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What is the best dividend in stocks?
There are many stocks which are paying highest dividend, most of stocks are owned by government. But the main question is DOES THESE STOCKS HAVE DELIVERED ANY RETURNS TO SHAREHOLDERS IN PAST ONE YEAR????Lets look at the chart mentioned below.Except Infosys, none of the company have delivered any positive return to its shareholders. So my point is why not to invest in shares which are paying average dividend with good return consistently.List of such type of shares are as follow:ITC: This stock is consistently paying healthy dividend around 2.5% YOY. But this stock has under performed heavily in last 5 years, current situation is favorable for company like ITC to expand its business and they are mainly focusing on variety of products. Company has shifted its focus from Cigarette to other major products which has started en cashing now. This stock has given 22% return in last two month.2.P&G HygieneThough P&G Hygiene is second in the list of high dividend-paying companies, its financial performance has been tepid, with a compound annual growth of 12% and 9% in revenue and net profit, respectively, in the past 10 years. Still, its share price has grown at the rate of 30% annually. What makes it stand out among the rest is its generous dividend payment track record. In the past five years, it has paid around 40% of its profit regularly to shareholders.3.Asian PaintsThe industry leader in paints, Asian Paints has a rich dividend-paying history stretching over many years. The company has paid an average 42% of its net profit as dividend in the past 10 years, while the stock has beaten the Sensex eight times in 10 years. Its ability to maintain a generous dividend payout stems from the consistent high cash flow it generates due to its superior pricing power made possible by its leadership position.4.Dabur IndiaIn the FMCG space, Dabur India has stolen a march over many of its peers in the past decade. Its shares have delivered a compound annual growth of 34% over these years, while also generously distributing more than 35% of its profits among shareholders over the past five years. This sustained high dividend has been possible due to Dabur's stellar financial performance. The company's product suite ranges from health supplements, digestives, hair care, oral care etc.5. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer HealthcareMNC stocks are a big draw among investors and it isn't too difficult to understand why. These companies are reputed for quality management, superior corporate governance and best global practices. Their stocks typically command a valuation premium for these very reasons. Besides, most MNCs are known to have a generous dividend policy.6.HDFCShareholders of HDFC have had a lot to smile about. A consistent track record in earnings and business growth has given it premium valuations. Return ratios have remained healthy across economic cycles with a RoE of over 20%. Its strong brand pedigree and large network have helped it maintain its leadership position despite a challenging macro environment.7. Pidilite IndustriesThe owner of the Fevicol brand managed to clock healthy growth even during the economic slowdown. Its two major segments, consumer and speciality industrial chemicals, have grown at a compound annual rate of around 20% and 15%, respectively, in the past five years. Its strong brand recall, connect with consumers, distribution network and product innovation are key strengths for the company.8. GRUH FinanceIt is not as widely known as its larger rival, HDFC, by both consumers and investors, but this Gujarat-based housing finance company's performance is no less extraordinary. In the past 10 years, the company's revenues have grown 26% annually, while profits have surged 27%. Compared to the 17% compound annual growth of the Sensex, GRUH Finance' shares have shot up 56% over the past decade, beating the index in eight of the 10 years.Please ignore “ CMP” “PE” & “PBV” columns. I had downloaded them in past, My intention is just focus on DIVIDEND PAYOUT & GROWTH that these stocks have delivered in last 1 -2 years, ITC & Gruh Finance have just under performed but going ahead I feel these stocks will keep on paying good dividend with return to its share holder.I just wanted to inform you all rather than focusing on only earning more and more dividend (which is actually paid from our own share price) I request you to focus on both dividend payout & growth. Please note that I have not recommended buy on any stock, Please do your own study.Courtesy: Business News Live, Share Market News - Read Latest Finance News, IPO, Mutual Funds News
What was it like to live in South Africa during apartheid?
