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If you could say one thing to COVID-19, what would it be?

That it spawned totally inexcusable behavior of (all) media to purposely create chaos at the expense of the common American. At this point they don't even care a MODICUM if what they are asking or sharing is truth or untruths. Its shameful and it's destroying lives. What on earth do they think they are doing. Who are they fighting for at this point. People are literally “dying” and they are not missing a beat. It boggles the mind and senses. Stunningly so.Look, I don't care for the president as a person. I mean who really does?! He clearly is a total jackass most days but I “do” love this country like he does. He isn't elected to win a popularity contest. Lets be honest, Americans in general are no prize either. He is elected to run the country and he clearly has done that effectively. The press berating him and him berating them in return is just pointless and gets zero done. What are you all in fourth grade people? Act in professional manner the way your elected to do. If your media,- keep us informed with the “entire and unedited truth" not spin. If not do something else like working for a lobby. Ugh! 🙄At this point it doesn't matter one bit what the president says or does they have issues with it just the same. We all need to grow up and behave like adults and professionals. For the life of me I can't fathom how the president remains calm when they stand up at white house (no less) press conferences barking at him like a band of junkyard dogs. Whoa! He is a saint in that.The rich got richer and the normal working class American, well, um, they lost out utterly from the entire affair..Looking at deaths in other areas of the facets of American everyday life Covid-19 at 1% fatality rate pales in comparison in almost every other area.Even the common influenza virus thus far (at the same time) has over shot the infections far, far beyond those of Covid-19 in the country alone. Covid-19 isn't even in the same catagory seemingly. You do the math. It's in plain sight but we refuse to see.Controlled directed illogical insanity to inflict maximum damage of the mental well being of the population targeted.In the military it's called “Psychological Warfare”. As a career veteran and a historian of war it works. Let me tell you what, it works like a dream too when people are desperate.“The Great Pan-Panic of 2020” will go down in history as being the highest cost of American (globalization) lives and livelihoods for nothing more but money and power.Theirs not ours.Repeat; THEIRS NOT OURS! They are all sitting around laughing as we scurry around like mice not knowing where to go or think.People running in respirators when nobody else is anywhere near them for miles. Really?Small generational businesses in ruine.Drinking and drug use steadily on the rise stuck at home because as they say. “Dude, what else do I got to do. I’m stressed out and bored as hell you know?!” Drug dealers are always open for business as well as the liquor store down the street if you haven't noticed. Perfect! 👍😒Utilities operations and general infrastructure is in the balance here. Who wants to go to work and get infected in a plant that provides everything for survival. Well look on the bright side, no bad news, no news at all as a matter of fact.. That's pretty cool huh?! Not so much.Jobs lost in an industrial sector that is normally long term, has great benefits and secure for all it's employees nationwide. If your trying to tank the country mister media mogul- well played then your well on your way to the point of no return. Well played!Mass evictions and foreclosures.Food running out because people are terrified to go to the market when nobody is even there. Outstanding, thanks news anchor!Unemployment of our citizens at all time high records. Furthermore the Americans that suffer the worst of all are not even eligible for unemployment for one reason or another.Waiting on a stimulus package that still hasn't shown up for the majority of Americans even if they have bank accounts, loadable debit cards and mail outs to ligitiment address. They dead are already getting stimulus funds. Perfect!All federal beneficiaries, retired military like me, elderly and disabled social services program's, railroad, government retirees are hanging on every word to find out about “their" stimulus funds. This is on the federal government set up payment system from the “federal government” for ease and secured way to receive their benefits. The fed is saying zero to all of them. Direct Express? Nothing “direct” nor “express” about it right now. This is millions of Americans that “WORKED” for the government no less. To them they are getting nothing, zip, zero, nada information period. No words and that's just plain awful. Especially when they were promised they would get these funds first and deserve better from their government. Tell them SOMETHING! Well why don't they have a bank account and routing number to deposit the stimulus funds at there banks in the community. Huh, good question. Because the bank “is” the government, the account is the account with the said government bank and the routing number is wait for it, wait for it……..the federal reserve! Why on earth would you need a civilian banking account in a “rational” world? The most technological nation (government) on earth? Nice huh? This is wrong don't you think! 🤔😕😖You would think it would be news worthy to televise that atleast for an hour or so instead of the depressing as hell Covid non stop coverage.All for two things and two things only. To separate the have's from the have not's. It's clear.What's totally insane is that after four months of this brainwashing every day of every hour on every single channel non stop of Covid-19 it is still going on our tv sets, laptops and phones at this very moment. Yet we are glued to every single word and bicker amongst each other. It's bewilderingly effective. There is only so many ways you can say the same three things.Wash your hands.Safe distance.If not deathly ill stay home.Furthermore we are completely oblivious to these facts I have “clearly" outlined and presented here. Even as I am writing right now we still ignore the facts of the matter we are facing currently. This fact- “That we are all being manipulated”. You “have” to see it?! It's plain as day to night but like water it is pointless to tell you what it tastes like. However like oxygen it “is” there mind you and we take it in every second to live but it's significance is unknown to us as irrelevant. . We have no point of reference, a baseline if you will. We have settled so far into chaos and our misery that common sense has become so alien to us. It's really sad actually. However like I have said here as I'm explaining it; we either frankly don't care, we find it absurd or are flat out ignorant to it even when the truth is supplied in abundance. Pity, it will be our downfall sooner then later I'm afraid! 😔Tsk-tsk. It was inevitable!

