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What are effective ways to read a textbook?

I'll answer this from the perspective of someone who had to keep a 3.5 out of 4.0 GPA to keep his scholarship and ended up graduating summa cum laude and going on to earn a couple of Master's degrees and a PhD.Here are the rules I used to make my studies efficient, so that I could have more evening and weekend time free than my friends did, take the night off before a test, and never cram.1. Do the reading before class.This is extremely important. First, the lecture makes more sense when you've read the assignment. Second, you won't end up asking no questions, or dumb questions, but you will ask pertinent questions -- this will not only aid your comprehension, but your prof will tag you as a sharp student and this has a positive effect on how you're evaluated (even if the prof doesn't know it).I treated college like a job, and had set reading/study times during the day for all my classes, which I would spend in the library. This kept me from procrastinating, and provided me with free time in the evenings and on weekends to relax.2. Take high-level notes while you read -- do not use a highlighter, do not outline, do not take detailed notes (yet).Highlighting is ineffective. Don't bother with it.Instead, keep a notebook -- either on your laptop or (my preference) in a paper notebook. In this notebook, write summary statements of what you read as you go, leaving gaps which you will fill in during the lecture and at other times. You don't want to outline the text; you want a skeleton frame of the ideas as they make sense to you, according to your style of thinking. Jot down page numbers so you can refer back to your text.Also write marginal notes in the book. At the top of the page, write the big ideas and important details where they occur, so you can find them later.And don't forget to write down questions you have for the instructor!Remember, you're not trying to re-write the book in your notes! You're creating a mental scaffolding and index so that the concepts cohere -- rather than being a blizzard of details -- and so that you can easily find relevant passages on review.I found it useful to invent my own system of abbreviations. E.g., in my notes I stopped writing the letter "i" and replaced it with a dot. The suffix "tion" became 'n. The word Constitution became <o. This makes your note-taking quicker, and thwarts people who want to "borrow" your notes, putting you at risk of not having them when you need them.And here's the trick -- you don't need to learn all the details on the first round!3. Get interested in the subject, no matter what it is.Put out of your mind the idea that you're studying for a test. Get into the perspective that you want to master this subject, to really understand it.If the text is boring -- and some texts are horribly boring -- admit that and focus on gleaning the pertinent information from this awful brick. Treat it like a game, where some books are helpers and other books are foes.Be bound and determined to discover what's cool and useful and worthwhile in this subject. Your mindset is incredibly important!I used to construct stories, and that's how I took notes on the text. So if it was a history class, rather than string a bunch of dates together, I'd construct scenarios... BECAUSE this happened, then that happened, SO the next thing occurred, which led to....I would do that for the sciences, too. Because of this, therefore that. Everything can be made into a story, and stories are much easier to learn and remember than facts are.4. Use class time wisely.OK, so you've read your text before class, you've avoided outlining and highlighting, you haven't attempted to note all the details, your book has topics and important facts noted at the tops of pages, you have a notebook with key ideas in it and lots of blank lines to fill in later, and there are questions written in the book margins and in your notebook.As the lecture progresses, fill in the blank spaces with your lecture notes. Do this in a different color pen so you can tell lecture notes from book notes, and/or note the lecture dates in the margins.Also turn to the relevant passages in the book as the lecture progresses. As your questions are answered, note those answers. If a question isn't answered, ask it!At the end of the class, two things will have happened.1. You will have produced a set of notes cross-referenced with the text and integrated with lecture notes. This will make studying tremendously easier!2. You will have reviewed your own notes and the book text, and this re-reading will make the details start etching themselves into your brain. (This is why you don't try to absorb or note all the details when you first read -- this is accomplished by re-reading, not first reading.)5. Review before reading the next assignment.Before you read your next assignment in the text, glance thru your notebook and re-establish your "place" in the "story".If something isn't clear, go back to the text, look it up, and get clarity.This is key -- understanding a text does not come from reading it once and taking notes... it comes from reviewing it regularly, from re-reading and re-thinking.Repeat this pattern: Take high-level notes, make brief marginal notes, write lecture notes in the blank spaces, review notes before reading the next assignment.6. Schedule study sessions a few days before exams.Get together with students who are on the ball and review the material a few days before each exam, not the night before.As you go, write notes from these sessions in the blank spaces left in your notebook. You don't want your book notes, lecture notes, and study session notes in separate places.If questions come up that nobody knows the answer to, ask them in class.7. The day before an exam, give a quick review, then walk away.By the time exam day comes, you will have reviewed this material multiple times, and now the details will be clear, as will the "stories" that bind them together.The day before, flip through the book, reviewing your marginal notes and big ideas. Browse through your notes, making sure you've got it all down.Then go out and forget about it.That period of "forgetting about it" is extremely important -- it gives your non-conscious mind the time and space to do its work, and you will not only be more confident and better rested, but you'll recall things much more clearly.The big take away: Don't try to comprehend everything at once -- instead, structure your reading and note-taking habits so that you are re-reading and reviewing regularly and your brain will naturally learn the material more efficiently and with much better recall.ETA:I am amazed that a post on how to read a textbook has received such enthusiastic responses -- as a former educator and an advocate of lifelong learning, I'm very happy that people care about this topic and I'm glad if I can be of any service.I do want to note that those who are interested in similar methods for accomplishing projects, such as term papers, might want to read my second response to Tracy He in the comments section.And if you're a student who's interested in optimizing your time more generally, I recommend doing an online search for "GTD for students" -- you'll find resources for implementing the "Getting Things Done" method, which I currently use for both my business and personal calendars.

