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Today's Antrim County audit has determined that "…the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results." Will this impact the Trump and Biden election?

No, it won’t impact anything.The report is awkwardly written, poorly laid out, repetitive, and feels like a first draft by a kid trying to get into law school. It’s conclusions are lept to, he’s failed to provide context or link important evidence while discussing minutiae in great detail.Further, it massively overreaches it’s scope in many places. This was a “forensics” report, meant to discuss factual findings of the information security in place, as well as, I’d imagine, a process analysis. Instead it’s combative towards the defendants and goes so far as to make truthiness claims about defendant's’ statements.While he does glancingly address the primary reason for the errors, he doesn’t conduct any interviews specifically with the canvassing staff, even if he does mention conversations with them. Due to the conclusions he draws, this is essential…To be fair to the report, however, he does bring up some excellent issues:The machines weren’t up to date, patching wise. Based on how far out of date they were, this could have been a CAT 1 STIG finding (highest vulnerability)The fact that the audit logs were missing prior to the election is concerning, but likely explicable, and should be explainedIf they all use the same account, that’s also a concernThe fact that the USBs weren’t secured is a concern in operational securityFrom my understanding of the entire process, these concerns aren’t as bad as they seem for a few reasons:The central tabulation computer was “air-gapped”. It was not connected to a LAN or the internet.The missing audit logs happened before the election. So they're likely moot for any ballot switching tampering.The attempt to clear the logs was not an attempt to clear the logs.The election was over a month overThey still have the paper ballots, which the forensic analysis team didn’t have access too (also important since they weren’t able to actually test their theories)Some background first:No, Charles Austin Miller, this "audit" wasn't court ordered. The report was paid for by a guy who was disputing the results of a marijuana referendum in Central Lake to allow a marijuana retailer within city limits.[1][1][1][1] The judge ordered William Bailey could take images of the machines for analysis and then ordered the public release of the report (which I can’t find anywhere). The “audit” itself wasn't ordered.UPDATE: the actual official risk limiting audit was conducted over a seven hour livestream where the pubic was able to watch the bipartisan audit team hand count the ballots. In the end, Trump gains 11 votes over the machine count and Biden gained 1.[2][2][2][2]Let’s be clear: This wasn’t an impartial audit, it was an antagonistic consultant report, run by Russ Ramsland, a Republican operative also known for making more counterfactual claims in affidavits than factual ones…like mistating voter turnout rates in different districts and mistaking Michigan for Minnesota.He was hired by William Bailey to do the report. Bailey was angry because of a very narrowly passed local referendum asking if it was okay for a retail marijuana dispensary to open up in his town, Central Lake, located in Antrim County.I looked through most of the answers and while they talked about just how flawed Ramsland is, they didn’t really talk about where these figures and this statement came from. I’ll leave the ad hominems with those answers.Antrim County gained notoriety this election cycle after an initial erroneous upload on November 3rd said it was won by Biden. After a brief review they fixed the results to have it won by Trump by a 61% to 37% margin.[3][3][3][3] The reason for the mixup was an Election Definition wasn’t properly updated across all the precincts after one district’s local ballot changed in October.[4][4][4][4]Sheryl Guy, an Antrim County Clerk found the problem and corrected it on November 5th.Most of the report ignores that this happened to make it seem like something illegal happened. Only one portion of this report actually addresses the event that happened, however, it simply hand-waves it away, claiming this wasn’t what happened.On my expertise, I’m a systems administrator, and systems developer, and have worked on securing DoD systems for a decade, running security audits and securing these systems.So what is this Report actually saying?Update: Here is the report, reference, here is the response affidavit filed from the Secretary of State: laid out by the Washington Times they say he's claiming that 68% of the ballots that were run through the machine errored, causing them to be adjudicated and that no one oversaw the adjudication process. Further, he’s asserting that this error rate was by design, as in, Dominion engineered their software to fail at a rate of 68% so that people could then change who voted for whom. He leaps from this assertion to say that every county in Michigan that used Dominion machines should be de-certified ergo, every state that uses Dominion should be de-certified. (Yes, he does say this explicitly in the report).A quick summary of what’s wrong with this conclusion:The machines are all certified nationally by the EAC. A failure rate that high would raise some major red flags all over the place, it’s frankly shocking that it took this long for it to come to light…if it’s true. He’s also assuming the adjudication process is set up to change votes — the interesting thing is that he doesn’t even understand how this process works in Michigan.But I’ll cover all this in more detail in the analysis of the report below.So let’s look at the report, now that I have access to it.He starts with this conclusion:2. We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.Having worked in IT and performed security audits I have to say that this declaration is vastly overstepping its scope and asserting legal remedies rather than sticking to the lane of an information security audit.Later he drops this bomb at point 22:Research is ongoing. However, based on the preliminary results, we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.OH, THAT’S WHY THEY’RE DOING THIS.It would have been stupid to overturn such a red county as Antrim, or most of the other counties that use Dominion. But if they got Wayne county…Trump would win Michigan. Trump would win Georgia because Dominion!Frankly, as someone who’s run forensic system audits, it seems like a tremendous overreach of the report to even suggest in such blatant terms that he should suggest to a county judge reviewing a city matter that not only should he overturn Antrim county, but also demand that all 48 counties decertify the results.He presents the different vote totals, one on Election day, one on the 5th, revised with numbers up for Trump and a count that took place on the 21st where Biden lost 1300 votes.Secretary of State Benson’s response clarifies the November 21st adjustment in her response to the report:On November 21, the Bureau of Elections received corrected official election results from Antrim County, which may explain why a user was in the election management system on that date.He boldly states:4. The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error (detailed above by the vote "flip" from Trump to Biden, was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to election night for a down ballot race. We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.As stated, the person who made the mistake, Sheryl Guy, has confessed this error and cleaned it up. After running the tabulation after fixing this configuration problem, the numbers were appropriate.No where in the report does it actually account for this tabulation problem. As I continue I’ll point out a number of places where he mentions November 6th as a problem date. November 5 was when the configuration was updated, but he doesn’t mention this event outside of alluding to the fact that this mitigation should have thrown off the security certification of the machines…which I don’t believe is the case. Certified machines have data updated all the time, an election definition correction would not invalidate the machine’s security certification.5. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's statement on November 6, 2020 that "[t]the correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape . . . ." was falseThis is another overreach of his report. The report was to analyze the security and tabulation of the voting machines, not as a lawyer trying to rebut the Secretary of State’s comments.The full paragraph he’s quoting says this:[5][5][5][5]The correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape and on the ballots themselves. Even if the error in the reported unofficial results had not been quickly noticed, it would have been identified during the county canvass. Boards of County Canvassers, which are composed of 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans, review the printed totals tape from each tabulator during the canvass to verify the reported vote totals are correct.She’s referring to the particular precincts in question. Each one was correct without error, the errors occurred when merging the results prior to the definition update on the 6th.6. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%.The FEC is in charge of campaign finance, he probably means the EAC. However, looking at the EAC guidelines I can’t find that figure mentioned anywhere. Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. Further, 1 in 250,000 is .0004%, not .0008%….but later on we find the issue: in J-2 he quotes the document and it turns out he’s been doubling the threshold, he meant to say 1 in 125,000.8. The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication. This high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws. [SIC]9. These errors occurred after The Antrim County Clerk provided a re-provisioned CF card with uploaded software for the Central Lake Precinct on November 6, 2020. This means the statement by Secretary Benson was false. The Dominion Voting System produced systemic errors and high error rates both prior to the update and after the update; meaning the update (or lack of update) is not the cause of errors.The report filed doesn’t contain these logs, so we can’t tell what they are actually saying.The date referenced, December 6, is oddly thrown in there. These logs have dates on them so they could easily see what was going on and when. Without seeing more, the date is a red-herring and these errors that he’s referring to are most likely due to the update of the Election Definition. Referenced above.It is strange that he’d mention only Central Lake in this issue, as well. Yes, that’s where the lawsuit he’s addressing happened, but he has access to several machines down chain in the process.He also doesn’t specify when these errors occurred. In other words he says there were “15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors.” and then he says “The Dominion Voting System produced systemic errors and high error rates both prior to the update and after the update”. How many occurred on each date?There are no examples of the verbiage of these error logs, so we cannot examine what they are. Depending on the system it could be anything. Further, there’s no interviews listed anywhere with anyone present who can attest to a large number of adjudications. This sort of thing would absolutely be noticed. There were only 15,000 ballots cast, which would be, as he said 10,000 adjudications. That’s a tremendous amount of work for a small county. There would be no way that they could complete adjudications on that many ballots in 2 days.Without providing these logs with analysis from Dominion and qualified third party experts, this central piece of evidence that they use is, while troubling, highly suspect as evidence of fraud or even machine error.It’s worth noting that ASOG has been involved in several election cases and hasn’t brought this to light in any of those, many of which involve Dominion tabulation machines.10. In Central Lake Township there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96% rejection rate. All reversed ballots are sent to adjudication for a decision by election personnel.11. It is critical to understand that the Dominion system classifies ballots into two categories, 1) normal ballots and 2) adjudicated ballots. Ballots sent to adjudication can be altered by administrators, and adjudication files can be moved between different Results Tally and Reporting (RTR) terminals with no audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicates (i.e. votes) the ballot batch. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity because it provides no meaningful observation of the adjudication process or audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicated the ballots.He really likes to say “Significant and fatal error in security.” He says it a lot in this report.I bring this part up because he is throwing a lot of terminology around without defining it, using “normal ballots” and “adjudicated ballots” and then throwing “reversed” in there (he bolded it).Without contextually defining what “Reversed” means, this is an absurdly high number. On top of that, an 82% rejection rate would be noticed. Again, this is a very red precinct. From the tabulation tape he provided a photo of, there would have to be something really wrong going on, and every team working on these adjudications were bipartisan…Someone would have noticed this error rate, but there’s no interviews claimnig this was the case.13. The linked video demonstrates how to cheat at adjudication:He literally added in a video from a guy on twitter called KanekoaTheGreat to show you that if there’s a single dishonest adjudicator there that isn’t observed and not working in a team, then they can change a ballot to justify voter’s intent.He also notes this:15. Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software. Removal of these files violates state law and prevents a meaningful audit, even if the Secretary wanted to conduct an audit. We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed.The major problem with this observation is noted in the SOS response (linked above):12. The report does not explain the basis for its assumption that Antrim County uses adjudication software or any evidence that adjudication software was actually used to change votes. It is not clear how this would even be possible in Antrim County, as adjudication software is used with the Dominion Image Cast Central (ICC) high-speed scanners, not Image Cast Precinct (ICP) tabulators. According to my understanding, ICC high-speed scanners are not used in Antrim County. Rather, adjudication is done by teams of election workers using the paper ballot when needed.The Report goes on:18. The Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with new ballot programming on 10/23/2020 and then again after the election on 11/05/2020.This note is bizarre. It’s been known since 11/5 that there was an issue with the election definition as linked above, that a ballot initiative was changed 10/23. But there were issues with a few of the precincts that required updating after 11/5.[6][6][6][6]19. The only reason to change software after the election would be to obfuscate evidence of fraud and/or to correct program errors that would de-certify the election. Our findings show that the Central Lake Township tabulator tape totals were significantly altered by utilizing two different program versions (10/23/2020 and 11/05/2020), both of which were software changes during an election which violates election law, and not just human error associated with the Dominion Election Management System. This is clear evidence of software generated movement of votes. The claims made on the Office of the Secretary of State website are false.Updating the tabulation configuration doesn’t constitute a “software change”, which would be updating the systems after certification to use completely different software.Here is also another case of the report overstepping itself to jump from “an Election Definition update” to THE MACHINES WERE DESIGNED TO CHANGE VOTES! SHE’S LYING!The Dominion ImageCast Precinct (ICP) machines have the ability to be connected to the internet (see Image 11). By connecting a network scanner to the ethernet port on the ICP machine and creating Packet Capture logs from the machines we examined show the ability to connect to the network, Application Programming Interface (API) (a data exchange between two different systems) calls and web (http) connections to the Election Management System server. Best practice is to disable the network interface card to avoid connection to the internet. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity. Because certain files have been deleted, we have not yet found origin or destination; but our research continues.Another strange one. He claims that because it has a network card, it’s a security risk.He provides no evidence that it was not disabled nor that it was ever plugged in.Because the intentional high error rate generates large numbers of ballots to be adjudicated by election personnel, we must deduce that bulk adjudication occurred. However, because files and adjudication logs are missing, we have not yet determined where the bulk adjudication occurred or who was responsible for it. Our research continuesOr you could have interviewed canvassing personnel. The county has always been very Red, and at least half of the people working were Republicans.But again, as per the SOS statement, it was hand adjudicated.Additionally, he oversteps the scope by assigning intention to the errors that occurred. It’s subtle, but important.He then resurrects his Venezuela Conspiracy theory by proxy, bringing up a Venezuelan Mathematics professor who devised a statistical approach to claiming that the election on Venezuela was rigged…and therefore this one in Antrim was too.He throws this in there:Dominion voting system is a Canadian owned company with global subsidiaries. It is owned by Staple Street Capital which is in turn owned by UBS Securities LLC, of which 3 out of their 7 board members are Chinese nationals. The Dominion software is licensed from Smartmatic which is a Venezuelan owned and controlled company. Dominion Server locations have been determined to be in Serbia, Canada, the US, Spain and Germany.Yes, Venezuelan immigrants to the United States started SmartMatic In the United States who are anti-Medura.As noted by Kevin Bryant in the comments:Dominion doesn’t use licensed software, it makes it itself, and has no connection to SmartMatic.Additionally, from SmartMatic (even if it’s irrelevant):And SmartMatic does not own any shares of Dominion.