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Why are Labour’s MPs claiming to be upset about being brought back to Westminster, despite the fact they continue to support huge numbers of people protesting in the streets with little social distancing?

There are various agendas and to get to the bottom of this requires a historical journey. There are three aspects to this.Social distancing.Major protests for Black Lives Matter and for true equality.Labour MP’s and what they feel is their duty, yet in the context of the pandemic wave.Social distancing is one of the few methods that have been presented by what has been referred to as “the best science” yet, in reality, has been almost an elementary way to consider the full medical science and findings.This has not been continuously improved upon by the day. I have written more on other answers yet to summarise 250pgs. and I summarise here with a few updates.There is a link with evidence to fermented foods, probiotics, melatonin (as in supplementarily obtained in foods), additional vitamin and mineral supplements such a Vitamin C and some foods and herbs being of some benefit and boosting the immune system helping us counteract the effects of Covid19. In addition, the minerals in sea salt. This is why there are many island communities with 100% recovery rate from Covid19.Whilst children are mostly immune to the virus. The virus affects the elderly and BAME people that live in the UK. and USA being affected most, whilst people of the same communities in other countries are much more resistant to Covid19 than anyone in the UK or USA. The reason I believe is due to Melatonin. We have melatonin naturally this decreases with age. People with darker skin have differing amounts. However, people of the same ethnicity who are in countries that eat a diet rich in Melatonin supplements through eating melatonin rich foods are seemingly more resistant to this virus. Diet is without a doubt a very major factor with Covid19.I know this for certain, not only through my experience but also by being able to link up statistical data worldwide that is not being factored in when the mindset is taken that the only possible treatment or cure to Covid19 is via vaccinations. The truth is there should be a two-track method to treatment. Use the method the government is citing and then present fully and in detail a method of supplements based upon the very best analysis of statistical science worldwide.The method I have as it is, is not a “cure”“ to the virus, this is in terms of strengthening people’s immune systems to the virus and to weakening the virus when it is in the body, therefore the correct sort of diet gives people an inner PPE. This is more of a Popeye treatment than a “cure’.Another way of looking at this is; If you go outside in the middle of winter when it’s -5% without wearing adequate clothing you are much more likely to a cold. If you do that enough then even as a healthy person, you could die from a cold. So what we do is we try to stay in when it's cold we protect ourselves both with outer PPE, ie warm clothes and inner PPE by eating foods that feel intuitively correct.Whilst the other option could be to remain outside with few clothes on and hope that vaccination is found for the cold. My method is to look to all answers. The government method and that of the opposition currently and of mainstream medical science including the UK, WHO, and Dr Fauchi in the USA has been to only look at the vaccination being the cure for the cold. I say they are not right in their approach and we have to look at clothes food and vaccination for both Covid19 and the cold.Why looking only for a one size fits all vaccination is not the correct approach. Their science is based upon the notion that this virus is predictable in terms of spread, treatment and recovery. yet this virus has proven to be so completely anomalous in every statistic this is clearly not so.There are other factors. If there were not other factors then there would by now be an even spread around the world. The same amount of infections with the same amount of recoveries. A country with a more dense population would not be able to socially distance as effectively. Sure there would be some areas that would have bigger and some smaller clusters. Yet the disparities of Covid19 in terms of how it affects countries and people so completely different depending on where and who you are, age, hypertension levels, ethnicities, pre-existing conditions. There are other factors I believe. this is due to the fact that a wide series of anomalies that are evident.These are essential clues in helping us solve the “case” of Covid19.When the police try to solve a crime they look for errors made. Ie if a house is burgled whether or not fingerprints or an item of clothing is left. It is from errors that investigators can obtain the most information.So in addition to the information, I had on this virus that I obtained intuitively and through testing my thesis on the virus. I obtained some information and have been tracking the virus to find the anomalies it has been making in its very much other than steady progression through humanity and found that the clues it’s leaving behind correlate perfectly with my hypothesis.The disparity between cases and recovery rates in countries is 100% evident to see and is 100% ignored by the so-called “best science” being considered and presented. This can be confirmed on Worldometercom. In every country where they have the helpful foods mentioned as a major part of the diet, they have greater immunity to the virus seemingly from my analysis on the subject which includes my own treatment of Covid19. So in terms of social distancing, there are many countries with sometimes up to 150 X the population density of the USA that have substantially fewer cases. Indonesia is one example and possibly the best