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Rahul's Rafale missiles hitting or missing the mark?
After Supreme Court rebuke, Rahul Gandhi may tender formal apologyBiggest boomrang of Rafale missiles : Now Supreme Court has given time up to 10 th May 2019 for Rahul Gandhi to clearly apologize for having attributed Supreme Court Judgement to denigrate Modi with “ Chowkidar chir Hain jibe “ else has been threatened with serious Court Contempt proceedings if not done . And Meenakshi lekhi , Nirmala Sitaraman has included the” Rs30,000 crores gift to Anil Ambani but Modi “. another fake allegation too .I think . Rahul is gone . If he apologizes during Elections it is a big setback whole India gets confirmation he is fake . If he doesn't apologize he will be punished for court contempt..Earlier they were all sunk in Arabian sea . But with the help of his super brillant gang of sons of mother India dozens in Congress party ,3 PIL Supreme Court specialists , Ex RBI Governor , the great journalist N .Ram who is abhorred by his brothers , help from across the borders, Nobel laureate settled in USA , Rahul cud retrieve these fake Rafale missiles from Arabian sea and started hitting the Modi govt . Now with the Brahmastra from Modi camp and some genuine real sons of mother India and little help from Supreme Court. this team his Rafale missiles are sunk in Pacific Ocean. And his dirty dozen teams are also totally demoralised to do any further in this regard. One such proof of sinking is admission by one of the “ great “ intellctuals of mother India who wud lambast Modi in prestigious precincts of Modi now says he was wrong on Modi'Mea culpa': Rajdeep Sardesai finally admits Modi wasn’t responsible for 2002 and that media sensationalised the riots - Opindia News after several years of nonsensical talk in public . Does it take 17 years for a super brillant person like Rajdeep Sardesai who is well connected and had all the access to all kind of media in the world all the time to realise his thinking was wrong ?? This shows the real hypocrisy..This is just one example of real quality of our intellectuals in the service of mother India .When Modi returns for second term others also may slowly retract but after fully losing thier credibility for the lifetime . The very people who were expected to guide India with truthful opinions have betrayed mother India that too in the most critical moment of history of India . This reminds me of Indian Royals having betrayed the 1857 freedom struggle by siding with the British with thier armies , ammunitions to defeat the Indian uprising resulting in deaths over a millionIndian Rebellion of 1857 - Wikipedia and pushing the freedom struggle on reverse gear by over century.(PDF) The Revolt of 1857 in British India: case of Some Loyal Royals.
Can America sentence young non-violent people to military basic training and advanced skilled training instead of a prison sentence?
Q. Can America sentence young non-violent people to military basic training and advanced skilled training instead of a prison sentence?A. Correctional boot camps were the rage in the US in the 1980’s and 1990′s. Meta-analysis conclusively showed no improvement in recidivism, or cost savings. Two papers included were reviews of US experience (vengeful justice) as models/cautionary tales for Australia and the United Kingdom.Correctional boot camps (United Kingdom)What is the focus of the intervention?Boot camps are programmes for juvenile or adult offenders as an alternative to punishments such as prison or probation. They are modelled on military boot camps and involve activities such as drills, ceremony and physical training. Strict daily schedules are followed, and punishments for misbehaviour often involve physical activities like push-ups.Programmes differ based on content and delivery of physical and therapeutic aspects, which could include education, substance abuse treatment and improvement of cognitive skills.This narrative summarises the findings of three systematic reviews. Review 1 was based on 32 studies, Review 2 was based on 44 studies and Review 3 was based on 16 studies.The conclusions on effect size are taken from Review 1 only.All boot camp studies included in the reviews were conducted in the USA.EFFECTHow effective is it?There is some evidence that the intervention has either increased or reduced crime, but overall the intervention has not had a statistically significant effect on crime.In Review 1, while individual studies found both statistically significant positive and negative effects on crime, the overall analysis showed that boot camps had no overall effect on rates of re-offending by participants. This result was consistent across all three reviews.How strong is the evidence?The overall evidence is taken from Review 1 (based on a meta-analysis of 32 studies).The review was sufficiently systematic that most forms of bias that could influence the study conclusions can be ruled out.It had a well-designed search strategy, included unpublished literature and risks of bias by the reviewers were minimised.However, biases remain within the primary studies, including the difficulties of comparing boot camps to one another due to differences in treatments, the use of different outcome measures by researchers, and the problem of drop-out rates and how to take these into consideration when calculating effect sizes.MECHANISMHow does it work?The authors of Review 2 provided the most comprehensive attempt at explaining how boot camps work to reduce reoffending.By ensuring