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What is your review of Osho?

I consider Osho one of the greatest enlightened masters of this era. The transmission that worked through him was very helpfull for many of those who spent time in his physical proximity.However, for those who were ready he was also working with many people who were not in his physical presence , just as easily through the heart as if their was no distance."A Master shares his being with you, not his philosophy. … He never does anything to the disciple.""... if your being can communicate with me, it becomes a communion. … It is the highest form of communication possible: a transmission without words. Our beings merge. This is possible only if you become a disciple."It is difficult to write a review of a phenomenon such as Osho, as Osho belongs to the dimension of the mysterious and the undefinable.The miracle of the energy connection between Osho’s presence and his lovers is a connection that transcends time and space.It appears to come from an inexhaustible , limitless source.In his last lifetime Osho was a rare individual, a fully enlightened man who was also an intellectual with a sharp intelligence who had studied and accumulated a vast amount of knowledge of consciousness raising methods that he had gathered from many mystical traditions and esoteric schools . He was also articulate and gifted with the ability to communicate well in both his mother tongue Hindi, as well as English.But Osho didn’t just have knowledge , he also had wisdom.He always maintained that enlightenment could not be truly expressed through words.Another, less known aspect of Osho`s life was that he was also an artist , who created colourfull signature paintings with felt tip pens inside the covers of each of the many books that he read , as well as designing the covers of several of his books.Example of Osho signature artOsho was certainly not a follower of any particular tradition or past way of thinking but always willing to go against the grain if neccessary and speak his own ideas and truths.He fearlessly confronted unconsciousness and hypocrisy wherever he saw it, deliberately courted controversy and at times he stirred up a hornets nest with his uncompromising attacks on any deeply-rooted beliefs , or superstitions that he felt were not based on truth or logic.Osho was rebellious and he did criticise old customs and traditions. Unlike some of the other enlightened Indian masters from the last century who are still held in high regard and have helped many seekers such as Ramana Maharshi and Nisargaddatta Maharaj , who were really very much part and parcel of the old traditional Indian social system and structure.Osho spoke out against the treatment of the lower castes and the mistreatment of Indian widows in front of an audience of 50,000 people at the Second World Hindu conference in 1969. This outraged the organiser of the conference, the Shankaracharya of Puri , who tried in vain to have Osho’s lecture stopped.He spent his whole his life speaking in favour of womens rights and basic human rights, as well as the freedom of the individual.Wherever he was in the world , he also constantly criticised and hammered the politicians and priests for exploiting people.This created many enemies within the establishment.Although Osho spoke on the essence of many spiritual traditions, he was also a master de-programmer, who exposed the unconscious conditioning of his listeners. Sometimes he went a bit too far when provoking people.His criticism of organised religion and his exposure of the psychology of all creeds based on the idea of following- which appeared in the discourses he gave after he began speaking again in Oregon , USA in 1984 - provocatively titled `The Rajneesh Bible` - may have cost him his life. It certainly didn`t go down well with the Christian Fundamentalists in the Reagan Administration.This was the same Reagan administration that had been selling chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and looked the other way when he used those weapons in the Iran-Iraq war.In 2002 , a Washington Post article by Michael Dodd found that “the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous items that had both military and civilian applications, including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague.”Ronald Reagan’s close friend and election campaign manager from 1980 , was William J Casey, also the director of the CIA from 1981 to 1987.Casey was a conservative Catholic who is said to have made regular secret visits to the Vatican. And it has been claimed by Ashok Row Kavi, a former columnist for the Bombay Sunday Mail , that someone ‘very close’ to the highly conservative Cardinal Ratzinger, the second most powerful man in the Vatican, revealed that Ratzinger ‘was known to be working behind the scenes to secure Rajneesh’s expulsion from America. ‘Ratzinger was apparently worried that the appeal of Eastern mysticism would lure people away from the Church, and had spoken of the ”seductions” of Buddhism and other Eastern traditions.In a 1997 interview published in the French L’Express, Ratzinger called Buddhism an “auto-erotic spirituality” and said: “In the 1950s someone said that the undoing of the Catholic Church in the twentieth century wouldn’t come from Marxism, but from Buddhism. They were right.”Osho was first Indian master to fully respect women and give them completely equal spiritual and social status to men. In fact he gave women much more power than men and he had given them all the top positions of authority in his communes.Osho’s concept of “Zorba the Buddha” , is the synthesis of total celebration of the earth plus transcendance through meditation.Many of the old spiritual traditions advocated strict celibacy and isolation from worldly pleasures. Many of these traditions with enforced celibacy have been plagued with a lot of sexual