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Editing your form online is quite effortless. It is not necessary to download any software with your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Browse CocoDoc official website on your device where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ button and press it.
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How to Edit Audio-Video Visual Likeness Release Form Sage-Owned on Windows

Windows is the most conventional operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit file. In this case, you can download CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents effectively.

All you have to do is follow the steps below:

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  • Once done, you can now save the finished document to your device. You can also check more details about how to edit a PDF.

How to Edit Audio-Video Visual Likeness Release Form Sage-Owned on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. With the Help of CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac instantly.

Follow the effortless steps below to start editing:

  • To get started, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
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  • You can upload the file from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your template by utilizing this amazing tool.
  • Lastly, download the file to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Audio-Video Visual Likeness Release Form Sage-Owned on G Suite

G Suite is a conventional Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your workforce more productive and increase collaboration within teams. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work handily.

Here are the steps to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Look for CocoDoc PDF Editor and install the add-on.
  • Upload the file that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your template using the toolbar.
  • Save the finished PDF file on your device.

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What are tips to get over a negative experience I can't stop thinking about?

Usually we think of such issues as “thought” problems (“I just can’t stop thinking about _____”) . In actuality these are quite often energy problems - literal (albeit subtle) energies with not-so-subtle effects! There are many energies and energetic entanglements outside the visual range of ordinary humans. So if you can’t stop thinking about something, why not clear the issues energetically and see if they do not abate in your thinking.First, smudge your own auric fields, pets, house, and car (if you have one) to clear the energetic detritus called hucha (a Q’ero word meaning heavy emotional energy, which most of us would call “negative”). Why?Emotion we give off is actually energy - it doesn’t just dissipate into nothingness; it’s subtle, but it exists. Hucha is energy from what we call negative emotions - the Q’ero just term it “heavy.” Hucha has a bit of weight and tends to sink to the floor. It’s also sticky. Unless you’ve cleared it, hucha hangs around in your auric fields, the energy fields surrounding and permeating your body. It also is left where we’ve spent time - on chairs, floors, car seats… We pick it up in public places as well as from our relationship interactions.Every time you walk through hucha or sit in a chair soaked in it, it triggers you again emotionally (until you get the resonant energy in yourself cleared out. Like guitar strings of the same note, they set each other humming). If not cleared from your fields, hucha can accumulate and work its way inward to harden, clogging your natural energetic flow patterns. This increasingly causes brain fog, depression, illness, and sometimes eventually even mental illness. Our poor pets walk around in it continually living at floor level, so it weighs heavily on their health and mental/emotional wellness in particular. Cats try to transmute it for us as an act of service to the family, but we humans often give off more than they can transmute.Clear hucha out and keep it cleared out, from your fields, your home, and car. Learn ways to clear it from your work space or stay late and use a spray smudge on your work space, it can make a big difference in your quality of experience on the job. Releasing a past experience is very hard to do if you or your space and fields are full of hucha.White sage is the most powerful for clearing hucha - you needn’t use smoke however. (And if you have cats, white sage is hard on their livers.) You can use “Smudge In Spray” (my favorite, very high vibe, from or some such spray version. Palo Santo (please by ethically sourced), is good but not as strong in effect as white sage. Do this energy clearing every time someone in the house emits negative emotions, and once a week routinely. It’s like energetic vacuuming, it needs to be done regularly.Be sure to smudge places you sit or emote a lot, especially floor areas and out-of-the-way places dust bunnies tend to form, so get the corners and under furniture, not just the middles of rooms. . Hucha is also sticky and can be picked up anywhere, so spray yourself before getting into your car after visits to hospitals, bars, theaters, bus rides, malls, and certain relatives, to clear out other people’s emotional detritus.Second, if the issue on your mind involves another person in any way (in body or out of body), you need to dissolve the energy cords called sekes (SEK-ays) that have