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Who is the best shooter of all time in the NBA?
Nickoy thank you for a2a.I must say that I am almost sure that I will forget someone. Also I believe that I will give more credit to players that were able to or required to create, take and make their shot. Furthermore there will be some extra credit for players who provided great shots in late game situation, or generally players that found ways to win while there good shooting was there main weapon.One more thing. My opinion is that you don’t have to be great 3 point shooter in order to have your placement on this list. I admire people who could shoot 50%+ from mid range, and dominate the game that way.While my initial list had 45 names on it, I hope readers won’t mind I narrowed it down to 20. So it begins20. Joe JohnsonLet’s start with this fact. Joe Johnson had more game winning buzzer beaters (8) in last decade then any other player and for the last 3 years he is not even in the league. Johnson is 12th in most made 3 pointers in history of the game while in his prime he could shoot any kind of shot no matter of the dribble or catch and shoot. His nickname Iso Joe was well deserved.19. Paul PierceThe Truth has one less buzzer beater the Iso Joe but on a longer period of time. Still Pierce has score 150 more triples then Johnson and he is 9th on all time 3 point shooting list. For almost two decades Pierce was so effective when he was called upon to make big shots over any sort of defenders. His combination of footwork, using his body and soft release made him a star that he was. While he was complete catch and shoot option while playing alongside Rajon Rondo, during his earlier days most of the shots he took were prepared on his own.18. George GervinHere comes a man that was so smooth and always prepared that his nickname was Iceman. Gervin finished his career above 50% FG attempts. And just don’t get confused but he did this on a very high volume. He was 4 x NBA scoring champion for that matter. Doing all that while shooting above 85% from free throw line. George did things so effortlessly that in one game in 1978 he scored 37 points while hitting 17 out of 18 shots. Mid range spot up jumpers, running one handed hook shots and ability to control his body in mid air in order to complete the shot, Gervin was a full package.17. Michael JordanPeople tend to say that Jordan wasn’t much of a shooter, but I like to laugh on those assumptions. His Airness was a complete player that especially in his later career days relied on his shooting technique more then anything. Keep in mind that some of the most memorable in game moments of Jordan are shots from some incredible positions and body 1072 regular season games Jordan shot under 40% just 142 games. That is like 13% of the time. For example Kobe Bryant had 30% of his games where he shot under 40%. The master of mid range game Jordan’s deadliest move was back to the basket fadeaway that he so perfected. With his incredible leaping ability and strength he was able to make one of the game most difficult shots seem so easy.16. Alex EnglishThere is one fact about English that blew my mind a couple of days ago. Alex English scored the most points in 80’s. He even has 2100 points more then second placed Moses Malone. Just as Gervin, Alex also finished his shooting career above 50% from the floor.He didn’t bother much to shot 3’s in an era where almost noone bother to shot 3’s. But his jumper was unstoppable with highest release possible witch made it almost unblockable. He average 25,5 points per game for a full decade with 51% shooting from the floor and 84% from FT line. Too often he is forgotten.15. Mitch RichmondHall of Famer Richmond unfortunately played most of his career for some bad Sacramento Kings teams. But he for sure was top 4 shooting guards of his era. In first 10 years of his career he score 20+ points with good percentages from any category. He would score 23 ppg while shooting 45% from the floor and 40% from 3 pt line. Every team wanted to stop The Rock but he was just too fast, too strong and too good of a shooter from anywhere on the floor. It seems that only bad Kings rosters were able to stop him. He is 47th on all time 3pt list.14. JJ RedickNow we come to our “White man can’t jump but they can shoot part of the list”JJ is a guy who find ways to improve in every singe season he has been in the league. His best scoring numbers came in his 13th season when he scored 18,3 ppg. It’s nice to note that still he has never missed playoffs. He is 15th all time in made 3 pointers, position that he will surpass for sure before the end of his career. He never shot under 37% from 3, and 6 times he shot above 40%, topping in at 47,5% in 2016 with Clippers. He excels while playing with good point guards, so he can run around screens and be a true sniper when ball comes to him.13. Kyle KorverAnother lethal weapon from 3 point line. While I didn’t have place to fill Steve Kerr and his deadly percentages but Korver did it with more volume and same efficiency. He is 4th All time in 3pts made, with capability to finish his career as 3rd.But more importantly 61% of his shots all time were from long distance, and he led the league in 3 pt% 4 different times. Due to the ever-present threat of Korver hitting a dagger from the outside, his teams have always been comfortably better with him on the floor. He was an All Star once, and his shot and shot only brought him there12. Drazen PetrovicAs a citizen of Montenegro, the part of former Yugoslavia, I would be haunted by my father if I don’t include late great Drazen Petrovic on this list. But this is not just a nepotistic pick, Petrovic was a unique shooter whose career unfortunately ended in a car crash accident. Before I present my case keep in mind that Reggie Miller player that will be featured later on this list said that Petrovic was the best shooter he ever played against.When he came to New Jersey from Portland his career exploded. In 195 games in Nets uniform just before he died, Petrovic averaged 19,5 ppg while shooting 51% from the floor, 44 % on his triples and 85% from the free throw line.But Petrovic didn’t have enough time to prove how good he was. He is on the list of players that achieved scoring 100 points per game on professional level. In his short career he earned two silver and one bronze Olympic medals, won one FIBA World Cup and one Eurobasket, plus 2 EuroLeague Titles. Proven winner and precise shooter was ready to take the league by storm but fortune wasn’t on his side.11. Peja StojakovicAnother former countryman. Stojakovic had a marvelous NBA career as a long distance sniper, but he wasn’t just a shooter so he earned couple of All Star nods. Stojakovic is 20th on all time 3pt list.Stojakovic has beautiful shooting career percentages 45,5/40,0/89,8.What if I told you for his career, 40 percent of his shot attempts were threes and he connected on 40 percent of them? Yes, it's true, Stojakovic is pure quality NBA shooter.He won a title in 2011 with Dallas, and still brought value just purely with his shooting. Just watch the game against Lakers when him and Jason Terry go off and hit 15 out of 16 triples.10. Steve NashWhile Steve Nash would probably be remembered for his basketball doctorate how to control the tempo of your team while making extraordinary passes, he could have done all of it if he wasn’t as good of a shooter as he was. He finished 24th in all time 3 pt made in NBA. But more importantly he almost managed to finish his total career in 50/40/90 club and he had 4 seasons with 50/40/90 percentages. He finished career with 49,1%/42,8/90.0. That is just pure impressive shooting. Plus Nash has 13 seasons with 100 made 3’s and 3′pt shooting percentage above 40%.9. Chris MullinHis speed or body type didn’t matter, Chris Mullin was a pure effective shooter with career averages of 51/38,4/86,5.And you couldn’t move him off the floor. He was a perfect stretch option that is effective without ball in his hands, but still good if the ball comes to him and he has to put it on the floor. Mullin had nice jump shot that he used on every level.He had problems with alcohol, so we may haven’t seen his full potential. But in 1989 when he went to rehab and was sober he would kick off a five-year stretch in which he averaged 25 points per game or more each season.8. Glen RiceOnly 24 players in history have attempted over 400 threes in a season and connected at a clip of 41 percent or better. Rice did it three times plus he holds the belt for the best percentage. In 1997, he made 207 of 440 shots from downtown for an eye-popping 47 percent.Consistent in many ways, he missed more then 3 games per season only once. But his percentages and shooting stroke were remarkable. He has shown during his career that he can stay special in both primary and role player mode of the starting 5. As deadly of a shooter as you can find.7. Klay ThompsonSecond part of Splash brothers duo, Thompson has proved throughout the years that he is probably best catch and shoot option we have ever seen. His performances where he can get hot, hit 10–11 triples and have no more then 5 dribbles during the entire game are masterclass of shooting efficiency.His rookie season is the only year that he didn’t have at least 200 triples per season. He has a shooting mechanics that are just pretty to watch no matter if he is coming off a screen, or running an elevator cut through the paint or finishing any other kind of action. His motion is always the same, and