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What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

On a balmy September night with a hint of fall in the air; adults and children alike would make decisions irrevocably altering the course of my life.I was six months pregnant and barely 20 years old. My sister and I spent the evening watching Disney movies with my nieces on her little farm home; while her husband and my boyfriend went out for “a couple of beers.”We waited without worry as one hour turned into two, because in our rural community being gone for a beer that long is just what good ol’ boys do.The phone rang, it was out little sister, Bri. She told us she was going to a fair with some friends, and I warned her not to bring any boys in our mom’s home. We said good-bye and would see her tomorrow. It was just another weekend in our little farming community. We continued to watch movies, but then three hours turned to four and my sister went to bed, leaving me to wait alone. Without a cellphone, all I could do was wait.Around 1:00 a.m. long after their departure, the sight of my boyfriend’s old Ford headlights pierced the moonless country night. My brother-in-law stumbled in the door and my boyfriend behind him. I clutched my purse and stomped to the truck without uttering a word. I slammed the passenger door hard, the heavy metal door hinges screeching; I was eager to head home.We began driving the 12 miles back home. He struggled to shift gears and the weight of his body was leaning awkwardly on the steering wheel. That’s when I realized we might not make it home.He turned to me and with forceful and slightly slurred speech, said that he did not want to be a dad; he did not want to be with me anymore. I was http://shocked.My eyes flooded with tears, I didn’t understand why he was behaving this way. As he continued declaring himself a free man from any obligation to our unborn child, we swerved from one side of the gravel road to another. I thought we were going to die.At that point he described an interaction earlier in the night where my mother had run into him in a local bar. Apparently, she had scolded him for being out partying, while he had a pregnant girlfriend at home. And of course, no one tells him what to do.Then as we pulled in our driveway, I was overwhelmed with both relief and heartbreak. Our argument continued inside, as I tried convincing him that he would regret not having our daughter in his life.Now 3:00 am, the phone rang and it was my mother. I hung-up the phone before she could say a word, she was the last person I wanted to talk to right then. Just as soon as I hung-up, the phone rang again, I yelled “WHAT?"and she replied with the scariest words I have ever heard in my life “BRI'S DEAD!” I didn’t believe her. She was wrong! She was drunk too and was being dramatic. I grabbed the keys to my truck and ran out the door, my boyfriend followed. We drove together in silence to my mother’s home in a town 15 miles away. All the lights were on in her house and the door was open, but no one was there.We drove to the hospital where my mom worked and ran to the Nurses’ Station, asking if my mother was there. The Nurse pointed toward a room down the hall. I ran into the room, not expecting to see what I found. My baby sister was lying on the hospital bed, her jaw twisted, gaping open and frozen in fear. A stark contrast from her long, wavy hair draped over the side of the bed. My mother stood behind the bed with two officers, as tears filled my eyes, I asked “Is she okay?” My mother replied, "No baby, she is not.” I turned and stumbled out of the room, disoriented clutching my swollen belly as if I were trying shielding her too. I have never been more scared for my family and our future as I was at that very moment.That night, a 14-year-old friend of my sisters was allowed to take the family van joyriding. The friend along with several other young adults all became too intoxicated to drive. They called my little sister and asked her to be their designated driver, and my mother did not hear her sneak out of her room that night. They were driving on a dirt road when they popped over a hill and hit gravel. She lost control and struck a tree. Bri was the only one seriously hurt and the only one to die that night. Bri was the youngest out of the entire group. I wish that night on the phone, I had told her that I loved her one last time.God took my sister that night and just three short months later, he gave me my daughter. If it wasn’t for my pregnancy, I don’t know how I could have survived the scariest night of my life. Maybe it is not despite my loss that I love my daughter the way I do, but because my sister was taken away. One last gift from Bri to us, her last way of saying “I love you.”

Japan: What is with all the really small cars in Japan?

