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At what point did you realize “Welp, guess I’m truly an adult now.”?

My mother was born into a European family of some notoriety. Her father was an officer in the Czarist Army and lost everything when the Reds defeated the Whites and he fled with his wife to Estonia. He became a professor of Natural Sciences at the University in Tallin. My mother was born in 1926 (she is currently 94), and was raised with the classics art, music and literature. After WWII mom was in a Red Cross DP Camp. Knowing 5 languages she was hired by the Army as a secretary and interpreter. Her desk was just outside my dad’s office and here I am.Later in life I found a large file folder with notes about me and my life. All of my grade cards, every opportunity for me to become like her father. i was given classes on classical music, the opera, the theatre and manners. I don’t begrudge her attempt to raise me to become a well rounded individual. But it did come with some trepidation, while getting ready to start high school she selected my electives and foreign language. Art, band and Latin. I asked ‘why Latin’? She smiled and said that with a foundation in Latin all other languages would be easier to learn and because your grandfather spoke seven languages fluently to include Latin and accent Greek, I took Latin I II and III. This continued ever in college. Mom had two years of college before the war interrupted her studies to become an architect. So my major at Texas A&M was architecture. In my second year I found out that I didn’t want to be an architect. I was also in the Corps of Cadets with wanting to join the Army.Early in the Spring semester of my sophomore year I simply dropped out and drove home to San Antonio, TX and enlisted. For the first time I did something on my own without discussing it first with my mother. It was liberating and I really enjoyed my three years of active duty with 12 months in the Nam.But as I promised mom I enrolled at the University of Texas graduating May 5, 1974.My mother on the left wt her mother and sister. Her mother had a Russian title that passed down to the female children.Mom’s fther in his uniform. His rank is equivalent to that of a LTColonel.His work in the field of Natural History has awing in the Museum in Tallin.Mom and dad.

What happens in the first four days of the Marine Corps boot camp?