perversion and as well as abuse scandals from the internal struggle with the sex energy and the belief that sex was something bad. .Osho taught that rather than repressing sex or fighting with it, it was good to treat it in a natural, healthy way and as something sacred, the seed and the same basic energy which can be transformed with awareness , meditation and love into super consciousness and enlightenment.In this way his teaching was successful in the communes around him as his people were generally healthy and creative, not sexually repressed.When the feeling for intense meditation and conservation of sex energy arose , their was no internal struggle or conflict. Aloneness and celibacy were always respected, and the healthy , loving and meditative environment provided the right soil for many meditators to flower into enlightenment.An embracing of both the inner and the outer worlds , both spiritual and material , which does offend some people with certain old conditionings which is only natural.His people seem to have done a pretty good job of spreading both meditation and celebration around the planet. And he has helped many souls to become enlightened which is of course , the whole point.Osho had a great sense of humour and created a good deal of laughter . ‘Seriousness is sickness’ he once commented.~~~~His books are vast in scope and remain intelligent , humorous and usefull guides for meditation and increasing awareness and are still popular with many people today.There are talks which he gave in Hindi , his mother tongue, in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s , which are still being translated.Personally I have got a lot out of reading Osho , and have found it very helpfull in my own spiritual journey .He had a vast amount of esoteric knowledge and knew of many enlightened mystics , plus his own understanding and experience to back it up.He was also an intellectual giant who was incredibly well read on philosophy, science , psychology, psychotherapy , and the arts.He also had a good sense of humour and his talks are spiced with jokes and humorous anecdotes.There are of course points where he is factually wrong about certain things and he is also limited to his own experience.However, his talks and books have been praised by some of those who had read or listened to Osho’s talks on their own respective mystical traditions.Obviously the books are not for everyone , and there are points where he is wrong or what his says is limited to his own experience. But Osho was all for people finding their own truths and he gives people the freedom to disagree with him. He deliberately contradicted himself thoughout his life to help avoid any dogma or orthodoxy being created around his words after his death.He used to say that his words were just a device , while the real work was going on underground.When he spoke on `Rajneeshism` , which he allowed to be born and die at Rajneeshpuram in the discourses published as ‘ The Rajneesh Bible’ , he threw his listeners back to themselves, making it clear her wasn’t trying to give them any particular ideology or dogma.“I don't want you to believe in my statements, because my statements go on changing every day. If you believe in my statements you are going to be crazy. They are so contradictory, you will not be able to figure out what I actually want to say to you.But trust remains the same -- the same flavor, the same grace, the same beauty, because it is not a statement of the mind. It is not a statement at all. It is a silent communion between two hearts, a silent communion in which two hearts synchronize; their beats become a rhythm, their vibe takes the same color and aroma.What the hell am I doing here?Persuading you every day that you should not agree with anyone! You should be yourself. You were agreeing with Jesus, you were agreeing with Moses, and now you have started agreeing with me.But you remain the same – the agreeing fool. Your subjects change, but you don’t change!I am talking to you in such a way that if you have a little intelligence you cannot agree with me. Every day I go on contradicting myself. How long are you going to put up with me? Sooner or later you will say, ”I cannot agree with all these contradictions.” And that’s exactly what I want.I want you to agree with yourself – a great agreement with whatever you are."“My real work is going on underground. Whatever I am doing is just creating a situation so your head is engaged. And my real approach, my target, is your heart, not your skull. And it is the best way I have found to sort out people .(Osho, from Death to Deathlessness, (originally published as ‘the Rajneesh Bible’ 1985)~~~~HWL Poonja, another master from the Ramana’s lineage who became well known in the 1990’s , was excellent at giving people satori, or temporary states of enlightenment , with a combination of his energy and his advaita talk, and self-enquiry, but he is well known for he sending many people away from him after they had had an opening, prematurely believing that now they were enlightened and that is was time to start teaching right away.Many of these people have been left in beautifull states with enlightened egos, living on the edge of mind , but are not yet egoless, not yet free of identity.Osho had a very different style , and always pointed out when someone was prematurely believing that they were enlightened.He gave elaborate talks on the stages of enlightenment, mainly through the esoteric kundalini yoga tradition, but also through the medium of other spiritual traditions.