formed between you - and return any energies that don’t belong with you. Sekes are psychic yet very real energetic cords which allow thoughts and feelings to flow back and forth subconsciously between any two people who have exchanged strong emotion - even if the emotion was just thrown by one party. Sometimes even life force can go out through these cords, so they can be quite unhealthy. Cords called “compassionate connections” can form when you reach out to counsel or comfort someone, which is okay if you have energy to give - but you need to dissolve these cords or they continue ever after. Over time, too many compassionate connections will bleed out your life force energy, and you will develop illnesses (from which recovery will elude you until these cords are dissolved).You can even get corded by a brief nasty interaction in traffic. Any emotion thrown at someone can do this, positive or negative. Sex with someone creates strong sekes, and these grow in size the more sex you have. Even fantasized sex from a distance can create unhealthy cords without the people being aware of it.Sekes are often responsible for being unable to let go of thoughts and upset about an ex - or make you think you’re still yearning for an ex, when it fact it’s their emotions, not your own, bleeding in through your consicousness through the sekes. Unfortunately, people may mistake these constant thoughts and yearnings for love and return to abusive or cold people who really aren’t good for them. It’s actually the sekes relaying yearning and unwise “let’s get back together, I miss you” thoughts from the ex in most cases.It’s hard to be rational and know what you yourself really feel and think when you’re polluting each other subconsciously with thoughts and feelings. It can be very hard to feel done with the relationship or an interaction - even if on a rational level you have a clear understanding that the relationship wasn’t working and you have no intention of reengaging because you respect yourself and deserve better.Here’s how to dissolve those sekes effectively:Be sure you’ve reached a forgiving attitude before trying to dissolve such cords, or you’ll automatically reconstruct them! Doing the Ho’oponopono prayer until you’ve reached the state of releasing and forgiving can be helpful if you find this challenging, as is realizing that’s just where they are/were in their emotional/spiritual evolution. Remind yourself that you were in that kind of state/behavior at one point too (if not in this life, certainly in a previous one - nobody’s hands are clean on this planet). Nobody faults a first grader for being in first grade. Once you’ve achieved forgiveness, you can clear the cords…Some good wording for clearing sekes is to say aloud, “I now unplug and dissolve all cords that do not serve my highest good. I command all attachment points be cleansed, cleared, filled with Creator light, healed, and sealed against further attachment. I command that all negative cords be dissolved and transmuted to higher light and that all energies (including my own) be returned to where they belong - cleanse, cleared, purified, and blessed - to integrate with grace and ease.”Every aspect of this wording matters, as a friend of mine discovered. She cut cords as an adult with her narcissistic, abusive mother and forgot to say “to integrate with grace and ease.” So much energy came flying back at my friend her system got gobsmacked, and she was miserably bedridden for three days trying to reintegrate all the energy that had been taken from her over the years by the mom with the personality disorder. To make matters worse, all my friend’s energy being returned to her now carried the energetic imprints/coding of a disturbed person with strong negative emotional patterns. That was a lot of nasty-coded energy my friend had to field and sort out physically and emotionally into the love, peace, and joy she preferred to carry as an evolved person of more sanity. So it’s worth the time to memorize this wording. If you don’t call them back to integrate with grace and ease, you can be gobsmacked. And if you don’t “purify and bless” the energies returning to you, they come back patterned by the emotions and thoughts and behaviors of the person who has been using the energy — not a good idea!When you cut “all sekes that do not serve me,” which is a great thing to do when you start clearing sekes, realize that if you’ve been the giving type, acquaintances from as far back as grade school may start looking you up on social platforms for no apparent reason, so don’t be surprised. They won’t know why, but they’ll be subconsciously missing their energy check in the mail. Don’t let them hook back in, for their sake and for yours. If they take energy from you to prop them up all their lives, you rob them of the lessons they signed up for this incarnation. They don’t learn to row their own boat - which was their original goal for incarnating! Cords don’t just allow emotions and thoughts to flow back and forth subconsciously, they can also rob you of life force you need for your own well-being and can cause emotional distress out of nowhere due to bleed-over.Once you’ve smudged yourself and your house, dissolved the sekes, and returned any energies, see if you still feel upset. If so, the event still has something to teach you that you’ve not learned yet, so journal about it to see what your inner self is trying to tell you. Write out what happened and what meaning you have attached to the event. What have you told yourself, what