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You are the only person who knows that a zombie apocalypse is going to hit in exactly 5 hours. You cannot tell anyone. What do you do?

I stay exactly where I am as I currently have everything I need to survive right here at home. I am 23M. I take stock of my supplies. Smoke a bowl. Start drinking. Board up my house and make sure everything’s secure. I prevent my family from leaving the house after the 5 hours are up since they’re all asleep right now and would be right up til it hits. The zombie apocalypse hits. Inform them of everything that’s going on or going to go on. Show them some evidence from social media because we know twitter and once stuff happens everyone hears about it. They believe me because we’ve all seen The Walking Dead and various other zombie films and they know the stakes and know I would never kid about this. We take the apocalypse seriously in this house. I calm them down and assure them we’ll be fine in the time being. I contact my friends and convince them I’m not crazy and we talk about how crazy it all is because I’ve been predicting something like this could happen for some time and I urge them to be safe and maybe meet somewhere soon. We contact my sister and various other family and inform them of the plight And tell them to be safe. We urge my sister to come home from school just 40 minutes away and after some convincing she agrees to pack her shit and leave immediately. I think her friends have a car and if not that’s gonna be a whole other issue of going to get her but assuming she can find a ride and makes it home the plan is just to bunker down and hold out until our supplies dwindle and we need to scavenge for more or move because the undead have made this area unsafe or my neighbors have made it unsafe. Gotta beware of looting and all that. I wanna believe that we’d get out of dodge pretty early on bc of having the head start and all that. Maybe go someplace in nature where we can meet up with our surviving family and friends and just get the hell out of there and set up a community away from the chaos. If my sister couldn’t find a ride because it’ll depend on how things devolve and how quickly SHTF I’d have to go get her with my brother. I wouldn’t let my dad or mom go get her bc they’re slow and too much of a risk. I’d weapon up and get dressed and go get my sister. Hopefully by it being so early on I drive and go get her and it’s no problem at all and she’s ready when I get there and we head back without running into a single zombie. But if we do run into a zombie I think we’ll be ready. Anyways then I’d just do what I said I’d do before but with more experience. Anyways there you go that’s what I’d do.

What movie left unforgettable memories for the actors?

APOCALYPSE NOW (1979)Martin Sheen suffered a heart attack while filming Apocalypse Now (1979) where production lasted 16 months long. His brother, Joe Estevez (below right) had to be called in to stand in for him for some scenes while Martin Sheen was recovering. The real reason was concealed until after the fact as they were afraid production would be shut down if word got out that the strenuous filming had almost killed one of its lead actors. Coppola also took so long to edit the movie that when he found out he needed Sheen for additional voice over work, Sheen was already busy filming another movie so Joe Estevez was called in again.[1] He wasn’t credited for his work, not even in the additional voice over’s. Fun fact, the role of Captain Willard was initially offered to Steven McQueen but he refused to budge on the pay and so Martin Sheen was cast instead.Laurence Fishburne won the role of Tyrone 'Clean' Miller by lying about his age. He was just 14 years old and officially underage but because production took so long, he was 16 by the time they completed filming. If it had been discovered, heavy penalties for both Coppola and the whole production team could have been imposed, including prison time.Dennis Hopper, another member of the cast, got Fishburne addicted to drugs on the set of the arduous and lengthy production. Hopper was said to be high the whole time he was acting. He also clashed with Marlon Brando after a misunderstanding about him reading the source material ‘Heart Of Darkness’.[2][2][2][2]Francis Ford Coppola invested US$30 million of his own money into the project to get the budget to the amount required for him to have it done exactly the way he envisioned it. He included valuations of his house and winery which was signed over to Chase Bank as collateral. If the movie had failed, Coppola would have faced complete financial ruin which made the filming already stressful from the very beginning[3]. He was also frustrated at the difficulties of raising the necessary funds as he had thought that the Oscar he had won for The Godfather (1972) (it won three in total) would have given him what he needed to secure the funding.