How do interventionists explain the outcomes of more liberal policies?

My Answer will try to look at some important ‘liberal’ policies and see if they pass the smell test. As I am a Libertarian, I do support some of the stuff that Kee has proposed. I will focus on the economic policies that she has listed. My answer will try and rebut hers.You mean the enormous successes of things like:1. The 40-hour work week- technically Henry Ford introduced the 40 hour work week before unions or government did. In 1915, Ford motor company began paying workers $5/day, whilst reducing their work to 8 hour days, 5 days per week. It was only in 1938 when congress made 40 hour work week law.2. Weekends- see no 1.3. Vacations- Vacations aren’t something that came up because governments mandated it. Its hard to compare the 2000s to the 1800s because the 1800s had far less wealth than today. As a result working weekends was an absolute necessity. But thanks to Capitalism we have had vast increases in national wealth and consequently that has come with a steady increase in wages. As a result more people over time have been able to relax on weekends.7. Public schools- Public schools are not that successful. The US spends $13,000 per pupil but still ranks lower than other industrialised countries such as Japan, South Korea and Singapore. Those countries spend less per pupil, largely because those 3 countries have a much higher % of students in private schools. The problem with public, government schools is that students firstly have to go to that school because of where they live, so children that live in poor neighbourhoods are forced to go to a school they may not like/that isn’t good. Secondly, public school system has also led to powerful unions. As a result it makes it much harder to fire a public school teacher that does a bad job. Consequently, government schooling has been a failure. I would much rather have a 100% private school system whereby schools compete like private businesses and the government give every child a $7,000 voucher. Of course there are other arguments against public schooling.For more info:8. Child-labor laws- You don’t actually need child labour laws. Look at China. They haven’t passed child labour laws, but a fewer % of children are in the workforce. It comes down to economic growth. Ultimately as household income increases, then families don’t need to send their children to work. As history has shown, its actually free market capitalism has produced economic growth. For example, between 1880 and 1914, the real wages of UNSKILLED workers (the very people that liberals claim to help) grew by 44%. That is much faster than what we have been since 2000. Industrial production grew by 700% and as a result child labour was falling.9. The right to unionise- The right to unionise would also include the right not to be part of a union. Yet last time I checked if you are a public sector worker you have to join the public union + pay fees (e.g.: teachers union). Unions are actually an interesting case. As I said earlier real wages of unskilled workers grew by 44% between 1880 and 1914, yet union participation was still very low. Furthermore private sector union membership has actually fallen since the late 1950s, yet wage growth was fairly strong in 1960s-1990s. Therefore the declining real wages since 2000 must be explained by something else.14. GI Bill- It is true that the government offered free tuition but only around 1/8th of the WWII Veterans actually went to university so the GI Bill didn’t apply to a lot of people.17. FDA- the FDA has been disaster. The lengthy approvals process has killed people because drugs come enter the market in time. Also the lengthy approvals process has also made it expensive for companies to test their drugs. As a result many small drug manufacturers don’t have the resources to undergo 8 years of drug testing. As a result that’s fewer drug manufacturers and hence less choice for consumers. Lastly, the FDA has made mistakes despite the lengthy/cautious approvals process. Private mechanisms would suffice. A drug manufacturer has an incentive to test drugs as quickly as possible whilst also making sure that the drugs are safe. If a drug kills people then doctors won’t prescribe them to patients so the drug won’t sell and patients can come together in a class action suit against the company.20. Social Security- It’s got $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities right? Private pensions would yield much more than SS, which has an annual yield of only around 1.5%. Imagine if a worker could divert 10% of his wages to private accounts instead of to a government scheme which is broke! the