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What are your thoughts on the Royal Navy to be given power to board French fishing vessels and arrest fishermen if no-deal Brexit happens?

I am HORRIFIED ANGRY AND DISGUSTED by Mr Johnson.Above. Scenes of LONG DELAYS (over 4.5 hours and up to 24 hours before boarding a ferry have been known) from yesterday and the past THREE WEEKS, continues today, with MASSIVE LORRY JAMS AND ROAD PARK UPS as British hauliers and Businesess try to stock pile Brexit Emergencey supplies before Dec 31st.More problems caused by Boris Johnsons Politics…..nothing to do whatsoever with France or Customs here……Since Prime Minister Boris Johnson anounced that a “NO DEAL IS NOW VERY, VERY LIKELY” on Live ITV in Britain, panic has ensued, There has been a steady panic traffic of over 9000 Lorries per day (thats 1;500 MORE than Michael Goves “worset case scenarion” for Brexit, try to pass through cross channel ports, and Brexit hasnt even started yet until January 1st……Mr Johnsons Methods of securing a FTA Agreement appear contradictory and confusing, if he really wants a deal, he CAN HAVE ONE, but to then anounce “NO DEAL” is very very likely, and then, to back it up with sensationalist policy of Deploying Navy Gun boats to arrest French Fishermen….does not sound feel or seem like the behaviour of a responsible statesman who WANTS a Deal. Why would he spend weeks in talks, but then, right near the end, where a deal is urgently needed, does he go and say things like this?????Some sources on QUORA think ONLY Mr Rees Mogg and Ms Priti patel are the ones not wanting the deal, and it is that THE ENTIRE REST OF THE GOVERNMENT URGENTLY WANT TO GET THE DEAL…..Against this background and context, it becomes VERY HARD to trust a single word Mr Johnson ever now says……Lorry jams began actually THREE WEEKS AGO…..and have been getting rapidly worse ever since as UK Business panics faced with the warning Boris anounced “VERY LIKELY3 NO DEAL on January 1st 2021……Now more highly alarming news about Fishing rights and possible use of Royal navy Gun boats…….It appears from whats being said, he had “long planned this deployment”.Which begs the serious question, He had NO sincereity of reaching Agreement in the FTA Talks but all along INTENDED FOR A NO DEAL ! ! !British Navy Patrol Ships armed with Machine guns will be used from January 1st by the Royal navy to intercept, stop, board and arrest French Fishing boat crews who they catch “fishing in British Waters”.URL to full story belowRoyal Navy will board French ships and arrest EU fishermen in OUR waters in no deal BrexitNavy to board French boats and arrest fishermenNavy ships to guard UK fishing waters if there’s a no-deal BrexitExcept, neither Boris Johnson nor Europe have even managed to agree yet where and what precisely on a map those “British waters are” to be.More PROOF offerred that Britain is now in the hands of a dangerous “yesteryear backwards thinking” Zealot, , a “real Back of the Woods IDIOT” , who is prepared to risk Direct and dangerous confrontation between his country (well his Party anyway, they do NOT automaticaly represent EVRYONES thinking in Britian !!!) and European countries over fishing rightsAccording to Navy Military sources, this Deployment of Royal navy gun Boats has long been planned……SO !!!!!! in other words, Mr Johnson HAD NO INTENTION of Agreeing AT ALL ON FISHING RIGHTS…..So, ! ! ! All the time he has been Deceiving Europe over his true intentions…..and deceiving his own country too……And he has the insulting offence to try to blame the French President for “scuppering the talks”?????? How CAN that be????? When he clearly has been PLANNING TO DEPLOY ARMED NAVY GUN BOATYS all along????? ! ! ! ??? ! ! !Mr Johnson has “surpaseed himself” for this latest act of treason, Deception, and Dishonesty.Further PROOF British “Promises” and Agreements are NEVER HONOURED (under his Leadership at any rate !).Mr Johnson is a DANGEROUS ZEALOT ! ! ! ! ! ! .An insider said: "Nobody is going to be firing warning shots against French fishermen; firearms are only used when there is danger to life." But the deployment of the 262ft vessels will crank up tensions even more, evoking memories of the 1970s "cod wars".Ah yes, but who how and when does it get “decided” there is “danger to life”?This has happenned once before in the writers own lifetime, I WELL REMEMBER the last time a British Government took a decision such as this, and i give you all readers “fair warning” immediately, that if things got out of hand in the Channel, those guns WILL get used . I well remember the tragedy of the Icelandic Fishing Fleet, Cod War and also the tHull Trawler “GAUL”. This happenned in the 1970’s “Cod War”.8th February 1974, between 10.30 am and 16.30 Pm the 37 crew and entire ship perished, one single solitary life ring being found in the seas Months afterwards……Seaman Michael Spurgeon was listed among the dead, he had joined the ship from Tromsa in Norway…..Seaman George Petty was “lucky” he had been taken ill before and was put ashore at Lodingen, for treatment before the