Those little cars of which you ask, are called, K cars. International auto aficionados have long been aware of Japanese K cars, but it is surprising how little known they are given the popularity of things Japanese.The K car, or Kei car, or kei jidōsha (軽自動車) means, "light automobile," and has three basic groups: passenger cars, vans, and trucks. Within these three basic groups there is quite a bit of variety. Basically these are very small cars, with an emphasis on very.Currently the maximums for kei car designation are as follows:Engine size: not exceeding 660 ccLength: less than 3.4 m (11.2 ft).Width: less than 1.48 m (4.9 ft).Height:less than 2 m (6.6 ft) height.The height part is a bit misleading in that most Kei cars are under 1.5 m (5 ft).Let's take the Ford Focus, a compact car, for comparison.Length: @4.5 m (@14'6" ft).Width: @1.8 m (@5'10" ft)Height: @1.5 m (5 ft)Engine size: many are listed, let's take the middle: 1500cc.The Focus is 3 feet (90 cm) longer, a foot wider (30 cm), and an engine more than three times as big. And this is a compact! Midsize, SUVs and the like are ginormous in comparison.The kei car was a post war invention designed to give people a small inexpensive car and, perhaps more importantly, start Japan on the road to building an automotive industry. Starting in 1949, the kei cars were far smaller than the current dimensions (listed above). These initial kei cars were little more than motorcycles with flimsy bodies attached. Over the years the regulations have changed and the dimensions have increased. It wasn't until the mid 1950's that Japanese car manufacturers started making sub-compact and compact cars. The sales, both domestically and abroad, were encouraging leading the manufacturers to think they were on to something. They were not mistaken. But that's another story.You can tell if a vehicle is kei car by the color of the license plate. K cars have yellow plates.#1 is the location of where the car is registered.#2 is a number showing what sub-class the car belongs to.#3 is one of the Japanese alphabets.The Kei Car - passengerThe kei cars of today are a far cry from the early models. Today's kei cars have all the amenities found in larger cars: ac, air bags, anti lock breaks, keyless entry, GPS, turbochargers, superchargers, etc. The engines are often set transversely, as most kei cars are front wheel drive. Naturally they are considerably smaller and their top end speed isn't as great as a regular size car, but they are hella quick and some models are surprisingly roomy.The popularity of the kei cars comes from the fact that they are easy to maneuver and easy to park. No small perk in the dense urban landscape of Japan. They also get excellent gas mileage and are taxed at a lower rate. Moreover, they do not require a certified parking space to be registered. And many are, quite frankly, fun to drive. Not so good perhaps if you are traveling great distances, but for getting around town, they are hard to beat.Kei cars can be found in sedan, coupe, roadster, and some some styles that defy description. Naturally, as people are wont to do, they will modify their rides to suit their whims.I've owned several kei cars during my stay in Japan. In fact, I have had at least one from each of the three types of kei car: passenger, van, and truck.• Story time: Kei Car •The first car I ever bought was a kei car. It was also my first experience driving on the other side of the road. I grew up in the US and in Japan they drive on the left.I bought a real beater of a car for a can of beer and a plate of yaki-soba; maybe, 6$. This car was a Daihatsu Fellow Max; yellow, like this one.But the similarity ended with the color. Mine was a real rust bucket. When it rained, I had to wear a rain suit and rubber boots. The rain suit was because the seal around the front window leaked like a sieve. The boots were because the floor boards were rusted through and water would splash up from underneath.The interior was minimalist. It looked sort of like this, but much more beat up.It looked like some terrible disease had attacked the interior. I was told the car had leprosy, I was told I over paid for the car. Harsh words.The first thing one notices when one gets in the driver's seat of a car with the wheel on the 'other' side is that the gear shift and the rearview mirror aren't where they're supposed to be. Thank god the pedals are in the same position. Shifting gears with your left hand is easier than it might seem. You are very aware of the shift being on the left (the gear positions are the same) and the act of shifting is a conscious act. Sometimes there were errors, but not many. The biggest problem I had was looking up and right for the rearview mirror. Checking the rearview is part of the general scanning process and is often unconscious. Expecting to find the mirror and instead looking at the corner of the window and frame is something that took a while to get used to.The first time I drove the car, I went to a friend's place and said, "Hey, I bought a car, let's go for a spin". He asked if I knew how to drive a left wheel drive car? "No problem, it's