A Useful Guide to Editing The Dental Clearance Letter Form
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A Simple Manual to Edit Dental Clearance Letter Form Online
Are you seeking to edit forms online? CocoDoc can be of great assistance with its useful PDF toolset. You can get it simply by opening any web brower. The whole process is easy and quick. Check below to find out
- go to the CocoDoc's online PDF editing page.
- Upload a document you want to edit by clicking Choose File or simply dragging or dropping.
- Conduct the desired edits on your document with the toolbar on the top of the dashboard.
- Download the file once it is finalized .
Steps in Editing Dental Clearance Letter Form on Windows
It's to find a default application able to make edits to a PDF document. Fortunately CocoDoc has come to your rescue. Examine the Manual below to find out ways to edit PDF on your Windows system.
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- There area also many other methods to edit PDF, you can check it here
A Useful Manual in Editing a Dental Clearance Letter Form on Mac
Thinking about how to edit PDF documents with your Mac? CocoDoc has come to your help.. It empowers you to edit documents in multiple ways. Get started now
- Install CocoDoc onto your Mac device or go to the CocoDoc website with a Mac browser. Select PDF sample from your Mac device. You can do so by pressing the tab Choose File, or by dropping or dragging. Edit the PDF document in the new dashboard which includes a full set of PDF tools. Save the file by downloading.
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PDF Editor FAQ
Is it necessary to tell the dentist if you need to extract a tooth and you are taking Actonell or Prolia injections? What would the dentist do upon hearing this?
Advised to inform dentist of prophylactic drugs of systemic disease. These drugs are primarily given for calcium depletion. Current normal bone density index required for dental surgery or clearance letter from concerned medical personnel regarding dental procedure to be performed after medical clearance.
What are the criteria for evaluation of ICMR STS projects? What do the reviewers look for and which projects have more chances of selection?
ICMR-SHORT TERM STUDENTSHIP (STS-2019)Guidelines for Scientific Evaluation of STSI. About STS Program1. ICMR-Short Term Studentship (STS) is a popular scheme for MBBS/BDS students initiated in the year 1979. The aim of this program is to encourage students to undertake two months research project during the summer vacations in their own medical college. STS proposals are received in January every year and selected students after the review of proposals, complete their research and submit Report latest by October. Once Report is evaluated and approved, a stipend of Rs 20,000/- along with a certificate is awarded by ICMR.2. The students can choose any topic of their choice related to bio-medical research and work under the Guide from their medical college. The ICMR does not provide any additional funds for research and the Guide/Department/Institute/Medical/Dental College is expected to provide all facilities for proposed research.3. The proposals received from students are on varying topics. It is possible that the topic of research may not exactly match with the subject qualifications/expertise of the reviewers/scientists directly however, they are requested to kindly focus on research aspects and research methodology and complete the review. It may be noted that these subjects mostly pertain to undergraduate levels.4. More than 4000 proposals are received at ICMR every year. Each proposal has an approximate word limit of about 1500 words (approx 3-4 pages). The students may also submit study questionnaires and case record forms (if any) as separate files for review. The ONLINE Program is environment friendly and has been designed to minimize paperwork saving approx. 30 trees/year.5. Each application is evaluated by three reviewers: two scientific reviewers and one administrative reviewer. Administrative review is done at ICMR Hqrs. and this includes review of the ethical clearance letter, eligibility of student, guide, department and college, informed consent forms etc. The scientific reviewers need not look at these administrative aspects.6. There is a provision to declare “Conflicts of Interests” if any, in regard to evaluation of STS proposals.7. The scientific review must be completed within 10-15 days so that results may be announced by end of March, 2018. About 1000 best proposals will be selected as per merit and results will be posted on ICMR website.8. Students were asked to submit proposal in the following format:Title (up to 25 words);Introduction (300 words);Objectives (100 words);Methodology (800 words);Implications (100 words);References (300words)However, the given word limit is flexible and provided as a guidance for students.29. Students were asked to anonymize their proposal and the name of student/guide and contact details should not be available in the Report.10. Detailed general information about the STS program is also available on ICMR website (www.icmr.nic.in). In case of any queries please send an email to: [email protected]. ONLINE Review process of STS Proposals1. The URL web link for evaluation is: This web page can be accessed from any location with internet access.2. Kindly click on the above link or type the URL to open the login page to the “STS Online Proposal Review System” and follow the steps as given below.3. Login with the username and password (sent by email) in the space provided to access your given STS account main page.4. Each Institute is being sent “login name and password” details of all accounts which may be assigned to different scientists/reviewers.5. Please open “Proposal review page” to find reference numbers of Proposals.6. Kindly click on the link of the research proposal to review it. Some students may have additionally submitted case record forms or study questionnaire and the same may be taken into consideration.7. You are requested to evaluate each proposal and give your scores (criteria for scoring given below) and submit as per guidelines.8. It is requested that this may be completed at the earliest or within10-15 days.III. Scoring STS applications1. The reviewer may assign up to a maximum of 100 marks to each application:A. Introduction/Background- 15 marksB. Objectives - 20 marksC. Methodology- 30 marksD. Implications - 15 marksE. New idea for research- 10 marksF. References- 10 marks2. As a scientific reviewer marks may be assigned for each section separately and entered in the online web page link. Any specific comments for