that makes him precise and deadly. He is also 18th in all time made 3’s, and movin’ on up.6, Kevin DurantHere comes multi-positional scorer. And opponents should be afraid in any situation. His combination, of speed, footwork, raising over defenders, creating space for his own shot plus addition of his tall body and long hands makes KD one of the least defendable players in the history of the game.Durant achieved 50/40/90 club once, and was really close on 5 more different occasions. And also took home 4 scoring titles. In almost every year he is shooting 90% from the free throw line.Kevin is also terrific in late game situations, so he is one of those that you want to have a ball in his hands at any given situation.5. Dirk NowitzkiPeople usually point out that Stephen Curry is the main villain that caused transformation of the NBA. Maybe that argument is right, but his biggest sidekick and predecessor was the big German Dirk Nowitzki. You will find guys that were stretch fours before and after Dirk, but none of them was as deadly impossible to stop. Also he finished his career as 11th best 3pt shooter of all time.His one legged jumper alongside Jabbar’s sky-hook are two iconic unstoppable moves And you had to be a terrific marksman in order to pull that shot off.Nowitzki was just a matchup nightmare for everyone, plus he achieved 50/40/90 club too. But size aside, Nowitzki's bread and butter is his shooting ability. With his textbook form and high arc, the ball barely touches the rim when it goes in.4. Larry Bird3 time 3pt contest shooting champion. For the last one he didn’t even bother to take off his warm up jacket.Larry is a Legend, and his shooting stroke is as legendary as you can find. He was in 50/40/90 club twice. And while doing that he took home 3 MVP awards. He wan’t just a shooter of course, but he used his shooting power to get out of any given circumstance. Around the backboard, over the backboard, around the head, after the dribble, from catch and shoot, after a miss, he did it all, and you never had a feeling that defender had any chance.Never has a player so lacking in the design to dominate an athletic endeavor conquered a sport the way Bird did. And his shooting efforts were leading the way.There's a reason why people called him, "Larry Legend"—he was in many ways an enigma, maybe even a fairy tale.3. Ray AllenIf we would count just the 3 point shot I would put Allen second, but I believe he is just fine as no.3.Jesus is still the best in 3 points made in history of the game. Number that will probably be surpassed by Stephen Curry at some point, maybe even by some other players too, but that just shows us that the game has changed.And like Klay Thompson's, his is one of those shots that will be on instructional videos for years to come. His feet, elbow, follow-through and elevation were so consistent.His career shooting percentages are incredible 45,2/40.0 / 89,4. Plus he will be remember for probably most clutch shot in NBA history in that NBA Finals of 2013. Champagne was already prepared but Allen head other ideas.2. Reggie MillerReggie Miller’s 8 points in 9 seconds are maybe the best way to show you how can somebody be operative with his shot. Miller’s late game heroics are well known around basketball world, and most of those came with his incredible ability to shoot.He is still second all time in 3 pt per game, and leader in many categories if you look at Pacers franchise. During his prime Miller also achieved greatness of being in 50/40/90 club. He led the league in FT % 5 different time during his career.And to add some context you have to consider that he was the main Indiana guy for all those years, and that every opponent new that ball was gonna end up in Reggie’s hand, and he would still delivery in any given moment. For 18 years, in an average of 77 games per season, Miller spent 34-plus minutes of each game running... and running... and running around screens, until he barely freed himself up to catch a pass every defender knew was coming and was trying to stop, and still make that jumper.Stephen CurryI sometimes hate to admit but I have to, prime Splash brother has unlocked new heights of shooting in volume and efficiency. He made it possible for all of us to believe that he would make any shot he decides to take.And as a bonus feature, Curry hits all those shots no matter if it’s off the dribble or catch and shoot, witch gives others plenty of opportunity.I wouldn’t say that Curry has a beautiful shooting mechanism. His shooting motion sometimes looks like shooting from the chest, and that shot is usually something coaches try to change in young players.He has been to 50/40/90 club once, and has best free throw percentage at 0,905 in history of the NBA. Also he has never shot lower then 41% from 3 on a very high volume numbers. Curry is right now no 3 in all time 3’s score, with clear path to no.1. He runs away with number 1.
Would you have let your son or daughter be coached in basketball by coach Bobby Knight if you had the opportunity?
Robert Montgomery Knight (born October 25, 1940) is an American former basketball coach. Often referred to as "Bobby Knight" and nicknamed "the General", Knight won 902 NCAA Division I men's college basketball games, a record at the time of his retirement, and currently third all-time, behind his former player and assistant coach Mike Krzyzewski of Duke and Jim Boeheim of Syracuse, who are both still active. Knight is best known as the head coach of the Indiana Hoosiers from 1971 to 2000. He also coached at Texas Tech (2001–2008) and at Army (1965–1971).[1]While at Indiana, Knight led his teams to three NCAA championships, one National Invitation Tournament (NIT) championship, and 11 Big Ten Conference championships. His 1975–76 team went undefeated during the regular season and won the 1976 NCAA tournament. The 1976 Indiana squad is the last men's college basketball team to go undefeated for the entire season. Knight received National Coach of the Year honors four times and Big Ten Coach of the Year honors eight times. In 1984, he coached the USA men's Olympic team to a gold medal, becoming one of only three basketball coaches to win an NCAA title, NIT title, and an Olympic gold medal.Knight was one of college basketball's most successful and innovative coaches, having popularized the motion offense. He has also been praised for running good programs (none of his teams was ever sanctioned by the NCAA for recruiting violations), and nearly all of his players graduated. Knight sparked controversy with his outspoken nature and demonstrative behavior. He once famously threw a chair across the court during a game, which was rewarded with an ejection. Knight was once arrested in Puerto Rico following a physical confrontation with a police officer.[2] Knight regularly displayed a volatile nature and was sometimes accused of verbal conflicts with members of the press.[3] He was also recorded on videotape appearing to have possibly grabbed one of his players by the neck.[4][5] Knight remains "the object of near fanatical devotion" from many of his former players and Indiana fans.[6] Nevertheless, Knight was accused of choking a player during practice. Following the incident, a "zero tolerance" policy was instituted specifically for coach Knight. After an ensuing run-in with a student, university president Myles Brand fired Knight in the fall of 2000.[7]In 2008, Knight joined ESPN as a men's college basketball studio analyst during Championship Week and for coverage of the NCAA Tournament.[8] He continued covering college basketball for ESPN through the 2014–15 season.[9]Playing career[edit]Knight was born in 1940 Massillon, Ohio, and grew up in Orrville, Ohio.[4] He began playing organized basketball at Orrville High School. Knight continued at Ohio State in 1958 when he played for Basketball Hall of Fame coach Fred Taylor. Despite being a star player in high school, he played a reserve role as a forward on the 1960 Ohio State Buckeyes team that won the NCAA Championship and featured future Hall of Fame players John Havlicek and Jerry Lucas. The Buckeyes lost to the Cincinnati Bearcats in each of the next two NCAA Championship games, of which Knight was also a part.Due in part to the star power of those Ohio State teams, Knight usually received scant playing time, but that did not prevent him from making an impact. In the 1961 NCAA Championship game, Knight came off the bench with 1:41 on the clock and Cincinnati leading Ohio State, 61–59. In the words of then-Ohio State assistant coach Frank Truitt,Knight got the ball in the left front court and faked a drive into the middle. Then [he] crossed over like he worked on it all his life and drove right in and laid it up. That tied the game for us, and Knight ran clear across the floor like a 100-yard dash sprinter and ran right at me and said, 'See there, coach, I should have been in that game a long time ago!'To which Truitt replied, "Sit down, you hot dog. You're lucky you're even on the floor."[10]In addition to lettering in basketball at Ohio State, it has been claimed that Knight also lettered in football and baseball;[11] however, the official list of Ohio State football letter earners does not include Knight.[12] Knight graduated with a degree in history and government in 1962.Coaching career[edit]Army[edit]After completion of graduation from Ohio State University in 1962, he coached junior varsity basketball at Cuyahoga Falls High School in Ohio for one year.