S&P has a long term annual yield of 6%, so workers could yield more in the long term.22. The Office of Congressional Ethics, Created in 200823. The Internet- wasn’t it created because of profit motive? Conservatives/Libertarians would embrace the internet rather than restrict it. They would allow as many businesses as possible to be created from the internet. e.g. MySpace, fb etc.29. Bank Deposit Insurance- Doesn’t that create a moral hazard? During the free banking era (circa 1880s) banks were not protected by bank runs. But the source of the problem was because banks kept on issuing more currency than the gold supply, so more banknotes were ‘counterfeit’ / not backed by gold, so thats why during the free banking era, there were some booms followed by panics. That problem could be solved by having a full 100% gold currency, something the world has never had. If banks know that the government will insure bank accounts, then they’ll gamble with your money.30. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- I question whether the CDC improved hygiene/health. Wasn’t the discovery of penicillin by a doctor looking for profit more significant.?38. USDA- the Department of Agriculture has been a disaster no? Agricultural subsidies have firstly created a huge corporate interest in the farming industry. Unfortunately family farming is a thing of the past. Now it is big food companies like Tysons that profit the most from USDA subsidies. Secondly, agricultural subsidies have contributed to obesity epidemic. Corn, wheat and Soy are subsidized the most, and those crops can then be processed into things like Maltose, Dextrose, high fructose corn syrup and Starch. Those products are then in turn used in processed foods. As a result corn laden chicken is much cheaper than fruit. As a result consumers will buy the food thats cheaper and unfortunately thats not fruit/veg.Is The Government Making Us Fat?The Fat of the Land: Do Agricultural Subsidies Foster Poor Health?39. Public Libraries- Carnegie donated billions to libraries, before the government got involved. John D Rockefeller also donated over half his wealth and that led to the creation of Spelman College (university for black women) and University of Chicago.40. Transcontinental Railroad and the rail system in general- Actually no. The federal government did attempt to play a more significant role in railroads. Unfortunately the government backed, union pacific, central pacific and northern pacific all went bankrupt despite the large government subsidies. Whereas James J Hill who founded the Great Northern Railway Co. got no subsidy and his company survived for the next 100 years. Cornelius Vanderbilt also built a railroad company without government subsidies.44. The Federal Reserve- The Federal Reserve is responsible for the crash of 1929 and 2008. The crash of 1929 can be explained by Rothbard’s America’s Great Depression, published in 1963. During the 1920s the Federal Reserve increased the money supply by 63% between 1921 and 1929, whilst the supply of gold only increased 15%. Consequently a greater % of money in circulation was not covered by gold and hence banks could not possibly redeem all of the money in gold. As a result the Federal Reserve’s expansionary policy of the 1920s helped foster a stock market and real estate bubble and then in 1929 it crashed. In 2001, the Fed reduced the interest rate to 1% and that reduced teaser rates on homes and hence housing bubble.45. Medicare- In 1965, Medicare cost $3 billion. They projected it would only cost $12 billion in 1990, but it actually cost $120 billion! Medicare has trillions in projected liabilities and this will lead to a much larger tax burdens. Also now that medical providers know that the taxpayer is covering the service then they can be more inefficient and hence incur unnecessary costs and hence more costs being dumped on taxpayers.50. Fire Departments- There is a way for private companies to provide fire services. You could pay a monthly ‘fee’ to the company and in return they provide a service.51. Veterans Medical Care- The VA healthcare system is a disaster. It is a failed attempt to have a single payer system. Vets have to wait 50 days to see a doctor. This is despite the fact that the Department of VA is one of the biggest departments in terms of spending. In fact in 2013 there was a scandal whereby government officials falsified records to make waiting times look shorter. Despite a 76% increase in VA healthcare funding, the CBO estimates a further 75% increase is needed to treat all Vets! What is enough for liberals!How VA hospitals are a government-run disaster53. Federal Housing Administration- one part