Disclaimer: If some links suddenly open up to nothing, we SA whites are used to it. Because anyone Communist, doesn't want you to see what I am showing you here. This happens to us daily. It's called censorship.Never rely on mainstream media. You will never find the truths there. The only way you can find truths is to observe alternative media …All please support Willem Petzer and Loving Life on YouTube, and Rebel Media …The British established Apartheid in South Africa, and we South Africans ended it through negotiations.Marianne Incani from Italy, so truthfully and intelligently writes:"I had dinner here at home last night with a group of young and intelligent minds. At the time when they had the anti-apartheid movements here in Europe, their understanding was that White South Africans had slaves in their homes, gave no schools to the non-white communities, education was a no no, whites would kill blacks on sight as if they were baboons in a mieliefield. The disinformation and propaganda was everything to put White South Africans in the bad light. Now that the ANC is having a field day by not doing anything about the genocide of Whites in South Africa, you even get people that say they deserve it for all the horrors they committed on the Black people. The fact is that most black deaths were black on black violences to force people to participate in a revolution or pay with their lives. More people have died in the last 21 years under the ANC Regime than in the 48 years of the previous regime."Unfortunately the children of today in SA and the world are so indoctrinated by Socialist Communist Anarchist Syndicalist Marxist Leninism.They were never born during apartheid when there was general safety in the country, especially in the Indian and the white areas.Our South African youth are indoctrinated to believe that life under apartheid for blacks was terrible because they had to carry a little book in their pockets way back then like an ID. The Dompas.Like spoilt brats the PAC, led by Ronnie Kasrils, used this Dompas to cause an uprising where they murdered policemen over this little book.In self defence, police shot at huge charging crowds. But they overpowered the police and tortured them to death.The world blamed police, not the revved up PAC led crowds who charged with murder in mind.Yet we ALL had to carry some form of ID during apartheid, and now. And we ALL always will be required to do so.The difference is that it has been turned into a plastic card, yet it's the same thing.Black PAC enraged crowds, thousands of them who attacked policemen, who were hugely outnumbered, were upset because the previous regime tried to regulate their wherabouts at night, for the safety of themselves and the entire country, because that was the only way to stop whites and Indians from being murdered and raped in our sleep.This huge black PAC crowd of thousands were upset because mixed marriages were against the law.It's not about colour, it's about serving another God. In order to keep our whites Christian and safe also, we tried to implement separation and non-mixed marriages.It was our country, which we whites turned from third world wilderness into a first world country, with our laws. Our right therefore to make our laws.The Jews have always done this, kept their religion intact, and were never questioned on it.Throughout the centuries, it was always accepted that Jews are taught since the begining of Jewish existence, to marry only within the Jewish faith, that is why whenever a Jew married a gentile, the gentile traditionally was expected to convert to Judaism.The world understood that. But the world refused to understand it when we Christian white South Africans felt it was our religious right to do the same thing.The world did not understand that it was our legal right to make laws that were designed to keep ALL South Africans safe. Statistically by the way, laws that worked.South Africa has become one of the most unsafe country's in the world since Apartheid laws ended.Ever since the abolishment of those laws, the lawless, rebellious, Communist indoctrinated black South Africans, their sponsors and supporters have proven that our Apartheid laws have worked, including our death penalty for raping babies and setting people alight with tyres dowsed in petrol.SACP/ ANC Violence ...And even today …Totally horrifying - Children burnt alive in South Africa by blacks (Extremely NSFW) … new Rainbow Nation regime, the ANC terrorist organisation which was voted into government in 1994, through world sanctions due to hefty false propaganda false promises and optimism because of said false promises, has failed dismally in their version of governance.South Africa today is a failed State on every possible conceivable level. This is undisputed.Yet during Apartheid, South Africa was often likened to the Monaco or the Switzerland of the world.Everybody wanted to come to South Africa. Now, today, since Mandela became president, all tourist websites have displayed specific instructions to tourists coming to South Africa on vacation, on where it is safe and where it is not safe to go within SA.Tourists have even been given bright red T-shirts to wear on which is printed, "Don't shoot me, I am not a Boer" (I am not a white /farmer).Today there are fifty black on all ethnicity murders per day.2015 rape statistics showed one rape every 26 seconds according to an independent source, and according to SA police one rape every 36 seconds, abductions and missing persons statistics are off the charts and