~~~~The active meditation methods that he created in the early `70`s , Dynamic and Kundalini , the Nataraj dancing meditation and others, and they have been widely acclaimed by psychotherapists , psychologists , psychiatrists and meditators to help clear the soil for meditation to happen , are very usefull for clearing the unconscious, and are still being used in many places around the world.See this interview with the musician Deuter ,(Chaitanya Hari) who composed the music for those techniques:When Osho returned to Poona in 1987, after his world tour, he created several new meditative processes.He also started guided meditations again in Buddha Hall every evening after his talk .Osho in 1988 in Pune, India~~~~Rajneeshpuram, USA:Some people were shocked when Osho started collecting the Rolls Royces in the U.S. and that`s exactly that reaction that he wanted to provoke.He loved offending people`s ideas about how a spiritual master should behave.Some people took it seriously and actually bought the idea that Osho was really interested in collecting the same model of car over and over again.The American novelist, Tom Robbins , was never a disciple but an admirer of Osho put it this way:“What Bhagwan is out to do, it seems to me, is pierce our disguises, shatter our illusions, cure our addictions, and demonstrate the self-limiting and often tragic folly of taking ourselves too seriously. His pathway to ecstasy twist through the topsy-turvy landscape of the Ego as Joke.Of course, a lot of people don’t get the punchline. (How many, for example, realized that Bhagwan’s ridiculous fleet of Rolls-Royces was one of the greatest spoofs of consumerism ever staged?) “From ‘Wild Ducks Flying Backward’: The Short Writings of Tom Robbins. Excerpts of his essay on Osho can be read here:“Nothing kills the ego like playfulness, like laughter. When you start taking life as fun, the ego has to die, it cannot exist anymore.The real saint cannot be serious. The really religious person has to be a celebrant. Just look around... look at the trees - are they serious? Look at the birds, listen to them - are they serious? Look at the stars, the moon, the sun - are they serious? Existence is utterly nonserious; it goes on dancing. It is an eternal celebration, it is a festivity.”(Osho The Dhammapada vol 10 ch 10 “Love is its own reward”)Osho in 1984But many spiritual authorities, religious scholars and other professionals around the world who had been impressed with Osho’s talks on enlightened mystics from their own respective spiritual traditions and had got the joke wrote to the US Government in protest in 1983 , when they had denied Osho residence on their grounds of being a religous teacher.The U.S. government, predictively enough , like many others, were unaware of what Osho was really about, had not been able to see past the cars. There were a lot of letters that helped to change the U.S. governments descision including from several Buddhist authorities, Zen temple priests, Christian scholars and theologians from every denomination, Jewish Hassid Rabbi`s , as well as major figures from the worlds of science, medicine, psychology, sociology, business and the arts.Excepts from some of their letters in 1983:"Osho is an enlightened master who is working with all possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness."The Dalai Lama, Spiritual leader and highest authority of Tibetan Buddhism‘This master is the rarest and most talented religionist to appear in this century. His writings about Buddhism are full of inspiration and original concept­ions. As a specialist in Buddhism, I have been surprised many times by his original and creative interpretations and by his unique religiousness. His interpretations are saturated with the truth of Buddhism. Even the outstanding monks that are present here in Japan cannot obtain to this level of interpretation.’Professor Kazuyoshi Kina, Japan’s best-known Buddhist scholar.’[Osho] is well­ respected among my colleagues as an articulate spokesman of Eastern religious traditions and philosophies. As a religious philosopher, he stands head and shoulders above most of his Asian con­temporaries. Out of respect for this man’s intellectual accomplishments, prestigious educational institutions like the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley are teaching classes on his thought. [Osho] is a free-thinking religious philosopher in our age who has sparked considerable debate over his views. Like Mahatma Gandhi in the previous generation, [Osho] has provided the impetus for meaningful intellectual and religious debate.’Rabbi Michael Ziegler, California“His grasp and perception of the teachings of Jesus Christ are extraordinary and very needed by both ministers and laity of Western materialistic Christianity”The Reverend Frank Stribbling.“[Osho’s] work bears the imprint not of one tradition, but of a man of intellectual penetration and insight whose perceptions of the human dilemma point not to easy solutions nor to esoteric answers, but which instead return the sensitive reader to him/herself, to an understanding of the universal human need which we continuously seek to satisfy. In his eclectic approach to religious content and form, he directs those who can hear his message to the nexus of all human experience and of all religious quests. [Osho]’s learning is staggering: He writes with equal knowledge and lucidity on Jewish mystical teachers, Japanese religious traditions, the great Chinese mystics, as well as the legendary spiritual masters of his native India. And he is conversant with Spinoza and Nietzsche as with Christ and Buddha. More importantly than his command of their thought is the new light in which he sees these progenitors of our philosophies.”Diane Mintz, M.A. Rabbinic Literature.‘‘[Osho] is a wise man, and a distinguished psychologist. With his meditation techniques, which he developed partly himself, he understands how to convey to us Western people something of the wisdom of the East without us having to give up the fruits of our Western cultural development and civilization.”Gabriel Looser Th.D, Roman Catholic theologian working in the hospital ministry in Berne, Switzerland.Osho “is renowned throughout the world, crossing lines of religion, profession, race, creed, country, culture, age, education and background:”The Reverend Jill Gerhard, minister for ten years of the Church of Religious Science, San Francisco.A hostess of radio and TV talk shows in San Francisco, she also adds, “I have been in the presence of many spiritual giants, I have read their works and scriptures but I know of no other now living who is so great a religious teacher or spiritual leader as [Osho].”