ended poll taxes, literacy tests, and other voter qualification tests.140. Civil Rights Act of 1968141. Job Corps142. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965143. Teacher Corps144. National Endowment for the Humanities145. Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966146. National Trails System Act of 1968147. U.S. Postal Service148. Title X149. Kept the Union together through Civil War and rebuilt the South afterwards.150. Modern CivilizationIt is safe to assume that if the current breed of Republicans had their way, ALL of the above list would have never happened. The fact is, the people need government. Government protects the people from the greedy power hungry hands of the wealthy, especially when liberals are in power. The corporations and extremists that own the Republicans today will always only do what is profitable to themselves, and would also get rid of most of the things on this list. So, the next time a conservative complains about all those “socialist” liberals, remind them of what liberals have accomplished. Any conservative that claims anything on this list as a conservative achievement would be a hypocrite. Conservatives would lead us back to the Dark Ages. Liberals and liberal ideals have time and time again, led the way to a brighter future for everyone.

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