What are some unique, effective ways to discipline a child (of any age, including teenagers)?

Stop treating your kid like a child.No, really. I'm serious.Our son started talking early and one of his first tricks was to parrot what we said and how we said it. I know that it sounds cute -- and it was in the beginning -- but mostly it was maddening. We quickly realized that traditional parenting is really, really condescending.Don't believe me? Try this experiment with your significant other:Give seemingly arbitrary orders without any context or reasoning ("Don't touch that.")Ignore feedback ("Do you want to go to the park? No? Well, we're going to the park anyway.")Ask rhetorical questions in a passive-aggressive fashion ("Do big boys cry?")Respond to frustration with more orders ("Stop pouting.")Deny autonomy at every opportunity ("Let me do that for you. You'll hurt yourself.")Impose arbitrary punishments ("Keep that up and I'm taking away your car keys.")Be serious about it, just as if you were talking to a child. If, after a week of this treatment, you and your significant other haven't had a at least one bitter argument, then you are either extremely lucky or already mired in a dysfunctional relationship.So, how do you parent a child without treating them like a child? Here are some tricks that have worked for us:Explain yourself. Kids ask "Why?" so much because they genuinely want to learn. At some point, they stop asking... and it's generally because we stop giving them real answers.When a child questions your instructions, it's a great opportunity to teach. When you explain the reasons and context behind a rule, you're giving the child the tools to build their own moral framework, to fill in the blanks between the rules they know and the ones they don't. This is fundamental to learning.Offering an explanation is also a great opportunity for your own reflection. If you don't have a good reason for a rule ("Stop making faces."), it's probably a crappy rule and you're probably taking yourself too seriously.Ask them questions. Play this game: See how long of a conversation you can have with your child by only asking questions.At first you'll be surprised at how much they talk. Then you'll be surprised at how beautifully complex their minds actually are. And then you'll be surprised at how rewarding it is to really get to know your own kid.As for the child, they will love the fact that you care enough to ask about their day, about their feelings, about their preferences, about all the trivial little things that loom large in a child's mind.Asking questions is the single strongest signal you can send that you're listening, that you love them, and that you care what they think.Give them options. A lot of a child's frustration stems from having no choice in anything. A lot of your frustration stems from having to make lots of tiny, trivial decisions every day that drain your mental batteries.Delegate some of those decisions to your child and you can solve both problems at once. Your child gets to feel like an important, contributing member of the family because they got to pick out which beans to eat tonight. You get to make one less decision. Win-win.This, more than any other trick, nips conflict in the bud. The child owns the decision now. They have no injustice to protest. Our son eats all his vegetables because he picks out which ones to buy.Give them space. Speaking as an American, we tend to be too controlling of our kids, denying them the right to have their own initiative and to make their own mistakes.A child has to fall a lot before they learn to walk. And they have to trip a lot before they learn to run. By giving them the space to trip and fall -- to experiment and to fail -- you're helping them learn faster.Now, that doesn't mean that you should just let your kid wander into traffic in order to learn the importance of looking both ways before crossing, but we parents tend to confuse inconvenience for danger.A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself this: "If my child screws this up, will it cost more than $20 to fix, hurt more than a scraped knee, or take longer than an hour to clean up?" (Adjust according to your financial/emotional/time budget.)Practice defensive parenting. Remove sources of conflict before conflict arises and both parent and child will be much happier.In our case, that meant moving valuables up high, getting rid of lots of sharp stuff, and plastering the bottom 3 feet of our walls with butcher paper. Our son gets to draw on the walls without... you know... ruining our walls.We also got duplicates of things we couldn't replace or remove. He has his own books, his own pens, his own wallet. That way he doesn't go around "borrowing" ours all the time.Ask for help. Kids want to help. By doing everything for them, we infantilize them and lull them into a state of dependency. It's great, as a parent, to feel needed, but it's also exhausting.Free yourself.Ask for help washing dishes. Ask for help cracking eggs. Ask for help moving the furniture.As they get older, ask for help with things that are just at or above their developmental level. It challenges them and it gives them a powerful sense of belonging.Remember the first time your parents let you park the car? Remember how exhilarating that felt? That's how a 3 year old feels when you ask them to help you sweep the floor.Give them that gift as often as you can. You'll be surprised how much they'll want to help.That's all I can think of off the top of my head (and this is already too long). In the end, treating a kid like a person prevents a parent from needing "discipline" at all.Punishment, deprivation, praise, criticism, distraction, and a lot of the other things people on this page have recommended don't actually do much to teach your child good behavior. More often than not, they teach children to be retributive, praise-seeking, or distracted.Ultimately, parenting is not about control. Kids aren't irrational beasts out to deprive you of patience and silence. They're little people in need of understanding and a helping hand. And when they get what they need they're usually pretty spectacular.It takes practice and time to change your habits, but after a couple of months you'll be amazed at how self-policing your kid is. Good luck.