the student may also be provided in the space provided. Comments can be addressed to the student as may be communicated as such of required. Final total of marks will be done at ICMR.A. Introduction (15 marks)-Should include the rationale/justification, need for doing the study, its relevance, information supported with references (Word Limit 300).B. Objectives (20 marks)-Should be well defined, specific and achievable in a short time of 2 months (Word Limit 100).C. Methodology (30 marks)-Please review study design, sample size calculation,3methodology to collect data, lab/ field/clinical methods, plan of analysis. If case-study forms, questionnaire, or other study tools have been submitted that may also be reviewed. The proposed study may be prospective or retrospective. The reviewer should also assess the feasibility of doing the study (Word Limit 800).D. Implications (15 marks)- Please review the student’s perspective given in the proposal to assess the overall implications in terms of benefit to the student in skill enhancement and in terms of its scientific merit (Word Limit 100).E. New idea for research (10 marks) - Please assess if the research is on a new topic/ idea and not is/are research of existing textbook knowledge. Research on well-established facts should not be encouraged unless there is some relevant study questions/hypothesis.F. References (10 marks)-Please see if latest relevant literature has been reviewed and quoted in the text and full references as per any standard format and provided.3. You also have an option to assign Negative Scores (from 1- 10 out of 100) if you would like to for any of the following reasons :A. Proposal has been copy pasted/ plagiarizedB. Identifying information revealed (Name/contact information of Guide/Student should not be given, and only name of medical college can be there)C. Work already completed/proposal prepared in past tense.D. Research is not feasible (in a timeframe of 2 months/in medical college setting/ unlikely to be carried out by a UG/planned jointly with other students)E. Unethical Study/work planF. Any other reason, please specify.Thank you for being a Scientific Reviewer for ICMR-STS-2019 program.***********************************
What's something that your doctor or nurse did to you that you won't ever forgive?
When I was 19, I was seeking medical clearance for a mission to serve my beliefs. To try to expedite the process I went and saw a psychologist employed by my church, and paid to see him.The first appointment he went over my mental health history, and during the second appointment. I answered a very lengthy personality test. When I sat down in my third appointment, he asked me, “So when are you going to be translated?”I was flabbergasted. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, to be translated means to be so perfect that you are taken into heaven. When I asked for clarification he said that my personality test showed that I was perfect. He called me a liar. He said, “You will never be ready to serve a mission.”After unsuccessfully trying to reason with the man to see why he came to these conclusions, the man invited me to leave the appointment early, but to make sure I paid on the way out. In tears of anger I accepted the invitation and paid the full $80 even though I had only attended 10 minutes of the hour-long appointment.The next part is the kicker. Without my consent, and against the regulations of the church, this man wrote a letter to the leader ultimately responsible for approving me for a mission. This would be acceptable if the church had sponsored the visit but I had paid for the three visits myself. In the letter, he stated that my personality test showed that I had extreme trust issues, among other things, contrary to what he had accused me of. He vehemently recommended that I not be permitted to serve a mission.Despite the situation, my bishop said that he could not sign the form until this was overturned. I realize in retrospect that part of the reason the psychologist invited me to leave early was so that he could write this vicious letter while still being paid for his time. Ridiculous.Furious, I went to see the psychiatrist [edit: that I had been seeing on a regular basis for a decade] and told her what had happened. She was not a member of my church. Without being paid for the extra time (which was worth MUCH more than this petty psychologist), she took action.The psychologist from the church ultimately resigned and went into retirement, and never returned to psychology. I presume that his license was revoked.I ran into him, ironically enough, days before my mission started. It was poetic, though he was unapologetic and clearly believed that I was fooling everyone and had cost him his career. His only statement was, “I guess they decided you could serve after all." My only reply was, “Yes, they did” and I walked away.The story gets worse, however. This left an unknowing challenge in my brain to serve my mission regardless of circumstances. When severe physical complications occurred, I did not tell anyone. I took pain killers on an extended basis until they had destroyed my stomach lining. My teeth, despite my meticulous care of them, were dissolving before my eyes. I spent a great deal of energy hiding how sick I was because I did not want to return home. Every time I went to church I was terrified someone would realize just how sick I was and tell the mission president. Ultimately, this is what happened, but the mission president had just put me with a companion intent to refine my faith and overcome my trials, and he disregarded this.Finally, news reached my parents in some manner and they called the mission president. I was on a flight home, mixed with relief and distress, within 48 hours.12 years later, I still combat the health issues that could have been prevented. Many were issues I would have encountered regardless of the situation but were brought into play years or decades before they should have. Even in a country with public health care, I have incurred over $100,000 of dental and specialist expenses in my journey towards being healthy again. With another few years, I will obtain this, but I will never undo the damage to my stomach and I will obviously never get my teeth back. The few years to get me back is time to have additional dental implants and surgical procedures.I intentionally forgot this man's name. I forgive him over and over but find myself coming back to it at times. Perhaps this is why we are told to forgive 70 times 7.Edit: a couple spelling and grammar errors, an additional sentence for clarification.
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