easy. Let's go".We drove to the end of the street, turned right, then left onto a bigger street and came to a stoplight. Easy as pie. The cross street was a four lane (two in each direction) street.I was planning on turning right. Like the white car in the middle, above. The light changes and I pull out intending to turn right and my buddy suddenly says, "Left, left". I dutifully turn left into the worst of the four possible lane choices. This really gets him going, now he's shouting, "Oh my god, left, left". So being the dutiful driver I am, I just kept careening left. I mean, the bus wasn't that close. We get to the next corner and he says, "left" again and we are back to his street. We get to his corner and he says shakily, "This is good enough, I'll walk the rest of the way".Wimp.When there is traffic on the road the right-left thing is not a big deal. I had the most problems driving at night and turning onto an empty road. There was a bit of drift and uncertainty. These issues were compounded if the other passengers in the car were speaking English. Weird, huh? After a while, driving on the other side seems normal.• Fin •My Daihatsu was a built under older and smaller regulations. Many of the current kei cars are much roomier than they look. My Daihatsu was so small you had to open the door to change your mind. Sorry. For a while I drove a 1990 Toyota Highlander. One day, I drove my sister inlaw's kei car and was amazed at how much more spacious the drivers area was than in the Highlander.These days the kei cars are built taller and the wheels are moved way out to the corners. This makes the inside roomier. Some models come with bench seats! Quite nice actually.Obviously one of the major drawbacks is the size and comparative lightness, around 750 kg (1500 lbs) of the kei car. The doors are thin and in many models the front of the car is right there. If you wad it up, you had better be wearing your seatbelt. In this respect it is a good car for the Japanese. They are rarely aggressive and pushing things isn't a common trait.Recently there has been a bit of blurring of the distinctions between kei cars and kei vans. Increasingly we are seeing very boxy kei cars that resemble the van. These might even be given a category all their own. They are like a micro mini van, if that makes sense.The Kei VanThe van version of the kei car is called variously; light van, micro van, bread loaf van - because it looks like a loaf of bread. The Japanese often refer to them as "kei one box." These too are a common sight in Japan and are very popular with small businesses, especially businesses doing deliveries. They have the same advantages as the kei passenger cars, but have more room in the rear area. The kei van is built in a 'cab over' style. This means the driver sits over the engine. Thus making the rear area more larger for goods or kids or whatnot. Older models had very vertical fronts. These days there is often a very small bonnet; added for safety and ease of access for simple engine maintenance.There are two doors up front for the driver and a passenger. Then one or two sliding doors on the sides and a big hatchback. The space behind the driver, without seats, is about 180 cm (about 6 feet) long and about 135 cm (4"6' feet) wide. These kei one box vans are the tallest of the three vehicles. They can be as tall as 2 m (about 6 feet 6 inches). The 2 meter types are rare; most of these vans are about 180 cm (about 6 feet).• Story time: Kei One Box •I had one of the older style micro vans. Straight down in front, a 550 cc engine, no stereo, and no air conditioning. The lack of ac was a brutal experience in the hot and humid environs of Nara.I bought the van used and it had seen service as a ramen delivery vehicle. No, it didn't smell like ramen. I drove the heck out of that little car; traveling much of the length and breadth of Japan. It sounded like an oil drum on wheels and was probably about as safe.For getting around the city it was fine. Like the passenger kei cars, it was easy to maneuver and park. The almost vertical front meant you could get really close to something before reversing. This is a great advantage when trying to navigate the smaller streets of the older parts of Nara and Kyoto.Highways and freeways were a challenge for this little van. It's cruising speed was around 50 or 60 kph (@35 mph) grrr... On the open road I would just get into high gear and mash the pedal to the metal. When the warp drive was engaged, I could get up to 80, if I was going downhill. If there was an uphill stretch coming, I would try to build up speed, but she would inevitably go slower and slower, I would shift down and nudge over to the left to let the ever lengthening line of cars behind me get a chance to pass. I once got her up to 100 kph (@60 mph) on a long freeway downhill. Yea baby, we're flying!I once took a trip from Nara to Sado Island for the annual summer concerts. Other cars on the Hokuriku Freeway were zipping along at 100~120 kph (60~75 mph) and there we were trundling along at 75 kph. Except when we met an uphill stretch. Oh the horrors. Needless to say this trip took a