[4] He also suffered an epileptic seizure while shooting, had a nervous breakdown, and allegedly threatened to commit suicide at least three times.Much of the stress suffered by Coppola was caused by the lead actor, Marlon Brando, who had just won an Oscar for his portrayal of Vito Corleone in The Godfather (1972). The part of Colonel Kurtz played by Brando was supposed to be that of a fit Green Beret soldier but Brando showed up on location in the Philippines weighing in at over 300 pounds. All of his costumes had to be discarded as he couldn’t fit into them and Coppola was forced to find ways to to shoot around Brando’s weight which required more work than he was prepared for. He and cinematographer Vittorio Storaro experimented with ways of shooting Brando’s in shadows and silhouettes to add mystery to his character so his problematic weight could be hidden. What has become an iconic piece of film actually derived from necessity.Brando’s contract also stipulated that he would be paid $3 million for four weeks of work on weekdays only and that he would not be required to work past 5:30 p.m. For his first four scheduled days of shooting, Brando didn’t show up to set but instead made Coppola sit in his trailer to talk about random topics in an effort to keep stalling the movie. When Coppola finally got him to discuss how the role would be played, Coppola found out that he hadn’t even read Joseph Conrad’s The Heart of Darkness, the book the movie was based on. Brando also rejected all of Coppola’s ideas, including the suggestion to play him as a bald man, like the character was in the book. When Brando said he’d sleep on it, he finally showed up to set the next day with a shaved head and told Coppola he’d finally read Heart of Darkness the night before and decided to play him like the character in the book.The planned filming was scheduled for 14 weeks in 1976 in the Philippines but Typhoon Olga delayed their production and also ruined nearly all of the equipment and set, forcing the production to shut down for 8 weeks. Coppola continued to shoot with reckless abandon thereafter and principal photography didn’t finish until May 1977. Post-production on the movie lasted for another 2 two years and the movie was finally released in August 1979. The iconic opening scene of the palm trees burning under a storm of napalm involved the destruction of a real palm forest where they used an estimate 1,200 gallons of gasoline which were poured over the palm trees and then set alight. Tires were also burned to generate more smoke for the shot while canisters were dropped onto the area to look like falling napalm. Acres of forest were destroyed in a matter of seconds. The location of the filming, the Philippines was in the midst of their own war with the rebels so environmental laws weren’t given much attention which they would have never gotten away with in USA.The filming was supposed to be only four months but it took sixteen at the end and Coppola ended up shooting 200 hours of footage. The Philippines also had no professional film laboratories at the time so the raw camera negatives had to be shipped back to USA to be processed so the entire movie was shot blind. Francis Ford Coppola saw a shot on film only after returning to California and he also lost 100 pounds at the end of filming.The movie was so extraordinarily troubled that it spawned its own documentary Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) . At the Cannes world premiere in May 1979, Coppola stunned the press conference by comparing the prolonged production to America’s role in Vietnam: “We were in the jungle, there were too many of us, we had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little we went insane.”So safe to say, the movie left indelible memories for everyone involved in the production.[5][5][5][5]THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939)This movie is one of the most beloved of all time and made a legend out of Judy Garland before she became one. However, it wasn’t just the movie itself which left indelible marks on its cast and crew but the troubled production which became almost perilous at times. It began with the casting of Buddy Ebsen who was the original ‘Tin Man’. Some weeks after filming, the aluminium powder they had applied to him on his make up gave him excruciating pain in his hands, arms and legs. He was rushed to the hospital and remained in an oxygen tent for two weeks recovering from the pure aluminum he had ingested into his lungs. He had recorded one chorus of ‘We’re Off To See The Wizard’ before he was forced to leave the production and his original vocals were retained in the movie and soundtrack album. However, he was replaced as his hospitalisation prolonged and Jack Haley stepped in to play the Tin Man with new reformulated make up and which used pre mixed aluminium dust. Footage of Ebsen as the Tin Man still exists, and was included as an extra with the U.S. 50th anniversary video release of The Wizard of Oz (1939). The studios were furious though and Ebsen later recalled “They told me to get the hell back to work,”. He had also been warned that litigation would have been a bad career move as the studio heads all knew each other and would play play poker together every Saturday night while deciding which actor was best and which actor was worst.Jack Haley took over the role of the Tin Man and throughout the rest of his career, he would denounce the very idea that making the film was enjoyable and would instead say "People question me, like you're questioning me now, say 'Must've been fun making "The Wizard of Oz".' It was not fun. Like hell it was fun. It was a lot of hard work. It was not fun at all."The accidents continued next with Margaret Hamilton, who played the Wicked Witch Of The West. She