story have you made up around it? Figure out why the event bothered you so much you are still thinking about it. The meaning you’ve attached to it is more key than the actual event itself.Get to the root then: what you are really angry about or afraid of? Look underneath your story to see what lesson or understanding OF YOURSELF your spirit has been trying to get across to you. Under anger is fear. What is that core fear? Who first gave you that message in childhood? Get to the bottom of what really needs to be healed.Then ask yourself what you would need to believe to negate that belief (some kind of misunderstanding or self-sabotage thought pattern) you’ve developed. Choose to embrace that new belief and start programming it into yourself. When the old thought comes up anytime in future, tell it firmly, “No. I’m not buying that, it doesn’t serve me. Instead, the truth is…[ replace with a positive belief ].” Cut that old thought pattern off at the knees the second it starts; don’t humor it. Thought patterns gain energy like little entities, and they die when you don’t feed them. Don’t feed attention to beliefs that don’t serve you. Just say, “Nope! The truth is…”Then write out the lesson you have learned. A negative event can always make you wiser on some level. What could you have done differently, if anything? Do you now realize, for example, you need to learn more about boundaries with others? Are you now better at noticing red flags early in friendships or dating? Do you know how to recover from grief now? Do you understand why it’s important to have friends and not just a mate? If nothing else, a negative action from another can teach you never to behave that way toward anyone else because of how it made you feel. That isn’t chump change. There’s always something to be learned even from painful events.Finish by writing the gift the event gave you, the quality you have gained or increased: for example, increased patience, kindness, wisdom, humility, compassion, sensitivity, strength, endurance, self-discipline, better insight, depth, or more ability to protect your self-respect. Out of mud, the lotus blooms!When you feel done, go burn the paper (in a fire safe container) to signal to your subconscious that you’re completely done with the issue. If you cannot burn it, go bury it. Whatever you do, don’t keep it around; writing holds energy, and you don’t want to keep thinking about this. You’ve cleared it and are releasing it! Fire transmutes it utterly on a symbolic level.To get the issue all the way out, clear your auric fields again. Walk in a forest and ask the trees to heal you. Sit by water if possible. Then go home and take a shower with salt-containing soap and ask the water to wash it away. A bath with epsom salts works, too. Smudge yourself again after journaling with white sage smoke or spray. (If you can obtain none of these, at least take a shower and visualize purple light showering down through and around you to clear out the energetic gunk.) Announce aloud that you are now, thankfully, clearing out the last of this issue completely, and express gratitude that you’re done with it. Gratitude is a potent energetic trigger to invite better emotions and events.If the negative event to which you refer is more major and traumatic, however, causing you post-traumatic stress, sleep issues, anxiety, etc., and the above doesn’t work, you might also benefit from EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization), neurofeedback training, peer group support and/or personal counseling. Big traumas have big impacts, and we can be helped a lot by people who specialize in helping us heal from them. Even extreme PTSD can respond to the right treatment, however, as a friend of mine recently learned.You might also/alternatively seek out the services of a good energy worker. Quantum healers, for example, can clear out major trauma energies very quickly and with minimal distress, even long distance. I find energy healing is much faster, takes fewer sessions, and is much less draining than talk therapy (therefore cheaper in the long term, quicker, and less painful) for clearing trauma lodged in the physical, mental, or emotional fields. You can also receive this help free now because energy healer and Grandmother (in the Native American tradition) Jonette Crowley has released a trauma clearing audio (and a video) which she is allowing people to share freely. If you’d like to experience these, message me, and I’ll send you the download links. Energy clearing is the least painful and quickest way I’ve found to clear trauma from this life and past lives.If you keep being drawn to unhealthy people or engaging in unhealthy patterns, you need to learn your patterns. Talk therapy (CBT, cognitive-behavioral therapy) with a really good therapist can give you valuable insights with a new set of eyes to offer new angles of perception. You can come to understand yourself and others better with such insights, learn your patterns (and where they originated) so as to stop repeating patterns that don’t serve you. So both talk therapy and energy work have their value if you find you’ve got a rowdy bear in your mental/emotional living room.Don’t hesitate to get help if you need it, of whatever kind. Seeking help shows you have courage and determination. It’s not a sign of weakness but of strength to take control and get your issues dealt with. We humans all cope better with the support of others, and a compassionate person who is trained and experienced can be a real blessing.