[13] Knight then enlisted in the United States Army and accepted an assistant coaching position with the Army Black Knights in 1963, where, two years later, he was named head coach at the relatively young age of 24. In six seasons at West Point, Knight won 102 games, with his first as a head coach coming against Worcester Polytechnic Institute. One of his players was Mike Krzyzewski, who later served as his assistant before becoming a Hall of Fame head coach at Duke. Mike Silliman was another of Knight's players at Army, and Knight was quoted as saying, "Mike Silliman is the best player I have ever coached."During his tenure at Army, Knight gained a reputation for having an explosive temper. For example, after Army's 66–60 loss to BYU and Hall of Fame coach Stan Watts in the semifinals of the 1966 NIT, Knight completely lost control, kicking lockers and verbally blasting the officials. Embarrassed, he later went to Watts' hotel room and apologized. Watts forgave him, and is quoted as saying, "I want you to know that you're going to be one of the bright young coaches in the country, and it's just a matter of time before you win a national championship."[14]Knight was one of seven candidates vying to fill the Wisconsin men's basketball head coaching vacancy after John Erickson resigned to become the Milwaukee Bucks' first-ever general manager on April 3, 1968. He was offered the position but requested more time to think it over. By the time he returned to West Point, news that he was to become the Badgers' new coach was prematurely leaked to the local media. After consulting with Bo Schembechler who the previous year also had a negative experience as a Wisconsin football coaching candidate, Knight withdrew his candidacy and continued to coach at Army for three more seasons. Erickson's assistant coach John Powless was promoted instead.[15][16]Indiana[edit]In 1971, Indiana University hired Knight as head coach. During his 29 years at the school, the Hoosiers won 662 games, including 22 seasons of 20 or more wins, while losing 239, a .735 winning percentage.[17] In 24 NCAA tournament appearances at Indiana, Hoosier teams under Knight won 42 of 63 games (.667), winning titles in 1976, 1981, and 1987, while losing in the semi-finals in 1973 and 1992.[18]1970s[edit]In 1972–73, Knight's second year as coach, Indiana won the Big Ten championship and reached the Final Four, but lost to UCLA, who was on its way to its seventh consecutive national title. The following season, 1973–74, Indiana once again captured a Big Ten title. In the two following seasons, 1974–75 and 1975–76, the Hoosiers were undefeated in the regular season and won 37 consecutive Big Ten games, including two more Big Ten championships. The 1974–75 Hoosiers swept the entire Big Ten by an average of 22.8 points per game. However, in an 83–82 win against Purdue they lost consensus All-American forward Scott May to a broken left arm. With May's injury keeping him to 7 minutes of play, the No. 1 Hoosiers lost to Kentucky 92–90 in the Mideast Regional. The Hoosiers were so dominant that four starters – Scott May, Steve Green, Kent Benson and Quinn Buckner – would make the five-man All-Big Ten team. The following season, 1975–76, the Hoosiers went the entire season and 1976 NCAA tournament without a single loss, beating Michigan 86–68 in the title game. Immediately after the game, Knight lamented that "it should have been two." The 1976 Hoosiers remain the last undefeated NCAA Division I men's basketball team.[19][20] Through these two seasons, Knight's teams were undefeated in the regular season, including a perfect 37–0 record in Big Ten games on their way to their third and fourth conference titles in a row. Behind the play of Mike Woodson, Indiana won the 1979 NIT championship.1980s[edit]The 1979–80 Hoosiers, led by Mike Woodson and Isiah Thomas, won the Big Ten championship and advanced to the 1980 Sweet Sixteen. The following season, in 1980–81, Thomas and the Hoosiers once again won a conference title and won the 1981 NCAA tournament, Knight's second national title. In 1982–1983, with the strong play of Uwe Blab and All-Americans Ted Kitchel and Randy Wittman, the No. 1 ranked Hoosiers were favorites to win another national championship. However, with an injury to All-American Ted Kitchel mid-season, the Hoosiers' prospects were grim. Knight asked for fan support to rally around the team and, when the team ultimately won the Big Ten title, he ordered that a banner be hung for the team in Assembly Hall as a tribute to the fans, who he credited with inspiring the team to win its final three home games. Nevertheless, in the tournament Kitchel's absence was felt and the team lost to Kentucky in the 1983 Sweet Sixteen.Knight with young fans at Frank Truitt's house in Columbus, summer of 1988The 1985–86 Hoosiers were profiled in a best-selling book A Season on the Brink. To write it Knight granted author John Feinstein almost unprecedented access to the Indiana basketball program, as well as insights into Knight's private life. The following season, in 1986–87, the Hoosiers were led by All-American Steve Alford and captured a share of the Big Ten title. The team won Knight's third national championship (the school's fifth) against Syracuse in the 1987 NCAA tournament with a game-winning jump shot by Keith Smart with five seconds of play remaining in the championship game.[21] In the 1988–1989 season the Hoosiers were led by All-American Jay Edwards and won a Big Ten championship.1990s[edit]From 1990–91 through 1992–93, the Hoosiers posted 87 victories, the most by any Big Ten team in a three-year span, breaking the mark of 86 set by Knight's Indiana teams of 1974–76. Teams from these three seasons spent all but two of the 53 poll weeks in the top 10, and 38 of them in the top 5. They captured two Big Ten crowns in 1990–91 and 1992–93, and during the 1991–92 season reached the Final Four. During the 1992–93 season, the 31–4 Hoosiers finished the season at the top of the AP Poll, but were defeated by Kansas in the Elite Eight. Teams from this era included Greg Graham, Pat Knight, All-Americans Damon Bailey and Alan Henderson Brian Evans, and National Player of the Year Calbert Cheaney.Throughout the mid and late 1990s Knight continued to experience success with continual NCAA tournament appearances and a minimum of 19 wins each season. However, 1993 would be Knight's last conference championship and 1994 would be his last trip to the Sweet Sixteen.Dismissal from Indiana[edit]On March 14, 2000 (just before Indiana was to begin play in the NCAA tournament), the CNN Sports Illustrated network ran a piece on Robert Abbott's investigation of Knight in which former player Neil Reed claimed he had been choked by Knight during a practice in 1997.[22] Knight denied the claims in the story. However, less than a month later, the network aired a tape of an Indiana practice from 1997 that appeared to show Knight placing his hand on the neck of Reed.[5]"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."—Bob Knight, March 1994[23]In response, Indiana University president Myles Brand announced that he had adopted a "zero tolerance" policy with regard to Knight's behavior.[24] Later in the year, in September 2000, Indiana freshman Kent Harvey (not a basketball player) reportedly said, "Hey, Knight, what's up?" to Knight. According to Harvey, Knight then grabbed him by the arm and lectured him for not showing him respect, insisting that Harvey address him as either "Mr. Knight" or "Coach Knight" instead of simply "Knight."[5] Brand stated that this incident was only one of numerous complaints that occurred after the zero-tolerance policy had been put into place. Brand asked Knight to resign on September 10, and when Knight refused, Brand relieved him of his coaching duties effective immediately. Knight's dismissal was met with outrage from students. That night, thousands of Indiana students marched from Indiana University's Assembly Hall to Brand's home, burning Brand in effigy.[5]Harvey was supported by some and vilified by many who claim he had intentionally set up Knight. Kent Harvey's stepfather, Mark Shaw, was a former Bloomington-area radio talk show host and Knight critic.[25] On September 13, Knight said goodbye to a crowd of some 6,000 supporters in Dunn Meadow at Indiana University. He asked that they not hold a grudge against Harvey and that they continue to support the basketball team.[26] Knight's firing made national headlines, including the cover of Sports Illustrated and around the clock coverage on ESPN.In a March 2017 interview on The Dan Patrick Show, Knight stated that he had no interest in ever returning to Indiana. When host Dan Patrick commented that most of the administration that had fired Knight seventeen years earlier were no longer there, Knight said, "I hope they’re all dead."[27]Texas Tech[edit]Bob Knight in 2008Following his dismissal from Indiana, Knight took a season off and was on the lookout for coaching vacancies. He accepted the head coaching position at Texas Tech, although his hiring was opposed by a faculty group that was led by Walter Schaller.[28] When he was introduced at the press conference, Knight quipped, "This is without question the most comfortable red sweater I've had on in six years."