Your first four days are what is known as both the "Reviving Phase" or the "Processing Phase". Technically, they are really just a few days of getting you into the system, however, the Marine Corps will make this process as painful as they can, by putting training into it from the get go. You are literally being trained and balls deep into the military way of life even before you get off the bus.4 Lessons From the First 5 Minutes of Boot CampFrom the first moment you arrive at a Marine Corps Recruit Depot, you are neck deep in the ceremonialized terror that is the way of life within the United States Marine Corps. When recruits’ feet hit the ground, before even they leave the bus, they are psychologically shaken and immediately introduced to what will become their routine and what their expectations will be. While I’d like to discuss what this would be like, words fail to communicate what a proper demonstration would make clearer. Below is a video showing exactly what it is like for every recruit before they even get off the bus at the Recruit Depot.After you’ve seen it, there are some points I’d like you to take away from the experience, and maybe to review the video once you know what you’re seeing.Everything the drill instructor does has a purpose; everything. Every word the drill instructor is saying is memorized. Notice the precision of language, the directness of orders and instructions, and the brevity of communicating complex instructions. At first glance you would probably view the video either as one of the recruits, frightening overwhelmed, or you may view it as a comical charade. It may seem funny to you, it may seem terrible to you, but every word has been rehearsed to provide some crucial and instructional value in some way.The recruits are being yelled at before they ever set foot off the bus. This is a unique welcoming ritual, rare in even military circles. You can hear this if you begin listening immediately. It lets recruits know immediately who is command and wastes no time with allowing them to wander aimlessly and confused. They receive clear instruction directing their actions before even arriving.Within 5 minutes, 100 individuals with no group training at all have been trained by drill instructions on how to:Listen and learn while at boot camp. (Not as obvious as you may think)Respond to instruction. (Like everything, there are rules to this)Stand in formation. (Also not as self as self explanatory as one might believe)Move as a unit. (The Yellow Footprints help with this considerably)They have also all been read their rights and responsibilities as recruits, which they listened to silently, then in a speedy and organized manner, filed to a different area. Unless you have ever had the extreme misfortune of dealing with large numbers of teenage boys, you will not appreciate the magnitude of this accomplishment.This is a ceremony that has taken place every week for every new group of recruits for decades. Regardless of technology and the passage of time, it has remained the same throughout. It is very well rehearsed and very well engineered to be important enough to be fit into the first five minutes of Marine Corps boot camp. As I said before, everything a Drill Instructor does has purpose.The Yellow Footprints, as they’re known by Marines, are more than just placeholders. They symbolize breaking into a new world much more than they serve to instruct recruits were to stand. Every Marine remembers that moment, those first 5 minutes at the depot and for good reason. They are their own rite of passage and a binding element to Marines across generations, knowing how similar the experience is for so many. It would be good at this point to review the video and realize the power the first 5 minutes have with which to open the eyes of a youth about to enter training. It’s an experience which instantaneously sets the pace for training for what’s to come and makes it clear that no nonsense will be accepted. What’s more? There are three more months of this, and, as I will describe later, it gets much worse.Head Games – Receiving: Your Welcome to Marine CorpsHere we will talking about talking about Receiving and the first few days of boot and why they are so crucial to the training that will follow. Receiving is a period before training begins. You arrive at boot camp, but for the first few days or so, you don’t actually train. Officially, boot camp hasn’t actually started. Functionally, receiving phase is necessary for little more than getting your paperwork taken care of. You just do paperwork getting into the federal documentation system. You will receive all your gear and start your initial process into “getting ready” for boot camp. Of course, it’s the way you do all of this that is important. The fact that boot camp hasn’t actually started shouldn’t imply that recruits are relaxed, just waiting around, or playing Madden on the couch by any means. The entire time recruits are still hounded, hassled, yelled at, screamed at, hurried, stressed out, and berated for at least part of every inch of every step they take by inexplicably angry men standing around every corner. There’s more, though.Later in that first night, a recruit will go through the numerous immediate rites of passage that are part of the boot camp, and more broadly, the Marine Corps and military experience all together. That first night provides recruits with the rather impactful physical transformation and uniformity that will be necessary later on to build unit integrity. The first of which, is when they get the haircuts.Why is the haircut so important? To be completely honest, it is part of the erosion of individuality.What? Yes, the erosion of individuality. Sure, the official response is that the military haircut is to ensure that military member’s gas masks secure properly (which is true), but in the indoctrination phase, it is necessary for that other psychological reason, repression of individuality and the building of unit cohesion.Why should a warrior lose his individuality? Individuality is what makes him special and unique, right? It is what makes him valuable, right? It’s what the modern American culture is based on! While this is true, in theory, it can also be a problem if you are trying to make an individual into a team oriented warrior.Individuality makes recruits feel special and unique. It makes them feel different and as if they might be above someone or something else, say, like being dragged through mud or forced to march fifty miles in the span of three days with no food or rest. They are better than the orders they might receive. Individuality makes people feel that, in some indescribable way, they are better than other members of the platoon. They are too good for the treatment that is part of the boot camp experience and transformation. You wash that away with uniformly matching haircuts and attire, and that sense of individuality erodes away. From day one, everyone is the same. In fact, during my time, being called “an individual” was an insult as it meant that you were a person who couldn’t put the needs of the others before your own. Yes, individuality is repressed as they will spend the next three months dressed the same, act the same, and look the same. It’s an important part of the transition. Eventually, individuality is encouraged again, later on after boot camp, such as the School of Infantry or their Military Occupational Specialty Training. As NCO’s it will be a major part of their Corporal’s Courses and Sergeant’s Courses, with senior members eventually moving on staff colleges, where the importance of individual leadership is central to their training. The military doesn’t want robots, but for those first few months, and beginning in receiving, it’s important to put the unit first in the mind of recruits. The best way to do that is make them all look as close to identical as is possible.Now we move on to something else very important and why I say that it is “psychological” retraining. You go through the next few days running from place to place, doing this, that, this, that and you won’t even realize… you haven’t really slept in three days. Yeah, you will go through about three days without sleep upon arrival. The whole time you are completely exhausted while running on adrenaline or fear, and hearing over and over, that you are inferior. That is, inferior to real Marines, which you aren’t yet. You haven’t earned the title, after all. You aren’t thinking about it, but those little jabs at your personal self-image are sinking in. You are completely tired and these things build up. Without realizing it, you start to believe that these things which are being told to you are true, that there is a weakness in you and that you are less than the perfect person you could be. In your current state, eventually, your mental defenses will be weakened to the point you embrace them and that you must change to live up to the obligation you have taken up.I want to say something that should be important to you as the reader: The whole idea of getting people tired enough to accept subtle, but constant attacks on their psyche reads very much like brainwashing. Actually the clinical term would be classical and operant conditioning, but don’t worry about the fancy psychology jargon. The idea of it, brainwashing, conditioning, repression of individuality, mind games, or whatever you want to call it, scares a lot of people. They think about military, and especially the Marines, using all these tricks to kill the humans inside and turn our children into some sort of mindless killbots. That isn’t true, I’ll be doing a piece later on why boot camp training isn’t brainwashing, but for now, I will agree that the techniques are severe. They’re much more severe than the stress from test day at a university and much more so than day-to-day stress at a job. We have to remember the fundamental mission of boot camp.You have to train 18 year olds to run to the sound of gunfire and perform under fire and the threat of death.When you are constantly being told that you aren’t good enough to be in the Marines, and constantly being reminded that you aren’t ready war… it is true. No eighteen year old kid fresh out of high school is. There are many habits that kids and civilians have that need to be unlearned for success in a life where matters of life and death are literal. Like we said, they have to run into battle, and that sense of self-preservation is damaging to the mission, the other members of their team, and in a way that doesn’t lend itself very easily to reason, themselves. When any individual isn’t fully involved in the mission at hand, they create an environment that decreases the chance of any of them getting back home. College will never provide a normal person with that dilemma and why “mind games” aren’t necessary for the creation of a normal office going, suite and tie wearing individual.At this point we are still less than one week into boot camp. Once they’ve accepted, whether cognitively or not, that they aren’t ready to be in war… that’s when they are ready to begin training. The recruits are about to experience Training Day 1, known as Black Friday. After Receiving and over the next three months, the recruits will face exercising in endurance, training in the arts of war, and learn to act and think as a unit. These are some of the more important things that are trained, but they can only happen once a recruit fully embraces the fact that they aren’t yet a warrior.The previous two sections were from Jon Davis's answer to What is the logic behind making military boot camps so intensive? Follow that link if you would like to know more about Marine Corps boot camp and why does the crazy stuff it does.