What are the best low-cost church management software for small churches?

21 Best Church Management Software Solutions of 2019Churches and other religious organizations have evolved to the point that managing them now requires more than just a church leader calling the shots. As these entities grew, so did the processes involved in running them. Simple tasks that used to be accomplished by a single individual have become more complex that such is no longer the case.It is for this reason that automation of these processes became the norm of modern day religious groups, which lead to the development of church management software. This tool has proved to be an invaluable means of automating church processes such as common management, administrative, and reporting tasks. This system streamlines everyday church processes, encourages collaboration and facilitate communication.Available both as comprehensive and standalone platforms, such software can prove to be beneficial to any size of church. It is very useful in managing membership and mailings, events, fundraising, and report generation. It can also facilitate cost reduction and is able to track congregation growth.With all these benefits, it is prudent to ask how should one choose such a software? To accomplish this, one should come up with a shortlist of candidate software to be evaluated. From there, you may opt to avail of free trials to get a full picture of the tool’s features and functionalities. Many vendors provide free trials and these are usually the best ones out in the market.Another thing you can do is determine if the solution is targeted at organizations your size. Many software of these type may be fit for small churches, hence, carrying with them limited features. However, for medium and large churches, more advanced systems may be called for. These solutions offer additional features that include accounting and reporting capabilities. They can also monitor spending and automate giving and offer fixed asset tracking, payroll and taxes.It is worth noting that one very important area the software facilitates is electronic giving which provides members, sponsors, and contributors online giving options to their church or nonprofit organization. The statistics below show that smaller churches are lagging in this area, a process which otherwise can be streamlined and automated by a good church management solution.Credits: Rusty Lewis - Generosity Coach for Churches – Rusty LewisStill, for megachurches, which may have memberships of more than 2,000, systems that provide a single database, which can be accessed from any device are highly recommended. Such solution can help leaders track and report from anywhere to manage church programs and events. It can also facilitate communication among volunteers and members.More and more religious organizations have been adopting church management software. In fact, the global market for such solution is expected to grow to at a CAGR of 9% through 2021. An increased demand from countries such as Singapore, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia is seen to drive this growth.In this article, we take a look at the 21 best church management software solutions in the market today. We will discuss pertinent information such as features, pricing and benefits and what they can do to improve your organization. Tool descriptions provided are meant to give prospects an idea as to what to look for in such software. However, one must remember that the following list is based on what we see as those offering high quality to users. Their order on the list does not necessarily mean that one product is better than the other. Here are our picks:What are the 21 best church management software solutions of 2019?PushpayPlanning CenterFellowshipOneEasyWorshipeasyTitheChurchTrac OnlinePro Church ToolsACS Church SoftwareChurch Community BuilderChurchteamsTithe.lyFlocknoteElvantoBreezeChmeetingsSeraphimServant KeeperIconCMOWebChurch WCC-LiteZionWorxChurch Helpmate Realm1. PushpayDriving participation and inspiring generosity is the mission of Pushpay, an online church management solution that harnesses technology to fuel engagement in your church and community, get more people involved in the causes you care about, and help you save time and money. Pushpay gives you many advantages: it is a comprehensive mobile engagement platform; it is scalable and can be used by organizations of all sizes; it gives you access to an easy-to-navigate and comprehensible dashboard; and offers enterprise-grade security to protect your church from fraud and payment problems.Relied upon by over 7,000 organizations around the globe including nonprofits and ministries, Pushpay is built to help you promote your cause effectively and efficiently with the use of today’s technology. It comes with features such as ministry management, digital giving, event management, financial tracking, analytics and reporting, multi-site administration, branding, and media management, among others. It integrates with other services and software and partners with other organizations to provide you tools and solutions for world-class giving and engagement. It even has open API tools so you can extend the capabilities of the platform according to the unique needs of your organization.Pushpay offers extensive customer support through phone, help center, FAQs, app