strict discipline and demanding physical exercise and labour, participants are encouraged to behave respectfully and obediently, hopefully making them more likely to comply with rules or laws upon programme completion.Adherence to daily routines and interactions with camp staff should teach participants skills to help them control their behaviour.Prosocial behaviours such as respect are also taught and practiced, with close supervision allowing positive behaviours to be reinforced and negative behaviours punished immediately.Review 3 also mentioned increasing self-esteem and promoting physical fitness as life skills.MODERATORSIn which contexts does it work best?The reviews noted a number of potential moderators, including offender characteristics (age and gender), programme characteristics (focus on rehabilitative or physical elements), treatments (drug treatment, vocational education and aftercare components), whether the programme was voluntary or mandated, and the presence of counselling sessions as part of the programme.None of the three reviews explained why or how these contextual differences might influence the outcome.Review 1 found that participants in boot camps with a strong therapeutic component including treatments such as education, drug treatment and counselling had lower rates of reoffending than those in camps with a stronger focus on physical elements.They also found that juvenile boot camps without a counselling component had a statistically significant negative effect upon re-offending rates of participants.Review 2 found that participants in voluntary boot camps had reduced rates of recidivism compared to mandatory boot camps. Review 2 also discovered that voluntary boot camps for young people significantly reduced the participants’ odds of recidivism (based on only 3 primary studies).While no moderator analysis was conducted on race, review 3 noted that up to 80% of boot camp participants were ethnic minority youths, despite boot camps being originally designed for white, working class participants.IMPLEMENTATIONWhat can be said about implementing this initiative?Boot camps are structured programmes, which generally last between 90 and 180 days.There is a graduation ceremony attended by family and friends for those who successfully complete the programme.Participants are housed in dormitories resembling military barracks, are placed in squads or platoons, and wear uniforms. Programme staff function as drill instructors and are often addressed by military titles. Punishment for misbehaviour is immediate, and usually takes the form of physical activities such as push ups.All three reviews note that studies evaluating boot camps with a strong therapeutic element seemed to have a higher chance of a successful outcome than those with a weaker or no therapeutic focus. Review 3 noted that programmes vary widely in the application and duration of therapeutic elements. Review 2 suggested that aftercare services with therapeutic content are important, and therefore, should not be short term in duration.ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONSHow much might it cost?While none of the reviews conducted a full cost benefit analysis, some mention of costs was reported in the primary studies.Review 2 cited one study, which found that in 1997, the cost per boot camp participant was $31,752 less per year in California, compared to the cost of incarceration. Another study reported a similar comparison and found that in 2001 boot camps were $78,700 cheaper than prison per participant per year. Review 3 stated that the Alabama boot camp cost a total of between $779,229 and $1,676,880 less than participants being in prison. Three studies within Review 3 found that boot camps were cheaper than prison, while four studies found no difference.General considerations• Boot camps differ substantially in content – some camps focus on physical training and hard labour, while others emphasise delivering therapeutic programming such as academic education, drug treatment or cognitive skills.• Boot camps with an evidence-based therapeutic focus see the largest reductions in recidivism amongst participants.SummaryThere is some evidence that the intervention has either increased or reduced crime, but overall the intervention has not had a statistically significant effect on crime. Those boot camps that have seen the greatest reduction in participant recidivism, especially with juvenile populations, have focused upon therapeutic elements within the programmes.Ratings for Individual ReviewsResourcesReview 1: Wilson, D.B., MacKenzie, D.L., Mitchell, F.N. (2003) 'Effects of correctional boot camps on offending' Campbell Systematic Reviews 2003:1, DOI:10.4073/ csr.2003.1Review 2: Meade, B. and Steiner, B. (2010) 'The total effects of boot camps that house juveniles: A systematic review of the evidence', Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 841-853Review 3: Riphagen, R. C. (2010) 'Effectiveness of Male Juvenile Boot Camps in the United States: A Critical Review of the Literature', Doctoral Dissertation, Azusa Pacific University.Uploaded 04/06/15Boot camps a poor fit for juvenile justice (Australia)October 24, 2012 2.36pm AEDT Robyn Lincoln Assistant Professor, Criminology, Bond UniversityQueensland unveils tenders for two new boot camp programs for young offenders.The Queensland Attorney-General, Jarrod Bleijie, has authorised a tender process for the operation of two youth boot camps. The camps, aimed at 13 to 17 year olds, are to be trialled in Cairns and on the