does not receive the publicity it deserves.South Africa has become such an unsafe country since apartheid ended, that even blacks, Indians and Coloureds are quietly lamenting the good old days of apartheid.Whites, even those who optimistically voted for terrorist leader of military Mkonto We Sizwe, Nelson Mandela, have always realised their poor judgement at the voting booths that fateful election day.In order to quell their own guilt for such poor judgement, they try hopelessly to make excuses, but it's pointless, and they know it. The Communists have raped and destroyed our country.They have disgraced themselves and they realise it.They know the writing was on the wall the moment Nelson Mandela, who did not do his full sentence as the lying propaganda claims, was released from “prison” - by then he was under (luxury) house arrest - not for liberating blacks, but for killing them, for killing all ethnic citizens, for ordering their deaths.This, world media will never acknowledge, because it's more pleasurable to believe the Mandela Myths.Mandela who ignorantly? committed genocide on his own people the day he abolished the anti-abortion laws.It's not trendy to express that view, the view that Apartheid was a world success story, but those who are old enough to remember life under apartheid are not shy to say so anymore, especially blacks who truly had life better then - non- whites were safer and jobs were abundant for them, everything free for them, even free houses were built way better then - albeit today they say so with caution, because they can easily be murdered for saying so if said too publicly.King praises apartheid regime.!/article/king-praises-apartheid-regime-1.1956136Why ApartheidThe Good Side of Apartheid - YouTubeWhat White Apartheid did for Blacks: many people did apartheid kill? did not defeat the apartheid regime, there was a negotiation – Songezo ZibiApartheid: "They did not oppress us" - YouTubeApartheid education was better – RampheleBlacks had FREE university under Apartheid, whites had to pay. Apartheid Black education was much better than now.Black South Africans that were educated and trained under the apartheid education system are doing well today. Nelson Mandela himself became a lawyer under the Apartheid system. The black education system under apartheid realized that whites and blacks are different culturally and religiously. The system gave the blacks an education department and a chance to learn within their own culture and traditions.South Africa is a country where nothing existed prior to the whites arriving in 1652, especially not peace (as Zuma would have you believe). There were no schools, universities and no reading or writing.Under the apartheid system, ten black universities were built including the MEDUNSA university for training black doctors, paramedics, dentists and veterinary surgeons.This was offered free to willing learners who were trained by white professors and paid for by the taxpayers. Up to 200 black medical doctors qualified each year, a significant turnaround during oppressed times.unisaA ten percent mathematics pass rate for a Grade nine learner is proof that the education system is a failed system.The education standards are so low that intelligence is driven out, and rewarding the stupid beyond abilities achieved exactly like a communist state.The Education system in South Africa is the worst in the world, and there is no hope for future generations receiving a decent education under the current government. The rapid decline and almost non-existent learning process for school children worsens each passing year. The government does inject a lot of funds into providing a solid education, but there are astounding results of complete failure.The old apartheid school curriculum produced world-renowned doctors, engineering and lawyers and when the African National Congress (ANC) party came into power in 1994, the education system changed. The ANC introduced the Outcomes Based Education (OBE) a simple, logical outcome base approach used by people every day. Knowing what you want to achieve, the outcome is visualized in the mind and steps are taken to accomplish the result. Perhaps it’s a system to hide the stupid with the clever in groups and score all the same. The system worked, the standard of education dropped. Students became lazier and depended on the intelligent ones to work extra hard thereby ensuring that nobody in the group failed.As the education standard worsened under the ANC, the pass rates dropped to keep the deception alive. Subjects were introduced into the grade one curriculum, teaching small children, life orientation, all about HIV, sex and shifting away from the importance of reading, writing and simple arithmetic.Maths was a problem, and the ANC introduced maths literacy, which practically labels math a substandard subject. A subject that answered the question, and not stimulating the young mind to think. Even so, the pass rate was still underachieved.The changes were a conspiracy to hide the disaster taking place in South African schools and implement liberation before education. Burning down of schools, rioting