example is Vietnam. Very high populations in cities. They had almost 300 cases and almost 300 full recoveries. There is another really key factor to this and that is it appears that highly processed wheat products are affecting people more. Every country with the highest cases and fatalities of Covid19 have very high intakes of processed flour in their diets. Every country with no or very low intake of processed white flour has much fewer cases. Every country which has fermented bread and some fermented foods in the diet such as Russia, Eastern Europe, and Germany have had cases and yet much higher recovery rates.Social distancing is very important, yet there are other factors too and diet is one of them. This has not been mentioned once in the UK officially, however, Imperial College is apparently doing research on one aspect of this. I found the food link to this before the virus even got to the UK and have endeavored every day to be heard. So the problem is that there is just 200-year-old thinking going on with this and there should have been all science considered from the start. Science is about the asking of questions and then analysis of the data and then producing a hypothesis and counter hypothesis based upon improved understandings as they emerge. However, medical science has not done this and neither has the government.The track and trace and these other measures, if they were in place months ago would have helped. The slow speed of PPE whilst the population were sitting at home and industry at a standstill. Yes, the Furloughing scheme has very very good, and there are positive aspects to what the government has done like the daily conference, however, they just said the same things in different ways. They did not look at the whole world they did not keep their eye on the ball and actually say this is how the virus is behaving, this is what our analysts are finding are International trends and this is what our strategists are finding that we should be considering.So having had this information, which has been getting improved upon daily with more confirmation that there is truth to this. Watching them looking for an imaginary “fairytale fix” in the form of a vaible treatment to this virus, without looking for many more forms of viable treatment for this, which has evolved more than 30 times already. This has been shocking to witness and more frustrating than polite words can say to see day upon day of press conferences wasted when they could have been saying statistics are showing…..They have been making the mistake of looking for a perfect answer in a year's time, whilst ignoring a good answer today.When there should have been in February the food links cited as that aspect of this was growing, instead the government line was “There is no food cure to this virus.” How dare they say that. Had the government tested even 1% of foods on the virus? How could they know this when many of the foods on this planet do not even have names in either our language or in Latin, both of which largely evolved as Indio-European languages, from Pakistan and India.So the social distancing aspect of this is understandable given the science presented that social distancing is the answer to the pandemic. So it is understandable that Labour MP’s and any MP’s would wish to avoid close social contact in The House of Commons.Even today, some are behaving though as if this is more like having “economic confidence in a recovery” rather than “recovery from a medical pandemic”. The data says that this virus is still very strong in the UK more so than almost anywhere and yet there is this mindset as if it’s all nearly gone away. Whilst the economic aspects of this are critical of course too many. The only way to try to do both is to put on the table all of the evidence and information of how people can best protect themselves. So in a nutshell, what would that be from my findings?All people should be having more fermented foods in their diet. IE. Sourcraut, stuffed vine leaves, Kimchi, olives, greek yogurt, sourdough bread, more rice, pulses, nuts. Less highly processed wheat. They should be eating as many anti-viral foods as possible in their diets. This way the immune system knows it is supported by food. They should be taking high levels of vitamins and minerals that could include dissolving the best quality sea salt into the water. If they get Covid19, then do all of the above and stop eating any wheat. Drink milk to help line the stomach.What science is also showing is that domestic animals are more resistant to this virus and so are all animals. Why? They have stronger digestion. Of the people least immune to this are people taking antibiotics which affect intestinal fora. So these people especially should be taking lots of probiotics. To confirm all of the above, this explains why the countries in the world with the very best, most scientifically up to date medical systems have the worst success rates. and the countries with the least funded or even almost no medical systems in the case of some small islands that have 100% success rate in treating Covid19 have the best success rates in preventing the virus. This alone should moths ago have rung the alarm and called for a re-think with the medical profession and enabled them to see that the quality of the medical system is not the only factor in Covid19 it is also diet. So, whilst it would have been of use to have MP’s back to The House of Commons there are few issues more important than this for the country to be discussed at the moment than this.MP’s could go to the press and make a statement about this or get this into the press, however, the press do not answer my emails and so the Covid19 pandemic and scientific information block continues, which makes me very sad and makes me feel more inclined to continue doing shouts out in words to hopefully shift the cognitively static constipated thinking that is not quickly enough stopping this pandemic. The above are my findings and there are more, however, this is a process created work and there is only so much I can do from my statistical and strategy work. To take this further requires endorsement and working with medical and scientists. However, at the moment it seems like the only endorsement there is for my thesis other than the Melatonin link which has been verified in some research, my citing of Anti-malarial drugs being of use in February, the link to Chlorine, as in Sea Salt. Additionally, there is an intriguing quatrain by Michel Nostradamus that has been connected to Covid19 that reads.