Gold Coast for a two-year period. The camp in the north of the state is an intensive diversion program for “sentenced” juveniles, while that in the south-east corner is an early intervention scheme for “at risk” youth.As with all matters of justice, Queensland is not alone in proffering boot camps as the “answer to youth crime”. The Brumby Government proposed school-based camps for Victoria in 2010, and both the Northern Territory and Western Australia have flirted with such programs as early as the 1980s.In the wake of calls for the operation of boot camps to solve problems of youth crime, it is instructive to examine what they are, what inspires them and what the research evidence reveals about their outcomes.The shape and size of boot campsThere was a proliferation of boot camps in the USA in the 1980s and 1990s, where millions of dollars were diverted to their operations.They come under the guise of wilderness, bush, work, motivational and challenge camps. Some are attached to schools or prisons and many are geared toward adult offenders, but a significant proportion are aimed at “recalcitrant youth”, some set up specifically for females.While the camp programs vary, the common features of these residential programs are that they are established on militaristic lines with an emphasis on deference to authority, conformity, intimidation, isolation, and concentrated physical training.The tender documents for the proposed Queensland camps appear no different. The program intends to instill “discipline and respect”, ensures “direct consequences for offending” and entails considerable “supervision”.Moral foundationsThe very concept of a boot camp is based on the notion of individual responsibility for crime and anti-social behaviour. It is about failure of parents or families and ultimately of the young people who find themselves in trouble with the law.The principles revolve around shock treatment, power and control, and disciplinarian techniques. To that end they exemplify the “get tough” politicisation of crime, a misplaced view that we have the capacity to correctly identify threat and risk. A misguided belief in the effectiveness of the punitive approaches of past centuries.This is what has been labelled by some as “vengeance justice”. For even though these programs purport to “address the causes of crime”, they are mean-spirited and sheet the blame for crime solely at the individual level.Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie addresses the press. AAP/Dave HuntEvaluating boot campsDuring the 1990s in particular and in the USA specifically, a number of studies were conducted into the effectiveness of boot camps. Similar evidence emerged from the UK about a range of “short sharp shock” treatment regimes.All of this empirical work shows quite clearly that there is no benefit to boot camps. Whether the measures are re-offending rates or whether it is centred around cost-effectiveness — there is little to show that boot camps offer a beneficial alternative.Of course given the variety of boot camp philosophies and the practices of their daily regimes some caution needs to be exercised about the research evidence. In addition, trying to conduct any truly robust research is difficult and rarely are quasi-experimental designs used (that is, random allocation of youth to boot camp versus a range of other interventions that are then followed up in the long term).Yet even in studies where there were some differences in outcomes, they were marginal or negligible and could often be sheeted home to the backgrounds of the offenders (age, sex, previous convictions) rather than any militaristic-style intervention they had undergone.Of most significance is that some studies showed that there was potential for greater effectiveness when the boot camp included some kind of “treatment” option which flies in the face of the fundamental philosophy of such camps.In the last decade more sophisticated research has emerged including meta-analyses of multiples studies. However the findings remain, that there were no significant differences on re-offending measures between those who attend a correctional boot camp and those who did not.Even when the “softer” style of boot camps were evaluated there were no differences on recidivism. Similarly studies that have undertaken longer term follow-ups show no benefit. In research where a cost-saving has been identified this was only because offenders spent slightly less time in prison. Finally, one evaluation of a school-based camp again found no differences on re-offending but participants displayed “favourable” views of the program.Does the boot fit?Thus several decades of evaluations of boot camps has demonstrated quite conclusively that they are not effective in reducing recidivism and have marginal impact on cost-savings.The problem with these “shock and awe” tactics is that they are centred around individual responsibility. This shows a fundamental lack of appreciation of the “causes” of crime — demographic changes, deployment of police, reform to criminal codes, urban design, extended surveillance, tougher supervision orders.Most of all it signals a vengeful justice system. Let’s face it, boot camps are founded on fear and terror.Return to the Crime Reduction ToolkitJuvenile Boot Camps Correctional practitioners and planners might learn from boot camps’ failure to reduce recidivism or prison populations by considering the following:■ Building reintegration into the community into an inmate’s individual program and reentry plans may improve the likelihood he or she will not commit a new offense.