while. My buddy and I would trade driving while the other would deal with the boom box - did I mention, no stereo? - or crash out in the back. That's another good thing about these vans; you can, if you fold down the seats, stretch out in back.Japanese freeways are dotted with parking areas. These parking areas range from just a toilet and a soft drink machine up to parking areas that you can get a sit down meal, a shower, and tourist gewgaws. At one of these freeway parkings, I found a brick. Just a normal, red brick. Ahah, says I, I know what that will be good for. Back on the road the brick was placed on the accelerator and voilà: cruise control.Getting to Sado Island involves taking a ferry boat from Niigata. We got in line, bought our tickets and them joined the line of cars waiting to be boarded. Car after car gets on and it's starting to look like we'll have to wait another several hours until the next ferry. But wait! There's the loading boss pointing to us to jump cue and drive onboard. There was just enough to squeeze us on. Another few inches longer and we would have been left behind. Score one for the micro van! A few months later the same thing happened again when taking the ferry from Matsuyama (on Shikoku) to Kure (on Honshu near Hiroshima). Lucky little car.• Fin •The Kei TruckThese little trucks, usually white, are the great unsung heroes of Japan's manual labor force. Called, kei tora, they are a mainstay in construction agriculture, and fisheries. Small, tough, with 4 wheel drive, you will see these everywhere someone is working with their hands.See how the three sides of the bed fold down? Nifty that. It makes getting things into and out of the truck easier.Kei trucks are a twin of the micro van, the bed of the truck is rectangular, measuring about 180 cm (6 ft) by about 135 cm (4"6' feet). I know that doesn't sound like much, but many agricultural and construction products are designed in such a way that they can be carried by these kei trucks. Ahhh, the coordination of this place is amazing; I can't tell you how many times I've said, "Well look at that, it fits." The standard shipping pallet? Fits nicely. The common lumber sizes for Japan? Yes. How about about 90 trays of rice seedlings? Yup.They are even a good place to stretch out and take a nap.The beds on some kei trucks will lift, like a lift truck or like a dump truck; like a very small dump truck.How cool is that?Because these trucks are very light (about 700 kg: about 1500 lbs for non lifting) and four wheel drive, they can go a lot of places easily. If you get stuck, two reasonably strong guys can lift the offending part clear of the obstruction. They are great snow vehicles. Because of the light weight and 4WD they don't sink down and get stuck.The advantages are about the same as for the other kei cars: maneuverability, milage, etc. the biggest disadvantage is that because, like most micro vans, they are 'cab over', and there isn't a lot of leg room. This is fine if you are a normal sized Japanese person, but anyone over 6 ft (about 180 cm) will try in vain to slide the seat back. But there is no place to slide the seat back to. After a bit you get used to it, but in the beginning it's difficult having your knees in your ears.My kei truck is one of the simpler ones. It doesn't have AC, but it does have an am radio. I use it around the farm and for going to the hardware store or lumber yard. I have rarely wanted the use of a larger truck. It is the perfect vehicle for the jobs I do.• Story time: Kei Tora •One summer day, A buddy and I were hiking home along a backwoods road. It was blazing hot and humid as all get out; typical Japanese summer. We'd been out climbing and hiking for most of the day and were plenty hot, sweaty, and tired. As my buddy and I rounded a corner we came upon a kei truck parked by the side of the road. There was a smallish water fall just beside the truck. Stuck in the waterfall was a long plastic pipe, the other end was in the bed of the truck and water was gushing from the sides. When we got around the cab, to where we could see into the bed, there were two guys in their birthday suits, sitting in the bed of the truck, which was now filled with water. One of the guys was drinking a beer.We said hello and complimented their ingenuity and forethought. They invited us to have a beer and a dip in the Kei Tora Onsen. It turned out they were up there doing road repair and this was their after five routine. Brilliant!Not them, but you get the idea.• Fin •Many companies and government agencies have fleets of cars. They will have a mix of the different kei cars and larger vehicles to suit their needs. All in all the kei cars, kei vans, and kei trucks are an excellent choice of vehicle if that type of driving or use suits your need.Hurrah the kei car!Sorry I know this is already too long, but I wanted to include this clip of vintage cars. Some of the designs are wonderful. If you are ever near Kanazawa you might like to visit the Motor Car Museum of Japan. Located in Komatsu City 日本自動車博物館 (にほんじどうしゃはくぶつかん)Thanks for the asks :)

Why has China developed so much faster than India?