had copper-based green makeup on which was so toxic it could not be ingested so she was forced to go on a strict liquid diet during filming. While filming the scene in which the witch disappears in a flash of smoke, the effects crew started their fire before actor Margaret Hamilton had enough time to safely exit the stage. The flames caught on her broom and hat and scalded her chin, the bridge of her nose, her right cheek, and the right side of her forehead. The eyelashes and eyebrow on her right eye had been burned off and her upper lip and eyelid were badly burned. When she looked down, her skin had been burned off her hand. The studio didn’t do anything to address her wounds and they even called her the next day to ask her when she would return to set, which she didn’t for the next six weeks. Even then, the nerves in her hand were still so exposed that she had to wear green gloves rather than makeup. Like Buddy Ebsen, she had thought of suing but knew that she couldn’t if she wanted to work in the industry again. Towards the end of filming, Margaret Hamilton’s friend warned her that she was looking odd and when she checked herself in the mirror, she realised that the make up had sunk into her skin and it took months before her face felt really normal again.After Hamilton resumed filming, she was asked to film another scene involving fire, the famous “Surrender Dorothy” skywriting scene but Hamilton refused. Her double, Betty Danko, took her place and promptly caught fire and injured her left leg when the Witch’s broomstick (which was actually a smoking pipe) exploded. She had to spend eleven days in the hospital and recalled “I felt as though my scalp was coming off”. She was also paid only US$35 for her day’s work. and had scars for the rest of her life due to the accident.Ray Bolger, who played the Scarecrow, seemed to have been spared until the last day of filming when he removed the rubber prosthetic mask from his face and saw burlap scars around his mouth and chin. He had recalled that “the mask wasn’t porous, so you couldn’t sweat. You couldn’t breathe through your skin.... We felt like we were suffocating.”The Cowardly Lion was played by Bert Lahr who had to wear a costume made from the real fur of lions which weighed 90 pounds. The costume was so heavy and so thick that he would perspire profusely through the filming which evoked an awful smell. He also had to spend three hours each day to get into costume and make up.The actors who had to be in costume also took so long to get their make up and costumes ready that they weren’t allowed to eat in the set canteen together with everyone else. Margaret Hamilton, in particular, scared people so much that she and the rest of them had to eat their meals away from the other cast and crew members.During the scene where snow fell on the poppy field, asbestos was used even though the dangers of asbestos[1] was already well known and documented then. [2]Miraculously, none of the cast members reported suffering the consequences of the asbestos being strewn on them.Several of the piano wires used to fly the actors playing the Winged Monkey’s snapped as they swooped down into the Haunted Forest to attack Dorothy and company. “They couldn't protect the actors. They had to put men in those costumes that had harnesses and battery packs built in to make the wings bob up and down, and then fly them from the top of the soundstage to swoop down onto the set. You hear them crashing to the ground. They were not severely hurt, but this was before the technology we have today.”[3]Judy Garland’s drug addictions are well known by now and although it began before the filming of this movie, it was intensified during the long arduous hours of filming for this movie. She was given barbiturates and amphetamines supplied by the studios themselves who demanded she remain thin but also energetic enough to give the performance required. She was already 16 years old then but was supposed to be playing a pre adolescent child so her growing figure was suppressed with corsets and other accessories. She was also put on a strict diet so her weight would remain minimal and given diet pills to help suppress her hunger. As if that wasn’t enough already, she was also subjected to sexual assault by the men who played the munchkins. They were over 40 years old men who would put their hands under her dress and engaged in rowdy drunken behaviour during their stay at the Culver City hotel so much so that the police had to be called several times.STANLEY KUBRICK’S MOVIES[6][6][6][6]Stanley Kubrick only directed/made 12 movies before he died but he has become one of film’s most legendary directors. He is known to be meticulous, a perfectionist who demanded nothing but the best from his performers and his movies take so long to complete that when it was announced he was making Eyes Wide Shut (1999) with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, Vincent D’onofrio (who played Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket (1987)) advised them to rent an apartment as they were going to be staying in London for a long time while they made the movie. Indeed, they landed in London in autumn 1996 and had expected to be done by the following spring but ended up staying until Christmas 1997. Filming completed in January 1998 but they were summoned back in May for some more months of re-shoots. They spent altogether 15 months filming the movie which has entered the Guinness World Record for the longest continual film shoot. Nicole Kidman has called it one of her personal favourite working experiences, citing working with Stanley Kubrick being akin to "attending film school". In contrast, Tom Cruise has been quoted as saying that he didn't like playing Dr. Harford, but "I would have absolutely kicked myself if I hadn't done this." The shoot also took so long that original actors Harvey Keitel had to drop out as he was contracted to do another movie. Jennifer Jason Leigh had shot her scenes but when she was called back, she was already busy filming eXistenZ (1999). Consequently, Sydney Pollack and Marie Richardson were hired to replace Keitel and JLeigh.