[29]Knight quickly improved the program, which had not been to an NCAA tournament since 1996. He led the team to postseason appearances in each of his first four years at the school (three NCAA Championship tournaments and one NIT). After a rough 2006 season, the team improved in 2007, finishing 21–13 and again making it to the NCAA tournament, where it lost to Boston College in the first round. The best performance by the Red Raiders under Knight came in 2005 when they advanced as far as the Sweet Sixteen. In both 2006 and 2007 under Knight, Texas Tech defeated two Top 10-ranked teams in consecutive weeks. During Knight's first six years at Texas Tech, the Red Raiders won 126 games, an average of 21 wins per season.Retirement[edit]On February 4, 2008, Knight announced his retirement. His son Pat Knight, the head coach designate since 2005, was immediately named as his successor at Texas Tech. The younger Knight had said that after many years of coaching, his father was exhausted and ready to retire.[30] Just after achieving his 900th win, Knight handed the job over to Pat in the mid-season in part to allow him to get acquainted with coaching the team earlier, instead of having him wait until October, the start of the next season.[31] Knight continued to live in Lubbock after he retired.[32]International coaching[edit]In 1979 Knight guided the United States Pan American team to a gold medal in Puerto Rico. In 1984 Knight led the U.S. national team to a gold medal in the Olympic Games as coach of the 1984 basketball team (coaches do not receive medals in the Olympics). Players on the team included Michael Jordan and Knight's Indiana player and protege Steve Alford.Life after coaching[edit]In 2008, ESPN hired Knight as a studio analyst and occasional color commentator.[33] In November 2012, he called an Indiana men's basketball game for the first time, something he had previously refused to do. Former Indiana men's basketball coach Tom Crean reached out to Knight in an attempt to get him to visit the school again.[34] On April 2, 2015, ESPN announced that it would not renew its contract with Knight.[35]On February 27, 2019, Don Fischer, an IU radio announcer since 1974, said during an interview that Knight was in ill health. He continued by saying Knight's health “has declined” but did not offer any specifics.[36]On April 4, 2019, Knight made his first public appearance since Fischer made his comments. He appeared with longtime friend and journalist Bob Hammel and spoke about different aspects of his career. During the presentation, Knight seemed to struggle with his memory: he re-introduced his wife to the audience after doing so only 10 minutes earlier, he mistakenly said that former IU basketball player Landon Turner had died, and, after telling a story about Michael Jordan, he later told the same story, replacing Jordan with former IU basketball player Damon Bailey.[37]On July 10, 2019, the Indiana Daily Student, IU's campus newspaper, reported that on July 2, 2019 Knight and his wife, Karen, purchased a home in Bloomington for $572,500, suggesting that Knight had decided to return to Bloomington to live.[38]On February 8, 2020, Knight was honored at an Indiana basketball game. It was the first Indiana game attended by Knight since his dismissal by the school 20 years prior.[39]Coaching philosophy[edit]Knight was an innovator of the motion offense, which he perfected and popularized.[40] The system emphasizes post players setting screens and perimeter players passing the ball until a teammate becomes open for an uncontested jump shot or lay-up. This required players to be unselfish, disciplined, and effective in setting and using screens to get open.Knight's motion offense did not take shape until he began coaching at Indiana. Prior to that, at Army, he ran a "reverse action" that involved reversing the ball from one side of the floor to the other and screening along with it.[40] According to Knight, it was a "West Coast offense" that Pete Newell used exclusively during his coaching career. After being exposed to the Princeton offense, Knight instilled more cutting with the offense he employed, which evolved into the motion offense that he ran for most of his career.[40] Knight continued to develop the offense, instituting different cuts over the years and putting his players in different scenarios.Knight was well known for the extreme preparation he put into each game and practice. He was often quoted as saying, "Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win."[41] Often during practice, Knight would instruct his players to a certain spot on the floor and give them options of what to do based on how the defense might react.[40] In contrast to set plays, Knight's offense was designed to react according to the defense.The 3-point shot was adopted by the NCAA in 1986, which was midway through Knight's coaching career. Although he opposed the rule change throughout his life, it did complement his offense well by improving the spacing on the floor.[40] He sardonically said at the time that he supported institution of the three point shot because if a team's offense was functioning efficiently enough to get a layup the team should be rewarded with three points for that basket. Knight's offense also emphasized a two-count.[40] Players in the post are expected to try to post in the paint for two seconds and if they do not receive the ball they go set a screen. Players with the ball are expected to hold the ball for two seconds to see where they are going to take it. Screens are supposed to be held for two seconds, as well.On defense Knight was known for emphasizing tenacious "man-to-man" defense where defenders contest every pass and every shot, and help teammates when needed. However, Knight has also incorporated a zone defense periodically after eschewing that defense for the first two decades of his coaching career.[42]Knight's coaching also included a firm emphasis on academics. All but four of his four-year players completed their degrees, which was a ratio of nearly 98 percent. Nearly 80 percent of his players graduated; this figure was much higher than the national average of 42 percent for Division 1 schools.[43]Legacy[edit]Accomplishments[edit]Knight's all time coaching record is 902–371. His 902 wins in NCAA Division I men's college basketball games is third all-time to Knight's former player Mike Krzyzewski, and Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim. Knight achieved his 880th career win on January 1, 2007 and passed retired North Carolina coach Dean Smith for most career victories, a title he held until his win total was surpassed by Krzyzewski on November 15, 2011, and by Jim Boeheim on December 30, 2012. Knight is the youngest coach to reach 200 (age 35), 300 (age 40) and 400 (age 44) wins. He was also among the youngest to reach other milestones of 500 (age 48) and 600 (age 52) wins.Texas Tech's participation in the 2007 NCAA Tournament gave Knight more NCAA tournament appearances than any other coach.[44] He is the only coach to win the NCAA, the NIT, an Olympic Gold medal, and a Pan American Games Gold medal.[44] Knight is also one of only three people, along with Dean Smith and Joe B. Hall, who had both played on and coached an NCAA Tournament championship basketball team.Recognition[edit]Knight received a number of personal honors during and after his coaching career. He was named the National Coach of the Year four times (1975, 1976, 1987, 1989) and Big Ten Coach of the Year eight times (1973, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1981, 1989, 1992, 1993). In 1975 he was a unanimous selection as National Coach of the Year, an honor he was accorded again in 1976 by the Associated Press, United Press International, and Basketball Weekly. In 1987 he was the first person to be honored with the Naismith Coach of the Year Award. In 1989 he garnered National Coach of the Year honors by the AP, UPI, and the United States Basketball Writers Association. Knight was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1991.Army point-guard Mike Krzyzewski and Coach Knight, circa 1968On November 17, 2006, Knight was recognized for his impact on college basketball as a member of the founding class of the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame. The following year, he was the recipient of the Naismith Award for Men's Outstanding Contribution to Basketball.[45] Knight was also inducted into the Army Sports Hall of Fame (Class of 2008) and the Indiana Hoosiers athletics Hall of Fame (Class of 2009). In August 2003, he was honored as the first inductee in The Vince Lombardi Titletown Legends.Coaching tree[edit]A number of Knight's assistant coaches, players, and managers have gone on to be coaches. Among them are Hall of Fame Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski, former UCLA coach Steve Alford, Murry Bartow and NBA coaches Randy Wittman, Mike Woodson, Keith Smart, Isiah Thomas, former Evansville Coach Marty Simmons, former St. Louis Coach Jim Crews, Lawrence Frank, and Texas Tech coach Chris Beard.In the media[edit]Books about Knight[edit]In 1986 author John Feinstein published A Season on the Brink, which detailed the 1985–86 season of the Indiana Hoosiers. Granted almost unprecedented access to the Indiana basketball program, as well as insights into Knight's private life, the book quickly became a major best-seller and spawned a new genre, as a legion of imitators wrote works covering a single year of a sports franchise. In the book Feinstein depicts a coach who is quick with a violent temper, but also one who never cheats and strictly follows all of the NCAA's rules.Two years later, author Joan Mellen penned the book Bob Knight: His Own Man (ISBN 0-380-70809-4), in part to rebut Feinstein's A Season on the Brink. Mellen deals with seemingly all the causes celebres in Knight's career and presents the view that he is more sinned against than sinning.In 1990 Robert P. Sulek wrote Hoosier Honor: Bob Knight and Academic Success at Indiana University which discusses the academic side of the basketball program. The book details all of the players that have played for Knight and what degree they earned.