“There will be two scourges the like of which was never seen, Famine within plague, people put out by steel, Crying to the great immortal God for relief.”“People put out by steel” People put out by steel. Steel could relate to allopathic medicine. IE not looking to natural medicine. Steel is a chef's term for a knife, knives are associated with bread and not chop-sticks. In many Asian countries, when they use cutlery they much more often use spoons and forks than knives when eating. There are many countries in the world that eat with their hands. These countries all have lower rates of Covid19, faster recovery, less fatalities 100% of the time worldwide. The countries that eat primarily with knives and forks are the countries with the most cases. The less a country eats with knives and forks the more resistant they are. Steel is made up of minerals from the Earth. So what minerals are in Steel?Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Silicon, phosphorus, Silicon, Sulfur, Oxygen.What are some of the minerals in fermented foods?Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sulphur. Carbon dioxide replaces the air, the oxygen.Silicon is linked to healing the digestion.The foods that are rich in the minerals that are the components of “steel” correlate with my intuitive, statistical and strategic system of preventing and treating Covid19.This I have subsequently found also correlates with Nostradamus. So Nostradamus using the word “steel” is interesting. If you were going to use one word that correlates with the findings I have, that relates both to the wheat being the problem and the answer being not only mineral supplements but also mineral supplements that align with what my findings have also found previously.The components that comprise “steel” if presented in a food supplement form, form the same in many cases and similar in others to most of the mineral components to the potential treatment to Covid19 that I have found. To confirm this please check the components of steel, check the data I published from February onwards and quotes by Nostradamus. I do not know how he derived his data, however, he was found to be successful in treating the plague to some extent with the use of Rosehips. So it is not beyond the realms of possibility that he could have put an encoded treatment to Covid19 in his quatrains. The fact the word he used to “put out by steel” put out, can be seen in two ways ie put ut by the use of highly processed flour or “put out the heat” ie the fever with the mineral components of “steel”.So whilst I derive my findings myself I have been more than a bit surprised to find a Frenchman from the distant past thinking in the same way to what I have discovered today. Whilst the Nostradamus part perhaps can be taken with a pinch of salt. By some. My suggestion derived from statistical research is to make that sea salt!If science would have looked to the very first type of medicine for Covid19. Salt would have been the first consideration as it has long been so highly prized by our ancestors it was a currency. The benefits of mineral to health, going to the sea, going to mineral springs, and the links to health date back millennia. The link of salt to health, wellbeing, and spirituality are etched into the oldest known history.So returning to the question it’s important today to align science properly. Not just modern science, not just science derived upon future contracts fro vaccine sales and which country wants to be the first to say eureka we have a vaccine that works. That type of thinking can be likened to the farmer that pulls up his crops before they have fully grown due to impatience. It’s better to have a more rounded, holistic, and wise approach to science.For leaders of countries to be prepared to ask questions and to be open-minded. For leaders to ensure that every branch of science is getting heard and not just some. I would very much welcome any medical professional or scientist to debate the above with me. I made this challenge to top Universities months ago and they did not answer my request. This was after I asked for them to take into consideration my data. So the responsibility of MP’s and governments should be to listen to any hypothesis, no matter how different it is from their own habitual thinking. There is nothing more ridiculous than putting potentially billions of people into an economic crisis by leaders being too inflexible in their own thinking.So in terms of Labour still being very much in support of huge numbers of people protesting on the street. The movement towards equality in terms of race relations has been a very long struggle and this has gone on for thousands of years in the UK.The British people have been made up of many different peoples. The Celts, Angles, Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Picts, Jutes, Normans. So the real history of the UK goes far back and this is rarely if ever considered in schools. It’s the same in other countries too, not just the UK. History is so important as it is only by really trying to understand not just some but all of our histories do we really find out who we are and the fact that throughout history all the people that have