What is the secret that makes only few to secure AIR 1 in gate ME , even though everyone is studying almost the same content and solving the same previous year problems?

A brilliant question asked. This is the doubt of a majority of the students who are yet to start or are midway in their GATE preparation.I would like to jot down some habits of toppers -Discipline, hard work and patience- It's the key to achieve the impossible. It's the most common trait amongst toppers.Toppers rarely procrastinate- “Kaal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Ub”Toppers know themselves very well- Toppers have a very clear understanding how their brain works and they plan everything accordingly.A friend of mine had a poor memory and was a slow learner and he knew this fact about himself. To tackle it, he used to make practice sheets with fill in the blanks and one word answers containing the key points of every topic taught. He did this for each and every chapter. He used to fill these practice sheets on a fortnight basis. This strategy made him a virtuoso of all the chapters and the formulae in it. The guy is currently pursuing Btech from ISM Dhanbad and doing well there too.Toppers solve previous year papers 2/3 times - This is a great confidence booster and prepares the mind for The Day.Give numerous mocks - Toppers give a lot of mocks. They analyse it thoroughly and learn from their mistakes.Have a habit of relating topics - This helps in retaining things for longer durations.Have a never give up attitude - No matter how hard the topic is, toppers give it a try.Now coming to the second part of the question :Many people solve all the previous year questions and study everything over the span of a year or so but the important thing is how much one retains on the day of examination. Retention depends on the number of times a person has done revision of topics and how much time he has devoted to each chapter. Those who have most of the things retained emerge as toppers.Consider learning like eating food; it doesn't matter how much you eat, it's about how much you digest.Hope this helps.

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