of the FHA includes housing projects right? Well there are problems with housing projects. Housing projects have led to racial/economic segregation. As a result it is common to see poor blacks or hispanics confined to a small geographic area. These areas are often associated with high crime and hence heavily stigmatised and as a result these areas also have far fewer job opportunities. For example, why is it that African Americans who rely on housing projects more, also suffer from 10% unemployment even when the overall national unemployment is only around 4%. I would much rather have private housing, but reduce zoning and land use regulations (make building easier) For more info (How Zoning Rules Would Work in a Free Society) (How Governments Outlaw Affordable Housing). Then to help the poor, let’s just replace the welfare state with a negative income tax. A simple cash payment to the poor who in turn pay rent, healthcare etc.Does the FHA also include Freddie and Fannie? If it does, then Freddie/Fannie were also major players in causing 2008. Freddie was the one who bought the loans, many of which were NOT 20% down payment loans. As a result banks were happy to lend to under qualified borrowers who couldn’t afford the 20% downpayment. In short, the GSEs implicitly guaranteed the loans. In fact only 3% of Freddie’s loans were classic 20 down payment. Most were interest only hence extending houses to people who weren’t qualified.For more info: The House That Uncle Sam Built | Peter J. BoettkeFreedom of Speech- Don’t crazy constitutional conservatives love free speech? Its liberals who want to ban free speech for racists or conservative people in general!60. Pell Grants and other financial aid to students- Student loans ARE the problem. That is why college tuition costs so much more. Students can obtain education loans in 2 ways: 1) they borrow directly from Congress. 2) They borrow private lenders who are trying to make a profit like Sallie Mae. Unfortunately, Sallie Mae are happy to lend tens of thousands because the government guarantees even PRIVATE student loans. Congress is happy to expand Pell Grants/loans because its politically popular. Consequently universities can bid up the price of their tuition because of this artificial demand that arose from easy money. For more info check out Soaring Fees: Breaking Down the US Student Debt Crisis - The Market MogulIts not a coincidence when the Department of Education was created in the 1980s, thats when the price of university started rising.85. Medicaid- Medicare and Medicaid were created in 1965. Firstly healthcare has risen faster than inflation only since 1965, so clearly government involvement has had something to do with this. Also Medicaid patients are actually more likely to die from cancer. This is because to reign in costs, doctor compensation has fallen. As a result the % of doctors accepting Medicaid has fallen and hence the necessary screening/treatment is foregone. How Medicaid Fails The Poor87. Bail Out of the American Auto Industry- Bailing them out simply creates a moral hazard. These companies should have failed so that they can be replaced with more efficient companies.107. The Affordable Care Act which makes insurance companies more honest and fair. The ACA was not worth the large increase in premiums that many people faced. However I would say that TrumpCare is not any better. Fundamentally the politicians are obsessed with health insurance. There is a big difference between health insurance and health care. Also healthcare costs have risen above inflation since the 1960s, so any meaningful healthcare reform has to include repealing all of the govenrment programmes since 1965 including Medicare and Medicaid. I have written a 9,000 word paper on healthcare reform, wish I could upload it to show you what i mean (sorry!).116. The income tax and power to tax in general, which have been used to pay for much of this list. I hope that I have proved that many of the things that the government does, it does not need to do. Consequently we don’t need an income tax. I’d much rather have a flat tax on consumption, like the FairTax. The FairTax would massively reduce the cost of compliance. The current tax code, which liberals want to expand, leads to a $600 billion annual economic cost of compliance. Thats $600 billion that could be used for more saving/capital investment.For more info: FairTax - WikipediaSorry I couldn’t do more. I didn’t copy and paste my answer! Thanks for the request Justin! Also good comment on the EPA, I need to read up on the problems with the EPA. I’ve only scratched the surface!

How can my trading money grow faster than keeping it in a bank?