lived in The British Isles have in some ways been put down and oppressed people. We paid tax to the Vikings. We were invaded by the Normans, who also had previously been invaded by the Vikings.There were the Romans that brought us roads and new plants and foods, yet also enslaved us together with people all over Europe. There were the Mongols that made it all the way to the north of France. The Chinese held them back by building a great wall and the 200 years later Hadrian had the same idea for the Picts in Scotland. Yet even the Picts were a mix of peoples and tribes. The links to Ireland, the links to The Spanish that settled here during the time of The Spanish Armada. Which was constructed by the way from the same place we get our fruit and vegetables today that can be found in Waitrose and Sainsbury’s any way, most the ships ended up in the or were shipwrecked. However, the fact is that there has been an assimilation of people into the United Kingdom hundreds of years before the transatlantic route.Many European countries participated in the transatlantic route. This went on for hundreds of years and the suffering was unimaginable. Only around 5% of people taken from their homes in Africa went to North America, many more went to The Caribbean and to Brazil.However, what our history has failed to celebrate is all of the wisdom and knowledge that has been written out of history originating in Africa. there is the knowledge that the Dogon tribe have that was ar beyond European knowledge. Robert Temple cites in his book The Syrius Mystery how the African tribe The Dogon Tribe of Mali who were taken as a part of the transatlantic triangle route to the Americas at the time had knowledge not only advanced of the Europeans. They had science knowledge that has been since confirmed by astrophysicists to be on par with knowledge of today. The Spanish and Portuguese who also enslaved the Indigenous people in South America found that they had buildings and architecture that far surpassed the houses and buildings of Europe at the time. Zimbabwe has 1300 acres today of buildings and walls that show an extraordinarily advanced civilization that was there at the time of the middle ages and hundreds of years before the transatlantic route. So to really understand the history of the USA requires understanding the history of the UK and Europe and to understand that properly requires understanding the pre-history of both Africa and South America too as there is such a connected history, more so than is realized.As for Asia they were sailing the seven seas centuries earlier too and in fact, there are tribes in remote parts of the Amazon such as the Quechua that have the same words as the Japanese in their language. When the Spanish arrived there they learned of Quinine that became centuries later to be found to be effective against the 1918 Flu and other derivatives found to be effective against Covid19.If we look to Australia and New Zealand there was again oppression of the local people and yet the people taken on that route who were the petty criminals who stole a loaf of bread to survive were transported there in what were also the same design as those used for the transatlantic route.When the Romans and the Normans were in the Uk we were serfs. When King John was on the throne it was only then that the people of the British isles gained rights with the writing of The Magna CartaThe first black intellectuals were in the UK centuries ago. Henry V111 employed people of African origin and Catherine of Arogan had black people working with her The first black musicians were in the court of Henry V111. So the first black music in the UK was at the time of Greensleves. This was when the game tennis was invented.So if we are going to talk about the history of ethnic diversity in the Uk then the true British history is much more diverse than we have been taught in schools. More diverse than our parents, grandparents or great grandparents were taught. The images of both Africa and South America we have been taught are completely incorrect. So the lack of our knowledge of the past is in many ways understandable as is that of our parents and grandparents, they were all taught a very biased version of history. The fact is that we should all be proud of who we are. Who our ancestors are and how we came to be in the world. This appreciation of our own ancestors is found in cultures the world over.Our histories are important and so are attitudes. Anyone growing up in 1970’s Britain will fully appreciate how attitudes have changed and they have needed too. Yet it is only today that the programming language in computers have become postcolonial in their linguistics.How often do science students get to hear of the pre-colonial science of Africa? Or in Jewellery classes study the South Americans Jewellery before the European? How often do we look to the many English and Latin words that originated from India? Today it was in the news that computer programming language is to change to be less racially offensive.We have been taught in school that English is derived from a combination of German and Latin languages. There are many similar pords that can be found in Spanish, Italian and French. There are also many that can be found in Russian. However, the older language that all of these have drawn from being Indo-European is from Sanskrit and form other languages in India. Here are some words and how they have changed throughout the centuries.Gau (meaning Cow), Bous (G), CowMatr (meaning Mother), Mater (L), MotherJan (meaning Generation), Genea (G), GeneAksha (meaning Axis), Axon (G), AxisNavagatha (meaning Navigation), Navigationem (L), NavigationSarpa (meaning Snake), Serpentem (L), SerpentNaas (means Nose), Nasus (L), NoseAnamika (means Anonymous), Anonymos (G), AnonymousNaama (means Name), Nomen (L), NameManu (means First Human), Man/Men/HumanAshta (meaning Eight), Octo (L), EightBarbara (meaning Foreign), Barbaria (L), BarbarianDhama (meaning House), Domus (L), DomicileDanta (meaning Teeth), Dentis (L), DentalDwar (meaning Door), Doru, DoorDasha (meaning Ten), Deca (G), DecaMadhyam (meaning Medium), Medium (L), MediumKaal (meaning Time), Kalendae (L), CalendarKri (meaning To Do), Creatus (L), CreateMishra (meaning Mix), Mixtus (L), MixMa (meaning Me/My), Me (L), MePithr (meaning Father), Pater (L), FatherBhrathr (meaning Brother), Phrater (G), BrotherLoka (meaning Place), Locus (L), LocaleMaha (meaning Great), Magnus (L), MegaMala (meaning Dirt/Bad), Malus (L), Mal as in Malicious, Malnutrition, Malformed etcMakshikaa (meaning Bee), Musca (L) (Meaning Fly), MosquitoMrta (meaning Dead), Mortis (L), MurderNa (meaning No), Ne, NoNakta (meaning Night), Nocturnalis (L), NocturnalPaad (meaning Foot), Pedis (L), Ped as in Pedestrial, Pedal etcPancha (meaning Five), Pente (G), Penta, FivePatha (meaning Path), Pathes (G), PathSama (meaning Similar), Similis (L), SimilarSapta (meaning Seven), Septum (L), SevenShankara (meaning Sugar), Succarum, Sugar / SucroseSmi (meaning Smile), Smilen (L), SmileSthaH (meaning Situated), Stare (L) (meaning To Stand), StaySvaad (meaning Tasty), Suavis (L), SweetTha (meaning That), Talis (L), ThatTva (meaning Thee), Dih, TheeVachas (meaning Speech), Vocem (L), VoiceVahaami (meaning Carry), Vehere (meaning to Carry) (L), VehicleVama / Vamati (meaning Vomit), Vomere (L), VomitVastr (meaning Cloth), Vestire (L), VestYauvana (meaning Youth), Juvenilis (L), JuvenileNarangi (meaning Orange), Naranj, OrangePippali (meaning Pepper),Piperi (G), PepperChandana (meaning Sandalwood), Santalon (G), SandalwoodChandra (meaning Moon), Candela (L) (meaning light / torch), CandleChatur (meaning Four), Quartus (L), QuarterShunya (meaning Zero), Cipher (A), ZeroArjuna (meaning Charm of Silver), Argentinum (L), Argentinum – Scientific Name of SilverNava (meaning New), Novus (L), Nova – NewMithya (meaning Lie), Mythos (G), MythThri (meaning Three), Treis (G), ThreeMush (meaning Mouse), Mus (L), MouseMaragadum (meaning Emerald), Smaragdus (L), EmeraldNila (meaning Dark Blue),Nilak (Persian), LilacSo just by the way language has adapted in the world we can see that there has been throughout the ages much more interaction between cultures than has been taught on the syllabus in schools, colleges, and Universities. So attitudes have been affected by this. To a large extent, this knowledge is something that has been on the internet for years, yet the information out in the world and how it all finds a way to reach into popular culture, education, government and general knowledge has been a very long time in arriving. When we see just how much our ancestors going back thousands of years have actually had a shared history in so much as people all over the world have at times been either written out or put into second place. At times this happened to people in European countries including the United Kingdom and at times its been people in every other country. They say that history is written by the winners, however, the truth is that there have been winners at different times throughout all the countries in Europe, America’s, Africa, Asia, and Australia.The truth is that all people in a way over the centuries at different times have been in the same sort of situation as others. So what is happening today could be likened to a civil rights movement all over again. However, there are many complications to this. In recent years in the UK for example, there have been many times where on one level fill out a form and if you are white British you find yourself halfway down or even on the bottom of the list. Membership of the EU and the issues of very fast rapid immigration did cause many to see how fast the Uk was changing and then the pressure on services and yet the underlying reality is that those very services have been so excellent in what they do due to earlier immigration.However, in the context of police and in other areas too such as employment the figures in terms of the different ways in which people have been treated is very clear. There has been institutional inequality and there have been subtle forms of inequality between different peoples, different individuals. Seeing where we have come from ie 1980’s Mind your language and Benny Hill to where equality is today is a major leap. Yet where from? The turth is humanity getting on with each other is a work in progress. It has been so since we were here. When Ghandi arrived in London and was asked what he thought of Civilization he replied that that was a good idea. Some people would say how can you even mention Ghandi he was a racist. however, if you read what Martin Luther King said, his movement was inspired by the work of Ghandi. The anti-apartheid movement in South Africa was boosted by The Specials with the song “Free Nelson Mandella”. Nelson Mandella, what did he do? he sat down with the same people that had oppressed his people. he had to forgive and find a path forward for everyone. he knew that and so did everyone in that situation. So there really is the need to be aware of people on all sides of the discussion.When we see monuments of the past. There are always going to be different perceptions and the truth is that on one hand any monument that really makes someone feel bad due to oppression such as a slaver, should not be in a public place. However, in the same breath, the times we live in today are different from the 80’s and from the 20’s and from earlier centuries. If we were to only have monuments of people that have the same values of today then there would not be any statues on public display at all. So where to actually say this is acceptable and this is not acceptable is a subjective subject to some extent.There will be various opinions. History is so important and yet having a