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How can I tell that someone I am talking to is being real, genuine and authentic, through body language or the conversation?

Depends on how well you read people. NLP teaches us about submodalities which is a fancy word for the 5 senses and how we filter externally and internally with them. The three most commonly used submodalities are Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (or sight sound and touch/feelings). Of these three everyone has a primary external submodality in most contexts. The way you can determine each person’s primary external submodality is paying attention to what they do non-stop, no matter what else is going on. Ever had a friend that could physically work on something and never lose a beat in a conversation? That friend seemed to be happier when he was touching things (rubix cube, football, tv remote) than just being still and not having some fidget spinner in his hands? This person’s external primary submodality is probably Kinesthetic.So you are basically asking how to use the knowledge of body language, tonality, word choice, etc to be a lie detector test. It is possible if you have the right training and you make lots of distinctions. The more distinctions you make about anything the more choices you have. For example Eskimos have 50 words for snow. That is a lot of distinctions.In conversation the easiest way to determine “realness” is to get the person you are talking to to pick 4 or 5 positions they must maintain, through questions. Each question you ask someone doesn’t just tell you the answer to the question but it opens up them as a flower with all kinds of things you can conclude (more answers) as a result of their answer.Example: “What do you like most about the business you are in?” your subject will answer (he has now picked a position)“Did you know before you finished school/college what you wanted to do or how did you realize this is the business you wanted to be in?” answer = another position he has picked.“Does your work life ever conflict with personal/family life or are you allowed to not take your work home?” answer = 3rd position“Does your business have a good retirement plan or do you have to manage that some other way?” answer = 4th positionNow as you have a conversation about anything he has to make everything he’s told you about his 4 positions line up with everything else he’s said. When he colors outside the lines you must challenge the information with “But I thought you said earlier…” at that point he will have to increase the lying/deceit or a long boring colorful story intended to derail your interest or come clean.Whenever you think you might ask a question where you are going to get BS watch his body. See if he has a tell. Touches his face, shuffles his feet a little, unbuttons a coat that he could have unbuttoned an hour ago, needs to drink something, has a hard time making eye contact. His pitch and tonality of his voice might change slightly. Is he agitated or perfectly at peace.To be honest though I don’t start by hoping the person I’m talking to is real, authentic or genuine. I try not to project anything onto them or assume anything, I want them to show me. By doing this - a non-biased evaluation of what's before me, my expectations don’t get lowered or raised and I can get a real good feel for whether or not I want to do business with the person in front of me.I answered this from a business perspective, but you can convert it to personal situations easily enough. Same method just a personal template instead of a professional one.

Why does time dilation occur? Why do gravity & speed both affect time? I have difficulty visualizing how time should slow down for people in different gravity environments or going at a faster speed, and how astronauts biologically age less in space.

Answers to Rishabh Dubey:Rishabh Dubey since you blocked me for answering you, because you rejected facts and evidences that mathematics is 100% fairy tale when it comes questions like these, since there are no true evidences and there are many other factors and causes that trigger thiese signals that call "the ripples of spacetime" I will answer it here, you obviously live in mathematical religious fantasy (and that’s why both mathematics and statistics are both the biggest/largest manipulation weapons for masses today and for destruction of all true science, both mathematics and statistics are simply tools and weapons of pseudoscience and religion just to confuse people and creating doubts where they simply don’t exist, but only inside the brains of those pseudoscientists and religious zealots who are making all of these both mathematical and statistical calculations "to prove" that they are 100% right and that those things and creations exist, but the fact is all of these mathematical and statistical creations exist only inside their own brains and not in the real world universe, as the real world universe 100% irrefutably prove it to all of us every single day, but since all of these pseudoscientists have not calculated something, than all of this that is not calculated simply does not exist and must not exist-typical hyper-religious behaviour) and exclude all other possible/largest factors and causes that these projects detected apparent decrease and increase of length which you all concluded that are "ripples in spacetime", and here are tons of reasons and tons of 100% irrefutable, real world evidences, why you, pseudoscientists and hyper-religious hyper-zealots are all 100% wrong:Rishabh Dubey, how do they know they are gravitational waves even if they exclude all of these, mentioned possibilities, also? How do they know that these signals are gravitational waves, this is as fake as much as the Higgs boson-which is pure mathematical and statistical stupidity-which is 100% irrefutably proven 100% wrong.How would they know that it is a gravitational wave that caused it .... like there is nothing else that can trigger the light offset .... or just an internal malfunction / margin of error / of the equipment itself is ABSOLUTELY amazing to see the level of scientific abuse .... LIARS !Well for one there aren't any people who have access to ligo who are ready to create a theory to explain this bloop sound to be anything other than gravity waves since they constructed this really expensive useless machine to detect gravity waves, then why would they allow someone to ruin their work, ever heard of human pride ? Scientists have that too. This machine has only detected sounds hence the bloop sound, and the last time I knew we don't hear the gravity from earth then why would we hear it from some black holes trillions of km away that collided 1.3 billions of years ago ?That's completely bogus for gravity does not make a sound for it doesn't exist, that's why it's so hard to detect because of it's non existence. However it's easy to produce sounds in a computer and make us think it's something else. Which is one reason LIGO uses multiple detectors around the world to listen to these elusive waves. “It’s like listening to music. You might have the bass in the left channel, the snares in the right,” he said. It's just like he says, it's like music and he sets up your perception of this sound for the deception of you thinking it's natural, because this is nothing natural that you are listening to. The like music starts at 2:48 and it's definitely produced by a human using music software as I clearly hear musical patterns which should not be if it were truly a natural sound.Also there is Stuart Clark who claims this LIGO has injected sounds to the machine before then why not for this one too, after all there are just 4 people who know and when there are so few in the know then it's easy to cover up the truth. there are not any other black holes in the universe that caused anything but the 2 they are talking about and they know for SURE they existed and merged in one 1.3 billion years ago ... do you still believe them ? They have to prove that first before coming with the absurdity of gravitational wave ! How ease is for you to accept that just bcs some device detected something it is what they say it is ... why not saying they detected God / or angels / moving across the face of the earth ... it is absolutely mind blowing what they make us believe ... the only useful Q about what hey did is: Did they level the 2.5 laser chamber on both sides ? bcs if they did they proved FLAT earth ! Take care !are you ready to believe that in 20 billion years old universe there were only 2 black holes that merged ... that's it ! No one more no one less ... and you are buying this ?... can you prove it ? If you can't how can you say that this is what the device registered ? i would understand if they say they detected the big bang gravitational wave ... at least it would fit better their fake model ... the other Q : did they level the 2.5 miles long chamber on both sides ? ...This is not science it is a Fairy-tale ... how did they even ZERO the equipment when this wave is always present ... they have to filter it first in order to do that ...and only ONE case of 2 black holes merging in the ENTIRE universe ... I don't know why I even keep going on it since there are so many issues ... so I am leaving it here ... if you want to believe the lies ... nobody can stop you ... 