and non-delivery of textbooks proved how dangerous the ANC government was. Now South Africa has neither.According to the liberation government lies, the old apartheid school system was terrible, yet it produced thousands of black doctors, accountants, teachers, nurses and lawyers, all who had to pass through a severe university degree. Nothing like the affirmative action disasters seen today, where universities complain about the time spent, practically months, on teaching entrants to write when first arriving at the higher education institute.The Global Information Technology Report 2014, published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) ranked South Africa’s science and mathematics education quality as the worst in the world. The general education quality was ranked at number 146 out of 148 countries. With a ranking this devastating there is no beacon of light on the dark continent.Angie Motshekga is a South African politician, appointed Minister of Basic Education in 2009. She has been a Lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand and at the Soweto College of Education: Arch Bishop of Cape Town is at it again and in the news for asking whites to pay a reparation tax or wealth tax because they all apparently benefitted from Apartheid.Along came his cheerleading constitutional expert and praise singer Piere de Vos from UCT and said, The problem is, of course, that some white people out of shame or ignorance or maybe a bit of both do not want to admit that white South Africans almost all benefited from apartheid vis--vis black South Africans.Almost All? Who were the ones that did not benefit? Again facts sucked out of each others thumbs.As I have proved in Opening Pandoras Apartheid Box everyone in South Africa benefitted form Apartheid, Black and White. Blacks had the highest literary standards and the highest life standard of all the blacks in Africa.Self hating liberal idiot, De Vos reckons, If I had been born black and poor, I almost certainly would not have gone to University and I would almost certainly never have been a Law Professor at UCT (University of Cape Town), earning quite a nice salary, thank you.I love the way he chooses his words. Almost AllAlmost CertainlyAs always both De Vos and The Arch fails to explain how it was at all possible for Tutu to study and become a teacher just like his father was.They also fail to explain how Nelson Mandela and countless other blacks managed to become lawyers during Apartheid South Africa a lawyer just like De Vos.They further failed to explain how the Apartheid government built ten Universities for blacks including Medunsa which is a unique medical university that turned out 200 highly qualified black doctors every year all at state costs, paid for by the white taxpayers. It also trained paramedics and nurses.Since 1970 the budget for black education was raised by about 30% per year every year. More than any other government department.In the period 1955 -1984 the amount of black school students increased 31 times from 35,000 to 1,096 000.65% of black South African children were at school compared to Egypt 64%, Nigeria 57%, Ghana52%, Tanzania50% and Ethiopia 29%.Amongst the adults of South Africa, 71% could read and write (80% between the ages 12 and 22). Compare this to Kenya 47%, Egypt 38%, Nigeria 34% and Mozambique at 26%.In South Africa, the whites built 15 new classrooms for blacks every working day, every year. At 40 children per class it meant space for an additional 600 black students every day!!!In 1985 there were 42,000 Blacks at 5 universities in South Africa, about the same amount at the universities of the homelands.In an article called Die Afrikaner 11 Feb 1987, the quarterly magazine called Vox Africana Nr 29 4/87 stated that,South Africa had 4,8 million whites and 18,2 million blacks in 1987. The whites paid 77% of the taxes and the blacks only 15%...despite this...56% of the government budget was spent on blacks.During the time of Dr. Verwoerd. the living standards of Blacks were rising at 5,4% per year against that of the whites at 3,9% per year. In 1965 the economic growth of South Africa was the second highest in the world at 7,9%. The rate of inflation was a mere 2% per annum and the prime interest rate only 3% per annum. Domestic savings were so great that South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion.Even Lord Deedes admitted, White South Africa grew to become the economic giant of the continent, the other members of the Commonwealth virtually sank into poverty.At the hight of Apartheid in 1978 Soweto had 115 football fields, 3 Rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 Cricket fields, 2 Golf courses, 47 Tennis courts, 7 swimming pools built to Olympic standards, 5 Bowling alleys, 81 Netball fields, 39 children play parks, and countless civic halls, movie houses and clubhouses.In addition to this, Soweto had 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 Technical Colleges, 8 clinics, 63 child day care centres, 11 Post Offices, and its own fruit and vegetable market.There were 2300 registered companies that belonged to black businessmen, about 1000 private taxi companies. 