■ Programs that offered substantial discounts in time served to those who completed boot camps and that chose candidates sentenced to serve longer terms were the most successful in reducing prison populations.■ Chances of reducing recidivism increased when boot camp programs lasted longer and offered more intensive treatment and post release supervision, activities that may conflict with the goal of reducing population. Efforts to achieve multiple goals are likely the overall cause of boot camps’ conflicting results.Program designers are urged to determine which options are best for their jurisdictions; for example, they may consider whether to implement more treatment programs or move inmates out of the system more rapidly. These decisions affect costs, as prison bed-space savings go up or down. Other correctional programs are adopting some of the important elements of boot camps—for example, carefully structured programs that reduce idleness—to increase safety and improve conditions of confinement for younger offenders.20 However, in recent years, some jurisdictions facing rising costs have responded by cutting programs.One lesson for policymakers from 10 years of boot camp research is that curtailing programs may lead to increased violence, misconduct, and serious management problems.Boot Camp Justice for Juvenile OffendersAfter the crime rate for those under the age of 17 doubled in a five year period, Camp Stop, a military-style boot camp, was opened. This program aims to deal with juvenile offenders and steer them away from a life of crime. Fourteen-year-old Norton G. explains why he was incarcerated. Sgt. Major Richard Hurt believes boot camp can make a positive difference in kids’ lives. While life is harsh at Camp Stop, it cannot compare with life in Georgia prisons in the 1930s. Scenes from the movie I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, based on a book about Georgia prisons, show how the mistreatment of prisoners led to prison reforms.Criminal Justice and the Juvenilehttp://file:///C:/Users/RAD/Downloads/1978-6398-2-PB%20(1).pdf
What would you rather be, a woman or a man?
There are three boys on the playground. A jinn comes down and says, 'I want to give each of you a wish.'The first boy says, 'I want to be ten times smarter than I am.' The jinn waves his hand, 'Poof! You're ten times smarter than you were.'The second boy says, 'I want to be a hundred times smarter than I am.' Wave of the hand, 'Poof! You're a hundred times smarter than you were.The third boy says, 'I want to be a thousand times smarter than I am.' And, the jinn goes, 'Poof! You're a girl.'SCHOOL DAYS : The Attack of the Dumb-Boy JokesI agree, my wife is smarter than me in many ways – she tells me that goes the other way too. We’re bright in similar and different ways though and it makes life very interesting and enjoyable with her. I know it is oddly not politically correct to say this, but men and women are different. That is precisely why I married a woman. I am not in any way suggesting one is better than the other but like our bodies are both different and similar, we have some of the same and some different experiences and perspectives.Although I am a male and like who I am, I have always wondered what it would be like to be a girl or a woman. The thought has persisted since I was 2-1/2 and I often express that in the way I groom and dress. But if a jinn popped out of a lamp and offered me a wish, they are tricky bastards, I think I’d cut to the chase with a well-formed and multifaceted wish and tell the genie outright: ‘I want to be a healthy, emotionally healthy, strong, woman who positively affects the lives of others.’ Would I want to be beautiful? Of course I would but that is subjective and I think it is a surface issue that tends to fetishize the fantasy. A lot of men with this fantasy think of turning into a woman like this:In alignment with my experience as a man, I’d be pleased with being a ‘reasonably attractive’ woman - whatever the hell that means. So much of attraction though, comes from internal qualities. When beauty fades or is disfigured, what then? That is so much the value girls and women are taught gives them worth. Or, they are taught they are to be feared as irrational impediments to the rationality of men. In one conversation, The Buddha states:“Of all the scents that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman. Of all the tastes that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman. Of all the voices that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman. Of all the caresses that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman.”There’s a misogynist aspect of Buddhism that nobody talks aboutThat has not been my experience. I find tremendous spiritual growth in my union with a woman - she teaches me how to be a better man. I am kinder to my children, to animals, to myself as a result of my union with my wife. The quote above is yet another example of men refusing to be responsible for their own choices and actions. I find the concept insulting that so many men routinely claim to be so incapable of personal responsibility by simple virtue of the fact that they are male; boys will be boys. I think that is why a woman sage once said to me, the next evolutionary step for a man who has become a mature soul is for him to be born a woman in her next life. Of course, as with men, there are both emotionally healthy and dysfunctional women and I thought she was being cheekily