You probably know interest rates are on the rise. That’s certainly true if you’re looking to borrow money.But if you’re stashing it at your local bank, you probably haven’t seen any increase in your return.Sad to say, most banks are continuing to pay interest on savings that’s some small fraction of 1%.How small? According to the FDIC, the recent averages are 0.09% for savings accounts, and 0.16% on money markets. With the inflation rate just north of 2%, you’re losing money every day you have it sitting in the bank!So maybe it’s time to fire your bank, and find someplace else to put your money. These seven options will help you earn a lot more.1. Online SavingsA few years ago no one would have considered this option. Online banks would have been considered too risky. Also, today most banks offer online banking. So what makes online banks different?Because they operate strictly online, they don’t have branches all over the country, nor the overhead costs and payrolls of brick-and-mortar banks. With lower operating expenses, they’re able to pay much higher interest rates on deposits. And now that they’ve been around for a few years, online banks are becoming much more accepted by the public.Why should you hold your money in an online bank? Because rates aren’t just higher than local banks, they’re much higher.For example, Ally Bank, CIT Bank and Synchrony Bank all currently offer their online high-yield savings accounts paying rates of 2% or more.And even though online banks operate entirely on the Internet, they’re still completely liquid. You can move money in and out of them, to and from other banks, and even access your funds at a network ATM.Do a bit of a background check on any online bank you’re considering moving your money to. Find out how long the bank has been around, and make sure they have FDIC coverage.You can certainly keep your local bank for checking and loans, but you’ll earn a lot more money by moving at least most of your savings to an online bank. And if you want to tie up your money for a little bit longer to earn more interest, check out the rates online banks offer on certificates of deposit (CDs). They’re also much higher than what your local bank is paying.2. US Treasury SecuritiesNot only do these securities pay a lot more in interest than local banks, but they’re considered the safest investments on the planet. US Treasury securities represent debt issued by the US government, and both the principal and interest are fully guaranteed.There are different kinds of US Treasury securities, that depend mostly on the term of the instrument. For example, securities with maturities between two years and 10 years are considered Treasury notes, while maturities of 20 and 30 years are called Treasury bonds.But you’ll be mostly interested in Treasury bills. These are short-term securities, ranging from one month to one year. They’re not quite as liquid as a savings account or money market at your local bank, but they’re very short term in nature, and pay a lot more in interest. And if need be, you can sell them before their maturity dates.Recent yields on Treasury bills range between 2.36% for one month, to 2.70% for one year. And in addition to high yields, Treasury securities come with a bonus feature: the interest they pay is exempt from state income tax.You can get slightly higher rates on longer term securities. But the extra interest isn’t worth tying up your money for anywhere from two to 30 years.You can buy, hold and sell Treasury securities through Treasury Direct.3. High Dividend StocksHere we’re getting into a way to invest your money for higher yields that does involve risk. Even though they pay high dividends, high dividend stocks can still fall in value. You won’t want to hold emergency fund money in these stocks. But you might put a certain amount of your savings into them to increase your overall savings yield.For example, high dividend stocks often yield 3% to 4%, and some pay a lot more. There’s even a group of elite high dividend stocks referred to as Dividend Aristocrats.The criteria for a stock to be a Dividend Aristocrat includes:Be in the S&P 500Meet certain minimum size and liquidity requirementsHave at least 25 years of consecutive dividend increasesThe last point is particularly important. While it is true even high dividend yield stocks can lose value, they also have the potential to appreciate in value. And some of the stocks with the best long-term appreciation potential are those that have a history of consistently raising their dividends. That being the case, not only will you get a high dividend yield, but you also have the potential for the stock to increase in value over time.You can invest in high dividend stocks on popular discount brokerage platforms, like Ally Invest, E*TRADE, Charles Schwab and Fidelity. You can even trade stocks commission-free on a site called Robinood.4. BondsBonds are longer term securities that pay higher interest than savings accounts. But it’s important to understand bonds aren’t completely safe either. Much like stocks, they can fluctuate in value.That’s why if you’re going to own bonds, you’re better off avoiding individual issues. The better way is to invest in bond funds through exchange traded funds (ETFs) that are tied to indexes. You’ll get a portfolio of professionally managed bonds, which greatly lowers the risk of any single bond issue defaulting.There are two types of bond funds I like to focus on, high yield bonds and municipal bonds.Rates on corporate bonds haven’t been great in recent years. But high yield bond funds hold portfolios of issues that pay higher yields, due to the issuing companies being considered higher risk. But they can provide high returns on short term investments.For example, the iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETF has paid a yield