3% of the 50,000 vehicle owners in 1978 were Mercedes Benz owners. Soweto alone had more cars, taxis, schools, churches and sport facilities than most independent countries in Africa. The Blacks of South Africa had more private vehicles than the entire white population of the USSR at the time.Today Soweto has modern shopping malls like, Dobsonville Shopping Centre. In 2005 the Protea Gardens Mall opened. This was followed by the Baramall Shopping Centre and the Jabulani Shopping complex and the Maponya Mall. Experts say that Soweto has as much as 25% oversupply of retail space.The Canadian Medical Doctor, Dr Kenneth Walker wrote about Soweto, (I freely translate from Verrat an Sdafrika, Klaus Vaque, 1987,pg 41)In Soweto I saw many homes that costs about $100,000 (1978) and that had a BMW in the driveway. All houses are single storey. Many are recently painted. Many had flowerpots in the windows and lawn in the front. Only 2% were shacks. If I had the choice to live in Soweto or in the apartment dwellings or Projects of New York, Chicago, or Detroit where there is so much crime, then I would not hesitate for one moment and choose Soweto.The biggest hospital in the world, Baragwanath with 3200 beds and at its peak almost 8000 staff had 23 operation theatres fitted out with the most modern medical equipment that existed in the world. Blacks were treated here, operated full state costs to the white-taxpayers for unlimited periods. The budget of this hospital was and is higher than the yearly budget of most small member states of the United Nations.Next door to Baragwanath is the St. Johns Eye Clinic. The clinic is world famous for the treatment of Glaucoma, Cataracts, traumatic eye injuries and rare tropical diseases. All built and maintained by white taxpayers money for blacks.Baragwanath in 1978 employed 450 medical doctors in full-time service. It treated 112 000 in-patients and 1.62 million out-patients per year. The children and infant death rate with 34.8 per 1000 was lower than Harlem in New York.In 1982 alone, this hospital performed 898 heart operations of world quality.Ironically...90% of the blood donors for this hospital were whites, who donated blood free of charge, totally save black lives. (Quoted from The Citizen, 2 April 1987).Whites have already given blacks their blood. What more do they want?De Vos calls for a ones off reconstruction tax.did he forget that 20,000 Victims of Apartheid were compensated R30,000 each back in the days of the TRC?Personally I think that Prof Pierre De Vos and Bishop Tutu should go get an education about the truth about Apartheid. They can start by reading my Pandora Series.Whites have given blacks the entire country for free. In tact. There is nothing more to give. Today blacks are destroying all the infrastructure that we paid for and built. Then still has the audacity to tell whites they should leave.What I want to know is who are going to compensate whites for all the schools, hospitals, dams, airports, harbours, railroads, etc that they have built? It is high time for blacks to start paying whites. Nothing is for free.Bishop Tutu and De Vos can start by selling their mansions and BMWs and give it to the poor white fund of Solidarity Helpende Hand.Whites Never Stole Land from Black South Africans: happened during Apartheid in South Africa will depend entirely on who you ask …If you ask a Communist, whether born after Apartheid ended, (a ‘Newborn’), or a Communist born during Apartheid, who has been indoctrinated by Ronnie Kasrils, Che Guevara, the old Soviets, Vietnameze and Chinese, by way of rewritten South African history, and rewritten SA current affairs, you will be fed only misinformation and disinformation - in other words, propaganda. The black Communist will pretend to be indigenous to South Africa and he is not …Julius Malema finally caught admitting that black people are not native to South Africa Julius Malema finally caught admitting that black people are not native to South Africa ...And their propaganda will slant heavily towards vilifying all white South Africans - whether or not that white person once voted for Nelson Mandela’s SACP/ ANC terrorist organisation to become the next governing regime in the then elections, or not. And whether or not that white South African was an anti-Apartheid activist, or not. The whiteness is the issue for a Communist, not what's in the head or in the heart, and not what that white persons citizenship or passport says - The Communist doesn't first stop to ask a white person their pedigree, merits or credentials when they do the following to a white family in South Africa … The murders so brutal they shocked even South Africa: Couple shot dead, then son aged 12 is drowned in scalding bathIf you ask a white British Englishman, with dual SA passport and one foot in South Africa and another foot in Britain, you will be fed only the British version about the first Europeans to settle in South Africa, the Boers and Afrikaners - The Boers/ Afrikaners incidentally also the first to turn southern Africa from a borderless, Stateless wilderness of nothingness, into a first world