[7][7][7][7] And Dominion has no financial ties to SmartMatic.This is propagating misinformation and a long debunked conspiracy theory.For the process part of this, it’s important to note that Ramsland Did Not Have Access to the Ballots.Most of what he talks about sounds fishy, with “before” and “after” pictures of receipts printed out where the votes change significantly…but he didn’t get to examine the ballots to see what the issue was. His claim that 3 ballots were damaged and then “cured” (an election term that I think is used improperly) and then not counted, doesn’t fly right. Especially since the issue at question is the proposal to have a marijuana dispensary. That one lost one “no” vote between the election and recount.He doesn’t know why and the computer won’t tell him.As the tabulator tape totals prove, there were large numbers of votes switched from the November 3, 2020 tape to the November 6, 2020 tape. This was solely based on using different software versions of the operating program to calculate votes, not tabulate votes.Except that’s not what happened. The tabulation definition changed, not the software version.J-3 is nonsense, the only county in Michigan that uses ranked choice voting is Macomb county. It was certainly not enabled in Antrim.And again from the SOS report:In J.4 through J.6, the report suggests it is improper to divert write-ins for adjudication, but that is the only way those ballots can be counted – people have to look at the name written in on the paper ballot and determine who it should be assigned to.He concludes with a random excerpt of a script they ran without providing context.It is suspect that the computers hadn’t been updated in a few years. At the same time, based on the form factor of those “servers” they appear to be compact desktopsMaking me just guess here, that the SQL installed was a desktop or pocket version that was coupled with the voting tabulation software.On top of that, the machines were never on the network, as stated in the report — it’s updated offline and they use USBs to transfer the data to it, which mitigates most of the issues.6. Antivirus definition is 1666 days old on 12/11/2020. Antrim County updates its system with USB drives. USB drives are the most common vectors for injecting malware into computer systems. The failure to properly update the antivirus definition drastically increases the harm cause by malware from other machines being transmitted to the voting system.This is a concern, to be sure. You want to make sure this stuff is up-to-date…but again, when the chain of custody of the USBs is maintained, this is partly mitigated.However, one strange thing that jumped out at me concerning this report…He doesn’t anywhere state the OS versionHe doesn’t anywhere state the version of the Dominion software in useHe doesn’t anywhere state the SQL Server version in use.These are basic, basic, basic first steps in any forensic information security investigation.Especially since he’s claiming they’re out of date…It’s odd also that WSUS was run in 2019, yet he’s saying it’s 3 years out of date…a decent Security operation would link to evidence of when Microsoft put these patches out there.This quote here was very illuminating also,a user attempted to zero out election results. Id:3168 EmsLogger - There is no permission to {0} - Project: User: Thread: 189. This is direct proof of an attempt to tamper with evidence.Except that's not what that means. In many coding languages {number} is a placeholder for a variable. This error likely means that something completely unexpected occurred and requires a lot more context. It definitely doesn't necessarily mean that someone was trying to zero election results.My analysis is that he showed several random pictures for no reason whatsoever, like the servers, for instance, and a random picture from the Dominion configuration manager from the installation guide, not a screenshot from the server itself. here:This is from the Dominion manual, and is completely irrelevant to the machines themselves. Why would you not put in a screenshot to compare to the actual tabulation machine? He shows a picture of some sort of “log” that’s redacted claiming that votes were allowed to be changed without audit.However, the Secretary of State notes:The report does not explain the basis for its finding that “RCV or Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm” was enabled in J.3, or how the “enabling” RCV would have caused ballots not designed for or tabulators not programmed for ranked choice voting to be read and tabulated. Ranked Choice Voting is not authorized by the Michigan Election Law for use in federal or state-level elections.So this configuration was completely irrelevant.Additionally he says this:7. On 12/8/2020 Microsoft issued 58 security patches across 10+ products, some of which were used for the election software machine, server and programs. Of the 58 security fixes 22, were patches to remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities. [Image 11]:12/8 was over a month after the election…while it’s always good practice to keep a server up to date, the final ballot tabulation was posted 11/21 and certified…it's kind of asinine to expect them to install patches that haven't even been released yet. Also the server was air-gapped, so no one could connect to it remotely to execute codeThe picture provided is a complete red-herring. It has nothing to do with the relevance of a patch not installed that wasn’t released until weeks after tabulation was complete. Nothing at all.The fact that he felt the need to put those in there, but couldn’t provide the logs or pictures of the errors, or screenshots of anything else that is actually relevant is very suspect. It speaks of a lack of experience and lack of detail.The fact that he tried to assert legal solutions to perceived security issues demonstrates that the report was more political than professional.It was terribly assembled mixing up data, processes, and conclusions, randomly numbering paragraphs like this was a legal motion. It was repetitive. He dismisses out of hand the fact that they had to update the data definition software so that he can draw the conclusion that this was a machine problem and not a human one.I’m not a Michigan state or Antrim County or Dominion voting expert. I am an information security professional, and this report is a joke, for the most part, full of casual errors, like the 1 in 125000 error that he repeated twice while repeating the incorrect calculation twice as well as many grammatical errors.I’d agree that they should have a professional do an audit and they did find a few suspect issues at play, but nothing that would affect the election…Adjudications are normal and this was a red state.Footnotes[1] Audit of Antrim County Vote Tabulating Machines Continues - 9 & 10 News[1] Audit of Antrim County Vote Tabulating Machines Continues - 9 & 10 News[1] Audit of Antrim County Vote Tabulating Machines Continues - 9 & 10 News[1] Audit of Antrim County Vote Tabulating Machines Continues - 9 & 10 News[2] Antrim County audit shows 12-vote gain for Trump[2] Antrim County audit shows 12-vote gain for Trump[2] Antrim County audit shows 12-vote gain for Trump[2] Antrim County audit shows 12-vote gain for Trump[3] Antrim County election results investigated after red Michigan county turns blue[3] Antrim County election results investigated after red Michigan county turns blue[3] Antrim County election results investigated after red Michigan county turns blue[3] Antrim County election results investigated after red Michigan county turns blue[4] Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue[4] Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue[4] Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue[4] Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue[5] False claims from Ronna McDaniel have no merit[5] False claims from Ronna McDaniel have no merit[5] False claims from Ronna McDaniel have no merit[5] False claims from Ronna McDaniel have no merit[6][6][6][6][7][7][7][7]

What are some of the greatest discoveries/inventions made by Indians in the last 200 years?

Founder Of E-mail .VA Shiva Ayyadurai is an American scientist, inventor and entrepreneur of Indian origin.As a high school student in 1978, he developed an electronic version of an interoffice mail system, which he called "EMAIL" and copyrighted in 1982BUT‘This curry stained Indian should be beaten and hanged’: Shiva Ayyadurai on inventing email and the backlash that followedyourstory.comRAKHI CHAKRABORTY27 FEBRUARY 2015I first heard of Shiva Ayyadurai while randomly scrolling through Facebook. A news article from Huffington Post appeared on my newsfeed, mentioning Shiva Ayyadurai as the inventor of email and honouring him for his achievements on the thirtieth anniversary of email. A quick google search produced another interesting piece, again from Huffington Post, which stated how two big American corporations-Raytheon and BBN- ran a sustained PR campaign to discredit and malign the brown teenager from Newark, New Jersey who was the true inventor of email.In postcolonial India where we are quick to claim and glorify the slightest recognition from the West, I was baffled at how I had not come across his name before; especially given the magnitude of this achievement. For Ayyadurai allegedly invented email when he was only fourteen. The rest of his life is glittery with a vast array of entrepreneurial achievements (uncontested ones) from earning four degrees at MIT to founding Echo Mail, revamping the US Postal system and many more.I saved both the articles to Pocket and forgot about them for a few days. When I tried to read them later, they weren’t to be found. An exhaustive search around the internet later I learnt that all the pieces hailing Ayyadurai as the inventor of email were taken down after a flurry of readers protested this to be categorically false. That honour instead went to American inventor Ray Tomlinson. Any search for Shiva Ayyadurai yielded three kinds of results:hisrecent marriage to Hollywood actress Fran Drescher, torrents of racial andother abuse deeming him to be a liar and a fraud and Ayyadurai’s own slew ofregistered domains.It was difficult to gauge the authenticity of his claims from either the trolls or his own websites. Confused, I reached out to him for an interview and he obliged. But a lengthy conversation later, my confusion has not abated much. Rather than endorsing or criticizing his claims (which this author anyway has no authority to do), this interview is an attempt at opening up legitimate avenues of conversation where we can discuss, critique and opine coherently and with dignity- something the American media has largely failed to do and ourIndian brethren have not expressed much interest in either. He says, “The main contention against me is that I am a self-promotional businessman. I am an internet entrepreneur. What does that have to do with the material facts of who invented email?”We welcome your thoughts in the comments below. Please note that here we discuss only the contentious email issue. A more comprehensive conversation on his life, education and other achievements is forthcoming next week.You were close to dropping out of school when your mother introduced you to Les Michelson (scientist at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, under whose tutelage Shiva says he invented the email.)Yes. I was fourteen years old at the time.What was going on your mind when you were fourteen?In India I came from a family of farmers. My grandmother was a farmer. My mother, despite coming from an ‘untouchable’ lower caste family, worked