“My encounter with the thoughts and actions of [Osho] has been an authentic lightning bolt. In between two worlds, the Eastern and the Western, which he knows totally, this master can work for the re­birth of a new world, of a better world.”Gregorio, the Archimandrite of Turin (Orthodox Catholic Church of Italy- Moscow Patriarchate)“[Osho’s] ideas have contemporary meaning and validity. His under­standing of the modern mind and his approach to it shows great insight that it is in line with Indian traditional thought, Buddhism, and modern psychology. His relating spiritual experience and psychology is unusual and interesting. As with other religious leaders who first met persecution and rejection, it is difficult to see what influence his teaching will have in the future, just as in the first century none would have guessed the influence of Jesus two thousand years later. However, given the level of education of most of his followers and their professions, we could expect that his insights will flow into the general society.”Alfred Bloom, Professor of Religion at the University of Hawaii.“In his religious discourses, he has shown an insight into the working of the human mind far deeper than most professionals that I have met in my career. He has an intimate knowledge of Western psychology, whether of the psychoanalytic, behavioristic or humanistic schools, and has himself propounded at length his own psychology of the buddhas, which transcends all of these (see particularly The Discipline of Transcendence in four volumes, The Book of the Books in six volumes, and Philosophia Perennis in two volumes). He has also shown an exceptional ability as a practicing psychologist in his dealings with visitors and disciples who bring their problems to him. The record of these interviews is also published in book form and bears witness to his psychological insight and skill as a therapist. “His ability in this area is simply greater than any persons I have come across in the last twenty years that I have been involved with psychology.”Nigel D. W. Armistead, Ph.D., author of Reconstructing Social Psychiatry and former Lecturer in Social Psychiatry at the University of Sheffield , UK.“ [Osho] is one of the most extraordinary men of these last decades of this century. He is a teacher and author of exceptional abilities, having brought into the history and understanding of religion a fertile new insight and illumination. I am convinced that in the spiritual tradition here is a mind of intellectual brilliance and persuasive ability as an author. He has given me new comprehensions of Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, Sufi, and Hindu teachings, mystical practice, and historical significance. It is [Osho’s] special talent that he helps one to a deeper awareness of all religious experience in a manner that is both necessary and appropriate to present day society. I believe him to be a major force for religious consciousness in our time.”Hollywood poet, author and movie-maker, James BroughtonAccusationsIn September 1985, Osho had exposed a lot of crimes publicly of Sheelas inner circle after Sheela and most of group left Rajneeshpuram. One or two people who had been in Sheelas group stayed behind and filled him in on the details and he decided to invite the FBI and law enforcement agencies in to the commune to investigate.This is the only reason we know about these crimes , because Osho exposed them.But the US Government had been trying to destroy Rajneeshpuram for four years and wanted to use the opportunity . They had been planning on deporting him for a long time because they knew that would finish Rajneeshpuram.“Charles Turner, the US government’s prosecuting attorney in the case against Bhagwan – who happened to be a fundamentalist Christian – stated in February 1989, that as Rajneeshpuram was becoming established, the government “threw up their hands, [saying]: ‘What are we going to do with these people? How are we going to get them out of here? They’re totally entrenched. They’re a political entity. They have money, they have power, they have organization. They’re sophisticated, they have people who are absolutely, completely, totally committed to what they are doing, zealous beyond anything that I’ve never encountered before in my life. So, what are we going to do about it? Let’s use the US attorney’s office to charge them with immigration fraud.'”…Charles Turner continued: “I realized early on that the thing to do, if we wanted to get rid of these people… was to deport the Rajneesh, because he was the catalyst and the lynchpin for this organization. If we could get rid of him, the whole thing would fall apart as a matter of course.”” (‘Twelve Days That Shook The World’ , Juliet Forman , 2002)The FBI could not find any evidence that Osho was involved in Sheelas crimes.They had got the tapes of Sheela that she made when she bugged Osho’s room but this revealed no complicity from Osho . In fact Osho had mentioned in the first press conference that he gave in Sep ‘85 after Sheela left that he had been informed by someone that Sheela had been bugging the whole commune including his room and taping people and that she had taken some of the tapes with her when she had left, so it is clear that he knew that there was nothing on the tapes which implicated him in the crimes. The press conference can be listened to at Oshoworld `Press Conferences no.1 .