China and India: The Roots of HostilityIn my view China and the Chinese do not think much about India, start from Chairman’s Mao’s time.In China’s strategic planning India has no or zero roles, in 21 st century.School kids are hardly taught anything about India.For your further studies and waking up. Trolls, Please keep your keyboards in control.China and India: The Roots of HostilityI have worked with the Chinese for over four decades in Canada at various capacities. And I have visited China several times I am Indo Canadian and I am here in this country in a few years it will be 50 years.I was born in a small town of Indian Punjab, after a few years, when I was a baby, my parents moved to brand new ultra-modern newly built city called Chandigarh. I grew up in Chandigarh and I had all my education there.I made several trips to India, and I still have some links in there.I will not show fancy graphs/GDP/and all those things I will concentrate on the basic root causes.These are some of my observations:The systems in India are extremely slow:China has surpassed even the first world in some areas. I believe no one can compete in Chinese work ethics, discipline, and productivity.(In India, productivity is low to a dead stop)Here is an example.I wanted to get some repairs done in my ancestral home. I hired some worker/contractor. They were very nice people, however here is the problem.None of them lived close by or had any public transportation, most of them came by bicycles as far as 15, 20 Km or longer distances. In the blustery cold day of December, foggy conditions it was about 9 AM. They were shivering with cold, they made some bonfire and warmed their hands. Requested me to make some tea for them by the time they started the day it was 10 AM. At 12 was lunchtime, and by the time they came back and started again, it was 1 PM, by 4 PM they were in low gear and 4:30 PM they started to wind down to leave at 5 PM.Now here is the catch:a. By the time they reached the worksite and went back to their villages from the big city. They have already used a fair bit of energy for the day, maybe about five hours of productive work.b. Poor nutrition of the labor force.c. Cheap liquor sickness and deaths.d. Poor medical facilities.e. Due to finances a lot of domestic problems.f. Very funny thing, I will remember it forever. One carpenter told me: Please call a maid to sweep the floor. Hum uchi jaat ke hai, jharu nahi lagayge.( I belong to the higher caste, would not sweep the floor). I grabbed the broom and did it.f. This is a partial list. ( I could write many more)On the other hand.a. The Chinese workforce has one of the best public transport systems.b. The major portion of the day which is wasted is used in a productive way either at home/or for the employer.c. Since the worker is not huffing and puffing and commute at the mercy of weather he/she is very productive at work.d. Excellent nutrition.e. Warm clothing/safety shoes/ uniforms/ and a much better work environment.In Canada to the best of my knowledge every kid by the time he/she is a teenager is reasonably trained to do manual work.G.Kids in a building store, they are now more familiar with building store than toys.My two helpers on the job, no need to look for work.These are my two grandsons, I vowed by the time they finish high school, they should be well versed to rip the house apart and put it together. In addition to their outstanding formal education, that is where the world is moving, including China on the top.My best estimate is: Indian productivity is maybe 30 percent as compared to the Chinese if that.Caste system:This manual work is Shudra work out of a population of 1.2 billion, say 900 million are upper caste, the rest of the world does not and did not work like that. The sad part is even the farming is not done in Punjab by so-called higher castes that are the conclusion I saw on the media.A while back there was a video/song, where an old farmer in Punjab cannot harvest by himself and looking migrant workers to help. The song in the background tells the very sad state of the things in the country.In another video/song: The young man is complaining about the tough life in farming.It appears everyone wants to come to Canada.This song made me everything, including three bachelor degrees and two masters.This movie I watched when I was a young boy in Chandigarh, I vowed I never will be unemployed. And my parents will enjoy the