impossibly hard to educate herself. My father grew up in the war and did not learn to read or write till he turned eleven. When we moved to the United States in 1970 at the age of seven I was keen to do well. Every time I went to India I realized how fortunate I was to have been given the opportunities I had, especially given where I came from. I knew I was not doing well for me but for so many who had sacrificed so I could be here. From then on I was motivated to change the world.How did the idea for creating the email come about?Imagine the world in 1978. No PC’s, no smartphones and no laptops. The ordinary person did not have access to the computer. Those who got to use it were highly technical people- system analysts, programmers, etc. and they too used it only for data processing.For me email was not a technical person sending another technical person a message. It was the entire system and it was designed for the ordinary end user. A doctor, a dentist or a secretary. So they would move from a typewriter to the computer terminal. That was what made email revolutionary.Before Steve Jobs created the computer, people had to build their own computers. They had to buy the parts separately and assemble it. That’s what made the Mackintosh revolutionary. It was accessible to millions of people. Email made the computer accessible to millions of people and that’s what I invented.How did you come upon the idea?The idea was to make communication accessible for the ordinary end user. It was not just making text messaging accessible. That’s what they were doing. We had about a hundred different features. You see a secretary would not move to email unless it had all the features she was used to. She was used to seeing an inbox, outbox, address book and a trash folder. She was used to getting a return receipt. All these features needed to be interconnected. Email is a system of interconnected parts. It was like creating an engine.One of the most common criticisms levelled against you is that you don’t acknowledge that your invention was built on the works of those who came before you in the sixties, especially individuals like Ray Tomlinson and organizations like ARPANET. How much of inventing the Email was original and what was based on prior works?You have to understand the politics at work here. Over here is the military, the private industry and academia. What they were doing in the sixties and the seventies was trying to send a message from Point A to Point B for soldiers in the battle field. In 1978, at the age of fourteen, I had no access to that technology, did not use any of their parts. And this is what needs to be brought out. We didn’t need any of their stuff to bring out the Email. We didn’t even need the internet.The early email systems, from the one I built to all the way up to 1993 and you can read up on the facts yourself, did not use the internet. They were built around local area networks. In one office we literally ran ether net cords and set up our computers. We were not using their networks and protocols at all.They want the world to think that you need the military. That the military industrial complex creates great technologies. The reason there is so much anger and backlash is because we, as a public, have been taught to believe that our tax dollars fund the defence department. The defence department does research and once in a while we get GPS. We get Velcro. We get email. It’s a way of justifying all this spending on the military.In 1978 I did not use even a single of their components. I didn’t need it.Philo Farnsworth, a fourteen year old boy from a small town in Idaho, invented the television. They attacked him just as viciously. We are changing the narrative here. What we are saying is that a small kid from India or Idaho could invent life changing things. We don’t have to spend billions funding the military. The military industrial complex has convinced us that we should fund them because they are the big innovators. Only a white man could create something like that. A dark skinned kid in Newark, New Jersey-the thought of him creating the email is like an explosion to these people. That’s why they have to pull down articles. You go my Wikipedia page and run through the list of previously published articles discussing my works and achievements. All the links have been destroyed. I have been a scientist and an inventor for forty years of my life. The idea is to not only destroy the accurate account of events but also to destroy me.The reason is not about me. It is about preserving that military industrial complex where we go kill people in the Middle East and bomb people and because of them great innovations come. It’s not true. The email was invented through collaboration. But it was not of the military but through the collaboration of good teachers, my parents, Michaelson and the support of a small local environment. And that is revolutionary. If people know that the email and television were created by fourteen year old kids, then they realize they don’t need to spend enormous sums backing the military. And that’s what they are afraid of.Huffington Post ran an article about myths surrounding the invention of email that has since been taken down. For purposes of posterity, can you give a rundown of some of those myths?The first myth was that the ARPANET created email. Absolutely false. What they did was electronic text messaging. The ARPANET was working on battlefield communications via telegraph. It was a very rudimentary system. David Crocker himself, in December 1977, wrote an article saying, “No attempt is being made to emulate a full-scale, inter-organizational mail system.”The second myth was that Ray Tomlinson invented email and that he sent the first email message. Ray Tomlinson did not write fifty thousand lines of code. He wrote may be fifteen twenty lines of code. He took an old program, manipulated it a little bit and he used the ‘@’ symbol to designate two computers. That’s not email. That’s not inbox outbox folders. But BBN and Raytheon launched a massive PR campaign to discredit my work. They wanted to build their brand. Being known as the inventors of email would give them tremendous advantage towards winning billions of dollars of security contract.The frankly racist articles put up at Gizmodo and Techdirt claim that RFCs were emails. RFC’s are meeting notes. It meant Request for Comment. In those days you had a meeting, a bunch of guys were at the table and they would write out the meeting notes. They would send the meeting notes to everyone involved. RFCs are not a computer program. They are not any type of a specification for user interface.It’s also claimed that the CTSS was email. CTSS was the system that was developed at MIT and it was essentially an early blog or wall post at best. They called it mail because in those days they would have a file and you could tack on another post to it. That’s not email. Email by definition (I am the one who defined it, I am the one who came up with the word and I am the one who created it) is a system of interlocking parts- inbox, outbox, folders and all those things.It was in 2012, after Washington Post carried an article about your work being honoured by the Smithsonian, that the avalanche of backlash begun and peaked. Can you elaborate on that?Everyone attacks India to be the most corrupt country in the world. But it has nothing on American corruption. Here it is deep, entrenched and done in a very sophisticated manner.The article in Washington Post was written by a young black reporter. She started getting trolled within an hour of the piece being published. She called me up and said that my editor has thrown me under the bus and asked me to write a rebuttal against two people who were leading the backlash against me- one was a historian in the pocket of Raytheon. I chose to co-write my rebuttal with Noam Chomsky.When they finally ran the article, they only went with David Crocker. Even then, they didn’t deny that I invented email. They said that electronic messaging existed before I came along. I am not saying I invented electronic messaging. Its existence goes back to the time of Morse code. But I did create email.Within seven days of the Washington Post article going live, they created an internet hall of fame and gave an award to Ray Tomlinson for creating the email. This is how the system works.Raytheon’s stock went up by $1 immediately after this announcement. There was a renewed flurry of hate campaigning against me. One blog said, “This curry stained Indian should be beaten and hanged.” If an Indian does great software coding, outsourcing or is the chairman of Microsoft, then that’s cool. But an Indian cannot be an innovator. I am labelled a fraud. Wikipedia calls me a scoundrel, a conman and a liar.When you patented EMAIL in 1982, there was little distinction between a copyright and a patent. When it collapsed 14 years later, in 1996, why didn’t you renew it?1980 was when the copyright act was converted to support software rights. In 1981 I was sixteen and not aware of the complexities and politics at play. I couldn’t afford a lawyer and so did all the paperwork on my own. It was only in the early 1990’s that the Supreme Court began recognizing software patents. I couldn’t file for my patent then because you can’t patent something that’s already been disclosed.Do you grudge being denied prospective profits as a consequence of this patent issue not working out?Walter Issacson’s new book ‘Innovators’, a book featuring solely white inventors, says that true innovation happens when the government, military and academia work together. Issacson says that the biggest motive for innovation is profit. The concept of money being the sole motive for innovation is bullshit. It is an idea promoted by those in power in order to manipulate humanity.Today my fight is no longer about who invented email. The facts are in black and white and your readers are free to make an informed choice. I am more concerned with who controls innovation and how is humanity going to move forward.AND JUST SEE HOW HE WAS HUMILATED IN INDIA FOR EXPOSING CORRUPTION?

Is there any way to get out of a timeshare?