2. If they leveled the chambers on both ends they proved FLAT earth ! In 2.5 miles distance we have 50 inches of curve ... there is nothing in their diagram to compensate this curve and correct the path of the laser ... so they have many more issues now ...You are also all forgetting there should have been tons of signals from gravitational waves in entire universe that you register, and you registered only 2 of them-that’s pure lie and misundestanding and wanting that mathematics is right and everyone else is wrong-pure religious thinking.I would like to quote Wikipedia (forgive me) to explain the “merely philosophical” concept of reification as it applies to the Minkowski/ Einstein *invention* of the math tool, “spacetime.”“Reification (also known as concretism, hypostatization, or the fallacy of misplaced concreteness) is a fallacy of ambiguity, when an abstraction (abstract belief or hypothetical construct) is treated as if it were a concrete real event or physical entity.[1][2] In other words, it is the error of treating something that is not concrete, such as an idea, as a concrete thing. A common case of reification is the confusion of a model with reality: “the map is not the territory”.That confusion is at the very core of relativity, but anyone who says so is called a crank and usually banned from most science forums.Credit Ethan for allowing criticism, even “officially” discredited… like any and all criticism of the established Doctrine of Relativity.Not to mention the doctrine of shrinking physical objects in the “special” theory of relativity where each observer creates a different “reality.” … (Oopse, I mentioned it again… but just for fun.)One thing that struck me as very odd ( don’t wanna use a harsher word) is this part:“A major shortcoming of the Danish group’s analysis that they [LIGO] pointed out to me is that the Danes use methods based on tutorials from the LIGO Website, but these methods do not reach the quality standard of the – more intricate – data analysis that was used to obtain the published results.”what the hell… ?! You gather the data… you make that data available to the rest of the world…. you give the instructions on how to analyse that data, and now you say that the methods you gave are not the methods you yourself used?! This alone should be a huge red flag. Regardless of weather the detection was real, regardless if Danes did or did not make a mistake… what kind of b.s. is this?Here’s the solid “Comments on our paper, ‘On the time lags of the LIGO signals’” response to the rather lame and condescending LIGO response: conclude:“It would appear that the 7 ms time delay associated with the GW150914 signal is also an intrinsic property of the noise. The purpose in having two independent detectors is precisely to ensure that, after sufficient cleaning, the only genuine correlations between them will be due to gravitational wave effects. The results presented here suggest this level of cleaning has not yet been obtained and that the identification of the GW events needs to be re-evaluated with a more careful consideration of noise properties.”Not looking good for LIGO. Not at all. And they have yet to respond to this response.Also, it is quite remarkable that the vast inside team is making errors on this which the tiny outside team is correcting: Jackson et al: “Subsequent discussions with Ian Harry have revealed that this failure was due to several errors in his code. After necessary corrections were made, his script reproduces our results. His published version was subsequently updated.”There is no frame-dragging effect of gravity on mass, only on electromagnetic energy!Curiously, the Lense-Thirring effect in Gravity Probe B has the same value than the geodetic effect of the Earth around the Sun.NASA error?An interesting experiment!Understanding Gravity Probe-B experiment without math favorite “thought experiment” disproving length contraction is this: A traveler approaches Earth at .86c and measures the length of its diameter to be about 4000 miles (half its proper length) in the direction of his approach.By what physics does Earth physically shrink? Answer: there is none.Or would it be just an **apparent** contraction due to the *image* of Earth carried by light to a traveler approaching light speed? Obviously the latter, but those indoctrinated by SR disavow the qualification, “apparent” and insist that the shrunken diameter is just as “valid” as the proper length measured from at rest, with Earth… as in orbit, measured by satellites.How absurd is that? (Excuse me… its merely “counter-intuitive!”) Common sense is also disavowed as a point of pride by SR theorists/ mathematicians.Was It All Just Noise? Independent Analysis Casts Doubt On LIGO’s Detections (Synopsis)Plasma Pics - Problems with the LIGO gravitational wave discoveryNon-repeatability and non-verifiabilityThe Advanced LIGO experiment did not follow the scientific method, one of the fundamental tenants of which is that test results should be verifiable and repeatable. Italy’s VIRGO interferometer was being upgraded and Germany’s GEO600 interferometer was not in observational mode at the time of this single detection by the LIGO instruments so there is no outside verification of the detected signal.This lack of verification and additional results should in and of itself disqualify this singular observation from being claimed as a real discovery.External pressure to produce resultsDecades of research and billions of dollars have been spent trying to detect gravitational waves. The researchers were under tremendous pressure to come up with at least one result, especially with the 100thanniversary of Einstein’s original prediction approaching. After the last set of upgrades some of the researchers were quite certain LIGO would find gravitational waves or noted that it would be very surprising if it did not. Such biased predilections were obviously going to eventually lead to only one possible outcome.Careful review of the LIGO team’s published paper in the Physical Review Letters reveals the extent of the biasness and the desperation to make the observations fit their theories.Lack of accuracyThe paper gives a range of figures for the distance and sizes of the two black holes that are supposedly the source of the gravitational waves. The margin of error for these ranges is over 40% and almost 15% respectively. Even the signal to waveform match from which those ranges are calculated only has an accuracy of 90% using two independent matching techniques.In any other context such margins would be considered educated guesses, not the basis for such a monumental discovery claim.Questionable laser isolationThe paper describes the detectors’ components and how they are protected against external environmental influences and noise. It is interesting to note that “all components other than the laser source are mounted on vibration isolation stages in ultrahigh vacuum”.It is not explained how the laser sources are isolated or if they are even isolated at all.Questionable mirror isolationThe paper also mentions that the mirrors used in the detectors are isolated from seismic and thermal noise by being suspended from a “quadruple-pendulum system supported by an active seismic isolation platform” using fused silica fibers.It is not explained how or even if the mirrors are isolated from other forms of electromagnetic radiation and external influences.Insufficient mirror tolerancesThe effectiveness of the LIGO detectors depends primarily upon how accurately its mirrors can reflect the laser beams shined at them. Although the mirrors were polished to extremely fine tolerances of almost one angstrom (1Å) the remaining imperfections are still over a billion times larger than the predicted size of gravitational waves themselves (only one-ten-thousandth the diameter of a proton). It has been argued that because these imperfections are a constant and not a variable they are accounted for in the observations.However, because these imperfections are randomly distributed across the mirrors’ surfaces it is unlikely they can be accurately excluded from the measurements.Lack of third-party environmental monitoringThe published paper mentioned that each observatory site is equipped with an array of sensors to monitor “environmental disturbances and their influence on the detectors”.Nowhere is there any indication that any other sensors outside of the detector sites were consulted, even those operated by any of the many institutions that are part of the LIGO collaboration.Gravitational wave angle limitationsThe LIGO detectors were built to detect gravitational waves that travel perpendicular to them, stretching and compressing the lengths of their long L-shaped arms. However the time difference between the two signals was less than 7 milliseconds.This means the waves would have had to travel more parallel to the detectors which would have made them significantly more difficult to detect.Biased and skewed pattern matchingDespite all the elaborate