How do you define racism? The dictionary definition is usually not the one that most people seem to have in mind.

See: Is this true: “racism = prejudice + power” or can members of minorities be racist?Racism has always been, was originally coined to mean and continues to be used to describe any bias based on race. Full stop. That is a falsifiable, empirical fact. The original definition from the 1930’s included no concept of “power”. The “power” portion was added by an academic with an ax to grind in the 1970’s. So if the definition always was (racial prejudice) always has been and continues to be that … what is it again we are discussing?Right. An agenda to redefine a word. This is almost LITERALLY the “doublespeak” from 1984 — muddying the waters of word meanings, intentionally, outside of their normal usage, to either indemnify one group or logically trap another. Hmmmmmm. What does that sound like? Who is driving that agenda? Of course, tribal people being tribal, that ideological tribe took it up and now we are operating on two definitions. (Don’t pat yourselves on the back, right wingers. You’re just as stupidly tribal about our current asshole president, your personal values, religion and sports team.)Take for instance, social justice darling, Robin DiAngelo, who penned the delightfully titled “White Fragility”. Very little of what she’s written can be inspected and falsified on any meaningful level. She engages in the almost kafkaesque nonsense of pre-loading a logic trap into the book (and it’s hard to believe she didn’t do it intentionally which makes her ethically suspect): “If you’re white, you’re a racist. Racism is ‘bias plus power’. If you defend yourself or your definition, you’re demonstrating white fragility and are even more guilty.” Sort of the, “Denial is the first sign of a drinking problem,” nonsense. It’s little better than saying, “You’re a pedophile. If you try to defend yourself, that is a sign of your guilt.” It’s why she’s a moron, hideously unethical and intellectually worthless.This new definition hasn’t done anything to improve communication. It wasn’t addressing some pressing social need. It doesn’t fill some painful hole in our language arts. Which tells you precisely why we have a new definition. My hunch is that for a group singularly obsessed with un-falsifiable claims about social power, everything comes down to how much they can dictate to everybody what to say and how to say it. If you can control what people think words mean, you have a strangle hold on their entire way of living (not that such attempts have any history of succeeding for more than a few decades).Worse than that, their definition is stupid. It’s stupid in that it solves nothing. It’s stupid in that it incorporates the preposterous qualifiers of “power”. What is power? Who has it? What type of power must it be? Why must it be tribal power and not personal power? How much power differential must there be? In the end, we are to simply trust the noble far left minds to dictate to the rest of us why we have to use words their way.To wit, power and prejudice are not causal in either direction nor has the combination of the two in a collection of people impacted what an individual can be. Racism is a state of mind. It is an expression of bias for or against a person on account of race. The idea that somehow there is some magical third dimension to it that is connected to how many other bodies of similar melanin production to you exist in proportion to other pigmentations is a construct so idiotic and new that it is clearly agenda driven.Like … (Quotes sourced through: Prejudice plus power)Lindsay Johns:My rudimentary command of logic and syllogisms notwithstanding, [the Prejudice+Power] starting definition is clearly faulty. Racism is not merely about possessing the power to implement one's prejudices. Racism, by common definition and understanding, is making a pejorative judgement about someone based on their race. Black people are human beings. All human beings have the ability to be racist. Ergo black people can be racist too.It would also be disingenuous to deny that much racial tension can and does exist between various peoples of colour. For example, many African nations do not like each other very much, as is sadly the case with many African and Caribbean people. Likewise, many Asians are very prejudiced against black people, and vice versa. Many of these attitudes have come about as a result of European "divide and rule" colonial politics. Many of them, equally, have not. But it suffices to say that racism is nowadays not just the white man’s malaise. As hard as it is for those accustomed to the old binary to accept, white people in 2012 do not have the monopoly on racism. That in itself is a sign of social and racial progress, of which [the champions of Prejudice+Power] should be proud.Here’s a critique by two reasonably intelligent, very liberal, leftist scientists who have the audacity to speak up against mob mentality, tribalism, gaslighting word meanings and unfalsifiable nonsense about white people / racism.

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