luxury of my labor, they have worked hard enough.This movie is a story of young unemployed man in India.YouTube.I never looked back, my next generation and I hope the following generation follows it too. We are trying our best to instill safety/work ethics/ and so on.China leaves India behind, heads towards the first worldFor your next reading pleasure I am going to quote this article:This article sums up, very nicely where China is headed.China leaves India behind, heads towards the first worldThirty years ago, China was as dysfunctional as India is to the present day. While Mao Zedong unified his country and transferred some of his confidence in it to the rest of the populace, he was as weak in economics as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been. It was only after Deng Xiaoping took charge of economic policy in 1979 that China began its climb to the top. Today, to compare India to China would be even more fatuous than comparing India with Pakistan. Our northern neighbour is so far ahead that it is not even visible in the distance. Our administrators pride themselves on being the "steel frame". A better word for their effect on the country would be straitjacket.Tianjin is an example of how far China has leapt ahead of India. Although more than 150 kilometres away from Beijing, the city is reached by train in a half-hour. Its two universities, Tianjin and Nankai, are working at excellence, as are other universities in China. In the 1980s, almost all were worse than their top 20 Indian counterparts. These days, even middle-rank universities have left Indian ones far behind, another great achievement of the UGC and its babudom. It has an international airport and a huge port, where several ships, including cruise liners, regularly call. Comparing Tianjin with the squalor of Gurgaon, where taxes disappear into the pockets of officials and politicians, is an exercise in raising blood pressure to dangerous levels. If China can do it, why not India? Why not indeed? Look at our officials, look at their political masters, and the answer will become clear.China leaves India behind, heads towards first worldMADHAV NALAPATMr. Nalapat is very politeIn my view you have totally dysfunctional governance system, totally corrupt to the core, nothing gets done.India inherited a system of British Raj, when we were slaves, and our rear was kicked we were okay. But we could handle power very well and gloated on it. We adopted the attitude of Gora Sahib, their whole purpose was to loot this country, now brown sahibs are doing it.Most of the time country is shut down for one festival or the other, we have to make Hindus/Muslims/Christians/ Sjkh/ happy. One day this and the other day this.We are very anxious to adopt everything from the west,Birthday celebration.Xmas celebration.New Year celebrationValentine day celebration.This nonsense and that nonsense, Except Excellent thingsSuch as :Work ethics,Value of time.Relatively: Noncorrupt environment.Hard and smart work.High quality work.The end point is as follows: This is our future.Alcohol Abuse In Indian Women: Is It A Young, Urban Phenomenon?Kargil coffin scam - WikipediaAdarsh Scam: Former Indian Army chiefs NC Vij and Deepak Kapoor named in probePoverty and Hunger:Jis Desh Ka Bachanpan Bhukha Hoga Uski Jawani Kiya Hogi.( In case your childhood stayed hungry, what can we expect your youth)Hunger in India | India FoodBanking NetworkKey facts about hunger in IndiaLargest India is home to the largest undernourished population in the world14.5% of our population is undernourished190.7million people go hungry every day21.0% of children under 5 are underweight38.4% of children under 5 years of age are stunted1 in 4 children malnourished3,000 children in India die every day from poor diet-related illness24% of under-five deaths in India30% of neonatal deaths in IndiaHunger in India | India FoodBanking NetworkXi in New Year Address: 3 More Years to End PovertyChina is pledging support to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030 during the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit September 25-27.For the first time, China is launching an assisting fund for developing countries with an initial investment of $2 billion. China’s goal is to give a total of $12 billion by 2030.