noise isolation features, quite a significant amount still made it through to the detectors. The paper describes the noise as “non-stationary and non-Gaussian” or in other words, random. A variety of techniques were implemented to attempt to clean up the noise, including the use of band-pass and band-reject filters. After filtering the noise the best they could, the researchers looked for any type of strong waveform patterns with “durations up to a few seconds” buried in the random noise. They then compared these strong signals to “approximately 250,000 template waveforms” until they found a match in both detectors within 10 milliseconds of each other. That’s akin to waiting for one of a quarter million sequences of numbers to appear almost simultaneously between two continually running random number generators. In fact, the LIGO team’s own signal processing tutorial clearly shows that after all the filtering and processing it really is just a matter of complex numerical pattern matching. The probability statistics presented in the paper are meaningless in light of this skewed method of research.Given enough time with that many acceptable patterns, an eventual match was guaranteed.Misleading audioThe LIGO team converted the visible pulsation of light that was observed into an audible “chirp” in an attempt to reinforce their “ring-down” description of the supposedly merging black holes and the resulting gravitational wave generation. This has misled the public into believing, and the media and many so-called science sites into reporting, that an actual sound was detected as part of the LIGO team’s discovery.This was a complete misdirection on the part of the LIGO team in an effort to foster agreement with their findings.Objects are far beyond detection rangeThe original detection range given for Advanced LIGO at the time of its official start was 225 million light-years, more than three times the range of LIGO’s last run in 2010. But the LIGO team has determined that the gravitational waves they detected were at a distance of 1.3 billion light-years or almost 6 times the detection range of the instruments.So far no explanation has been given for how these objects were detected so far outside of LIGO’s stated range.Detection occurred before official observations beganThe gravitational waves were detected four days before Advanced LIGO officially started observations, while the instruments were still in engineering mode.No significant signal was detected during the almost four months of Advanced LIGO’s first official observations.Only one observation in over four monthsThe LIGO team originally predicted they would see several sets of gravitational waves per year with Advanced LIGO. But after operating the upgraded detectors from September 18, 2015 until January 16, 2016 – a period of almost four months – the only significant signal observed was the single one three days before official observations began. It has since been announced that the LIGO team is running the data through Einstein@Home in an attempt to find subsequent signals in the overwhelming noise observed.This new methodology will almost certainly produce results, but their statistical significance will be substantially less than the already highly questionable initial discovery.Questionable and lacking follow-up observationsAlmost all subsequent observations of the area of the black holes’ supposed merger have so far detected no corresponding object in any electromagnetic wavelength. The only noticeable exception is a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) reportedly observed by the orbiting Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope.However, if this observation proves to be true it would contradict the currently accepted models of the black holes and their merger.These are legitimate problems that should be addressed before more questionable discovery claims are made, additional funds are granted, or any prizes are awarded. Please feel free to use this list to expand your own discussions and help bring these problems to light.IF the detectors did wiggle at the same time, it proves Nothing about gravitational waves. It only might prove that something made them wiggle at the same time. Perhaps internal to Earth..The scammers keep on scamming. We now have two GW detections but, strangely enough, no detection of any kind of co-occurring EM signals. I have written two new articles to explain why LIGO is still a scam. Check them out if you’re interested: Gamma Rays Detected During Gravitational Waves Occurrence: am I not surprised?This sort of thing has been happening for a long time but when public funds continue to be wasted the people have the right to know. The harsh reality is that most people have little concern for implausible cosmological models or pseudoscience but they are concerned about where their tax money ends up. And who knows? Maybe a few will learn something new along the way.Science doesn't make stuff up for a small minority of the population that floods the Internet.They try to deceive the entire world with their fuckery. Don't underestimate the internet community and the hive mind.Where are all the expected “orbiting black hole merger” LIGO Events? Why all the LIGO hype after only just one supposed black-hole-merger event?This paper states that LIGO should be expecting 40 events/year now: means that LIGO should have seen at least 15 more events since September 15th.Where are they? Just one more event LIGO! Why not wait for just one more tiny little single event? Especially when you’re expecting over three events every month!The LIGO team was obviously asking the same question. And since they hadn’t seen any more events as month after month dragged on, they naturally concluded that more events probably wouldn’t be seen over the next few months nor years either.And so they panicked as their billion-dollar pseudoscience hype window was closing fast, and they pulled the trigger and held a press massive conference centered about the one and only signal they would likely ever receive.The discovery of gravity waves has been announced. Again. In this exposé I will first analyze the mainstream announcements. I will then look at the actual scientific paper, showing you how to read it.I have to say this for them: these people never quit. If they get caught in one spectacular lie, they just wait a year and a half and come back with another one. I guess they are relying on the short memory of most people, but when I heard this announcement of gravity waves today, I said to myself, “Didn’t they already do this? Didn’t we get a huge announcement of gravity waves in early 2014? Didn’t Alan Guth win a million-dollar prize for that?” In fact, he did. He—along with Alexei Starobinsky and Andre Linde—won the Kavli Prize in July 2014, so 3 million was allegedly paid out.According to mainstream stories at the time, the proximate cause of these prizes was the discovery of gravity waves by BICEP2 on March 17, 2014. Of course all those stories from 2014 have been rewritten, downplaying the claim of gravity waves and playing up the alleged discovery of cosmic inflation. However, within a few months (after the publication of my rushing paper of March 18) they had to admit this announcement was not only horribly premature, it was flat wrong.To save face, they claimed that dust in the Milky Way exactly mimicked the signature of gravity waves. This despite having claimed in the peer-reviewed papers in March that they had ruled that out and claiming a positive detection at sigma 7.A sigma of 7 indicated that BICEP2 only admitted a .0000000001% chance they were wrong. That’s 1 in 10 billion. Funny, then, that they had to admit they were wrong only a couple of months later. Strange how it always works out that way, whether they are claiming faster-than-light detections, dark matter detections, or whatever.At the time, we were told BICEP2 beat out their main competitors in the search for gravity waves, the LIGO team. LIGO congratulated the BICEP2 team for their earth-shattering discovery. Well, it is LIGO’s turn now, since they have now claimed a gravity wave detection. Do they have a third team in the wings, I wonder, just in case this one also ends up in ruins?They had better, because I can already tell the whole thing is manufactured from nothing. The first clue is that the paper is once again hiding behind 1,000 authors. We saw the same thing with the manufactured Higgs detection, which I believe had even more authors than that. The truth doesn’t need such a large bandwagon.But I knew even before the first clue, since I know gravity waves don’t exist. I assume all these “physicists” know it, too, but the truth doesn’t butter anyone’s bread. Einstein knew it. They admit in the articles that Einstein twice told the world gravity waves don’t exist. They tell you he flip-flopped both times, saying they did exist, but they don’t tell you why Einstein flipped. He flipped under pressure from the mainstream, who didn’t like him telling the truth. We see this all the time in all subjects: someone blows the whistle on some big project, the spooks visit him and twist his arm, and suddenly he changes his mind. This is