[7][7][7][7]Their experiences were subdued compared to what Stanley Kubrick put Shelley Duvall through while they were filming The Shining (1980). Again, the shoot lasted more than a year and the infamous "Here's Johnny!" scene alone took three days to film and the use of sixty doors.[8][8][8][8] The scene in which Wendy is swinging a bat at Jack is an example of this pushing and made it into The Guinness Book of Records because it took 127 takes, the most for a scene with spoken dialogue. She also ended up dehydrated with raw, wounded hands and a hoarse throat from crying. She also started losing her hair. Although Duvall managed to maintain a career in the decades after the movie, the extent of the mental health damage to Duvall wasn’t known until she was interviewed by Dr Phil in 2016 where she spoke of Robin Williams (her friend and one time co-star in the movie Popeye (1980)) being alive, amongst other things. Some have said that her mental scars have been repressed for so long that she is now experiencing the full extent of the damage and although there are calls to give her the help she needs, many also question on just how much help she would need to recover from something which she has had for more than 30 years. [9][9][9][9] Shelley Duvall has spoken out about her traumatic experience of filming the movie:-“From May until October I was really in and out of ill health because the stress of the role was so great. Stanley pushed me and prodded me further than I’ve ever been pushed before. It’s the most difficult role I’ve ever had to play.”[10][10][10][10][11][11][11][11]ALFRED HITCHCOCK’S MOVIES[12][12][12][12]Tippi Hedren in The Birds (1963) got her big break with this movie but has since spoken at length about how the role had traumatised her. Hitchcock brutalised her with his style of directing and it all came to a climax with the famous scene of her being attacked by birds. She was supposed to go into an attic where she would be attacked by birds and was told that they would use the same mechanical birds that had been used in every other scene.“But everybody had lied to me, and on the Monday morning, as we were going to start the scene, the assistant director came in and looked at the floor and the walls and the ceiling, then blurted out: “The mechanical birds don’t work, so we have to use real ones,” and then he ran out.[3]Hitchcock also bullied, sexually harassed her and prevented other people from working with her even though this movie and Marnie (1964) made her one of the most sought after actresses in Hollywood. After some forgotten parts, she was set to return to the spotlight with a Charlie Chaplin directed movie A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) where she co-starred with Marlon Brando and Sophia Loren but the movie didn’t do as well as she had hoped and a dejected Hedren retreated to her first love of caring for animals.Janet Leigh in Psycho (1960)Another example of Hitchcock’s problematic style of directing comes in the form of Janet Leigh’s lifelong fear of showers after that iconic climatic scene in the shower. After the movie completed, Leigh refused to take showers and would instead take baths and when staying at a place with no baths, she would get a panic attack at the mere thought of taking a shower. She also leaves bathroom doors and shower curtains open and when bathing, she always faces the door regardless the direction. She also ensures that all other doors and windows in the place are securely locked, whether she is alone or not. Leigh also received frightening letters from strangers who were fanatics of the movie.There were people who were disturbed and who took ‘Psycho’ as a way to vent their unfortunate demons. And I really got a lot of letters where they told me that they were going to do the same thing to me that Norman Bates did to Marion Crane. I don’t get as many now as I did in the beginning, but I have to say, it was pretty serious. The FBI had to come in. Luckily nothing ever happened.[4]Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)Most people don’t know the name Adriana Caselotti, but she is a classically trained singer who provided the voice of Snow White in this animated adaption of the Grimm brothers’ tale which has become the highest grossing animated film of all time, adjusted for inflation. It made so much money that Disney purchased 51 acres of land in Burbank to build studios that are still in use today. At the 1938 Academy Awards, Disney was presented with an honorary Oscar for ‘significant screen innovation’ which consisted of one regular-sized Oscar and seven smaller ones, presented by Shirley Temple.