country with everything functional and working, like borders, flag infrastructure, modern culture, schools, hospitals - the wheel -you get the idea. And they will never tell you what they did to the Boers. Instead they will teach their children not to speak Afrikaans ever and they will lay the blame for Apartheid on the Boer /Afrikaner shoulders - Never able to face the world for the Boers (stock farmers, not trained soldiers), having been the first ever in Africa to defeat the army of the British Empire - and never being able to be honest about who implemented Apartheid in the first place - the British Crown. You would swear the Boer has tusks and a tail if you lend your ears to an Englishman, who has no choice, but to alter history to demonise the Boer /Afrikaner in order to save face. Around 28,000 women and children and at least 20,000 black people died in the camps - the death toll represented almost 10 per cent of the Boer population. and every day is a great day to celebrate the selfless life of Emily Hobhouse ... God bless her soul. If you lend your ears to any other person nationally or internationally, he will talk as if he has personally met the Boer nearly 400 years ago, knowing him personally and better than the Boer /Afrikaner knows his own history and heritage himself, even school kids around the world. It's laughable frankly …And he will speak as if the Boer today is still “Dutch”, (not anymore after 400 years of intermarriage across nation lines), and still discovering gold and diamonds on horseback … In other words, todays Boer (white farmer) is apparently able to travel nearly 400 years back in time and still pioneer, according to all the international and even national myths about him! …The Natal became the site of sugar cane plantations, which saw the arrival of large numbers of indentured Indian laborers beginning in about 1860. The Boers discovered precious resources in their area—diamonds in 1867, and gold in 1882—and thereafter South Africa would be famous for its vast natural wealth.And they will tell of how the Xhosa were “conquered” by the Boer (white farmer, not soldier), when the “conquering” was merely self-defense against hardened trained warriors, who outnumbered the farmer families, even thoudands against 400 men, women and children who helped their husbands and fathers and sons to load their guns. Pretty much a duplicate of what has been busy playing itself out all over again since 1987 when the blacks began murdering the white farmers all over again in South Africa. For no darn sensible reason.The Retief Massacre of 6 February 1838 revisited - Piet Retief's original land title ... of Blood River. Afrikaner (Boer) victory ... 1828/1839And they will tell of how the native Khoisan - The ONLY first indigenous peoples of southern Africa were “conquered” and ill-treated by the Boer. Yet what was the Boer supposed to do when continually ambushed with poison arrows as they continued to seek patches for their cattle to graze?? - Lay down and die? - Or defend? Mere skirmishes they'll were. And the whole world singles the Boer out today as if they were the only ones in all history to defend their nation for their very survival the only way they knew how to.Khoisan vs EFF - We are indigenous people not Nguni's and Bantus4. And if you speak to a Boer /Afrikaner about Apartheid, he will tell the truths of SA history before, during and after Apartheid, as follows …The Boer.Deirdre Fields:LIST OF NAMES OF RURAL KILLINGS IN SOUTH AFRICA SINCE 1994 ... Hammer: lies: is a full-length documentary on the transition of Africa from colonialism to chaos. It is as relevant today, as when it was made more than 50 years ago.Africa Addio - Colonisation of Africa TRUE STORY“I am not Dutch. I am totally innocent of all that my forefathers may or may not have done.They speak as if the Dutch were the only nation worldwide who shared an international maritime trade history, which the Dutch themselves abolished centuries ago?” …Yet Blacks enslaved Blacks and sold them ...West Africa, was an easy source for slaves as the region had been practicing the institution of slavery for hundreds of years.There were - and still are - Black slave traders enslaving Blacks AND Whites worldwide today.The first ever slave traders were Blacks enslaving Blacks AND Whites. word "slave" comes from the first White Slavic slaves. ...A CENTURY AGO …On 1 July 1863, slavery was abolished in the former Dutch colonies of Suriname and the Dutch Antilles.This ended a period of around 200 years of slavery in these colonies.Also, do please note …Is it not strange, that all pamphlets and other forms of slave advertising, were found to be originally printed in ENGLISH, “from the same identical time period”??Most telling that - Since the Dutch then, did not speak, read or write English! (Can you see it?) …http://file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/fad90e1d4a9a4a99c12ba30b18aed291.jpgTODAY …To mark the 150th anniversary of Dutch abolition in 2013, various activities have been organized, including exhibitions in the National Library of the Netherlands, the History Museum of The Hague, and the University