[46]Only a month following his termination from IU, Rich J. Wolfe wrote Oh, What a Knight: Knightmares which is a two part book. Part One includes stories from people who have had positive interactions with Knight such as friends and former players, and Part Two is stories from people who have had negative interactions with Knight, such as the police officer who arrested Knight in Puerto Rico, and a Purdue basketball player who was playing in the game where Knight threw the chair.[47]A number of close associates and friends of Knight have also written books about him. Former player and current Nevada Wolf Pack head basketball coach Steve Alford wrote Playing for Knight: My Six Seasons with Bobby Knight, published in 1990. Former player Kirk Haston wrote Days of Knight: How the General Changed My Life, published in 2016.Knight's autobiography, written with longtime friend and sports journalist Bob Hammel, was titled Knight: My Story and published in 2003. Three years later Steve Delsohn and Mark Heisler wrote Bob Knight: An Unauthorized Biography.In 2013 Knight and Bob Hammel published The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach to Achieving Positive Results.[48] Knight discusses his approach to preparing for a game by anticipating all of the things that could go wrong and trying to prevent it or having a plan to deal with it. In the book Knight also shares one of his favorite sayings, "Victory favors the team making the fewest mistakes."[49]In 2017 sports reporter Terry Hutchens published Following the General: Why Three Coaches Have Been Unable to Return Indiana Basketball to Greatness which discussed Knight's coaching legacy with Indiana and how none of the coaches following him have been able to reach his level of success.[50]Film and television[edit]Knight has appeared or been featured in numerous films and television productions. In 1994 a feature film titled Blue Chips featured a character named Pete Bell, a volatile but honest college basketball coach under pressure to win who decides to blatantly violate NCAA rules to field a competitive team after a sub-par season. It starred Nick Nolte as Bell and NBA star Shaquille O'Neal as Neon Bodeaux, a once-in-a-lifetime player that boosters woo to his school with gifts and other perks. The coach's temper and wardrobe were modeled after Knight's, though at no time had Knight been known to illegally recruit. Knight himself appears in the movie and coaches against Nolte in the film's climactic game.ESPN's first feature-length film was A Season on the Brink, a 2002 TV adaptation from John Feinstein's book. In the movie Knight is played by veteran character actor Brian Dennehy. ESPN also featured Knight in a reality show titled Knight School, which followed a handful of Texas Tech students as they competed for the right to join the basketball team as a non-scholarship player.Knight made a cameo appearance as himself in the 2003 film Anger Management. In 2008, Knight appeared in a commercial as part of Volkswagen's Das Auto series where Max, a 1964 black Beetle interviews famous people. When Knight talked about Volkswagen winning the best resale value award in 2008, Max replied, "At least one of us is winning a title this year." This prompted Knight to throw his chair off the stage and walk out saying, "I may not be retired."[51]Knight also made an appearance in a TV commercial for Guitar Hero: Metallica with fellow coaches Mike Krzyzewski, Rick Pitino, and Roy Williams, in a parody of Tom Cruise in Risky Business.[52]In 2009, Knight produced three instructional coaching DVD libraries—on motion offense, man-to-man defense, and instilling mental toughness—with Championship Productions.[53]Personal life and charitable donations[edit]Knight with his son Pat while coaching at Texas Tech.Knight married the former Nancy Falk[54] on April 17, 1963. They had two sons, Tim and Pat, but the couple divorced in 1985. Pat played at Indiana from 1991 to 1995 and served as head coach at Lamar from the time of his father's retirement until he was dismissed in 2014. Pat Knight coached Texas Tech after his father's retirement before he moved to Lamar. In 1988, Knight married his second wife, Karen Vieth Edgar, a former Oklahoma high school basketball coach.[55]Knight has a high regard for education and has made generous donations to the schools he has been a part of, particularly libraries. At Indiana University Knight endowed two chairs, one in history and one in law. He also raised nearly $5 million for the Indiana University library system by championing a library fund to support the library's activities. The fund was ultimately named in his honor.[56]When Knight came to Texas Tech in 2001, he gave $10,000 to the library, the first gift to the Coach Knight Library Fund which has now collected over $300,000.[57] On November 29, 2007, the Texas Tech library honored this with A Legacy of Giving: The Bob Knight Exhibit.[58]Knight supported Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, and later made an appearance at his rally in Indianapolis for the 2018 midterms. At the rally, Knight called Trump "a great defender of the United States of America".[59][60]Criticism and controversy[edit]1970s[edit]It was reported years after the incident that Knight choked and punched IU's longtime sports information director, Kit Klingelhoffer, in the 1970s, over a news release that upset the coach.[4]On December 7, 1974, Indiana and Kentucky met in the regular season in Bloomington with a 98–74 Indiana win. Near the end of the game, Knight went to the Kentucky bench where the official was standing to complain about a call. Before he left, Knight hit Kentucky coach Joe B. Hall in the back of the head.[61] Kentucky's assistant coach Lynn Nance, a former FBI agent who was about 6 feet 5 inches, had to be restrained by Hall from hitting Knight. Hall later said, "It publicly humiliated me."[62] Knight said the slap to the head was something he has done, "affectionately" to his own players for years. "But maybe someone would not like that," he said. "If Joe didn't like it, I offer an apology. I don't apologize for the intent." ... "Hall and I have been friends for a long time," Knight said. "If he wants to dissolve the friendship, that's up to him."[63] Knight blamed the furor on Hall, stating, "If it was meant to be malicious, I'd have blasted the fucker into the seats."[64]During the 1979 Pan American Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Knight was accused of assaulting a police officer while coaching the US Basketball team before a practice session. He was later convicted in absentia to a six-month jail sentence, but extradition efforts by the Puerto Rican government were not successful.[2]1960 Olympic gold medalist Douglas Blubaugh was head wrestling coach at IU from 1973 to 1984. Early in his tenure while he jogged in the practice facility during basketball practice, Knight yelled at him to leave, using more than one expletive. Blubaugh pinned Knight to a wall, and told him never to repeat his performance. He never did.[65]1980s[edit]In a game at Bloomington on January 31, 1981 between Indiana and Purdue, Hoosier star Isiah Thomas allegedly hit Purdue guard Roosevelt Barnes in what some critics described as a "sucker punch".[66] Video replay shown by Knight later showed Barnes had mistakenly thrown the first punch, and that Thomas was merely reacting to this. When the two schools played their second game of the season at Purdue on February 7, 1981, Knight claimed a number of derisive chants were directed at him, his wife, and Indiana University. In response, Knight invited Purdue athletic director George King on his weekly television show to discuss the matter, but King declined. Therefore, in place of King, Knight brought onto the show a "jackass" (male donkey) wearing a Purdue hat as a representative of Purdue.[67][68] The 1980–81 Hoosiers would go on to win the 1981 NCAA National Championship, the school's fourth national title.On Saturday, February 23, 1985 during a game at Bloomington between Purdue and Indiana, just five minutes into the game, a scramble for a loose ball resulted in a foul call on Indiana's Marty Simmons. Immediately after the resumption of play, a foul was called on Indiana's Daryl Thomas. Knight, irate, insisted the first of the two calls should have been for a jump ball and ultimately received a technical foul. Purdue's Steve Reid stepped to the free throw line to shoot the resulting free throws, but before he could, Knight grabbed a red plastic chair from Indiana's bench and threw it across the floor toward the basket in front of Reid. Knight was charged with second and third technical fouls and was ejected from the game. He apologized for his actions the next day and was given a one-game suspension and two years probation from the Big Ten. Since the incident, Knight has occasionally joked about throwing the chair by saying that he saw an old lady standing on the opposite sideline and threw her the chair so she could sit down.