[13][13][13][13] Adriana recorded her songs and lines on a soundstage with a piano as accompaniment and without the presence of other actors. She saw no previews, never heard playbacks of her songs and she didn’t realise she had been working on a full length feature film. When the movie premiered, it was a full blown Hollywood affair with all the celebrities of the day in attendance but Adriana didn’t even get tickets for the event and had to sneak in with a friend, Harry Stockwell, who was the voice of Prince Charming. Her name was also omitted from the credits and she was effectively blacklisted from working in Hollywood again. She tried to sue Disney but the lawsuit was thrown out. She spent the rest of her years dabbling in opera and did two guest starring roles in a line with the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz and a bit singing part in It’s a Wonderful Life.Edit: Due to the numerous (sometimes repetitive) comments, I have edited my answer to include all the information I have found about the production of this movie, mostly copied from my other answer[14][14][14][14]which precedes this question but is pertinent all the same. Also edited to include the trivia I found on ‘The Wizard Of Oz’, also copied from another answer.[15][15][15][15]Image & info source:-Redirect NoticeRedirect NoticeMartin Sheen, Laurence Fishburne reunite with Francis Ford CoppolaMarlon Brando's 'Apocalypse Now' Clashes Haunt His Legacy In 'Listen To Me Marlon'The Wizard of Oz: Five Appalling On-Set StoriesBuddy EbsenAmazon.com: The Making of The Wizard of Oz (9781613748329): Harmetz, Aljean, Hamilton, Margaret: Books‘The Wizard Of Oz’ Turns 80: Five Disasters And On-Set Accidents That Nearly Destroyed The Iconic FilmJudy Garland Was Put on a Strict Diet and Encouraged to Take "Pep Pills" While Filming 'The Wizard of Oz'How Judy Garland's hell of being groped by munchkins then drugged and starved on Wizard of Oz set led to tragic downfallDogged by rumour: The riddles of OzThe Ruby Slippers in 'The Wizard of Oz' Were Originally Silver, and More Weird Facts[1] The dangers of asbestos: What the public should know[2] Did You Know the Snow in "The Wizard of Oz" Was Asbestos?[3] 17 Secret Moments to Watch For in The Wizard of Oz | PlaybillAre there any actors or actresses who have been left traumatized by a specific role or story they have been involved in?Redirect NoticeFootnotes[1] Redirect Notice[2] Marlon Brando and Dennis Hopper Nearly Came to Blows on 'Apocalypse Now'[2] Marlon Brando and Dennis Hopper Nearly Came to Blows on 'Apocalypse Now'[2] Marlon Brando and Dennis Hopper Nearly Came to Blows on 'Apocalypse Now'[2] Marlon Brando and Dennis Hopper Nearly Came to Blows on 'Apocalypse Now'[3] An evening with five time Academy Award winning director Francis Ford Coppola[4] An evening with five time Academy Award winning director Francis Ford Coppola[5] Why Everything About ‘Apocalypse Now’s’ Production Was Unorthodox[5] Why Everything About ‘Apocalypse Now’s’ Production Was Unorthodox[5] Why Everything About ‘Apocalypse Now’s’ Production Was Unorthodox[5] Why Everything About ‘Apocalypse Now’s’ Production Was Unorthodox[6] Stanley Kubrick - IMDb[6] Stanley Kubrick - IMDb[6] Stanley Kubrick - IMDb[6] Stanley Kubrick - IMDb[7] 15 Years Later, New Details from Kubrick’s Secretive Eyes Wide Shut Set[7] 15 Years Later, New Details from Kubrick’s Secretive Eyes Wide Shut Set[7] 15 Years Later, New Details from Kubrick’s Secretive Eyes Wide Shut Set[7] 15 Years Later, New Details from Kubrick’s Secretive Eyes Wide Shut Set[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDpipB4yehk[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDpipB4yehk[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDpipB4yehk[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDpipB4yehk[9] Shelley Duvall: The Shining’s saddest legacy[9] Shelley Duvall: The Shining’s saddest legacy[9] Shelley Duvall: The Shining’s saddest legacy[9] Shelley Duvall: The Shining’s saddest legacy[10] The Complete Kubrick[10] The Complete Kubrick[10] The Complete Kubrick[10] The Complete Kubrick[11] How Shining star Shelley Duvall was destroyed by Stanley Kubrick's on-set abuse[11] How Shining star Shelley Duvall was destroyed by Stanley Kubrick's on-set abuse[11] How Shining star Shelley Duvall was destroyed by Stanley Kubrick's on-set abuse[11] How Shining star Shelley Duvall was destroyed by Stanley Kubrick's on-set abuse[12] Alfred Hitchcock - IMDb[12] Alfred Hitchcock - IMDb[12] Alfred Hitchcock - IMDb[12] Alfred Hitchcock - IMDb[13] Walt Disney and the Snow White Oscars® - D23[13] Walt Disney and the Snow White Oscars® - D23[13] Walt Disney and the Snow White Oscars® - D23[13] Walt Disney and the Snow White Oscars® - D23[14] Melia Janssen's answer to How difficult was filming "Apocalypse Now"?[14] Melia Janssen's answer to How difficult was filming "Apocalypse Now"?[14] Melia Janssen's answer to How difficult was filming "Apocalypse Now"?[14] Melia Janssen's answer to How difficult was filming "Apocalypse Now"?[15] Melia Janssen's answer to What happened on the set of Wizard of Oz?[15] Melia Janssen's answer to What happened on the set of Wizard of Oz?[15] Melia Janssen's answer to What happened on the set of Wizard of Oz?[15] Melia Janssen's answer to What happened on the set of Wizard of Oz?