what happened with Einstein.Gravity waves can’t be a vindication of General Relativity as they claim, since in General Relativity gravity isn’t a force: it is just curved math. Beyond that, according to Einstein, GR isn’t mediated by particles and has no background. In GR there is no ether, remember? So what are gravity waves supposed to be made of? What is waving? We get no sensible answer to that to this day. Physics today is nothing but a huge pile of ever-growing nonsense. Since I know you can’t detect something that doesn’t exist, I know this detection is manufactured without further study.Here is all it says concerning that in the announcements: According to the equations physicists have settled on, gravitational waves would compress space in one direction and stretch it in another as they traveled outward. But according to Einstein, there is no space in that sense. According to the stated postulates of GR, space is not something that could be compressed or stretched, since it is neither an ether nor a physical background of any material sort. For Einstein, space could be curved, and it could be curved simply by applying the tensor calculus to it—which already contained the curves. But the tensor calculus has no mechanism for stretching or compressing space.To say it another way, there is no possible mechanism for gravity to work on space in that way. The theory of gravity waves is outrageously non-mechanical and non-physical. This is why they used to search for gravitons. Although GR also has no use for gravitons—since gravity as curved space does not require a mediating particle—the mainstream used to look for gravitons because they knew they needed them to sell this gravity wave nonsense. To compress space, you need something in the space to be compressed.With gravitons, you can say that individual gravitons are getting nearer, indicating compression. Compression is then a function of particle densities. But as it is, “compressing space” has no physical meaning. You can’t compress a vacuum, because there is nothing to respond to pressure. It is words without physical content. In this latest announcement, we are told mirrors in the arms of LIGO moved .004 the diameter of a proton, indicating that two black holes were colliding somewhere in the distance. Where? We aren’t told. We are only told that one of them was 36 times as massive as the Sun and the other 29 times as massive. In the collision three Solar masses were released.Where did they get those numbers? They just made them up out of thin air. OK, but what indication do we have the movement of the mirrors was caused by that rather than anything else? The signal conformed precisely to the predictions of general relativity for black holes as calculated in computer simulations, Dr. Reitze said. Really? That’s all we get? You can see why all of these multibillion cost projects are all a joke.These people don’t even try to fake the scientific method anymore. In that method, you would have to cross off all the other causes of that tiny motion. Since you can’t possibly do that in this case, assigning the motion to hypothetical black holes is just a farce. At The Guardian, it says, The finding completed the scientific arc of prediction, discovery and confirmation: first they calculated what they should be able to detect, then decided what the evidence should look like, and then devised the experiment that clinched the matter. Which is why on Thursday scientists around the world were able to hail the announcement as yet another confirmation of their “standard model” of the cosmos, and the beginning of a new era of discovery. They missed something there, didn’t they? That isn’t the “arc of science”, is it? It is missing a couple of important steps. After deciding what the evidence might look like, they should be required to show that the evidence they have found is coming from the source they claim. That have utterly failed to do that.There is zero evidence this came from a collision of black holes, and they don’t even try to point to the black hole that was allegedly formed by the collision. In addition, they should be required to show that the evidence found isn’t coming from any other more likely sources.To start with, how could you possibly damp this machine from all other tiny wiggles? LIGO’s antennae are 2.5 miles long. So in the first instance, it should act like a gigantic seismometer, reacting to every least motion on the surface of the Earth, from whatever cause. Since you could not possibly damp it from that, you would have to monitor seismic activity in another way and subtract it out. Could you do that down to the level of a proton? No.But even if you could, you would be up against an infinitude of other problems. What about the charge field of the Earth? Even if you don’t believe in the charge field, I can get you here by just renaming it heat. You don’t believe in the heat of the Earth? Well, the heat emitted by the Earth varies over both time and place, so again you would have another large variation you would either have to damp or subtract out. Could you do that down to the level of a proton. No.LIGO’s antennas are L-shaped, with perpendicular arms 2.5 miles long. Inside each arm, cocooned in layers of steel and concrete, runs the world’s largest bottle of nothing, a vacuum chamber a couple of feet wide containing 2.5 million gallons of empty space. At the end of each arm are mirrors hanging by glass threads, isolated from the bumps and shrieks of the environment better than any Rolls-Royce ever conceived. Does that answer either one of my questions so far? No, it just begs thousands of others. Creating a vacuum chamber is meaningless, either as a matter or damping, seismic effects, or heat effects. The only effects addressed by a vacuum chamber are effects of air moving in the tunnels. Since these long concrete arms are surrounded by earth and air, they must respond to it.And since the mirrors are connected to the tunnel walls by threads, they will react just as the walls do. This set-up just guarantees that whatever is felt by the walls will be felt by the mirrors. That is the opposite of damping. Given the variability of the Earth’s environment, we should be very surprised to find zero motion of the mirrors in these tunnels. We would expect to see ripples of many sorts, none of them caused by a compression of space or by distant black holes. As just one example, you can’t create a charge vacuum. Even if they empty these tunnels of all ions and molecules, the tunnels will still be stiff with charge.Why? Many reasons.One, both charge and heat pass through material, including concrete.Two, the walls themselves emit charge.Three, the Earth is recycling charge through its body all the time.This is what creates the ionosphere, the magnetosphere, and the atmosphere itself. This recycling, though fairly steady, is not a constant. It is determined by input from the Sun, the galactic core, and even by charge returning to the Sun by the big outer planets. All these factors cause variations in the charge field, and it is all of these mentioned factors and causes what we are seeing with LIGO (assuming we aren’t just seeing minor local seismic activity—activity which is itself caused by charge field variations).You begin to see the enormity of the problem. Remember, mainstream physicists admit to being ignorant of the make-up of 95% of the universe. That is what they call dark matter. Dark matter doesn’t just exist “out there”. It exists everywhere, which means 95% of the matter here on Earth is— or may be—unknown. With an unknown of that size in the local field, how can these physicists know that what they are detecting is distant black holes? It might be dark matter ripples in the tunnel vacuum for all they know. The point is, with an unknown that large, there is simply no way to cross off other possibilities. You cannot cross off dark matter as the cause of this detection if you don’t even know what dark matter is, can you?In fact, this is probably why they ignore large parts of the scientific method now. With unknowns of that size in the field, they can’t do any sort of theorizing, much less claim detections with a sigma of 7. A sigma of 7 in a field of 95% ignorance is impossible by definition. Now, I have shown that things aren’t really that bad. Since I have shown that dark matter is just charge, I am able to resolve that 95% error and do theory with some amount of confidence. But since they have not figured out what I have figured out, and do not accept my equations, they cannot.Not only can they not do any sensible theory, they cannot begin to look at other causes of this current detection and subtract them out. If they don’t know about charge recycling by the Earth, they cannot possibly model it and cross it off as the cause of this detection, you see. I am not saying they aren’t detecting something here. I find the antennae interesting, and assume the wiggles are caused by something other than “random” fluctuations. But my first assumption would be these “hiccups” they are detecting are coming up from the belly of the Earth, and are caused by charge variations there.Or they could be caused by hiccups in the