“This is [a] major break with the past,” said Steve Tsang, an expert on Chinese politics at the University of Nottingham. “It’s the first time China is putting a large amount money toward international development.”China Pledges to Fight Extreme PovertyJis Desh KI Beti, Khatare Ma Hai, Uska Future Kiya Hoga( In a country where Her daughter is in danger what will its future)Woman, teenage daughter jump off moving the train in India to escape sexual harassment the other hand:On the other hand:China is one of the safest places in the World for a woman, ask anyone who had been to China to tell you.I have observed, and my friend confirmed: “ His young daughter can walk home by herself in the middle of the night in a city like Shanghai.”I have seen myself, women working by themselves in the night shifts/walking/ traveling freely in big/small cities in China.Chinese railway station and train: I traveled on this train, it attained a maximum speed of 325 Km/hour.Great Civic Sense:Chinese cities even with 15 to 20 million people are extremely clean, and in general, have high civic sense.***I did not see any beggars.I did not see any homeless people.I found great public spirit in people.This is a picture of the very small village; I was very impressed with Civic Sense and care of the villagers to keep that town nice and tidy.Some glimpses of beautiful China:This Desh Ka Ann Data Bhukha He Uski Population Ka Kiya Hoga:Jai Jiwan Jai Kissan; What happened to the Kissan:We know what happens to the Jawan, such Ketchup Captain, Wife exchange and the other frauds.However:suicide indian farmers - Google SearchIn 2011, a total of 135,585 people committed suicide, of which 14,207 were farmers. In 2010, 15,963 farmers in India committed suicide, while total suicides were 134,599. From 1995 to 2013, a total of 296,438 Indian farmerscommitted suicide.Mere Desh Ki Dharati Sona ugly, ugly Heere Moti(soil of my country produces gold and diamonds and rubies).That land is tired, killed by a green revolution by overdoing everything, water has gone extremely deep.Jai Kisan is committing suicides, and Jai Jawan is that jawan of our time.On the other hand: Kisan of our neighbor is an exceptionally respectable person, and in fact, most of them are very rich.This farm is more or less a model of farms, and that is how the KISAN, of China, lives(Well most of them anyway)Think again: Bollywood lyricists may have to think again: To write a new song for our Kisan ( He is not Jai Kisan, he is dead Kisan), financially, physically and inside, when someone commits suicide he/she has died a long time ago. Suicide is the final act to stop breathing apparatus..Now watch this.Milk wasted in temples while millions go without food: Madras high court - Times of India tuned to more to come:Trolls: Please hold your keyboards.Some glimpses of beautiful China.India had no chance to have a peaceful beginning, British and our own created a wrong foundation and we all are paying the prize.Later (Mr. Nehru’s daughter, Mrs. Indra Gandhi, and Grandson Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and then Mr. Manmohan Singh carried on the torch in the same direction. Out of 70 years, 50 years were ruled by the same group of people, hiding each other's mistakes/blunders/they and their cronies looting the country. The rich people got richer; the poor people got poorer, in the so-called democratic state.With these blunders for no rime and reason:We created Pakistan, made them a sworn enemy, forced them to go nuclear.We created a big hidden enemy in China, who in fact eventually will eat it alive if we do not wake up. (China and India: The Roots of HostilityThe Chinese hierarchy starts from Chairman Mao: Never thought much about us, in their vision of 21 st century we have not much mention of it.China and India: The Roots of HostilityCheck your status in international levels in private conversations:At the International level, I have heard what others think of us, most of it not pleasant so that we all know.These graphs and histograms, S.D. three sigma, six sigma, process improvements I used to teach. The graph/data say what you want them to say. On a giant slide where you want to focus the microscope.Whatever was left Indian Trolls are trying to kill, they have made Pakistanis and Chinese mortal enemies of Indian Trolls.aChina and India: The Roots of HostilityThese five blunders are haunting India, and please watch this video and do some deep thinking.China and India: The Roots of HostilityChina’s Chairman Mao, based the foundation on this book.China closed its countries to all kind