How did US assistance negatively impact the Kuomintang's ability to win the Chinese Civil War? 美国的援助对国民党赢得中国内战的能力有何负面影响?

Marshall Plan provided funds for the recovery in Europe, but not for China. I have a chapter on WWII in my book JOURNEY TO CHINA for background information:WESTERN COLONIES IN ASIAChina was of secondary importance to Europeans except for saving their colonies in Asia from Japan. In fact, to compromise with Japan to protect their colonies, France closed the Vietnam port and Britain closed Burma Road to cut off supply routes to China. A “24-Turn Road“ over mountainous terrain was built by the Chinese by hand to open a road for supplies from southwest border to reach Chongqing. Investigations in recent years revealed that the road was in Guizhou, not Yunnan. At the time, hardly any Chinese knew how to drive. Thousands of overseas Chinese volunteered to come to China to help in the war effort. Some came to drive trucks on the dangerous road. Many gave their lives falling off slopes on the sharp turns. The “24 Turn Road” is now a tourist attraction.………………………………………MARSHALL PLANIn 1947, Truman initiated the European Recovery Program, named after General George C Marshall, then the secretary of state after the war. The US provided 13 billion US dollars ($140 billion in 2017 dollar) for reconstruction and economic development from 1947 to 1951 which did not include China. As an integral part of Europe, even West Germany shared 1.45 billion dollars in Marshall Plan. Reconstruction of European countries cost 140 billion dollars (using 2017 dollar) for 4 years, averaging $35 billion a year. The US annual military budget for 2017 was 22 times of Marshall Plan for Europe. Destruction cost more than construction!Before Marshall became the US secretary of state, he was sent by Truman on the “China mission” to broker peace between the Nationalists and the Communists. Despite his good intentions, his “China mission was Washington’s first encounter with a lesson learned repeatedly through the Cold War and beyond– the near-impossibility of resolving somebody else’s civil war”. (Daniel Kurtz Phelan, GEORGE MARSHALL’S UNFINISHED WAR—THE CHINA MISSION, 1945-1947, 2018, p. 361.)THE PACIFIC FRONTOn the Pacific front, the Allies were eager for the Soviets to join in the fight against Japan. President Truman was not assured of victory or success of the atomic bombs. Hiroshima was bombed on August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The Soviet Union declared war on Japan on August 9, 1945, after the bombing, just before Japan’s surrender, a strategic timing for territorial claims in Manchuria. The Soviet Union had long had its eyes on Outer Mongolia as a buffer zone separating the border from China. At Yalta Conference with Roosevelt and Churchill in 1945, Stalin demanded concessions in Manchuria and control of Outer Mongolia as conditions for joining the Allies against Japan. China was not consulted on these plans. Mongolia was granted independence from China.IN CHINAAt the peak, more than 6 million Japanese soldiers were fighting in China. They followed “San Guang policy” meaning “To kill all, loot all, burn all” in China. Poison gas was used by Japanese troops to fight off guerrilla attacks; firebombs to burn down villages, biological weapons on live Chinese prisoners as experiments. It was estimated that 20 million Chinese were killed, 80 to 100 million became refugees. Countless rail networks, paved roads, bridges, and production facilities, even universities were systematically destroyed. For 14 long years from 1931 to 1945, the Nationalists bore the brunt of the war. Soldiers were tired of fighting other Chinese in the civil war. With shortages of food and supplies, post-war inflation was inevitable contributing to the downfall of Chiang Kai-shek.CAIRO, POTSDAM, AND YALTA CONFERENCESInternational leaders—FDR, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek and Song Meiling—gathered in Cairo (1943); Stalin joined FDR and Churchill at Potsdam (1945) and Yalta (1946) conferences to lay down the post-war world order. Chiang Kai-shek and Song Meiling both attended the Cairo Conference but were not at Potsdam or Yalta. Again, Chinese interests were sacrificed to satisfy Russia’s demand for control of Mongolia.Cairo Conference, from left: Chiang, FDR, Churchill, Song Meiling.CASUALTIES OF WWIIWWII was even worse than WWI in terms of casualties. Twice as many civilians were killed as the soldiers. Japanese invasion of China began in 1931, 10 years before the attack on Pearl Harbor. About 20 million Chinese died in the war. USSR had almost as many deaths. Colonies of the West were also targets of Japanese attacks with additional 10 million deaths in Southeast Asia. It was estimated 60 to 80 million died in WWII. Roughly 6.9 to 7.5 million Germans were killed. Approximately, the percentages of military and civilian deaths were as following: Military--Allied 25%, Axis 13%; civilians--Allied, 58 %, Axis, 4%.POST-WAR WORLD ORDERInternational leaders gathered to lay down post war world order on the conditions of Japan’s surrender to give up stolen territories since 1894 including Taiwan, Okinawa, and the Diaoyu Islands. Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany until reunited in 1990. The Western bloc formed NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in 1949. USSR with 7 satellite countries in Central and East Europe formed the Warsaw Pact in 1955 which was dissolved in 1991. President George Bush Sr. deserved credit for ending the cold war with Soviet leader Gorbachev, not with confrontation, but with goodwill and friendship with Gorbachev who often called him for advice.Japan started the war in 1931, Nazi Germany in 1939 to conquer Asia and Europe based on the theory of racial superiority. They came close to destroying two centers of the world’s civilization! Western imperialism collapsed; their colonies became independent countries after the war. Fifty years after the founding of the United Nations in 1945, United Nations had 3 times the members.Human beings have made amazing progress in civilization but have not become more civilized!Victory celebration…………………………..Excerpt from another chapter:DEFENDING COLONIES FOR WESTERN POWERSGreat Britain and France had colonies in Asia that were under Japanese attack. Chinese troops were called on for defense. Chiang Kai-sek sent a volunteer group with General Sun Liren to Burma. With modern weapons, Sun Liren was able to lead his troops to victory against Japan. He was an outstanding general educated at Purdue University and Virginia Military Institute.THE NANJING DECADEFor about 10 years, 1928-1937 before the war, the Nationalists achieved success in the transition to new forms of government, in economic development and in modern education systems when Keju or civil service examinations were abolished.TRANSITION TO REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENTAmid poverty and turmoil, the new republic managed to transition from an imperial system to a modern form of government. Intellectuals readily adapted to the modern education. The examination branch and supervision branch were effective and democratic mechanisms for selection and promotion of government officials. Instead of classical subjects of Confucianism for imperial Keju examinations, officials had to pass civil service examinations on modern subjects to serve in the government. Even in ancient times, Keju was a democratic system of equal opportunity based on ability and merit, eliminating incompetence and corruption that came with nepotism and cronyism. In a republic, only curriculum needed change to modern subjects. The government made great progress in economic development in the 10 years from the end of the Northern Expeditions in 1928 to 1937 before the full-scale war with Japan.SUCCESS IN EDUCATIONThe transition to the modern system of education modeled after American education system was remarkably successful. Priority on education is an established value in Confucian society. Under the most difficult conditions during the war, 9-year public education was provided free to all children. Public universities were open to all who could pass the entrance examinations. Equal opportunity for education led to equality between sexes, and among the rich and the poor. The deciding factor was the ability to advance in education regardless of sex, race, creed, religion or social status. Access to free education was the true basis for equality in the democratic process.NATIONAL SOUTHWESTERN ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITYIn 1937, after campuses were leveled to the ground by Japan bombing, Tsinghua University and Peking University in Beiping (Beijing today) and Nankai University in Tianjin first moved to Changsha. Again, in February 1938, Changsha was bombed. About 800 faculty members and students made the 1000-mile journey to Yunnan Kunming, to form the National Southwestern Associated University (Lianda, 1938-1946), housed in makeshift quarters. Other universities also merged to form the National Northwestern University in Xi’an. Because Xi’an was not attacked, it has remained a renowned university to this day in Xi’an.Living conditions for Lianda in Kunming were extremely difficult. Two professor families shared one room partitioned with bed sheets. Japanese bombing continued to disrupt classes. Famed mathematician Hua Luogen (1910-1985) and his family shared a barn with noisy pigs. He still did great work on “Numbers Theory” under the dim light of an oil lamp. The genius of this self-taught scholar was soon recognized world-wide. For someone who did not attend high school or college, he turned down an honorary doctor’s degree offered by Cambridge University.The dreary living conditions and starvation diet did not stop the scholars and students from teaching and learning. Classrooms were not big enough to hold all the attendees. The enthusiasm for learning was not diminished in poor living conditions. A cup of tea reserved a place to study in the tea house for a whole day. Even an empty teacup saved the space to take time out for lunch. How the tea house made money was a great mystery. It was remarkable that Lianda produced some of the most outstanding scholars and scientists who