tutorials, implementation coaching, and administrative assistance. The software is available in three pricing plans – Core, Advanced, and Complete – which are all quote-based as they are tailored for the specific needs of an organization. Customer success managers are also included in each subscription plan to help you optimize the use of the software and all its tools and capabilities.2. Planning CenterDesigned to help churches using web-based solutions manage everyday processes, Planning Center is currently the most popular church management software out in the market. It is highly suitable for growing religious organizations, giving them tools to handle the complexities they are currently facing.It comes with integrated applications that cover tasks such as check ins, giving, groups, people, registrations and resources and services. It likewise has a Music Stand application for both Android and iOS devices, which gives churches a single place to store their sheet music and allows them to play audio.Now, among these functionalities, there are two that stand out. Planning Center’s Giving app allows accurate and quick accounting of cash and checks, while making it easier for donors to give through the Internet. The Group Management tool, on the other hand, makes for easier group listing and signup and helps in attendance tracking. It keeps members constantly in the know when it comes to important announcements.The solution’s pricing comes in the form of a percentage fee derived from the amount of each donation.3. FellowshipOneA total church management software, FellowshipOne is made up of three solutions–a church management solution, a church accounting software and a church online giving platform. It is designed to manage growing congregations and religious groups with 1,000 attendees and 10 employees and is capable of hosting up to six users. The solution can streamline churches’ administrative tasks.Equipped with powerful tools and an impressive database, FellowshipOne modular management has features that cover memberships, donations, events and programs. It can manage mass messaging and background checks to improve communication and security in churches. An accounting tool, on the other hand, enables users to manage ledger, accounts payable/receivable and payroll and purchasing.A notable feature of the software is the its online giving feature, enabling users to manage donations and contributions. With this capability, users can create online giving pages and customizable funds, basically automating the whole giving and donation management processes.The solution is priced at $179/month, depending of the number of accounts and members to be managed.4. EasyWorshipA church media software service, EasyWorship helps ministers come up with creative presentations for use in sermons, messages and other church activities. The software has powerful tools, including fonts, themes and presentation slides, which can remarkably improve church presentations. The solution enables users to have more control over graphic features like text outlines, shadows and transparency, among others.Being a user-friendly piece of software, EasyWorship allows church leaders and staff to come up with professional-looking media. The interface can be easily navigated, requiring only a few clicks to access needed tools at any time. Collaboration among users is also facilitated through the sharing of data within a local network, giving relevant staff access to needed files. But administration control ensures that not all users can readily view and retrieve files under permission control.5. easyTitheeasyTithe is a powerful and flexible online giving platform that makes church giving a lot more easier for both donors and churches. The tool significantly improves giving by providing church members with different payment options. It also addresses recurring giving, avoiding repeats of the process every time.The real unique thing about the platform is that it is flexible and customizable, allowing for the creation of portals to reflect users’ individual brands. Such is very useful in providing givers with richer customer experience. As for security, all transactions are done over secure servers and the tool meets all banking regulations owing to its PCI and DSS compliance.easyTithe’s is highly-scalable, allowing the software to grow as the congregation does. Its capability to support multiple campuses enables users to group donations and pledges for different projects. The software can provide access to unlimited number of staff, volunteers and even members.6. ChurchTrac OnlineA church management solution designed to help churches grow, ChurchTrac Online can improve communication and organize church teams and ministries. Key functionalities include membership management, attendance reporting/tracking, donation and pledge and contribution management, among others.The software’s church membership administration feature is limited to an organization’s active members. It records and organizes data as it accommodates visitors and prospective members. This feature can group both members and non-members in the form of customized Smart Lists, which can be configured, with new lists added if needed.The solution’s financial management tool, on the other hand, can create, manage and track church financial tasks such as payroll, budget and church accounts. It has the ability