of Amsterdam.Even if we could pay these compensations, it’s almost impossible to figure out who should pay them, because the shipping companies which transported the slaves don’t exist anymore. The Dutch state then? Maybe. How much should they pay, and to whom precisely? It’s almost impossible to do historical justice to our dark past, in a financial way, and because of that it will probably never happen.We actually already paid billions to our former colonies, before and after they became independent, although it was disguised as development aid.How long can you hold our generation morally responsible for the things that happened many generations ago?How many more times must my people apologise for things we never did?How many more times must my people pay with our very lives - We are being genocided since 1987 - White South Africans were 19% of the South African population, we are now 7% and declining, as we were either raped and tortured to death, or fled to other countries. I myself was almost strangled with gun to my head. Gun to my only son's head. Ten year old niece was also strangled. We are innocent.The only way that we can do this past justice and come to an agreeable solution with the descendants of the slaves, is to commemorate this dark page regularly together.You cannot ever hold anything personally against me the Boer of today, which was never done personally by me against anyone today.You cannot ever hold anything personally against me today, which was never ever done personally by me against anyone’s forefathers.I have never met you, nor your forefathers - I was only born half a century ago.Instead of asking me to commenorate that part of history with you, you and all your other indoctrinated SACP, ANC, PAC, EFF, BLF and DA Communist cadres, decide to quite LITERALLY condemn me to death for it - I already had a gun held to my head and turned onto my only son, for it. Every time a White person is robbed, raped and tortured to death in SA today, I am already paying for your forefathers indenture - salaried, educated, fed, housed and clothed servitude which Whites abolished on 1 December 1834.You forget that the British were trading slaves and introduced Apartheid to SA? You forget that the British genocided 20 000 Blacks in South Africa?, you have memory?? of something, centuries ago?? which I personally never did?? - And I am not even Dutch?? - If I were Dutch or of any other single European country by heritage, then please explain to me why I am not legally permitted to apply for any Dutch or any other European country passport and citizenship?? - I am of mixed European descent, not only Dutch, Italian, German, French and Belgian, but and I am a South African citizen ONLY, with SA passport ONLY - that is why. You want to send me to Europe, but legally you cannot, so instead you will celebrate when I am murdered by one of yours?? - And you hope that will make your ancestors proud of you??Can welfare programs be considered a form of reparation for the slavery which the ancestors of African Americans have endured? problem is that there have already been extensive reparations paid back in all shapes and forms throughout the generations.How many more generations must pay for what they themselves never did, to descendants of slaves who are benefiting today from every opportunity presented before them, in a day and age where even veterans are living on the streets.The unscrupulous criminals living off welfare because they are too lazy to work are making babies left right and center and these criminals, who are totally unaffected by slavery today, are trying to get the world to pay back reparations indefinitely, from those born long after their own ancestors ended slavery.The reparations idea in other words has already been abused to death. What will happen if slave owners descendants decide that it is time for reparations to be paid back to them for disadvantaging them so many generations after slavery?It could become a crazy vicious cycle.I say let those, who are living slave owners, pay reparations to living ex-slaves. If there are no more living slave owners or livijg ex-slaves alive, then that is the day that reparations must be abolished.This dear YouTuber accurately explains the indoctrinated Communist Socialist Black African mindset or mentality - It's a totally dependant, “Gimme, gimme, gimme, and I rob, rape and kill you anyway”, attitude …Economy, civil war and common senseTainted "Hero's"Simon Roche at EU parliamenSuidlanders at the European ParliamentThe Cape Secedes from SA.The people of South Africa have voted with their mandates by registering on the USAF website …Tony Leon Tony LeonKhoisan vs EFF (ANC), are the first people of South Africa. Boer settlers are the first developers of South Africa ...Khoisan vs EFF - We are indigenous people not Nguni's and BantusSouth Africa - Why? ...WHY?To minority South Africans:Regarding USAC (United South Africa Coalition) …SOUTH AFRICANS - PLEASE DO NOT SEND PERSONAL INFO THERE...This is why ...Tammy Fyke is USAC!PEOPLE v. FYKE | 190 Ill. App.3d 713 (1989) | pp3d7131827 |
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