belly of the Sun (or corona), which then cause charge ripples that travel through the Earth. Either way, the likelihood is very high the hiccups are caused locally, and I doubt we will have to look beyond the Sun to find them. In the actual scientific paper, we are told The detectors’ susceptibility to environmental disturbances was quantifed by measuring their response to specially generated magnetic, radio-frequency, acoustic, and vibration excitations.See, nothing about charge there. Nothing about heat, either. Yes, charge flux normally causes magnetic flux, but only in the presence of ions. Since we are in a vacuum chamber here, there are no ions, so you would expect no magnetic fluxes. But there can still be and there still are heavy charge fluctuations, hidden from magnetic detectors by the lack of available ions. Therefore, specially generated magnetic excitations would not rule out charge excitations. This is especially critical since the level of motion being monitored is 10-21, which is in the quantum realm. Charge can interact directly with electrons at that level, with no need to monitor larger ions. It can even excite bound electrons, which are not really ions themselves and which would not show up as magnetism.Although we are sold the opposite, this new claimed detection is even worse than the last one. In just 18 months, physics has gotten noticeably worse. Compared to this claim, the one in 2014 looks like a miracle of rigor. To try to hide that fact, the new announcements turn up the volume of the horntooting and mention as little of the facts of the experiment as possible. You wouldn’t have thought they could make the PR any louder or less subtle than in 2014, but somehow they have managed it. Instead of just a few famous people telling you it is important, they now have a barrage of video presentations, schooling you on every least facet of fake modern theory—including an Idiot’s Guide to Relativity. They want to lose you in this maze of manufactured details so that you won’t be able to ask sensible questions.In fact, they have now gone past the sigma 7 bluff. Tim Radford at The Guardian tells us this latest discovery is “unequivocal”. Once this detection is admitted to fail, he may want to look up the meaning of that word. Writers for major newspapers used to be required to know what words meant before they used them. He may also wish to look up the meaning of the word “science”. No detection like this is ever “unequivocal”, since if it were, they wouldn’t need sigmas, would they? Royal Astronomer Martin Rees at The Telegraph is almost as illegible: Sadly it is not unknown for hyped-up scientific claims to be mistaken or exaggerated – claims of particles going faster than light, gravitational waves from the big bang, and so forth. I count myself a hard-to-convince sceptic. But what is being claimed will be the culmination of literally decades of effort by scientists and engineers with high credentials, and this time I expect to be fully convinced.This hard-to-convince sceptic expects to be fully convinced this time. Shouldn’t he tell us why? He doesn’t, his next sentence being, “This detection is indeed a big deal”. His subtitle for the article is this: Einstein was right – and this announcement is the scientific highlight of the decade. Sounds like a hard-to-convince skeptic to me! His only reason for losing his skepticism would appear to be that “scientists with high credentials” are involved. But weren’t they involved in all the other hoaxes? Yes. Weren’t they involved in BICEP2? Yes.LIGO was also ordered to play along, which they initially did. It wasn’t until Miles Mathis paper poked a big hole in BICEP2 that a few of these other people felt they could make a peep. Unfortunately, I don’t know that anyone is left to make a peep this time. We may assume some of the discontented in LIGO helped BICEP2 fall, but who will speak out to make LIGO fall? Those that were in BICEP2 can be dismissed as having bad blood, and anyway they have been permanently embarrassed. So we don’t expect to hear from them. Does anyone else have any reason to wish for this LIGO announcement to fail? In my experience, mainstream physics is not a realm of truth-lovers. It is also not a venue that attracts the courageous. But we will have to see. Not everything that is promoted is accepted, so maybe the wheels will continue to turn in ways unknown to me. I honestly would not have guessed that BICEP2 would be admitted to fail— even after I destroyed it—so possibly some hope remains. The midlevels of physics may retain some hidden power.However that may turn out, this announcement is just more indication to me that the upper levels of physics have become a zombie-physics.It is made up of thousands of people like this, who will lie right to your face without blinking an eye. Is there any possibility these people believe they have detected gravity waves? To believe that you would have to believe they don’t know the first thing about the scientific method, about the definition of physics, or about anything else. I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they do know up from down. But that just makes things worse, because it means they aren’t just mistaken, it means they are lying. It means they are trying to pass something by you for money.It means that physics has devolved to the point where all its name people are flying on fumes. They can’t do real physics, so the only thing left is this highly promoted pretend physics. Just look at that picture. It doesn’t look like they have any problem with that, does it? Zombies. Yes, the world has been taken over by these smiling people—physics-actors playing a part and collecting a paycheck. They may not eat your face off, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. They have sucked over one billion dollars from the national treasury via the National Science Foundation.The LIGO project has been the largest science project of NSF: By mid-September 2015 “the world’s largest gravitational-wave facility” completed a 5-year US$200-million overhaul at a total cost of $620 million.[2][5] LIGO is the largest and most ambitious project ever funded by the NSF. So it is no surprise to find LIGO announcing a detection now. Despite just being a money pit for decades, this huge investment required some sort of actual finding at last. This is why you seem to get conflicting statements from the LIGO pages: we are told LIGO detected nothing for decades, despite a huge team and large investments; then, suddenly, after BICEP2 went down in flames, an overhaul was completed and the antennae immediately got a detection. In the new announcement, they tell us On Sept. 14 [2015], the system had barely finished being calibrated and was in what is called an engineering run at 4 a.m. when a loud signal came through at the Livingston site.That by itself is the sign of a fudge, since if we do some digging we find that the expensive overhaul only increased sensitivity by four times. Since the initial sensitivity was claimed to be four parts in a billion trillion, increasing that by four times should have been meaningless. That’s not only down to the size of the proton, that is below the size of the electron, which I have shown has a radius of about 10-17m. Do you really believe those mirrors hanging in those tunnels were still down to that level relative to one another, so that they could detect such tiny fluctuations? I don’t. Nothing in any real experiment ever run was ever that still, especially things hanging by threads. I suggest you compare what you are being told here with LIGO to what you are taught about the Cavendish experiment, the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment, and every other similar experiment, old and new.The problem has to do with what you consider the words proven, verified, confirmed and predicted to mean in the context of science. If you use a strict definition of proven in science then this event proves nothing, since it is not repeatable, or independently verifiable. That is not the definition of proven or scientific proof being used by mainstream science today. Their use of the word is more like how that word is used in political discourse. There something is proven when it is claimed to be so by someone who wants you to believe it is true, when it is not true at all. understand what Gravity actually is one must move away from the (rehashed) atomistic fallacies of the cult of quantum that propose the universe is a big bag of particles bumping into each other. Mother Nature is not a cross-eyed crack whore with a calculator processing some mathematically ineffable chaos. On the contrary, nature is simple and works of simplex pressure gradient meditations. Everything in the universe is fields fundamentally and fields are nor particles, they can not be quantified because they are incommensurable.There is no such thing as gravity, incoherent dielectric acceleration is (so called) magnetic attraction and is (so called) gravity, they are one and the same thing, the only difference is coherency.Physicists say that gravity bends light, well here, magnetism bends light:

Where is Haskell used in industry today (2015)?