slaver that committed genocide is wrong. So these statues going are good and yet what has been said in the press is important too. Each situation has to be well considered.If you say to some people should there be a statue of Gandhi, many would say yes and some no due to racism in his early life in South Africa. However, I have been to the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis.There are various references and displays to Gandhi and to his philosophy. Why? What Ghandi did was part of the inspiration and the best debate for a peaceful civil rights movement by Martin Luther King. So that is a part of the civil rights history today. If you take Gandhi out as a reference for Martin Luther King, then this all gets even more confusing. The way we all think since the internet existed is different to before. The limitations in the world are different. The quality and the type of life is different and we are only a few years into this. the way we have been living during this pandemic is a different experience to anything ever before. We have all had time to think for the first time together, whilst having access to the world's library on the internet. So what the new normal is we can only just begin to think of. However, with the present today so different from the past even last year us all having time to reflect is probably overall good.However, with the statues issue in the UK whilst Winston Churchill may be accused of racism. Yet, he stopped British people from being colonized by a much more racist regime that would have changed the UK forever. If we would have been then we would not have the same freedoms of today Who knows if he would have managed to invade the UK the whole of history would be so different, however there certainly would not have been the same levels of freedom of speech.The truth of Mandella, Gandhi and Churchill is the overall conclusions of their lives and what they did in peacemaking. However, anyone of them you can look at their earlier histories and find very questionable actions and things that they said. It’s the same in the USA too Abraham Lincoln can be attributed to abolition throughout the USA. He also grew into that through time and change within his lifetime. He is considered one of the greatest Presidents ever of The USA and yet his life was very much a work in progress as is everyone's.So how to go beyond where we are today? I believe it’s important to create history for the better as much as possible. To have statues and monuments that help us feel good is important. Dame Anita Roddick changed the way business is, she added, care compassion and love into her business and her message of using business for good is something for the future.Freedom of Speach is important too and this is a major issue for both right and left in politics. It’s so important to realize nobody else thinks quite how we do. How people think is up to them. Who they want to be with is up to them too. how they are in the world is up to them as long as it’s not taking away the rights of other people if these are to be the rights as written into the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and then this as it was found its way into more than 120 other countries afterwards. Whilst the USA for the past years went out to try and tell people how to think, the world was already thinking in similar ways so much already. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.So to understand how Africa put to the side apartheid requires understanding British youth culture to some extent, to understand this requires understanding how Martin Luther King thought. To understand that requires understanding how Gandhi thought, to understand that requires understanding that Gandhi himself had had a real diversity of experiences. He had been a lawyer in South Africa so he had seen colonial rule and participated in that himself. He had seen life in Asia and in the UK. He had a great many references. He may have been inspired by the movements he had seen in the decades before like votes for women that had evolved from Abolition that had begun with people of many races saying no. This giving birth to what also become better rights for employees and for unions. Gandhi knew that change was possible. The change that he brought to the whole Indian sub-continent was extraordinary change. However, as The British left India there were also major issues that have gone on until today in one way or another. However, there is one of my “Integrated Strategy” documents that has been written for this and potentially provides a way to resolve this.The Conservative Party came into being one year after abolition. So there has always been in a very long memory indeed of all Uk political parties wanting something better than the past. Wanting to progress and yet today is a time where there has been so much contemplation so much consideration it is clear that there is very much an overwhelming majority of people on planet Earth that do feel that Black Lives Matter. A world where so much of our thinking has been passed onto us either by family, friends, governments, television, media, social media. We see the latest on social media and think we understand now finally.Our thinking has always been a work in progress. Partly generated from those near us that we trust. Partly from history, tradition, our culture, our perception of our culture, from the information that we discover or figure out. So many perceptions, ideas filters, limitations, and potential. The potential to think differently to how we thought in some ways tomorrow. So with UK politics, there is a continuous update and that is great as it is work in progress. That is what is happening today in Uk politics.The truth is all lives matter. How this can find its way with a new beginning that is forgiving of the past. This is due to the fact when history really is properly