[69][70]Women's groups nationwide were outraged by Knight's comments during an April 1988 interview with Connie Chung in which he said, "I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." Knight's comment was in reference to an Indiana basketball game in which he felt the referees were making poor calls against the Hoosiers. The same comment had already gotten weatherman Tex Antoine fired from WABC-TV in New York twelve years earlier and would ultimately derail the Texas gubernatorial bid of Clayton Williams two years later.[71]1990s[edit]At a practice leading up to an Indiana–Purdue game in West Lafayette in 1991, Knight unleashed a torrent of expletives and threats designed to motivate his Indiana team. In one portion he exclaimed he was "fucking tired of losing to Purdue." Unknown to most, someone was secretly taping the speech. The speech has since gone viral and has over 1.84 million views on YouTube alone.[72] Although it is still not known who taped the speech, many former players suspect it was team manager Lawrence Frank. Players who were present were unable to remember the specific speech because such expletive-filled outbursts by Knight were so frequent.[73]In March 1992 prior to the NCAA regional finals, controversy erupted after Knight playfully mock whipped Indiana players Calbert Cheaney and Pat Graham during practice. The bullwhip had been given to Knight as a gift from his team. Several black leaders complained at the racial connotations of the act, given that Cheaney was a black student.[74]In January 1993, Knight mentioned the recruiting of Ivan Renko, a fictitious Yugoslavian player he had created. Knight created Renko in an attempt to expose disreputable basketball recruiting experts. Even though Renko was completely fictitious, several recruiting services started listing him as a prospect with in-depth descriptions of his potential and game style. Some of the more reputable recruiting gurus claimed to have never heard of Renko, whereas some other "experts" even claimed to possess or to see film of him actually playing basketball.[75]Knight was recorded berating an NCAA volunteer at a March 1995 post-game press conference following a 65–60 loss to Missouri in the first round of the NCAA tournament held in Boise, Idaho. The volunteer, Rance Pugmire, informed the press that Knight would not be attending the press conference, when in reality, Knight was running a few minutes late and had planned on attending per NCAA rules. Knight was shown saying: "You've only got two people that are going to tell you I'm not going to be here. One is our SID [Sports Information Director], and the other is me. Who the hell told you I wasn't going to be here? I'd like to know. Do you have any idea who it was? ... Who? ... They were from Indiana, right? ... No, they weren't from Indiana, and you didn't get it from anybody from Indiana, did you?...No, I—I'll handle this the way I want to handle it now that I'm here. You (EXPLETIVE) it up to begin with. Now just sit there or leave. I don't give (EXPLETIVE) what you do. Now back to the game."[76][77]Former Indiana player Neil Reed alleged that Knight had grabbed him by the neck in a choking manner during a 1997 practice. A videotape of the incident was shown on CNN.[4]Neil Reed and former Indiana player Richard Mandeville alleged in a CNN interview that Knight once showed players his own feces. According to Mandeville, Knight said, "'This is how you guys are playing.'"[78]2000s[edit]On February 19, 2000, Clarence Doninger, Knight's boss, alleged to have been physically threatened by Knight during a confrontation after a game.[4]An Indiana investigation inquired about an allegation in which Knight berated and physically intimidated a university secretary, once throwing a potted plant in anger, showering her with glass and debris. The university later asked Knight to issue an apology to the secretary.[4]It was alleged that Knight attacked assistant coach Ron Felling, throwing him out of a chair after overhearing him criticizing the basketball program in a phone conversation.[4]On September 8, 2000, Indiana freshman Kent Harvey told campus police Knight grabbed him roughly by the arm and berated him for speaking to Knight disrespectfully. Knight admitted putting his hand on the student's arm and lecturing him on civility, but denied that he was rough or raised his voice. Knight was fired from the university two days later.[4]Two days after Knight was fired from Indiana University, Jeremy Schaap of ESPN interviewed him and discussed his time at Indiana. Towards the end of the interview, Knight talked about his son, Pat, who had also been dismissed by the university, wanting an opportunity to be a head coach. Schaap, thinking that Knight was finished, attempted to move on to another subject, but Knight insisted on continuing about his son. Schaap repeatedly tried to ask another question when Knight shifted the conversation to Schaap's style of interviewing, notably chastising him about interruptions. Knight then commented (referring to Schaap's father, Dick Schaap), "You've got a long way to go to be as good as your dad!"[79]In March 2006, a student's heckling at Baylor University resulted in Knight having to be restrained by a police officer. The incident was not severe enough to warrant any action from the Big 12 Conference.[80]On November 13, 2006, Knight was shown allegedly hitting player Michael Prince under the chin to get him to make eye contact. Although Knight did not comment on the incident afterwards, Prince, his parents, and Texas Tech Athletic Director Gerald Myers insisted that Knight did nothing wrong and that he merely lifted Prince's chin and told him, "Hold your head up and don't worry about mistakes. Just play the game." Prince commented, "He was trying to teach me and I had my head down so he raised my chin up. He was telling me to go out there and don't be afraid to make mistakes. He said I was being too hard on myself."[81]On October 21, 2007, James Simpson of Lubbock, Texas, accused Knight of firing a shotgun in his direction after he yelled at Knight and another man for hunting too close to his home.[82] Knight denied the allegations. An argument between the two men was recorded via camera phone and aired later on television.[83]2010s[edit]On April 18, 2011, video surfaced showing Knight responding to a question concerning John Calipari and Kentucky's men's basketball team by stating that in the previous season, Kentucky made an Elite Eight appearance with "five players who had not attended a single class that semester." These claims were later disproven by the University and the players in question, including Patrick Patterson, who graduated in three years, and John Wall, who finished the semester in question with a 3.5 GPA.[84] Knight later apologized for his comments stating, "My overall point is that 'one-and-dones' are not healthy for college basketball. I should not have made it personal to Kentucky and its players and I apologize."[85]Former Indiana basketball player Todd Jadlow has written a book alleging that from 1985 to 1989, Knight punched him in the face, broke a clipboard over the top of his head, and squeezed his testicles and the testicles of other Hoosiers, among other abuses.[86]Head coaching record[edit]Statistics overviewSeasonTeamOverallConferenceStandingPostseasonArmy Cadets (NCAA University Division independent)(1965–1971)1965–66Army18–8NIT Fourth Place1966–67Army13–81967–68Army20–5NIT First Round1968–69Army18–10NIT Fourth Place1969–70Army22–6NIT Third Place1970–71Army11–13Army:102–50 (.671)Indiana Hoosiers (Big Ten Conference)(1971–2000)1971–72Indiana17–89–5T–3rdNIT First Round1972–73Indiana22–611–31stNCAA Division I Final Four1973–74Indiana23–512–2T–1stCCAT Champion1974–75Indiana31–118–01stNCAA Division I Elite Eight1975–76Indiana32–018–01stNCAA Division I Champion1976–77Indiana16–1111–75th1977–78Indiana21–812–62ndNCAA Division I Sweet 161978–79Indiana22–1210–85thNIT Champion1979–80Indiana21–813–51stNCAA Division I Sweet 161980–81Indiana26–914–41stNCAA Division I Champion1981–82Indiana19–1012–6T–2ndNCAA Division I Round of 321982–83Indiana24–613–51stNCAA Division I Sweet 161983–84Indiana22–913–53rdNCAA Division I Elite Eight1984–85Indiana19–147–117thNIT Final1985–86Indiana21–813–52ndNCAA Division I Round of 641986–87Indiana30–415–3T–1stNCAA Division I Champion1987–88Indiana19–1011–75thNCAA Division I Round of 641988–89Indiana27–815–31stNCAA Division I Sweet 161989–90Indiana18–118–107thNCAA Division I Round of 641990–91Indiana29–515–3T–1stNCAA Division I Sweet 161991–92Indiana27–714–42ndNCAA Division I Final Four1992–93Indiana31–417–11stNCAA Division I Elite Eight1993–94Indiana21–912–63rdNCAA Division I Sweet 161994–95Indiana19–1211–7T–3rdNCAA Division I Round of 641995–96Indiana19–1212–6T–2ndNCAA Division I Round of 641996–97Indiana22–119–9T–6thNCAA Division I Round of 641997–98Indiana20–129–7T–5thNCAA Division I Round of 321998–99Indiana23–119–7T–3rdNCAA Division I Round of 321999–00Indiana20–910–65thNCAA Division I Round of 64Indiana:662–239 (.735)353–151 (.700)Texas Tech Red Raiders (Big 12 Conference)(2001–2008)2001–02Texas Tech23–910–6T–3rdNCAA Division I Round of 642002–03Texas Tech22–136–10T–7thNIT Third Place2003–04Texas Tech23–119–7T–5thNCAA Division I Round of 322004–05Texas Tech22–1110–64thNCAA Division I Sweet 162005–06Texas Tech15–176–10T–7th2006–07Texas Tech21–139–75thNCAA Division I Round of 642007–08Texas Tech12–8*3–3*T–6th*Texas Tech:138–82 (.627)53–49 (.520)(*)Indicates record/standing at timeof resignation from Texas TechTotal:902–371 (.709)National championPostseason invitational championConference regular season championConference regular season and conference tournament championDivision regular season championDivision regular season and conference tournament championConference tournament champion[87][88][89]See also[edit]List of college men's basketball coaches with 600 winsList of NCAA Division I Men's Final Four appearances by coach