How to Cancel Your Timeshare ContractPart OneChapter 1: Overpriced Cheesecake Anyone?Chapter 2: From Victim to Vindication.Chapter 3: How Exchange Companies Mislead Timeshare Chapter 4: Two Scams Timeshare Owners Must Watch Out for.Chapter 5: Kiss That Timeshare Goodbye!Part Two – Action PlanChapter 6: Plan of Attack (Secrets Revealed).Phase 1: Opening Letters.Phase 2: Follow Up Letters.Phase 3: Final Letters.Conclusion®//TIMESHAREHACK. V.303AOverpriced Cheesecake Anyone?It has been a legend through the decades that timeshare was originally created far, far away in the French Alps. Paul Doumier of the Société des Grands Travaux de Marseille was struggling to sell year-round accommodations at the SuperDevoluy Alpine ski resort. He was finding that people were a little too clever to pay the money he was asking for, since they'd only be using the accommodations for a tiny part of the year. The people he was trying to sell too used words like “too expensive”, “get lost”, “go jump in a lake.” Well it really wasn’t feasible to jump in the lake at the ski resort due to frozen conditions, and it wasn’t appealing to lower his prices because that would obviously cut into his extraordinarily lucrative profits. However, what Paul Doumier had noticed was that at the ski resorts famous gourmet coffee shop they could sell “slices” of expensive cheesecake at several times the price of the real cost of the cake if the cheesecake had been purchased whole. This is where the idea for timeshare was born. And using the same concept timeshare companies began making extreme profits selling “slices” of property.Now let’s do some quick math of a timeshare resort:Typical Timeshare Resort - Individual Condo Units Per Resort: 500 unitsWeeks for Sale Per Unit: 52 weeks 500 x 52 = 26,000 Weeks for SaleAverage sales price per week: $ 12,90026,000 weeks’ x $ 12,900 = $ 335,400,000 total developer receipts.Yes, you read that right - $335.4 million! That’s before the resort collects a dime in finance interest rates, late fees, and maintenance fees. So what does this mean to you? Well, take a moment and ask yourself – does that resort you just bought into look like a 335-million-dollar resort? How about even a 100-million-dollar resort? Chances are, not even close.Now think about all the interest rate charges the resort makes (the average rate is an additional 12% on top of all the above costs). And don’t forget to take that 26,000 weeks and multiply it by the average maintenance fee and then you have another 20 million in annual revenue to just maintain the resort. Does your resort look like they spend 20 Million dollars a year to keep your unit nice and clean? Not even close. Some say the two most lucrative businesses in America are running a credit card company and owning a timeshare resort. From millions to billions… and all from people just like me and you. In short, this is why timeshares are EXTREMELY overpriced, and timeshare companies make EXTREME profits.Fast forward to the present - the amount of money a timeshare sales representative can make in a day coupled with the amount of money a manager and director can make almost certainly leads to a corrupted sales environment where all integrity vanishes. The truth is evidently greatly exaggerated and brazen lies are encouraged because greed has taken over. More often than not, the sales representative you shook hands with the day you purchased your timeshare was encouraged to exaggerate and possibly outright lie while looking directly into your eyes. All this was allowed so the resort developers could pursue unbelievable riches.From Victim to VindicationThe worst part about being a victim of crime is many times the victims blame themselves. Most people try to rationalize being a victim of a crime. This is our human defense mechanism helping downplay the feelings of betrayal and hurt. It happens to everyone who has ever been a victim of a crime. Many times they think, “I shouldn’t have left the car door unlocked overnight,” “I was so stupid to let them into my house,” “I should have bought that alarm system,” and even the “it’s my fault he got mad, he’s normally not like that.”Why do victims blame themselves? That’s for another book entirely. But this feeling is also what a very large percentage of timeshare owners feel. Many experience immediate buyer’s remorse. They say things like “I’m not sure what I was thinking that day,” “they really caught us at a weak moment,” “we normally say no to things like that,” “they really talked a good game that day,” “I am not sure what we were thinking,” “we promised each other we weren’t going to buy something that day – I am not sure what happened.” And on and on and on.Many purchasers just chalk it up to just a bad mistake, not knowing that these seemingly friendly sales representatives have had extensive coercion training as well as subconscious and emotional trigger training. Every last word the sales rep used was on purpose, and every piece of data they gained from you was used against you. You may have trained years for your job and have become very proficient at what you do. So did they, except their profession teaches them how to disarm you – create feelings of desperation, jealousy, fear and inspiration without you ever knowing they programmed those feelings in your head. We have seen the training manuals of these sales representatives and every single move is calculated.Remember, you probably woke up the morning you bought your timeshare and specifically said to your spouse, “we are not buying anything today!” However, later that day you walked out with a timeshare. It is not that you purposefully changed your mind. It was the fact that you encountered a team of professional salesmen who have been trained in that art of thought rendering and thought patterning to “encourage” you to buy their product. Legal? Yes. Ethical? You decide.The worst part about everything discussed in this chapter is that not only do they use unfair ways to “encourage” you to purchase their timeshare – many times they commit outright fraud. Here are some common FRAUDULENT timeshare promises or actions that legal experts say you may have been a victim of.(You will be using this list of allegations in the WORD templates)Possible “fraud in the inducement” bullet points:1)This offer is good for today only.2)That timeshare is in hot demand3)That timeshare is a great investment4)That timeshare – like real estate will appreciate in value over time.5)The timeshare presentation is only going to be 90 minutes.6)The timeshare is in such demand it could always be RENTED for a profit.7)You are buying pre-construction and this timeshare can be SOLD for a profit after the next “phase.”8)This week/ resort is such a valuable week to all of the exchange companies that you can trade for "anytime, anywhere."9)This maintenance fee will not increase over time – or…10)You will be attending an "update" to discuss questions (also called a policy change, owners update, etc.… - Later it was actually a sales presentation).11)This is not timeshare but Vacation Ownership or Vacation Property.12)(You) were subjected to high pressure sales tactics or felt that you could not leave the presentation without purchasing timeshare?13)The timeshare sales agents plied us with champagne (or other alcohol)14)The timeshare sales agents assured us we could cancel if we had second thoughts /buyer’s remorseChapter 3:How Timeshare Exchange Companies Mislead Timeshare OwnersRemember when you were a kid and the ice cream truck would come ring its bell as it came down the street? Everyone ran to the corner, met up with the ice cream man and waited in line to get served. Well, if for some reason by the time you got your turn, he was out of ice cream sandwiches – you were sad – but you understood they were out and you asked for something else. First come, first serve is the standard for business in America.Now let’s take the same scenario as above and imagine that after you were told there were no more ice cream sandwiches (you got the lemon Popsicle instead), the kid behind you asked for an ice cream sandwich too... but he was sold one! How did that happen?! What was different?Well this exact scenario happens to timeshare owners every single day.Timeshare does not work on the honor system of first come, first serve – in fact, no one is equal. People own all different qualities of timeshares: Red season, Gold Crown, 5 Star, 2 bedrooms, low demand locations, etc.… this is an unfair system where no one is treated the same. And here’s where it gets worse – you remember that kid behind you at the ice cream truck? Well he was the same “quality” as you – he just had more money to spend.You see, your exchange company is never working in your best interest, like a bank they are working in their best interests on your collateral. They love having you standing in line because you are going to buy something, but they save the “good ice cream” for the highest bidder.So how does an exchange company find a “higher bidder” if everyone pays the same exchange rate? We’ll answer this in a minute.The exchange companies got smart a number of years ago and devised terms and conditions which encouraged you to give up your valuable week without getting inventory back immediately. This was called a deposit in the Space Bank system or the Deposit and Exchange System. How they tricked Joe Consumer into this was a sales sleight of hand akin to three card Monte!The Exchanges created a virtual swap meet where you deposit your valuable timeshare week, yet you didn’t get anything immediately back. As a matter of fact, the exchange company you are dealing with says “OK, I’ll take this and maybe – three to five months later I will give you something back in exchange.”Here’s the problem with that: even if the Exchange doesn’t offer you something of equal value or more desirable than the week you gave up – you can’t get your original week back. As a matter of fact, their contract reads that they can give