understood all countries, ethnicities when history is really considered properly over thousands of years have actually all been at some time or another in the same or similar situation to others. It is important to say this, why? Due to the fact that the thousands and thousands of year history of this planet none of us fully know or fully understand. The part that we do know very well is that people in the past behaved in ways that are unacceptable to the vast majority of people today. Everyone today is hurt by seeing a grown man murdered on television. it strikes at the very heart and conscience of mankind.There was something on the news today with US Police expressing frustration and anger at how they are being perceived. However, it’s come a time in history where there has been so much wrongdoing if we were to trace the blame it goes from the USA to Europe. it then goes to multitudes of different peoples and goes from there back to a place in time and human experience that not any of us in the world today can even vaguely understand it’s a never-ending rabbit hole of people on one hand doing what they did for so many reasons. What we can see and understand today is that that is not conducive to making things better for all The reason is that if some of the people in one country do not feel able to deal with life and feel safe in their own country then nobody does. Fear, creates anger, more fear more anger. This is not a USA problem, nor a UK problem only. it’s an issue that’s far bigger. Yet to solve it, to find a way forward that works for everyone is an inner realisation that either everyone is held back by this in which case we all become the victims of this or better than that, much better than that we seek to find new ways. In order to move forward, we have to forgive. We have to accept the past, bless the past, heal the past, send prayers to the past.The truth is that it is not possible to fully trace our ancestors. Whilst this is something everyone would like to know. The truth is that man has been here for so many more generations than there has been any form of written records. We do not know all of our individual histories and if you spend just half an hour on the internet then you will find out how much of our collective histories we don’t know. History is incomplete. Yet what is known is not fully taught. In order to find the best ways to progress I believe it’s important to look again to de-colonize the curriculum. So what that could mean is explaining history in its full context. I think before doing there is one part of colonial history that is just far too extraordinary to not mention.Christopher Columbus is taught as being the first European to land in the Americas. Whilst today that is known not to be true. Leif Erikson, a Viking had been in the Americas 500 years earlier. When Leif Erikson was there the place where Christopher Columbus got the funding for his voyage was not part of Europe, but was part of Africa.The Moors ruled parts of Spain and the Iberian Peninsular for 800 years. Spain has been a part of Africa for more time then than it has been part of Europe. Christopher Columbus got commissioned to cross the Atlantic in only a few months after Spain had become part of Europe. What is also fascinating is that the Moors had brought to Spain Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography and Philosophy. So when King Ferdinand 11 and Queen Isabella commissioned the sailing across The Atlantic she did so from the extraordinary building known as El Alhambra Palace in Granada. This building even today is one of the most exquisite and incredibly well-designed buildings of the ancient world.Much of the most advanced knowledge in Europe at the time of Christopher Columbus sailing to the USA had originated from North Africa and The Middle East. Much knowledge had found its way along the silk route. To understand the history and the role that Africa has played in bringing knowledge to Europe and the Americas. The year that Christopher Columbus left for the Americas was when Henry V111 was one year old. So it’s not a case of needing to rewrite history just look more closely at what has really happened.The Europeans in fact were colonized in terms of innovation, construction and knowledge from North Africa and The Middle East before European powers did the same around the world. European powers spanned the world, as some in Asia did earlier. The Spanish and Portuguese then became the conquistadors in the America’s. In ancient times, there is a history of one culture affecting and influencing another, and then that culture passing on to another has been a cycle going on in this world since long before any of know or remember.However, today we are in another place. Today we are in a better place. With the way that allegiances and alliances are between countries. The world has actually come to the point for the first time in history where the populations in all of the most influential countries in the world want peace. They do not want strife anymore in countries abroad or in their own country too. Whilst we are all individuals in our abilities and our ideas, the world has reached a juncture where it can be possible to progress from here in a way that is respectful and understanding of the past. The good values of the past become central to life today. Where there are not monuments that ostentatiously hurt other people and there is some collective thinking that helps provide good ways to progress from here.There are so many that want to have a “new normal” that is better than the “last normal” for so many reasons. To find a way towards that requires looking at everything as to perceive only some aspects of the situation is only going to be temporary. the way the world's economy is going is as unpredictable as it’s ever been and to look at that only without considering the environment