of 5.35% over the past 12 months.Municipal bonds are issued by states and municipalities. They pay lower interest rates than high yield bonds, But the interest earned is tax-free for federal tax purposes. And if you live in the state where the bonds are issued, the interest will also be tax free from your state income tax.Once again, the best way to own municipal bonds is through an ETF. For example, iShares National Muni Bond ETF paid 2.46% in tax-free interest in the past 12 months.Just as is the case with high dividend stocks, you won’t want to hold your emergency fund in bonds. But they can make an excellent and relatively safe investment for longer term savings.5. Blended PortfolioThis is a more innovative strategy for getting a higher return on your savings. You can create a blended portfolio of stocks and bonds, but mostly bonds. The idea is to take advantage of the relative safety of bonds, while mixing in the higher yields provided by stocks.For example, you might create a portfolio that’s 80% bonds and 20% stocks. Or even 75% bonds and 25% stocks if you want to be a little bit more aggressive.This portfolio is more risky than CDs or Treasury securities, but it does have the potential do provide higher returns. Not only will you get the interest income on the bond portion, but you can also take advantage of capital appreciation on the stocks. It’ll raise your overall return at least a little bit above what you would get on interest only investments.This isn’t necessarily a complicated process either. There are automated investment platforms, called robo-advisors, that can build such a portfolio for you. Popular robo-advisors include Betterment and Wealthfront.For a very small annual fee (0.25% of your portfolio) they’ll create and fully manage your portfolio for you.Robo-advisors normally evaluate your investor profile based on your investment goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. You can set a very high bond allocation by entering a short time horizon. For example, if that horizon is three years, your portfolio will automatically be mostly invested in bonds.It is possible you could lose some money with this type of portfolio mix. But it won’t be nearly as volatile as a portfolio made up primarily of stocks. Once again, it’s best for longer term savings and not an emergency fund.Two popular P2P platforms are Lending Club and Prosper.One disadvantage to P2P investing is liquidity. Once you buy a note, you’re in that investment until it pays out. This is generally between three years and five years. But if you mix your maturities, you’ll always have some notes coming due.Additional Thoughts on Skipping Your BankThough virtually all the investments on this list pay much higher returns than local banks, some do require a longer time horizon and involve some degree of risk. The investments that fall into those categories are best suited to longer term savings goals, and not for funds you’ll need immediately.An overall strategy may be to hold one or more of these higher yielding investments along with safer, more liquid ones. For example, you may want to put most of your savings in an online savings account, but a small percentage in high dividend stocks or bonds to raise the overall yield on your savings.The main point is, you do have options to the 0.0 something percent interest being paid by your local bank.6. Real Estate Investment TrustsIf you prefer to avoid stocks and bonds, you can also invest in real estate. You can do this through real estate investment trusts, which are commonly known as REITs.REITs are investment trusts that invest in real estate. They’re sort of like mutual funds for real estate. Most typically, they invest in commercial real estate, like office buildings, retail space, and large apartment complexes. But some work on smaller projects, like property rehabs. Still others track major industry indexes.The easiest way to diversify across several different REITs is through an ETF. For example, the iShares Core U.S. REIT ETF has a current distribution yield of 10.64%, and invests in more than 160 individual REITs.Still another way to invest in real estate is through online crowdfunding platforms. This is where you can invest money in either loans or equity positions in particular real estate deals. There are several crowdfunding platforms, including Fundrise, Realty Mogul and Rich Uncles.Fundrise is particularly interesting because it’s open to investors of all financial levels. They buy properties, and you can invest with as little as $500.Real estate investing in any form isn’t very liquid, so it’ll be the type of strategy you want to use for money you won’t need for at least two or three years.7. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) LendingThis is a totally unique way of investing in fixed income assets. P2P lending platforms enable you to invest money in loans taken by borrowers. The basic purpose of P2P lending is to remove the banker from the loan arrangement. Instead, you as the investor become the banker. Your investment is in loans made to individual borrowers.Now that’s not nearly as risky as it sounds. You don’t actually fund an entire loan to a borrower. Instead, you invest in what are known as “notes”. These are $25 units of a loan. A person who borrows $25,000 from a P2P platform may have his loan funded by up to 1,000 investors – at $25 each. This lowers the risk any investor has in a single loan.It also allows you to diversify across many different loans. With an investment of just $1,000, you can spread your money across 40 different notes.What’s more, you can control how much risk you take on. You can invest more aggressively, by buying higher risk, higher yield loans, or be more conservative with lower risk, lower yield loans.

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