Do geisha exist in Japan outside Kyoto?
From various articles on various websites what was once, and what is now are fairly different regarding the traditional Geisha and Maiko of the historic ““water trade”. Many changes came into play in the 1980’s when businesses dropped non-essential entertainments for conferences and budgets came more in line with essential expenditures rather than showing off to business connections both in a Japan and often in Hawaii where Geisha parties may have happened according to some information I had heard in the 1970’s while living in Japan.Kyoto is known for its historic district but Tokyo as well had and has had a district which is and was well known. Beyond that, lesser known communities exist, mostly because of the tradition of Geisha providing entertainment, conversation, games and libations (food and drink) to businessmen who gathered for conferences even into the 1980’s. Once the economic bubble burst, these party conferences vanished along with trips to Hawaii in which some international business was conducted even with geisha who were brought along for social gatherings.YouTube has a number of videos on the topic of Geisha. I am appending two along with comments which focus upon resources and/or the controversy regarding the subject. I own the book by Dr. Liza Dalby.This was is almost an hour and a half long, and gives some beautiful historic photos, but is picked upon for some inaccuracies.“MoaG below refers to Memoirs of a Geisha.“Another:““Geisha (Geiko) See below“Where does the geisha culture survive?Geisha can be found in several cities across Japan, including Tokyo and Kanazawa, but the former capital of Kyoto remains the best and most prestigious place to experience geisha, who are known there as geiko. Five major geiko districts (hanamachi) remain in Kyoto. Four of them, Gion Kobu, Gion Higashi, Miyagawacho and Pontocho, are located in or around the Gion district in central Kyoto, while the fifth, Kamishichiken, is located near Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.”As of May 20, 2019, “Where Can You Find Geisha Today?Geisha cannot be found all over Japan. Most of them reside in Tokyo and Kyoto. In Kyoto, there are five geisha districts, also known as kagai: Kamishichiken is the largest, Gion Kobu is the largest, and the other three are Gion Higashi, Miyagawa-cho, and Ponto-cho. Tokyo has six districts, the most active of which are Kagurazaka and Asakusa.In Kyoto, it is estimated that there are a total of around 186 geiko, 73 maiko, and 132 ochaya. An ochaya is the teahouse where geishas entertain. It takes some time and socialising to meet a geisha the traditional way. Usually, you won’t be able to get into an ochaya unless you’ve built up a good relationship with the okaasan, who is the owner of the ochaya.If you’re lucky, you can score a reservation at one of the exclusive restaurants where geisha entertain. Geisha also perform in Kyoto’s annual dance festivals, so if you want to catch a glimpse of their skill, go to one of the dance events. If you miss one, you can schedule a trip to see the next event, as each kagai holds a separate festival to show off their talent.”Geisha - Wikipedia“Geisha districtsEditGeisha work in districts known as hanamachi - lit. "flower towns", and are said to inhabit the karyūkai - "the flower and willow world", a term originating from a time when both courtesans and geisha worked within the same areas. Courtesans were said to be the "flowers" in this moniker due to their showy and beautiful nature, with geisha being the "willows" due to their understated nature.Part of the comparison between geisha and willows comes from the perceived loyalty amongst geisha to their patrons - over time, it became known that certain factions, such as certain political parties, would patronise some geisha districts with their rivals patronising others. Though courtesans (and by extension, sex workers) were humourously known for having loyalty only to the customer paying them for the night, a geisha would stand by her patrons and defend their best interests, her loyalty to her patrons being perceived as higher than her loyalty to her money.[4]Historically, geisha on occasion were confined to operate in the same walled districts as courtesans and sex workers; however, both professions have on some level always maintained a distance officially, despite often being legislated against by the same laws.TokyoEditThe six hanamachi in Tokyo are Asakusa, Hachioji, Kagurazaka, Mukojima, Shinbashi, and Yoshicho.KyotoEditThe hanamachi in Kyoto are known for their adherence to tradition and high prestige, with the image of a Kyoto maiko typifying that of geisha culture within wider Japanese and international society.In Kyoto, the different hanamachi - known as the gokagai (lit., "five hanamachi") - are seen as unofficially ranked. Gion Kobu, Ponto-chō and Kamishichiken are seen as the most prestigious,[32]with Gion Kobu at the top; below these three are Gion Higashi and Miyagawa-chō.[33]The more prestigious hanamachi are frequented by powerful businessmen and politicians.[11]In the 1970s, the geisha districts in Kyoto were known as the rōkkagai (lit., "six hanamachi"), as the district of Shimabara was still officially active as a geisha district, as well as hosting tayū reenactors; however, no geisha are active in Shimabara in the 21st century, despite modern tayū continuing to work there.[34]Regional hanamachiEditThough regional hanamachi are typically not large enough to have a hierarchy, regional geisha districts are seen as having less prestige than those in Kyoto, viewed as being the pinnacle of tradition in the karyukai.Geisha in onsen towns such as Atami may also be seen as less prestigious, as geisha working in these towns are typically hired to work in one hotel for travelling customers they are usually not familiar with before entertaining; nevertheless, all geisha, regardless of region or district, are trained in the traditional arts, making the distinction of prestige one of history and tradition.”Stages of trainingStages of trainingEditKyoto geiko Fumikazu with her minarai imōto Momokazu, and a shikomi from the Odamoto okiyaBefore the twentieth century, geisha began their training at a young age, around the age of six. In the present day this is no longer the case, and geisha usually debut as maiko around the age of 17 or 18. Labour laws stipulate that that apprentices only join an okiya aged 18, although okiya in Kyoto are legally allowed to take on recruits at a younger age, 15–17.[35][36]Now, girls must graduate from middle school and then make the personal decision to train to become a geisha. Young women who wish to become geisha now most often begin their training after high school or even college. Many more women begin their careers in adulthood.[37]Before debuting as a maiko, apprentices may live at the okiya as shikomi - essentially a trainee, learning all the necessary skills to become a maiko, as well as attending to the needs of the house and learning to live with her geisha sisters and within the karyūkai. By watching other geisha and learning from the mother of the house (known as the okā-san - lit., "mother"), apprentices learn how to speak with guests, the mannerisms necessary to be a geisha, and the traditions of the karyūkai. Apprentices also learn how to comfortably wear kimono.[38][27]Traditionally the shikomi stage of training lasted for years, and some girls were bonded to geisha houses as children. Daughters of geisha were often brought up as geisha themselves, usually as the successor (atotori, meaning "heir" or "heiress") or daughter-role[clarification needed](musume-bun) to the okiya. Successors, however, were not always blood relations. Nowadays, a girl is often a shikomi for up to a year.A maiko is an apprentice and is therefore bonded under a contract to her okiya. The okiya will usually supply her with food, board, kimono, obi, and other tools of her trade, but a maiko may decide to fund everything herself from the beginning with either a loan or the help of an outside guarantor.[4]A maiko's training is very expensive, and debts must be repaid over time with her earnings to either the okiya or her guarantor. This repayment may continue after graduation to geishahood, and only when her debts are settled can a geisha claim her entire wages and work independently (if loaning from the okiya). After this point she may chose to stay on living at her okiya, must still be affiliated to one to work, and even living away from the okiya, will usually commute there to begin her working evening.[4][8]A maiko will start her formal training on the job as a minarai (learning by observation) at an ozashiki (お座敷) (a geisha party), where she will sit and observe as the other maiko and geisha interact with customers. In this way, a trainee gains insights into the nature of the job, following the typical nature of traditional arts apprenticeships in Japan, wherein an apprentice is expected to learn almost entirely through observation. Although geisha at the stage of minarai training will attend parties, they will not participate on an involved level and are instead expected to sit quietly. Trainees can be hired for parties, but are usually uninvited - though welcomed - guests, brought along by their symbolic older sister as a way of introducing a new trainee to patrons of the karyūkai. Minarai usually charge just a third of the fee a typical geisha would charge, and typically work within just one particular tea house, known as the minarai-jaya - learning from the "mother" (proprietress) of the house. The minaraistage of training involves learning techniques of conversation, typical party games, and proper decorum and behaviour at banquets and parties. This stage lasts only about a month or so.