vessel dissappeared……A Royal navy Submarine was finaly “blamed” for the ships entire mysterious “Dissappearance” , (a British television documentary focused on this at the time, ) while caught fishing in British territorial waters. The Political Climate was very tense and became highly strung, and the submarine sailed underneath the fishing trawler, into her nets, and then “Dived” takeing the entire fishing trawler, and her entire crew down into the ocean depths, drowning evryone on board.They “said it was an acciddent”….LIKE HELL § § § § § §We saw the news that day on TV… was appalling, and a dirty terrible Political scandal and attempted cover up then followed….My English step father who himself had seen some extensive service inside the Royal navy, angrily snorted at the enws, and harshly commented for all ears in our salon to hear, that “they did not have to do that, they did not have to drown and kill everyone, this is wrong”…..This was in the 1970’s…..I give you fair warning, once rules, policies and situations such as those now being apparently proposed by Boris Johnson get put into force, TRAGEDY AND DEATH ON THE HIGH SEAS in violent “accidental” (on purpose !!!) confrontation risks seriously becoming almost INEVITABLE.Former Navy chief Lord West said yesterday: "I don't think people will go around shooting at each other but if people are bolshy when fishing, it can be difficult. You have to be robust."Normally, you let the vessel escape and when they get back to their home port you get their own country to prosecute them, but Europe is not going to prosecute its own fishing boats."Lord West said the Royal Navy's frontline Fishery Protection Squadron, which patrols the UK's Extended Fisheries Zone, would have to be beefed up.Rumour actually has it, there are right now only three gun boats capable of setting sail…..out of some 17 a few years before…..more lies from Boris? or has he got them parked on the M 20 inside all those big lorries? ! !The dramatic development came as French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to scupper any chance of a breakthrough in Brexit trade talks yesterday.In hardline comments in Brussels, he refused to budge on the crunch issue of fishing rights.Meanwhile, with cross-Channel tensions worsening, Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned a no-deal split from the EU was now "very, very likely".He later chaired a meeting, attended by Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove and other senior officials, to "take stock" of Government plans for a no-deal exit, Number 10 confirmed.Naval sources said the ship deployment had long been planned, while the Ministry of Defence said "extensive planning" has been taken to ensure Britain is ready when the Brexit transition period ends on December 31.Boris De La Pfeffel Johnson. He has finaly gone utterly MAD, and lost all his senses……His Dangerous Policies risk lives in potential violent confrontation on the high seas over Fishing Rights. In talks he CLEARLY wanted to FAIL on purpose in the first place.Mr Macron earlier rejected a plea from Mr Johnson to speak to him and German Chancellor Angela Merkel by phone, in the hope of easing trade deal negotiations.But just 36 hours before tomorrow's deadline for reaching a deal, Mr Johnson was told he must speak to the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier instead.If no agreement can be reached both sides say talks will end, paving the way for a no-deal departure when the Brexit transition period ends on December 31.Brussels is said to be fighting for at least 10 years of fishing access, but Britain will agree only to a phased approach for a few years at most.There are also major differences over the so-called level playing field issue - a set of common rules and standards that prevent businesses in one country gaining competitive advantage over those in other nations.Following the French intervention, Mr Johnson vowed that going it alone would be a "wonderful" opportunity for the UK. During a visit to Blyth, in Northumberland, the Prime Minister said: "There are two key things where we just can't seem to make progress.Errrrrr…..EXCEPT it is Boris who all along had NO INTENTION of making ANY Progress and who from todays news, had been planning to use “Gun boat Diplomacy” against France and European Fishing vessels…..all the time; and for a long time before recent talks began….Where have we heard stories like it before? Why does all this feel and seem to be somehow “familiar??? Who lied? Broke every word he ever gave? Plunged us all into confrontation? Boris might have wrote a book about Winston Churchill, but he has te heart and Mind and policies of Adolf Hitler……Johnson is a Neo nazi fascist QUISLING…..a traitor to Democracy and a betrayer of the peace.The same chaos, confusion, Duplicity and Deception happenned right before Japan attacked the American pacific Fleet at pearl Harbour. A large Document was to be sent agreed and signed then too….but it never got agreed, never got signed, and instead, America got attacked in a day of treachery that went down