Many companies have used Haskell for a range of projects, including:ABN AMRO Amsterdam, The NetherlandsABN AMRO is an international bank headquartered in Amsterdam. For its investment banking activities it needs to measure the counterparty risk on portfolios of financial derivatives.ABN AMRO's CUFP talk.Aetion Technologies LLC, Columbus, OhioAetion was a defense contractor in operation from 1999 to 2011, whose applications use artificial intelligence. Rapidly changing priorities make it important to minimize the code impact of changes, which suits Haskell well. Aetion developed three main projects in Haskell, all successful. Haskell's concise code was perhaps most important for rewriting: it made it practicable to throw away old code occasionally. DSELs allowed the AI to be specified very declaratively.Aetion's CUFP talk.Alcatel-LucentA consortium of groups, including Alcatel-Lucent, have used Haskell to prototype narrowband software radio systems, running in (soft) real-time.Alcatel-Lucent's CUFP talkAllston TradingHeadquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Allston Trading, LLC is a premier high frequency market maker in over 40 financial exchanges, in 20 countries, and in nearly every conceivable product class. Allston makes some use of Haskell for their trading infrastructure.Alpha Heavy IndustriesAlpha Heavy Industries is an alternative asset manager dedicated to producing superior returns through quantitative methods. They use Haskell as their primary implementation language.Amgen Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaAmgen is a human therapeutics company in the biotechnology industry. Amgen pioneered the development of novel products based on advances in recombinant DNA and molecular biology and launched the biotechnology industry’s first blockbuster medicines. Amgen uses Haskell;To rapidly build software to implement mathematical models and other complex, mathematically oriented applicationsProvide a more mathematically rigorous validation of softwareTo break developers out of their software development rut by giving them a new way to think about software.Amgen's CUFP talk.Ansemond LLC"Find It! Keep It! is a Mac Web Browser that lets you keep the pages you visit in a database. A list of these pages is shown in the 'database view'. "Antiope Fair Haven, New JerseyAntiope Associates provides custom solutions for wireless communication and networking problems. Our team has expertise in all aspects of wireless system design, from the physical and protocol layers to complex networked applications. Antiope Associates relies on a number of advanced techniques to ensure that the communication systems we design are reliable and free from error. We use custom simulation tools developed in Haskell, to model our hardware designs..Antiope's CUFP talk.AT&THaskell is being used in the Network Security division to automate processing of internet abuse complaints. Haskell has allowed us to easily meet very tight deadlines with reliable results.Bank of America Merril LynchHaskell is being used for backend data transformation and loading.Barclays Capital Quantitative Analytics GroupBarclays Capital's Quantitative Analytics group is using Haskell to develop an embedded domain-specific functional language (called FPF) which is used to specify exotic equity derivatives. These derivatives, which are naturally best described in terms of mathematical functions, and constructed compositionally, map well to being expressed in an embedded functional language. This language is now regularly being used by people who had no previous functional language experience.Simon Frankau et al's JFP paper on their use of HaskellRead their 2013 job advertisementBAE SystemsAs part of the SAFE project, BAE has built a collection of compilers, interpreters, simulators, and EDSLs almost entirely in Haskell.CUFP 2013 talkBazQux ReaderBazQux Reader is a commercial RSS reader. Its feeds and comments crawler and a part of web-server are implemented in Haskell.BetterBetter, formerly known as Erudify, is a learning company built around the mission of making people better. We are an unusual mix of a software company, a consulting firm, and a creative agency. This tight integration enables us to deliver innovative, high-quality courses to our customers. Founded in 2012, Better is based in Zurich, Switzerland and New York, USA. Better is fully invested in Haskell; Most parts of our back-end system (web-servers and learning logic) are written in Haskell. Haskell is also used in most parts of our front-end system.bCODE Pty Ltd Sydney AustraliabCode Pty Ltd is a small venture capital-funded startup using Ocaml and a bit of Haskell in Sydney Australia.Bdellium Hawaii, United StatesBdellium develops software systems that enable companies in the financial industry to deliver new customer services that grow their business. Bdellium uses Haskell for heavy lifting analysis in back end infrastructure.Bluespec, Inc. Waltham, MassachusettsDeveloping a modern integrated circuit (ASIC or FPGA) is an enormously expensive process involving specification, modeling (to choose and fix the architecture), design (to describe what will become silicon) and verification (to ensure that it meets the specs), all before actually committing anything to silicon (where the cost of a failure can be tens of millions of dollars). Bluespec, Inc. is a three year-old company that provides language facilities, methodologies, and tools for this purpose, within the framework of the IEEE standard languages SystemVerilog and SystemC, but borrowing ideas heavily from Term Rewriting Systems and functional programming languages like Haskell. In this talk, after a brief technical overview to set the context, we will describe our tactics and strategies, and the challenges we face, in introducing declarative programming ideas into this field, both externally (convincing customers about the value of these ideas) and internally (using Haskell for our tool implementation).Bluespec's CUFP talk.BumpBump use a Haskell-based server, Angel, for process supervisor for all their backend systems, and for other infrastructure tasks.Haskell at BumpCapital IQWe have been using functional programming here at S&P Capital IQ in Scala, Haskell, and our homegrown reporting language Ermine, since 2008 for financial analytics.Capital IQ's CUFP 2013 talkChordifyChordify is a free online music service that transforms music, from YouTube, Deezer, SoundCloud or uploaded files, into chords. There's an ICFP experience report explaining how Haskell is used for this: José Pedro Magalhães and W. Bas de Haas. Functional Modelling of Musical Harmony: an Experience Report. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP'11), pp. 156–162, ACM, 2011.Circos Brand Karma SingaporeBrand Karma provides services to brand owners to measure online sentiments towards their brands. Haskell is used in building parts of the product, specifically for back-end job scheduling and brand matching.CircuitHubCircuitHub aims to be the AWS for manufacturing, enabling hardware companies and makers to instantly quote designs and scale from prototype to production. We are also proud to host a large collection of open hardware designs. CircuitHub uses Haskell for our core services and algorithms.Credit Suisse Global Modeling and Analytics Group London, UK; New York City, New YorkGMAG, the quantitative modeling group at Credit Suisse, has been using Haskell for various projects since the beginning of 2006, with the twin aims of improving the productivity of modelers and making it easier for other people within the bank to use GMAG models. Current projects include: Further work on tools for checking, manipulating and transforming spreadsheets; a domain-specific language embedded in Haskell for implementing reusable components that can be compiled into various target forms (see the video presentation: Paradise, a DSEL for Derivatives Pricing).Credit Suisse's CUFP talk.DetexifyDetexify is an online handwriting recognition system, whose backend is written in Haskell.FynderFynder is an online booking platform. We use Haskell and clojurescript, all stitched together with nixosSee more in their original job posting.Deutsche Bank Equity Proprietary Trading, Directional Credit TradingThe Directional Credit Trading group uses Haskell as the primary implementation language for all its software infrastructure.Deutsche Bank's CUFP talk.Eaton Cleveland, OhioDesign and verification of hydraulic hybrid vehicle systemsEaton's CUFP talkEaton's experiences using a Haskell DSL[Ericsson AB]Ericsson uses Haskell for the implementation of Feldspar, an EDSL for digital signal processing algorithms.Ericsson's Feldspar compilerextensiblNew Zealand-based company. Provides a variety of software development, consulting, operational support services worldwide. Both Haskell and Ur/Web are actively used for commercial projects.FacebookFacebook uses some Haskell internally for tools. lex-pass is a tool for programmatically manipulating a PHP code base via Haskell.Facebook's CUFP talkFacebook's HaXL system is open sourceFactis ResearchFactis research, located in Freiburg, Germany, develops reliable and user-friendly mobile solutions. Our client software runs under J2ME, Symbian, iPhone OS, Android, and Blackberry. The server components are implemented in Python and Haskell. We are actively using Haskell for a number of projects, most of which are released under an open-source license.Factis' HCAR submissionfortytools gmbhLocated in Hamburg, Germany, we are developing web-based productivity tools for invoicing, customer management, resource scheduling and time tracking. While using Javascript for building rich frontend application in the browser, we use Haskell to implement the REST backends. Additionally, we do occasional project/client work as well.Oh, and of course we develop and maintain Hayoo! :)Functor AB, Stockholm, SwedenFunctor AB offers new tools for ground-breaking static analysis with pre-test case generation of programs to eliminate