`“Swami Prem Niren, Rajneesh’s attorney, put it like this, “Sheela bugged Osho’s room including her conversations with him, for months. She took some tapes with her when she left. Thousands of tapes were later discovered by sannyasins and voluntarily turned over to the FBI.“Sheela and the government had strong motivation to prove Osho’s involvement in her crimes. But they never produced a speck of evidence to indicate, let alone substantiate, anything of the sort. This failure to offer evidence, where there is strong motive and opportunity, is proof of the absence of evidence.”” (A Passage To America )The FBI didnt bother to interview Osho when they had the chance. Four times , appointments were set up but they kept cancelling them at the last minute. Osho wanted the interviews to be videotaped because he didn’t trust that the FBI wouldn’t change his statements.In late October 1985, just over a month after Sheela left, the US Government decided to station the National Guard around the Ranch which was getting into position to invade the commune.The authorities had decided to create a sealed indictment accusing Osho of conspiring to commit immigration fraud by encouraging his sannyasins to marry illegally to obtain green cards.They had orchestrated a plan to invade Rajneeshpuram with over 300 armed officers and helicopter gunships, to arrest Osho for these immigration violations.The atmosphere inside the commune was tense. There were reports on the radio of the mobilisation of the National Guard and fears of a bloodbath.The US authorities had been trying to destroy the commune ever since its inception and the INS(Immiegration and Naturalization Service) had an ongoing investigation for over four years, trying to find ways to deport Osho. They had been planning on deporting him for a long time because they knew that would finish Rajneeshpuram.From time to time since 1984, rumours would reach Osho’s attorneys that the INS were preparing an indictment accusing Osho of immiegration violations and were preparing to invade the commune and arrest Osho.Osho’s attorneys tried several times previously, before Sheela had left and Osho had exposed the crimes , to negotiate a voluntarily surrender with the authorities , who had agreed to this, but who refused to confirm whether any indictment had been issued or any arrest was immanent.Around Oct 24tn, 1985 , Osho’s Attorneys recieved information that an impending arrest and invasion of the Ranch by the INS and the National Guard was immanent. They again tried to negotiate a voluntary surrender , but the authorities refused to confirm whether an indictment had been prepared or an arrest was immanent.Ma Prem Hasya (Françoise Ruddy), Osho’s new secretary and several disciples , had suggested to get Osho away from the Ranch for a few days until Osho’s attorneys clarified the situation and as a preventative measure and to depressurise the situation – including the threat of an invasion of the Ranch by the INS and the Oregon National Guard, (there were fears of a bloodbath and harm coming to sannyasins if they defended themselves and Osho if they got involved in a firefight . From Freedom of Information Requests it has since been revealed that the National Guard had already mounted the machine guns onto their helicopters and were preparing to assault the commune) .On Oct 26th , Osho and a group of disciples flew out of the Charlotte and were arrested illegally, without a warrant , or being given a reason for the arrest, and without being allowed to contact their attorney in North Carolina. The flight plans to North Carolina had been already been registered with the FAA.(Federal Aviation Authority) . Undercover informants at the Ranch had observed the planes taking off.The agents who arrested Osho and his group at gunpoint at North Carolina had been faxed over a list of names from Oregon and told to expect “dangerous terrorists” but none of the names on the list were on the plane with Osho.Neverless, the entire group were arrested anyway and put in jail.In November 1985 Osho was charged with two minor offences,both of which he denied, one was that he had arranged for a foreigner to marry an American citizen and secondly, that he had arrived in America with ‘intent” to stay, and not just as a long-term visitor. After that he was deported and banned from re-entering the U.S. for five years.~~~Two members of her group who had returned to Rajneeshpuram, and decided not to fled to West Germany with Sheela, had made some kind of deal with the authorities were they were pressured into giving statements that were meant to be in exchange for immunity from prosecution. They also agreed to act as undercover informants for the FBI while they remained at the Ranch.Their court testimonies are now being used by some to try to discredit Osho, two of them mentioned a tape recording that Sheela played them three days after a meeting when she was trying to encourage them to participate in a murder , something most of them really didn’t want to do.One of Ava’s claims regarding an alledged tape conversation between Osho and Sheela , somewhere around summer 1985, where he alledgedly mentioned said that ‘Hitler was a great man’ , and said that ‘it would be necessary to kill people to stay in Oregon’ .However Ava did not claim to listen to any such tape , she claimed that the tape was barely audible, and Sheela had produced a transcript of the tape for her group, who she wanted to encourage to kill someone.However, other members of the same criminal group , gave different versions of what was said , in the same court hearing as Ava.One of the group claimed that Osho had said , that ‘It may be necessary to kill people to stay in Oregon….’ , and yet another member of the same group told the court that Osho had told Sheela , ‘ If Hitler hadn’t of been killed, six million Jews would still be alive today’.What isn’t widely known outside the sannyasin community yet, is that Osho was already beginning to compare Sheela to Hitler, and the Rajneeshpuram commune to a fascist concentration camp, back in 1984.Osho had ended his three years of public silence on October 30 , 1984 , and began speaking to small groups of sannyasins in his house.Osho had criticised Sheela’s management, and the core power structure of the commune , which was centred around her in her household , for the first time in public on 19th December 1984.He had ended that particular talk with, “and remember, I will never leave you under a fascist regime”.The standard procedure at that time was for the daily talk which Osho was giving to around 20 sannyasins in his house , to be broadcast on video to the whole commune the next day.However, with this particular talk the top management of the commune , who were centered in Jesus Grove, Sheela’s household, made an excuse that the audio and video equipment had malfunctioned at some point during the discourse, and the master tape had been irrepairably damaged.The video of the talk was never shown the next day.When the editors finally received the transcript of the missing talk, it was quite clear to them that bits had been left out. And Osho’s last line had been changed from, “I will never leave you under a fascist regime”, to “I will never leave you in a state of chaos”.After rumours began to spread through the commune that the management had censored one of Osho’s talks , Sheela produced a watered down and sanitised version in the monthly commune newspaper, ‘The Rajneesh Times’.‘A sanitised version of "Number 20" was reproduced in The Rajneesh Times. All barbed and resonating suggestions that Rajneeshpuram itself had become a fascist state and Sheela was, in the words of Ma Prem Sangeet, "Hitler in a red dress", were deleted.” (‘A Passage To America’ , Max Brecher) .The doctored and censored version of the talk was finally published in ‘the Rajneesh Bible ‘ .“Enlightened Organisation is Organic Harmony”. Later published as From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter 20. )This incident is also mentioned in several accounts by sannyasins who were present at that particular talk including Maneesha James ‘Osho :Buddha for the Future,’ and Swami Devakant , a musician and sculptor who lived in Osho`s house in his new book ‘In the Eye of the Hurricane’ amongst others.The video of the talk was never recovered and is presumed to be destroyed.Osho sent Sheela and several members of her group back to India a just a month after this discourse, in Jan 1985, to help search for land for the new commune, but Sheela was not keen on India at all and wanted to return to the U.S. She made some excuse that there was some violence in North India and then returned to Rajneeshpuram, after spending less than three days in Bombay.And she had other problems. Members of Sheela’s group told the FBI that Osho had instructed Sheela to look for land in India for the new commune, and also to inform Ma Yoga Laxmi, his secretary prior to Sheela , who was already searching for the commune site, that she would be the secretary in India. That means that Laxmi would be effectively replacing Sheela’s position of power.This also made Laxmi one of Sheela’s targets and members of her group have alledged that she was one of the people that Sheela was planning to assassinate in 1985.Laxmi eventually found a place in Kullu Manali in 1985, which is where Osho travelled to after he was deported from the US on immiegration violations in November of that year. Read an except from `The Only Life` : Laxmi is not in America nowOsho had already asked Laxmi to return to India to continue the search for land for the new commune within the first two years of arriving in Oregon, according to Ma Prem Veena, who drove Laxmi to Osho’s house for a meeting one night in 1983. Her inference was that Osho was not happy at the Ranch. See: Remembering LaxmiIt is clear that Osho wanted to return to India and had already sent people back to search for land . It is possible that the conversation , if it ever actually took place , was in the context of self defense , as their were constant death threats coming in and Osho had armed guards guarding his house 24/7. It is also possible he was making some joke about Sheela / Hitler, after all he had already compared Sheela’s management of the commune to a ‘fascist regime’.Anyone who knows Osho well enough knows that he was no fan of Hitler, who he considered an exceptionally unintelligent man, mediocre.`Concentration camps` were words Osho frequently used to describe nasty or uncomfortable stuff inside, that would come up for a meditator in the beginning of the journey of meditation, before and inner flowering.Apparently, he did joke a couple of times about Hitler and his perversion of Neitzches concept of ‘the New Man’.Like many of his contemporaries , Osho was partly inspired by some of the writings of the philosopher Fredrick Nietzsche,especially “Thus spoke Zarathustra” . He did sometimes joke about Hitler , and his perversion of Neitzche`s concept of `the new man` , but also said that Hitler had misunderstood and perverted Nietzsche’s concept of the ‘Ubermensch’, or the ‘superman’ .Osho had criticised pretty much everyone at one point or another and Nietzche was no exception.QUESTION 1:OSHO,ISN'T THE VISION OF THE NEW MAN SOMEHOW SIMILAR TO THE IDEA OF THE SUPERMAN?