later became Nobel Prize winners or masters in their fields. This was not long after the change over from the ancient imperial Keju studies of Confucian classics to the modern education curriculum. In just a short time since the establishment of the Republic, they accomplished such high levels of success under the most difficult conditions in war years. They showed that money was not the deciding factor in the success of education. Top-notch people made top-notch scholars. Confucian tradition of enthusiasm for education, hard-working habits and pursuit of scholarship remained the same, when applied to new subjects. After the war, the university disbanded, students and teachers returned to their original campuses.SONG MEILINGSong Meiling (Madame Chiang) grew up in the US and graduated from Wesleyan College in Georgia. In 1943, she went on 8 month speaking tour of the US. She was the first Asian woman to address the US Congress to rally support in China’s fight with Japan. She was on the cover of TIME magazine. As Chiang Kai-shek’s wife, she made a great contribution in international diplomacy to promote China’s cause. After 1949, her brother, TV Song continued to work for the Nationalist government in Taiwan; her sister, Song Chingling (Madame Sun Yat-sen) remained in China, eventually became the honorary president in PRC. She worked on equal rights for women. At one time, Chingling asked for a reunion with Meiling. But the sisters never met before Chingling died in 1981. Meiling died in 2003 at the age of 105.INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITIONFor the long-suffering Chinese people since the loss of international prestige in the Opium War, and hard-won victory in 14 years of war with Japan, China finally gained international recognition to be one of five permanent powers on the Security Council of the new United Nations with veto power, and a place in a whole range of other international organizations. This was significant achievement of Chiang and the Nationalists to secure a place for China in the post-war world to become an international power. This accomplishment is not to be taken away from Chiang and the Nationalists in the annals of history.CHIANG KAI-SHEKIn history, the eternal truth was: “The winner is the king; the loser, the bandit– 成者为王, 败者为寇.” In the West, Chiang was the obvious scapegoat in the question “Who lost China?” Aside from the success of establishing the Whampoa Military Academy and wiping out warlords in the Northern Expeditions, he made significant progress in the 10 years before the war, and later in Taiwan. Professor Paul Tai put it best: “Beyond what he had achieved in the Chinese-Japanese war, Chiang can be credited for initiating certain positive political and economic developments. He was often criticized for practicing a one-party authoritarian rule, but he did set the foundation for democratic development in Taiwan…Chiang’s final achievement relates to his economic performance in Nanjing and in Taiwan. In the Nanjing period, China under Chiang’s stewardship achieved an impressive industrial growth rate of 8.4 percent. In Taiwan, Chiang maintained an even higher growth rate, at 9 percent. He shepherded the island to economic takeoff in the mid 1960’s and made it a Newly Industrialized Country in the mid-1970’s.” (PAUL H TAI, “RULING A QUARTER OF MANKIND: CHIANG AND MAO,” Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more, p. 335-336).Throughout the long years of war with Japan, ill-equipped China was not assured of victory. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, only imminent danger in every corner and perilous collapse at every turn. In the darkest hour and the bleakest moment, Chiang Kai-shek never faltered, never wavered, never capitulated, never retreated. Chinese perseverance outlasted in the drawn-out war of 14 years. Chiang Kai-shek deserved credit for his tenacity, determination, and endurance. He died in 1975.ONE MOUNTAIN, TWO TIGERSIn the war of resistance against Japan, the Nationalists fought in the southern part of China and the Communists defended in the north. Chiang’s troops were on the front lines, while Mao’s troops conducted guerrilla warfare. Cooperation lasted from necessity to combine forces to defend China. Ultimately, two tigers on one mountain could not coexist. The civil war was inevitable when war with Japan ended. With destruction of factories in the war, inflation was inevitable. It eroded people’s confidence. After 14 years of war with Japan, people were in no mood to fight other Chinese in the civil war. In 1948-49, Chiang and the Nationalists retreated to Taiwan.Chiang bore the brunt of the war fighting the Japanese and the Communists front and back. Mao was on the side lines to build up his forces. He had farmers’ support with the prospect to share land under the Communist regime. KMT was not given breathing room to rebuild the country before the Civil War started. Inflation was inevitable eroding people’s confidence for the government. After 14 years of war, people and soldiers were in no mood to fight other Chinese.

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