defects and bugs in software very early in development. Functor collaborates with the JET fusion reactor run by EFDA CCFE. JET is currently the largest reactor in the world of its kind. At Functor, almost all development is done in Haskell but also to some extent also C and Scala.See more in the Functor AB job advertisementFunktionale Programmierung Dr. Heinrich Hördegen, Munich, GermanyWe develop software prototypes according to the Pareto principle: After spending only 20 percent of budget, we aim to provide already 80 percent of the software's functionality. We can realize this by constructing a 2080-software-prototype that we can further develop into a full-fledged solution...Galois, Inc Portland, OregonGalois designs and develops high confidence software for critical applications. Our innovative approach to software development provides high levels of assurance, yet its scalability enables us to address the most complex problems. We have successfully engineered projects under contract for corporations and government clients in the demanding application areas of security, information assurance and cryptography.Galois' 2007 CUFP talkGalois' 2011 CUFP talkGalois' retrospective on 10 years of industrial Haskell useGoogleHaskell is used on a small number of internal projects in Google, for internal IT infrastructure support, and the open-source Ganeti project. Ganeti is a tool for managing clusters of virtual servers built on top of Xen and KVM.Google's ICFP 2010 experience report on HaskellVideo from ICFP Project Ganeti at GoogleGlydeGlyde uses OCaml and Haskell for a few projects. Glyde uses Haskell for our client-side template source-to-source translator, which converts HAML-like view templates into JS code.Group CommerceGroup Commerce uses Haskell to drive the main component of their advertising infrastructure: a Snap Framework based web server. Haskell enabled quicker development, higher reliability, and better maintainability than other languages, without having to sacrifice performance.HasuraHasura is a BaaS/PaaS focussed on keeping things DRY and letting you write custom code with the tools you love. We're building a micro-service platform christened Instant APIs for web & mobile apps (alpha release scheduled in summer 2015), and we used Haskell as the core programming language to build it.Humane SoftwareWe develop enterprise systems with de-coupled, asynchronous Haskell backends and Javascript UIs.For our current customer, an Internet connectivity provider, we wrote a solution for monitoring multiple remote machines and analyzing gigabytes of traffic samples. Haskell proved an excellent tool for the job. We were able to replace legacy systems in a granular, piece-by-piece manner, while delivering new features.Hustler Turf Equipment Hesston, KansasDesigns, builds, and sells lawn mowers. We use quite a bit of Haskell, especially as a "glue language" for tying together data from different manufacturing-related systems. We also use it for some web apps that are deployed to our dealer network. There are also some uses for it doing sysadmin automation, such as adding/removing people from LDAP servers and the likeiba Consulting Gesellschaft - Intelligent business architecture for you. Leipzig, Germanyiba CG develops software for large companies:risk analysis and reporting solution for power supply company;contract management, assert management, booking and budgeting software for one of the worldwide leading accounting firm.IMVU, IncIMVU, Inc. is a social entertainment company connecting users through 3D avatar-based experiences. See the blog article What it's like to use HaskellInformatik Consulting Systems AGICS AG developed a simulation and testing tool which based on a DSL (Domain Specific Language). The DSL is used for the description of architecture and behavior of distributed system components (event/message based, reactive). The compiler was written in Haskell (with target language Ada). The test system is used in some industrial projects.IntelIntel has developed a Haskell compiler as part of their research on multicore parallelism at scale.Read the Intel Research paper on compilerIVU Traffic Technologies AGThe rostering group at IVU Traffic Technologies AG has been using Haskell to check rosters for compliance with EC regulations. Our implementation is based on an embedded DSL to combine the regulation’s single rules into a solver that not only decides on instances but, in the case of a faulty roster, finds an interpretation of the roster that is “favorable” in the sense that the error messages it entails are “helpful” in leading the dispatcher to the resolution of the issue at hand. The solver is both reliable (due to strong static typing and referential transparency — we have not experienced a failure in three years) and efficient (due to constraint propagation, a custom search strategy, and lazy evaluation). Our EC 561/2006 component is part of the IVU.crew software suite and as such is in wide-spread use all over Europe, both in planning and dispatch. So the next time you enter a regional bus, chances are that the driver’s roster was checked by Haskell.JanRainJanRain uses Haskell for network and web software. Read more about Haskell at JanRain and in theirtech talk at Galois. JanRain's "Capture" user API product is built on Haskell's Snap webframework.See Janrain's technical talk about their use of SnapJoyride LaboratoriesJoyride Laboratories is an independent game development studio, founded in 2009 by Florian Hofer and Sönke Hahn. Their first game, "Nikki and the Robots" was released in 2011.Keera StudiosKeera Studios Ltd is a European game development studio that develops mobile, desktop and web apps.Games: The Android game Magic Cookies! was written in Haskell and released in 2015. Other games include Haskanoid, now being developed for Android, and a multi-platform Graphic Adventure library and engine with Android support and an IDE.Reactive Programming and GUIs: Keera Studios is also the maintainer of Keera Hails, an Open-Source reactive rapid application development framework, which has been used in Gale IDE and other desktop applications. Backends exist for Gtk+, Qt, Wx, Android's native GUI toolkit and Web DOM via GHCJS. Keera Posture is an open-source posture monitor written in Haskell using Keera Hails and Gtk+.Web: Keera Studios also develops web applications in Yesod.See the Facebook page for details on Android games and ongoing development.LinkqloLinkqlo Inc is a Palo Alto-based technology startup that is building a pioneering mobile community to connect people with better fitting clothes. We’re solving an industry-wide pain point for both consumers and fashion brands in retail shopping, sizing and fitting, just like Paypal took on the online payment challenge in 1999. We started deploying Haskell as the backend language recently in August 2015, in an effort to eventually replace all PHP endpoint APIs with Haskell ones.Linkqlo's iOS app from App StoreLinspireLinspire, Inc. has used functional programming since its inception in 2001, beginning with extensive use of O'Caml, with a steady shift to Haskell as its implementations and libraries have matured. Hardware detection, software packaging and CGI web page generation are all areas where we have used functional programming extensively. Haskell's feature set lets us replace much of our use of little languages (e.g., bash or awk) and two-level languages (C or C++ bound to an interpreted language), allowing for faster development, better code sharing and ultimately faster implementations. Above all, we value static type checking for minimizing runtime errors in applications that run in unknown environments and for wrapping legacy programs in strongly typed functions to ensure that we pass valid arguments.Linspire's CUFP talkLinspire's experience report on using functional programming to manage a Linux distributionLumiGuideLumiGuide is an innovative software company which specialises in smart parking and guidance systems for both bicycles and cars. LumiGuide developed and installed the P-route Bicycle system for the City of Utrecht in 2015. This system guides cyclists via digital, street-level displays to available parking space in a number of parking facilities in the city centre. Utrecht is the first city in the world that has a system like this. The detection technology is based on optical sensors which are independent of the bicycle stands. The sensors are mounted to the ceiling in indoor facilities and mounted to poles in outdoor facilities. Every minute, one sensor detects 40 to 60 parking places at the same time in either single- or two-tier bicycle stands as well as (stand-less) free parking places. Bicycles that exceed the maximum parking duration ('orphaned' bicycles) are also detected and the system will automatically keep a log of pictures of the orphaned bicycle which can be used as evidence when the orphaned bicycle is removed by a facility operator. The usage of the facility can be monitored with web-based control software. LumiGuide also develops the indoor and outdoor digital displays which can be controlled using the web-based control software. We are extensively using Haskell and NixOS.MicrosoftMicrosoft uses Haskell for its production serialization system, Bond. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services. Microsoft Research has, separately, been a key sponsor of Haskell development since the late 1990s.MITREMITRE uses Haskell for, amongst other things, the analysis of cryptographic protocols.The New York TimesA team at the New York Times used Haskell's parallel array library to process images from 2013 New York Fashion Week. Haskell was chosen based on its fast numerical arrays packages, and ease of parallelization.Model analysisHaskell in the NewsroomNICTANICTA has used Haskell as part of a project to verify the L4 microkernel.Read the Dr. Dobbs article on using Haskell and formal methods to verify a kernelNRAONRAO has used Haskell to implement the core science algorithms for the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS).Source code available on GitHub.NS Solutions(NSSOL) Tokyo, JapanNS Solutions has employed Haskell since 2008 to develop its software packages including "BancMeasure", a mark-to-market accounting software package for financial institutions, "BancMeasure for IFRS" and "Mamecif", a data analysis package. "BancMeasure" and "Mamecif" are registered trademarks of NS Solutions Corporation in JAPAN.NVIDIAAt NVIDIA, we have a handful of in-house tools that are written in HaskellOpenomyOpenomy's API v2.0 is developed in Haskell, using the HAppS web platform.OblomovOblomov Systems is a one-person software company based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Founded in 2009, Oblomov has since then been working on a number of Haskell-related projects. The main focus lies on web-applications and (web-based) editors. Haskell has turned out to be extremely useful for implementing web servers that communicate with JavaScript clients or iPhone apps.Oblomov's HCAR submission.Patch-Tag: hosting for DarcsNeed somewhere to put your Darcs code? Try us. Patch-Tag is built with happstack, the continuation of the project formerly known as HAppS.Peerium, Inc Cambridge, MassachusettsAt Peerium, we're striving to bring a new level of quality and efficiency to online communication and collaboration within virtual communities, social networks, and business environments. We believe that a new environment that supports the effortless sharing of both information and software will enable a level of online cooperation far beyond current Web-based technologies -- modern programming techniques will enable the creation of more robust and more powerful programs within these environments. To this end, we're building a new software platform for direct, real-time communication and collaboration within graphically rich environments. Peerium is located in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts.PlanIt9PlanIt9 is a Yesod-based web application for defining, planning, scheduling and tracking tasks. It's designed to be fast, simple, collaborative and cost effective. We're currently signing up users for our beta program.PlumlifePlum is replacing light switches with Lightpads; a capacitive touch dimmer that is internet connected, clusters with other Lightpads in the home for group control... Haskell composes our cloud services and Erlang is used for the embedded software in the Lightpads (hot-code reloading, easy node clustering, etc...). ... We use Haskell extensively for all of our cloud services software at Plumlife ... Amazing language and ecosystem.Qualcomm, IncQualcomm uses Haskell to generate Lua bindings to the BREW platformSQreamAt SQream, we use Haskell for a large part of our code. We use Haskell for the compiler, which takes SQL statements and turns them into low level instructions for the high performance CUDA runtime. We also use Haskell for rapid prototyping and for many auxiliary utilities.Parallel Scientific, Boulder, Colorado.We are using Haskell to develop an ultra-scalable high-availability resource management system for big clusters (millions of nodes). A key element of the design is to provide scalable and reliable mechanisms for communicating failures and coordinating recovery transitions.See Parallel Scientific's CUFP talkRenaissaince Computing Institute, Chapel Hill, North CarolinaThe Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI), a multi-institutional organization, brings together multidisciplinary experts and advanced technological capabilities to address pressing research issues and to find solutions to complex problems that affect the quality of life in North Carolina, our nation and the world. Research scientists at RENCI have used Haskell for a number of projects, including The Big Board.RENCI's CUFP talk.SamplecountSamplecount develops mobile, location-aware sound and music applications. They are currently using Haskell for prototyping their server-side soundscape streaming components and as a cross-platform build tool for their mobile applications and frameworks.Sankel Software Albuquerque, New MexicoSankel Software has been using Haskell since 2002 for both prototyping and deployment for technologies ranging from CAD/CAM to gaming and computer animation. We specialize in the development of user-friendly, large, long-term applications that solve difficult and conceptually intricate problems.ScriveScrive is a service for e-signing tenders, contracts, and other documents. We help our clients close deals faster, decrease their administrative burden, and improve their customers’ experience.Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH AustriaSiemens CVC uses Haskell since a few years in the space domain. Starting with small tools like data conversion and automation of scripting tasks over installers we use Haskell currently for Space Protocol Proxies to allow connect different space systems (e.g. Cortex to NCTRS or SLE to NCTRS with COP-1 handling). The main use is currently a Simulator implemented in Haskell which handles parts of NCTRS (or SSB), the ground station and parts of the satellite to be able to make closed-loop tests for the SCOS-2000 based Mission Control System. It is in use for testing and debugging of the Mission Control System and for checking implementation of new features. It has served for various, currently active missions and also is in use for some missions to come.Signali Portland, OregonSignali Corp is a new custom hardware design company. Our chief products are custom IP cores targeted for embedded DSP and cryptographic applications. Our specialty is the design and implementation of computationally intensive, complex algorithms. The interfaces to each core are modular and can be very efficiently modified for your specific application. System-level integration and validation is crucial and is the majority of investment in a product.Soostone New York, NYSoostone is an advanced analytics technology provider specializing in algorithmic optimization opportunities in marketing, pricing, advertising, sales and product management. As the preferred language, Haskell is used intensively at Soostone in numerous applications including customized machine learning algorithms, models/simulations, real-time decision-making engines, DSL/EDSLs, web applications and high volume APIs.Standard CharteredStandard Chartered has a large group using Haskell for all aspects of its wholesale banking business.Starling Software Tokyo, JapanStarling Software are developing a commercial automated options trading system in Haskell, and are migrating other parts of their software suite to Haskell.Starling Software's experience building real time trading systems in HaskellSensor Sense Nijmegen, The NetherlandsSensor Sense is offering high technology systems for gas measurements in the ppbv down to pptvrange. We use Haskell for the embedded control software of our trace gas detectors.For more information see Senor Sense's position advertisementSilk Amsterdam, The NetherlandsSilk investigates and develops new ways of creating and consuming online content. Their Silkapplication makes it easy to filter and visualize large amounts of information.Silk's blog on why they use HaskellA review of SilkSkedge is an online scheduling platform that allows businesses to completely automate the process of making appointments, such as customer visits, job interviews, and tutoring sessions.See more in their CUFP talkSee their 2014 job advertisementSuite SolutionsSuite Solutions provides products and solutions in support of large sets of technical documentation based on DITA for general technical documentation, and other more specialized XML and SGML formats for specific industries such as the aerospace industry. Many of Suite Solutions' products and solutions, such as the featured products SuiteHelp and SuiteShare, are written in Haskell.SumAll New York, New YorkSumAll aggregates various public streams of data such as various social network data into useful analytics, reports and insights. We are in process of rewriting our entire data-processing backend in Haskell. What attracted us to the language is its disciplined and uncompromising approach to solving hard problems and managing complexity. We truly believe that the language and ecosystem is ready for prime time and will give us competitive advantage in the industry.Tabula.comTabula is a privately held fabless semiconductor company developing 3-D Programmable Logic Devices. Haskell is used for internal compiler toolchains related to hardware design.Tsuru Capital Tokyo, JapanTsuru Capital is operating an automated options trading system written in Haskell.Tsuru Capital's HCAR submissionTupil Utrecht, The NetherlandsTupil is a Dutch company that built software for clients, written in Haskell. Tupil used Haskell for the speed in development and resulting software quality. The company is founded by Chris Eidhof and Eelco Lempsink. Currently they build iPhone/iPad applications in Objective-C.Tupil's experience building commercial web apps in HaskellWagon San Francisco, CaliforniaWagon is a modern SQL editor: a better way for analysts and engineers to write queries, visualize results, and share data & charts.We’re a team of functional programmers writing apps and services in Haskell (and Javascript). We love to teach and learn functional programming; our team is humble, hard working, and fun. Read our engineering blog to learn more about our stack, how we combine Haskell, React, and Electron, and what it’s like working at a Haskell-powered startup.We're hiring Haskell engineers based in San Francisco, learn more about the roles and our team!WeedreporterPage on is a news site in the up and coming cannabis industry, featuring news stories from around the world and USA. This includes news stories about legalization and medical Marijuana. The site is built using Haskell and Postgres. Haskell has allowed us to build a site with fast load times.

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