to import transaction details and print W2 reports. With this feature, churches’ can track fund disbursements and know where funds are released to.ChurchTrac can likewise monitor member attendance, not only during mass or service but special events as well, with important dates recorded and disseminated to members. Attendance reports can be generated and printed also, a very helpful feature in terms of monitoring attendance trends.7. Pro Church ToolsPro Church Tools is an online church management tool that offers churches the chance to attain new management skills with the use of free tools, courses, podcasts and other web content. Using the software, religious organizations can find new ways by which to engage their congregations, especially the youth. Such can be achieved by using storytelling techniques that require videos, social media, email marketing and other media.With ProChurch Tools, member engagement can also be improved by using videos, podcasts and educational tools to teach staff new methods of communication. Such feature is especially effective with the younger generation, who are known for their use of mobile devices. The software gives insights on how to use such technology to reach out to their young members. For pastors, the solution can help them upgrade their skills as they learn to come up with multimedia communications8. ACS Church SoftwareACS Church is a church management solution that comes with accounting functionalities. It is consist of a number of tools, which are useful in handling information on member participation and contributions. Its accounting tools are designed to monitor nonprofit organizations’ finances, helping churches focus on growth by streamlining workflow processes.As the platform keeps leaders and members in constant communication at all times, congregation engagement is facilitated. This can increase member attendance while helping churches reach out to non-members and prospects. The tool is customizable and its modular nature is suitable for just about any church budget and goals.Aside from these, the software’s cloud-based deployment makes it accessible to any user at any given time, a very useful feature for members who do missionary work.9. Church Community BuilderA web-based church management platform, Church Community Builder is designed to boost church communication. It can greatly contribute to church-community engagement and member assimilation and retention by providing coaching solutions. A myriad of tools allows the solution to aid church leaders in managing members and focus on growing the congregation.Apart from streamlining church processes, the product integrates seamlessly with business applications, boosting processes like donation, financial and attendance management. It likewise has church metrics, which provides users with real time data, on which to base key decisions that are aligned with organization goals.A children’s check-in tool, meanwhile, helps in managing children attendance at Sunday school. The software can also help in organizing volunteers with its volunteer scheduling feature.10. ChurchteamsChurchteams is a church management application designed to help religious organizations manage operations and other key processes such as membership, attendance and donation management. Users have total control over information anytime, anywhere as the software can be accessed through mobile devices.With the platform, users can organize members into teams, delegate tasks and schedule programs and events. Its integrated tools provide accounting capabilities, enabling users to manage church finances. Giving is automated as the product has an Online Giving module, which allows members to make donations online. This feature can remarkably improve offerings by as much as 50%. It also serves as a payment portal for event registrations.11. Church Giving: Mobile App, Online & Text Giving for Churches | is a church giving management solution designed to encourage congregations to be more generous, while improving member engagement. The software provides religious organization with their own customized church app, which can enhance the process of donation and pledging through the use of digital technology, which include text messaging, online portals and kiosks.The platform promotes church transparency by giving them the ability to generate invoices and statements of accounts. After every transaction, automatically generated email confirmations are sent to donors who themselves can track gift giving using the solution. They can likewise access giving history, enabling them to see how much they have donated to the organization.Security is notable as every transaction is kept secure with the use of cloud transfer technology, which eliminates the need for account and routing numbers. This feature both simplifies and secures the giving process.12. FlocknoteFlocknoteis a church communication management software that can enhance communication with church members. It has the ability to collect member contact information, facilitate contact and listen to what members think. Basically, the solution keeps church members, groups, leaders and other key church personnel in constant contact while being able to respond to communication problems. The platform has a wide array of features, including text, email messaging, content sharing and contact importing, among many