“THE idea of the new man is not only not similar to the idea of the superman, it is just the very opposite.The superman is superior, higher, but still belongs to the same world of the old man. He is better, stronger, more beautiful, more powerful, more intelligent; but the difference is only of degrees, of more or less.The new man is absolutely unrelated to the old man. The superior man, the superman, is a refinement of the old. The new man is the death of the old man. The new man comes into being when the old man dies; hence, they cannot be similar at all. They may sound similar to those who think only intellectually.I am not an intellectual, neither am I a thinker.I see things.I am a seer.And in my eyes the superman and the new man are just the very contrary to each other.The old society, culture, religion, philosophy - they are not against the superman; in fact the superman is their projection. It is their desire, their hope. They have been working for thousands of years to produce the superman. And in the name of the superman they have tortured the poor common man so much: it is almost impossible to believe how much humanity has been sacrificed in order to bring the superman onto the earth.What was Adolf Hitler doing? He was fascinated with the idea of superman. He got it from Friedrich Nietzsche. Now, it is a strange thing to understand that the people who have been interested in the superman were very inferior kinds of people. Strange, but not irrelevant. It is in fact your inferiority complex - somehow, deep down, you feel yourself inferior. To forget that inferiority, you start imagining, projecting, just the opposite of it: the superman…Bernard Shaw was rejected by Annie Besant, and he carried that wound his whole life; and he started projecting the idea of the superman.Adolf Hitler was the second person who became a disciple of Friedrich Nietzsche, and he was in every way inferior, intellectually. Even to call him mediocre does not feel justified; the word falls short, he was far below mediocrity. He had no intelligence of any kind; he was absolutely an idiot.He should have been born in Oregon; it was just an accident that he was born in Germany. Germany is not the right place for such great idiots. “The idea of superman is basically rooted in your feeling of inferiority, of fear, of death. But the new nan has nothing to do with all this.The new man is the very ordinary man:Nothing special, nothing superior, supramental.The new man is the first man who recognizes that it is enough to be human.There is no need to be a superman.There is no need to become gods and goddesses , it is so fulfilling just to be an ordinary human being.”The new man will be simply man.And I repeat again:I don't accept anything higher than man.I am talking about the ordinary, simple man.There is nothing higher than that.”(Osho . From Personality to Individuality** **chapter. 16. Superman: fantasy for the inferior. 1985 )read the entire chapter here: ( had developed his own concept of `the New Man and Woman `( suggested reading: ‘Osho - The Rebel: )**** ( editing and changing of Osho’s words by Sheela and her cabal to suit what she wanted him to say, and people to read or hear , was not limited to this particular talk.According to people who worked under Sheela in the editing and publishing departments on the Ranch , she was already cutting out and changing parts of his books and videos that she didn’t like.She also added a completely fictional chapter in the first publication of the book ‘Glimpses of a Golden Childhood’ , which contained a false story that Osho had been adopted by her father .Swami Anand Parmartha , journalist and founder of Here and Now magazine and Sannyasnews magazine believed that there was a possibilty that Sheela had created some kind of mixture of different conversations. Some people who were working under Sheela in the editing department at Rajneeshpuram have dismissed any tape recordings that Sheela claimed to have, pointing out in their books that she`d had a wide variety of Oshos discourse tapes edited over the years until they only said what she wanted him to say, while ashram/ranch videos and films had been judiciously spliced and edited , rewriting history.“Sheela did everything possible to suppress the information. She did not make the announcement to the commune, making it instead to a group of visitors who had arrived for the summer festival. She would not make the list of names available and cancelled the article which was to have appeared in ‘Bhagwan Magazine’. Finally, she edited Bhagwan’s comments about the committees out of videotapes which were being made each night as he spoke to a group of sannyasins in Lao Tzu House.” ( On Sheelas editing of Osho`s video tapes at Rajneeshpuram. From ` Was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Poisoned by Ronald Reagan's America?` by Sue Appleton. Published by Rebel Publishing House (1988, p.74)Maneesha James also suggested some editing to produce the so-called `hitler tape` in her 1988 book, “Bhagwan: Buddha for the Future”.I watched Osho’s attorney at the Ranch Swami Prem Niren recently , in a debate with some of the people involved in the Wild Wild Country documentary, and it is clear that Robert Weaver, who was involved in the cases against Osho and Sheela, did not have any evidence that Osho was involved in Sheela’s crimes.The FBI have put on record that ‘no direct evidence to linking Osho to Sheela’s crimes exists’ All they had was what they name ‘limited witness statements’ from a couple of the criminals that were facing a very long time in prison for multiple attempted murder, poisoning and other plots , that Osho had accused, who said that they believed that Osho knew about what Sheela was telling them to do. But these people never spoke to Osho directly. The only intermeditary between Osho and her group was Sheela.And the FBI clearly state that ‘none of the information given was worthy of an indictment against the Bhagwan’.What that effectively means is that Osho was arrested in Charlotte, North Carolina ,(without producing any warrant) , chained , refused bail , and dragged through six jails in twelve days , on minor charges of immiegration violations , for after which he was deported back to India.An important point here is that in her testimony to the FBI in 1985 Ava Avalos claimed that during those meetings where the plan to murder Charles Turner was being discussed, “Sheela informed them that Bhagwan was not to know what was going on, and that if Bhagwan were to ask them about anything that would occur, ‘they would have to lie to Bhagwan” .So it is pretty clear that Sheela had no intention of revealing her plans to Osho.Osho’s attorney Swami Prem Niren has gathered information for thirty years, including several freedom of information requests , and is writing a book on the Ranch years, which Osho asked him to write to ‘clear his name in America’Maneesha James, one of the members of Osho’s household at Pune and Rajneeshpuram, has rewritten her book originally written in 1988, which covers her experience of living in Osho’s household at the Ranch and in Poona one, the first in a trilogy Osho: The Buddha For the Future - OSHO SammasatiThe book contains some information from sannyasins who lived with Sheela and were part of her inner circle, such as Patipada and Jayananda.