forever in infamy……Like Rooseveldt, I have never heard of or seen such a DECIETFUL LYING FALSE AND TRECHEROUS ND DUPLICITOUS situation…..Boris has truly joined the fascist hall of fame (INFAMY ! ! ! ) for his abuseive use of Diplomacy backed by big nasty (Nazi) threats…..Remember what this tyrant once said? “The ability of the public to forget is useful, The More outrageous a thing that is done by the Government, the more the people will never believe it”. Reich Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.Like Herr Adolf Hitler before him, Boris Johnson now lies, breaks his promises and agreements, and Manipulates the News. Talk of “Gun Boat Diplomacy” aimed apparently at France, may appeal to Fascist Far Right Admirers of Boris back “home” bu t they have possibly very seriously backfired on him … is not good Diplomacy to anger, hurt, upset even try to “frighten” the negotiators into forceing through “evrything you want” and getting nothing they need.Boris needed the acceptance and welcome of a Deal from the Eu 27, not to provoke their upset, fear anger and contempt……right at the very last possible moment a Deal could even now still be signed……what mad folly is this from Mr Johnson? Some QUORITES I know say his remarks are meant for those supporters of his “at home” and can be safely ignored……but his latest Gunboat talk is aimed Directly at France, Europe, I am not so sure they are going to share Mr Johnsons understanding of his own internal domestic problems…or understand quite so readily his recent rather foolish, if not potentialy dangerous remarks.Boris tries to please those in the dark curtain behind the scenes, “back home”, his admirers inside Englands wealthy Extreme Right neo Nazi fascist movement…..and aims large doses of sensationalist rhetorical nonsense around, whilest seemingly, secretly, trying to secure a deal and make Concessions…..The GAME is over Boris, either sign it, do a deal, or fly your true colours for all to see……you cannot sacrifice inocent lives to please two masters. No one here likes being used as a bargaining chip in your cynical Cruel games…..1.3 Million soon to be ex EU Citizens are all equally “fed up” living with you in their hearts, minds and lives, stuck with you for years and held prisoner in their retirement homes whilest you make constant u turns….Four years of Brexit rubbish fear paprwork and Uncertainty over the future is long enough. Please will you for Gods sake “Do or Die” but GET ON WITH IT ! ! !Threatening those most important to you? Upsetting those who live within twenty Miles of your front door? Going round scaremongering? Makeing threats of Gun boats? (when a labour Lord says he has ONLY REALLY GOT THREE GUN BOATS STILL WORKING !!!) is spectacular self deception……Just like Adolf believing he still had all those troops to defend Berlin in May 45 when they were all long ago gone……mere dots on paper, non existant in reality….like the insane lance corporal Hitler, Boris still sees himself as Wellington at Waterloo……when in reality his mind, actions, thoughts, ideas, clealry are influenced and dangerously “over identifying” with his own life and his own country as if they were “one” but they are NOT….Boris is not the Empire, he is not Wellington, not napoleon or Hitler neither…he is a little man in a great big wider world….who cannot percieve the world that lays beyond his own narrow minded doorstep of reality…his world ends at Dover…..everyone elses BEGINS there ! ! !Boris thinks he is Churchill, thinks he is Commander of a maighty enormous Navy and Army and Air Force….a great Empire……but no……Mrs Thatcher his erstwhile predecessor scrapped, sold and decommissioned it decades ago……and squandered all the funds on short term policy….No royal navy fleet can even set sale now without Asking for and receiving United States of America Air Support…..and when they built two brand new aircraft carriers, they did NOT have enough Planes to fill morethan one, and tryd to even sell the second one to France……More to the point, most of his own peoples food and goods and Business comes from there…..and much of his Fish too……Boris NEEDS a DEAl more than ever… is not the time for foolish rehtorical bluster and Brinkmanship…..this requires a steady Mind a calm heart and sound judgement…it seems Boris has neither……Innocent Fishermen risk dyeing because of this decision, and there are “some” who might consider it an act of high treason, even an act of War….Like Hitler before him Johnson has finaly gone crackers, lost the “Plot” and believes his own Lies.Like the other madman from a Fascist past, Himmler, Johnson has “Drank too much of his own Kool Aid” and believes all that “Rubbish”. He only follows his own one track repeating “Mantra”.I think this is now an inherently DANGEROUS situation, that risks escalation without prompt intervention to ARREST MR JOHNSON and RELIEVE HIM of his Duties. Make him step back and seriously rethink, reconsider…..He has crossed the line now, and gone from brief flashes of unstable fluctuating sanity into utter Madness.

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