others.Flocknote showcases a plethora of features, which include text and email messaging, content sharing and contact importing, among others. It even eliminates the need for additional software like mobile apps and social networking solutions. However, what stands out among solution’s features is its ability to send unlimited text and email messages, allowing users to constantly communicate with members.The software is easy to use with an easy to navigate dashboard, where users can write a note or add a member. This feature enables users to send email or text messages to all members at the same time. Such emails can be sent with attached files, inserted videos or images or even a poll. Email delivery schedules can be set, with copies of their drafts saved for future use.13. ElvantoElvanto is a cloud-based church management tool that is targeted at religious groups of any size. It aids churches in managing administrative and pastoral activities, member engagement and financial processes. Using the solution, church leaders can significantly enhance worship affairs and events.As the software helps in church management, pastors are given the chance to better focus on growing their congregations. It enables users to capture and store member contact information, create church groups and organize them for volunteer work. To improve church-member relations, the tool helps ministers to enhance connection with members.The platform has reporting tools that enable users to monitor church and event attendance and other metrics. These can likewise be used in the creation of member engagement strategies. A companion app, meanwhile, is provided to volunteers, enabling them to check on church activities and also respond to invitations.The giving process is made simple with Elvanto’s integration with several online giving platforms. With this feature, givers are allowed to schedule their donations, while making the giving process more transparet. Donations can be tracked, keeping donors informed of the status of their giving.14. BreezeA web-based church management software, Breeze caters to small and medium size churches. Its interactive interface enables users to access member information, facilitate communication, monitor giving and manage volunteers, among other functionalities. Contact information can be categorized into members, guests, volunteers and staff.The tool enables users to track donations from both members and guests. With this feature, donor contributions can be monitored, with reports generated based on a donor’s giving history. Customization features allows users to update custom fields and import data as well.Breeze also has an event management module for use in member attendance tracking and generation of reports. It has the capability to print name tags for attendees during events and analyze event attendance. As for the communication functionality, the software enables volunteers to send event details to both individuals and groups using bulk emails and SMS. Other notable features of the product include contribution reports, integration with QuickBooks and MailChimp and restriction of access.15. ChmeetingsChmeetings is the ideal church administration software of choice for religious institutions that wish to easily maintain and update its organizational records. Mobile-ready and cloud-hosted, this software serves as an easily accessible hub for all data concerning various groups and members, making organizational tracking and communications hassle-free and painless.In addition to the abovementioned functionalities, this platform facilitates event planning through its meeting management tool. It comes equipped with attendance tracking and progress reporting options, making it easy to keep tabs on what happens every meeting. Furthermore, it features a text messaging tool that lets users communicate with each other in-platform.16. SeraphimCloud-based church management software Seraphim is designed to cater to churches, para-churches and ministries, regardless of their size. It is a total solution that offers membership management, check-in functionalities, ministry planning, donation management and reporting capabilities.The platform’s membership management feature enables churches to come up with group networks for their members. Member attendance can also be logged, and workflows for assigning members to outreach teams effectively managed.An event management capability allows church leaders to handle online registration, check-ins and asset and room reservations. Both public and private events can also be managed using the system. Website management is also a notable feature, it comes with a calendar scheduler, which allows members to join church events.The product can seamlessly integrate with known email marketing tools like Constant Contact and BombBomb, which provide for easy management of member outreach programs and email campaigns. As for its accounting functionality, the product has integrations with applications such as QuickBooks and Sage 50.17. Servant KeeperA church member and volunteer management suite, Servant Keeper is designed for midsize to large churches and other religious organizations. It allows churches to determine member skills, monitor attendance or communicate with members using email.Information from new members such as last names, addresses and phone numbers are automatically collected