you absolutely ANYTHING in exchange for your deposit and you have to accept it. So right now, all across the world, people are giving up their valuable weeks or points up to the exchange company in hopes that many months later they will have something of equal or greater value at another destination. Unfortunately, this almost never happens.Remember the question we asked earlier, ‘how does the exchange company find the highest bidder if everyone pays the same exchange fees’? Well, here is how they do it in front of your own eyes, without you even realizing what is happening:Let’s take the information we just learned and analyze how the exchange companies were able to perfect this art of illusion. As we can all agree, the exchange companies were very smart in devising this “give me yours now and I’ll tell you what you can get for it later” scheme. The perception from your view was “I put in one week and take another one out” – kind of like the honor system.Instead of this honor system, however, the exchange companies perfected the early deposit system. They essentially told you that if you were having problems getting the locations you wanted, you just were not depositing your week early enough. The exchange companies told you to deposit your home resort up to a year in advance, because “the earlier you give it to us, the better your shot of getting a prime time week!” This never worked out for the majority of timeshare owners, and in fact, gave the exchange companies even more time to profit from your deposit.All this new “miracle method” did was give the exchange companies more time to SELL your inventory to a non-timeshare owner for MORE MONEY!The reason why you can’t get your desired exchange week is because the exchange companies mark them up (sometimes $ 1,000 more than what an exchange fee is) and sell them to the highest bidder…THE TRAVEL CLUBS!Have you heard about travel clubs? Many of them are in your local metropolitan cities, inviting people into their office or local hotel and telling you why timeshare sucks (they’re right) and why their product is so much better (possibly right). The fact is that many travel clubs use the Exchange Company Feed to get properties for their club members.What is an Exchange Company Feed? It’s a direct contract, which allows a software terminal to be linked in to the exchange companies deposited inventory database. This allows travel clubs to access all of the deposited and procured inventory for say …$ 40-100 + a night. Where do these hundreds of thousands of weeks come from? That’s right, these are your deposited/ space banked weeks that you and everyone else gave to the exchange company.In other words, timeshare owners are depositing their weeks, those weeks are accessed by the travel clubs and rented to club members and the timeshare owners are getting no participation in the rent paid.For years’ exchange companies have encouraged (tricked) timeshare owners to give up (deposit) their valuable home weeks, and for that they get a week back on the exchange. So these exchange corporations, being a for profit company manage the huge pool of deposited inventory and can lease or sell access to that inventory for a significant markup, mostly to travel clubs.This is usually why you can’t get “where you want” or “when you want”. These exchange companies have found a way to put their own desperate/ trapped/ paying customers 2nd to the guy who is willing to pay more. You get the lemon Popsicle while the travel club member gets the gourmet ice cream sandwich. This is the main reason why travel clubs have become so successful. They allow their members to get a week through their travel club (which is really just your weeks deposited and then funneled through your exchange company to the travel club to their member base) for thousands less than what a timeshare costs, without the limited choices a timeshare provides and for THOUSANDS LESS IN MAINTENANCE FEE!If you always loved the timeshare resorts but hated “time sharing”, then look into purchasing travel clubs. Remember, soon you will be done with timeshare payments for good. If you ever want to vacation at a timeshare – it can now be done on your terms, when you want and how you want, and at a much cheaper price. No more being held captive to what the exchange companies want you to have and trapped paying maintenance forever.Two Scams Timeshare Owners Must Watch Out for.The moment you realize your timeshare was grossly overpriced is a painful one. If this book is the reason you are having this feeling for the first time, our sincerest apologies. Our intentions are not to offend anyone, but to provide candid and raw information. It’s not so devastating to find out that the timeshare agent misled you (I’m sure you realized this by now). I mean, sure the timeshare probably didn’t go up in value – but it’s probably worth the same, right?Nope – it’s worth virtually zero. And it’s not necessarily the salesman’s fault; it’s actually been ingrained in you and everyone in America for generations now – real estate value rises. It’s a “truth” that we have all known all our lives up until the real estate bubble collapsed in 2007. Every single person reading this has always seen real estate value increase, so you were sure that the timeshare would at least maintain its value. To be fair, the cards were incredibly stacked against you in the first place – but after the real estate bubble popped in dramatic fashion, there was zero hope.But we are all looking for that miracle to save us, right? Well be careful for these two common scams:This is a how a typical “buyer” scam goes: Ring… Ring… Ring…. “Mrs. Customer? Hi, it’s Steve over at “I’ll Say Whatever It Takes.” Yup, here we go. “We had your name on a list of persons interested in selling your timeshare over at [insert resort name here]. We have a buyer that’s interested in your property! He is willing to pay $ 23,000 for it and is ready to close now!” They make it sound like the heavens just opened up and tapped you on the shoulder to solve your timeshare woes. Great, isn’t it?For those who have never received this phone call, let’s explain how this scam ends:“Mrs. Customer, it is guaranteed that our mystery buyer is going to purchase your specific week. As a matter of fact, we will have this closed within the next week and will have the money in your hands within 30 days, guaranteed. There are NO fees for our services as the buyer is the one paying us. It’s a very simple sales process, Mrs. Customer. All you need to do is give us an escrow deposit to cover the costs to do a title search and also cover any estoppel fees. The escrow amount is only $ 3,500. Now don’t worry – its 100% guaranteed that he is going to buy this property. The best part is that once it closes, your $ 3,500 is added back into the purchase price – which means he pays it back and then we reimburse you. Guaranteed. We are so happy you are willing to sell your valuable timeshare. I’ll take your credit card information now…” And in the end, the property is never sold and you never get that escrow money you paid.This is how a typical “list your timeshare on our website” scam goes:Ring… Ring… Ring…. “Mrs. Customer? Hi, it’s Steve from We just wanted to let you know that your resort is currently in very high demand on our website. As a matter of fact, if you list your property on our website, we will guarantee it will get sold, or your money back.” This scam works in sheer volume, meaning that they only scam people out of $ 500-$ 1,500 at a time. Since it is a relatively small “listing fee” it works better because many people think of it as only “half” of their maintenance fee. Unfortunately, people all across the country fall for this scam. All of these people were convinced by the telemarketers guarantee that if it wasn’t sold – they could get their money back.From what we have uncovered, we can confirm how this scam actually works:The phone room contacts you and promises that they can list your timeshare on their high demand website and people for a very easy sell. As a matter of fact, “people are selling their weeks all the time on their website”. They tell you that your week should probably be valued at the amount you paid when you first bought it, for example $ 17,900. Why not list it for this price? They “guarantee to keep your valuable week on our website until its either sold by us or someone else”. Well, the scam was in the wording of that guarantee. They convince you to list your timeshare at an absurdly high price, because for you to get your money back – someone would have to buy it from their website at the inflated price of $ 17,900 – and not a penny less! Now, what about the part of the guarantee where you can get your money back “if it’s sold by someone else”? For you to get your money back from this scam, you would have to find a buyer for their suggested, over inflated, valuation price of $ 17,900! They convince you to list your timeshare on their website for a price that it could never sell for – just so the money back guarantee becomes worthless.In summary, even if you gave your timeshare away to a friend and no longer needed to list it or if you found a buyer for even $ 500, you wouldn’t get back your listing fee. With this scam there is no way you could get your listing fee back and you technically have no legal authority to request it.Please don’t fall for either of these above scams!Kiss That Timeshare Goodbye!Redemption vs. Release: In this chapter the rubber meets the road. We are going to outline the differences between Timeshare Redemption and Timeshare Release. On the surface, the only difference is if your timeshare still has an active mortgage on the deed. Now, for clarification purposes, the mortgage would still have to be with the original resort you signed with. If you still have a mortgage on the deed, we consider that Timeshare Release. If the timeshare in question doesn’t have a mortgage, then it comes under the scope of Timeshare Redemption.Timeshare