prejudiced there but in many ways, I now think she had an interesting point.Anyway, back to aesthetic beauty. Women are not defined by looks, makeup, sexy clothes, submissiveness, mood swings, intensity of emotion, domestic acumen etcetera. Sure those are interests or attributes that some women have as a part of their experience, perhaps leaning a bit into the male stereotype of a woman - but it sounds a lot like some men too. I like to cook and decorate, my mood can suddenly and inexplicably shift (I can be bitchy), I’ve been known to dabble in makeup. Submissive? Every wise man is submissive to an authority of some sort, the police, a doctor, his boss? Men call that subordinate because it makes them feel a bit better about not being in control - semantics, it is submission to power and authority. When I bow to my wife’s greater wisdom in an area, really listen to her perspective, I find I actually learn a thing or two. I also stand up for what is right and what I want when I need to... as do my wife, my mum, sister, my woman boss. It is a really empowering thing when you look up to women, acknowledge their profound human value - after all, we are forever in their debt, to paraphrase John Lennon. [1][1][1][1]Excluding that word ‘beautiful’ from my request to the jinn, I may wind up looking like one of these women - REAL and they are all beautiful.Clockwise from top Left: Rosa Parks, Ana Brnabić, Helen Mirren, Malalia Yousafzai - all very beautiful, just not in the way we’re often trained to see.But as in the Greek myth of Tiresias,[2][2][2][2] what a gift it would be to have that opportunity to learn more about my humanity by experiencing the world as both sexes in one lifetime. But of course, medical transition being moot, that is entirely fantasy and I certainly wouldn't try and out smart a jinn because it very rarely works to one’s advantage. The inner experience of being a gender incongruent male is a deep part of me that I love and know so barring something safely magical and extraordinary with a no questions asked return clause, my answer to this query is that I just want to be who I am and do that really well.This question, ‘what would you rather be, a woman or a man?’ or a similar version of it, pops up in my feed sometimes and I’ve not answered it before because I always feel slightly irritated by it. It requires a degree of assuming and application of stereotypes about what it means to be a woman or a man as though the sexes and the way we individually express our gender, our interests, abilities, and intelligence operate entirely in mutual exclusion of one another. An old rhyme that lives on the schoolyard goes:What are little boys made of?What are little boys made of?Snips of snailsAnd puppy-dogs’ tails,That’s what little boys are made of.What are little girls made of?What are little girls made of?Sugar and spiceAnd everything nice,That’s what little girls are made of.But that is not always true, in fact, it is mostly not true – this graph of typical Gender stereotypes helps me illustrate that - I’ve got a lot more of the upper part going on and I’m also a masculine looking, athletic man - ask my Pilates or Barre instructor.As my wife will surely attest, I’m composed of heaps of sugar and spice as well as quite a lot of nice - so is she. Neither of us are particularly interested in dismembered bits of crustaceans and dogs and we both actually like A LOT of ‘girl’ things and ‘boy’ things. Despite the equal weight football and makeup are given on the graph, I think it fair to say both of us would choose makeup over football- it’s theatrical and fun. Chalk that up to me being an artist. Being clever, bright, caring, honest, understanding, sensitive, vain and caring how your brows and hair look are also boy things though. Where do they get this stuff? But really, how many boys wonder, what is it like for a girl - or vice versa? [3][3][3][3]An interesting online study recently polled a sample of 4756 cisgender (non-transgender) English-speaking participants; 1129 were men. Over one third of the individuals admitted to having cross-gender dreams and fantasies. [4][4][4][4] Another poll done by Dr. Justin J. Lehmiller Ph.D. from Purdue University in the United States and a Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute states:We often become different people in our sexual fantasies. Most of my participants reported that, when they appear in their own sexual fantasies, they change themselves in some way, whether it is having a different body shape, genital appearance, or personality……about one-quarter of men and women had fantasised about cross-dressing, and nearly a third had fantasised about trading bodies with someone of the other sex. In addition, about one in four men and one in six women had fantasised about having sex with a cross-dresser, and even more (about one in three men and one in four women) had fantasised about sex with a transsexual partner. [My emphasis]… Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life (9780738234953): Justin J. Lehmiller: BooksMy wife and I have those thoughts and share them with each other because, one must wonder, what must it be like for her/him? Seriously, I would JUMP at the opportunity to experience life for a day or more as my wife and she feels the same. If you’re not in awe and total adoration of your partner at least sometimes, well. that's sad. In our fantasies, we enjoy being the other person so much we stay the other person for the rest of our lives. I reckon people think that bizarre but I’ll point you back to the study mentioned above. I suspect a lot of people think these things, more than the study suggests,[5][5][5][5] but they burry them so deep they never see the light of day - it comes out instead as as contempt for the other sex.In marriage, we talk about divine union and even in the Christian tradition, they use the phrase ‘no longer two, but one flesh.’ The Jewish mystic text, Kabbalah puts forth the notion that sexual union is the human drive to become one being with your partner and through that reconnect with an androgynous God. The Kabbalah creation story gives us the first, pre-fall human being, Adam ha Rishon, made in the image of God as one entity that was both male and female:Kabbalah ascribes each element in spirituality a gender tag; an element can’t be neutral, but it can “switch” between genders. In general, anything that gives is considered male and anything that receives is considered female. Also, each entity contains male and female elements within it, and uses them according to need. So although everything has its basic gender, it can function as its opposite sex when the need arises… Adam and Eve are two parts of the same Partzuf [or Divine Personae.] When Kabbalists want to emphasize the reception in this Partzuf they refer to it as Eve, and when they want to focus on its giving capabilities they call it Adam. - From For Your Pleasure Only, The wisdom of KabbalahOf course, in the past, that term no longer two, but one flesh was misused by men to take ownership of women and deny them the right to education, autonomy and property - well, it still is today in some places. But imagine being willing to stand on equal footing with your partner so much so that you cohabit in wonder and admiration and ask, ‘what must it be like to be her or him?’ Actually being a partner you love and respect might just be better than sex, it would be the ultimate union.If reincarnation is real and I get to choose my sex in my next life - I’d totally chose to be a woman - why not? Sometimes I wonder if my gender incongruence isn’t simply because of whatever the current theory is, hormonal, genetic, early childhood patterning etcetera, but because maybe I was female in a past life. According to the woman sage then, I’d have devolved. Maybe I’ve just managed to see our cultural gender coding for what it is, a veneer that tricks viewers into thinking they know what exists beneath it. Certainly, from my younger experience, I was afraid to be seen as tender, nurturing, kind, or soft in any way because to do so was not masculine. Then again, I over compensated because of my very old and inner thoughts that I wished I had been born a girl. I was terrified I’d be caught out and shamed.The majority of people are perfectly happy being the sex they were born and, all things being equal, have little issue sticking to societal gender roles. I don’t hate being a man - i just feel stifled and stuck in that role sometimes. I don’t necessarily need or want to permanently change my body; I just want to be able to wear my hair the way I want and dress the way I choose. I love the colour pink. I paint my nails, for example, because it tells the world I perceive an inner feminine experience of myself that makes me feel good and whole. I also know plenty of women who don’t do that because they find it fussy and potentially unhealthy. It’s just a thing though, colours - the cultural coding as feminine is something I use. That doesn’t make me in any way a woman but it does mean I share in an experience culturally coded as feminine. Do I really feel feminine? I don’t know, probably not. Does a given woman really even know what other women experience as feminine? And while I may share some commonalities with other men I cannot know that the way they experience ‘feeling like a man’ is the same as mine. I’ll never know, at least not in this life.Just be glad, whoever you are, that you are. See and acknowledge that same light in others and strive to become the best version of you that you can.Footnotes[1] John Lennon – Woman[1] John Lennon – Woman[1] John Lennon – Woman[1] John Lennon – Woman[2] Tiresias | Greek mythology[2] Tiresias | Greek mythology[2] Tiresias | Greek mythology[2] Tiresias | Greek mythology[3] Guys, Here’s What It’s Actually Like To Be A Woman[3] Guys, Here’s What It’s Actually Like To Be A Woman[3] Guys, Here’s What It’s Actually Like To Be A Woman[3] Guys, Here’s What It’s Actually Like To Be A Woman[4] (PDF) An Exploration of the Relations Between Self-Reported Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in an Online Sample of Cisgender Individuals[4] (PDF) An Exploration of the Relations Between Self-Reported Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in an Online Sample of Cisgender Individuals[4] (PDF) An Exploration of the Relations Between Self-Reported Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in an Online Sample of Cisgender Individuals[4] (PDF) An Exploration of the Relations Between Self-Reported Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in an Online Sample of Cisgender Individuals[5] What the sexual fantasies of non-transgender people tell us about the dreams of those who are trans[5] What the sexual fantasies of non-transgender people tell us about the dreams of those who are trans[5] What the sexual fantasies of non-transgender people tell us about the dreams of those who are trans[5] What the sexual fantasies of non-transgender people tell us about the dreams of those who are trans
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