of influences which could jeopardize its prosperity. When they opened China the world is stunned solid.Chairman Mao laid the foundation and later Deng Xiaoping put the magic touches and took China/the Chinese took it to the horizon. it all doom and gloom for India, of course not:It is not over until it is over:Indian civilization had a glorious past; those genes are not dead as yet.First, get rid of the physical filth in the country, this should be priority number one.Make “Beti” daughter of this country super safe, go extremely hardcore on a few “HOODLUM” who in the minority to pay for their utter nuisance.The majority of hardcore high character able-bodied Indians can wipe this evil once for all.Give this “ Beti” half of deserving sky which has been denied for a thousand years.Put your best efforts to in the Service Industry, excellent language skills, mastery of Math and Science, enhance it to its highest levels.Develop your relations with the USA, Australia, Canada, NZ, and Japan. Pay extra attention to Cambodia/Laos, they respect Indian culture, and they are indeed in need of help.’Nepal/Bhutan must be treated with great respect and like brothers.Develop your manufacturing. Still, there is a lot of scopes.Develop your infrastructures, count on your highly educated workforce.Clean out your harmful elements in the armed forces.Bring back the pride which once was to serve in the armed forces.Produce excellent movies/shows/ like it used to be.Ban vulgarity, in movies censor must get very tough.Elevate the status of teachers.Open trade schools, glorify labor/skill trades/Look for every opportunity to enhance public trade schools.Stress on savings discourages useless lifestyles.Imported culture and values are suitable for native countries but may not appropriate for the east.Leadership must try to mend fences if possible.Be strong, stand tall, and keep hope very high.Try your best to control troll traffic on social media.Consider banning some sites. Indeed they are very wasteful.Develop the food processing industry, food preservation, stop wasteful buffet systems of foodservice.Also keep in mind staying the week and giving up is not the answer: The answer is to stand up and do something. It may be a baby step today but could become a giant step for humankind.I know some Indians are firebrand can prove any Chhala is too small for their English, at my time there were lots like that I do not know now.When we left home with only eight dollars, we had too big fingers no ring can fit in us.More to come.I know, I know my answers are long because the questions are too short. (Your chhala is bada chota meri ungli bari), your ring is too short for my finger that is my story.At my time we could have taken the Chinese and any other B.S. in the world put together but that was our time.Now it is different times, our new generation is different they have different priorities.When we left to find a foreign exchange for our beloved India/Pakistan, to find some relief from helplessness/poverty/aging and tired parents due to partition/ younger siblings/and in some cases sweethearts whose parents were not ready to tie knots to a guy who had no future on the face values.This is what had left: Nice clean environment, no alcohol, drugs. All of us had drug/alcohol/free and pure love/relationships.Following Video may through some light of that time frame.This is our land to die for and we were ready for it not for present crap what we see.We all had such beloveds in our villages left behind to wait for us to come back, some did but some did not and their beloveds waited near the Well and they near returned.India made huge strides in entertainment and may beat any country in the World, now may develop good exports on these kind of entertainment. ( 200 million hits obviously we are at point of no return, now we have excellent lemons let us make lemonade with it, and develop a good industry out of it)India will not have the Chinese and Pakistani competition in this field, 200 million hits it appears it has good healthy domestic consumption also.Here is some of the comments from our Korean friends.AlsoSome other talented individual/s in the entertainment industry in popular genera with Indian background have also moved to India, I am sure there will good growth in that area also.Please stay tuned: ( it may be very long article/and it may come in installments)

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