Redemption as famously stated on a major redemption website: Timeshare Redemption is “The act of transferring a monetarily worthless timeshare from an individual to an inventory aggregate via a trusted corporation.” Which is just fancy talk for – “Hey, we have a large volume buyer that doesn’t deal with individuals. So pay us enough to cover our marketing costs, give us your timeshare and we will bundle ‘em up by the hundreds and sell ‘em to a broker.” The biggest advantage with this is, you never have to deal with that timeshare again! Imagine that day when you are finally timeshare free. You are no longer wondering how to handle paying large maintenance fees right after Christmas. You don’t have the stress of dealing with special assessments and hassles getting to use your week when and where you want it. It’s a great relief to many people and has become one of the easiest ways to actually become “timeshare free”.While this is a method for most timeshares, not every timeshare can easily be redeemed. There are a number of timeshares that not even the best redemption company will touch as long as they are a reputable company. Most off limits timeshares are constantly changing their policies– so call around and ask. Also, some resorts really don’t like the idea of its owners selling their weeks on their own because they don’t get any middleman costs. They can make it very complicated for these third party title companies to handle the transactions, though legally they must oblige.So, getting rid of your timeshare does exist if the mortgage is paid off.In some cases, a timeshare liquidation company simply gives your inventory back to the resort. But how did they do that? You have been trying to do the same thing for years. Before you pay any redemption company, just contact the resort itself. You must locate the on-property Broker in Charge or Owner Services Department. Its best advised to call in the month of January after your maintenance fee has been paid for that year. Let the Broker in Charge or Owner Services agent nicely know (do not be aggressive) your timeshare maintenance fee is paid for the current year, and that you would like to give up this year’s occupancy week for them to either rent or have free of charge. Let them know that “you have plans to “liquidate to a corporation” and you wanted to give them “the first right of refusal”. For a small percentage of resorts, they would rather take your deeded week back and use it for their inventory purposes over having it float around on the World Wide Web. However, if your timeshare has any past due or ‘soon due’ payments– you can forget about the idea of them easily taking it back.Timeshare Release: If you answered YES to any of the bullet points in Chapter 2 (where we covered possible fraud in the inducement) – pay attention! It’s going to get good. In the next chapter not only will we give you VERY VALUABLE expertise and proprietary knowledge – but this is one of the ways to possibly get back the money you already spent on your timeshare and void the balance of your contract.More often than not you may void the balance of a timeshare loan but not receive any funds back from what was already paid. If you can get out of the balance of the loan, it’s better than paying for the whole contract, even if you feel you were defrauded and tricked into purchasing. While doing our research for this book, word got out on various blogs about its pending release. We had people trying to get to this information even before the book was finished. These people who are just like you sent us daily emails outlining their horror stories about still owing $ 20,000 - $ 60,000 on their impulsively bought timeshares. It feels so great that the secrets enclosed in this book coupled with the application of these principals can stop you from having to pay this money. Spend a trifle to save $ 40,000 from them? No problem!ACTION PLANChapter 6:Plan of Attack (Secrets Revealed)Here is your plan of attack for the Timeshare Release. Each step has a specific course to take; each step must be done in the consecutive order listed below and with exact detail. Make sure you SEND ALL DOCUMENTS CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. You must maintain and proof that the creditor and resort received your upcoming notices. Include copies, not originals, of any additional documents, sales slips, or material received from sales agent or resort that supports your claim of fraud when asked.It is now time to send the opening letters to both the resort and the mortgage company, if applicable. In these opening letters we force them to have a very strong awareness of your complaint and the penalties they may face if they don’t cancel your timeshare agreement.Phase 1: Opening Letters#1) Send Resort Intro Letter#2) Send Creditor Intro Letter (if you have outstanding mortgage only)Each letter is also supplied to you template in Microsoft Word. You will simply fill in your details and list your complaints (From Chapter 2), print, sign and send using CERTIFIED MAIL.LETTER ONE – RESORT (USE WORD TEMPLATE)DateJoe Consumer1234 Any StreetAny Town, USA 12345Evil Timeshare ResortBroker in Charge555 Bad Value StreetAny City,USA 12345Dear Sir or Madam:I am writing to dispute a billing error in the amount of $ [_ALL TOTAL MONIES PAID SO FAR TO FINANCE COMPANY__] on my account. The amount is inaccurate because the sales representative at the point of sale committed fraud in the inducement for the following purchasing points: [list of all applicable points of fraud as outlined in Chapter 2].(You will be using this list of allegations in the WORD templates)Possible “fraud in the inducement” bullet points:1)This offer is good for today only.2)That timeshare is in hot demand3)That timeshare is a great investment4)That timeshare – like real estate will appreciate in value over time.5)The timeshare presentation is only going to be 90 minutes.6)The timeshare is in such demand it could always be RENTED for a profit.7)You are buying pre-construction and this timeshare can be SOLD for a profit after the next “phase.”8)This week/ resort is such a valuable week to all of the exchange companies that you can trade for "anytime, anywhere."9)This maintenance fee will not increase over time – or…10)You will be attending an "update" to discuss questions (also called a policy change, owners update, etc.… - Later it was actually a sales presentation).11)This is not timeshare but Vacation Ownership or Vacation Property.12)(You) were subjected to high pressure sales tactics or felt that you could not leave the presentation without purchasing timeshare?13)The timeshare sales agents plied us with champagne (or other alcohol)14)The timeshare sales agents assured us we could cancel if we had second thoughts /buyer’s remorseI am demanding that the error be corrected, that any finance and other charges related to the disputed amount be credited to my account forthwith, and that I receive an accurate statement immediately. There are a number of publicly visible complaints and negative reviews about your company in many public travel forums. It seems your organization is well aware of these issues. Please investigate this matter and correct my billing error as soon as possible.Please govern yourself accordingly,Joe Consumer[Signature]LETTER ONE – CREDITOR LETTER (if applicable)DateJoe Consumer 123 Any Street Any Town, USA 12345LOAN # 3345552Take My Money, Inc.Billing Inquiries555 Mortgage Greed WayAny City, USA 12345Dear Sir or Madam:Re: Account Number_I am writing to dispute a billing error in the amount of $ [_ALL TOTAL MONIES PAID SO FAR TO FINANCE COMPANY__] on my account. The amount is inaccurate because the sales representative at the point of sale committed fraud in the inducement for the following purchasing points: [list of all applicable points of fraud as outlined in Chapter 2].(You will be using this list of allegations in the WORD templates)Possible “fraud in the inducement” bullet points:1)This offer is good for today only.2)That timeshare is in hot demand3)That timeshare is a great investment4)That timeshare – like real estate will appreciate in value over time.5)The timeshare presentation is only going to be 90 minutes.6)The timeshare is in such demand it could always be RENTED for a profit.7)You are buying pre-construction and this timeshare can be SOLD for a profit after the next “phase.”8)This week/ resort is such a valuable week to all of the exchange companies that you can trade for "anytime, anywhere."9)This maintenance fee will not increase over time – or…10)You will be attending an "update" to discuss questions (also called a policy change, owners update, etc.… - Later it was actually a sales presentation).11)This is not timeshare but Vacation Ownership or Vacation Property.12)(You) were subjected to high pressure sales tactics or felt that you could not leave the presentation without purchasing timeshare?13)The timeshare sales agents plied us with champagne (or other alcohol)14)The timeshare sales agents assured us we could cancel if we had second thoughts /buyer’s remorseI am demanding that the error be corrected immediately, that any finance and other charges related to the disputed amount be credited to my account forthwith, and that I receive an accurate statement. Please investigate this matter and correct the billing error as soon as possible.Please govern yourself accordingly,Joe Consumer[Signature]Remember, the purpose of these demand letters is not to cancel the timeshare – that’s an unrealistic expectation at this stage of the process. The purpose of these initial demand letters is to put on record your formal disputes. The creditor must acknowledge your complaint in writing within 30 days after receiving it, unless the problem has been resolved. The creditor should resolve the dispute within two billing cycles after receiving your letter.Once you have sent letters #1 & #2 out, you must give them time to respond before proceeding to the next step in this timeshare cancellation process. The resort just might offer a settlement in compromise and you don’t want to show your next play before they make their move.More likely than not, you will not get a favorable response from either the resort or the finance company as it is too early in the cancellation process for them to have a favorable motivation to act upon your cancellation request. Don’t worry; their lack of a favorable response is part of the plan and they probably think you are going to go away easily.The truth is that the resort has no clue about the fury you are in the process of bringing them because you are now fully empowered by this book.