is no realistic fix in today's world of ever more unpredictable weather and lower yields. So the question has to be asked can we do both? Can we fix the economy and save the environment? I would suggest yes. It would seem like all parties in the Uk now see the clear links between the economy and environment. In order to progress from here though with the time that we have before the economy that we had before slows and creates famine, it’s really important to consider how land is used, combine improved knowledge and new opportunities.This can, in theory, be organized without MP’s having to go to Parliament. The huge numbers of people protesting in the street have a very valid reason. Most are social distancing. However, the government needs to produce some specific plans to improve issues and to provide strategies that improve people's lives. The truth is that the UK has used a lot of my strategy work and other countries too. However, for where the world is today the notion of government trying to collect ideas off the internet and copying work is even more ludicrous today than before. In my opinion, either the UK or the USA really needs an excellent strategy team that is calling upon decades of original work that has been written through this time rather than passing this on to their “chosen” in house advisors to copy, plagiarize and try and put to this agenda or that agenda, do the work properly with the strategists involved and with a voice in the process. If the Uk would have done that even in 2010 with the original Big Strategy Model, the world would not have in place a fully operational global environment strategy. This would be much better meeting the needs of both people and the planet simultaneously. There are 70 concepts that originated from my work that has already been instigated in the UK already. Not even one of them is close to it's full potential. They took that from 2 of my “integrated Strategy Models” There are now forty of these written. They are not just for the UK, some are and some are International. Some have been actioned and have produced incredible results.I have not heard the latest brilliant idea or plan today, nor yesterday nor the day before. This time really requires good ideas and community action combined. Network dynamics to generate and produce answers. There are too many people in vulnerable positions, whether they are employed or employees. There are too many disconnected aspects to business. This time should be a really creative time to help people find easier ways through this.We will either find many new ways towards network derived answers or there will be a whole network of problems that surface together. We are habitually attuned to the next five minutes, yet have to think in longer cycles too, and if the government strategists cann[t do that they should get out the way for people that can.What I know for sure is that the current way in which the government is doing strategy work inefficiently, too disconnected from people. it’s a top-down approach. In my opinion, there is vast progress that can otherwise be made. I believe that this is important to do so. the reason is that if the economists are correct, we are about to go over a cliff edge of 100 year low. If there is not the very best strategies in practice and being openly discussed in the press and instigated. Then who knows what is next. We have to innovate our way out of where the world is before the harvests are missed before there is not new harvests considered. Before businesses go down and unemployment becomes an issue. Before, governments say we borrowed too much. I believe people want answers, better answers than are being given. The thesis above in terms of food and Covid19 worked for me and sees to make sense to produce such a thesis from February and to have not had it represented by any party or properly considered could be a major missed opportunity and I consider missing opportunities today especially with something as major as a pandemic that is affecting everything is completely illogical. Even if the thesis is actually not correct in some way or even in many ways, then there are findings from that that can be improved upon. Every right and wrong step forward or backward with Covid19 something better than waiting for the virus to go or putting all faith in something that does not yet exist.All the strategies my work has are best presented in their original form and then discussed from there as they are all made up of many components, which is why they are “Integrated Strategies”. The most successful one so far in the UK was the transport system for London. However, today there are many more that answer the questions of around 50% of the debates that occur in The House of Commons in new ways. So if some or any of those were instigated then the time spent in politics would be more productive. For example one of my integrated strategies solves rough sleeping for the same cost more or less of one house in some parts of London. However, whilst there are many debates on this the issue never gets solved. If it did, then that would not only save all services money. It would produce a new industry of micro cost ecological homes that are then a new small green industry that can then provide housing answers in many situations worldwide ranging from temporary housing after weather events to low-cost ranger accommodation, housing. Anyway, I believe the debates in politics could be improved by either party actually being more adventurous with new concepts that are proven as standing still without new options to go onto is not an answer that can create the new low-cost answers so many need today and potentially many more are going to need increasingly soon. By trying to solve Covid19 in new ways hopefully means that social distancing is required less in future.

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