[39]Maiko Katsumi and Mameteruperforming the Gion Kouta.After the minarai period, a trainee will make her official debut (misedashi) and become a maiko. This stage can last between 3 and 5 years. During this time, they learn from both other trainees senior to them, and their geisha mentors, with special emphasis placed on learning from her symbolic "older sister" (onee-san). Though any maiko or geisha "senior" in rank to an apprentice may be called "older sister", an apprentice's official "older sister" is a geisha bonded to her in an official ceremony, who will thereafter typically teach her about working in the karyūkai. This involves learning how to serve drinks, hold casual conversation, and some training in the arts, though the latter is usually carried out through by dance and music teachers.Senior maiko Suzuha wearing sakkō, two weeks before her erikae.There are three major elements of a maiko's training. The first is the formal arts training, which takes place in schools found in every hanamachi. They study traditional instruments: the shamisen, the flute, and drums, as well as learn games,[40]traditional songs, calligraphy,[41]Japanese traditional dances (in the nihonbuyō style), tea ceremony, literature, and poetry.[42][43]The second element is the entertainment training which a trainee learns at various tea houses and parties by observing her "older sister". The third is the social skill of navigating the complex social web of the hanamachi; formal greetings, gifts, and visits are key parts of the social structure of the karyūkai, and crucial for the support network necessary to support a trainee's eventual debut as a geisha.Around the age of 20–21, a maiko will graduate to geisha status in a ceremony known as erikae(turning of the collar).[44][45]Following debut, geisha typically do not go through major role changes, as there are no more formal stages of training. However, geisha can and do work into their eighties and nineties,[35]and are still expected to train regularly,[46]though lessons may only be put on a few times a month. A geisha may decide to retire from her work, either to move away from the karyūkai, take on the role of "mother" of an okiya, or to mainly focus on performances and teaching other younger geisha.”Women in geisha societyEditWomen in geisha society are recognised as some of the most successful businesswomen in Japan, with almost the entirety of the karyūkai being owned and run by women. New geisha are trained for the most part by their symbolic mothers and older sisters, and engagements are arranged through the mother of the house.[47][48]Infrequently, men take contingent positions such as hair stylists,[49]dressers (known as otokoshi, as dressing a maiko requires considerable strength) and accountants. The heads (iemoto) of some dance and music schools that geisha train under, however, may be male, with some barrier to entry for women to achieve the legacy of being the head of an artistic school.[4]The geisha system was founded, actually, to promote the independence and economic self-sufficiency of women. And that was its stated purpose, and it actually accomplished that quite admirably in Japanese society, where there were very few routes for women to achieve that sort of independence.—Mineko Iwasaki in interview, Boston Phoenix[50]Historically, the majority of women within Japan were wives who could not work due to familial duties. A geisha, however, could achieve independence by working to pay off her debts, making the profession one method for women to support themselves without becoming a wife.[51]Moreover, a geisha chosen as the heir (atotori) of a geisha house would have stable employment for much of her life, running the okiya throughout her career until the next generation.[51]Over time, some Japanese feminists have seen geisha as exploited women, but some modern geisha see themselves as liberated feminists: "We find our own way, without doing family responsibilities. Isn't that what feminists are?"[52]Geisha and male guestsEditA geisha entertaining a foreign guestHistorically, geisha held an appeal for mainly male guests as a woman outside of the role of "wife". Wives were modest, responsible, and at times sombre, whereas geisha could be playful and carefree. Geisha would, on occasion, marry their clients, but marriage required retirement as a matter of fact.Though relatively uncommon in previous decades, geisha parties are no longer understood to be affairs for male guests exclusively, with women commonly attending parties alongside other male guests. Though geisha will still gracefully flirt and entertain male guests, this is understood to be a part of a geisha's hostessing and entertainment skills, and is not taken as a serious sign of personal interest.Geisha and relationshipsEditDespite long-held connotations between sex and geisha, a geisha's sex and love life is usually distinct from her professional life.Geishas are not submissive and subservient, but in fact they are some of the most financially and emotionally successful and strongest women in Japan, and traditionally have been so.—Iwasaki Mineko, Geisha, A Life[53]Most geisha are single women, though they may have lovers or boyfriends over time, and are allowed to pursue these relationships outside of having a patron. In the present day, some geisha are married and continue to work in their capacity as geisha, despite it being uncommon; these geisha are likely to be based in regions outside of Kyoto, as its ultra-traditionalist geisha districts would be unlikely to allow a married geisha to work.….Non-Japanese geishaEditSince the 1970s, non-Japanese have also become geisha. Liza Dalby, an American national, worked briefly with geisha in the Pontochō district of Kyoto as part of her doctorate research, although she did not formally debut as a geisha herself.[64][65]To become a non-Japanese geisha, in addition to the normal requirements, candidates have to permanently live in Japan and be fluent in Japanese.[66]Some foreign nationals who have completed training and worked as geisha in Japan include:Fukutarō — (Isabella), a Romanian national who worked in the Izu-Nagaoka district of Shizuoka Prefecture. She began her apprenticeship in April 2010 and debuted a year later in 2011.[67]Ibu — (Eve), a geisha of Ukrainian descent working in the Anjō district of Aichi Prefecture. Ibufirst became interested in being a geisha in 2000, after visiting Japan for a year to study traditional dance, and came back 7 years later to become a geisha.[68] Ibu debuted as a member of the Ichikoma okiya[69] on 5 October 2010,[70][71] and was still working as a geisha as of early 2012,[69][72] though was reported as retired in 2016.[73]Juri — (Maria), a Peruvian geisha working in the resort town of Yugawara in the KanagawaPrefecture.[74]Kimicho - (Sydney Stephens), an American national who worked as a geisha in the Shinagawadistrict of Tokyo. Stephens debuted in August 2015, but left the profession in 2017 for personal reasons.[75]Rinka - (Zhang Xue), a Chinese national from Shenyang, who became a geisha in Shimoda in the Shizuoka Prefecture in September 2011.[76]Sayuki — (Fiona Graham), an Australian geisha trainee who debuted in the Asakusa district of Tokyo in 2007 as the first registered foreign geisha in Japan.[77] In February 2011, she left the Asakusa Geisha Association, and is currently working as a geisha in the Fukagawadistrict.[78][79]I used a variety of resources in teaching Japanese language courses in four years, at 2 high schools in Lafayette Indiana from 1995–2020. I’m pleased to have had nearly 70 students who went on to study other Asian languages as well as Japanese, who have lived and worked in Japan, who translate, enjoy and savor the benefits of continuing education on an international scale.Between my Japanese students and my voice students from 1981 to present day (2029) in my Choral vocal work and instruction, I’ve been blessed to see innumerable students in all fields of music as performers and educators in all genres.My library and video resources became extensive although much is in storage presently with no place to house the majority of the Japanese content. With my continuing work in voice, I have several 6 foot by 3 foot bookcases with music books and literature covering ancient music and an eclectic variety of everything from grand opera to Tom Lehrer humor and even country. I studied briefly with Glade Peterson who founded the Utah Opera Company and he sang country music to keep his intonation in the mask of his face. I have several country singers out and about performing now along with those who studied opera and have performed in Europe.My blessing are numerous. I’m honored to be part of the Quora to share what I learned and continue to study.I’ve had plans to donate my Japanese instructional library to Ball State University in Indiana, but transport and time to access its location have made it difficult…. but I still remember that which I used.MJP
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