*ALERT*The creditor or resort will try to contact you over the phone. They will ask to record the phone call “for quality purposes”, of course. Be very careful of the language they use and the questions they ask. If you do not feel comfortable with the line of questioning, request to only communicate via certified mail. No matter how much they attempt to appease you, let them know you feel victimized and you no longer want anything to do with the resort purchase you financed. Advise them that the payments are currently under dispute and you are currently reviewing avenues afforded to you by the legal system to protect consumers.DO NOT threaten to sue them in this conversation – you are most likely dealing with Owner Services and not the legal department. There is more discretion on their part to assist you and recommend to their superiors that your contract should be voided. You should inform them that once they void this agreement you will just go away and will not continue protest the creditor or the resort and its sales tactics.*ALERT*You must give the resort and creditor the full 30 days to respond to your initial letters. It is very probable that your demands will not be met at this point. If they choose to either ignore your letters or not respond favorably, it is time to send the Resort and Creditor Follow Up Letters (Phase Two - Follow Up Letters)Phase 2:LETTER TWO – RESORT (USE WORD TEMPLATE)Joe Consumer123 Any Street Any Town,USA 12345DateEvil Timeshare ResortBroker in Charge555 Bad Value Street Any City,USA 12345Dear Sir or Madam:Account Number:Ref: Real Estate Commission laws, Federal Trade Commission StatutesI am writing to demand that you reimburse me the value of [all monies paid in so far] paid to your resort since our initial meeting on [date signature signed] My claim is made on the grounds that a sales associate employed by you maliciously misrepresented your resort in a manner in which to commit fraud in the inducement. You are jointly and severally liable for any and all misrepresentations by your authorized associate (s). And as such, are in clear violation of various state and federal statutes.The services were not rendered as presented, the product was not as represented and I have been unable to resolve my complaint with the Broker in Charge or any persons of authority. You are liable for any misrepresentation or breach of contract under state laws. I hereby make claim that I am a victim of false and /or deceptive advertising and marketing of a vacation plan as outlined by the Federal Trade Commission.I look forward to a full and prompt response to this letter within 14 days.Yours faithfully,[Insert your signature]Joe ConsumerSECOND LETTER – CREDITORJoe Consumer123 Any Street Any Town,USA 12345DateTake My Money, Inc.Billing Inquiries555 MortgageGreed Way Any City,USA 12345Dear Sir or Madam:Account Number: [insert account number] Ref: Fraud in the Inducement, and Federal Trade Commission ViolationsI am writing to demand that you reimburse me the value of [all monies paid in so far] paid to your finance company since our signing of a loan agreement [original purchase date]. My claim is made on the grounds that a sales associate employed by the resort misrepresented its resort in a manner in which to commit fraud in the inducement. You are jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentation by the resort in which you offer financing for this transaction. And as such, are in clear violation of various state and federal statutes.I am writing to request that you reimburse me the value of [all monies paid so far] as payment towards the said timeshare property.The services were not rendered, the product was not as represented and I have been unable to resolve my complaint with the Broker in Charge or any persons of authority. You are liable for any misrepresentation or breach of contract under state laws. I hereby make claim that I am the victim of false or deceptive advertising and marketing of a vacation plan as outlined by the Federal Trade Commission.I look forward to a full and prompt response to this letter within 14 days.Yours faithfully,[Insert your signature][Insert your name (printed)]Keep your expectations limited at this part of the cancellation process. We expect that only 40% of the people at this stage will have canceled their timeshare. However, each and every single one of you will have received communication from your resort by now. Finally, they will have stopped avoiding your simple calls and escalated your file to where you actually sit on someone’s desk. Every day from this stage forward you are on someone’s desk, in someone’s email – and the higher ups are debating on how to best “put out this fire”.As of right now, they are not very concerned about keeping your money – they already have it. What they are worried about is that you will become a bigger and louder problem than your money is worth to them. So, if the only way they will release you from the agreement is if they feel you have become a liability. My friends… we will show you how to become their worst nightmare.Phase 3:Final LetterPrepare for a rush of adrenaline once you realize that the big timeshare resort that bullied you around was just “acting” the entire time. The resorts know very well that they can walk you to the very ledge of horrible customer and sometimes illegal sales and there’s virtually nothing you can do about it... until now. Below we will teach you the best posturing to ensure that you are now perceived as the bully. You will find one last grand finale timeshare cancellation template that works for you as it has for people all across this nation. Send the below letter to the resort only. They truly have the power to reverse the deal. They can force the finance company to reverse the charges and relieve you of your fraudulent timeshareNow it’s time to send the final letter.FINAL LETTER[Your Name and address][Insert Date][Name of Resort]Administrative Offices[Address of Home Resort][City, State, Zip Code]Dear Administrative Offices Account Number: [insert account number]Ref:, Complaint Resolution Platform | Scambook, TripAdvisor: Read Reviews, Compare Prices & Book, Complaints Board - Complaints and Reviews,,,, www.consumeraffairs.comI am writing to inform you that this is my last correspondence before I go on a social media and government entity campaign that will create awareness about your resort that may have chilling effects on your day-to-day business. I feel more compelled than ever to share with people, particularly people that your resort and others like yours target to buy timeshare. I feel obliged to share our recent voice mails, our email correspondence, in fact everything about my experience with your resort. I cannot, in good ethic, stand by and watch as my concerns go unanswered and unresolved and not inform others who may visit or purchase at your resort.My claim of fraud in the inducement by your employed representatives is one of dire consequences if my purchase agreement is not irrevocably and immediately cancelled.The social media platforms, which I referenced, are permanent domains that are crawled and indexed by global search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo on a daily basis. As I am sure you are aware, once the search engines index them, they serve as an indefinite permanent record of my experiences and warnings to others.I am writing this final letter to make you an offer in compromise on my concerns. I will no longer request that you reimburse me the value of the monies paid so far, as long as you void my current financial obligations without harm or negative reflection to my credit standing. If you provide written intentions to void my contract within the next 14 business days, I will permanently destroy my pending complaints posts on the websites I referenced in this letter.I look forward to a full and prompt response to this letter within 14 days.Yours faithfully,[Insert your signature]~You have now officially bullied the timeshare resorts. These timeshare resorts now have an easy question in front of them. Do they allow this one client who owes them a relatively small amount of money prevent them from doing what they always do – make millions of dollars? Not a chance.ConclusionCongratulations, you finally beat Goliath!You will typically receive a document in the mail relieving you of your pending finance charges and a letter voiding your agreement. It may also be accompanied with a confidentiality agreement to keep quiet the terms of the release. They will always make you go to a notary to finalize their offer, so if you are reading this from outside of the country you will need to go the closest U.S. Embassy to complete your cancellation. Remember, this is a proven step by-step process.Do not rearrange or rush any of the procedures or steps in this very specific timeshare cancellation guideline. Give the resorts 30 business days every time you send them a correspondence and be very firm with them over the phone. This proven method is the same proven method that has been used to get people out of their contracts all over the United States.We are glad our research and insight into the timeshare industry was able to educate you and help you cancel your timeshare contract forever!

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