‘Bhagwan: Twelve Days In The World’ by the same author (2002), chronicles Osho’s illegal arrest without any warrant, and the period of being dragged slowly through six American jails before begin deported and banned from re-entering the U.S. for five years. ‘ The book contains some information from sannyasins who lived with Sheela and were part of her inner circle, such as Patipada and Jayananda.“The whole fault was mine, that I was silent. I had my reasons to be silent. I wanted to be silent forever, because words don′t convey... it is not real communion that happens through words. I wanted to communicate through silence. So my reason was there to be silent, but I cannot say that it was not my fault. I knew that something like that is possible, but I also knew that I can start speaking any moment when I see that things have come to a peak and they have to be stopped.And no harm has happened to you. In fact, you have become more mature through the experience. It will make you more responsible, less dependent on authorities, more responsible on your own towards the whole commune. We will turn this fascist nightmare we have passed through, into something beautiful. It is always in our hands to change things.I have started changing the same nightmare into a beautiful experience that will help you along the way, and you will not fall in the same hole again. Sheela has done a great service to you, and you should feel gratitude to her and her gang.(Osho - From Bondage to Freedom #5)Beloved Master,Yesterday I was sad when you said, "I take the blame for everything that has happened." Why should you be blamed? Every moment you are trying to make us loving, meditative and celebrative. If there is any blame, we are all responsible. We are not loving, meditative and alert, and that is why Sheela and her gang could dare to do such evil actions. Please tell us how to become more meditative, loving and responsible.“That′s why I have said that I am responsible for whatever happened - because you are fast asleep. You are not alert, aware; you live like a somnambulist, walking in your sleep. How can you say that you are responsible for it all? Neither can I say Sheela and her group are responsible. They belong to the same category as you. They just had power and in their sleep they did whatever sleep allows you to do. You had no power, you followed them, because what can a sleeper do? So the whole responsibility is basically mine. I should not have gone into silence and isolation.But it has been a great experiment, and a great experience that a man like me should not leave you alone in the hands of people who are just like you.The law, perhaps, may not allow it, but this is my deepest longing: that Sheela and her group should be forgiven, and if any punishment is needed they should give it to me. Only I am responsible, because I went into silence. I had never thought that silence can lead to such calamity.”(Osho - From Bondage to Freedom #6)The vast majority of sannyasins on the Ranch had no idea about any of these crimes and activities until Sheela left and Osho began exposing them . Naturally people were shocked.Many sannyasins felt that they learnt important lessons through the experience , and the failure and tragedy of the Rajneeshpuram experiment. After leaving the US Osho embarked on a World Tour, visiting many his people in many countries. In the many of the places he visited it was an intimate setting , often with only several hundred sannyasins present at his talks compared with the thousands in his communes. There are some very interesting talks from Osho from this period where he talks on the lessons from the collapse of Rajneeshpuram, and as always, meditation and growth in consciousness and some esoteric talks.And the Reagan led U.S. administration, spent a considerable amount of time and energy trying to thwart Osho’s attempts to build a commune elsewhere in the world:Anand Sharma's answer to Why did 21 countries refuse entry to Osho Rajneesh?After finally returning to India in 1986, Osho spent four months living as a guest in the home of a disciple in Bombay, where he continuing giving daily talks.Eventually he returned to the Poona Ashram in January 1987.A ‘multiversity’ was created, combining many different esoteric and meditative techniques from many different mystical traditions . People began arriving from all around the world to be in Osho’s buddhafield again.“In the silences of the heart, there is a meeting between the master and the disciple. Both know that something has moved, some energy has been transferred, transmitted. The flame that was asleep in the disciple is asleep no more; it has jumped into aliveness and consciousness. This is the transmission of the lamp. But you can do it only if you have it. A strange situation is needed: the master has to have it and the disciple has to be ready to receive it. Nothing is said, nothing is heard and the dialogue is over.”Osho Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest #7) 1988

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