and stored in a single database. Such data can be edited to point out differences in family data, when necessary. The software is highly customizable to meet churches’ specific needs.Visitors are automatically excluded from member-only marketing collateral like emails, and mailings. If for some reason they need to be included in such lists, status can be changed from visitor to member.18. IconCMOA church management solution, IconCMO is aimed at helping church and religious organization leaders better manage their membership, communication, giving, accounting and volunteers among other tasks. It is a complete solution that can effectively slash church management automation costs. The software is highly-suitable for organizations of any size.The platform has built-in modules that include membership management and contributions modules. A fund accounting module makes it a fully functional accounting solution, while keeping churches and members in constant communication.The solution’s accounting module is one of its most notable features, This feature encourages FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) compliance, specifically when it comes to FASB reporting. It enables users to generate invoices, pay bills, manage checkbooks and create funds, among others. The module supports both cash and accrual-based accounting, depending on what an organization uses. For transactions that require cash accounting, the software makes the process easier.IconCMO’s access and security feature provides users with a username and password for them to be able to access an online directory. This functionality ensures the safety of member information, which can be reviewed online. These could be printed, doing away with the hassles of mailing.19. WebChurch WCC-LiteA powerful and user-friendly church management software, WebChurch WCC-Lite has a wide array of features that enable religious organizations to efficiently manage their daily tasks. The solution can be customized in accordance with an organization’s needs as it supports mobile devices.Using the software, churches can improve member engagement and manage members, which can result in congregation growth. It can increase donations by recurring online giving and can easily integrate with a church’s website. The church database is made of up different modules such as members, donations, communications, assimilation, services, ministries and members’ portals. WebChurch WCC-Lite has native Android and iOS apps, making it accessible to people on the go.The software’s members module can come up with profiles containing complete member information and makes it easier to pull out attendance records. The donations module, on the other hand, handles monitoring and management of giving and pledges. Tracking of donations is done automatically, allowing users to search for specific donations and payment options, among others.20. ZionWorxA multimedia platform designed to create excellent church presentations, ZionWorx is popular for its ease of use. It offers high-quality audio and video playback capabilities, including live and background inputs that feature text overlay. It can seamlessly integrate with a number of third-party apps, including A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages. and Microsoft Powerpoint. The solution allows users to package an entire presentation into a single file, facilitating easy transfer.The product is useful in helping praise and worship by being able to easily import songs from other worship presentation platforms. It gives users the ability to use any audio, video or image file, without the need for additional software. Its powerful theme engine showcases several controllable content that provide full control over presentations.In addition, text properties can be customized for every single song display, along with stunning graphics. The software’s visual song arrangement module enables users to drag-and-drop marked song arrangements. Pre-fabricated arrangements for songs can easily be added and playlists can be transferred to another computer with ease.21. Church Helpmate and RealmAn easy-to-use church and membership management solution, Church Helpmate and Realm helps churches in managing administration, accounting and community tasks all from a single platform. Membership management is achieved by enabling organizations to better communication using email, text messaging and phone.Attendance management is a breeze, offering member tracking features that give real time data on visitor timing. The product is also very helpful in tasks such as baptisms and is known to encourage member fellowship. Ad-on apps like a barcode scanner and a check reader further extend the platform’s functionalities and can be accessed from both Windows and Mac machines.Church Helpmate and Realm integrates seamlessly with accounting solutions such as QuickBooks. As it is cloud-based, the platform can be accessed from any mobile device. In terms of giving, it helps monitor pledge campaigns and contributions while maintaining a members and household information database. It is ideal for use by religious organizations of any size.So there you have it, the top 21 church management software as we see them. Each has its own unique features and benefitssource:21 Best Church Management Software Solutions of 2019 -

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